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Fat people thread - Travesty - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-14-2015 07:26 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


None of them have rolls, and the chick on the left is a borderline smoke show.

No, she's not.

I'm pretty sure at this point that you are a woman, based on your posting "style".

I have now on 3 separate occasions been with a thin girl that I am banging and seen a fat chick on a skateboard cruise with decent skill. I always laugh and say that I admire the balancing and center of gravity being displayed by the fat chick.

All three chicks in horror say "she's not fat! OMG you think she's fat!?"

There are lots of woman white knights for fat chicks. I am not sure why. Wouldn't they be glad they are more attractive and laugh at the fat chicks with me? Or do they want the future social safety net of being able to pack on 25lbs as life goes on and receive no penalty? Nevermind, it is because they want the fat chicks to stay in the dark about their weight so they keep getting fatter and lower competition permanently. [Image: lol.gif]

Everyone is just so sensitive.

Bad on one hand, great for a troll with a dark soul though on the other.

Fat people thread - 2Wycked - 06-15-2015

Dupe thread?

[Image: zed-nelson-fat-nation.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mdlj28FL2U1re0sdlo1_500.jpg]

[Image: Overweight-Demonstrators-001.jpg]

[Image: 30423254.jpg]

[Image: 28075790.jpg]

[Image: 19947626.jpg]

[Image: 19893364.jpg]

[Image: 31251104.jpg]

Fat people thread - Phoenix - 06-15-2015

[Image: 0904_sbkp_01_z+dont_ride_ugly+fat_guy.jpg]

Fat people thread - realologist - 06-15-2015

[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: 200w.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]

Fat people thread - vinman - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 12:35 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

People on Imgur were going bonkers for this broad. To most of them, this is curvy, not at all fat.

I say this is a shame - this girl could be a solid 8.5-9 if she lost weight. Such a waste of raw talent. As it stands, that head is as round as a basketball.

[Image: g08wfaR.jpg]

Damn. This is such a waste of raw talent.....

Fat people thread - wi30 - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-14-2015 08:07 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

I've noticed a universal trait with fat people - how excited they get over food. It's not like they just happen to eat large meals. They get this serious tunnel vision focus on the food, and zone out from everything else. Kind of like a dog when you feed it. Very similar in fact, like they're just a stupid dog with no control eagerly sucking food into its face.

Also the happy look or grin on their face after they're finished their meal (and scraped the plate clean), like they've done something good to be proud of. And the way they become pathological excuse-makers and other-people-blamers generally. And the way they sweat.

I fucking hate fat people.

This is an insult to dogs. My dog is athletic and stops eating when shes full, even if there's still food in the bowl. It's pretty sad when a dog has better self control than two-thirds of Americans.

Fat people thread - Suits - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-14-2015 05:11 PM)aSimpNamedBrokeback Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2015 04:27 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

[Image: lanebryant_0.jpg?itok=GcPebmMx]

Once again it's funny how those women are big, but not really fat-fat. None of them have rolls, and the chick on the left is a borderline smoke show. You can clearly see that even those who advocate for fat people, actually hate fat people.

I see your point....these women aren't the most undesirable fatties in the world.

However, I humbly submit that you should attempt the underwear test with these alleged hotties.

Mentally remove the underwear from their bodies and imagine the underwear all by itself. Imagine seeing underwear of this size in a department store. Do you really want to fuck anything that fits into underwear of this size?

I think not.

In reference to the photo itself, I'm pretty sure that there is some clever posing going on. Also, why is there a man in the middle right wearing women's underwear? Strange.

Fat people thread - Aenigmarius - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 06:18 AM)realologist Wrote:  

[Image: giphy.gif]

You know, a child this size used to be considered the "fat kid." Nowadays, he'd probably be one of the skinner kids.

Fat people thread - Bear Hands - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 01:08 AM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-14-2015 09:34 PM)Bear Hands Wrote:  

Fat people are weak and disgusting, and their attempts to portray themselves as anything but weak and disgusting while advocating for obesity would be met with universal contempt in a sane world.

You don't have to if you don't want to, but could you detail some of the changes in thought-patterns that have emerged as a result of your weight loss?

Do you think about your childhood differently? Your parents differently? Women differently? Work differently?

I'm guessing that the change in mindset must be literally mind-blowing, but I'd appreciate knowing if I'm wrong in your case.

I can go on forever about the weight loss and I try not to because I do not want to sound like a narcissist and because the work is not finished. I do not talk about it to get pats on the back. I hope someone else who is going through what I have been through will see what I have said and they get motivated.

Thought Patterns:
My thought patterns mostly changed before I lost the weight. Mindset is the first thing that has to change for any changes to stick. My dad's dad lived to 96 and dad's mom lived to 89, and she was healthy until a very sudden onset of cancer. My mom's parents were both smokers, though my grandfather quit in his 30s cold from a 3 pack a day habit. He gained a lot of weight after he quit smoking and became diabetic. Both of them lived to 83. My great uncle (older brother of my grandfather) followed the same health pattern but he's still alive at 90, though he's been almost immobile for about 4 years. My mom's mom had a sister who is turning 100 in August, and all her older sisters made it into their 90s. The one turning 100 is the one who did not have a smoking habit, and she still walks every day. Both my dad (never fat as far as I know) and my mom's dad had strokes within a year of each other that took a lot away from them. My grandfather lived for 8 years after that, stuck in his own mind because the part of his brain that controlled speech was damaged, and his right side was paralyzed. My dad still has a big blind spot in his vision and his memory is terrible at times. I am likely to live a long time barring accidents if my health is under control. I don't want to spend those later years with terrible memory and blind spots, or as a prisoner in my own body. Getting red pilled helped a lot too, because I could see the only people who truly care about fat people are the ones trying to help them stop being fat. The HAES crowd only cares about themselves and their short-term indulgence. None of those fat acceptance women are ever going to show affection or even acceptance to some thirsty fat guy, and most of them are too gross to tolerate. People who try to help fat people get healthy actually care that you live a more satisfying, more comfortable, longer life.

After the weight loss: My thoughts about food have not changed a whole lot, but the type and amount of food is much healthier. I gave up sugary food and drinks a long time ago. I don't crave carbohydrates and fatty meat much anymore. Now I crave avocados*, fish, chicken, turkey, and my juice cocktails. I still have issues with cheese, but those issues are easy to control by not buying a lot of cheese and buying hard cheeses that impart strong flavors with small amounts. I'm much better at controlling impulses. Life is just easier, and I do not mean life is easier because I weigh less. My motivation is a lot better because I do yoga in the morning and have some juice either for breakfast or lunch, and everything I do after that feels easy by comparison. I think I understand the concept of God's grace a lot better, because it only takes a little bit of inner strength to turn into enough strength to do whatever needs to be done. I still have moments when I see fast food advertising and I think about going to get whatever piece of lard they're trying to sell. In the moments I have given in after eating healthy, that food tasted like shit and made me feel sick, so I can easily remind myself that the impulses are old, obsolete programming that will cause me pain. The last time I had fast food was a sausage mcmuffin last year when I was on a 6 hour drive. I thought I did not have time to stop to eat somewhere healthier, but I ended up losing time to that sausage mcmuffin as it sat in my stomach like a sharp stone until I had to pullover because it gave me the runs.

I do not dwell on my own childhood too much. If I have children, I will only have children with a dedicated stay at home mother. My bad eating habits started in childhood because I was not with my parents enough. Expensive, health-conscious daycare did not exist where I grew up, so I was often with a lot of other kids in some older woman's house who fed the kids cheap crap and yelled at all of us to eat fast so she could get us back outside and out of her hair. When I was old enough to be left at home when I was not in school, I lived in an area without a lot of kids around, so I had no motivation to go outside instead of staying inside in front of a screen. Both my parents had careers, and dad got home later than mom. Mom bought plenty of processed crap because she could make the meal fast. Dad kept a garden, but homegrown vegetables can only offset Velveeta shells so much. Mom's career took off, while dad is about a decade older. He ended up retiring before I was a teenager because he saved his money and mom was making more anyway. After that, he was home all the time and took over the cooking. I ate much healthier after that, but I was already a fat kid with a sedentary lifestyle and a habit of wolfing down food ingrained into me because I did not want to be punished when I was 4. So after all that, I'm very insistent that any of my children have an involved mother around who will make them healthy food instead of whatever is convenient and who will make them go outside to play. I appreciate my dad a lot more because of what he did for me when he was home all the time. He still gives me vegetables from his garden. I wish I had listened to him when he tried to get me to lift when I was a teenager. I see my mom's career-oriented life and realize she makes herself miserable to maintain it, but I think it provides her the necessary level of drama all women seem to need. She over-mothers my younger brother now I think to compensate for all the mothering she was not able to do when he and I were very young and actually needed it. I said a few things about my brother in the forum lounge if anyone wants to know the results of a career woman deciding to focus on motherhood after her oldest son has already left the nest.

I do not say all that to shift the blame for my obesity on my parents. I had the power to turn that around from the time my dad retired, but I did not even start until I was 22 and 360+ pounds when I gave up sugary stuff. I gained something like 80 pounds in my first 2 years of college away from my parents because the bad habits were mine, and my dad could not be there to make me eat healthy or moderately. I told that story to show why I did not have good habits for most of my life.

While I'm still fat, I have noticed a marked increase in random female attention. Now that I can get women paying attention to me, I realize how boring and awkward a lot of them are. Women are fun but the old pedestal has crumbled and turned to dust. Fat women alternate between seeming infatuated with me if no higher value man is around and hating me because I am demonstrably better than them at getting fit. Unluckily for them, thinner women pay attention to me now so the fatties are nearly invisible unless they want to talk about how to lose weight. Such an occurrence is as rare as an uncooked steak, and rarer still is such an occurrence that does devolve into excuses about why it's too hard.

Work is more than a job. Exercise is work. Juicing is work. Eating healthy is work. My job is not my work, I am my work. If I ever figure out how to monetize myself, I will never have a job again.

That all sounds mundane to me, but if it blows someone's mind and makes them decide to get fit, it was worth typing.

*Avocados are a cheat code. They taste like they should make you fat but they're a super food and fantastic for making a filling salad. I sometimes just chop up and avocado with a side of fish or with some turkey burgers so I will eat a smaller portion of meat but feel satisfied.

Fat people thread - TheWastelander - 06-15-2015

Keep up the good work. By the way, if you like strawberries, you should get a ton of them. They're four calories a piece and I can't eat more than 15 of them without feeling full. They're a great diet food.

Fat people thread - Aenigmarius - 06-15-2015


Bear Hands
Great post, man.

Fat people thread - Alpha Hunter Zero - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-14-2015 09:40 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I can't believe we don't have an official fat people thread, so I would like to start it off with this picture of "plus size" model Tess Holliday having a meetup with her fans

This one doesn't count?

Fat people thread - Horus - 06-15-2015

Bear Hands, there is a huge difference between you and the monstrosities on this thread whose feelings we aim to hurt. There are countless other differences. You are not a man who is willing to settle for continued mediocrity. Instead you have completely changed your lifestyle by choosing a healthy approach to life and sticking with it for a sustained period of time. As a result of this, you have seen solid and steady progress, which will continue until you reach your goal weight. And since you have adopted a completely different mindset in your approach to life, and have experienced the positive outcomes, you will not once again balloon back into a fattie. Every single fat person is capable of what you are accomplishing and you are proving that there is absolutely no excuse.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Fat people thread - Horus - 06-15-2015

This is good for a laugh - stand up comedy about fat people about a former fat person.


I've lost 20 pounds. [applause] No! You're basically applauding me for only eating as much as I need. I got fat because I was a lazy greedy bastard.... I needed waiters to come over and say "Fuck off, you've had enough.

Fat people thread - remembermyname - 06-15-2015

Lots of mentally disturbed people in this thread. Claim to hate America's pathologically disordered culture and then indulge and come from that same line of thinking bruhs.

I can't help but to think Americans obsessions with being either ultra accepting or ultra hating has to do with their all or nothing culture. Anglosphere is shit anyway. Psychological disorders galore.

Moderation in thought and behavior is not really known in that part of the world, especially America.

I think the only time I didn't see complete retards totally polarizing on their posts and going from free liberal bullshit tolerance on another poster and ultra hating shitty attitude on another post and never being in between were on non-anglophone boards. what makes you guys more crazier than average?

Fat people thread - Kristoph - 06-15-2015

[Image: QEUuNaW.png]

[Image: aKsxzUw.gif]

[Image: or0M3Y3.jpg]

Fat people thread - samsamsam - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 01:15 PM)remembermyname Wrote:  

I can't help but to think Americans obsessions with being either ultra accepting or ultra hating has to do with their all or nothing culture. Anglosphere is shit anyway. Psychological disorders galore.

I blame it all on Milli Vanilli.

Fat people thread - Aenigmarius - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 01:32 PM)Kristoph Wrote:  

[Image: QEUuNaW.png]

Literally laughed out loud.

Fat people thread - Bear Hands - 06-15-2015

[Image: DvS9Yo4.jpg]
[Image: 4TSP9J7.jpg]

Fat people thread - Galahad - 06-15-2015

I also believe a lot of fat people just gave up and now try to justify it. When they see other people that do a change they feel guilty inside. Instead of learning they start to hate.

Sugar is for me the No. 1 issue. Eating habits come next. A loft of those people have some problems and try to solve it with eating. Then it become a pattern, every time you feel bad you eat something. Sugar also triggers something in the brain that we eat more and more of it. Some food can make addictive and is full with sugar. To many calories. There was an article in a german magazine that the moving habits did not change in the last 30 years but fat people, obese rate rise extreme. Because of high calorie food and drinks.

Next problem for the US is the size of the food. Never been to the US but friends told me. What we call large in Europe is small in the US. There was a report of a guy that invented some fast food, maybe they point it out in the film supersize me, that he had the idea to make those XXL size menus.
In an other experiment they showed that people don't stop to eat. If you have a big cup you will drink it, if you have a big menu you will eat it. But with this single menu you have you calories for a day. But after some time you will get hungry again because its bad and empty calories.

Also in modern societies we lost the feeling of be hungry. What we mostly feel is the used to eat feeling. We are not really hungry. I did once a self experiment with not eating for one week. Kind of interesting. The 2nd and 3th day are the worst. Then you get used to it.
Normal kids stop to eat when they have enough food but parents tell them, oh little boy eat it all. Its like a mental training, a conditioning of the brain. So people will always eat whats on the plate because they get drilled like that. Combine with high sugar XXXL meals it get bad. If you have some eating disorders too it get a nightmare. But then this hyper sensitivity and deny talking about health issues mentality. Well you have the USA I guess.
Furthermore I read that in the US its cheaper to eat at a fast food chain then get healthy food and vegetables.

So keep healthy exercise and take care what you eat. Its also more healthy to stay a little bit hungry.

Fat people thread - Ingocnito - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 12:35 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

People on Imgur were going bonkers for this broad. To most of them, this is curvy, not at all fat.

I say this is a shame - this girl could be a solid 8.5-9 if she lost weight. Such a waste of raw talent. As it stands, that head is as round as a basketball.

[Image: g08wfaR.jpg]

This is about the fattest I've banged in years. Slightly less but has the little belly roll like this one. Had her face not been super sexy I wouldn't have fucked with her.

Fat people thread - heavy - 06-15-2015

I vented a while back about my disgust for fat people in the haters lounge with this little anecdote. Not trying to toot my own horn, but the post was well received so I'll re-post. Is that beta?

Quote: (05-22-2014 12:37 PM)heavy Wrote:  

I fucking hate fat people. What goes through my head when I see them? Allow me to describe a recent encounter.

After a quick lunch and letting my dog out, I was headed back to the office for the rest of the afternoon. I work in a rustic old 4-story building of business offices, and, while the building is old, it’s been refurbished nicely, maintaining the some of the original manufacturing feel from a hundred years ago.

Now I’m not one to use the stairs. Not that I have anything against it, I just figure people use them to “be more healthy", and I've always thought, if the stairs were an actual workout of, say, 10 floors, and trudging up them actually did make you more healthy, almost no one would use why lie to myself that climbing 3 flights of stairs is an actual workout. I prefer to workout at the gym regularly and actually be fit.

As I approach the elevator I notice the giant ball of a human being waddling up from the other direction, 32 ounce soda in-hand. For a brief moment I almost hope she turns down the hallway or use the stairs.

Plenty of people take the stairs, especially chics. Especially attractive chics. There have been a few times I’ve approached these elevator doors at the same time as an attractive young lady only to be disappointed by her turning through stairway doors. This blob isn't taking the stairs tho.
This got me thinking. Do people who are attractive and healthy take the stairs, or does taking the stairs make people attractive and healthy.

I’ve already pushed the button, so when the beep signals the elevator doors opening, we step inside as I notice she’s also carrying a big leftover bag of Panera. Here we go. Me and fat fuck in an 8′x8′ square box for the next 15 seconds.

Perhaps I’m looking at it all wrong. Perhaps she, if I must call her a woman, is a miracle of nature. Despite years of inactivity and disregard for physical fitness, the tub of lard next to me lives on. Like an old John Deer tractor firing up after years of disregard and rust, this woman's body rolls out of bed every day, waddles to her car, squeezes behind the steering wheel, and with the help of our modern society plods through the day spiting evolutionary forces that would have siezed her heart years ago. Inside that "human in name only", her heart pumps away, providing enough energy to fuel neural processes and basic motility. Some say the birth of a child is a miracle. I say the miracle is sitting in the cube next to you, fat fingering every other letter as she enters invoices, her chair straining under the pressure of not buckling, her heart faithfully pushing oxygen and nutrients to her extremital sausage link phalanges.

I wonder if this woman knows my disgust for her. Perhaps.
As if on cue with my thoughts, she continues her daily workout regimen of 32 ounce curls, lifting the clear cup up, slurping more sugary calories through the straw. One rep. I bet she does 4 sets of 20 reps a day.

Just when I can hardly contain myself, “3rd Floor" lights up and I step out. As I walk to the office at the end of the hall, I thank my genetics, psychological and mental health, and workout ethic for not being a disgusting slob of a person.

Fat people thread - Aquiles_Baesta_Parada - 06-15-2015

Fat people thread - MMX2010 - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-15-2015 11:02 AM)Bear Hands Wrote:  

That all sounds mundane to me, but if it blows someone's mind and makes them decide to get fit, it was worth typing.

Not mundane at all, man. What you just wrote was your core, your frame, and your destiny. Don't diminish that for any reason, and don't let any chick convince you that what you just wrote was mundane.

I'd rep you again for that, if I could, especially the part about God's grace. As a soon to be forty year old man who is just getting into Game, I'll never forget that. [Image: smile.gif]

Fat people thread - NovaVirtu - 06-15-2015

Quote: (06-14-2015 02:11 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

So brave. So brave.

I've seen his videos were he is playing a basement dwelling permavirgin gamer. I honestly could not tell at the time whether or not he was acting or some kind of comedic transcendent genius.