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The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - eskimobobseal - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 03:47 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Women - drop bombs about muslim countries who support her foundation when she brought up sexism and misogyny. WITHOUT even touching on Horny Bill and defamation of mistresses.

"What's ironic is that YOUR foundation gets MILLIONS from countries who abuse/rape/cattle women etc"

This would have been a fantastic response and easily the line of the night if Trump said it.

I think he was holding back and it's all part of his strategy, he didn't want to unload his magazine at the first debate and was obviously saving some bullets for debate two and three.

Still, he should have delivered some more bombs. He destroyed her on TPP and was rolling for the first 15 minutes - but seemed to lose momentum in the second half.

Overall though - the general electorate seems to think he won (based on the polls I've seen) and at this point in the race, I doubt any Clinton supporters are going to change their minds (and vice versa.)

Expect Trump to take the gloves off next debate.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - AFS - 09-27-2016

Just catching up on the debate/thread, as I just watched it...

Obviously Trump's campaign has advised him not to go in and attack at 100%, to try and prove he's presidential. For a while it worked, but by the second half he was getting frustrated and it showed.

He was very defensive, esp when cornered on the issues of his taxes, business, and racism. Where is his great game at? He should have reframed so many times, but by being defensive he just looked guilty. He didn't attack Hillary on so many angles: bengazi, deplorables, clinton foundation, and there where plenty of moments that seemed perfect to mention them.

However, first half he did control frame, he was literally bursting through the screen compared to Clinton and very domineering. I doubt many people stayed tuned to the second half, which I think was his worse performance.

Most likely, as others have mentioned, this is a 3-debate strategy and he only needs to take Clinton off her game only once to destroy her completely, like he did with his opponents in the primaries.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Enigma - 09-27-2016

Michael Moore is melting down on Twitter because he said Trump won the debate and the election is over.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - rpg - 09-27-2016

Hillary is at maximum unlikeability. Bill married the beast of the century.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - ManAbout - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 03:47 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Women - drop bombs about muslim countries who support her foundation when she brought up sexism and misogyny. WITHOUT even touching on Horny Bill and defamation of mistresses.

"What's ironic is that YOUR foundation gets MILLIONS from countries who abuse/rape/cattle women etc"

Yes, except that many, if not all of those countries are firm US "allies" and as President he would have to work with them. What might sound good as a sound bite on the internet doesn't translate to geopolitical reality.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - komatiite - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:22 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 03:47 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Women - drop bombs about muslim countries who support her foundation when she brought up sexism and misogyny. WITHOUT even touching on Horny Bill and defamation of mistresses.

"What's ironic is that YOUR foundation gets MILLIONS from countries who abuse/rape/cattle women etc"

Yes, except that many, if not all of those countries are firm US "allies" and as President he would have to work with them. What might sound good as a sound bite on the internet doesn't translate to geopolitical reality.

But a lot of us wonder why the heck they are allies in the first place. It's like the current freakout about Trump expecting more from NATO. Yes all of these western European countries are allies but at some point you have to wonder why the US is paying for military presence in nations that have generous welfare states that let people retire at age 50 and import Islamic barbarians without remorse instead of paying their allotted GDP for NATO...

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Enigma - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:22 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 03:47 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Women - drop bombs about muslim countries who support her foundation when she brought up sexism and misogyny. WITHOUT even touching on Horny Bill and defamation of mistresses.

"What's ironic is that YOUR foundation gets MILLIONS from countries who abuse/rape/cattle women etc"

Yes, except that many, if not all of those countries are firm US "allies" and as President he would have to work with them. What might sound good as a sound bite on the internet doesn't translate to geopolitical reality.

Ending our "alliance" with Saudi Arabia would be one of the best things Trump could possibly do.

They serve absolutely no benefit to Americans.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Adonis - 09-27-2016

Sometimes I wonder if the leftist media/HRC campaign is this stupid. Yup, they are. Most of the questions already submitted are not favorable to Hillary, to put it mildly. Talk about lose/lose, if they blow off the questions their ratings tank even more, if they do agree meme magic will ensure that the ones most unfavorable to Hillary get upvoted.

2nd debate: Public may vote on questions

Presidential Open Questions


Viewers unhappy with the questions asked at Monday night’s debate will have a shot to weigh in before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton meet again on October 9: For the first time, the networks producing the town-hall style debate have agreed to accept questions voted on through the internet.

The Commission on Presidential Debates had already announced that the second of three debates would feature questions submitted online in addition to those asked by the traditional studio audience. But on Tuesday morning, the organizers confirmed they are embracing a format that a broad bipartisan cross-section of activist and civic groups known as the Open Debate Coalition have been pushing for years. Americans will be able to submit and then vote on questions online at, and ABC and CNN have agreed to consider the 30 most popular queries when they jointly plan the debate.

Unlike in the “open” Senate debate in Florida, however, the networks have given themselves an out in agreeing to the voting format. They have agreed to consider the 30 most popular questions, but they aren’t promising to ask them. That may be a hedge in case online voters want to hear the candidates opine on, say, Harambe, instead of more pressing matters like Social Security or tax policy. That’s not what happened in Florida, where the most popular questions among more than 400,000 votes were those covering money in politics, the minimum wage, climate change, and other weighty issues.

Fuckin A, Cernovich has infiltrated everything.

[Image: laugh6.gif]

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - komatiite - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:46 PM)Adonis Wrote:  

Sometimes I wonder if the leftist media/HRC campaign is this stupid. Yup, they are. Most of the questions already submitted are not favorable to Hillary, to put it mildly. Talk about lose/lose, if they blow off the questions their ratings tank even more, if they do agree meme magic will ensure that the ones most unfavorable to Hillary get upvoted.

2nd debate: Public may vote on questions


Viewers unhappy with the questions asked at Monday night’s debate will have a shot to weigh in before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton meet again on October 9: For the first time, the networks producing the town-hall style debate have agreed to accept questions voted on through the internet.

The Commission on Presidential Debates had already announced that the second of three debates would feature questions submitted online in addition to those asked by the traditional studio audience. But on Tuesday morning, the organizers confirmed they are embracing a format that a broad bipartisan cross-section of activist and civic groups known as the Open Debate Coalition have been pushing for years. Americans will be able to submit and then vote on questions online at, and ABC and CNN have agreed to consider the 30 most popular queries when they jointly plan the debate.

Presidential Open Questions

Dang, sort those questions by most votes, clearly most are directly aimed for Hillary. Other than a few on term limits, it's a total minefield for her. This isn't even shitposting, these are legit issues. None seem to be antagonistic towards Mr Trump.


Here are some examples:

Why are government officials who fail to protect classified info not prosecuted?
Former high-ranking government officials "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Many citizens have been convicted of far less. Why not these?

How will you ensure the 2nd amendment is protected?
Too much crime is blamed on the tool, not the person. How will you protect law abiding citizens to protect themselves.

Would you be willing to either repeal or repair/rework the Affordable Care Act?
I am a self-employed 61-year-old healthy individual and cannot afford the ACA policy the government has decided I should have.

What will you do to ensure greater transparency and accountability in government
Too many Americans feel that government is not accountable to the people and we are forced to live within a rigged system. How can you change this?

What do you propose to do to those in government that are above the law?
It's become far too common for those in power to skirt the law. Unfortunately there are those that have consistently done wrong and continue to move along without repercussion. This must stop.

Will You Support a Voter ID System that Insures that Only US Citizens Can Vote?
In this country, we need to show IDs to drive, make any financial transaction, get medical care, even attend your party conventions. Why is it controversial, or racist, to require IDs to vote?

Why do we continue to provide aid to countries that are obviously NOT our allies
I can see NO reason to give my tax dollars to countries that are NOT our allies. The classic example is Pakistan, which blatently hid Osama Bin Ladin within a mile of their military academy.

Should a candidate's paid speech transcripts be a part of public record?
Removing the influence of Wall Street from the oval office should go hand in hand with honesty and transparency.

Globalism, why do you support it or oppose it and why?
Globalism is for elimination of borders and sovereignty supposedly for cooperation for trade and eliminating wars, but Islam supports solely sharia law, seeking to make it the global standard.

If elected will you secure the border?
I live in the border state of Arizona and I do not feel safe.

How would you change the tax code to encourage companies to remain in the US?
We want companies to stay here so jobs stay here.

Why are almost 100 million Americans not participating in the Labor Force?
The Unemployment rate is stated as less than 5%, which economists believe means FULL employment, which seems contradictory when considering so many new jobs are part-time, so many are not employed.

Do you support the constitution of the United States as it is written?
Are you willing to defend the rights of Americans as granted to them by the constitution as written? We to know the intentions of our candidates with regards to our rights as Americans

Will the Clinton Foundation return and denounce donations from Saudi Arabia?
Secretary Clinton can't claim to be a champion of LGBTQ rights while simultaneously accepting donations from countries with horrific human rights violations. Hopefully this won't get taken down again.

Do you support open borders?
Most of the world's population does not have the same personal freedoms, food security, access to clean water, or health care as Americans ? So should everyone be welcome to immigrate to America?

How does encouraging unskilled immigration actually benefit minority Americans?
With high unemployment among minorities already high, how are additional people going to help this issue?

How can we afford to take in thousands of refugees from and support them?
Why shouldn't that money be spent to help our own citizens, rebuild our crumbling roads and bridges or help the thousands of military veterans who are marginalized in our own country?

Do you support using traceable paper ballots and voter ID to reduce fraud?
It seems that it would be fairly simple to hack into our vote counting system. At least with paper ballots, there is the ability to verify after the fact. And why not require a photo ID to vote.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Enigma - 09-27-2016

^ There's no way they let those through. They'll probably ask a few, but even 10 would be disastrous for Hillary.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Dusty - 09-27-2016

Ha! The fat miss universe who Shrillary mentioned in the debate and who is in her ads may have been an accessory to an attempted murder.

Mr. Trump can recognize bad character, Shrillary can not.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - AboveAverageJoe - 09-27-2016

Trump doesn't do well when he can't be his off-the-cuff self. He has reigned in his flippantness and it has stunted his game somewhat. In trying to not appear angry, or say anything derogatory and not be seen attacking Hillary, he really didn't perform well. It wasn't a loss, but its rather clear that Hillary did better than we thought she would and Trump didn't kill it like we hoped he would.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Dusty - 09-27-2016

[Image: attachment.jpg33651]   

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - komatiite - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 06:01 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

^ There's no way they let those through. They'll probably ask a few, but even 10 would be disastrous for Hillary.

They already deleted the highest voted question:

Why are government officials who fail to protect classified info not prosecuted?
Former high-ranking government officials "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Many citizens have been convicted of far less. Why not these?

Another deletion:

Will the Clinton Foundation return and denounce donations from Saudi Arabia?
Secretary Clinton can't claim to be a champion of LGBTQ rights while simultaneously accepting donations from countries with horrific human rights violations. Hopefully this won't get taken down again

Fucking cocksuckers! On the bright side, looks like the Libertarian contingent upvoted the most pressing issue of our time:

If elected, would you support the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana
Marijuana is currently a Schedule I controlled substance; however, many States have already taken proactive steps to decriminalize or legalize it.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Ghost Tiger - 09-27-2016

The interesting thing about last night's debate is how most people I talk to about it seem disappointed, but they can't really explain why. I think I know what's going on. Just like people go to NASCAR races to see crashes, people tuned in to that debate to see Cankles faint (especially us). Once again, Cankles failed to deliver. She couldn't even get this right. She is such a colossal fuck-up.

Trumpslide incoming.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - eL-JJ - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 07:18 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: attachment.jpg33651]

Not only that, she was the mistress of a narco here in México called 'el Indio' look it up, dude is in jail now.

(Sorry about posting here, just wanted to share that info)

MAGA from México!

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Ghost Tiger - 09-27-2016

[Image: wnYVNZr.jpg]

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - iop890 - 09-27-2016

Is James Woods the most based actor of our time?

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Enigma - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 07:47 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 06:01 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

^ There's no way they let those through. They'll probably ask a few, but even 10 would be disastrous for Hillary.

They already deleted the highest voted question:

Why are government officials who fail to protect classified info not prosecuted?
Former high-ranking government officials "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Many citizens have been convicted of far less. Why not these?

Another deletion:

Will the Clinton Foundation return and denounce donations from Saudi Arabia?
Secretary Clinton can't claim to be a champion of LGBTQ rights while simultaneously accepting donations from countries with horrific human rights violations. Hopefully this won't get taken down again

Fucking cocksuckers! On the bright side, looks like the Libertarian contingent upvoted the most pressing issue of our time:

If elected, would you support the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana
Marijuana is currently a Schedule I controlled substance; however, many States have already taken proactive steps to decriminalize or legalize it.

Even though marijuana legalization isn't a "pressing" issue, I've said before that Trump would pick up millions of votes if he agreed to leave it to the states to decide (and Hillary didn't).

I'm talking 5+ million, at least.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - komatiite - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 08:54 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 07:47 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 06:01 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

^ There's no way they let those through. They'll probably ask a few, but even 10 would be disastrous for Hillary.

They already deleted the highest voted question:

Why are government officials who fail to protect classified info not prosecuted?
Former high-ranking government officials "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Many citizens have been convicted of far less. Why not these?

Another deletion:

Will the Clinton Foundation return and denounce donations from Saudi Arabia?
Secretary Clinton can't claim to be a champion of LGBTQ rights while simultaneously accepting donations from countries with horrific human rights violations. Hopefully this won't get taken down again

Fucking cocksuckers! On the bright side, looks like the Libertarian contingent upvoted the most pressing issue of our time:

If elected, would you support the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana
Marijuana is currently a Schedule I controlled substance; however, many States have already taken proactive steps to decriminalize or legalize it.

Even though marijuana legalization isn't a "pressing" issue, I've said before that Trump would pick up millions of votes if he agreed to leave it to the states to decide (and Hillary didn't).

I'm talking 5+ million, at least.

Haha, yeah I shouldn't be so quick to judge. I'm a degenerate alky riding along on the RVF drinking wagon and so sometimes I have to check myself and stop acting holier-than-thou (Hillary Style!). It clearly is important enough for some states to legalize it in the face of federal law...

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Rush87 - 09-27-2016

Newt Gingrich on the debates. Of all the pundits out there his opinion is the one which has been most on the money for the entire cycle.


Trump wins strategically because in a blunt, clear style, he is saying things most Americans believe. Trump's opponents, including Holt and Clinton, felt good after the debate because their side was glib, articulate, and said things they and their friends believe to be true.

While it wasn't Trump's best performance [And he could have had a stronger family focus] lets be clear... Trump won. Often times, people are fooled by the intellectual yet idiot class. Big words, no substance. The average American isn't stupid. They know when they're being fed bullshit.


The Intellectual Yet Idiot class that dominates our news media fell all over themselves critiquing Trump and praising Holt and Clinton. In doing so, they repeated the mistake they have made about every debate since August 2015.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - SlickyBoy - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:28 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 05:22 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 03:47 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Women - drop bombs about muslim countries who support her foundation when she brought up sexism and misogyny. WITHOUT even touching on Horny Bill and defamation of mistresses.

"What's ironic is that YOUR foundation gets MILLIONS from countries who abuse/rape/cattle women etc"

Yes, except that many, if not all of those countries are firm US "allies" and as President he would have to work with them. What might sound good as a sound bite on the internet doesn't translate to geopolitical reality.

But a lot of us wonder why the heck they are allies in the first place. It's like the current freakout about Trump expecting more from NATO. Yes all of these western European countries are allies but at some point you have to wonder why the US is paying for military presence in nations that have generous welfare states that let people retire at age 50 and import Islamic barbarians without remorse instead of paying their allotted GDP for NATO...

It wasn't supposed to be that way. After WW2 everyone agreed to spend X amount on defense, but once the European nations realized they could get away with not holding up with their end of the NATO bargain, they said screw it and spent more money on social programs, knowing that Uncle Sam would pick up the tab. The irony is they incessantly bitched the whole time about the expenditures America spent on their military which directly benefitted them throughout the cold war in particular.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Dusty - 09-27-2016

I think one of the dumbest issues is Mr. Trump's taxes.

EVERY rich guy left/right/center hires accountants to make sure he LEGALY pays as little in taxes as possible.

Say Mr. Trump releases his taxes and it's revealed he pays no (as alleged) or little taxes. He would be in no way culpable. He didn't write the tax laws. Don't hate the player hate the game. What is he suppose to do, tell his accountant "try to make sure you don't take advantage of tax laws so I can pay as much taxes as possible." I guarantee you Warren Buffet, Zukersperg, Shrillary et al do not do that.

And Mr. Trump's taxes are audited every year, so the experts at the IRS are confirming everything is on the up and up. So what value can journalist (who are dumb as shit) provide by looking at his taxes? Just a way to demagogue to try to score points for Shrillary.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Rush87 - 09-27-2016


'Morning Joe' co-host Mika Brzezinski reacts to the first presidential debate Monday night at Hofstra University.

"I think, probably, we all think Hillary won," Brzezinski said in the 6 a.m. hour Tuesday. "But my blood pressure kept going up throughout the whole thing — I could not stop watching until the very end because there was something that was telling me he’s going to do quite well out of this, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. He was not as bad as you would expect him to be."

"I think he said things that touch on not just what primary voters think, but what people are thinking on a number of levels. I just wouldnt be surprised if he came out doing better in the polls after this," she said. "And she was not as great as she could have been."

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Enigma - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 09:02 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Haha, yeah I shouldn't be so quick to judge. I'm a degenerate alky riding along on the RVF drinking wagon and so sometimes I have to check myself and stop acting holier-than-thou (Hillary Style!). It clearly is important enough for some states to legalize it in the face of federal law...

Nah, I mean it's really not a pressing issue. We have plenty of bigger problems to worry about.

But it really would sway a lot of votes.

You'd pull people from the 'both candidates are bad' camp -- "well, at least Trump will make weed legal".

You'd pull a lot of Gary Johnson voters who realize he has no chance of winning, and at least they can get something they want under Trump.

Then you have the millions of people who pretty much only care about that one issue.

Also, I think it would just soften his image with liberals and libertarians in general.

And I could be wrong, but I don't think any of the anti-legalization crowd feel strongly enough about the issue that they would end their existing support of Trump if he left it to state's rights.