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The TV Series Thread - Pride male - 05-21-2019

Really enjo enjoyed the final epsode of Big Bang theory. I hope they make a movie or something.

The TV Series Thread - bk19xsa - 05-21-2019

Has anyone watched the new Netflix show 'Society'?

The premise is that high school students get suddenly stuck in a town all on their own. They don't know what has happened to the rest of the world. So they have to figure stuff out on their own and start a new society from scratch.

In real life we all know what would happen in such cases. The young high school men will takeover. Initially their might be chaos, disagreements, fights and even deaths but if they are strong, solid human beings then the young men will ensure rules are implemented and things are done in a civil manner.

LI can also understand the show taking fictional liberties but again the leftist Hollywood smear the show with their ultra liberal 'never ever going to happen in real life' bile. As the episodes progress the show soon becomes a feminist's and socialism/communist's wet dream.

From the get go the women are portrayed as intelligent and it is a woman who becomes a leader. The jocks are just portrayed as these dumb dudes who are more or less controlled by their high school girlfriends. The main nerd and chef are also men and total white knights. The only rebels are a rich guy and a lone wolf. Both are portrayed as evil masculinty.

When the boys ransack a hardware store and get into a fight, the girl leader calls for an all women meeting in the church and decides that the men and their violent ways cannot continue and the women have to exert power. So how do the women exert power? The high school popular girls reign in their jock boyfriends. Yeah, as if that would happen in real life. Maybe one or two jock would be pussies and get controlled by their gf but not all of them.

Right after, a town meeting is held and socialist rules are implemented. Then some toxic masculine/women opposer guy 'supposedly' kills the woman leader and then her younger sister takes over. The sister literally becomes a cunt of the highest order and the show just further falls deep into ultra feminism and socialist ideologies.

The women just control everything. Almost all guys are either dumb or super white knights. The sister leader cunt even has a jock security team protecting her , which becomes her secret police.

In real life these high t men would brutally takeover and if the sister cunt leader tried her shenanigans she would be put in her place or in the extreme, even gang raped.

I don't know how people stand these fucking shows and not write big criticisms on them showing how pathetic a propaganda piece they are. Also, the target audience for such shows are teenagers and young adults and it is quite evident how the show is grooming their ideologies.