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The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - slothpiece - 01-18-2016

Quote: (01-18-2016 01:37 AM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Got this one tonight from an online chick:

"no! I have a bocce game that night. try again"

These psychos are just straight up fucking with me now. I...I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. My therapy bills are going to be astronomical.

[Image: conair.gif?w=780]

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - XPQ22 - 01-18-2016

Quote: (01-18-2016 01:44 AM)~wrIghter~ Wrote:  

She's telling you to try again instead of giving you a day she's free? Lol. XPQ22, I've found that the harder a girl makes it for you to meet, the least interested she is in meeting you...or anyone for that matter. Even after girls giving me days they were free and flaking, I no longer expect them to stick to anything. Play those numbers.

Seriously. Don't matter, I picked up two numbers from girls on the site just tonight, both 10 years younger than this chick (she was 34.) One of them immediately agreed to the meet for middle of this week, no resistance at all. Fantastic tits.

The guys on the OKC thread were right, January is firing up.

This lady was playing "hard to get" fronting way above her pay grade. She'll be waiting a while for me to try again.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - mikado - 01-19-2016

On the way to a flake

18 yo, supposed to come at my house tomorrow afternoon (I only do the ZDB- zero date bang- now, after 5 dates with no bang). She stopped responding to my messages even tough she was very enthusiastic before.

I will send a "see you at 5 PM at XXXX (the street I live)". If she responds early enough, I'll get out of work to come great her.

Possible ZDB on friday, girl says she will maybe study with her class partner on her internship report (aka I will wait and see if you are worthy enough)

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - Vincent Chase - 01-19-2016

18 year olds are pretty much the queens of flakes. It's not just that they are immature and stupid but successive generations seem to just be continuously even more fucked with technologically induced attention disorders. Imagine what 18 year olds will be in 10 years time, after being handed over iPads as little kids. We are creating a generation of spastics.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - mikado - 01-20-2016


When we compare the behaviours of the last 18 yo I planned on encountering:

Had ZDB with the first, got the bang, she did not come back.
Made out for 1h with the second one, she gave me the "I am not ready yet to settle" by text later.
This one sent me today a message on the dating app:
i have a problem I lost my phone yesterday night, I did not find it so I blocked my number. Let it go for tonight I need to see my mobile operator... I will send you my number when I have a new one.

Yeah, right. Does she expect me to believe her when the message I sent her yesterday (and today, to confirm it) were met with an acknowledgement of receipt ??

Fuck her.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - Balkanite - 01-20-2016

Met a girl at a club 2 weeks ago. Danced hard and hung out afterwards but no bang. Got her # and agreed to grab dinner the week after.

Saw her for dinner and recanted the details when we met that night. Good conversation and agreed to see each other the next week some time. Texted her the day after dinner just summing up the week and banter.

Texted her 2 days later asking if she's free on 2 nights....crickets. I've never been ghosted like this before. Makes no sense.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - XPQ22 - 01-20-2016

Quote: (01-20-2016 11:27 AM)Balkanite Wrote:  

Met a girl at a club 2 weeks ago. Danced hard and hung out afterwards but no bang. Got her # and agreed to grab dinner the week after.

Saw her for dinner and recanted the details when we met that night. Good conversation and agreed to see each other the next week some time. Texted her the day after dinner just summing up the week and banter.

Texted her 2 days later asking if she's free on 2 nights....crickets. I've never been ghosted like this before. Makes no sense.


[Image: wtf.jpg]

I sometimes take girls to the science museum for a first date - they have weekend evening hours. Cheaper (admission is like 10 bucks), you can sneak whiskey in, and I've actually gotten lays that way. They love it.

And hey, if she doesn't like you, well at least you might have learned something. You can't learn much from a tapas menu.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - Vincent Chase - 01-20-2016


Never say always and never but it's one general rule to stick to in game.

That is unless the dinner is at your place i.e. you're cooking it, followed by a serving of your cock.

Incidentally, my plate is arriving now for dinner, which I'll be cooking [Image: angel.gif]

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - griffinmill - 01-21-2016

I've been hitting OKC and POF hard in the past week, number farming and arranging dates. Casting my net wide also results in many a flake. One particular chick I've been chatting with for about 7 days, trying to produce a little comfort because she was new to online dating and felt very uneasy about meeting. We had arranged a date for today but alas the flake came through last night.

"My friend has died and I wouldn't be in the best frame of mind to meet anyone."

For a second, before I deleted her number, I considered going all Ed Rooney on her.

[Image: dxdOy6B.jpg]

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - XPQ22 - 01-24-2016

Quote: (01-21-2016 07:37 AM)griffinmill Wrote:  

I've been hitting OKC and POF hard in the past week, number farming and arranging dates. Casting my net wide also results in many a flake. One particular chick I've been chatting with for about 7 days, trying to produce a little comfort because she was new to online dating and felt very uneasy about meeting. We had arranged a date for today but alas the flake came through last night.

"My friend has died and I wouldn't be in the best frame of mind to meet anyone."

Yeah, if there's one lesson I've learned about women (well, some women on online dating sites at least) is their perfectly natural ability to tell psychotic lies to someone if they're not emotionally invested in them, like the chick who told me last week that her friend's mom tried to commit suicide. Easier to tell outrageous lies than endure even the slightest moment of discomfort.

Sadly, the women who flake by just texting "Sorry", or "Sorry, I just don't feel like going out with you tonight", or just ghosting are probably the most level-headed of the bunch.

As someone posted in another thread, you shouldn't waste a single tear on a woman who does that - they're low-value, low intrinsic self-esteem, loser females. I'm sure someone will get the shot to be made terribly unhappy by her eventually.

It's another reason why trying to "comfort build" and all this shit with girls, over days or weeks, who haven't committed to anything or who say they're scared or ambivalent about online dating or handing out their phone number is generally a waste of time - you're not really running "comfort game" on those hoes, you're just giving them free time to sit around and think of reasons to disqualify you, or why they shouldn't go through with it, or a better option to show up. They're going to bail on you more often or not; though from time to time I'm guilty of attempting the same thing. But life's really too short to waste on these ambivalent "wait and see chicks."

I know it can be tough, because online girls have their own game, and the game they desperately want to run at all costs is the "let's wait and see" game to maximize their options. They don't really want to have to commit to anything - I don't even believe them when they give the "I'm uneasy about meeting" line because it's BS...if I were a 6'4" male model they'd grab their gear and be out the door like a shot. It's just their own game.

I'd say just to forget those types and move on to the best of your ability.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - griffinmill - 01-24-2016


It's another reason why trying to "comfort build" and all this shit with girls, over days or weeks, who haven't committed to anything or who say they're scared or ambivalent about online dating or handing out their phone number is generally a waste of time - you're not really running "comfort game" on those hoes, you're just giving them free time to sit around and think of reasons to disqualify you, or why they shouldn't go through with it, or a better option to show up. They're going to bail on you more often or not; though from time to time I'm guilty of attempting the same thing. But life's really too short to waste on these ambivalent "wait and see chicks."

This is all very true. It's been an all too common theme that the girls I end up banging have always been ones I have had MINIMAL contact with before the meet. No comfort building or scheduling dates a week or two in advance where thery are hitting you up every fifteen seconds for validation. Those chicks I seldom bang.

The ones I've exchanged a few texts with (and even then, it's to work out the logistics only), always spread their legs fast. I think comfort building dries up the vagina - I recall Paul Janka saying something about this. It's a mistake I make a little too frequently.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - Vincent Chase - 01-24-2016

Quote: (01-24-2016 06:20 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

The ones I've exchanged a few texts with (and even then, it's to work out the logistics only), always spread their legs fast. I think comfort building dries up the vagina - I recall Paul Janka saying something about this. It's a mistake I make a little too frequently.

As the saying goes curiosity killed the cat.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - XPQ22 - 01-24-2016

Quote: (01-24-2016 06:20 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

This is all very true. It's been an all too common theme that the girls I end up banging have always been ones I have had MINIMAL contact with before the meet. No comfort building or scheduling dates a week or two in advance where thery are hitting you up every fifteen seconds for validation. Those chicks I seldom bang.

The ones I've exchanged a few texts with (and even then, it's to work out the logistics only), always spread their legs fast. I think comfort building dries up the vagina - I recall Paul Janka saying something about this. It's a mistake I make a little too frequently.

Correct. The girls I banged rapidly were the ones where we texted each other just a little bit before the meet, to set up logistics and maybe learn just a few things about each other.

Out of the ones I tried to blabber with over the course of a week or two, off the top of my head I can only think of one that I banged, and she was a pretty odd girl and not terribly attractive. And she ghosted on me after the bang anyway.

Not saying that girls who you don't text with much won't blow you out as well, but I definitely think not texting too much prior is a necessary condition to having a good shot, though not a sufficient one.

When one wants to chat but not meet rapidly, I think the best strategy statistically is just to ignore them and throw them on the back burner and spend the time hitting up more people, rather than engaging in drawn out conversations.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - 1026 - 01-25-2016

I got flaked on today.

Regular plate, well not anymore.

It is her birthday today, I was gonna bang it out & feed her brown bread.

Called in the morning, her phone went straight to voice mail.

She hollers like a couple hours later, I ignored that shit.

Regained my composure, called back in a terse manner.

Apparently, the mobile network is to blame.

Said she'd drop through tomorrow, shes already on her way home.
Wanted to come but left because I didn't holler back quick enough.
(yeah fucking right)

The RVF Official No Contact Thread is where she's headed if not a long shot post in The I Just Got Laid Thread.

I know which one the smart money is on.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - mikado - 01-25-2016

Just got flaked tonight.

"Yeah sorry I won't arrive on time sorry we need to reschedule this soon [Image: sad.gif]"

Bitch, give me a date or gtfo.

Got dates lined up for Tuesday, double booked on Wednesday, 1 on Friday, and a possible one on saturday too. After a week without dates, this is welcomed.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - mikado - 01-27-2016

Double flaking this wednesday. One of them just ghosted on Tuesday, never responded.

The other one fed me some bullshit about going back with her ex etc, said she would remove her account from AUM. However checked just to see she is still active there, and she just blocked me (on AUM and Facebook)

Bitch, why can't they just give a "sorry not interested anymore" ?

Did not get the bang on Tuesday either (apparently not cocky enough) so count on me on Friday and Saturday to give them that cockiness.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - Jtguthrie12 - 01-28-2016

Feeling like a flake is coming. Been talking to this girl for a while, finally decided she would come over tonight. cleaned my room and shiet. She is supposed to come at 9 its now 9:20 called her "I don't know when i am going to be able to come, my friend wants me to stay but i'll text you" Lol okay bish. cockblocked and the friend isnt even here.

Update..she texted me and said she was gnna walk over but it would be late and her friend wants her to stay . We were joking about how the energy keeps going out on her everywhere she goes. so i responded to her flake text with

"Damn your friend is ruthless. She doesn't realize you are the one knocking out the power. But okay tomorrow works i suppose. dont let your friends make you flake this time."

"fuck, you're making me feel bad"

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - ~wrIghter~ - 01-28-2016

Did you actually say "you're making me feel bad?" If you did, that's not going to help your cause. Should of went cold after her first flaking text.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - ~wrIghter~ - 01-28-2016

@ Mikado

That's by my count 4 flakes in 8 days.
It's good to see it ain't getting you down though.

It's a numbers game after all.
Flakes rise proportionally to dates, all things being equal.

@ ~Wrighter~

I believe that was her response to his text*

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - ~wrIghter~ - 01-28-2016

If that's the case, hopefully she doesn't flake again. I'm assuming that you've built a connection with this girl, but would this be the first time you've both hung out? There's not a lot of background.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - LA Savage - 01-28-2016

Quote: (01-28-2016 12:20 AM)Jtguthrie12 Wrote:  

Feeling like a flake is coming. Been talking to this girl for a while, finally decided she would come over tonight. cleaned my room and shiet. She is supposed to come at 9 its now 9:20 called her "I don't know when i am going to be able to come, my friend wants me to stay but i'll text you" Lol okay bish. cockblocked and the friend isnt even here.

Update..she texted me and said she was gnna walk over but it would be late and her friend wants her to stay . We were joking about how the energy keeps going out on her everywhere she goes. so i responded to her flake text with

"Damn your friend is ruthless. She doesn't realize you are the one knocking out the power. But okay tomorrow works i suppose. dont let your friends make you flake this time."

"fuck, you're making me feel bad"

I am telling you know that girl is a time waster. The fact that you said "tomorrow works I suppose" shows that she is in control of what's going on and that you don't have options or very limited options and willing to bend over backwards for her.

You don't sound like a man with options.

And notice on that last text she is trying to guilt trip you and blame you for making her feel bad for flaking on you even though it's her fault. Once again bitches don't want to be held accountable for anything.

What you need to do is just stop texting her and just move on to other women. Believe me if a girl likes you she will find a way to come see you. Your bitch was in walking distance and she still tried to pretend as if her friend is the one holding her back from seeing you.

I've had girls have their friends drive them to meet me so we can meet up and fuck.

Do not go out of your way to please girls and change your schedule in hopes of seeing them.

You scheduled the meet up for 9pm and 9:20pm came with still no communication from her. She didn't even bother to try to contact you. So you panicked and called her. She gave you some bs story and basically told you she is not coming over.

Rather than automatically accept rescheduling to tomorrow you could have declined it to a day the better suits you or told her to text you tomorrow to see what's up since you have other more important things to do.

I personally would have just ignored her or outright delete the number and not give a flying fuck about her anymore because I have little patience for bitches that play games and waste time. Where I live bitches are easily replaceable so I don't chase them, just replace them when they start bullshitting me.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - Jtguthrie12 - 01-28-2016

They brotha for the advice. I guilt tripped her and teased her on a sexual inside joke we had. I ended up picking her up and getting the bang so it appears her story was actually true as dumb as it sounded. But next time some female tries something like that again i will forsure reschedule around my schedule and not hers.

Also @Wrighter, that was her response to my text.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - ~wrIghter~ - 01-28-2016

Congrats on getting the bang. I've made the mistake of trying to schedule around girls schedules and it usually ends up in a flake (when I was doing online). Awesome to see she was down.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - GreenLion - 01-31-2016

Got a number from this 18 yo from Tinder, i arrived 20 min late, she was not there, i send her a message to say that i just arrived and she responds with "my dad just fell on the stairs, i'm on my way to the hospital, can we meet up another time ?".

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread - LA Savage - 01-31-2016

Quote: (01-31-2016 01:36 PM)GreenLion Wrote:  

Got a number from this 18 yo from Tinder, i arrived 20 min late, she was not there, i send her a message to say that i just arrived and she responds with "my dad just fell on the stairs, i'm on my way to the hospital, can we meet up another time ?".

You made a huge mistake by showing up to the date spot late and not even confirming before hand if she was actually there.

She was obviously bullshitting you. I would have responded by saying
"Don't Trip".

then just delete her number because I don't have time for these games bitches like to play.

What you should have done was 5-10 minutes before your agreed upon time text the girl saying you're arriving late due to traffic or some other bs. If she responds quick she is either going to respond saying she is already there, she is going to be late too, or she hasn't left with her giving you some bullshit excuse. The key thing here is too not go to the date until you can confirm she is already there or is going to be there very soon. Then tell her to just wait for you like a good little girl, or ask her how's the view there.

This move has saved me so much time, and gas ever since I learned how to game more efficiently.