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USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - LeBeau - 06-22-2018

Did that entire article really need to be posted?

Generally it's considered better from to just quote a small part and summarize the rest, esp. for old news.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dusty - 06-30-2018

I believe this was in Portland today.


USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - godfather dust - 07-01-2018

A friend of mine disarmed someone with a bat like a week or two ago if they don't know how to use it just rush them and close the gap, all and all pathetic though.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-01-2018

Yep. Soy-boy's footwork is woeful. To be expected I suppose...

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-01-2018


USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - rotekz - 07-01-2018

More footage and not duped hopefully. I can't view any Twitter video as locked out.

It's a good ruck as the Socialist Soy Brigade are sent packing by the MAGA faithful.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Batka - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 09:47 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

More footage and not duped hopefully. I can't view any Twitter video as locked out.

It's a good ruck as the Socialist Soy Brigade are sent packing by the MAGA faithful.

Knuckle dragging Far Right meatheads scrapping with knuckle dragging Far Left meatheads. They can both have each other. Two cheeks of the same arse. Let the grown adults debate in a mature and concise manner.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - godfather dust - 07-01-2018

Yeah have fun with your little debates you "mature adult" you (notice how one side doesn't do debates?)

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - rotekz - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:08 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Knuckle dragging Far Right meatheads scrapping with knuckle dragging Far Left meatheads. They can both have each other. Two cheeks of the same arse. Let the grown adults debate in a mature and concise manner.
[Image: suspicious.gif]
There's no debating with communists. They want us gulag'd at any cost. But you know this and are likely posting in bad faith.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Batka - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:36 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:08 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Knuckle dragging Far Right meatheads scrapping with knuckle dragging Far Left meatheads. They can both have each other. Two cheeks of the same arse. Let the grown adults debate in a mature and concise manner.
[Image: suspicious.gif]
There's no debating with communists. They want us gulag'd at any cost. But you know this and are likely posting in bad faith.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

It wasn't the USSR that set up Auschwitz just to let you know.

I detest the Alt-Right, White supremicist Nazis as I do with the modern incarnation of the left Libtard antifa crowd. They both do identity politics.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - godfather dust - 07-01-2018

Batka, I am not calling you a homosexual. But you have limp-wristed opinions. Lift a weight or something, you need it.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - rotekz - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 11:15 AM)Batka Wrote:  

It wasn't the USSR that set up Auschwitz just to let you know.

I detest the Alt-Right, White supremicist Nazis as I do with the modern incarnation of the left Libtard antifa crowd. They both do identity politics.

ALL politics is identity politics.

You are very quick to bring up the holocaust. What is your true agenda?

The latest Auschwitz plaque says 1.5 million murdered. Let's presumed for a moment that they didn't die of typhoid and disease; how does this figure compare with the 100 million killed by Communism?

You have in the above video freedom loving Americans trying to push back against openly communist Antifa. You either have zero grasp of real history or are posting in bad faith.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - beta_plus - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 11:15 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:36 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:08 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Knuckle dragging Far Right meatheads scrapping with knuckle dragging Far Left meatheads. They can both have each other. Two cheeks of the same arse. Let the grown adults debate in a mature and concise manner.
[Image: suspicious.gif]
There's no debating with communists. They want us gulag'd at any cost. But you know this and are likely posting in bad faith.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

It wasn't the USSR that set up Auschwitz just to let you know.

I detest the Alt-Right, White supremicist Nazis as I do with the modern incarnation of the left Libtard antifa crowd. They both do identity politics.

You're right. The National SOCIALIST party set up Auschwitz.

Read The Big Lie by D'Souza.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Mekorig - 07-01-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 11:15 AM)Batka Wrote:  

It wasn't the USSR that set up Auschwitz just to let you know.

You are right, they were busy setting up Vorkutlag and other gulags, and scouring Ukraine for every and all scrap of food, while leaving its population to famine. Go be comunist somewhere else Bakta.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Batka - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 01:26 PM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 11:15 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:36 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:08 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Knuckle dragging Far Right meatheads scrapping with knuckle dragging Far Left meatheads. They can both have each other. Two cheeks of the same arse. Let the grown adults debate in a mature and concise manner.
[Image: suspicious.gif]
There's no debating with communists. They want us gulag'd at any cost. But you know this and are likely posting in bad faith.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

It wasn't the USSR that set up Auschwitz just to let you know.

I detest the Alt-Right, White supremicist Nazis as I do with the modern incarnation of the left Libtard antifa crowd. They both do identity politics.

You're right. The National SOCIALIST party set up Auschwitz.

Read The Big Lie by D'Souza.

You know he is right in a way. The Alt Right White nationalists and antifa have a lot in common with each other. There are similarities but they end right there.

Fascism as envisaged by Mussolini and Hitler was indeed statist, however they also embraced corporatism, i.e. the merging of the State and industrial capitalist conglomerates into a huge oligarchic, hyper capitalist smorgasbord. It's like neo-liberalism on steroids. Kind of what we see today in the US with the influence of Wall Street, the Deep State and the Military Industrial Complex, working in concert and using the machinery of the State to function for the benefit of the elite 1%, not the rest of us. The USSR simply took out the oligarchic, corporate capitalist class - literally and took control of the State and its resources for the benefit of all not just the few. Yes mistakes were made but the great achievements of the USSR must not be overlooked; Great Patriotic War victory over Nazi Germany and the lifting of hundreds of millions of Soviet citizens out of abject poverty. The same can be said for China. In 1949 China was devastated by decades of war and warlordism, look at it today. Sometimes you need a strong hand to guide a nation. As for D'Souza's case in equating Soviet communism with German Nazism and putting all the American Left in with the neo-liberals and the nazis is just plain bonkers. It's like those on the Right saying that all Mexicans and Muslims are evil, criminal rapists. That lazy stereotyping just doesn't wash.

Peace out!

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - RexImperator - 07-02-2018

Quote:Batka Wrote:

Yes mistakes were made

[Image: laugh2.gif]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Belgrano - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 11:15 AM)Batka Wrote:  

I detest the Alt-Right, White supremicist Nazis as I do with the modern incarnation of the left Libtard antifa crowd. They both do identity politics.

Quote: (07-02-2018 03:15 AM)Batka Wrote:  

The Alt Right White nationalists and antifa have a lot in common with each other.

The USSR simply took out the oligarchic, corporate capitalist class - literally and took control of the State and its resources for the benefit of all not just the few.

Yes mistakes were made but the great achievements of the USSR must not be overlooked; Great Patriotic War victory over Nazi Germany and the lifting of hundreds of millions of Soviet citizens out of abject poverty.

Sometimes you need a strong hand to guide a nation.

Is that you?

Glad to have you back, comrade!

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-02-2018

Comrade Antifa Batka teaching us about the evil "White Supremacist" states. The US had a white-only immigration policy up until the 1960s. Nazism was a crazy Aryan cult of thinking that a black-haired black-eyed German was more White than a blue-eyed blond Russian. Plus the Nazis had strange hangups on the Japanese who they claimed to to be more Aryan than the blond Europeans.

The greater evil and killer in human history was communism however.

And not all Alt-Right are some kind of White supremacist. Being pro-White and pro-Western civilization is not evil you marxist psycho! The crazy Aryan-cult Nazis were defeated by pro-White what you might even call "White supremacists" Americans and British.

That is Antifa-marxist lore you are repeating here comrade!

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-02-2018 04:35 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Quote:Batka Wrote:

Yes mistakes were made

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Those mistakes keep on getting made.

I see also that you have imbued somehow this shitty collectivism-individualism crap from comrade Peterson. That bloke equates tribal cooperation of Germans and Japanese with communist and Nazi collectivism. Fuck off!

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - C-Note - 07-02-2018

I watched several of the videos from Saturday's brawl between antifa and Patriot's Prayer (PP) in Portland. Some interesting things I noticed:

1. When PP started off with their rally in the park, the block was surrounded by a cordon of DHS police. Yes, federal, not local police. I think that's a little unusual.

2. When PP started it's march, the police suddenly pulled back and allowed antifa to move in and confront PP.

3. As the two groups confronted each other, it appears that a police flash-bang grenade went off right in the front ranks of PP, not antifa. I don't know if the police were trying to scare PP into backing off, but it had the opposite effect and helped incite PP to charge the commies.

4. In the initial brawl, the commies got their asses completely kicked. After less than a minute of fighting, antifa broke and ran, completely abandoning the field.

5. About 10-20 minutes later, as PP was walking along the sidewalk, after the police rescinded their march permit, a small group of antifa charged them, right past police who didn't attempt to intervene. That was when the commie gets KTFO in the video that was posted above.

In short, the communists took a hiding, which is, of course, satisfying to watch. The problem is, every time antifa gets their butts kicked, they'll probably try to improve their street fighting tactics in order to avoid it in the future. So, they will get better at it, which might spell trouble for future free speech demonstrations if they don't watch themselves.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-02-2018

Look - most of those demonstrations are ultimately useless and inviting disaster.

We know that Antifa gets top-down backing - often from local politicians and even the police. The other side has nothing. All of it is waiting for another Charlottesville to happen. Whether some Antifa gets beaten back here is irrelevant. It's simply no way to create real opposition and awarness. You generally lose the normies who see the violence spun any way they choose by the media. Antifa are shown as rebels while anyone to the right of Antifa is described as Nazi.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - C-Note - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-02-2018 07:46 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

You generally lose the normies who see the violence spun any way they choose by the media. Antifa are shown as rebels while anyone to the right of Antifa is described as Nazi.

Yes, in the media reports I heard following the incident Patriot's Prayer (PP) was described as "far right" and antifa as "anti-fascist activists." The news reports omitted any mention that PP's rally was for free speech. The media was obviously purposely framing it as a brawl between Nazis and anti-Nazis.

One other thing I forgot to mention is that the PP dude who knocked out that commie was wearing forearm guards under his long sleeve shirt. Looked like the same forearm guards that are used in Muay Thai or Karate training schools. I used to have a pair of them. So, he had come prepared to parry attacks with clubs or metal bars using his forearms and then closing to punch. Thus, that fight went exactly as he had anticipated and he used tactics for it that he had prepared in advance.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dusty - 07-02-2018

[Image: DhFOoIhU8AAkGsq.jpg]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - nomadbrah - 07-02-2018

What a delight to see those Proud Boys or Patriots stomp antifa out.

Absolutely spectacular showing.

I'm not going to lie, I would really enjoy a melee with antifa.

And who said politics wasn't a masculine activity!

Edit: Not all antifa are soyboys, but almost all have some major malfunction. Often facial deformity or something that sets off instant distrust.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - remarkable vigour - 07-02-2018

Quote: (07-01-2018 11:15 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:36 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2018 10:08 AM)Batka Wrote:  

Knuckle dragging Far Right meatheads scrapping with knuckle dragging Far Left meatheads. They can both have each other. Two cheeks of the same arse. Let the grown adults debate in a mature and concise manner.
[Image: suspicious.gif]
There's no debating with communists. They want us gulag'd at any cost. But you know this and are likely posting in bad faith.

[Image: gtfo.gif]

It wasn't the USSR that set up Auschwitz just to let you know.

But the USSR did set up the Gulag system and imprisoned at least 20 million and deliberately worked about 2 million to death.

You cannot debate with those who want to kill you, you silly little spastic.