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The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - sandman972 - 12-25-2014

Quote: (12-24-2014 10:53 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Hate to bump an old thread, but I'm stuck. I had a good date with this girl on Monday night. Just texted her to make plans again later this week.

me: hey x, how's it going?
her: It's pretty hectic. Just got home and I've gotta get up at 6 am again tomorrow. How about you
me: pretty good. just got done with some last minute stuff. anyway, you wanna hang out later this week?
her: Might be free. Can't give you a definite answer yet but Id like to say im interested


What annoys me about her response to you is that she already views herself as higher value by not giving you a definitive answer and is basially saying " Not really sure if Im interested, but I wouldnt mind you chasing me like a little beta bitch as it gets me off as well".

She didnt give you a counter offer, didnt say when she would get back to you, and then says " but Id like to say Im interested" which is straight up saying " but keep chasing me little boy I like it".

Respond with a simple "yawn" followed by radio silence until she initiates with you to meet up, which Ill be up front with you, seems unlikely. Shes just a weak prospect, so expect weak results with her, dont waste your time.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Akula - 12-26-2014

^^^ yeah that's what I thought too. She doesn't seem that interested.

I think you should have been more specific and picked out a couple alternative dates instead of "wanna hang out later this week." Girls are so wishy washy anyway and that doesn't pin her down to a meetup and give her some options (and also it would give you an idea of how interested she is i.e. if she can't meet up at all then it's pretty dead). So maybe the reason she "Cant' give you a specific answer" is mostly due to the fact that you didn't give her a specific date.

I also don't like that you just had a date on Monday and are already hitting her up again, presumably for the weekend, which shows that you don't have anything else going on really. It's also the holidays so I would be more inclined to take her at her word that she's busy with family and other holiday stuff. Maybe there is something that you took out of Monday's date that made you think you can get the bang this next time and u need to "strike while the iron is hot"?? What exactly happened on date #1?

I guess it's me but if they aren't 100% committed to hanging out and don't think I'm great then I just next them. This could go either way, hard to tell, I would not necessesarily give up just yet. I'd say go silent and re-start early to mid-next week. If she touches base this weekend great if not just do some other things.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - jolly_cynic - 12-27-2014

4:24pm Me: big new years plans?

4:25pm Her: Probably gonna chill with my roommate. What's up?

4:42pm Me: Maybe we go somewhere and shoot some pool and watch the ball drop

10:14pm Her: This is gonna sound super lame but I'm going to hang with my roommate that night because I don't want her to be by herself haha

Salvagable? Nearly texted right away to bring roommate along, but caught myself.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ElJefe - 12-28-2014

I think akula is too pessimistic. This girl could just be super chill and a little introverted, especially if she's hot. No need to insult. Yet.

Tease her and say she can try and reach you later and you'll see if you're free. Reset frame. Get a new girl. I think she'll get back to you.


Her: ... id like to say I'm interested.
you: np let me know and we'll see if I'm available

For example. Most guys in here are quite intense types that enjoy analyzing everything. It's good to practice just being cool with everything and not interpreting anything less than wild enthusiasm as bad

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ElJefe - 12-28-2014

What do you guys do about girls who are too shy to contact you directly, but upload lotsa snap-stories? Anything particular or just bulldoze ahead.

For the record I don't view these stories, and I'm basically thinking of deleting snapchat. On the other hand, it's quite an excellent way to neg girls as per Heartiste's recommendation. She sends a picture of herself all dolled up, I send a photo of a crying baby, etc.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Mufasa - 12-28-2014

Here's what I'm about to text... sound good? If not what is a better play for me to make?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - RealityCheck - 12-28-2014

Mufasa, no offense bro, but are you serious? You just laid all your cards out on the table, killing all the mystery and intrigue.

She responded in kind with a complete lack of interest. Her message is not something that she would send to a guy she was interested in. She's too busy to meet people because of work? Give me a fucking break. Your proposed response will only further kill the interaction.

I'd try to switch gears and follow the basic principles of texting available in various red pill blogs/books, and on this forum. Just say "gay".

I believe that this or something similar is your best course of action, but if I were a betting man, I wouldn't put bank on her actually ever coming out to meet you. Good luck, though.

You can see on the last page of this thread that I was used Heartiste's material to deal with a weak prospect as best as possible. There's no shame in copying directly from him. If he didn't want people to "copy" it, then he wouldn't have published it on his blog.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Mufasa - 12-28-2014

Guess I should have prefaced with this:

Somewhere in that is that piece is that "cards on the table" text. Plans were continuing to fall through so I sent it. Normally after the flakes rack up I just stop communication all together but I read the all cards out thing and decided to give it a go.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - RealityCheck - 12-29-2014

I hadn't seen that article. It seems to conflict with the more conventional texting advice of Roosh, Heartiste, and CMQ. Those are usually the ones that I turn to when in doubt. You can avoid the "generic, boring texts that guys usually send," as the author says, in shorter texts.

If it works for him though, then power to him. Just not my style.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - AneroidOcean - 12-29-2014

My commentary [in bold]:

Quote: (12-27-2014 11:43 PM)jolly_cynic Wrote:  

4:24pm Me: big new years plans?

4:25pm Her: Probably gonna chill with my roommate. What's up?

[Booooring. However, she asked you what's up. That was her way of asking you if you had something else cool going on she should go to instead. She knows her plans are boring.]

4:42pm Me: Maybe we go somewhere and shoot some pool and watch the ball drop

[Maybe? Cut the maybes, that's for chicks and weak guys. Shoot some pool and watch the ball drop? You must be in bum fuck egypt or you're not trying very hard to find something fun to do on NYE. I would highly recommend you find something more interesting to do on NYE. It's practically a gold-mine of finding some chick to sluttily make out with you. There's even a time-goal already set!]

10:14pm Her: This is gonna sound super lame but I'm going to hang with my roommate that night because I don't want her to be by herself haha

[She continues to point out how lame her plans are. You should find something more interesting to do and invite her. Tell her you know a few people and it will be a blast. Tell her she can bring her roommate. Invite other girls. Even if you can't get other girls to come with you, go to the more interesting event. Go after girls.]

Salvagable? Nearly texted right away to bring roommate along, but caught myself.

Again, gotta repeat that you should find some better NYE plans and invite her/her roommate. People at parties like it a lot when you bring girls. It's one of the biggest party nights of the year. Go out and have fun.

Quote: (12-28-2014 02:38 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

Here's what I'm about to text... sound good? If not what is a better play for me to make?

I'm wondering why you haven't taken this to a real phone call yet. Laying it all out there, texts at nearly 2 in the morning that are in no way sexual? Sounds like a bust overall, I'd just give her radio silence and move on. Your suggested text is way too appeasing. It reads like this on the girl's side:

"Oh it's okay that you work so much, you have to work, I understand completely. Maybe if at some point you're free you could maybe grace me with your presence and let me know what time that would be?"

Maybe a hail mary opener to get her back in it:

"Fuck i had the ring picked out"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Valhalla - 12-30-2014

I'm trying to bang some girl from my social circle so I don't wanna appear thirsty or too obvious about it. She already likes me but we both run in the same social professional circle so there apprehension on both sides. I had asked her to hang 1 on 1 about 3 weeks ago but I'm letting this burn slow. Also the holidays and bad weather have been cockblocking me hard

Texted her out of the blue,

"Hey K what's uppp I'll be out at x tonite for a show"

I tried not to ask any questions regarding hanging out, just pinged her where I was gonna be tonight.

She replies "ok cool I already made plans tonight but have fun"

Obvious lie since its a Tuesday, the weather took a turn for the worst after I had asked so it was a bad time to ask.

Should I just invite her out randomly in a few another days or should I just say "what's your schd like" or "what's a good day for you"(these two appear a bit thirsty maybe?). I never particularly know what to do when a girl rebuffs my date.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ElJefe - 12-31-2014

Quote: (12-30-2014 08:58 PM)Valhalla Wrote:  

Obvious lie since its a Tuesday

I never particularly know what to do when a girl rebuffs my date.

You kinda answered your own question.

if you think she's lying to avoid hanging out with you, then why are you bothering?

Either you're right, and she wants to get with you, or you're wrong and she's not interested. Play it cool, focus on playful banter for a couple of weeks, then ask her out again.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Valhalla - 12-31-2014

My question was "how do I ask her out in a subtle way" no I didn't

I texted her out of the blue with no set plans from beforehand so even if she didn't wanna go it was quite reasonable

She's in my social circle and interest has been already established...all I really need to do is just get her out one on one.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - sandman972 - 12-31-2014

Quote: (12-31-2014 05:28 AM)Valhalla Wrote:  

My question was "how do I ask her out in a subtle way" no I didn't

I texted her out of the blue with no set plans from beforehand so even if she didn't wanna go it was quite reasonable

She's in my social circle and interest has been already established...all I really need to do is just get her out one on one.

If she actually likes you as you claim, then theres no need to be subtle about anything, and infact she will be happy you were clear about your intentions to an extent. Simply say " Lets do drinks on x day at x time, wear something sexy" .

See what she says to that. If she declines and gives you a counter offer then great, if she just declines then I would guess shes not as into you as you think and should proceed with radio silence.

I always remind myself, if a girls actual reason for declining a date with me is because of the way I worded something, then shes probably not into me like I thought. When a girl is truly into you and perceives you as higher value, you can get away with saying just about anything in regards to planning a date.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - ElJefe - 01-01-2015

Right. Which is why it's so useful to think in terms of the Mystery template "attraction, comfort and seduction".

To get a date, attraction should be firmly established, but it seems to me a semblance of comfort must also be there, depending on how outgoing she is.

If a girl declines, it's because you didn't "finish" the previous phases.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - MikeD - 01-02-2015

What to answer to a girl who ask you if your love life have changed since the last time?
Been 2months and had a couple of bang but no relationship.

I just told her that right now I was available. Not sure what I could have said else. Didn't wanted to say "still single" not to look desperate to her or "banged here and there but still have juice".

Wonder what the perfect answer would be

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - AneroidOcean - 01-02-2015

Quote: (01-02-2015 05:31 PM)MikeD Wrote:  

What to answer to a girl who ask you if your love life have changed since the last time?
Been 2months and had a couple of bang but no relationship.

I just told her that right now I was available. Not sure what I could have said else. Didn't wanted to say "still single" not to look desperate to her or "banged here and there but still have juice".

Wonder what the perfect answer would be

"it's complicated"

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Goldfinger - 01-02-2015

Quote: (01-02-2015 05:31 PM)MikeD Wrote:  

What to answer to a girl who ask you if your love life have changed since the last time?
Been 2months and had a couple of bang but no relationship.

I just told her that right now I was available. Not sure what I could have said else. Didn't wanted to say "still single" not to look desperate to her or "banged here and there but still have juice".

Wonder what the perfect answer would be

What Aneroid said.
Have you banged her before? if not no need to even justify with answer, just deflect and change topic.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - MikeD - 01-03-2015

Thanks guys I'll use that next time.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - redonion - 01-03-2015

I have plans to meet a girl tonight. I met her at a bar and we went on one date - did not get her to the crib but ended with a kiss. She likes me, quickly responds to texts, and is excited to meet again.

Problem is she lives 30min outside my city, and we're expecting some snow later. She just texted me setting up a flake - saying she is nervous about driving in, having a few drinks, and having to drive home in poor conditions (a legit excuse). I want to avoid a flake here since due to her schedule we cant really do weekday dates and I dont want this to fizzle out.

I'm thinking of going semi-nuclear here and letting her know she can crash at my place. Something like, "i think you should drive in. if the weather does end up being bad you can always crash on my couch".

Is this a good idea?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - RealityCheck - 01-04-2015

redonion, I'd go with something like "k lets plan for later" and leave it at that.

Assuming she's interested, which might not be true but you're in the best position to judge her interest level because you're the one who gamed her, then I view the situation as follows. She wants to meet you but can't because of a legitimate reason which she expressed to you. The problem here is that as time goes on, even if it's just a few days, her attraction and memory of you will begin to fade. No matter how good your game is, there are factors beyond your control. The weather is essentially cock blocking you. In poker, you can play a hand properly and still lose. This is similar to your situation because you've gamed her well enough to make her want to meet you for a date, but you still might lose her in the end because of bad luck. I'd still go down this route though because I think it's your best bet.

On the other hand, if she's not interested, then for all you know she would have made up a bullshit excuse had there not been bad weather. Unlike some lame excuse about her personal life, you can actually verify if her excuse about the weather was legitimate or not because the weather is the same for everyone, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't have made up some stupid excuse anyway.

I wouldn't go the nuclear route. If you don't care about losing her then it could be good for entertainment value, and at the end of the day she's just some random girl, but telling her to come sleep over seems like it has much lower odds of working. My suggestion is that you try to reschedule for later as I said above.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - sandman972 - 01-05-2015

Long story short, a good friend of mine hooked up with this cute girl.

This cute girl is moving to my city. As a friendly gesture he put her in touch with me so that when she comes I can "show" her around and hang out. She contacted me right away, added me on facebook and was open to getting drinks. Since I didnt want to ask her to drinks right away I figured Id wait a week or so. As luck would have it, I see her in the same bar I go out to on Friday night. We recognize eachother and chat for about 30mins before she went back to her friends and I continued to game other women as she says to me " lets talk and take me for a real drink sometime". I assume shes interested to some degree.

I text her 3 days later as follows:

Me: hey whats up
Her: Hey! not much going on here, how are you?
Me: im awesome..lets do drinks tuesday night

Radio silence.

Now forget if shes interested or not, she could have made up any other excuse in the world with no counter offer and I would have understood the message, but no to respond really surprised me, also seeing as we have a mutual friend it is weird she doesnt even respond. I figured this chick is interested, but I guess not. What do you guys think? Is there any restart text to this?

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - kaotic - 01-05-2015

Quote: (01-05-2015 03:25 PM)sandman972 Wrote:  

Long story short, a good friend of mine hooked up with this cute girl.

This cute girl is moving to my city. As a friendly gesture he put her in touch with me so that when she comes I can "show" her around and hang out. She contacted me right away, added me on facebook and was open to getting drinks. Since I didnt want to ask her to drinks right away I figured Id wait a week or so. As luck would have it, I see her in the same bar I go out to on Friday night. We recognize eachother and chat for about 30mins before she went back to her friends and I continued to game other women as she says to me " lets talk and take me for a real drink sometime". I assume shes interested to some degree.

I text her 3 days later as follows:

Me: hey whats up
Her: Hey! not much going on here, how are you?
Me: im awesome..lets do drinks tuesday night

Radio silence.

Now forget if shes interested or not, she could have made up any other excuse in the world with no counter offer and I would have understood the message, but no to respond really surprised me, also seeing as we have a mutual friend it is weird she doesnt even respond. I figured this chick is interested, but I guess not. What do you guys think? Is there any restart text to this?

I wouldn't of started with "hey what's up"

I would've started with something like "hey so about those drinks, i like mine strong, you're buying right ?" something sarcastic and light but also reminds her straight up of why you're texting her.

I'm willing to bet she would've responded different

A restart text, well, there are the basics:
"did you die ?"
"how are those AA meetings going ?"
-send a crazy pic- so this happened this weekend

Hook her with something that'll make her respond. If she doesn't respond, well fuck it, next.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - Dalaran1991 - 01-06-2015

This week is slow as fuck. Bitches are back from vacation but studying for exams. None of my prospects want to meet up.

Hit up an old girl about hanging out this week. She waited 9h to answer "I've got exam on Friday so don't want to hang out during the week, and Friday and Sat I have plans already"

Is it chick's code for "Fuck off" or "Ask me out on Sunday"? Normally I would immediately write this off but I've been getting some weird texts behavior lately, so just wanna be sure.

The "What should I text next?" thread (for when you get stuck) - kaotic - 01-06-2015

Quote: (01-06-2015 06:12 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This week is slow as fuck. Bitches are back from vacation but studying for exams. None of my prospects want to meet up.

Hit up an old girl about hanging out this week. She waited 9h to answer "I've got exam on Friday so don't want to hang out during the week, and Friday and Sat I have plans already"

Is it chick's code for "Fuck off" or "Ask me out on Sunday"? Normally I would immediately write this off but I've been getting some weird texts behavior lately, so just wanna be sure.

If you're already writing this chick off, then don't text her again.

If you think there's a possibility, then guide things to sunday.

I have a gut feeling she'll say, "I need to study for an exam early this week" or it'll be her "me" time, or some lame excuse.

If anything find out about sunday, if it's no either eject, or follow up later next week. You don't want to come off as trying to find out how often she's free, after all you don't want to play into her frame.