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Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Kid Twist - 04-15-2019

Quote: (04-15-2019 09:49 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

When a minority is offering a $1000 bucks a month to every citizen of the country. doesn't sound like a crazy pants as crazy as Bernie while doing it, and during an era when more people than every are struggling financially, ANYTHING is possible at this point.

There you go.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - CynicalContrarian - 04-15-2019

The DNC battle could well be rather nasty.
Then whoever does manage to survive; they still have to compete against Trump...

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Easy_C - 04-16-2019

People now understand Obama?

No they don’t. Most of the Democrats still absolutely adore him and regularly talk in glowing terms about how amazing Michelle is, how nice it was to have a “scandal free administration”, Obama being the best President in the country’s history, and so long.

There’s one MASSIVE factor your forgetting: How R selected psychology works. They make this kind of decision primarily based on their instinct to believe what’s good and proper to believe. Right now they’ve clearly sent the message that it’s not kosher to support Tulsi or Bernie for various reasons with the one that’s sticking best being the idea that Tulsi works for Putin.

The actual “left” is going to go with bernie because of name appeal while the acceptable opinions for pro status quo Democrats to have are supporting Beto and Buttgig. Between those two the financial backers seem to have decided Omni a Buttgig.

They’re definitely going to foist Buttgig on the party which is very, very likely to succeed because they’ve clamped down their primaries. It will take an all out rebellion by the base to stop it(which is a non-trivial possibility).

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - eljeffster - 04-16-2019

Just remember, the Democratic nominee is almost sure to be a literal cocksucker. Butt-guy, Harris, Warren. Even "Beto" has probably downed one or two.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - CaptainCup - 04-16-2019


Just remember, the Democratic nominee is almost sure to be a literal cocksucker. Butt-guy, Harris, Warren. Even "Beto" has probably downed one or two.

Add Booker to that list as well.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - rpg - 04-16-2019

The fact that Obama is bi didn't come out until after he was elected. A publicly known homo is not getting in. A dyke maybe. It is well known that Hillary munches the carpet and voters didn't care. Kamala or Bernie will get the nomination.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - SamuelBRoberts - 04-16-2019

Wait when did it come out that Obama was bi?

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - eradicator - 04-16-2019

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Super_Fire - 04-16-2019

The oligarchs have anointed Buttigieg as their candidate; as we speak, David Axelrod is creating him the same way he did to Obama.

I said here last year that Buttigieg was a serious contender and was written off. Funny how life works.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Kid Twist - 04-16-2019

When does he actually become "serious" though?

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - rpg - 04-17-2019

Quote: (04-16-2019 08:21 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Wait when did it come out that Obama was bi?

A really long time ago. He was a gay prostitute working the beach picking up old guys.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - The Black Knight - 04-17-2019

Tucker showing how the MSM/establishment is licking Buttgigs asshole hard despite being essentially a nobody in experience and policy views. The first few minutes, he shows clips from the MSM that is both comical and disgusting. He then goes after other libtards running. Worth a watch.

Tucker is the man.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - MaceTyrell - 04-17-2019

Kamala penned a short op ed in support of Blaisey Ford in Time.

She’s starting to test my support.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - 911 - 04-17-2019

Quote: (04-17-2019 07:58 AM)rpg Wrote:  

Quote: (04-16-2019 08:21 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Wait when did it come out that Obama was bi?

A really long time ago. He was a gay prostitute working the beach picking up old guys.

Obama blew guys for coke and money in high school. He is also a 3rd generation CIA/deep state tool, his mom was stationed in Indonesia on assignment during a very active period in the mid-1960s, and his grandfather stationed in Beirut, Lebanon in the 50s.

His first gig out of college was a trip to Pakistan, and work with a CIA front company.

Obama has kept his seedy habits as a young politician, frequently men on the "down low", many of whom from the revolutionary parish he frequented in Chicago. In the runup to his election, three of his former lovers were disposed of in the span of a few weeks, like Hilary he had a "body count".

Buttgig is from the same cloth as Obama, his father was a globalist communist, part of the wave of Frankfurt Schoolers who colonized academia to subvert it. Notre Dame University, as one of the crown jewels of the Catholic academic establishment, was a prime target. Pete Buttgig is also in the Intelligence apparatus. Like Obama and Clinton, he was also nurtured by the deep state, with the Rhodes scholarship and now the omnipresent media adulation.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Sp5 - 04-18-2019

Divide candidates into two categories: Establishment and Insurgent

The Establishment candidates are like soda or beer brands:
different flavas, same carbs. All being test-marketed, see who gets shelf space (promotion) from the mainstream media.
Would pursue policies friendly to Wall Street and military-industrial complex.


Biden (old shoe, known by all)
Harris (brown female)
Buttigieg (gay + veteran as a bonus)
O'Rourke (sensitive white guy, Bobby Kennedy namesake/clone)
Gillibrand (angry white soccer mom feminist)
Booker (brown guy)

The Insurgent candidates seem to want to change things. Caveat, though: some could be stealth Establishment



Don't know / being completely starved by media:


Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - jordypip23 - 04-18-2019

Quote: (04-15-2019 10:14 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

The DNC battle could well be rather nasty.
Then whoever does manage to survive; they still have to compete against Trump...

Sounds like brutal stages in Mortal Kombat. Only to face the ultimate boss in the end heh.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - eradicator - 04-18-2019

I'm not sure how tough of a road the democrat nominee will have. They need to flip 2 or 3 of these states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida plus win the states that HIllary won in 2016. Hillary never campaigned or visited Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin at all. She just figured they were blue states and didn't campaign there and Trump won them by razor thin margins.

That was Hillary, one of the most unlikable candidates in the history of politics. It might not take much campaigning from the democratic candidate to win some of those swing states, and take the election. Also, remember Arizona now has 2 democrat senators(zero republican), and may be turning blue in the next election.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - rpg - 04-18-2019

Buttplug is worse that Dukakis and Mondale. He is worse than Carter.
Lets hope Dems cant remember what a winning strategy looks like.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - kosko - 04-18-2019

Quote: (04-18-2019 02:52 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Divide candidates into two categories: Establishment and Insurgent

The Establishment candidates are like soda or beer brands:
different flavas, same carbs. All being test-marketed, see who gets shelf space (promotion) from the mainstream media.
Would pursue policies friendly to Wall Street and military-industrial complex.


Biden (old shoe, known by all)
Harris (brown female)
Buttigieg (gay + veteran as a bonus)
O'Rourke (sensitive white guy, Bobby Kennedy namesake/clone)
Gillibrand (angry white soccer mom feminist)
Booker (brown guy)

The Insurgent candidates seem to want to change things. Caveat, though: some could be stealth Establishment



Don't know / being completely starved by media:


Warren is an establishment hack, 100%. The only reason she seems like an outsider is because she is damaged goods after her Native American fiasco. I'd we backtracked a few years she was set up to be the 'next batter up' as one of the establishments favourites.

Warren is spewing "radical" positions because in such a crowded field, she can't get any press or attention otherwise. She would be much more strait laced and moderate, just like Kamala, if she still had her favourite status by the elite.

Democrats and their established hacks can be broken into the camps of being controlled by Wall Street, Big Labour/Big Pension, or the radical coastal elites that are funded or influenced by Big Homo and Big Tech. Maybe one third of the candidates are getting backing while the rest if the hacks wish they did (Booker), and are groveling for scraps.

The only contraiarains that are not controlled are Sanders, Yang, Gabbard. Maybe you can argue Sander is controlled by the Soicieté International (Big Communism), but I question that as he is an old Brooklyn Jew I don't think anybody is telling that guy what to do and he is going of his 'own notes' so to speak.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Kid Twist - 04-18-2019

No one has really asked Bernie yet why he stood down after complaining about being forced out against Clinton. If any "controlled" theory is true, it's of Bernie and has been shown, already. My analysis of him is just one of chaos, more than the rest of these clowns. Which fits.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - 911 - 04-19-2019

[Image: D4eQTxfXkAA0Qqw.jpg]

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - 911 - 04-19-2019

[Image: D4e-PDRWwAEt9C9.jpg]

Beavis and Butt-gig.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - felix_vagabondo - 04-21-2019

It seems like the Dems need to brace for defeat. Amtrak Joe is their best hope for beating DJT. Maybe it is time for Dems to retrieve Al Gore from cold storage?

[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - SamuelBRoberts - 04-21-2019

Biden I think will be a real threat, absent any serious allegations of pedophilia. The dude is a total blank who functions mostly as "generic democrat", which means that he doesn't have a lot of attack surface. "Groping Joe" doesn't seem to have left any real mark on his chances, and as far as I know that was the only card to play against him. (I was honestly surprised, I expected it to do more damage.)

If you want a preview of what the Democrat's tactics are gonna look like in 2020, check this Sanders ad out.


Now here's a chart I've posted a couple times, but I'll throw it up again.

Trump's messaging is now so bad that he literally cannot win the messaging war when he's GIVING PEOPLE MONEY. Like he's literally putting thousands of dollars in people's pockets, and his messaging is so atrocious that they don't even give him credit for it. That's an unheard-of level of failure.

Couple that with Obamacare price rises, which are still kicking (And disproportionately likely to hurt people in the mid 40s to mid 60s range, who are heavy voters.) and you've got a recipe for bad times.

The Democrat's message for 2020 will be "Trump failed you." Trump's going to have to win by convincing people that he didn't.

I dunno if Mr. "I'll get around to that wall someday, but first let me recognize the Golan Heights!" has it in him to pull it off, frankly.

Predicitons for Democrat candidate in 2020? - Sp5 - 04-23-2019

One thing about Bernie and Tulsi: like Trump, they have some excellent enemies.

Watching CNN stack their "Town Hall" with loaded questioners.