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Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - MrXY - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 01:46 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Cr33pin, it's even more than that. A man needs to become a little older to truly understand just how sweet 18 year old pussy is. When you are that age yourself you don't fully understand it -- you like it just fine, but it's in many ways lost on you.

But as a man puts on a little age, the virtues of young pussy stand out in terrible and indelible relief. You truly comprehend the awesome and world-obliterating quality of young boobs, and young skin, and even things like young kneecaps and young shoulder blades... it is a reality beyond all others.

In so many ways, youth is wasted on the young.

A few years ago I had a girlfriend in her late thirties and I would go see her in her town, which has a large state university nationally known for having lots of hot girls.

We were walking around downtown one night, and group after group of hot college age girls walked past us

Finally she turned to me and said, " You know, teenage guys get the best pussy in the world and they don't even realize it."

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Cr33pin - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 01:46 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Cr33pin, it's even more than that. A man needs to become a little older to truly understand just how sweet 18 year old pussy is. When you are that age yourself you don't fully understand it -- you like it just fine, but it's in many ways lost on you.

But as a man puts on a little age, the virtues of young pussy stand out in terrible and indelible relief. You truly comprehend the awesome and world-obliterating quality of young boobs, and young skin, and even things like young kneecaps and young shoulder blades... it is a reality beyond all others.

In so many ways, youth is wasted on the young.
Had I not gave you +rep long ago I would have for this post.
[Image: potd.gif]

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 11:32 AM)HeyPete Wrote:  

I bet if she was an 18-year old boy or tranny, those miserable cunts at/on HuffPost would throw Bauer a parade.

Alas, he likes younger women which makes him a creepy, pedophile.

Those women should remember the famous OKCupid graph what age is the most attractive for men:

[Image: attachment.jpg21566]   

Taste simply does not change - men always prefer women between the ages of 18-22. That is just pure biology. The only reason why you see it with High Value men is because they manage to pull it off a lot easier than the the other OKCupid users, who pine for young pussy, but cannot get it.

It is not our fault that that for women the graph looks like this and plenty of 20-year-olds pine for the older gentleman as well:

[Image: attachment.jpg21567]   

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Giovonny - 09-12-2014

As we can see, this is really no big deal. In fact, it's perfectly natural and has been going on since the dawn of man.

This is why I focus all of my efforts into getting girls of this age.

My game strategy is all about getting these girls.

Why would I do anything else?

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Cheetah - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 03:05 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (09-12-2014 11:32 AM)HeyPete Wrote:  

I bet if she was an 18-year old boy or tranny, those miserable cunts at/on HuffPost would throw Bauer a parade.

Alas, he likes younger women which makes him a creepy, pedophile.

Those women should remember the famous OKCupid graph what age is the most attractive for men:

Taste simply does not change - men always prefer women between the ages of 18-22. That is just pure biology. The only reason why you see it with High Value men is because they manage to pull it off a lot easier than the the other OKCupid users, who pine for young pussy, but cannot get it.

It is not our fault that that for women the graph looks like this and plenty of 20-year-olds pine for the older gentleman as well:

Still, in the name of political correctness 20 was the lowest age that could be chosen.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - OnlyMarryInTajikistan - 09-12-2014

[Image: icon_worship.gif]

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - The Lizard of Oz - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 03:20 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

Still, in the name of political correctness 20 was the lowest age that could be chosen.

An interesting fact is that the greatest beauties -- hard core world 10s -- actually peak around 19-21, they are not quite at their absolute peak at 18 or younger. There is something about serious beauty that requires a little extra time to be fully brought out. But for your every day cutiepies and juicy fuckable pussy with its butts and boobs, 18 is absolutely ideal.

Also as someone once noted on the forum -- I think it was kosko -- ethnic girls, especially girls that might have some black or Latina in them, sometimes peak a little later, like 20, but for purely white girls younger is very definitely better.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - xpatplayer - 09-12-2014

Told some of my friends about it, they started complaining about how he's a weak-minded pedophile. I tried to reason with them but saw that sly grin on Bauer's face and understood the true meaning of happiness and success.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - HeyPete - 09-12-2014

Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to prepubescent children. This means children who are so young they have not hit puberty yet, and have no body hair, breasts, have high voices, and mostly undifferentiated body shape. It is considered a mental illness.

Hebephilia is the attraction to children who are in the midst of puberty, and ephebophilia is the attraction to people in late puberty. They are not considered mental illnesses at this time.
[Image: 1405550555444.gif]

Dangit Cr33pin. I was referring to all the comments where they called him creepy or a pedophile or both.

It's one of my biggest pet peeves when any story like this surfaces a man being called a pedophile. Even if she was 25 they would call him one.

I salute Steven Bauer. He has achieved the top of my bucket list.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Master Of My Own Kingdom - 09-12-2014

Steven Bauer is getting vicious hate from everyone :

-All old hags (35 +), married with children, married but childless, or just single without kids

-Single mothers 18-40

-Most young men, profoundly feminized by blue-pill school/society/family, no game and social skills/swag

-Older men, most of them decimated by divorce-rape, terrible career choices, horrible marriage to old hags, kids and obesity/bad style/no swag

BCT women(Biological clocks ticking) between 28-35, gunning hard for money + marriage + kids, and are frustrated to get ignored by alphas like Steven Bauer and the like, they see time going by quickly as their chances to get progeny and a marriage ring diminishes yearly.

70-90 % of the general population hate him, and 62 % of the total U.S female population, who is over the age of 40.

But when you are at the top of your game and have a great life, and fuck 18 yo pussy at his age, you won't find many peers at your level. So hate in that case is logical. Most people lose at life.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Quintus Curtius - 09-12-2014

I've always liked Steven Bauer. He came from a tough background in Cuba and made it on his own. He's a real Cuban badass...

Dude seems like the real deal.

He was pretty much the only likeable character in Scarface...and his role in "Traffic" was pretty good too, in its own way.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - The Lizard of Oz - 09-12-2014

QC, Steve Bauer is great and everything but let's not get carried away here -- there is a dude in Scarface that makes the movie great and unforgettable and a fundamental point of reference for many millions of people, and it ain't Bauer.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Days of Broken Arrows - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 08:30 AM)Player_1337 Wrote:  

Steven Bauer, 57, Steps Out With Girlfriend Lyda Loudon, 18

The hate in the comments section is incredible.

Yes, I noticed that too. Most of it is from women, like Charlene Lopez who thinks he needs to be in jail for doing something legal: "AMBER ALERT!!!!! HE SHOULD BE ARRESTED SERIOUSLY!!!!"

Of course, if this was a story about a 14-year-old girl seeking an abortion without her parents permission, these same commenters would then be saying that she's a fully-functioning adult who is capable of making her own decisions.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - la_mode - 09-12-2014

He was cooler than Tony in the movie.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - El Chinito loco - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 08:39 PM)la_mode Wrote:  

He was cooler than Tony in the movie.

Blasphemy. Manolo is like the straight man to Al Pacino's dark comedy routine or the good cop to the bad cop.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - la_mode - 09-12-2014

In character description:

Manny: Taller, better-looking, doesn't get mad over absolutely everything. Yet not as powerful as Tony.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Tuthmosis - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 04:26 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

He was pretty much the only likeable character in Scarface

[Image: pnfVW5d.gif]

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - The Lizard of Oz - 09-12-2014

Pacino is an underrated guy for all that he is beloved. He created more memorable and permanent characters than any actor in Hollywood history, bar none.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Quintus Curtius - 09-12-2014

Heh heh....

Actually, I take that back. Ernie was also cool. ("You want a job, Ernie?")

But maybe we need a separate thread to discuss Manolo's virtues.

Now that was a wingman.

Would have been a good brother in law...ah, Tony...

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Tuthmosis - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 10:14 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Actually, I take that back. Ernie was also cool. ("You want a job, Ernie?")

Come on, there's are tons of memorable and likeable characters in Scarface. I thought you were joking, to be honest, about there not being any apart from Manolo.

What about Alberto the Shadow (the assassin who works for Sosa)? Dude is the consummate professional.

[Image: attachment.jpg21571]   

What about Sosa himself. Cool, classy cartel baller to the extreme.

[Image: attachment.jpg21572]   

What about fucking Chichon? Loyal till the end, and always suited up.

[Image: attachment.jpg21573]   

That's just the beginning. There's more.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Tuthmosis - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 10:14 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

But maybe we need a separate thread to discuss Manolo's virtues.


Would have been a good brother in law...ah, Tony...

I actually did a game breakdown of Tony in an old thread. In short, Tony was doomed by two short-comings in elementary game areas--one-itis and white knighting--according to my theory.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - HeyPete - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 10:52 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-12-2014 10:14 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

But maybe we need a separate thread to discuss Manolo's virtues.


Would have been a good brother in law...ah, Tony...

I actually did a game breakdown of Tony in an old thread. In short, Tony was doomed by two short-comings in elementary game areas--one-itis and white knighting--according to my theory.

I always thought of him as a cock blocker instead of white knighter -- especially in regards to his sister.

I loved the scene where Tony's face is inches from a chainsaw and Manolo is hitting on a random white girl.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Tuthmosis - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 11:35 PM)HeyPete Wrote:  

I always thought of him as a cock blocker instead of white knighter -- especially in regards to his sister.

I loved the scene where Tony's face is inches from a chainsaw and Manolo is hitting on a random white girl.

That's a good point. Tony definitely white knights for that snitch-journalist and his family, but also has an extensive cockblocking resume. He runs interference on not only Manny, but that other drug dealer who was seconds from banging his slut sister in the bathroom at the Babylon Club.

[Image: attachment.jpg21574]   

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - renotime - 09-12-2014

Quote: (09-12-2014 10:09 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Pacino is an underrated guy for all that he is beloved. He created more memorable and permanent characters than any actor in Hollywood history, bar none.

To me, De Niro has the better resume. But they are both great icons.

I don't think Pacino is underrated at all.

And that coffee shop scene in Heat between the two of them was fucking beautiful.

Steven Bauer-57, with Girlfriend Lyda Loudon-18 - Quintus Curtius - 09-13-2014


Yeah, I was basically joking about Manny being the only likeable character...maybe what I should have said was that he was the most (rather than the only) likeable character.

See, with Manolo, we feel like we could know a guy like this. He's just got that boyish charm that the others don't have. He's always optimistic. He takes life as it comes. Dude just exudes positivity.

Or maybe he just got more screen time.

As for the others:

Sosa: Yes, great character. Some great lines. But as Tony's boss Frank says: "You don't turn your back on a snake like that..."

Alberto (The expert in the "disposal business"): Ice water in his veins. We don't know anything about him other than he's an assassin. But I keep hearing him say, "Ten meters, twenty meters" in my they're in the car following that guy they're trying to hit.

Chinchon: Hell, I'd forgotten about this guy. We don't see enough of him.

As for Tony suffering from one-itis and white knightery, I agree with you 100%.

And what about Angel Hernandez? We forgot about him. Dude gets cut up with a chain saw for Tony...