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Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-20-2013 10:56 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

There's so many stories out there of white guys who weren't getting a wiff of pussy back in their home countries going to teach English in S. Korea, Japan, China, or Taiwan and slaying 10x as much pussy as they were before.

I'd venture a guess and say that these guys are probably on the skinny side. Japan is a skinny guy's pussy paradise, NOT a white guy's pussy paradise. Thin guys who can't get laid much in the West can clean up in Japan simply because thin guys are RELATIVELY more popular here.

There are many Japanese "hosts" with toothpick arms who have slept with 100+ girls. These "men" look more like little boys with silly fashion. In the US they would struggle. Apparently in Japan being a pussy doesn't stop you from getting pussy.

While it's much better to be athletic/ripped, being thin still works. It's got little to do with being white, black or green.

It goes something like this:
Ripped/Athletic ---> Thin ---> Fat

Don't be fat or even slightly overweight if you want to do well in Japan. I have been bulking lately and you wouldn't believe the amount of shit I get from Japanese men about my belly (which is almost non-existent). Serious male anorexia going on here. Girls laugh about it until they feel around there and realize it's actually hard, not soft.

Japan doesn't bang - iknowexactly - 10-21-2013

Everywhere: The goal of capitalism is to reduce all human interaction to the cash nexus.

Japan doesn't bang - Felix88 - 10-21-2013

What's this white worship thing is about? many white guys I've seen here are with average girls and below.

Japan doesn't bang - Kieran - 10-21-2013

It seems like it's the same story as the west, where a few guys are getting the lion's share of the pussy, and the leftover men are going their own way. One of the girls even admitted to having a fuck buddy.

From my own experience, I stayed in Japan for about 4 months back in 2007 and didn't have a very easy time at all. Partly because it was hard, and partly because my Japanese friends I was staying with had weak game (even though they had a lot going for them on paper).

However, I've lost count of the number of Japanese tourists I've banged in BKK. My Thai friend Dot speaks fluent Japanese, and we would just target pairs of Japanese girls at Khao San road. They seem to like the bad boys, as even though I couldn't understand what he was saying, my girls would say things to me like "oh your friend bad boy, playboy" etc and they'd both be giggling.

For my friend it was like shooting fish in a barrel, and he'd often have taken his girl to her room before I'd started to make any progress with mine. This guy is short, dark skinned (Thai girls sometimes ask if he is Cambodian when we game them), and average looking, and he would show me photos of girls he'd banged in Japan and there were some absolute winners.

Japan doesn't bang - Wutang - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 12:36 AM)Sargon of Akkad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-20-2013 10:56 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

Not knocking the efforts of players who were tearing it up but going to East Asia as a white guy is pretty much gaming in easy mode. There's so many stories out there of white guys who weren't getting a wiff of pussy back in their home countries going to teach English in S. Korea, Japan, China, or Taiwan and slaying 10x as much pussy as they were before. Now I hear a lot about how you see these fat guys getting with hot Asian chicks and in my personal experience it's not the case. Yes these guys are getting women but from what I see when I'm in Taiwan and also here in the US with white guys dating Asian girls it's usually a chick who's around the same level as they are. Still it's a huge improvement over what they were getting before. I can only imagine how good a white guy who actually has game and doesn't smell of expired Cheetoes could do.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

I'm sorry, but when were you in Asia? It doesn't sound like you've been to Japan.

I've mentioned this in other threads (Check "Bang Osaka"). Most of These stories are either exagerated or just urban legends.

In short: I lived in China for a total of 8 months (still had a GF in the first two months) and I've been in Japan so far for a bit over 6 months. I have never seen anything even remotely resembling a "white worship" here.

China (Beijing), in terms of ease, was the same as any other country: with some work, you could pull, but no one threw themselves at you. Eight girls in six months, but you had to work for it like anywhere else. Go out, take the rejections, experiment, rinse and repeat until you strike gold. As for Japan...I have never experienced more difficulty anywhere else than in this country. Truly, I have never seen anything like it. I'm actually the reverse of what you say: got laid back home and in China, but can barely do so in Japan.

This is not to say Asia in general is difficult, but the worst mistake a guy can make is to come over here expecting to have free pussy thrown at him. I do not care how many stories you've heard. Today in the 2010s, nobody gives a fuck how white your skin is. Backpacking losers with no game who think they'll have women throw themselves into their arms wherever they go are in for a rude awakening.

***For the record, I'm white-looking (brown hair, green eyes), tall, broad shouldered, and at least average in apppearance.

Delenda est Osaka!

I was born in Taiwan and have returned back on several occasions. I can't speak for Japan as I haven't spent any significant amount of time there.

If you go to Luxy, the famous club in Taipei you'll have these Taiwanese people try to pretend they are ABCs (American Born Chinese) and get super embarrassed when someone who's actually from the US calls them out. It's pretty much a tragi-comedy. If that isn't a sign of someone being white worshiping or if you want to be less extreme; Western/American culture worshiping then I can't say what else is.

I specifically said these guys aren't dating above their pay grade but they are still getting something while in their home countries they probably were getting nothing. I wrote: "Now I hear a lot about how you see these fat guys getting with hot Asian chicks and in my personal experience it's not the case. Yes these guys are getting women but from what I see when I'm in Taiwan and also here in the US with white guys dating Asian girls it's usually a chick who's around the same level as they are."

Am I saying you can still get laid if you're sitting alone in your apartment in Taipei/Seoul/Tokyo or the like whacking off to hentai while crying into your 7-11 bought ramen noodles? No. But I do think that a guy who has weak game that wouldn't get any results in the US would find that the same game would work better when he is abroad. Remember in game we talk about outside of your game you also have passive value - stuff such as your looks, how well you are dressed, if you have friends with you and the like. I would argue that being a white guy is passive value in East Asian countries. Sure it won't get you laid BY ITSELF just as just being rich or just being good looking alone won't get you laid if you don't actually go after it but it's still an advantage.

Didn't mean to turn this into a race thread but anytime someone starts asking if X guy could do good in Y country or region you'll always be bordering on the verge of a thread going in that direction. If you read any of the posts in this thread I made I haven't made a comment about how life is so unfair that white guys can have it easier in East Asia. Instead I've just been stating what I've observed and offering some analysis on why things are the way they are.

Japan doesn't bang - Screwston - 10-21-2013

Haha that would be a good thread. Countries where skinny.guys have the most success.

Japan doesn't bang - WalterBlack - 10-21-2013

Regarding population growth - one of the women I’m seeing right now is from Japan. She told me that her married sister (who lives in Japan) doesn’t want to have kids because she loves her job so much. If she has kids she has to quit working. The husband does want to have kids, but he’s a bit of a pussy so it’s not gonna happen.

The lady I’m seeing left Japan to come to the US because she thinks that Japanese culture is too restrictive for women. I’ve been told that there’s quite a few women from Japan who live in LA and work for shitty money in admin jobs for Japanese firms. These firms sponsor the women, and the women have an easy way to come and live in the US.

Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-21-2013

Lol I like how people make armchair theories about places they don't even know when it comes to game. Anyway, no hard feelings.

Japan is one of the only countries in Asia that was never a colony of western powers. This kind of shit makes a difference. I have never met a Japanese guy pretending to be American. In fact, Japanese (especially girls) who spent a long time abroad were often shunned in Japanese society as "weirdos" or some such nonsense. Happily things have changed but it's still not necessarily cool to be a foreigner. Yes there are groupies like anywhere but on average no, the majority of hot girls couldn't give a shit about you being foreign. I can honestly say I'd get laid more if I looked Japanese.

Japan doesn't bang - WalterBlack - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 11:06 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

If you go to Luxy, the famous club in Taipei you'll have these Taiwanese people try to pretend they are ABCs (American Born Chinese) and get super embarrassed when someone who's actually from the US calls them out. It's pretty much a tragi-comedy. If that isn't a sign of someone being white worshiping or if you want to be less extreme; Western/American culture worshiping then I can't say what else is.

I have a black American friend who lived in Tokyo for a while and he told me that there’s guys from Africa there who pretend to be African-American. He would call them out all the time.

Japan doesn't bang - Sargon of Akkad - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 11:06 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

Am I saying you can still get laid if you're sitting alone in your apartment in Taipei/Seoul/Tokyo or the like whacking off to hentai while crying into your 7-11 bought ramen noodles? No. But I do think that a guy who has weak game that wouldn't get any results in the US would find that the same game would work better when he is abroad. Remember in game we talk about outside of your game you also have passive value - stuff such as your looks, how well you are dressed, if you have friends with you and the like. I would argue that being a white guy is passive value in East Asian countries. Sure it won't get you laid just as just being rich or just being good looking won't get you laid if you don't actually go after it but it's still an advantage.

I don't think anyone's accusing you of saying that.

You seem to be arguing that, due to an alleged widespread sexual preference for Westerners among women in East Asian countries, Western men who come to this part of the world require only a bare minimum in looks, game or effort in order to date and have sex with multiple women. By this reasoning, white/Western guys who did poorly with women in their home countries -- either because of poor looks, hygene, confidence or social skills (aka 'game') -- can expect to get laid easily here, as most local women will automatically be attracted to them due to their exotic "whiteness".

While there are indeed some Chinese and Japanese women who have an explicit preference for White foreigners, these women by no means make up the majority. Having lived both in China and Japan, I and other members have not seen anything resembling any sort of widespread explicit preference for Western guys here.

In China (Beijing, to be specific), I needed exactly the same amount of game and effort to get laid as back home. There was no noticable difference. You could get rejected just as easily as in the West. Though I got laid regularly, I had to put in no fewer approaches. Sure, you saw plenty of Westerners with local girls in Clubs (mainly cuz the local guys were too scared to approach), but you saw just as many striking out, none of this crap about women throwing themselves at you and whatnot. All in all, I'd say my results were average, and with few exceptions, the effects of my ethnicity were neutral. In Japan, on the other hand, I actually get laid far less than back home, despite putting in much more effort.

Although I've never been to Korea, most members who've been there seem to say being foreign/white/non-Korean is actually a disadvantage. In general, that country appears to have the reputation of being harder than the West on this forum. The former user Dash-Global's thread is notorious for how he goes on and on about being unable to lay pipe in South Korea.

I've also never been to Taipei, but again, in a recent datasheet, a user also described exotic capital as a Westerner as being "neutral". Other guys based in Japan will also say it's not any easier than in the West, despite the incredibly widely held belief that it is.


Didn't mean to turn this into a race thread but anytime someone starts asking if X guy could do good in Y country or region you'll always be bordering on the verge of a thread going in that direction. If you read any of the posts in this thread I made I haven't made a comment about how life is so unfair that white guys can have it easier in East Asia.

I didn't suspect you of being a race troll or anything. I think it's fair enough to bring up the topic, but it still can become quite irritating to put in the effort, only to be told you're having pussy thrown at you from all corners.

Ceterum censeo Ôsakam esse delendam!

Japan doesn't bang - Kieran - 10-21-2013

Vox's take on it:

"Of course, this is no mystery to the theoreticians of Game. As women achieve a higher level of education, their hypergamy cause them to all focus on a dwindling pool of men with whom they are also competing. The lesser men are not only less attractive to these educated women, they are less attracted to them and see no possibility of satisfying relationships with them.

Why is the problem more distinct in Japan than in the USA, where even more women are highly educated? Because Japan is a more rigidly traditional society and its people are less willing to embrace a societal paradigm that has already failed in the West."

Japan doesn't bang - Wutang - 10-21-2013

Fair enough. I suppose there's a very good chance that they guys that are cleaning it up with less game then normally required are targeting the girls who specifically are groupies for Westerners. Just like Roosh talks about targeting girls that are open to ONS, there must be girls who specifically try to seek out Westerners for mating.

Japan doesn't bang - Collide - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 01:33 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

I have been here for 5 years and can count on one hand the number of times I have seen a white foreigner with a top tier Japanese girl.

This plagued my psyche near the end of my time there. At first I was amazed at how easy westerners had it with girls, and then upon closer inspection I realized foreigners have a big pool of 6-7's to choose from, but the 8-10's were reserved for Japanese only.

Any kind of foreigner bar/international party would have the weirdest girls. In high school they would be considered nerds or had family problems. Some kind of chip on their shoulder, whatever it was. Dating or befriending foreigners would be a cry for attention it seemed.

Japan doesn't bang - Kingsley Davis - 10-21-2013

More on here's why and coming to a....wait it's...already here.[Image: confused.gif]

"Throughout this period Japan experienced a sharp decline in the total rate of fertility. After a sudden downswing in the early 1950s, the birthrate continuously declined until the mid-1980s, when it began to drop rapidly, and by 1997 it fell to 1.39. In light of these findings, it is plausible to suggest that there is a relationship between the increase in women’s access to a higher education and the decrease in the fertility rate."

Japan doesn't bang - kdolo - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 12:17 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

Lol I like how people make armchair theories about places they don't even know when it comes to game. Anyway, no hard feelings.

Japan is one of the only countries in Asia that was never a colony of western powers. This kind of shit makes a difference. I have never met a Japanese guy pretending to be American. In fact, Japanese (especially girls) who spent a long time abroad were often shunned in Japanese society as "weirdos" or some such nonsense. Happily things have changed but it's still not necessarily cool to be a foreigner. Yes there are groupies like anywhere but on average no, the majority of hot girls couldn't give a shit about you being foreign. I can honestly say I'd get laid more if I looked Japanese.

Japan was conquered in WW2. Forced to change its government - (actual monarchy - to a nominal one) and forced to adopt a constitution written by an American.

Furthermore, they are not allowed to have armed forces and are forced to tolerate the indignity of having a US armed forces based. Their foreign policy is whatever the US tells them it is.

very close to being a colony .... that left to be self governing....

this certainly affects the self esteem of a people - especially the men - and especially of a society that has a long, interesting, and quite martial culture - far older than the one that conquered them

Japan doesn't bang - LoveBug - 10-21-2013

Asian people are known to have the least sexual desires of all the races. I don't know if its genetic as well as cultural, but I think it is

Japan doesn't bang - le prince perdu - 10-21-2013

It's crazy how the arrival of new technologies(Tv, Internet,video games) is going to cause a huge amount of men to disappear from the gene pool.

-Porn, video games and TV is messing us all up, and we don't realize it.

Humans have been existing for more than 5000 years old,

TV and virtual realities? less than a 100 years.

Our brains are not equipped to deal accordingly with all the new technologies

[Image: dork-is-cool-14.jpg]

Why? The brain doesn't know how to reward itself properly between real/fake realities.

Killing a monster in a game gets recorded and rewarded the same way as if it was real, same goes with the reward for getting females (especially on virgins)

How is the brain suppose to react after having been exposed to so many experiences without the body having to move?

[Image: skyrim_fire_magic.jpg]
[Image: machete-best-action-movies-ever-curt-johnson-6.jpg]

[Image: japanese-porn-actress-risa-tsukino-monopolized-02.jpg]
[Image: 469446_large.jpg]

Even though none of these are real and just a bunch of one and zeros on a screen, the brain still get tricked and records those experiences as if they had happened in real life.

In real life

The reason Japanese men have become the way they are is not due to food or after effects of Bombs, but the fact that each and every single one of them is already a bad ass, pimp, fighter, warriors, king, lady man's etc... in a another reality.

Plus life is so easy and comfortable that the desire to actually work to get something in this real life is just not there.

So the effects are: (parasite singles, virtual dating et consort).

Japan doesn't bang - WestIndianArchie - 10-21-2013


Japan doesn't bang - thirty-six - 10-21-2013

...Meanwhile, countless gaijin guys across the country snicker to themselves.

Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 03:56 PM)Collide Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2013 01:33 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

I have been here for 5 years and can count on one hand the number of times I have seen a white foreigner with a top tier Japanese girl.

This plagued my psyche near the end of my time there. At first I was amazed at how easy westerners had it with girls, and then upon closer inspection I realized foreigners have a big pool of 6-7's to choose from, but the 8-10's were reserved for Japanese only.

So true. I hate to even raise this subject because it makes me sound negative but for the most part it is true. Don't get me wrong, I have been with my fair share of hot girls here, probably more than most foreigners. Even so, there have been fleeting moments when I wished I was Japanese-American or something. Things would be so much easier.

There is a stigma attached to dating foreigners in Japan. I get asked why foreigners prefer plain Jane girls with boring black hair and bad fashion. A hot girl feels stigma just by association. It's one of the many subtle but effective cultural cockblocks here.

You will even encounter girls who will bang you in private but not go on dates with you in public or hold your hand. They are literally embarrassed to be with a foreigner. There are girls who will simply say "no way" as you are walking over to approach them. The most annoying part of this is that these are the hottest Japanese girls.

Half of the game I run is trying to distinguish myself from "the other (uncool) foreigners". In other words, I show girls I'm not so different from Japanese guys. I play down any stereotypes and make sure they know I understand their culture. I try not to speak English until the opportune moment. This works better with the cuter (i.e. non-groupie) side of the spectrum who are not so attracted by your exotic qualities.

All in all, you can get the hot girls here but it takes work. A lot of work. I have been here for years and studied Japanese before that and I'm still only scratching the surface. Despite perceptions to the contrary, Japan is no easier than anywhere else.

Japan doesn't bang - Therapsid - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 07:49 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

So true. I hate to even raise this subject because it makes me sound negative but for the most part it is true. Don't get me wrong, I have been with my fair share of hot girls here, probably more than most foreigners. Even so, there have been fleeting moments when I wished I was Japanese-American or something. Things would be so much easier.

There is a stigma attached to dating foreigners in Japan. I get asked why foreigners prefer plain Jane girls with boring black hair and bad fashion. A hot girl feels stigma just by association. It's one of the many subtle but effective cultural cockblocks here.

Half of the game I run is trying to distinguish myself from "the other (uncool) foreigners". In other words, I show girls I'm not so different from Japanese guys. I play down any stereotypes and make sure they know I understand their culture. This works better with the cuter side of the spectrum who are not so attracted by your exotic qualities.

You will even encounter girls who will bang you in private but not go on dates with you in public or hold your hand. They are literally embarrassed to be with a foreigner. There are girls who will simply say "no way" as you are walking over to approach them. The most annoying part of this is that these are the hottest Japanese girls.

Do you think it's more because they are genuinely not attracted, in the way that many white guys aren't attracted to girls of other races, or because of their fear of the social stigma?

Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 05:29 PM)kdolo Wrote:  

Japan was conquered in WW2. Forced to change its government - (actual monarchy - to a nominal one) and forced to adopt a constitution written by an American.

Furthermore, they are not allowed to have armed forces and are forced to tolerate the indignity of having a US armed forces based. Their foreign policy is whatever the US tells them it is.

very close to being a colony .... that left to be self governing....

You have a good point about the effect on the psyche and this might be a factor in the pussification of men here, but you can't compare Japan to the Philippines or even China. Japan kept its emperor and independence from the US. Japan recovered rapidly after WW2 so people quickly forgot that they lost the war. Most Japanese know next to nothing about the atrocities committed in its imperial expansionist era.

My point is that Japan is a very proud and isolated country. Despite rumours to the contrary, girls do not bow down to you at Narita airport and suck you off in the Arrivals lounge.

If anything, Japan pretends to have an inferiority complex when it really looks down on most of the world. It's only something you can understand having lived here long enough.

Japan doesn't bang - Bushido - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 07:54 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Do you think it's more because they are genuinely not attracted, in the way that many white guys aren't attracted to girls of other races, or because of their fear of the social stigma?

I put it down to a combination of social stigma, a negative perception of foreigners (think broke English teachers with bad fashion) and general closed-mindedness. You can attract them but you start with a disadvantage when compared to a Japanese guy and like I said, there are many cockblocks that seem to be part of the culture itself. Almost every foreigner on TV is portrayed as some kind of clown, not a cool guy girls want to get with.

I don't want to give people the image that it's impossible to get with hot girls (it's not) but don't expect Japan to be a walk in the park.

Japan doesn't bang - la_mode - 10-21-2013

Japanese love a specific type of fashion, it's hard to explain but if you spend enough time in LA or SF you will see it enough to know.

Given they're both in shape and comparible in looks, a gaijin with Adam Lambert-type style (given he pulls it off) would do well in Japan, while the typical All-American guy is seen as boring, but would do better in most Asian countries than the guy with rocker style.

Japan doesn't bang - Laner - 10-21-2013

Quote: (10-21-2013 12:17 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

Lol I like how people make armchair theories about places they don't even know when it comes to game. Anyway, no hard feelings.

Japan is one of the only countries in Asia that was never a colony of western powers. This kind of shit makes a difference. I have never met a Japanese guy pretending to be American. In fact, Japanese (especially girls) who spent a long time abroad were often shunned in Japanese society as "weirdos" or some such nonsense. Happily things have changed but it's still not necessarily cool to be a foreigner. Yes there are groupies like anywhere but on average no, the majority of hot girls couldn't give a shit about you being foreign. I can honestly say I'd get laid more if I looked Japanese.

Great stuff. Thanks for putting it bluntly and dispelling the myth of "white God factor" in Japan.

What you said about top tier women there is bang on and is quite possibly the most frustrating situation I have ever came across in regards to gaming women. Even in places like Sweden or America top tier women feel more attainable than Japan. Friends of mine that have lived there for a long time have hooked up with very hot women, but as you mentioned, it was nearly impossible to date them. Most of them have ended up in LTR with attractive and very solid women. Japanese women are no joke, they are almost perfect LTR material.

But there is the side of the groupie. Some of these women can be pretty hot, but they can also be absolute sewers of disease. There is a joke in Japan that "Japanese birth control is abortion". There are no condoms, no pill and no culture of getting the vag checked unless trying to have a baby.