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Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Printable Version

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Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Paracelsus - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-11-2016 01:37 AM)8ball Wrote:  

The dem contendor for 2020 will be shaped by resistance to Donald Trump. We will have to see what the Donald will do and which dem will better rally his troops by some fake resistance in order to win over the numales.

They are all positioning themselves for a a 4 year protest in the hopes that whoever resists the racist/mysogonystic president the most is best positioned to take the nomination come 4 years.

They are of course gravely mistaken.

Another thing, i predict the "progressives" which are really fascists, will take over the democratic party and push the fiscally conservative but very social liberals to the right.
You see the democratic coalition is actually deeply unatural coalition of many groups that don't fit, don't have the same political views but they all have a reason or they think they do to vote left. Muslims and feminists are in the same party, think about it. Hispanics and blacks actually don't get a long the way they each do with whites, many gays are deeply fiscally conservative but they are utterly afraid of the repubs out of media fear that gay marriage will be taken away, then there is the government worker or someone that profits from guv contracts or guv funding in some way which in a 4 trillion dollar budget its alot of people.

Here is what will happen in the next 4-8 years, the crazy progressive wing will take over the party and the socially liberal but fiscally conservative wing will vote more and more for republicans once all the media fears of a coming inquisitions are layed to rest. The thing about those progressives is for every voter they might attract they lose two by being a bunch of depressive psycopaths who lash out at any confrontation. This will bolster the Trump presidency as he will dominate the repub establishment more and more he will get more leverage to execute his plan and shape america's foreign policy. Its very easy to do when the opposition is a bunch of highway blocking degenerates. By defunding the epa/dep of education and banning certain non profitable groups(he knows who they are) he drastically reduces the base of the democratic party. The donors will not fund a progressive candidate and although that candidate's trade policy will be appealing to some of trump's base it will be washed by "open border" nonsense and after the wall is build and aliens are deported, those voters will never elect someone that does otherwise.

The democrats have no idea how fucked they are, and there might be some that do, but the donors will not take that risk.

The weird part in all this is that, had the Republicans lost, it would be the GOP completely detonating itself right now and splintering itself out of existence. If there is a literal break in the Democrat party between the Marxists and the pudgy elitists it's demographic destruction for both.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Que enspastic - 11-13-2016

It would help to put forward a non-corrupt, working class Mid Westerner candidate who will win back the Rust Belt. Realistically the Election is won or lost in only two areas : the Rust Belt and the Sun Belt.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Enigma - 11-13-2016

It's funny to see the people that didn't predict a Trump win in 2016 now saying "oh well, he'll lose in a landslide in 2020". It's like they never learn.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Sidney Crosby - 11-13-2016

Anthony Weiner

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Dan Woolf - 11-13-2016

[Image: s_35_886_clooney_tie.jpg]

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - floor7 - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-09-2016 10:29 PM)Clemmo Wrote:  

Tulsi Gabbard. WB also.

Have you met her? She's a great case of WB in pictures but pass in real life.

1. She has a very masculine frame in person.

2. Her face has more craters than the moon. She cakes on foundation and makeup like Sephora is going to go out of business tomorrow.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - nomadbrah - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-13-2016 10:23 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

It's funny to see the people that didn't predict a Trump win in 2016 now saying "oh well, he'll lose in a landslide in 2020". It's like they never learn.

It's funny in a way. Like people are not selfaware at all.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - floor7 - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-09-2016 11:37 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Elizabeth Warren is a real contender. Was correct and ahead of the curve on our last economic crisis. However, I think the Dems might be burned on women for a while. They thought Hillary would be their next Obama and didn't realize old women were not perceived the same way as powerful men.

Warren won't play with older blacks, which you need in order to win the D primary. Otherwise Sanders would've run the table this time.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - floor7 - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 09:56 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

Booker is going to be the next big name for the Dems. I met him a few times. Really cool guy...athlete, charismatic and a player in his own right.

Booker (and Patrick) are too close to high-finance to successfully get to the top of the current left. Booker was out defending Romney on PE in 2012 undercutting obama.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Foolsgo1d - 11-13-2016

The Dems will take the next 4 years to sort themselves out. 4 Years is long enough for society to get a change going and then another 4 years will allow them to pace out a bit into the areas they want to hit hard. They will go after the so-called down-trodden part of society.

Too soon and they risk going after the proposed improvements to the US Trump has brought.

The best tactic the dems can do is not challenge Trump until his reign cannot be extended and hit the Republican candidate hard next cycle.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-13-2016

This is an interesting question, because it throws into relief the scale of the devastation that has been inflicted upon the Democratic Party.

The Republicans, by my count, now control:

- The Presidency
- The House of Representatives
- The Senate
- The Supreme Court (soon enough)
- 34 state governorships
- 67 of 99 state legislative houses

This is a level of one-party domination that hasn't existed since 1928. And it may get even worse in 2018 - of the 33 Senate seats up for reelection, 23 of them are Democratic. 10 of them are in states Trump won. He could easily have a fillibuster-proof Senate in the latter half of his first term.

I've been listening intermittently to progressive outlets like The Young Turks and r/PoliticalRevolution to see what they're thinking. There is a seething rage amongst Sanders supporters right now. They want the entire DNC burned to the ground and the ashes salted for the colossal failure of the Democrats. At the same time, the Clinton backers are apparently blaming Sanders supporters for not turning out for Hillary. There is likely to be an epic civil war within the Democratic Party for at least the next few years.

This compounds the problem that the Democrats currently face, which is that they have no viable front-bench talent right now. Everything was mortgaged on the assumption Clinton would win and they wouldn't need anyone till 2024.

That being said, here are some plausible names that I've heard being thrown around:

- Elizabeth Warren
- Andrew Cuomo
- Tim Kaine
- Sherrod Brown
- Corey Brooker
- Kirsten Gillbrand
- Amy Klochubar
- Julian Castro

Quote: (11-10-2016 05:08 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

So... we're all discounting Joe Biden?

Too old, too straight, too white, too male.

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:55 PM)Krivo Wrote:  

Rahm Emmanuel, the mayor of Chicago

Rahm is despised by progressives because he's too centrist and by BLM because he is stained by the Laquan McDonald shooting. No way he'd win if he tried.

What do you guys think?

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - blacknwhitespade - 11-13-2016

This may piss some people off to hear, but frankly they will need a white male, preferably from the Midwest. Someone with progressive credentials who will make economic fairness the central focus and common denominator of his campaign. The Democrats have maxed out on the race/gender card, have probably maxed out on the number of college-educated, progressive, upscale white voters, and Barack Obama was a "special guy" that no other Democrat could match in terms of his inspiration and turn out of non-whites while also holding down enough traditional white working-class Democrats. Some thoughtful Democrats are finally realizing they should be uncomfortable with becoming an hour-glass shaped party composed of trendy upscale whites and low income non-whites. As Sen. Jim Webb has stated repeatedly, the Democratic Party needs to back away from identity politics, and concentrate on economic fairness for whites, blacks, male, female, urban, rural, everyone. They need to repudiate the academic left, tone down all the diversity crap, and frankly become a common-sense, center-left party that works to help the people who live here.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Que enspastic - 11-13-2016

Democrats now perceived as the party of oligarchs. Ruthless use of identity politics to stop people questioning the absurd inequities of the system itself from the perspective of ordinary working Americans. Sanders, Trump and Assange have called them out.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Bacchus - 11-13-2016

Michael Moore asks for Oprah or Tom Hanks.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Vicious - 11-13-2016


Too old, too straight, too white, too male.

Sounds like Trump.

The funny thing is that if the Dems had run Biden they'd have fared a lot better. He is a very atypical politician. Just Google his reaction to the weiner mail leak.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-13-2016 05:20 PM)Vicious Wrote:  


Too old, too straight, too white, too male.

Sounds like Trump.

The funny thing is that if the Dems had run Biden they'd have fared a lot better. He is a very atypical politician. Just Google his reaction to the weiner mail leak.

I meant insofar as he's too much so for Democrats, especially the progressive/SJW wing, who are going to be demanding that one of their candidates be the next nominee, as opposed to the centrist, establishment Clinton.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Cattle Rustler - 11-13-2016

There's a sudden rise in Joe Biden memes....hmmmm???

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - LeeEnfield303 - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-13-2016 05:55 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

There's a sudden rise in Joe Biden memes....hmmmm???

Biden will be 77 in 2020.....

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Mr. Accuride - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-10-2016 04:49 AM)WeekendCasanova Wrote:  

Again, we won't know until 2020, but I thoroughly believe that barring a mediocre-good Presidency(and with Trump who knows what will happen), Trump will be ousted by a more leftist candidate - by a landslide.

Give me good odds and I would bet money that this won't happen.

The answer is it doesn't matter who the DNC fields; they will get BTFO in 2020.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Clemmo - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-13-2016 04:10 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

This may piss some people off to hear, but frankly they will need a white male, preferably from the Midwest. Someone with progressive credentials who will make economic fairness the central focus and common denominator of his campaign. The Democrats have maxed out on the race/gender card, have probably maxed out on the number of college-educated, progressive, upscale white voters, and Barack Obama was a "special guy" that no other Democrat could match in terms of his inspiration and turn out of non-whites while also holding down enough traditional white working-class Democrats. Some thoughtful Democrats are finally realizing they should be uncomfortable with becoming an hour-glass shaped party composed of trendy upscale whites and low income non-whites. As Sen. Jim Webb has stated repeatedly, the Democratic Party needs to back away from identity politics, and concentrate on economic fairness for whites, blacks, male, female, urban, rural, everyone. They need to repudiate the academic left, tone down all the diversity crap, and frankly become a common-sense, center-left party that works to help the people who live here.

It needs to be a Joe Biden type who appeals to working class whites. However. I don't see a Joe Biden type among the current crop of Democrats. Mostly just Wall Street types like Cory Booker, or Berniecrats like Tulsi Gabbard.

The SJW left was a clear reason why Trump won.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - ElFlaco - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-11-2016 12:50 AM)Bacchus Wrote:  

One of the big lessons of the election was the power of celebrity. So I don't know if it'll be in 2020, but Beyoncé.

Quote: (11-13-2016 05:12 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Michael Moore asks for Oprah or Tom Hanks.

One thing Trump's successful candidacy has done: legitimized future candidates who 1) lack political experience, 2) are extremely rich, able to fund their own campaigns and 3) are major celebrities. We've had wealthy candidates before (Perot, Forbes) but not this combination. If Oprah wanted the job, she would be a credible contender in 2024.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Libertas - 11-13-2016

Since the Stumped model correctly predicted the election to the letter, I'll try to analyze it.

Quote: (11-13-2016 03:35 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

- Elizabeth Warren

Goofy but strangely charismatic, and not terrible at branding her opponents. Has a solid personal brand behind her and can actually make a compelling offer. The problem is her mannerisms are just awkward which will annoy a lot of people, and depending on the national security threats she doesn't inspire a lot of visceral confidence. I also don't think she understands communications the way Trump does.


- Andrew Cuomo

Losing influence and relevance by the day. Should've tried to run this time. By 2020 he'll be a greatly diminished force and most people outside New York don't know who he is. Zero charisma either.


- Tim Kaine

[Image: lol.gif] If there's one person that can compete for having less charisma or aspiration than Hillary it's Tim Kaine. Pence, a nice guy, humiliated him. A full assault from Trump would have him choke to death on his own rage.


- Sherrod Brown

No one knows who he is.


- Corey Brooker

The one person on this list that may have a significant shot at this point. Electrified the convention, knows how to use the media, and has some name recognition he can build further on.


- Kirsten Gillbrand

No personal brand.


- Amy Klochubar



- Julian Castro

Some name recognition that he can build on but nothing much of note at the moment.

Scorpion was right. The Democrats uniting to coronate Hillary totally destroyed their farm team since primaries are how rising stars in the party begin to get national exposure. The only one that did is Bernie Sanders who's too old, and the Democrats keep alienating white people and men by the day and seem determined to keep on that course.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Latinopan - 11-13-2016

Quote: (11-13-2016 03:35 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

This is an interesting question, because it throws into relief the scale of the devastation that has been inflicted upon the Democratic Party.

The Republicans, by my count, now control:

- The Presidency
- The House of Representatives
- The Senate
- The Supreme Court (soon enough)
- 34 state governorships
- 67 of 99 state legislative houses

This is a level of one-party domination that hasn't existed since 1928. And it may get even worse in 2018 - of the 33 Senate seats up for reelection, 23 of them are Democratic. 10 of them are in states Trump won. He could easily have a fillibuster-proof Senate in the latter half of his first term.

I've been listening intermittently to progressive outlets like The Young Turks and r/PoliticalRevolution to see what they're thinking. There is a seething rage amongst Sanders supporters right now. They want the entire DNC burned to the ground and the ashes salted for the colossal failure of the Democrats. At the same time, the Clinton backers are apparently blaming Sanders supporters for not turning out for Hillary. There is likely to be an epic civil war within the Democratic Party for at least the next few years.

This compounds the problem that the Democrats currently face, which is that they have no viable front-bench talent right now. Everything was mortgaged on the assumption Clinton would win and they wouldn't need anyone till 2024.

That being said, here are some plausible names that I've heard being thrown around:

- Elizabeth Warren
- Andrew Cuomo
- Tim Kaine
- Sherrod Brown
- Corey Brooker
- Kirsten Gillbrand
- Amy Klochubar
- Julian Castro

Quote: (11-10-2016 05:08 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

So... we're all discounting Joe Biden?

Too old, too straight, too white, too male.

Quote: (11-10-2016 07:55 PM)Krivo Wrote:  

Rahm Emmanuel, the mayor of Chicago

Rahm is despised by progressives because he's too centrist and by BLM because he is stained by the Laquan McDonald shooting. No way he'd win if he tried.

What do you guys think?

Any of them would be still running as career politicians, Trump did not changed this year political landscape, he changed the entire future of politics in the USA, internet will be bigger in 4 years.

Quote: (11-13-2016 05:12 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

Michael Moore asks for Oprah or Tom Hanks.

Notice how Moore is still counting on demographic changes?

Like he did not see how more latinos voted for Trump than Romney, Trump can ensure even more latinos vote for him in 4 year by getting them jobs, and more young votes by ensure young people are in the workforce, there is not time to protest and riot when you have to be at work at 8 AM.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - ivansirko - 11-13-2016

The Dems dont have much of a bench. They will be looking for a non-Cisgendered non-White non-Male to nominate and i believe it will end in failure again. People are tired of identity politics.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - iop890 - 11-13-2016

Laughing my ass off at all the people that have been wrong continuously for a year and a half coming in and telling everyone how the next four years are going to go.