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Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Printable Version

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Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - InternationalSwagger - 05-26-2010

Quote: (05-25-2010 11:34 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote: this thread...

to all the cats posting that Latin America is a no go have probably not even left the U.S. themselves...Blacks-mulato's are in all South-Central American countries and heavily repped in belize, brazil, columbia, venezuela even honduras and nicaragua we represent...

My visits
-Japan- You will be treated like a god...the older crowd will hate you though but fuck them...hit club harlem and don't act like a military dick head who the Japanese hate...couple people rolled up on me and asked me to out of pure comedy I did and they made me feel like I won american Idol....Japanese girls are pretty simple because their society doesn't have heavy taboo's about sex like here in the u.s. Just have your dress game up because the Japanese are real colorful about dressing up/ joke

-New Zealand/Australia - dated a girl from the Zee. I met her thru a friend that came over from NZ to work and go to school...her boyfriend was my friend who is black.... They love black guys in NZ..

-Brazil- in my opinion is the only place a brotha should ever visit...home of the largest population of africans outside of africa..yeah that's right more than the U.S. Just like in the u.s. they come in all shapes and shades so to say blacks can not pull or have a hard time is f-ing retarded ..Just beautiful women...the real key is being able to speak portuguese..Rio is good and definitely hit Sao Paulo...very cosmo and colorful..
I swear to god I will fucking marry a brazilain women. I cut my hand at a cafe. It was a friend, his gf and two other pauolistas. The gf gets up looks at my hand, walks over to a store, buys bandage and peroxide and cleans my hand/wound right there on the spot...This was the first day I met her...ask yourself how many sorry ass american women would do that shit?

-Canada-man please...they only hate Jamaicans in canada...Toronto is WAY UNDERESTIMATED...good times going up for the week of caribbana..

-Iceland-love brothas...don't sleep...I saw a ton of biracial kids walking around...I was told it's common for military cat's to knock these chicks up and roll..

-London - I had a ball...just I personally can't get down with the british culture outside of the music.european r/b music DESTROYS THE u.s...

-New Delhi India- very complicated-went for a job interview and stayed two weeks.. the educated ones just like the u.s. are fine but they believe euro = wealth/sucess/way of life to aspire too....but even India has Africans and I met cats who were even darker than me or any blacks I know in the u.s....You can pull, it's just a long process because of the culture and pressure..but India has some drop dead beautiful women....and alot of poverty..My hotel was a 4 star and I didn't know it until sunrise that a massive slum was a few yards away

-Don't sleep on africa..I know alot of euro mindset is on the board and dedicated to that type of women but ghana is f-ing nice. Stay the fck out of Nigeria, Somalia, Congo, and Zimbabwe...haven't been to South Africa...oh and strap up...aids is the official way of life unfortunately...

-Russia-look they got a skinny problem...stay out it ain't worth it in my opinion...not getting my head bashed the f-ck in for some russian/ukrainian brawd..just save your money and hit the northside of chicago...

Other brotha's I know have given thumbs up to spain/italy/ and especially germany and the netherlands...they were hgihly recommended..On my list to vist along with Lebanon...lebanese and brazilian women are fine as hell....hope this helps...peace

This post is on point...good ish...

Good thing about Latin-America countries with significant Black populations (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Honduras, Brazil, Ecuador to name a few) is that most US brothas can easily blend in and not be identified as a "trick" or foreigner looking for a easy lay right away and we can actually chill in the (barrios/favelas) a bit easier than someone who obviously looks foreign. Their are pluses and minuses to all situations. Most people (In the aforementioned countries) think I'm from there until I open my mouth (Intermediate Spanish) but it's still all love simply based on the fact that we have a common connection in looks, backround, common struggle, culture (music/dance), etc.

I just came back from Toronto this weekend (My 4th visit since 2007) and It re-affirmed my love for the place...Great diversity and the people are chill and US brothas with style get much love. Over the course of the weekend I chilled with fine chicks from Brazil, Afghanistan and The Phillipines, Jamaica (Some of the highest quality carribean women you will meet live, work and go to school in Toronto and they range from Rihianna look alikes to Creamy Chocolate bangers that I have on my roster) ...Going back June 11th for a quick weekender with my Brazilian one in Niagara. I went last year for Caribana and it was cool but I like going on regular weekends and low key holidays like the one that just passed...perfect situation and less competition and more intrigue on why you came to visit in the 1st place [Image: smile.gif].

I will be headed to Beirut next week so I will be dropping a detailed report to follow...I've heard so many good things about the place and I'm meeting my friend who lives in Dubai so we should be lining up some good things over those 5-6 days....anyone with Lebanon tips link me....

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-26-2010

Quote: (05-26-2010 05:57 AM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

I will be headed to Beirut next week so I will be dropping a detailed report to follow...I've heard so many good things about the place and I'm meeting my friend who lives in Dubai so we should be lining up some good things over those 5-6 days....anyone with Lebanon tips link me....

Beirut has been high up on my must do list. Can't wait for your trip report!

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Rocco81 - 05-26-2010

@ International Swagger: I know what you are saying dude, but just because the posters and shows and concerts are there does not necessarily mean that the people are going to love you. My comparison about hearing Bon Jovi (a stereotype of a middle aged nerdy rock band) in Jamaica, was just to illustrate that markets for that kind of thing do not mean people will accept everything that comes with it. Take that or leave it, but again its as valid to say that Whites hearing "white" music at a resort would mean welcome on the rest of the Island of Jamaica, as it is to think that because the rich and affluent in Moscow, are spending money on Beyonce tickets because they want to love a culture, Its an image.

@ISH: I understand what you mean, but if you read through these posts you would see that nobody is saying that you can't or won't get laid anywhere due to bieng a particular race, its just that in some places you stand out more. You said yourself, Japan and Iceland as 2 examples. A black would be seen as unique and interesting there. Now, Brazil, sure there are tons of black and mixed people, but that was part of the original point many of us were aren't special or unique, you would be seen as just another dude, who maybe is cute, maybe not and need some game. Hell, I know a couple of Mulata Brazilians that call themselves white and actively deny any black man that approaches them...not sure why, but its just a different mindset and I'm willing to bet that to them, a blonde haired blue eyed man is what you are to an Icelandic woman.

I think sometimes people miss the point. Good looking is good looking first and foremost. I used this example before, but I have a black friend who looks like Tyson Beckford and he gets allot of women, regardless of where he is. Simple. I have another friend with all American white boy Brad Pitt type looks...he get's tons of play from all races, all the time. These kinds of dudes have the look of 10 and they also got game a little game. For the rest of us, we are on the sliding scale somewhere between 1-10 who have to make shit work how we can.

The origin of this thread was not about it bieng impossible to get laid because you are of a certain race, it was where would be the best chance where and you would be most rewarded due to your race bieng a bonus.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Caramel Communist - 05-26-2010

Quote: (05-26-2010 11:02 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

@ International Swagger: I know what you are saying dude, but just because the posters and shows and concerts are there does not necessarily mean that the people are going to love you. My comparison about hearing Bon Jovi (a stereotype of a middle aged nerdy rock band) in Jamaica, was just to illustrate that markets for that kind of thing do not mean people will accept everything that comes with it. Take that or leave it, but again its as valid to say that Whites hearing "white" music at a resort would mean welcome on the rest of the Island of Jamaica, as it is to think that because the rich and affluent in Moscow, are spending money on Beyonce tickets because they want to love a culture, Its an image.

@ISH: I understand what you mean, but if you read through these posts you would see that nobody is saying that you can't or won't get laid anywhere due to bieng a particular race, its just that in some places you stand out more. You said yourself, Japan and Iceland as 2 examples. A black would be seen as unique and interesting there. Now, Brazil, sure there are tons of black and mixed people, but that was part of the original point many of us were aren't special or unique, you would be seen as just another dude, who maybe is cute, maybe not and need some game. Hell, I know a couple of Mulata Brazilians that call themselves white and actively deny any black man that approaches them...not sure why, but its just a different mindset and I'm willing to bet that to them, a blonde haired blue eyed man is what you are to an Icelandic woman.

I think sometimes people miss the point. Good looking is good looking first and foremost. I used this example before, but I have a black friend who looks like Tyson Beckford and he gets allot of women, regardless of where he is. Simple. I have another friend with all American white boy Brad Pitt type looks...he get's tons of play from all races, all the time. These kinds of dudes have the look of 10 and they also got game a little game. For the rest of us, we are on the sliding scale somewhere between 1-10 who have to make shit work how we can.

The origin of this thread was not about it bieng impossible to get laid because you are of a certain race, it was where would be the best chance where and you would be most rewarded due to your race bieng a bonus.

Yeah, the brazilian chica's have been brainwashed to believe that white-lighter is of value and anything darker is of no value or lesser quality. It's a symptom of centuries of slavery and institutionalized racism. You see this shit in the u.s., caribbean, south/central america and all the way over to india. Lights = smart, eductated, wealthy powerful Darker=substandard, poor, uneducated, janitors/bed pan changers of society. But being the true warrior that I am, I don't stop and manage their ignorance for them. Flash a copy of diploma, a business card, and invite their asses out to lunch/dinner and I gurantee you their position will change...

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - InternationalSwagger - 05-26-2010

Quote: (05-26-2010 02:54 PM)Caramel Communist Wrote:  

Quote: (05-26-2010 11:02 AM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

@ International Swagger: I know what you are saying dude, but just because the posters and shows and concerts are there does not necessarily mean that the people are going to love you. My comparison about hearing Bon Jovi (a stereotype of a middle aged nerdy rock band) in Jamaica, was just to illustrate that markets for that kind of thing do not mean people will accept everything that comes with it. Take that or leave it, but again its as valid to say that Whites hearing "white" music at a resort would mean welcome on the rest of the Island of Jamaica, as it is to think that because the rich and affluent in Moscow, are spending money on Beyonce tickets because they want to love a culture, Its an image.

@ISH: I understand what you mean, but if you read through these posts you would see that nobody is saying that you can't or won't get laid anywhere due to bieng a particular race, its just that in some places you stand out more. You said yourself, Japan and Iceland as 2 examples. A black would be seen as unique and interesting there. Now, Brazil, sure there are tons of black and mixed people, but that was part of the original point many of us were aren't special or unique, you would be seen as just another dude, who maybe is cute, maybe not and need some game. Hell, I know a couple of Mulata Brazilians that call themselves white and actively deny any black man that approaches them...not sure why, but its just a different mindset and I'm willing to bet that to them, a blonde haired blue eyed man is what you are to an Icelandic woman.

I think sometimes people miss the point. Good looking is good looking first and foremost. I used this example before, but I have a black friend who looks like Tyson Beckford and he gets allot of women, regardless of where he is. Simple. I have another friend with all American white boy Brad Pitt type looks...he get's tons of play from all races, all the time. These kinds of dudes have the look of 10 and they also got game a little game. For the rest of us, we are on the sliding scale somewhere between 1-10 who have to make shit work how we can.

The origin of this thread was not about it bieng impossible to get laid because you are of a certain race, it was where would be the best chance where and you would be most rewarded due to your race bieng a bonus.

Yeah, the brazilian chica's have been brainwashed to believe that white-lighter is of value and anything darker is of no value or lesser quality. It's a symptom of centuries of slavery and institutionalized racism. You see this shit in the u.s., caribbean, south/central america and all the way over to india. Lights = smart, eductated, wealthy powerful Darker=substandard, poor, uneducated, janitors/bed pan changers of society. But being the true warrior that I am, I don't stop and manage their ignorance for them. Flash a copy of diploma, a business card, and invite their asses out to lunch/dinner and I gurantee you their position will change...

In my Trey Songz voice...Yaauupp!

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Rocco81 - 05-26-2010

@ CaramelCommunist: Well that is one way to look at it, the other is that simply sometimes opposites attract. I know what you mean about some places looking down on dark skinned people and many places that is true. Speaking for the USA and DC in particular, I have met black girls here that like white boys and some that don't, same for white girls and black dudes, latin and white etc etc... Its not just a matter of race. Me for example, I dont really get into Asian girls...its not that I dislike Asian people, just not really into Asian women.

A good Brazilian friend of mine is def. mixed and in Rio there are all types, its just she simply says she likes white boys...all her friends are brown or black and she is educated so its not just about status or education, she just likes blue eyes, for her its that simple.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-26-2010

Quote: (05-26-2010 05:21 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

@ CaramelCommunist: Well that is one way to look at it, the other is that simply sometimes opposites attract. I know what you mean about some places looking down on dark skinned people and many places that is true. Speaking for the USA and DC in particular, I have met black girls here that like white boys and some that don't, same for white girls and black dudes, latin and white etc etc... Its not just a matter of race. Me for example, I dont really get into Asian girls...its not that I dislike Asian people, just not really into Asian women.

A good Brazilian friend of mine is def. mixed and in Rio there are all types, its just she simply says she likes white boys...all her friends are brown or black and she is educated so its not just about status or education, she just likes blue eyes, for her its that simple.

Well, there must be a lot of interracial fucking going on in Brazil or everyone wouldn't look so mixed.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Rocco81 - 05-27-2010

Speakeasy did you just feel like throwing that out there to sound blunt or what? Not sure why you're quoting me exactly? My point still stands... no matter what origins you can site or whatever your/my looks can be exotic depending on where we go.

The racial history of Brazil its pretty fascinating actually. There are a couple reasons for large Mullato population in Brazil. One bright happy truth is that there were many mixed marriage couples who reared large old school catholic Brazilian families (not just fucking as you put it)but people that just saw themselves as Brazilian and not white or black or of euro or afro decent... some people claim this is why Brazilians are as non racist as they are. The Portuguese settlers call themselves Brazilian and the blacks and Indians did too. You're a dark Brazilian Im a light Brazilian etc.

On the harsh and dark side there were of course slave rapes and horrible things of that nature that occured as well. You gotta remember that 75% of the Trans-atlantic Slave trade went to South America and the Carribean (Brazil, Venezuela,Guayana, Haiti etc) So in many of those cities the black slaves or freed slaves outnumbered the Spanish or Portugeuse settlers. 3 or 4 to 1 and sometimes more. Some of the kids were hidden away or some reared as "tan" white kids but eventually that all went away and generations later you have someone with dark skin but blue eyes or light skin but very dark features etc.

Also its interesting to point out that some of the Amazona's had curly hair and very dark skin, way before any africans showed up. So if you are mixed looking in Brazil it could be a combo of white and indian or black and indian or white and black etc etc....

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Hard2Handle - 05-27-2010

I went to a few Latin American countries and hooked up and had a lot of success with Latin Women. Honduras was very easy, Costa Rica was easy, Panama the local girls were real tough and did not give up any play. I went to Rio Brazil I hooked up with a few fine white Brazilian girls. When I went to a couple of hip hop clubs in Copacabana i met a few girls that spoke english and I was making out with them on the dance floor with in 10 minutes. When I went to Ipanema where the girls were really white and had money thats where I got no play. There were 2 other white guys with me as well and they didn't get any play either. I think speaking the language is the number one key in hooking up as well as being having game. I do well in Los Angeles where I live, but Latin America is great for anyone with a little game.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Rocco81 - 05-28-2010

I think its also safe to say that in any "rich" group of girls they are more welll traveled and not so amazed by foreigners. Like a guy from Brazil coming to NYC or LA ... he might get some play but more than likely he needs mucho game, because like I sadi he is more likely to blend in. Take him to Pittsburgh or Cleveland and he is gonna have more fun.

I would think in Rio you get the small % of middle class girls or larger % of ghetto girls that are amazed by foreigners. Then you have the uppity people who may scoff at you o even resent you.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-28-2010

Quote: (05-27-2010 09:19 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

I do well in Los Angeles where I live, but Latin America is great for anyone with a little game.

What spots do you hit in L.A.? I'm kinda done with the club scene and focusing more on bars with a sociable vibe. I've been going to this place called Dillon's Pub right on Hollywood and Vine. Usually pretty decent girls there and cheap drinks by L.A. standards, esp given the location. Not so pretentious as the rest of Hollywood and its easy to socialize there.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - InternationalSwagger - 05-28-2010

Quote: (05-28-2010 03:04 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2010 09:19 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

I do well in Los Angeles where I live, but Latin America is great for anyone with a little game.

What spots do you hit in L.A.? I'm kinda done with the club scene and focusing more on bars with a sociable vibe. I've been going to this place called Dillon's Pub right on Hollywood and Vine. Usually pretty decent girls there and cheap drinks by L.A. standards, esp given the location. Not so pretentious as the rest of Hollywood and its easy to socialize there.

I'm back in forth between LA and ATL...As I creep into my late 20's I dont enjoy the "Hollywood" scene as much either...check out Citizen Smith, V Lounge in Santa Monica, Bodega Wine Bar in SM, Wockano in SM. They spin cool music and a non-pretencious no cover vibe.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Hard2Handle - 05-28-2010

Quote: (05-28-2010 03:04 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2010 09:19 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

I do well in Los Angeles where I live, but Latin America is great for anyone with a little game.

What spots do you hit in L.A.? I'm kinda done with the club scene and focusing more on bars with a sociable vibe. I've been going to this place called Dillon's Pub right on Hollywood and Vine. Usually pretty decent girls there and cheap drinks by L.A. standards, esp given the location. Not so pretentious as the rest of Hollywood and its easy to socialize there.

I live in the Valley so I try to stay in the Valley, you can go to Clear, FireFly, Casa Vega, they are all on Ventura Blvd. in Studio City.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - playa_with_a_passport - 05-28-2010


It's possible...Playa With a Passport lets make a move bruh! I was thinking St. Petersburg and Kiev 1st though...I dont think Kiev is as hostile as Russia either.

When are you planning on going? If you are going in the Winter is going to be a no go for the kid. I am tropical, I can barely stand NY's Winters.


-Don't sleep on africa..I know alot of euro mindset is on the board and dedicated to that type of women but ghana is f-ing nice. Stay the fck out of Nigeria, Somalia, Congo, and Zimbabwe...haven't been to South Africa...oh and strap up...aids is the official way of life unfortunately..

I don't know about the rest of Africa, but don't go to Southern Africa for the women.


- You guys using 50cent and Wu Tang having concerts in Eastern Europe as proof of either safety or foreign popularity in these countries is a bit silly, no offense intended, but that is like me saying that because there are tons of white people listening to Bon Jovi on the resorts in Jamaica, that its completey safe to go wandering around outside of the resort area and 1. Be accepted and liked 3. Not get robbed or beaten on by random groups of thugs. 3rd and Least of your worries...scoring with some Jamaican women

White people still listen to Bon Jovi? lol just kidding... Not to nitpick on your analogy, but the only place that's really dangerous in Jamaica is Kingston. There are no resorts near in Kingston. So technically Whites can and do hang in downtown Negril and Montego Bay all they want without fear of life and limb. But I do get agree with your point, sold out concerts by Black artist proves nothing.


Do you sport the hiphop look though? That seems to be the image that is most sold around the world. But I'm sure as hell not going to dress hiphop just to try and get the girls. I see a lot of Brazilian black dudes trying to emulate the hiphop look from the U.S. Not my thing really. I like slender boot cut designer jeans, shoes and collar shirts. I'm way over the hiphop look.

I haven't rocked a doo-rag and Baggy jeans ever since "3rd Bass" dropped the "Catcus" album. If you watch BET or MTV music videos, rappers are wearing all different kind of shit nowadays. you can't even pigeonhole any of their styles as "Hip Hop."

IMHO, for the Brothers the "style" of travel makes a bigger difference whether you are going to have a pussy buffet or you going to be jerking off every night of your trip than the actual location. As we all know, the broke insightful backpacker "look" is something that White playas can pull it off a little better. If you are going suited and booted, your clothes game is tight and you are sitting up in the club with a big bottle of Hennessey or Black Label at your table I just don't see how its NOT possible to get laid regardless of how racist the country is. However, this type of conspicuous consumption is just not sustainable if you are traveling for more than 2 weeks. I have done both types of travel, the backpacker way and the balling-out-control-people-think-I-am-Puff-Daddy-twin one week trip. To be perfectly honest I like the slower paced, 1 to 3 months backpacker trips better even thought I would go weeks without any ass. At this stage of the Game I already know I can get ass at home almost at will. So what I am looking for is the general experience of traveling, thus getting to sample the local punani is just a bonus.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - kindredspirit - 05-28-2010

Good tips by Playa.

I personally think you can never go wrong with showing class, taste, intelligence, understated wealth, a non-chalant consumption of luxury, and a touch of international mystery. Girls dig that.

I remember when I tried dressing like an over the hill member of the Backstreet Boys and it was a total disaster.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-28-2010

Quote: (05-28-2010 12:37 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2010 03:04 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2010 09:19 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

I do well in Los Angeles where I live, but Latin America is great for anyone with a little game.

What spots do you hit in L.A.? I'm kinda done with the club scene and focusing more on bars with a sociable vibe. I've been going to this place called Dillon's Pub right on Hollywood and Vine. Usually pretty decent girls there and cheap drinks by L.A. standards, esp given the location. Not so pretentious as the rest of Hollywood and its easy to socialize there.

I live in the Valley so I try to stay in the Valley, you can go to Clear, FireFly, Casa Vega, they are all on Ventura Blvd. in Studio City.

Same here, I'm in Sherman Oaks, right by the galleria. Been to all those other places, but not Firefly. Casa Vega, only to eat a couple times but didn't see much going on, maybe because it wasn't happy hour.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Hard2Handle - 05-28-2010

Quote: (05-28-2010 06:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2010 12:37 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2010 03:04 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2010 09:19 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

I do well in Los Angeles where I live, but Latin America is great for anyone with a little game.

What spots do you hit in L.A.? I'm kinda done with the club scene and focusing more on bars with a sociable vibe. I've been going to this place called Dillon's Pub right on Hollywood and Vine. Usually pretty decent girls there and cheap drinks by L.A. standards, esp given the location. Not so pretentious as the rest of Hollywood and its easy to socialize there.

I live in the Valley so I try to stay in the Valley, you can go to Clear, FireFly, Casa Vega, they are all on Ventura Blvd. in Studio City.

Same here, I'm in Sherman Oaks, right by the galleria. Been to all those other places, but not Firefly. Casa Vega, only to eat a couple times but didn't see much going on, maybe because it wasn't happy hour.
I used to live on Sepulveda across from the firehouse, I am now in Encino so we need to hook up. The last time I went to Casa Vega I hooked up with a Mexican girl I was boneing for a few months. FireFly is a little west of Clear and is a real cool spot to hang out Thursday through Saturday.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-28-2010

Quote: (05-28-2010 07:09 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2010 06:19 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2010 12:37 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2010 03:04 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2010 09:19 PM)Hard2Handle Wrote:  

I do well in Los Angeles where I live, but Latin America is great for anyone with a little game.

What spots do you hit in L.A.? I'm kinda done with the club scene and focusing more on bars with a sociable vibe. I've been going to this place called Dillon's Pub right on Hollywood and Vine. Usually pretty decent girls there and cheap drinks by L.A. standards, esp given the location. Not so pretentious as the rest of Hollywood and its easy to socialize there.

I live in the Valley so I try to stay in the Valley, you can go to Clear, FireFly, Casa Vega, they are all on Ventura Blvd. in Studio City.

Same here, I'm in Sherman Oaks, right by the galleria. Been to all those other places, but not Firefly. Casa Vega, only to eat a couple times but didn't see much going on, maybe because it wasn't happy hour.
I used to live on Sepulveda across from the firehouse, I am now in Encino so we need to hook up. The last time I went to Casa Vega I hooked up with a Mexican girl I was boneing for a few months. FireFly is a little west of Clear and is a real cool spot to hang out Thursday through Saturday.

We got several guys from L.A. here on the forum. We should start up a lair.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Luckystar - 05-31-2010

Quote: (05-31-2010 09:47 AM)lavinci Wrote:  

I don't know where to post this, so I'm going to drop it here.

there's a video here you want to see -,0.html#film=84172_7952893

A Nigerian got killed by a cop under controversial circumstances in Poland. This has lead to big march through the cities of Warsaw and people chanting in front of the police station, which was broadcasted by all national TV's. Eastern Europe is not as diversity-friendly as you'd like it to be, but this is a huge milestone for anti-racism in Poland.

Nice to hear an anti racism story coming from the EE. Poland actually never really struck me as terribly racist.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Excelsior - 06-01-2010

Yeah I was actually under the impression that a black guy could do pretty well in Poland as far as getting girls and not having to deal with too many skinheads.

Its places like Slovenia that you need to stay the hell away from.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Global Baller - 06-01-2010

Quote: (06-01-2010 05:10 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Yeah I was actually under the impression that a black guy could do pretty well in Poland as far as getting girls and not having to deal with too many skinheads.

Its places like Slovenia that you need to stay the hell away from.

No...Slovena is cool for brothas.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Excelsior - 06-04-2010

Quote: (06-01-2010 05:16 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2010 05:10 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Yeah I was actually under the impression that a black guy could do pretty well in Poland as far as getting girls and not having to deal with too many skinheads.

Its places like Slovenia that you need to stay the hell away from.

No...Slovena is cool for brothas.

Is it? I heard a story or two that said otherwise, but could you offer some anecdotes of your own? I'd love to put it(and other parts of Eastern Europe) back on my travel list for the future provided I can clear all this up.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - IshGibbor - 06-21-2010

Great info

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Princeton - 06-28-2010

Quote: (06-04-2010 03:48 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2010 05:16 PM)Global Baller Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2010 05:10 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Yeah I was actually under the impression that a black guy could do pretty well in Poland as far as getting girls and not having to deal with too many skinheads.

Its places like Slovenia that you need to stay the hell away from.

No...Slovena is cool for brothas.

Is it? I heard a story or two that said otherwise, but could you offer some anecdotes of your own? I'd love to put it(and other parts of Eastern Europe) back on my travel list for the future provided I can clear all this up.

I think you're thinking of Slovakia. Bratislava has a bit of a rep for racist skinheads. The EE countries that seem to have the worst rep for racism are the Baltics (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia), Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Slovakia.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Aylar - 06-28-2010

I dunno if anyone has mentioned it, but I saw many interracial couples in France last time I went this past January. with good looking girls of all types too. Black men, white euro chicks, and black women with white euro guys. never seent hat many anywhere else to be honest.