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Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - pitt - 07-04-2013

Behave like a man that wants to fuck, fuck all that good guy non-sense shit.

Be sexual, flirt sexually with them.

Don't give fuck about the outcome, always try to fuck them.

Don't chase them for too long, if she doesn't put out by the 3dr date, 85% of the time, I am out.

You need to apprach a lot in order to fuck a lot.

Girls that have boyfriends will fuck you just like any other girls. In my younger years when a girl used to tell me that she had a boyfriend, i quickly used to walk out. Never do that, they will fuck you just like any other girl. Btw, never, ever, ask them if they have a boyfriend.

A girl never rejects me, she was probably busy or didn't see me properly. I have a friend who keeps on asking me, when was the last time you were rejected? I told him, i dont even think about this shit fam, i never see things as "rejection", if i didnt fuck that chick, then i fucked her, there is no such thing as rejection. You either fucked or didnt fuck, no rejection.

If they are very good looking and they have a good sense of humour, always neg them. But they need to be confident in order for you to neg them. Don't neg unhappy chicks, there is no need for it.

If she is a golddigger, sell her the dream, don't give her shit and soon as you fuck her, be gone like the wind. No mercy.

Don't talk about your emotional feelings for her specially during early interactions. Don't tell her bullshit such as ''i think i am in love with you, i can't stop thinking about you, etc''. Fuck all that shit, you will sound needy and she will move on. Although my goal when i was younger was to make girls fall in love with me so i used to use that talk a lot and fucked quiet a good number of girls using that talk but i also missed out on a lot of guaranteed bangs. Dont talk about your feelings with girls, you will be better off by being sexual with them.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - G Trooper - 07-04-2013

All women are sluts except your mother.

If you want to get really good at game go out with a master of the game.

Watch out for fake friends. In the past, I was way to friendly and trusting only to have people take advantage of me or steal my leads (girls).

Don't be mad at the results you didn't get with the effort you didn't put in. The harder you work the luckier you get.

Realize you have to be approaching ALOT if you want to get the ideal girl you want. (credit to tyler durden)

You can have any type of girl you want just by going out a lot and approaching, that's the power of going out. (credit to tyler durden)

Money makes everything so much easier in life. Paying bills, getting girls, having a cool whip and crib, not giving a fuck about dropping cash is so much better than being a poor cheap loser.

You must bring value to the table. Work to become a man of high value.

Quitters are losers.

Most guys have terrible game.

Life is so fucking short. Guys in their 40's will tell you how quickly their 20's and 30's flew by. It's too short to being wasting it by doing things you don't enjoy. Remember your precious finite life when making decisions.

Using game strategy from heartiste's blog can get you women 2 points higher than what you normally get.

The prevalence of HIV in non homosexual's and non drug users is so fucking low it's laughable. I still would rather play it safe.

Neediness is a turnoff. If you NEED anything you definitely won't be getting it anytime soon.

How you act and feel on the inside is exactly what you see in other people in the outside.

Creepiness is a turnoff.

If you slip and start acting like a BETA, it will fuck up your chances with hot women. Beta behavior always loses.

People in the world are insecure, afraid, and just want someone who knows what they're doing to tell them what to do. If you can be that man, truck loads of women are waiting for you to make them unafraid and secure.

Why get married and spend your life with one stale pussy the rest of your life. If you have money why marry if she will end up with half of everything.

If you have huge fucking goals that you haven't achieved yet, why have kids? Kids take up serious time, effort, resources, and money from your life. They will only stop you from achieving your goals. Have kids once you reach your personal goals.

Have open ears, but learn to weed out the bullshitters. Not everyone knows what they're doing even though they claim to.

If you react negatively to someone who criticises you that means they are right. If someone criticises you and you have no emotional react, you didn't react because you know they're wrong. (credit to wallstplayboy's twitter)

There is no God. There is no heaven. Religion was made up to make people civilized, follow rules, and act like sheep. There is no meaning to your life, except to pass on your genes. You get to make up your own meaning.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - The Fantasist - 07-04-2013

Quote: (07-02-2013 10:00 PM)XY. Wrote:  

master your favorite frame

Could you elaborate on this XY?

I'm not sure if I get exactly what you mean but I think I like the idea by what I presume you mean.


Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - XY. - 07-04-2013

no problem bro.. frame could be any of the following, but not limited to.. aloof/scarce, cocky/funny, caveman, asshole, etc etc. for lack of a better word, its your vibe. personally im more of a cocky asshole type guy with women and i neg often and make many sarcastic remarks and use many pregnant pauses. have a main frame (favorite) and the other ones are thrown in every so often to help set your hooks.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Spider - 07-04-2013

never put a chicks happiness ahead of your own.

(The 1st lesson I learned - and what helped me see the light)

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Sleek - 07-04-2013

Quote: (07-04-2013 08:08 AM)G Trooper Wrote:  

All women are sluts except your mother.

If you want to get really good at game go out with a master of the game.

Watch out for fake friends. In the past, I was way to friendly and trusting only to have people take advantage of me or steal my leads (girls).

Don't be mad at the results you didn't get with the effort you didn't put in. The harder you work the luckier you get.

Realize you have to be approaching ALOT if you want to get the ideal girl you want. (credit to tyler durden)

You can have any type of girl you want just by going out a lot and approaching, that's the power of going out. (credit to tyler durden)

Money makes everything so much easier in life. Paying bills, getting girls, having a cool whip and crib, not giving a fuck about dropping cash is so much better than being a poor cheap loser.

You must bring value to the table. Work to become a man of high value.

Quitters are losers.

Most guys have terrible game.

Life is so fucking short. Guys in their 40's will tell you how quickly their 20's and 30's flew by. It's too short to being wasting it by doing things you don't enjoy. Remember your precious finite life when making decisions.

Using game strategy from heartiste's blog can get you women 2 points higher than what you normally get.

The prevalence of HIV in non homosexual's and non drug users is so fucking low it's laughable. I still would rather play it safe.

Neediness is a turnoff. If you NEED anything you definitely won't be getting it anytime soon.

How you act and feel on the inside is exactly what you see in other people in the outside.

Creepiness is a turnoff.

If you slip and start acting like a BETA, it will fuck up your chances with hot women. Beta behavior always loses.

People in the world are insecure, afraid, and just want someone who knows what they're doing to tell them what to do. If you can be that man, truck loads of women are waiting for you to make them unafraid and secure.

Why get married and spend your life with one stale pussy the rest of your life. If you have money why marry if she will end up with half of everything.

If you have huge fucking goals that you haven't achieved yet, why have kids? Kids take up serious time, effort, resources, and money from your life. They will only stop you from achieving your goals. Have kids once you reach your personal goals.

Have open ears, but learn to weed out the bullshitters. Not everyone knows what they're doing even though they claim to.

If you react negatively to someone who criticises you that means they are right. If someone criticises you and you have no emotional react, you didn't react because you know they're wrong. (credit to wallstplayboy's twitter)

There is no God. There is no heaven. Religion was made up to make people civilized, follow rules, and act like sheep. There is no meaning to your life, except to pass on your genes. You get to make up your own meaning.

All of that was incredibly eye-opening, but especially the last bit about God/religion.

People know if they can convert you to their way of thinking, they can be incredibly rich. That is precisely what the Church and every religious entity has done.


Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Radio One - 07-08-2013

Whether it's women, money, or anything of value in this world, if you didn't earn it, it will be that much more difficult for you to hold on to. You can always go bankrupt and your bird can disappear at any time, but the lessons you learned to earn those things can never be taken away from you.

I'm learning that one must put in the work, and a lot of it. No amount of theory and reading will get you what you want out of the game. And if you are putting in the work, congratulations- you can only see from this vantage point that the overwhelming majority of men are too scared to do it.

Failure is only feedback under a less appealing name, and if you learn from that feedback, you can do nothing but succeed. The more you make the process of success mechanical, by untying any emotions you have to it, the more likely you are to actually reach it.

Adjust accordingly.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - VincentVinturi - 07-08-2013

Biggest Lessons:

1. Communicate your honest, authentic sexual intent at all times

2. Be direct and unapologetic about your desires

3. Show up. Even if you're nervous/scared/uncertain. Just show up.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - samsamsam - 07-08-2013

Quote: (07-08-2013 11:41 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

Biggest Lessons:

1. Communicate your honest, authentic sexual intent at all times

VincentVinturi - Can you elaborate what you mean by that? It sort of sounds like you tell the women (in nicer words), "I just wanna have sex with you, if you can't accommodate my needs, let me know and I will move on."

That was how I read it lol.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - horn - 07-08-2013

Quote: (04-17-2013 01:17 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  


Always Be Closing

Yup. AIDA. The customer don't walk into the bar unless she wants to buy.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - horn - 07-08-2013

Quote: (07-08-2013 11:41 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

Biggest Lessons:

1. Communicate your honest, authentic sexual intent at all times

2. Be direct and unapologetic about your desires

3. Show up. Even if you're nervous/scared/uncertain. Just show up.

As on older man I can't +1 this enough. 90% of success in life - in anything - is showing up to do 'the work' every day. This also leads to experience ---> confidence ---> success in your craft ---> success with women.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Justice Beaver - 07-08-2013

for me, it's handling rejection and moving onto the next woman, before game I would get upset, but now i'm like... next! [Image: biggrin.gif]

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Therapsid - 07-08-2013

Success with women breeds success. Being seen with other hot women is the easiest way to punch above your way on the attractiveness scale. Sometimes they don't even need to see the other chicks, they can literally smell the pussy on you and will practically open themselves.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - All or Nothing - 07-08-2013

A shit eating grin lets you get away with more than you can possibly imagine.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - LeBeau - 07-08-2013

Recognizing Windows of Opportunity can create huge improvements in outcomes regardless of one's lifestyle or current level of game.

The need for attention works on a case by case basis, there is no set formula. Some women can be maintained for months without face to face contact.

Your lifestyle should serve your own happiness and progress first as a man, do not dabble with incongruity for the sake of trying to attract others.

A woman can often be happier alongside you on a journey of your own determination, rather than if she were to have a life designed around her own hobbies and dreams.

Game has it's own form of Murphy's Law. If you leave your place looking like shit to quickly grab something at the store, you will be presented with an attractive opportunity. That said, you can also own this, and sometimes even flip it to work out in the end.

Sometimes the strongest form of Social Circle game is using no "game" at all.

Calling out lies is a double edged sword, it can inspire guilt, dread, and deeper loyalty, or create a precedent for further lying in order to avoid uncomfortable emotions.

The most natural and successful players can also end up in the most dysfunctional relationships when they do commit.

Women can create drama for the sake of drama, and even go so far as to ruin what once made them most happy for the sake of emotional novelty.

Your success with women is magnified exponentially by the success and maintenance of the most foundational and personally important areas of your life.

PUA vocabulary and complex theory can often harm more than it helps. Ask yourself if you are actually reading an objective truth, or a manifestation of the need for intellectual stimulation, output and recognition.

Think in terms of "conversations" instead of "approaches"

A little learning is a dangerous thing, and it is often better to trust those who have no investment in their knowledge beyond pure curiosity and erudition.

The difference in coming off as "try hard" is the desire to impress, rather than express.

Let me know if any of these need further break downs, this has stimulated some ideas for future posts

And of course, one of the most important mentalities, in a dope showcase:

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Therapsid - 07-08-2013

Quote: (07-08-2013 08:28 PM)LeBeau Wrote:  

PUA vocabulary and complex theory can often harm more than it helps. Ask yourself if you are actually reading an objective truth, or a manifestation of the need for intellectual stimulation, output and recognition.

Think in terms of "conversations" instead of "approaches"

Yeah, I think in terms of approaches when I'm out but I wonder if the word just makes the act seem more daunting than it is.

But my biggest motivator is that I remind myself that, unfortunately, I'm going to get old and die, and that each year goes by quicker than the last, so there's no point in saving approaches or saving face for a day that will never come.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - VincentVinturi - 07-09-2013

Quote: (07-08-2013 02:37 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (07-08-2013 11:41 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

Biggest Lessons:

1. Communicate your honest, authentic sexual intent at all times

VincentVinturi - Can you elaborate what you mean by that? It sort of sounds like you tell the women (in nicer words), "I just wanna have sex with you, if you can't accommodate my needs, let me know and I will move on."

That was how I read it lol.

I don't directly say "I wanna fuck you" even though it's crystal clear that I do. But I'll insinuate it by eyeing up and down her body and letting her catch me, commenting on her nice figure, pulling her in to smell her hair, and just generally getting in her physical space early on and demonstrating a growing sense of ownership over her body.

I don't know how to explain it but when I do this it sort of shines a light on where a girl is at. If she's DTF she usually responds by flushing a bit and letting you get closer even if her words are saying the exact opposite. You can almost tell the exact moment that her pussy gets wet.

If she's not DTF or more interested in using you for attention, drawn out dates, and otherwise wasting your time/money/energy, this directness teases it out of her and she'll tell on herself before you've invested too much time.

Anybody else have this kind of approach? What's your experience?

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Sleek - 07-09-2013

Her words are meaningless, her body language is king.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - rlongo924 - 07-09-2013

When afraid or anxious, just think, what's the absolute worst thing that could happen?

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - horn - 07-09-2013

Quote: (07-08-2013 07:46 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

A shit eating grin lets you get away with more than you can possibly imagine.

So true.

I've lost track of the number of women I was banging or gaming that told me I was acting like an arrogant asshole but they loved my smile so it was okay and they couldn't stay mad at me.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - WestCoast - 07-09-2013

Horn you seem to have an interesting background did you outline it anywhere on the forum. If so can you shoot me a link?

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - snoop - 07-09-2013

be fun. life is a slog for most people, most of the time. be the bright spot in it.

Try to leave on a high note. most people worry about the opener, it doesn't need to be great, just not a disaster. What people remember more is how you left and how you made them feel.

be fearless but not reckless.

Thoughts should lead to action.
Action leads to accomplishment.
Accomplishment leads to fulfillment.
Fulfillment leads to a greater state of being.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Nascimento - 07-09-2013

Being in the moment, or in the highest form of state, allows you to spit the highest level of game you possess.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - Ingocnito - 07-10-2013

A few things I've learned:
1) A girl will tell you exactly who she is, and what she wants, and give IOI's within the first 30 sec. of an approach. These are the things about her that will NEVER change, be it during a phone # exchange and flake, a date, ONS, FWB, LTR, or marriage. This can hone your time spent on the right women much earlier on, targeted toward your purpose for her. For instance, her entire intent can be extracted from tone alone, and not even the words - which let's face it, 90% of what a girls says anyways is worthless. The body language will support the "tells" you pick up on. First few moments of contact should be heavily amplified in your mind. I like to test this too. Listen only to what she says and don't read body language, test for IOI's, red flags, etc. right on the spot or later on. Or flip it and literally listen to not a things she says, to the point you don't even hear it and ONLY focus on body language. Then respond verbally physically to that. Again, all based on first 30 sec. or so of contact.

2) Law of oppositions: the very first thing she outwardly states as her redeeming quality will always be her biggest lie, downfall, shell, insecurity, guilt about herself, etc. Know that. It will be at the core of what likely makes her a shady, untrustable, and her biggest anchor to the Americanized female culture.

3) Scan and change venues very quickly if need be. To the point of not even ordering a drink., just poke head in, read the room and split if not good. Unless of course, the place has a reputation for that night and time of year that precedes itself.

4) The harder you get cock blocked the bigger player you are in that particular environment. You're dangerous, recognize status, use to advantage.

5a) Walk directly up to the hottest, or one of the top 3 hottest girls in an environment, irrespective of group size, etc. early on in your entrance to a gathering place. This is a fantastic way to crush approach jitters, and regardless of how the interaction goes, will make talking to 6-8's a breeze after you talk to that 9. Most of the time it will go well because the girl is impressed you had the balls to do it, knowing how attractive she is. And why does it go well?

5b) ... for the same reason people don't dream big, it seems like big dreams are unachievable because so few have gone to that "extent" of success. And from my experience, there is less competition for the 9 simply because, established players included, guys just don't have the balls to walk up and open the hottest girl in the room. Sometimes they're almost like; "thank God, someone I can actually talk to a flirt a little with who isn't a whimpy shrew.." Again, have good frame or get clowned when trying this move.

Post Your Biggest Red Pill/Game Lessons - iknowexactly - 07-10-2013

+ 1 rep point for simple, strategic things to notice and try quickly.

Quote: (07-10-2013 02:02 AM)Ingocnito Wrote:  

A few things I've learned:
1) A girl will tell you exactly who she is, and what she wants, and give IOI's within the first 30 sec. of an approach.
Important point, don't waste time, "Difficult women remain difficult" ( Janka?)

4) The harder you get cock blocked the bigger player you are in that particular environment. You're dangerous, recognize status, use to advantage.

Great way to state an idea I also believe, "No success without being hated", but your idea is better because it gives you something specific to look for as an indicator.

And from my experience, there is less competition for the 9 simply because, established players included, guys just don't have the balls to walk up and open the hottest girl in the room. Sometimes they're almost like; "thank God, someone I can actually talk to a flirt a little with who isn't a whimpy shrew.." Again, have good frame or get clowned when trying this move.

I'm developing this technique, slow going because of the failure rate, but it's true, 9's are also more skilled at polite turndowns through practice so it's isn't usually at all traumatic. I have a giant mosquito in my head that keep saying "zzzzz99% of men don't approachzzzzz", "zzzzz99% of men don't approachzzzzz", "zzzzz99% of men don't approachzzzzz".....