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faith in God - InternationPlayboy - 09-03-2010

Quote: (08-31-2010 09:48 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Will you Christian haters please step off it, I'm so tired of hearing from popular culture how Christianity is to blame for all the problems today, or how can anyone believe in a God that allows Children to die, etc. GROW UP!! Free will comes with responsibility, and shit happens, get a helmet! A little morality would not hurt our culture today, just look at where all the permissiveness and cultural relativism is leading us.

People seem to forget that America is a young nation that turned out to be a Super Power thanks to the Judeo-Christian work ethic. America is currently in DECLINE because of our growing lack of personal Responsibility and lack of morality.

Most of our forefathers were Freemasons i.e. not Christian. Most people I know who are atheist have a little more morality than.. "If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. "(Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB) If that is morality to you, then it makes sense why you are Christian. Just because you don't believe in some fairytale doesn't mean you don't have morals. All those Catholic preists who raped little boys must have had great morals. And really, "Free will comes with responsibility, and shit happens, get a helmet!" Are you saying the Crusades, the witch burning, 9/11 are all okay because they were done in the name of god? Yeah, shit happens, but shit can be prevented. It's not okay that millions of people have died because of a book. I would say it's a lot more okay that someone murdered someone else because they needed money to eat, or to feed their family, or because those above them are oppressing them. I'm not saying these things are okay, but they are far better reasons for murder than because someone else has a different idea than you. Think about it.

faith in God - hydrogonian - 09-03-2010

Quote: (09-03-2010 03:04 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2010 07:14 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

"Good people do good things, bad people do bad things, but it requires religion to force good people to do bad things"
That is maybe the most ridiculous quote since "You cannot simultaniously Prepare for and Prevent war."

Why is it ridiculous? Any mass belief movement has the power to convince good people to do bad things. Christianity being one of the largest and oldest mass belief movements in the world, has achieved this many times over history. Many times on a large scale. It will almost certainly happen again, and likely does happen on small levels every day by members of any mass belief movement (religious in nature or not). The Christians during the Inquisition believed that they were doing the right thing. The Nazis believed that they were doing the right thing. Both mass belief movements. Both doing evil. These are just two examples. Smaller examples of good people doing bad under the belief that they are in the right, on a person to person level, happen every day. Its a fallacy to think that evil people believe that they are doing evil, and not good, or that everything that evil people do is evil. The world isn't that black and white, but people, who believe unquestioningly in mass belief movements, are much more susceptible to be influenced to do evil than someone who chooses not to let such authority have access to their psyche and influence their beliefs and views to such a great extent.

Quote: (09-02-2010 07:14 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

The atheists and Progressives that run popular culture however, are more intolerant and dogmatic and fervent than sadly most Christians could ever hope to be. Popular movies, tv and music are filled with vitriloic anti-christian messages. Yet we're opressing you all somehow?

A lot of the posts on this thread are VERY intolerant and arrogant and elitist. I hear a lot of "If you believe in religion your weak minded, your so stupid, etc.". Not the case with most Christians I know, they're smart, HARDWORKING people that tend to their own business. Wish I could say the same for most Vegans and Progressives.

Don't forget also the charity and rescue works churches fund and/or do.

The fact that your lumping in "vegans and progressives" with a certain mode of religious belief/non-belief is flawed and utterly ridiculous at its core. There are hordes of atheist conservatives and christian progressives. Its only the conservative media that chooses to propagate this particular division, because its to their political favor to usurp Christianity as their own. However, reality its not.

Religious people will find "Anti religious" messages in almost anything. Most often these aren't "anti christian messages", but just points of view that differ from your active belief system. Absence of your belief system isn't "anti" anything. Its just choosing not to align with your beliefs.

Where are the atheist non-belief hours on TV? Where are the atheist sermons given by wealthy teleatheists who thrive on the donations of their hypnotized atheist legions? Where are the corporate sponsored atheist talking heads organizing hordes of atheists, in the name of an atheist country, to "take back the country" from the government that has supposedly gotten to large (nevermind that the federal governments power expanded almost exponentially when the Right Wing guy was in office). Where are there any TV shows or movies dedicated to non-belief? If you can find one, I can find 100 dedicated to Christian values and beliefs.

Atheists/Agnostics are more "intolerant and dogmatic and fervent than sadly most Christians could ever hope to be."??? Really?? Im surprised you can write that with a straight face.

1.I've never had an atheist try to convert me outside of a movie theater, a school, a coffee shop, on the street, or the myriad of other places that Christians have attempted to recruit me into their belief system, often using guilt or fear as a motivator.
2. I've never had an atheist tell me I'm going to hell if I don't believe in his view of the world.
3. Ive never heard of a atheist condemning homosexuality , or actively trying to change or preserve laws that limit the rights of others because of his particular belief system.
4. I've never heard of an atheist claiming such an elitist and ultimately fully contestable claim such as "this country as an atheist country built on the atheist work ethic".

A Christian sobbing about how bad he has it in the media, or anywhere in this country, is ridiculous. There is literally zero basis for it. At least when you take the time to compare.

faith in God - InternationPlayboy - 09-03-2010

Quote: (09-03-2010 09:12 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2010 03:04 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2010 07:14 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

"Good people do good things, bad people do bad things, but it requires religion to force good people to do bad things"
That is maybe the most ridiculous quote since "You cannot simultaniously Prepare for and Prevent war."

Why is it ridiculous? Any mass belief movement has the power to convince good people to do bad things. Christianity being one of the largest and oldest mass belief movements in the world, has achieved this many times over history. Many times on a large scale. It will almost certainly happen again, or is happening, depending on how you view the dogma of some modern Christian sects.

Quote: (09-02-2010 07:14 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

The atheists and Progressives that run popular culture however, are more intolerant and dogmatic and fervent than sadly most Christians could ever hope to be. Popular movies, tv and music are filled with vitriloic anti-christian messages. Yet we're opressing you all somehow?

A lot of the posts on this thread are VERY intolerant and arrogant and elitist. I hear a lot of "If you believe in religion your weak minded, your so stupid, etc.". Not the case with most Christians I know, they're smart, HARDWORKING people that tend to their own business. Wish I could say the same for most Vegans and Progressives.

Don't forget also the charity and rescue works churches fund and/or do.

The fact that your lumping in "vegans and progressives" with a certain mode of religious belief/non-belief is flawed and utterly ridiculous at its core. There are hordes of atheist conservatives and christian progressives. Its only the conservative media that chooses to propagate this particular division, because its to their political favor to usurp Christianity as their own. However, reality its not.

Religious people will find "Anti religious" messages in almost anything. Most often these aren't "anti christian messages", but just points of view that differ from your active belief system. Absence of your belief system isn't "anti" anything. Its just choosing not to align with your beliefs. Where are the atheist non-belief hours on TV? Where are the atheist sermons given by wealthy teleatheists who thrive on the donations of their hypnotized atheist legions? Where are there any TV shows or movies dedicated to non-belief? If you can find one, I can find 100 dedicated to Christian values and beliefs.

Atheists/Agnostics are more "intolerant and dogmatic and fervent than sadly most Christians could ever hope to be."??? Really?? Im surprised you can write that with a straight face.

1.I've never had an atheist try to convert me outside of a movie theater, a school, a coffee shop, on the street, or the myriad of other places that Christians have attempted to recruit me into their belief system, often using guilt or fear as a motivator.
2. I've never had an atheist tell me I'm going to hell if I don't believe in his view of the world.
3. Ive never heard of a atheist condemning homosexuality , or actively trying to change or preserve laws that limit the rights of others because of his particular belief system.
4. I've never heard of an atheist claiming such an elitist and ultimately fully contestable claim such as "this country as an atheist country built on the atheist work ethic".

A Christian sobbing about how bad he has it in the media, or anywhere in this country, is ridiculous. There is literally zero basis for it. At least when you take the time to compare.

^Very well put^

faith in God - kerouac - 09-04-2010

Quote: (08-31-2010 09:48 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

A little morality would not hurt our culture today, just look at where all the permissiveness and cultural relativism is leading us.

The permissiveness of our culture goes far beyond our situation with religion. Our permissiveness comes from losing touch with each other (as neighbors and as a society as a whole), the disintegration of family, the questioning of the morals that we grew up with, and a whole lot more! I actually get the feeling there are more hard core Christians today, or more that I have to deal with, than there were when I was a kid 10+ years ago. So to connect the permissiveness of our culture with the loss of Christian morals in our society doesn't really cut it.

We are going through a period in our lives where we are facing a situation never faced before by mankind. We have never been so close but yet so far from each other. We are facing a situation that is far too complex to ascribe to the loss of a certain kind of morality.

The most successful and moral people I have met in my life were raised with a sort of ethic. They were of various (or no) creeds and of different backgrounds. These morals that you speak of are something that we learn through our education, be it through self-study, questioning the world, and what we learned from our friends/family.

faith in God - thekiller - 09-07-2010

I'm not going to waste the time doing a point by point with everyone. But there is a relevancy and proportion issue. People and culture in the past were DIFFERENT. Christians and even Muslims' actions in the past are not indicative of future behavior.

Hydro and Brandon, if you don't see how popular culture is anti-Christian, we're just going to agree to disagree there. Though I would say it's so pervasive it must not register for you since you don't hold those beliefs anyway.

Also Hydro, your assuming Conservatives agree with everything Bush did. I feel he was like his father, not very conservative except for Defense. I wasn't for Corporate or Union Welfare under Bush, and I'm definitely not up for the way Obama has already Quadrupled Bush's deficit.

faith in God - hydrogonian - 09-07-2010

Quote: (09-07-2010 02:12 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Christians and even Muslims' actions in the past are not indicative of future behavior.

I respect your response. But I disagree with this. When looking at the behavior of small groups of people, you may be right. The behavior can vary because sample is small. However, when dealing with large numbers of people, I do believe that future human behavior is predictable using past behavior. I think that the principles of group behavior are used in politics and religion every day. Its been proven with the means of political influence throughout the course of history, which still works as perfectly today as it did in Rome (read Machiavelli) and I believe the same would hold true for any application of a shared mass psychological state such as occurs with religious belief and the powerful leadership that binds it. When looking at large numbers, behavior tends to become rather homogenized and predictable with the type of influence or manipulation that is applied.

Quote: (09-07-2010 02:12 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Hydro and Brandon, if you don't see how popular culture is anti-Christian, we're just going to agree to disagree there. Though I would say it's so pervasive it must not register for you since you don't hold those beliefs anyway.

I can see how you choose to believe that its "anti Christian", whereas I see it as lacking in Christianity. A subtle but important distinction. To be Christian, the popular culture would have to be actively pushing Christianity in the media, and repressing anything that would not be aligned with Christian values. This would be antithetical to the important freedoms of this country that true old school Conservatives would find it difficult to rally against. Having the FCC actively work to promote Christianity would be a clear issue of separation of Church and state. There are very important historical reasons for the separation of church and state, most of them having to do with the nature of power and mass psychology that we were before discussing. Similarly, if the FCC was working to repress something specifically because it reflected a Christian value, that would fall along the same line of an issue of separation of church and state. It wouldn't be good for anyone.

Also, its a mistake to assume that I don't hold Christian beliefs. Just like neo-conservatives get sick of the popular culture being non-Christian, many of us 'others' get fairly sick of the constant assumptions, usurping and labeling that goes on when we don't exactly align with neo-conservative Christian group think values. In my daily life, I behave more Christian like than one of my former best friends who is a rabid neo-conservative "Christian".

To me, its not about following a rulebook, which can be rewritten and manipulated for political gain (or power within the Christian sphere of influence). Its about an innate sense of human decency and morals. These come from within, largely instilled by your parents, and need not be further influenced if they did a good job of raising you. Today, I see some pretty twisted value structures coming out of certain 'Christian' churches. Value structures that clearly have more to do with politics than human morality and the higher values that humanity has worked hard to instill in this pinnacle of civilization that we are witnessing today. Value structures that come straight from the pulpit of Glen Beck, and not the real historical and spiritual root of Christianity.

Quote: (09-07-2010 02:12 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Also Hydro, your assuming Conservatives agree with everything Bush did. I feel he was like his father, not very conservative except for Defense. I wasn't for Corporate or Union Welfare under Bush, and I'm definitely not up for the way Obama has already Quadrupled Bush's deficit.

It sounds like you might be more of a true conservative than a neo-conservative. It would surprise you that I hold a lot of fiscally true conservative values, as well as a fair number of true socially conservative values (which align with complete individual freedom up to the point where on does not violate the rights of others - and expressly do not align with any type of Christian movement to restrict the rights of others to align with their belief sytsem).

However, I'm also a pragmatist. Meaning, that I operate in the realm of the present day, and in what needs to be done to solve the problems of the country. I'm not an economist, but I do know that the only way we recovered from the great depression was a lot of spending. We enjoyed a couple of decades of unmitigated prosperity after that. Obama inherited a dire situation. I don't necessarily agree with any debt that might have been accrued above and beyond GWBs debt, but I'm not an expert either. Most people with opinions on the subject aren't.

Also, we have a serious population problem in this country. Social welfare is needed so that violence and crime doesn't get out of control. But Im against any welfare that rewards having more children than a person can afford on their own.

I'm also anti-immigration, except for the most highly qualified of individuals (health care workers, scientists, etc). That isn't an irrational opinion, but one that most of the rest of the world holds and enforces, except for us because big business profits from the native labor class in this country being undermined.

I'm not an Obama cheerleader because I don't trust any politician. The people I see rallying for any politician I see as fools, in general, because politicians could care less about anyone that isn't lining their pockets. Its like using your energy to elect guys who are going to, unquestioningly, stab you and your social class in the back at some point. If you aren't voting with your economic class, then you have been fooled, duped, brainwashed and swindled into believing that the sky is green and pigs can fly. The truth is that neo-conservative politicians are, at their core belief system, unflinchingly on the side of the top 3% of people in this country and against the welfare of everyone else. Thats my opinion, and its shared by half of this country and most of the rest of the world. I respect that the other 50% of the country doesn't share this opinion.

faith in God - oldnemesis - 09-07-2010

Quote: (09-07-2010 02:12 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

I'm not going to waste the time doing a point by point with everyone. But there is a relevancy and proportion issue. People and culture in the past were DIFFERENT.

You mean like those Catholic pedophile priests or those Christians murdering abortion doctors or those Christians starving their babies to death because they could not say "amen" before taking the baby milk? Really how different was culture ten years ago?


Christians and even Muslims' actions in the past are not indicative of future behavior.

Their behavior remained quite consistent at least during last millennium.


Hydro and Brandon, if you don't see how popular culture is anti-Christian, we're just going to agree to disagree there.

No, this wouldn't be enough. Hydro didn't just say that, he actually provided some valid arguments to support his statement. You so far did not provide anything, so instead of "agree to disagree" it looks more like "I have nothing to counter your arguments with".


Though I would say it's so pervasive it must not register for you since you don't hold those beliefs anyway.

Then why didn't you come up with some supportive arguments? If it is so pervasive, shouldn't be any problem, should it?

faith in God - thekiller - 09-08-2010

"You mean like those Catholic pedophile priests or those Christians murdering abortion doctors or those Christians starving their babies to death because they could not say "amen" before taking the baby milk? Really how different was culture ten years ago?"- Catholics do not make all Christians, as for pedophilia, you don't have to be religious to be a sicko. Abortion doctors being killed is rare. Every group has it wackos, like the animal activists that blow up labs, the environmentalists that puts spikes in trees to hurt loggers, etc. Take the environmentalist that just got shot trying to hijack The Discovery Channel. Not unique to religion, and as I said other movements such as Progressivism and Enviromentalism have a dogma and fervor to their followers as well.

As for Atheist, secular nations, that's a major tenant of Communism. Communist countries have a great track record of human rights and tolerance, right?

here's a quote on that:Nobel prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who grew up under the atheistic communism of the Soviet Union, stated the following about the influence of atheism as a central component of communism:

"Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice."(Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

Solzhenitsyn, Acceptance Speech, Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, 1983; Russkaia Mysl', no. 3465, 19 May, 1983, p. 6 ®."

As for popular culture being anti-Christian, there are books and blogs on the subject Hydro and Nemesis. But just open your eyes and read almost any news, or watch any TV show. Christians are portrayed as ignorant, bigoted, intolerant. The movie The Mist is kind of typical, the Christian lady is an extreme problem that the heroes literally have to kill. Pick up any issue of the New York Times. Christian-neutral I have no problem with, but hostile is too common these days.

Hydro-sounds like we have some commonalities politically. I will disagree though that government spending will get us out of this mess. A fair number of economists argue that the Great Depression was LENGTHENED due to the spending. But in any case, Government is not efficient at spending wisely. Government is heavy with layers of managers and employees that need to get paid and pass the paperwork along.

Just look where Obama spends most of his money, to the Unions. Most government employees and all teachers are unionized. Obama bailed out GM and gave it to the Auto Workers Union, the very Union that made GM uncompetitive. All the billions spent on Unions and they make up only 12.5% of the workforce. Meanwhile Obama and his Liberal House and Senate create Healthcare Reform, and the Dodd-Frank regulatory mess that are guaranteed to hamper small and mid-sized businesses that actually DRIVE the economy.

The 9.7 Trillion dollars of the stimulus was enough to pay off 90% of the nation's home mortgages. Much as I'm for personal responsibility, even giving that money to everyone to pay of their mortgage would have been better than what they've been doing with it. Could you imagine how our economy would be booming right now if 90% of homeowners had no more payments? Sad thing is, Democrats for sure and Republicans most likely either would never allow such a thing, as Americans would need government less in that case. It's all about Power.

faith in God - hydrogonian - 09-08-2010

Quote: (09-08-2010 01:13 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

As for Atheist, secular nations, that's a major tenant of Communism. Communist countries have a great track record of human rights and tolerance, right?

here's a quote on that:Nobel prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who grew up under the atheistic communism of the Soviet Union, stated the following about the influence of atheism as a central component of communism:

"Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice."(Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

Solzhenitsyn, Acceptance Speech, Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, 1983; Russkaia Mysl', no. 3465, 19 May, 1983, p. 6 ®."

As far as our current conversation goes, you just lost a lot of my respect here. Untangling this biased nonsense with common sense is beyond obvious to me. I believe it also should be to everyone else. Keep believing that atheism is evil and Christianity is the only way a country can be not "diabolical". This thinking, and brand of dishonest argument, may be precisely why there are anti-Christian sentiments in popular culture. People get sick of all of the twisting, false associations, and "good/evil" framing that many Christians constantly engage in when describing anyone but themselves. Your now associating present day atheists with being communist. WTF?

One Soviets opinion does not the truth make. His quote is rife with dishonest association ("diabolical/atheist"). It also assumes that capitalism can only work under Christianity (we could argue for pages about this - and my empirical experience, in dealing with "Christians" in business, is completely opposite to this). And Solzhenitsyn won a nobel prize for literature. He's not a politician or economist, so who gives a shit. Its funny that you quote him. I've even read one of his books "In the First Circle". It doesn't make him a special authority worth quoting. Also, the quote is from an acceptance speech on an award for religion. Of course he's going to be strongly opinionated and biased, as a religious man. This quote and your response is just too much, and illustrates precisely why non-Christians, or forward thinking Christians, get frustrated with militant "conservative" Christians.

Also, you are now turning this into a capitalism vs communism argument, where you can only be "capitalist" if you also agree to be Christian. And if you are atheist, you must be aligned with Communism. Arrgghh... Buddy, this is 8th grade bullshit arguing. Stay on subject, and argue well and honestly. I can't hang in there if you want to use the GWB brand of "If your not with us, your for terrorism/communism/whatever". Or maybe Atheists just hate our freedom? I would think that you would know that I don't respect that sort of thing by now.

Also, its a continuing (used since McCarthy) cheap neo-conservative framing that keeps anything not 100% capitalist in an "evil" light. Whether it be universal health-care, unions, a national pension, social security, or something else that is for the true benefit of the working class, anything that is socialist in nature can be re-branded as moving toward the "diabolical" evil communists, and away from Christianity, and therefore can be suppressed, or removed with enough effort by the ruling class. It works in the mass media, but anything that isn't supported by its own merit won't convince me. You can label something diabolical, evil, communist, etc...till the cows come home. None of those words have any shock value to me. Like I said, I'm a pragmatist, and I'm not a class trader.

Let me tell you something else. Other than a sever population reduction in the near future, the only thing that keeps ANYONE at the level of middle class in this country are the little "socialist" regulations such as unionization, minimum wage, labor rights laws, and other such measures that protect it directly. Without those measures, it disappears, especially with such a huge population. The ownership class (top 3% or so) is attempting to undermine the middle class, and therefore have to pay less in taxes and wages, and they are doing so rather successfully. Do you think you will ever have over one million dollars in the bank at any point in time in your life?? Maybe. But statistically, probably not. Most people never will. Therefore, its to most peoples best interest to keep the population low and protect the mechanisms that ensure their middle class existence.

Let me ask you something: Would you rather live poor for most of your life, and die secure in knowing that you supported the ability of the wealthy to make and keep as much money as possible? Or would you rather live a more comfortable existence, knowing that it was made possible because of the laws that protect the labor class from being exploited, but which similarly limited the maximum amount of money that a person could make at the very top?

Its been proven that "trickle down economics" doesn't work. The wealthy keep their money, and leverage it for more power. If you are a person who truly can provide value to society, then it doesn't matter if the wealthy have more money to create more jobs (which doesn't happen in a ratio that can be considered worthwhile). You should be able to create your own value and go into business for yourself. You should be able to make a middle class living on your own.

Giving the rich money to create jobs is just like saying "I'm too low intelligence to create my own value, so I'm going to count on someone richer and smarter to create it and tell me what to do." We don't need more employees. We have enough low skilled workers. As long as we keep creating low skilled jobs, the immigrants will keep coming and taking them, or at least filling in the holes and keeping wages low. More low skilled work does close to nothing for average American society. More people are being born to do that every day. its impossible to keep up with. We need more innovators, and they need enough money to go into business. They can't do that if there is no middle class, because its power is completely eroded. Forcing people into business is what keeps this country going. Not creating jobs through trickle down economics. When people are forced to go into business, and they have enough money to do so because of their middle class status, it keeps the lower class population at a minimum and the middle class healthy. It keeps lower class broke people from having too many babies. It keeps wages up. It keeps the quality of life high. That doesn't mean that we let these innovators an open economic check to make as much money as they can possibly make. They live in society, which is by definition socialist, and they aren't individuals hunting on an African plain. Limiting income at the top, to support middle class rights and quality of life, keeps the system going. That doesn't mean we go communist. Its a balance. Also, this system can only be made healthy again of population growth becomes more limited. It will be impossible as long as the floodgates are left open.

Quote: (09-08-2010 01:13 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

As for popular culture being anti-Christian, there are books and blogs on the subject Hydro and Nemesis. But just open your eyes and read almost any news, or watch any TV show. Christians are portrayed as ignorant, bigoted, intolerant. The movie The Mist is kind of typical, the Christian lady is an extreme problem that the heroes literally have to kill. Pick up any issue of the New York Times. Christian-neutral I have no problem with, but hostile is too common these days.

Alright, but there are also books and blogs on the world coming to an end in 2012, on the lizard people, and at least one on each modern president as to why he was the best gift to mankind in history. Doesn't make it true. People can find evidence, and prove, whatever they want to prove. "What the believer believes, the prover proves".

But lets, for a second, say that there is anti-Christian bias in the media. Its the whackos who choose to bother the shit out of the rest of us endlessly, that are the targets. Of course people are pissed. Some Christians are batshit fucking crazy, and want to turn the whole world black and white, and force thier values down our throats. if they would just shut the fuck up, and get out of our bedrooms and our lives, and mind their own business, then no one would care. the bias would disappear. I have never, ever, ever tried to convince someone of my agnostic values, to recruit them, or to change the way the country is run to align with my spiritual beliefs. If a Christian thinks that Christians can do this, and not have people want to express their frustration and dissatisfaction, then that person lives in a huge narcissistic/egotistical bubble where no ones feelings but his own matters. Christians can't be so continuously obnoxious to everyone else and not expect backlash in the media. Give me a fucking break.

Also, there is a difference between normal Christians and the crazy ones. My protestant grandparents would never, ever assume to try to influence the lives of others, control their rights, or bother them with their beliefs. There is a nasty brand of Christianity in this country, which has gone way beyond the traditional protestantism that settled this country, which pisses people off because they won't leave us alone. Get your religion out of politics, get it out of legislation, and live your lives. We will live ours. If Christians can't handle that, then they can't expect people to keep quiet as they seem absolutely crazy to the rest of us.

Quote: (09-08-2010 01:13 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Hydro-sounds like we have some commonalities politically. I will disagree though that government spending will get us out of this mess. A fair number of economists argue that the Great Depression was LENGTHENED due to the spending. But in any case, Government is not efficient at spending wisely. Government is heavy with layers of managers and employees that need to get paid and pass the paperwork along.

Just look where Obama spends most of his money, to the Unions. Most government employees and all teachers are unionized. Obama bailed out GM and gave it to the Auto Workers Union, the very Union that made GM uncompetitive. All the billions spent on Unions and they make up only 12.5% of the workforce. Meanwhile Obama and his Liberal House and Senate create Healthcare Reform, and the Dodd-Frank regulatory mess that are guaranteed to hamper small and mid-sized businesses that actually DRIVE the economy.

The 9.7 Trillion dollars of the stimulus was enough to pay off 90% of the nation's home mortgages. Much as I'm for personal responsibility, even giving that money to everyone to pay of their mortgage would have been better than what they've been doing with it. Could you imagine how our economy would be booming right now if 90% of homeowners had no more payments? Sad thing is, Democrats for sure and Republicans most likely either would never allow such a thing, as Americans would need government less in that case. It's all about Power.

An incredibly complicated myriad of interrelated topics. You aren't an expert enough to be able to do a competent job of analysis, and neither am I.

However, your opinions on healthcare reform make me think that you have been convinced to vote against your own class. So, no unions, no healthcare, but porous borders and a system that encourages a continuing population explosion. This will assure that your family, along with everyone else in our class, will have a much lower quality of life in 1-2 generations. Its the basic economics of class structure. Look at the rest of the world for sustainable examples of societies with decent qualities of life. They don't resemble the direction we have been going in the least bit.

Were you complaining when GWB was in office, or was everything he did somehow justifiable and okay? I'm amazed what neo-conservatives can come up with to complain about, in such a short time, after the absolute nightmare that was GWBs presidency. I won't argue politics anymore, because I know it won't go anywhere, and so I request that we keep the politics out of any further possible conversation.

faith in God - InternationPlayboy - 09-09-2010

Quote: (09-07-2010 02:12 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Hydro and Brandon, if you don't see how popular culture is anti-Christian, we're just going to agree to disagree there. Though I would say it's so pervasive it must not register for you since you don't hold those beliefs anyway.

Bro, anything can be viewed as "Anti-Christian." Have you worked on a Sunday? If so that is anti-christian. I hope you've had sex out of marriage since you visit this site, though that would be anti-christian. Basically, pop culture and politics fuel Christianity. People who speak out about Christianity are always going to be looked down upon. Don't you realize that those above us love religion because it's a means to oppress the people? Religion makes us feel like we aren't worthy and need to obey. The governments and corporations love this. As long as we are living in a monetary society, religion will always be one up on atheism.

faith in God - oldnemesis - 09-09-2010

Quote: (09-08-2010 01:13 AM)thekiller Wrote:  

Catholics do not make all Christians, as for pedophilia, you don't have to be religious to be a sicko.

You missed the point. The problem was not the fact that some priests were pedophiles. The problem was how the Church reacted when they knew. Imagine that you find out your employee raped a child. What would a reasonable person do? Call cops and let them deal with that. What did the Church do? They covered them up, and even helped them to hurt more children by transferring them to different regions or countries where nobody knew them.


Abortion doctors being killed is rare. Every group has it wackos, like the animal activists that blow up labs, the environmentalists that puts spikes in trees to hurt loggers, etc.

You again missed the point. If not for religion, why else would Scott Philip murder George Tiller? If not for religion, why would 9/11 terrorists flew the plane into WTC killing thousands of people? That is why I said it takes religion to force otherwise good people to do bad things.


As for Atheist, secular nations, that's a major tenant of Communism. Communist countries have a great track record of human rights and tolerance, right?

Let's get your facts straight. The three most secular nations in the world are Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Which one of them has Communism? Please enlighten us!

And just in case, do you know that Nazi Germany was very Christian, and the Church (and pope) basically approved everything Hitler did - pretty much the same way as they approved slavery and torture (inquisition) before?


here's a quote on that:Nobel prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who grew up under the atheistic communism of the Soviet Union, stated the following about the influence of atheism as a central component of communism:

"Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends, Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails a destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly put them into practice."(Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

I didn't really understand what you tried to prove by using this argument. As I said, most secular nations of the world did not have any Communism. Could you please elaborate?


As for popular culture being anti-Christian, there are books and blogs on the subject Hydro and Nemesis. But just open your eyes and read almost any news, or watch any TV show. Christians are portrayed as ignorant, bigoted, intolerant. The movie The Mist is kind of typical, the Christian lady is an extreme problem that the heroes literally have to kill. Pick up any issue of the New York Times. Christian-neutral I have no problem with, but hostile is too common these days.

So you yet again failed to provide any examples? Why? I am old-fashioned and believe that if you made a point, it is your responsibility to defend it, and you cannot put the burden on me by just saying that "there are some books or blogs - go find them". Please be specific.


Just look where Obama spends most of his money, to the Unions.

IMHO even that is still better than spending it to fight stupid wars overseas.

faith in God - InternationPlayboy - 09-10-2010

I still haven't heard any response on the bible versus telling you to kill people who don't believe in the Christian god. I guess those types of things are just things that are overlooked in Christianity in this day and age. Turn your head at whatever the bible says that is morally wrong and partake in whatever is right? Is that the Christian way?

faith in God - blurb - 07-08-2011

Wow. I didn't know this type of thread existed.

There's Christians out there who try to answer the specific questions I see many people post on here:

Thoughts? The guy who writes the site is the only person I've known that has made the best argument for the existence of God.

faith in God - ANACONDA - 07-09-2011

Quote: (07-15-2010 04:44 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 11:31 AM)upandcoming1 Wrote:  

There is no God, don't waste your time on prayer expecting something to happen.

so who created you ..? ..your heart ..your eyes..your is it in the form they are..why not different?.

who created you in a special fantastic form.?..

there is a creator of

who is yours...? ..who made you human and not an insect??

faith in God - Geronimo - 07-09-2011

Quote: (07-09-2011 06:27 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 04:44 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 11:31 AM)upandcoming1 Wrote:  

There is no God, don't waste your time on prayer expecting something to happen.

so who created you ..? ..your heart ..your eyes..your is it in the form they are..why not different?.

who created you in a special fantastic form.?..

there is a creator of

who is yours...? ..who made you human and not an insect??

And who is the creator of God?

faith in God - ANACONDA - 07-09-2011

Quote: (07-09-2011 09:30 AM)Geronimo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 06:27 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 04:44 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 11:31 AM)upandcoming1 Wrote:  

There is no God, don't waste your time on prayer expecting something to happen.

so who created you ..? ..your heart ..your eyes..your is it in the form they are..why not different?.

who created you in a special fantastic form.?..

there is a creator of

who is yours...? ..who made you human and not an insect??

And who is the creator of God?

that's the question should be asked AFTER you believe that you are created by someone...when you don't believe you are created..than how can you raise the question who created your creator?

faith in God - ANACONDA - 07-09-2011

asking this question sounds like a game of JIGSAW puzzle..that you ask who is jigsaw instead of solving the puzzle.

faith in God - Geronimo - 07-09-2011

Quote: (07-09-2011 12:19 PM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 09:30 AM)Geronimo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 06:27 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 04:44 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 11:31 AM)upandcoming1 Wrote:  

There is no God, don't waste your time on prayer expecting something to happen.

so who created you ..? ..your heart ..your eyes..your is it in the form they are..why not different?.

who created you in a special fantastic form.?..

there is a creator of

who is yours...? ..who made you human and not an insect??

And who is the creator of God?

that's the question should be asked AFTER you believe that you are created by someone...when you don't believe you are created..than how can you raise the question who created your creator?

Humans should stop seeking answers and stop making things up when they don't find answers.

faith in God - iknowexactly - 07-09-2011

Quote: (07-18-2010 05:04 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I gotcha man. I realize belief in some sort of a god is pretty much universal. Maybe there are a few small exceptions of some isolated tribe with no creation belief, but 99.9% of humanity has always believed in something or another.

As a devout atheist I was researching which was the least religious place to go, one source I found said Czech Republic was about 70% atheist.

faith in God - Gmac - 07-09-2011

Most of Northern Europe is pretty secular. America is the worst when it comes to fundamentalism and religious numbers in first world countries. I can't believe how stupid people can be, especially the evolution deniers.

I've had enough internet/in-person arguments over religion to fill multiple books, so I'm going to avoid getting dragged into one here.

faith in God - ANACONDA - 07-10-2011

Quote: (07-09-2011 01:13 PM)Geronimo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 12:19 PM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 09:30 AM)Geronimo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 06:27 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2010 04:44 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

There is no God, don't waste your time on prayer expecting something to happen.

so who created you ..? ..your heart ..your eyes..your is it in the form they are..why not different?.

who created you in a special fantastic form.?..

there is a creator of

who is yours...? ..who made you human and not an insect??

And who is the creator of God?

that's the question should be asked AFTER you believe that you are created by someone...when you don't believe you are created..than how can you raise the question who created your creator?

Humans should stop seeking answers and stop making things up when they don't find answers.

going by your logic....than all scientist would not have invented the things they have mathamaticians would invent formulas,no person would invent gravity after thinkiing of a falling apple...

America would hve been destroyed if there were not think-tanks.

human should always seek the answers hes looking for..

faith in God - Geronimo - 07-10-2011

Quote: (07-10-2011 01:21 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 01:13 PM)Geronimo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 12:19 PM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 09:30 AM)Geronimo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2011 06:27 AM)ANACONDA Wrote:  

so who created you ..? ..your heart ..your eyes..your is it in the form they are..why not different?.

who created you in a special fantastic form.?..

there is a creator of

who is yours...? ..who made you human and not an insect??

And who is the creator of God?

that's the question should be asked AFTER you believe that you are created by someone...when you don't believe you are created..than how can you raise the question who created your creator?

Humans should stop seeking answers and stop making things up when they don't find answers.

going by your logic....than all scientist would not have invented the things they have mathamaticians would invent formulas,no person would invent gravity after thinkiing of a falling apple...

America would hve been destroyed if there were not think-tanks.

human should always seek the answers hes looking for..

There is a difference between searching for scientific answers and philosophical answers. This is why Science has theory's and not so called facts. I have been debating this with people for years but I do not think it's worth it so I will stop discussing this now.

faith in God - Dash Global - 07-10-2011

The bottom line is no one can prove gods existence and no one can disprove gods existence.

Intelligent respectful debate is fine, but trying to belittle someone over their beliefs or lack of beliefs is just ignorant.

faith in God - Gmac - 07-10-2011

Quote: (07-10-2011 02:26 AM)Geronimo Wrote:  

There is a difference between searching for scientific answers and philosophical answers. This is why Science has theory's and not so called facts. I have been debating this with people for years but I do not think it's worth it so I will stop discussing this now.

This is false. Though, a biologist like Roosh would do better to explain the differences between theories, laws, and facts.

Gravity is a theory, but that doesn't make it any less relevant or untrue as far as explaining the world.

When it comes down to it (aside from human-defined abstracts like mathematics), nothing can really be 100% "proven" true. There is always room for other variables or explanations.

i.e. All of our senses and experiences could technically be fabricated and we could be living in a "matrix" like state. Our perceptions of the world and everything around us are completely controlled and biased by our own senses (color blind people see the world much differently). As ridiculous as it sounds, it does illustrate my point. I have a feeling I might be talking to a brick wall, though.

faith in God - ANACONDA - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-10-2011 06:32 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

The bottom line is no one can prove gods existence and no one can disprove gods existence.

Intelligent respectful debate is fine, but trying to belittle someone over their beliefs or lack of beliefs is just ignorant.

you being in this world..and i am being in this world...yours and mine heart is still already a prove of Gods existence.