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Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Printable Version

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Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Wahawahwah - 03-31-2015

Miley Cyrus's Wrecking Ball is quite a good song (horrible video though)

Rihanna-Eminem -- Love the way you lie (beta lyrics but still love it)

Adele's Rolling in the Deep

A few Coldplay and James Blunt's songs (except when Im feeling sad or lonely, cas depression+James Blunt=*poof*Beta emotional vampire)

That being said,

GUNS n ROSES for life

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Lucky - 03-31-2015

Gossip Girl. I was into The O.C. when I was a teenager and recently read that the same dude who created it also created Gossip Girl. That knowledge, in addition to Blake Lively, led to me watching the pilot episode several weeks ago.

And now I find myself actually interested in the lives of these fake teenagers who are portrayed by twenty-two year old actresses and actors. 20~ episodes in and haven't admitted this to anyone till now.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Phoenix - 03-31-2015

I like to drink wine straight from the bottle.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - WalterBlack - 03-31-2015

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Beyond Borders - 03-31-2015

Quote: (03-31-2015 11:59 AM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

My guilty pleasure is just being left the fuck alone. I used to be super social, big into the party scene, always going out because I was worried I was going to miss out on something cool. As I've gotten a bit older I've begun to realize I don't think I was ever truly this outgoing social person so much as I just wanted to get pussy and was willing to put up with all the bullshit I don't really dig that much like hanging out with a big social circle most of who I could really give a shit about. Going out to clubs, etc.

Don't get me wrong I still like going out on occasion, still like having fun, but I'm a bit more of a homebody and enjoy just hanging out by myself reading, writing, listening to music, chilling with my dogs, watching movies, etc. My guilty pleasure is probably turning my phone off, smoking some weed and just being left the fuck alone on occasion.

This is me now, minus the doob. Ever since I quit drinking I've gotten more and more introverted, and I've begun to wonder if drinking so much was just me trying to keep up with the image I'd built of being an extrovert. Now that I've broken the cycle, I'm perfectly content day after day at home. When I do go out, it's not to mingle in crowds - it's to wander the countryside alone on my moto.

I can still really turn on the charm when it's time, and I do, but sometimes the last thing I want to do is talk to people. I ditched a get-together tonight and even though it was same ole it was bliss.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - catoblepa - 03-31-2015

- recording candid videos of girls wearing flip flops at the library and then posting them on YT.
- girls with a bob haircut, something like Louise Brooks.
- 80s synth-pop music

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Repo - 03-31-2015

- recording candid videos of girls wearing flip flops at the library and then posting them on YT.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Veloce - 03-31-2015

Some of the stuff you guys are posting aren't guilty pleasures.

Being left alone isn't a guilty pleasure. That's a healthy pleasure.

Guilty pleasure is pounding a pint of ice cream in one go. It's watching reruns of "Golden Girls". Justin Bieber is a good one.

Mine is sweets. It's why I don't have a 6 pack and will be monumentally difficult to ever get one. I have a hard time in particular with ice cream. Pastries, pie, chocolate, caramel, cookie dough...I crave this shit in an almost pathological manner.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Goldin Boy - 03-31-2015

I still play Pokemon video games.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Jneg - 03-31-2015

I love this thread... for two reasons:

1) People on this forum tend to all feel like hardened realists, with game, charm, success and a realistic outlook on life. This shows a very human side of this community that normally isn't discussed

2) some of the stuff I'm reading is like way more than I was expecting haha and I get a kick out of it.

I wish Roosh and Tuth would post in here

Quote: (03-31-2015 03:10 PM)Goldin Boy Wrote:  

I still play Pokemon video games.
Blue / Silver vet checking in
Have you tried the X / Y series? How was it?

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Redwood - 03-31-2015

i talk to myself and procrastinate frequently. although i would say procrastinating is more like a side effect of this big technological marvel we have here in america.

but i digress

also watch beta films on purpose just for a quick laugh.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - KC4 - 03-31-2015

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - JoyStick - 03-31-2015

I like Pina Coladas. I don't drink it to get drunk or anything, I just think they are freaking delicious. I always feel weird ordering them at bars. [Image: lol.gif]

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Batista49 - 03-31-2015


Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Esus - 03-31-2015

Eating a big kebab in front of a serie on saturday night when I don't want to go out or be social.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Geomann180 - 03-31-2015

My first favorite food is steak.

My second favorite food is ice cream. Ben & Jerry and I are practically best friends.

Also I like using cliches.


Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Jneg - 03-31-2015

Guilty Pleasure: Tickling a petite 18 year old Korean chicks butt hole whilst she is riding your dick and squealing in a child like manner that makes you feel like a pedo.

To be honest though, the guilt fades away very fast.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Solus - 03-31-2015

I find certain wrestling entrance themes extremely nostalgic and still listen to them quite often.

Not quite as "guilty" a pleasure but I also really like lots of classic Disney songs.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - kaotic - 03-31-2015

My guilty pleasure is reading your guilty pleasures.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Other Barry - 03-31-2015

Quote: (03-31-2015 12:43 PM)Sharkie Wrote:  

That being said,

GUNS n ROSES for life

Dude! Appetite For Destruction is one of the greatest rock n roll albums of all time.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Yatagan - 03-31-2015

Whacking it to shots of hot cosplayers dressed as video game characters on deviartart and other such places and banging girls IRL dressed as such.

I don't actually feel guilty about it though. [Image: tard.gif]

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - DrewP - 03-31-2015

I tend to seek out some of the most vile, fucked up content the Internet has to offer. We're talking ISIS videos, other stuff you might find on Bestgore, photos of famine victims, corpses that died in gruesome attacks, etc.

I think it's just that I hate the idea of being shielded from reality.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - 2Wycked - 03-31-2015

Listening to Katy Perry radio on Pandora

[Image: 1795324760.gif]

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Aliblahba - 03-31-2015

How many bands now sing about burying a bitch in the back yard? No man should ever apologize for or feel guilty listening to GNR. Ever.

Post your guilty pleasures in this thread - no judging - Redwood - 03-31-2015

it's more likely a guilty pleasure probably because of axl rose. guy is a living nutcase, but a golden rock god.