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How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Printable Version

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How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Espresso - 08-10-2014

Quote: (08-10-2014 09:57 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

I've never see that done. I'd like to see it broken down by age group as well. So, for example, a graph for men and women with the number of sexual partners, by age bracket, but non-cumulative, so it would taper off as the age goes up. That way, we could actually SEE a visual representation of the carousel, for both men and women... and compare the two.

A bar graph for men/women broken down by age group would be interesting for sure.
I don't think you can do the 'carousel graph' though (i.e. sexual partners at each year of life for each girl, averaged over many girls). It would require a very accurate and detailed self-reporting by the same girl - how many guys she slept with up until age 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 35 (or whatever you want the age brackets to be). It can be done, by I doubt each girl is willing to do it and accurately remembers what the numbers were at some specific age in the past.

And if you use the reported numbers from different women of different ages to build up this cumulative average graph, then it would not be very useful as times have changed like pointed out above, and if fact a 30 or 35 year old women today may well have a smaller number than college-aged girl today, so in this average-cumulative-sex-parters graph, the cumulative number may in fact decrease as the age increases. This would not happen if you ask the same girls about her past, and then average out all the girls in the survey.

Correct me if you think my stats are wrong.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Espresso - 08-10-2014


A post so good, TonySandos liked it twice.

[Image: B0Uy1KU.jpg]

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - MongolianAbroad - 08-10-2014

Quote: (08-10-2014 10:29 PM)Espresso Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2014 09:57 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

I've never see that done. I'd like to see it broken down by age group as well. So, for example, a graph for men and women with the number of sexual partners, by age bracket, but non-cumulative, so it would taper off as the age goes up. That way, we could actually SEE a visual representation of the carousel, for both men and women... and compare the two.

A bar graph for men/women broken down by age group would be interesting for sure.
I don't think you can do the 'carousel graph' though (i.e. sexual partners at each year of life for each girl, averaged over many girls). It would require a very accurate and detailed self-reporting by the same girl - how many guys she slept with up until age 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 35 (or whatever you want the age brackets to be). It can be done, by I doubt each girl is willing to do it and accurately remembers what the numbers were at some specific age in the past.

And if you use the reported numbers from different women of different ages to build up this cumulative average graph, then it would not be very useful as times have changed like pointed out above, and if fact a 30 or 35 year old women today may well have a smaller number than college-aged girl today, so in this average-cumulative-sex-parters graph, the cumulative number may in fact decrease as the age increases. This would not happen if you ask the same girls about her past, and then average out all the girls in the survey.

Correct me if you think my stats are wrong.

Damn, man, you dissected that pretty well. Looks like we won't be getting that graph anytime soon, lol, or, at least, an accurate/meaningful version of that graph!

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - MongolianAbroad - 08-10-2014

Quote: (08-10-2014 10:38 PM)Espresso Wrote:  


A post so good, TonySandos liked it twice.

[Image: B0Uy1KU.jpg]

I saw that too! I actually checked to see if there were two Tony Sandos profiles, haha!

I'm honored! [Image: tongue.gif]

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - scorpion - 08-10-2014

I don't think the conventional wisdom applies to this question anymore. Social media, smartphones and internet dating have completely changed the sexual dynamic for young women. Pre-2000 or so, if a woman wanted sex she either had to get it from a man in her social circle (in which case other people are going to find out about it) or else seek it out by going out to a bar/club (and risk getting a reputation for doing so).

Today if a young woman wants sex, she can simply load up her online dating profile, pick the best looking/coolest of the dozens of thirsty guys who messaged her in the past week, and be taking his cock within a few hours. No one in her social circle will ever find out. If you think that chicks today aren't taking advantage of this that just means you haven't maximized your online game and seen it with your own eyes. There is nothing the modern girl loves so much as having a quality "random" guy that none of her friends (or only her closest, at least) know about. It's like a free fuck for her that doesn't increase her notch count. She has total deniability, which she can and will use down the road when her next boyfriend asks about her history.

Plus, just consider the math. Even if you're very conservative with your numbers, you still come up with much higher notch counts than most girls are admitting to (lol, 3-5 my ass).

Assume a girl loses her virginity at 18, and only has sex with an average of two men per year. By the time she's 24 that's twelve guys. That's much higher than most girls will admit, and that's only allowing two men per year as an average over a six year period. How many girls these days are in long term relationships from 18-24? Maybe 20%? Do you think the rest are being totally chaste? Do you think they are having sex with less than two men per year? Get real.

The reality is that women today are much more promiscuous than most men realize. This fact is actually self-evident when you consider what poor girlfriends/wives most women are these days. The fact that they've already taken so much dick is one of the reasons for that. They're no longer able to bond through sex since they've had so many men, and are unable to stop themselves from comparing every new guy against whatever alpha(s) widowed them in the past.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - younggamer1992 - 08-10-2014

It really varies. Based on my female friends..

one friend is almost 22 and has had around 13 or 14 guys, but the most common numbers among my younger female friends(ages 19-20) is 3-4 guys.
this does not include blowjobs as they admit that would raise their numbers in most cases.

I also know a 22 year old with atleast 30-40 partners.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 08-11-2014

Yes Scorpion, I agree that women are probably more promiscuous nowadays than everyone thinks. However, they can be fucked up from just one or two partners anyway, so what does it matter?

People are acting like a girl who has had only one partner and spends her days fantasizing about the alpha stud from 10 years ago is somehow better than a girl who has had 20 partners but still maintains some capacity for attachment. Both are sluts, of course, but the number of partners isn't what has made a significant difference in forming their fucked up characters. Rather, the number of partners (or quality of partners and the way in which they were obtained, if you will) is a reflection of their fucked up characters.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-10-2014 09:00 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

She was 19, and she had been with over 90 guys. Random guys would just come into the apartment. No money exchanged hands, she just had a very high sex drive. She was built like a linebacker too, I'd give her a 1, if I had to rate her attractiveness (obese, about 5'10" tall, with a manly back and very strong arms, like a linebacker, very ugly face too). She ended up moving out of Austin because Austinites were "too immoral and didn't share her Christian values." She'd walk around the apartment and ask, "Have any of you guys seen my herpes medication, I'm not sure where I left it?"

That story tells you something about the ease a woman can fuck around. Of course we know it. And don't expect any good study on the carousel riding. It is important that the feminine imperative keeps it a secret from men.

No man could compare with this broad who got a notch-count of over 5000 before age 27:

Women can easily cross 1000+ even while being a 4 and fat. Nowadays with online dating and Tinder an obese 2 can have 2000 notches in her 20s.

And still women bemoan the "unequal" treatment of male and female promiscuity. Give me a break - it is 100x easier to get laid for a woman.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - MongolianAbroad - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-11-2014 01:57 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

People are acting like a girl who has had only one partner and spends her days fantasizing about the alpha stud from 10 years ago is somehow better than a girl who has had 20 partners but still maintains some capacity for attachment. Both are sluts, of course, but the number of partners isn't what has made a significant difference in forming their fucked up characters. Rather, the number of partners (or quality of partners and the way in which they were obtained, if you will) is a reflection of their fucked up characters.

HCE, you think a girl that has only had one partner, an alpha stud from ten years ago, is a slut?

That's some high standards you've got there, man!

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Mage - 08-11-2014

For marriage and children the criteria should be:

Under 26 - must be virgin. In some extreme cases up to two dicks in mouth can be forgiven.

From 26-30 - One previous dick in pussy or ass permitted. Up to 5 dicks in mouth. No children allowed.

Any older is too close to the wall to marry and have kids. Marriage without planning to have children is idiocy.

For non-procreative relationships the partner count really doesn't matter. Pump and dump.

If your society has no women that can fulfill this criteria then leave that society or just pump and dump and don't ask.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Mage - 08-11-2014

accidental dupe

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Espresso - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-11-2014 02:47 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Under 26 - must be virgin. In some extreme cases up to two dicks in mouth can be forgiven.

I don't know about that. To me, if a girl is a virgin at 25, it's a red flag.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - jariel - 08-11-2014

The standards here are completely unrealistic; guys want to be able to fuck as much as possible, yet the girls are supposed to remain untouched.

These type of standards become even more unrealistic the older you get, especially if you live in a big city.

I don't want a chick that's been batted around the order baseball style, but I don't want her to not know what to do in the bedroom either.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - MongolianAbroad - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-11-2014 03:53 AM)Espresso Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2014 02:47 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Under 26 - must be virgin. In some extreme cases up to two dicks in mouth can be forgiven.

I don't know about that. To me, if a girl is a virgin at 25, it's a red flag.

Agreed, if a girl's a virgin at 25, that's a huge red flag to me. If she's decent looking and a virgin at 25, then something's not right, either in her head, or in her loins, in order for that scenario to unfold.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-11-2014 04:19 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Agreed, if a girl's a virgin at 25, that's a huge red flag to me. If she's decent looking and a virgin at 25, then something's not right, either in her head, or in her loins, in order for that scenario to unfold.

Frankly the best you can hope for is for a girl to have been one who has tried to have relationships and usually stayed monogamous with their boyfriend and not having gone through dozens of mini-relationships.

And actually studies show that the better looking she is, then the higher likelihood you have for her to have been in single relationships, because she used her beauty to snatch the best Alpha. The 6s had the highest notch-counts, since they were aiming for the same Alpha, but only got a ONS.

Recently I met a hot 8,5 who at the age of 25 has had only one good-looking Beta boyfriend - relationship for several years - thus a notch-count of 1 before me. Before you doubt that - she is coming from a religious Polish family, lost her virginity at 21 to that very same guy and had no idea how to do a blowjob. It was really funny to watch, since she did it with her boyfriend once and then felt "strange" so he said that she did not have to do it, if she does not feel like it. But she is a fast learner. And she has that innocent lovely smile that you see nowadays mainly in 15 year olds in the West - just being happy to be with you.

The other girl was a 26 year old working as a medical assistant in a hospital (6,5 - but tall with perfect figure). Her longest relationship was 6 months and her shortest 5 hours (her words). When I heard that I knew I was talking to a total slut who had probably fucked quite a few doctors, med-students, pharma reps etc. I did not even ask for a notch-count, since any number would have been a lie - she would likely leave out the blowjobs, handjobs, rimjobs etc. I estimate her to be in the 50+ range, but would not be surprised if it had reached 100+. She is already looking for a provider Husband, but I guess that she is a strong Alpha Widow and I am not so sure whether she will settle anytime soon.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Mage - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-11-2014 04:19 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2014 03:53 AM)Espresso Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2014 02:47 AM)Mage Wrote:  

Under 26 - must be virgin. In some extreme cases up to two dicks in mouth can be forgiven.

I don't know about that. To me, if a girl is a virgin at 25, it's a red flag.

Agreed, if a girl's a virgin at 25, that's a huge red flag to me. If she's decent looking and a virgin at 25, then something's not right, either in her head, or in her loins, in order for that scenario to unfold.

When everyone around is mad only a madman can resist the pressure of going mad together with the flow.

In a crippled society a "normal" girl has no choice to resist peer pressure and give her virginity to some hi-school douche bag.

But I am not talking about fucked up societies. I am describing the universal norm beyond space an time. Don't hate the standard if you can't measure up.

Of course late virginity is unnatural. But expecting a hoe to turn into housewife is even more unnatural.

26 is the earliest age for it to be acceptable for a woman to not be a virgin. Because if we assume she was decent girl who lost virginity at 18-20 to a guy who was her first, then she spent those 5-6 years at least trying to make that relationship work. Any shorter means she was not trying and is not really a keeper.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 08-11-2014

Quote: (08-11-2014 02:37 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2014 01:57 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

People are acting like a girl who has had only one partner and spends her days fantasizing about the alpha stud from 10 years ago is somehow better than a girl who has had 20 partners but still maintains some capacity for attachment. Both are sluts, of course, but the number of partners isn't what has made a significant difference in forming their fucked up characters. Rather, the number of partners (or quality of partners and the way in which they were obtained, if you will) is a reflection of their fucked up characters.

HCE, you think a girl that has only had one partner, an alpha stud from ten years ago, is a slut?

That's some high standards you've got there, man!

Not necessarily - it depends how that affected her character. You have plenty of women who follow their tingles to choose an asshole early on and stay in his harem for a few years, but actually learn something from the experience and find someone nice before it's too late (i.e. in early twenties, not just before hitting the wall), their bonding capability undamaged. I would never call such a woman "slut". I'm forgiving.

The problem is that every woman thinks she is this kind of woman.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - Frostbite - 08-11-2014

I think it depends on the girl. My ex is a relationship person, 24 and 4 partners.

My current gf.. 22 and I'm her 10th.

Funny thing is ex is British/American

And current is Eastern European

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - YossariansRight - 08-11-2014

Most, if not all, Westernized chicks are going to lie about their notch count. Like many have noted, the drunken fucks, blowjobs, handies, rims, 3somes, etc. are usually "forgotten".

For those that want or need a number, try this: Ask her what her number is when she's bombed or high. You're more likely to get a truer number, because she won't be as able to calculate the bullshit number she usually will give when she's sober/semi-sober. You can then use that number as a basis for determining (or not) what you're dealing with. I have to admit, I've gotten some answers that were mindblowers in both directions (either surprisingly low or porn star level high).

Having the mindset that when dealing with Westernized women, they are most definitely carousel riders and expect nothing more than to be a +1 for each other.

Keep it simple and realistic with zero expectations; it's the best way to operate.

[Image: attachment.jpg20706]   

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - big poppa - 08-11-2014

As has been said, the average doesn't tell us much.

If you're looking for an LTR/marriage - probably 20% in the first group have had <3 partners. 5% in the 2nd group and 2% in the 3rd group.

(would not consider woman for marriage with more than 3 partners.. Not that there is any real way of knowing unless you take her virginity)

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - big poppa - 08-11-2014

I also think that certain types of girls stick together.

My girlfriend has 4 close friends from high school, all of them are LTR-type girls who have never had one night stands to her/my knowledge. Their notch counts are 0,1,1,1 and 2. These girls are all 22 years old. Maybe I'm naive as hell, but I do believe there are some girls out there who do actually make a man commit to something before spreading her legs. (I've hinted at inviting the virgin in for a threesome to give her a little experience.. Not holding my breath)

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - ThrustMaster - 08-11-2014

Quoted for truth, search the G for "ladder theory".

Quote: (08-10-2014 02:41 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2014 10:41 PM)soup Wrote:  

Is she fat or is she a hotty?

Doesn't matter, dudes need to kill the thought process that fat chicks don't get dick, they get dick offered to them all the time -- usually on the low.

Every guy doesn't have high standards, most can't even fathom the idea of approaching and having a conversation with a "hotty".

At the end of the day, "hotty" females mostly fuck "hotty" males, "non-hotty" males fuck what they can.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - ThrustMaster - 08-11-2014

Not sure that partner count in my target age group (30-40's) is the same as what you younger dudes are experiencing. I've been with V's in their 20's (I was too). Also I'm not so sure that partner count really does affect women's ability to bond to a male. I've been with girls that had exceedingly high partner counts that were the most loyal, loving and trustworthy girlfriends and ones with low partner counts (sub-5) that where just not right. It's all the luck of the draw I guess. Again hard to tell with the 20-somethings today - not my playing field at my advanced age *cough*.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - blacknwhitespade - 08-11-2014

By the mid-twenties and up, I sense that there are a few types of western girls that you'll find these days:

1). Vs (or almost Vs), 0-1 sexual partners. Usually found in conservative religious circles, and often less attractive than more attractive, these girls are more or less celibate and keeping it that way, maybe slipped up once or had sex with their first boyfriend that they thought they were in love with. They might make up about 5% of the female population, and that may be a bit generous.

2). 2-5 sexual partners. These are the garden variety western women. A little more sexually liberated than category 1, most of these girls have spent some if not the majority of their time in 1 or more LTRs, keeping their count from spiraling higher. There are all sorts of women with this N count: some of these girls are below average looking and a bit inhibited, some are hotties that are quite picky and exclusive. Also, a lot of the girls you'll meet in religious/church circles will have this N count profile. Estimated 60-70% of the population.

3). 6-15 sexual partners. These are the All-American party girls. Many of them are/were fairly attractive and socially uninhibited, got most of their bangs around the 18-23yo party stage, then moved on to add a few more notches in LTRs and then, marriage. Some uber-career types who remain single into their late 20s/30s will reach this level, albeit more subtly than the college co-ed who got in the majority of her 6-15 bangs during a 2-4 year campus party stage. 20-30% of the population.

4). 16 or more partners. These are the uber-party girls, the bar sluts, strippers and porn stars, the pro-sex/high-T feminists. Most of them got started as soon as puberty hit and never looked back. These are the girls who got finger banged in the boys room in 9th grade and had threesomes in the university dormitory. Most of these girls are hoodrats and obvious sluts, but some more well-groomed, upper-middle-class/college/career types can reach this level if they combine their adolescent fucks with a very successful sex-and-the-city rampage starting in their mid-20s. 5% of the population.

How many sexual partners would a woman have in her early 20s, mid-20s and early 30s? - kinjutsu - 08-11-2014

I think all the numbers are pretty low.

I've met a few 18-19yr attractive girls who's notch counts hover around 45-50 range.
They were proud of it. They even kept a list in their phone of the different guys and what they've done with them.

Recently i met a girl who initially told me she had only been with a few guys but after we got high and drunk she said at 13yrs old she sucked off 6 dudes in a circle...
and even though she's only been with 15 guys she's sucked off more than 100 dudes.

I don't even ask anymore unless I'm considering a LTR with her and even i don't really wanna know.