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Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - BlackFriar - 01-19-2019

@Atlanta Man

Do it! You have nothing to lose. Even if it only got you a few more bangs. We are not going to live forever.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - mcw78912 - 01-19-2019

Quote: (01-19-2019 05:17 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I may shut down my LinkedIn and make a fake Facebook and Instagram with my fake age. I pulled a girl last night from the Netherlands, we had sex and she left. We were supposed to hook up later today but she found my LinkedIn and the dates are not adding up she is giving me the 3rd degree and giving me push back a out coming back over. " what else are you lying about " , "prove this, prove that", " I cannot believe we did not use a condom "- plus this is all through WhatsApp and she will not answer when I call- Fucking girls in their 20s hate phone calls, even after they fuck you .

This bitch is hot so I will try to salvage this, she leaves Wednesday regardless, and she is in a shitty hostel so she is probably trying to stay at my place rather than there.

Anyway , when lying about your age do not let Google betray you. A simple bullshit Instagram and Facebook profile, and deleting LinkedIn will save you (Me) a bunch of drama.

Why would you want to shut down LinkedIn. Career always takes priority over pussy, in my opinion.

If you're concerned about them finding out your real age from google, just give them a fake name instead, with a fake facebook and a fake age.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - MikeS - 01-19-2019

I'm 42, never lied about my age, neither in person nor on dating profiles (and the latter choice certainly seems to be costing me some options lately, after coming out of a relationship), and I really hope I'll never feel the urge to do so.
I've certainly held back on information about myself countless times - including my age - but downright lying, and not telling the truth if asked directly and seriously (or saying no if it's something I don't want to talk about, and then facing whatever the consequences if any), feels like I'm telling myself I'm not satisfied being who I am. And I am.

Also, so many people - not just here, but in general - claiming they look 10 or 15 years younger than they are? I'm rarely buying that one, although there are rare exceptions of course. Some people - frequently including myself, particularly when it comes to men - are just a bit bad at guessing age, sometimes just because we don't get close enough to look at the fine facial details, and others will just lie or go along with your lie to flatter you. With my face covered I'm sure my body could probably pass for significantly younger - men's bodies can usually keep the tell tale signs of age away much longer than women's - but on the other hand it could also fit on a 50 or 60 year old in equally good shape. But the faces of both men and women usually tell the story, certainly at close range.
I still remember a YouTube video a few years ago where some exceptionally fit 70 year old guy kept asking the interviewer whether he didn't think he looked 20 years younger. No, he just looked like a 70 year old with a healthy but certainly not youthful face, and a body in better shape than most men will ever be at any point in their life.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Brodiaga - 01-19-2019

On LinkedIn, there is age discrimination as well, so it's best not to shut it down but to remove the first few years of work experience and also remove all graduation dates. Whoever wants to discriminate against me, fuck em, I'll lie to them.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - azulsombra - 01-20-2019

@ Atlanta Man

How are these tourist girls finding your Linkedin and Facebook pages? Why are you giving them your real full name if they are just looking for Miami vacation sex?

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Atlanta Man - 01-20-2019

Quote: (01-20-2019 06:28 AM)azulsombra Wrote:  

@ Atlanta Man

How are these tourist girls finding your Linkedin and Facebook pages? Why are you giving them your real full name if they are just looking for Miami vacation sex?
I am a very large black man, I am intimidating, and these foreign chicks do not discriminate based on how educated I sound. Once I get them to the lobby of my place all is good, but I buy drinks-they see the name on the ID. Women pay close attention to everything, you think you are slick or moving fast, but they are paying close attention.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - jacknap - 01-20-2019

If a girl can control your pussy for you because of a shallow logical detail like age the attraction wasn't high enough for anything substantial anyways.

Usually girls make bullshit excuses when attraction isn't high enough. 'I don't give out my number.' 'You're too old for me'. 'I'm not that kind of girl'. Be we all know that if you do it for a girl, she's not gunna give you these lines.

Yeah you could lose a few lays here and there but sweet spot is girls who a re cooperative and submit to your frame easily. You don't want to be her 5th string anyways.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Anchor - 01-21-2019

50+ here. I've tried lying about my age and did not enjoy the experience. In contrast, no woman that I've met actually cared.

The good news is that there are plenty of younger women out there that are into older men.

Currently have a 30yo fb. 2018 gave me three closes under 29.

Game. Frame. Outcome Independence.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - robreke - 01-21-2019

In my 40s and say I'm 34 on my dating profile. I usually do the "guess" thing in person, when they ask.

The girls never question it.

Banged everything from 18 - 30 year olds last year, in 3 continents. Mostly girls less than 25.

If they'd have known my real age, I'm sure I'd have scarified a good chunk of those bangs.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - BostonBMW - 01-21-2019

Being in my late 30s, I am of two minds about this:

Lying about age: Will need to keep my years (HS Grad, College Grad, popular culture trends) accurate. If its one night thing, then it's easier to do. However for repeat bangs, that gets tiresome if I slip up or she sees the ID or whatever. A lot of females are more in the camp of "you lied to me about your age, I wouldn't have cared about being XX years old but the fact that you lied.."

Not lying about age: It's obvious, losing bangs due to the narrow-minded younger females.

I guess my strategy will be splitting between the two. I'm planning on being on SA in a few months, and will be honest about my age there. While I am on campus or in a short term situation, I'll lie about the age.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - RougeNoir - 01-23-2019

I watched my younger cousin in the same city swipe on his tinder account and he would have multiple hot women I have never come across in their early 20s. I figured I'm getting filtered out due to my age, early 30s. Women guess 24/25 all the time, though. Is there any way to change my age with my existing account

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - JasonBourne - 01-23-2019

Hey Guys

I am pushing 62 and never had to lie about my age, but in saying that when I was 34 I had a girfriends father say I was tol old for her

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Borges - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 01:43 AM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

I watched my younger cousin in the same city swipe on his tinder account and he would have multiple hot women I have never come across in their early 20s. I figured I'm getting filtered out due to my age, early 30s. Women guess 24/25 all the time, though. Is there any way to change my age with my existing account

Nope, you have to create a new one.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Avoy - 01-23-2019

We all know the peak for men is 35 if you want the young twenty-somethings (in the US it might even be 30 based on the age range they filter for in dating apps). With that said, I always ask girls to guess my age. Use that as your guide for how old you look. If the age they guess makes sense in their mind after seeing and talking to you for a while, go with that on your dating profiles. After you've had sex with a girl a few times, you can actually bring it up for fun -- or just never talk about it if you're going to cut her loose anyway -- and say: "Did I ever tell you how old I really am?" (with a big smile on your face).

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - brianmark - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 05:28 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 04:26 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

I’m 42. My face looks 42. My body looks younger. I’m not lying about my age. There’s no shortage of girls who have daddy issues or simply want to get fucked by guys in their 40s. If a girl you’ve been making out with asks your age and then she bails, she was looking for a reason to bail.

This just isn't true. There are some girls who are really into you and then when they find out your age, it is like a mental barrier their horniness just can't get past.

They just shut down.

Like it puts an image of their dad and his friends in her head where it wasn't before.

I was in a bar in Southeast Asia. I was using an age of 40 and not getting very good results and these are countries where age is not that important.

I remembered a story a good friend told me. He was friendly with a 21 year old girl that worked at the hostile in Thailand. She'd came and sat with every day. She asked him how old he was and he said 40. She never sat with him again.

So the next day I lowered my age to 37 and banged a 21 year old girl who had never been with a foreigner. Perceived age makes a great difference.

The main thing about lying about your age is that you have to look young. I have a full head of hair which I have been dying for years. If you look old as shit they are not going to believe you. I have a friend that is 2 years younger than me. My old girlfriend said, "he looks old enough to be your father."

I also don't listen to old music. I like what is out today. You have to be fun. Girls like fun guys.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Atlanta Man - 01-23-2019

I work with a bunch of men in their 40's and they mostly look like shit. When you tell a 22 or 23 year old girl in their head they are thinking of "40=Family, Mortgage, Minivan and OLD"-Same girl hears 34 and thinks "young ,successful, athletic, professional and cool". When I deal with a younger woman, lying is just the best path for me currently.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Avoy - 01-23-2019

The takeaway here: you should play the 35 and under card for as long as you can get away with it, if your target girls are young twenty-somethings. Most girls guess I'm 35 or 38. At some point I'm going to have to bump my age up a couple years. To a young thirty-something, 35 - 38 is fresh meat. At some point we will all have to graduate to thirty-somethings, with the occasional twenty-something, if our game is still strong.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - DonnyGately - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 10:01 AM)Avoy Wrote:  

The takeaway here: you should play the 35 and under card for as long as you can get away with it, if your target girls are young twenty-somethings. Most girls guess I'm 35 or 38. At some point I'm going to have to bump my age up a couple years. To a young thirty-something, 35 - 38 is fresh meat. At some point we will all have to graduate to thirty-somethings, with the occasional twenty-something, if our game is still strong.

You never have to graduate to 30 somethings if you don't look 'old.'

I don't lie about my age, use Roosh's advice, and have told lots of them I'm in my 40s. I've never lost a bang, they already knew I was 2x their age or at least 15 years older based on how I dress and take the lead at all times. Banged 2 new 19yr olds last year and they couldn't have cared less.

To be fair, I do look mid-30s. But that's still 15+ years older than them. As long as you own it, you'll be fine.

My personal years of experience in Miami is the vast majority of those girls like older guys more than younger. You're definitely losing bangs the other way as well when you say 34 and they want a more established man, they're just not telling you that over a drink. There's no perfect system.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Avoy - 01-23-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 06:50 PM)DonnyGately Wrote:  

You never have to graduate to 30 somethings if you don't look 'old.'

At some point X age won't line up with what you state on your dating profile. You have to adjust accordingly, if you're doing online game. Luckily, I'm a ways off from graduating to thirty-somethings, though they're often much easier and still look pretty sexy here in Asia.

Age isn't relevant when chatting up a girl on the street, mall, bar, or club (by nature I approach any girl who I think is hot) -- there are more important factors at play, though "looks" are heavily weighted. I never answer this question directly if she brings it up.

It's your choice if you want to be forever coy about your age with girls, but I usually tell the ones I like after while (often for personal amusement). To each his own.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Frank Mackey - 01-24-2019

Lying about age can work from a pragmatic perspective. However it all revolves around how you want to perceive yourself, including in terms of self respect. Being aged 38, I prefer to lose the occasional bang for being honest than being caught in a lie, or having to tell the truth at a later stage because I developed a relation (as it happened before). Of course if they don't ask, I don't tell, and I never raise the age topic in the conversation...

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - Avoy - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 06:50 PM)DonnyGately Wrote:  

I don't lie about my age, use Roosh's advice, and have told lots of them I'm in my 40s. I've never lost a bang, they already knew I was 2x their age or at least 15 years older based on how I dress and take the lead at all times. Banged 2 new 19yr olds last year and they couldn't have cared less.

Ah, now I see what you're saying (I think). First Roosh said he never tells until after sex. Are you saying you're telling them before or after sex? I agree with telling them after sex, if you want.

Quote: (01-14-2019 10:42 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I simply refuse to tell, even if she's persistent.

"Where I come from, it's not nice to ask a man's age."

"It's a secret."

You don't have to lie, just don't tell them until after sex, where it's less likely to cause her to walk away.

Then he later said you're putting pussy on a pedestal if you have to re-invent your life story.

Quote: (01-15-2019 02:07 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's also a subtle way of putting pussy on the pedestal. You value her so much that you're willing to practically re-invent your life story to sleep with her.

I just play the age game for online dating as girls can easily filter you out. I don't look at it as putting pussy on a pedestal -- just like being coy about your age when you're chatting a girl up isn't. It's just my foot in the door. I also never get into my life story on the first date. Heck, even after months of casually seeing a girl I don't go in deep into anything about me (or her for that matter). It's just the way I am.

Quote: (01-24-2019 06:33 AM)Frank Mackey Wrote:  

Lying about age can work from a pragmatic perspective. However it all revolves around how you want to perceive yourself, including in terms of self respect.

If you spend your leisure time chasing tail, spinning plates, and getting laid, honesty and maybe getting caught in a lie is the last thing on your mind.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - DonnyGately - 01-24-2019

I've told plenty of girls I'm in my 40s pre-bang. They love it, half of them don't believe me anyway. To a 19yr old 38, 41, 43, etc are all the same age. She decided within 15 seconds of meeting you if you were fuckable or not. Don't kid yourself.

Any girl over 25 literally doesn't give a fuck how old you are if you don't look 'old.'

Whether 19 or 26 they'd rather know you're good in bed and know what you're doing or won't judge them after.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - John Dodds - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-14-2019 06:11 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

There is a lot of talk on the forum about age doesn't matter, but in the real world it does. I am talking a normal relationship, not some sugar daddy arrangement.

The older you get the harder you have to work to maintain yourself and stay youthful.

Once she's over 25, she is incapable of a 'normal' relationship.
Once you're over 30, they are only thinking of your money.

Staying youthful is something you do for yourself.

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - John Dodds - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-23-2019 06:40 AM)brianmark Wrote:  

I was in a bar in Southeast Asia. I was using an age of 40 and not getting very good results and these are countries where age is not that important.

I was in that bar last week (Cheers, Siam Reap), I told her I had $30 to spare, that was good enough.
(I'm 63)

Lying about your age-Guys 40 plus - PapayaTapper - 01-24-2019

Quote: (01-15-2019 02:07 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:51 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

I have lied about it, but I don't like doing so. The stress it causes me from being "ashamed" of the truth is probably worse than losing bangs. But there are also cases, like with a Tinder profile, where you're really lying to an algorithm more than to a person. It does seem worth it to do so and get matches with young women that you wouldn't otherwise.

It's also a subtle way of putting pussy on the pedestal. You value her so much that you're willing to practically re-invent your life story to sleep with her.

Ive put plenty of pussy on a pedestal in my life. Still do. The only, but major, difference is how I regard the container it comes in