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Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 10-05-2014

Recap of my weekend, the Buda part of town & its girls:

In short, it was a great weekend. Although I don't want to make generalizations but if this girl is representative of quality Hungarian girls, I think that I am in for a very happy experience.

As planned, I had dinner at her place in Buda. Except that she had the groceries all ready and did just about everything in the kitchen. I will spare you the details but the Buddha love making session was amazing...essentially drained my balls dry.

The girl, 22 years old, wealthy Buda girl (the 90210 part of town). Sweet personality, doesn't go out to clubs, smart, good conversationalist. She even paid for herself in the 1st date along with the groceries for the dinner on the 2nd date...I did not spend a single penny on her until I bought her ice cream at the shopping center. (Picture to be taken down in a few days) I think you will find these kind of good girls via day gaming in nice parts of the city or via social circle. I have heard that ONS is not so easy in Budapest and it's easy to get into the "Mini Relationship Mode" here since when girls are sweet, they are really sweet & caring.

[Image: r1VCWeM.jpg]

So the Buda part of the town is mostly surburban with some commercial areas. It's much less hectic, with varied hilly terrain and more green spaces. Wealthy Hungarians who are tired of the hustle & bustle of Pest settle here in larger houses where they have access to good schools and infrastructure.

The girls in this part of town tend to be well travelled, speak better English, more interested in outside cultures, and more Slavic looking then in the Pest side of town. (Pest girls are amazing as well...Buda girls more so) It's just that the proportion of the frumpy Romani looking people here is lower so the average quality goes up. There were girls that I saw who looked Russian...if I was told they were from Moscow, I would have believed it.

After spending the night together on Saturday, we went to the Mammut Shopping Center on Sunday afternoon because the weather was crappy and I had to buy some clothes. You guys need to come here if not for Day Gaming but for shopping as well. Its a HUGE modern shopping complex where you could get lost in for a whole day and not get bored or run out of targets. They even have bowling alleys and a cinema complex as well:

I was getting so distracted by all the beautiful faces & bodies...I think she was noticing it as well. This made her fight for my attention & a little jealous as well.

The downside is that a lot of pretty girls were with their boyfriends who are also just as good looking, well dressed, and athletically built. Budapest does not pass the busted-dudes test. They look as good as Western European guys. The vibe I get from the couples is that they treat each other with mutual respect. Girls treat their boyfriends really well and the guys seem like gentlemen. This may be more obvious because I was in a good part of town. So if you are looking for the Ukraine-Russia dynamic then maybe Budapest is not the best place.

However, I also saw plenty of girls in pairs and enough girls rolling solo in shops so I still give this shopping center a big thumbs up for Day Gaming. I recommend coming here with a good male friend so that pairs can be gamed. Hell if you get bored you can catch a movie and go bowling!

I don't know if others noticed this but prices in Budapest range a lot. Levis store had $100 jeans and the food court prices were just as high as Canadian prices (Spaghetti & Chicken take-out dish for $7,50 CAD). The quality was really good and the way they display the food really kicks up your appetite.

I will still end up living in the Pest side of town for the nightlife but I really want to explore the Buda side more. I heard that there are some good clubs here and undiscovered places that are pure from the RSD style PUA stain (at least for now).

Budapest Relocation Journal - Sourcecode - 10-05-2014

It would be massive data for the people wanting to travel to budapest if you explored to Buda side more.
I was with a few girls from that side of the river.But I never really ventured over to that side minues the couple times I went to meet them. or the time I got lost and ended up walking around a buda neighborhood for an hour.

It almost felt like a ghost town compared to my pest life

Budapest Relocation Journal - Volk - 10-05-2014

The famous Buda-side clubs? The last time it took place on an abandoned school in Obuda and two years ago there was one in the former paper factory. It was a two-days party nonstop. You need to keep your eyes open.

One thing tho, for most foreigners, the best tactic is just to go for girls staying for a short time (2 weeks to 3 months). Yesterday I picked up a girl who was an oktoberfest waitress last year, and she was even more open then she'd be on her hometown. I believe most people here have done exactly that and Sourcecode himself lived in front of Szimpla and knows that it's true.

Budapest Relocation Journal - ElJefe1 - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 06:37 PM)Volk Wrote:  

The famous Buda-side clubs? The last time it took place on an abandoned school in Obuda and two years ago there was one in the former paper factory. It was a two-days party nonstop. You need to keep your eyes open.

One thing tho, for most foreigners, the best tactic is just to go for girls staying for a short time (2 weeks to 3 months). Yesterday I picked up a girl who was an oktoberfest waitress last year, and she was even more open then she'd be on her hometown. I believe most people here have done exactly that and Sourcecode himself lived in front of Szimpla and knows that it's true.

The two days chicks are the girls I avoid, three mints can be Erasmus students always a plus.I make a conscious effort for the locals or girls not going anywhere. Why spin my wheels for a chick that gone in two days???

Budapest Relocation Journal - Volk - 10-05-2014

I never mentioned 2-day city hoppers, only temporary residents.

Budapest Relocation Journal - ElJefe1 - 10-05-2014

Sorry I stand corrected you are 100% correct I, with that being said I still opt for the locals and chicks that arent leaving. The ones you mentioned are always DTF and we all know that but easy fucks arent always the best.

Budapest Relocation Journal - ElJefe1 - 10-06-2014

That may have come off not the way I wanted because the temporary residents are a damn good time and I definitely like them as well.....

Budapest Relocation Journal - TonyManero - 10-06-2014

How is budapest compared to prague or krakow in term of cost of living ?

Budapest Relocation Journal - eetrader - 10-06-2014

Welcome in Budapest, if you ever head to Instant or Peaches&Cream, let me know as I live 1 minute away and happy to join you for a drink most nights.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Que enspastic - 10-06-2014

Can't wait to come back for Xmas / NYE period. Budapest is sick.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Exiled Princeling - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 10:25 AM)TonyManero Wrote:  

How is budapest compared to prague or krakow in term of cost of living ?

Yea, I spent a few weeks in all three last year. Krakow was definitely the cheapest followed by Budapest.

The bargain in EE at the moment appears to be Kiev. Gotta love a good ol' currency crash!

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 10:25 AM)TonyManero Wrote:  

How is budapest compared to prague or krakow in term of cost of living ?

I can't speak for Prague or Krakow but I can say that Budapest is cheap BUT not super-cheap as some might suspect.

***The below figures are based on the assumption that you live here on a semi-long-term or long-term basis (3-12 months / ideally 6+ months) where you can work out favorable rates with landlords and get serious about apartment searching (which is not that easy...I will post my full experience and data on this later)***

Low Budget = $1,000 USD/mth: Living with roommate in District 7 sharing a 2-bedroom (still of good quality) or in a small studio/1-bedroom farther out from the centre (but still easily accessible via public transport which is extensive & frequent), cooking most of your meals (good quality groceries with as much meat, fruit, veggies you want, fish is expensive though), eating out only occasionally in low-to-mid range restaurants, going out 3-4 times a week but not making it rain in the club, few simple dates a week, bring all your clothes & essentials and shop for what you absolutely need.

Medium Budget = $1,500 USD/mth: Living alone in a good quality 1-bedroom in either District 6 or the south-western part of District 7 or even good parts of 8-9 (in larger, better quality apts), do everything that the "Low Budget" will be able to do but maybe splurge more on good food & high-end dates, still need to bring all your clothes and shop for what you absolutely need. Most of the budget upgrade will go toward better apartment.

High Budget = $2,000 USD/mth: Living alone in either District 5 (best part of town) or southern part of Disctrict 6 in a luxurious 1-bedroom (or get a really awesome bachelor pad in District 7 close to Szimpla with even more luxurious furnishings), cook often but can go out semi-regularly to decent restaurants, take girls out on high-end dates, shop at Zaras or H&M for new clothes, occasionally buy accessories or toys to entertain yourself.

Within all 3 budget brackets, you should still have some cash left over at the end of each month if you are wise & frugal within those defined contraints. With those left-over savings you could make short flag-hunting trips to neighbouring cities like Bratislava / Kosice, Brno / Prague, Wroclaw / Lublin, Zagreb / Split, Ljubljana, Cluj-Napoca / Bucharest, Sofia, Belgrade every 2-3 months.

Experienced forum members have written and also told me that Budapest has the best quality in the region and being here I can see that being true. High quality & quantity here for sure although getting them is probably more difficult than say Poland. Plus girls from these neighbouring countries roll through Budapest very often as tourists so you might be able to pick them out by just living here.

I am personally aiming for somewhere between Medium-High budget. Ideally will be spending no more than $1,750 USD per month.

These are based on my 2-weeks of very intensive apartment searching in districts 5, 6, 7; Going to groceries of different caliber, eating out in take-out places to sit-down places of different price ranges, going on 2 dates where the 2nd date lasted 2 days (dates are cheap here), shopping in 2 different shopping malls for new clothes, and talking to locals & expats alike for accurate data.

The return on your monthly budget will be very high compared to your lifestyle in a typical Western European or N. American city given that you have decent looks which Hungarian girls like and good game. Your competition, the local Hungarian guys are no joke. They are good-loooking, smooth talkers, with social circle to boot which is important here. Best to learn some Hungarian phrases and have a back-up story to convey that you are living here for a while.

Other forum members who have lived here for a while would have more insight into how to save money and live frugally. They could also have varying budget ranges as well. These are based on my personal standards of what is low-medium-high.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Vacancier Permanent - 10-06-2014

Loving all the intel from the ground Buddha!
You're really putting Budapest on my radar! For 2k/month to have a high end lifestyle is great to hear. Very tempted to spend 3 months there in the spring! I might even come drop by for a short visit next month on my way to Asia for the winter.

When you say the looks that Hungaryian girls like, can you expand more on the type of looks they like there? Is it the blond or Latino or dark or white or Asian etc?

What is the dress style for going out at night there? Casual or suit?

Cheers man!

Budapest Relocation Journal - Exiled Princeling - 10-07-2014

Budda, I'm surprise by your evaluation of Hungarian guys.

I found most of them to be short, busted and unable to put two pennies together. They're not a lot of competition for a w. euro guy or an American imo. But perhaps it's a different situation for an asian dude..

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-07-2014 12:02 AM)Exiled Princeling Wrote:  

Budda, I'm surprise by your evaluation of Hungarian guys.

I found most of them to be short, busted and unable to put two pennies together. They're not a lot of competition for a w. euro guy or an American imo. But perhaps it's a different situation for an asian dude..

@ Exiled Princeling: Haha yeah! As a busted Asian dude myself I think I am in for a hard ride. I completely agree with you. If you are a W. Euro guy or an American like you said, you could probably roll into places like Otkert and have Hungarian 8s & 9s jump all over you while they ignore the busted Hungarians guys who are penniless. Feel free to post a picture of your handsome face LMAO!

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 11:40 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Loving all the intel from the ground Buddha!
You're really putting Budapest on my radar! For 2k/month to have a high end lifestyle is great to hear. Very tempted to spend 3 months there in the spring! I might even come drop by for a short visit next month on my way to Asia for the winter.

When you say the looks that Hungaryian girls like, can you expand more on the type of looks they like there? Is it the blond or Latino or dark or white or Asian etc?

What is the dress style for going out at night there? Casual or suit?

Cheers man!

I will first report on what I have saw with my own eyes:

1) Blacks will do well here: yesterday I was waiting for a real estate agent in the heart of fancy District 5. I saw an African dude (slim, well dressed, probably 5'11'') with an attractive, classy looking Hungarian 8 girl with tight body. Also saw a good looking Black guy-Hungarian girl couple on the tram. Many African guys here for that reason.

2) Asians will do well here: I am 6'3'' - 190 pounds and I've been getting good looks from girls and was able to score a 8 (for my standards) within my first 2 weeks through social circle connection. Haven't gone out clubbing yet. Also on my first week, I saw an Asian guy-Hungarian girl couple at a burger joint in District 9. The girl was a solid 7.5-8.0 both face & body and the Asian guy looked Korean. He was about 0.5 point below in appearance compared to the girl so he was obviously dating up. The Asian guy was still well dressed. They looked like young students. So provided you don't look like some nerdy FOB you will be OK.

This is what I have confirmed from reliable sources that I can vouch for:

1) A trusted source confirmed that an Italian dude was pulling quality chicks at clubs (a well-to-do real estate guy, suave, meeting him today for an apt). Being that Hungary is in the middle of Europe I am concluding that a variety of looks are appreciated here. So if you are a decent looking Latin guy whether from Italy, Spain or Latin AM with good dress and healthy body then you can pull high quality here.

2) MANY sources confirmed that Blacks (both American & Africans) do well here. I don't think I have to stress this point. This is already well known.

3) Local expat & forum member (Vanryan) also confirmed that he has seen average Asian guys with good looking Hungarian girls. This overlaps with both my own experience & observation. Can't stress enough that you still need decent looks & game no matter who you are. These Asian guys are probably not the PUA type and are somewhat integrated into the local life (students or living here for a while)

Conclusion: There is no single specific look here that is more appreciated. If this was Sweden, I could say they like the darker look and if this was Brazil, I could say they like the Scandinavian look.

But Budapest is in the heart of Europe where the locals range from fair-skinned blond to turkish looking brunette. Also you could find many flavours of girls that dig your look so I would not exclude anyone from coming here and at least trying the place out for a month or two.

The key here is decent looks & decent game. I haven't been out clubbing yet but Readysetgo who has been out extensively told me that at places like Otkert the guys are very well-groomed and good-looking. I confirmed this when I went shopping in the Buda side of town. Clubs can be very high end here.

Even if the guys are not jacked, they are rather big-boned so they look tough instead of frail. Of course there are a lot of busted guys and Hungarian guys tend to be on the shorter side compared to the Germans. But there are plenty of tall guys as well.

ALSO, there are many RVF members here. I've been busy the past week but I will be finally meeting all of them for the 1st time this week by Saturday (Eljefe1, Readysetgo, DMario, Vanryan...) Some others have contacted me and added me on Facebook saying that they will be rolling by in the next few months for long-term.

So if you come here you will never feel lonely and there will always be warm, welcoming guys who are willing to take you into their fold & help you integrate (of course including myself). So feel free to contact me if you are here.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Vacancier Permanent - 10-07-2014

Thanks for the detailed break down. Appreciated man!
Will definitely get in touch with you when I get there!


Budapest Relocation Journal - Exiled Princeling - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-07-2014 01:01 AM)Buddha Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2014 12:02 AM)Exiled Princeling Wrote:  

Budda, I'm surprise by your evaluation of Hungarian guys.

I found most of them to be short, busted and unable to put two pennies together. They're not a lot of competition for a w. euro guy or an American imo. But perhaps it's a different situation for an asian dude..

@ Exiled Princeling: Haha yeah! As a busted Asian dude myself I think I am in for a hard ride. I completely agree with you. If you are a W. Euro guy or an American like you said, you could probably roll into places like Otkert and have Hungarian 8s & 9s jump all over you while they ignore the busted Hungarians guys who are penniless. Feel free to post a picture of your handsome face LMAO!

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Relax buddy.

I didn't say that you were busted (or that you weren't).

My point was that Hungarians are a rather insular bunch. There's a bigger far-right following there than anywhere in Europe.
It's fair to presume that an asian guy might have a tougher time.

And yea, I did quite well for myself there. I was just surprised at your portrayal of the competition. That wasn't my experience...

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-07-2014 01:47 AM)Exiled Princeling Wrote:  

My point was that Hungarians are a rather insular bunch. There's a bigger far-right following there than anywhere in Europe.
It's fair to presume that an asian guy might have a tougher time.

Hey Exiled Princeling, take your far-right scare-mongering elsewhere to a forum like Stormfront or something.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Exiled Princeling - 10-07-2014

Again, you persist on putting words in my mouth.

I didnt say I was sympathetic with their politics. In fact, it was something I disliked about the place.

You've been in Budapest a few days. Forgive me for finding your caricature of the place...unreliable.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-07-2014 04:05 AM)Exiled Princeling Wrote:  

Forgive me for finding your caricature of the place...unreliable.

I forgive you Exiled Princeling.

Budapest Relocation Journal - Brosemite - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-07-2014 12:02 AM)Exiled Princeling Wrote:  

Budda, I'm surprise by your evaluation of Hungarian guys.

I found most of them to be short, busted and unable to put two pennies together. They're not a lot of competition for a w. euro guy or an American imo. But perhaps it's a different situation for an asian dude..

During my stay in Budapest several years ago, I was exposed to quite a bit of high value fashionable Hungarian dudes walking around with great female talent. Competition can be high here...especially with a bit of the bitch shields females possess. I perceived local guys to be much more preferred by the women opposed to gringos (no matter if it's Western European, Asian, other ethnicities, etc).

Granted I was there pre-2010 economic meltdown on my 7th European city stop with no RVF to guide me on the place while I got tired of making cultural adjustments, haha.

Quote: (10-07-2014 01:47 AM)Exiled Princeling Wrote:  

My point was that Hungarians are a rather insular bunch. There's a bigger far-right following there than anywhere in Europe.
It's fair to presume that an asian guy might have a tougher time.

And yea, I did quite well for myself there. I was just surprised at your portrayal of the competition. That wasn't my experience...

I will definitely agree with your assessment about Hungarians being an insular bunch. I found older people to be gracious and friendly...whereas the young social circles to be more closed off & weary of foreigners.

If you're reading Buddha's reports a little more carefully though, he's a bit experienced travel wise who obviously did his homework before coming to Budapest firing on all cylinders upon arrival.

Budapest Relocation Journal - DMario - 10-07-2014

I personally find Hungarian guys to be no sort of competition to Western European or American men. They tend to be very insecure, and will definitely try to sabotage you with "their women" as ElJefe1 calls it "The Hungarian 2 Step". I've met a few cool ones, but I dont really see them having much style, game, or anything that would put them above western european or American men, except maybe knowing the language.

Budapest Relocation Journal - DMario - 10-07-2014

I feel like the guys who do best here are stereotypical Black guys (Thank you MTV) and darker white guys (Italian,Greek,etc).

Budapest Relocation Journal - Buddha - 10-08-2014

Quote: (10-07-2014 10:16 PM)DMario Wrote:  

I personally find Hungarian guys to be no sort of competition to Western European or American men. They tend to be very insecure, and will definitely try to sabotage you with "their women" as ElJefe1 calls it "The Hungarian 2 Step". I've met a few cool ones, but I dont really see them having much style, game, or anything that would put them above western european or American men, except maybe knowing the language.

Nice, that is good to hear. Hungarian guys seem similar to Polish guys in that they also run the "Insecure Cockblock Game" on foreigners trying to swoop their women. That's a sign of weak competition & lame vibe among Hungarian guys. I've only seen Hungarian guys during the day. Look forward to finally hitting the nightlife with you later this Saturday! [Image: banana.gif]