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Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Printable Version

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Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Foolsgo1d - 06-23-2015

Why did he have such a thing for asian women?

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - RedPillUK - 06-23-2015

The first two sentences alone show so much weakness.

"I have no choice, but to react this way."

What? How you react IS your choice.

"Everyday people hurt my feelings and its not fair."

Life isn't fair. Deal with it.

He might have been mentally ill, but he definitely did not have a strong mindset. This is what we talk about here, self improvement, realising that life isn't fair and you have to make the most of it, as well as learning to control your reactions.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Snurby - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 11:46 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

From some of the articles I've read, he seems like a high-functioning paranoid schizophrenic who fixated on Asian women -- as opposed to the low-functioning schizophrenics who obsess over UFOs and "the government."

People need to understand that mental illness hits in degrees. Schizophrenia doesn't always mean you're bonkers-crazy. Sometimes people are just "off" because they have the symptoms and weird thoughts, but aren't hit as hard by them.

Why isn't this discussed more? Because mental illness hits far more men than women and this society obsesses over women's issues (i.e. anorexia) and jails or shoots men who can't function properly.

But this guy, Elliott Rodger and Dylan Roof all have commonalities in their unrealistic, obsessive thought patterns.

Once again, I'll say what I said regarding Rodger: Game wouldn't have helped. And the problems we talk about here (hypergamy, etc.) have no bearing on someone like this guy. My feeling is that had this been 1955, all these men would have been "put away in the looney bin," as people used to callously say. They would not have found wives in any era, no matter what the sociological makeup was like.

Mentally ill men with paranoid delusions need professional help, not daygame seminars. If you're looking to place blame, place it at the feet of a misguided chivalrous society that throws away damaged men, from the mentally ill to wounded veterans.

While I agree overall, the issue of nature vs nurture comes up whenever I see a tragedy like this -- was he truly condemned and unfixable from the start, or did he slowly turn to such desperation with each rejection as a result of lack of positive father figure/male guidance.
He was apparently a competent and respected artist with gallery shows in New York, so not a complete mental incompetent in all areas of his life.
I would need to know a bit more about his life/upbringing before writing him off as a hopeless example of mental illness from the get-go.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Atlanta Man - 06-23-2015

I know this may come off with a lack of elegance, but I am glad he killed himself and no one else. I have been in a deep depression in my life that was the worst six months of hell I had ever experienced, I contemplated suicide, acted in a self destructive way, and tried to drink every ounce of alcohol available. It was truly as bad as it ever was, homeless, alone, sleeping where I could with no self respect, possibly facing prison (long story). Never ever, not once, did I want to hurt other people, I wanted to hurt myself plenty, but never others.

At least he was decent enough to only kill himself, shame he could not find the help he needed.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Feldeinsamkeit - 06-23-2015

Saying that the guy was crazy amounts to a way of smearing the guy and thus closing off any questions as to what drove him to commit the horrendous acts he did, as if by establishing the fact that he was mentally unstable is, of and by itself, explanation enough to settle the issue of what drove him to do this.

So for me the question is why are increasing numbers of guys like him suddenly becoming "mentally ill" and snapping a la Elliott Rodger? To assert that this has absolutely nothing to do with the extreme difficulty of getting laid for many average guys is to turn one's eyes away from the elephant in the room, that is, hypergamy.

I don't condone the acts he committed in the slightest, but I can understand the frustration that would have driven him to commit them.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - civpro - 06-23-2015

So this black guy would have rather died than consider dating someone of his own race.


Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Il Bersagliere - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:31 PM)civpro Wrote:  

So this black guy would have rather died than consider dating someone of his own race.


Yellow fever is a powerful thing. You guys better get vaccinated.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Libertas - 06-23-2015

Like I said, you know that if this guy was getting reactions like that from so many different women, he was fucking weird. Even the worst, most emasculated beta on Planet Earth he would have had better luck than that assuming his numbers were not hyperbolic (which I think they were to some degree). I think this guy, like Roof and Rodger, and those other mass shooters, was beyond the kind of help that this forum could have provided. I'm just glad this guy didn't wind up getting a gun and shooting these women, which wouldn't have been exceedingly difficult.

But there is something odd about our culture that is producing these sorts of goons. They are not getting help and have absolutely no escape route, no prospects for betterment, and have nothing to turn to but despair.

Calling this guy a "beta" is a misnomer, but I still worry that these are basically canaries in the coalmine.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Blunt - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:26 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I know this may come off with a lack of elegance, but I am glad he killed himself and no one else. I have been in a deep depression in my life that was the worst six months of hell I had ever experienced, I contemplated suicide, acted in a self destructive way, and tried to drink every ounce of alcohol available. It was truly as bad as it ever was, homeless, alone, sleeping where I could with no self respect, possibly facing prison (long story). Never ever, not once, did I want to hurt other people, I wanted to hurt myself plenty, but never others.

At least he was decent enough to only kill himself, shame he could not find the help he needed.

I wouldn't go that far. He could have easily killed any of those women that he hit. Though it happens rarely men have been killed from a punch before, and he was hitting them with some kind of object.

I agree it is good that he didn't kill anyone, but that is only out of luck.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Feldeinsamkeit - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:37 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Calling this guy a "beta" is a misnomer, but I still worry that these are basically canaries in the coalmine.

That canary has a name: hypergamy.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Yatagan - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:36 PM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:31 PM)civpro Wrote:  

So this black guy would have rather died than consider dating someone of his own race.


Yellow fever is a powerful thing. You guys better get vaccinated.

He didn't even consider the notion of dating a white chick either it looks like.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Libertas - 06-23-2015

It's a lot more complicated than "hypergamy."

DOBA was right about some of us in the manosphere starting to sound like the mainstream media. We need to avoid these cliches.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Ziltoid - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:31 PM)civpro Wrote:  

So this black guy would have rather died than consider dating someone of his own race.

Reading his blog, he prefaces all this with general statements like...
"I've been rejected by Women my entire life. I never understood why, but whenever I stopped to woo- I always ended up getting the same excuse every single time. Sorry I have a Boyfriend or Sorry I’m in a rush. Some Women even ignored me completely. It got really bad."
"I want the media to know that I was very punctilious. I’ve always treated Women with the utmost respect."
The Asian women thing was probably just hyperfocusing on an ideal, kind of like how Elliot Rodger fixated on white women. It's not like Rodger was turning down Asian girls left and right, or this guy was turning down black women.

I can't blame a black man in the US for wanting to date outside of his race, as a group black women make white women look downright friendly and skinny, and that's saying something.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - WalterBlack - 06-23-2015

I know this might go against what a lot of guys stand for, but I think he may have been better off if he didn’t approach. There must have been something about his vibe that scared off all of these Asian women.

He should have tried online dating – he could have messaged as many Asian women as he could, and he would definitely have got a few replies and then he could have gone from there. A lot of SE Asian women are open to black men.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Brodiaga - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 06:00 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

I know this might go against what a lot of guys stand for, but I think he may have been better off if he didn’t approach. There must have been something about his vibe that scared off all of these Asian women.

He should have tried online dating – he could have messaged as many Asian women as he could, and he would definitely have got a few replies and then he could have gone from there. A lot of SE Asian women are open to black men.

Just check out his blog. The fool has enough high status pics with celebrities to make a lot of chicks want to go out on dates with him - Asian chicks or of any other race.

What an idiot, he had the whole life ahead of him.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Nonpareil - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 07:04 AM)Repo Wrote:  

"I just couldn’t understand why Asian Women didn’t find me attractive.

Asian women are easy...If you're white.

150 approaches and nothing, not even a few pleasant conversations!? That alone tells you everything you need to know - another socially-retarded aspie with a god complex that a pure shot to the heart of 100% puro game couldn't have made a difference who just expects people to see 'how awesome he is!' without having a single clue how social dynamics work; unless you're a hot female or famous (therefore already pre-approved), people just don't come to you.

The level of confusion in the mainstream media machine pertaining to this going down must be causing triggering that could register on the Richter Scale; 1) 'Do we run the story, mention he's black and play this as a race thing (mentioning the race of any non-white criminal is 'making this about race!' to these people) and run the risk of straining the already fraying race-relations in this country?' 2) 'Do we run the story, somehow gloss over the fact that he's a black man and that 'institutional misogyny' is somehow to blame, even though no one who can find their ass with both hands will believe that?' or 3) 'Do we run the story and focus on the mental health aspect and risk both pissing off the big pharma wing of the Government and appear as 'un-PC' and 'insensitive'?'

Much fun surely being had in the offices of The Daily Mail, Jezebel and NYT right now.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - eradicator - 06-23-2015

Yeah, there was definitely some sort of disconnect between what this cat was saying to the girls, and what was going on in his head. This goes beyond catastrophically bad game.

Something was incongruent to say the least. It's a sad story, but he was clearly pretty far gone in those last blog posts.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - lemko - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:22 PM)Snurby Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2015 11:46 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

From some of the articles I've read, he seems like a high-functioning paranoid schizophrenic who fixated on Asian women -- as opposed to the low-functioning schizophrenics who obsess over UFOs and "the government."

People need to understand that mental illness hits in degrees. Schizophrenia doesn't always mean you're bonkers-crazy. Sometimes people are just "off" because they have the symptoms and weird thoughts, but aren't hit as hard by them.

Why isn't this discussed more? Because mental illness hits far more men than women and this society obsesses over women's issues (i.e. anorexia) and jails or shoots men who can't function properly.

But this guy, Elliott Rodger and Dylan Roof all have commonalities in their unrealistic, obsessive thought patterns.

Once again, I'll say what I said regarding Rodger: Game wouldn't have helped. And the problems we talk about here (hypergamy, etc.) have no bearing on someone like this guy. My feeling is that had this been 1955, all these men would have been "put away in the looney bin," as people used to callously say. They would not have found wives in any era, no matter what the sociological makeup was like.

Mentally ill men with paranoid delusions need professional help, not daygame seminars. If you're looking to place blame, place it at the feet of a misguided chivalrous society that throws away damaged men, from the mentally ill to wounded veterans.

While I agree overall, the issue of nature vs nurture comes up whenever I see a tragedy like this -- was he truly condemned and unfixable from the start, or did he slowly turn to such desperation with each rejection as a result of lack of positive father figure/male guidance.
He was apparently a competent and respected artist with gallery shows in New York, so not a complete mental incompetent in all areas of his life.
I would need to know a bit more about his life/upbringing before writing him off as a hopeless example of mental illness from the get-go.

I'm surprised he couldn't parlay his talent as an artist into attracting a woman. He must've been pretty successful as an artist to have gallery shows in NYC. I've known plenty of extremely talented people who've never managed to have a gallery show in NYC. Plenty of women attend art shows and are excited to meet the artist. Weirdness wouldn't have even hurt him as a lot of artists are quite eccentric. He must've been really way out there, extremely ugly, had poor hygiene or a combination of all three. Were there plenty of black, white, and Hispanic women throwing themselves at him and he ignored them in his singular quest for an Asian?

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Brodiaga - 06-23-2015

I could download a few pics from his blog tonight (the ones with celebrities), put them up on okc and tinder, add a short profile description and start getting numbers like crazy. In New York, I could probably arrange a date or two tonight with these pics. The guy dressed well, knew about style and was able to put together a good online dating profile. For example, my pics are of lower value than his, and I can still pull chicks online occasionally.

There are many guys out there who are uglier, less classy, dress worse, etc, and still get laid, some of them a lot. Case in point: just an hour ago, I saw a ghetto looking black guy on the subway with an attractive young Japanese looking girl.

No fucking excuse for the crazy bastard.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - RawGod - 06-23-2015

At least he didn't take anyone with him.

The guy was mentally defective; that his particular fixation seems germane to our interests on this board is beside the point. If you've known schizophrenic people you will understand what I'm talking about.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Chick Magnet - 06-23-2015

Damn. This dude put Asian pussy on a massive pedestal.

I think this was just a classic case of wanting what you can't have. Asians are racist cunts -- even towards white dudes. But they don't have a problem fucking us fortunately.

Still, I don't see what all the fuss is about. I was bored with Asian women after about a month in Thailand.

Oh well, at least he wasn't obsessed with blondes.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - EuphoricWizard - 06-23-2015

The only solution I can really think of to fix this problem on a mass scale is legalizing prostitution in the U.S and detaching the stigma associated with it. You sort of can't really tell woman who to be attracted to and if they want top tier males then they'll fuck their top tier males and ignore all the average/below average. The only problem to prostitution would be woman since they don't want to give up any of their pussy power. It would mean they might actually have to do anything besides exist in the dating game in the U.S.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - eradicator - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 06:47 PM)lemko Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:22 PM)Snurby Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2015 11:46 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

From some of the articles I've read, he seems like a high-functioning paranoid schizophrenic who fixated on Asian women -- as opposed to the low-functioning schizophrenics who obsess over UFOs and "the government."

People need to understand that mental illness hits in degrees. Schizophrenia doesn't always mean you're bonkers-crazy. Sometimes people are just "off" because they have the symptoms and weird thoughts, but aren't hit as hard by them.

Why isn't this discussed more? Because mental illness hits far more men than women and this society obsesses over women's issues (i.e. anorexia) and jails or shoots men who can't function properly.

But this guy, Elliott Rodger and Dylan Roof all have commonalities in their unrealistic, obsessive thought patterns.

Once again, I'll say what I said regarding Rodger: Game wouldn't have helped. And the problems we talk about here (hypergamy, etc.) have no bearing on someone like this guy. My feeling is that had this been 1955, all these men would have been "put away in the looney bin," as people used to callously say. They would not have found wives in any era, no matter what the sociological makeup was like.

Mentally ill men with paranoid delusions need professional help, not daygame seminars. If you're looking to place blame, place it at the feet of a misguided chivalrous society that throws away damaged men, from the mentally ill to wounded veterans.

While I agree overall, the issue of nature vs nurture comes up whenever I see a tragedy like this -- was he truly condemned and unfixable from the start, or did he slowly turn to such desperation with each rejection as a result of lack of positive father figure/male guidance.
He was apparently a competent and respected artist with gallery shows in New York, so not a complete mental incompetent in all areas of his life.
I would need to know a bit more about his life/upbringing before writing him off as a hopeless example of mental illness from the get-go.

I'm surprised he couldn't parlay his talent as an artist into attracting a woman. He must've been pretty successful as an artist to have gallery shows in NYC. I've known plenty of extremely talented people who've never managed to have a gallery show in NYC. Plenty of women attend art shows and are excited to meet the artist. Weirdness wouldn't have even hurt him as a lot of artists are quite eccentric. He must've been really way out there, extremely ugly, had poor hygiene or a combination of all three. Were there plenty of black, white, and Hispanic women throwing themselves at him and he ignored them in his singular quest for an Asian?

Eh, it doesn't surprise me at all. Vincent van Gogh was one of the finest artists of his time but had catastrophically bad game, cutting off his ear and mailing it to his would be girlfriend. This cat seemed to be on the same level of crazy, probably very talented as well. The link between madness and genius is often very blurry.

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - Merenguero - 06-23-2015

This is somewhat related. Did anyone ever hear anything else about that black guy from Ohio who went to Asia to meet a girl and ended up in the hospital? Was anybody from here able to get in touch with him?

Black man kills himself after attacking Asian girls for being rejected [retitled] - MdWanderer - 06-23-2015

Quote: (06-23-2015 05:31 PM)civpro Wrote:  

So this black guy would have rather died than consider dating someone of his own race.


You're describing a lot of black men, and not just the crazy psychos like him.