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The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - GlobalMan - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 01:14 AM)Space Cowboy Wrote:  

Trump didn't say too many things people would consider outrageous (though I think the global warming/China thing and his talk about tax evasion will get him in trouble during the news cycle).

Actually I think the global warming one was one of the few and best quips.

Most normal people definitely do not agree that global warming is the most pressing crisis in the world, as the leftists and MSM constantly repeat, and many people tire of hearing about it and can't relate when their biggest concern is the job they just lost or the latest terrorist attack. Most certainly agree world security threats are far more pressing than global warming.

It was a great little slap to the progressive nihilists that I enjoyed quite a lot, and one that won't hurt him with middle of the road voters.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - gameking7 - 09-27-2016

Late to the party but I got to say I liked Trumps body language. Both hands firmly on the podium and always looking at his opponent when makes comments. These are alpha qualities

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - N°6 - 09-27-2016

Being in bed in the UK during the debate, I didn't watch it but reading through the non-shill/ Clinton Foundation/ Wahhabi sugar daddy posts here, it seems that at best, the debate was a draw and at worst, a narrow defeat for Trump.

I would say that both are good results as Trump will always be the Away team when debating Establishment Hillary in a media arena. Trump's home ground is at packed out arenas, on the street and on the Internet where Established media versions are ridiculed.*

Moreover, it is difficult to overwhelmingly defeat a woman publicly without appearing as a bully, a tyrant or even a potential wife beater. It is like playing co-ed rugby. It's all hip and fun and games until a woman gets tackled by a man who thought he was going easy. Then there's an eruption of fury be squealing empowered women now in victim mode and angry white knights.

Trump had this to contend with but especially because of Hillary's illness. Best wipe the floor with her during debates 2 and 3.

*By the way, the US hands over the Internet to the UN in a few days...

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Tactician - 09-27-2016



And if you cannot be saints of knowledge, then, I pray you, be at least its warriors. They are the companions and forerunners of such saintship. -Nietzsche

A lot of us would love to have someone like Ron Paul lead America, but he doesn't have the means to battle his way to the presidency. When he ran, I was rooting for him, but the media completely ignored him. What we need right now is a brawler.

I love Trump, but I can also understand why you find him distasteful. All I want to say is that a candidate like Ron Paul has a much better shot of being elected to office after a Trump presidency than after another win by the Democrats.

As much as we wish for our perfect candidate, the two choices we have now are Trump and Hillary. I hope you'll pull the lever for Trump because, in his own imperfect way, I think he has a better shot of turning this ship around and making it possible for you to one day elect your preferred libertarian candidate. I mean, he's talked about auditing the Fed -- no one other than libertarians talk about this.

What I want to say is, I understand you really don't like him, but, Dear God, for your purposes Hillary is A LOT worse.

Edit: Grammar. Also, always play AQ.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - BrewDog - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 01:21 AM)weambulance Wrote:  

Dude, we don't owe you agreement, and you obviously have a chip on your shoulder. If you get banned it has nothing to do with your fucking politics and everything to do with your behavior.
Well, it would be a bit crazy for me to get a ban tonight after the names I've been called. I think I've been pretty civil. Whereas, I've been called an idiot. And that's fine. I can handle the names. I've been through Parris Island. I've been called worse.

But I disagree with your candidate, and now I'm a jerk? Ok. If I like someone else for president and that makes me a complete asshole, then I'm a complete asshole.

But my guy climbed Mount Everest.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - AneroidOcean - 09-27-2016


The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - komatiite - 09-27-2016

Off to bed, here's some reading for you Europeans and Aussies as us North Americans sleep...

Good perspective from Ace... Mood seems pretty level headed from his commenters as well.

Bottom line, he should probably do more studying for quick comebacks and cut out defending all of the small-ball attacks planted by the moderator. He will learn from this, it was his first 1 on 1 after all.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Belgrano - 09-27-2016

Just woke up, didn't get to see the debate.
Made some tea and read the 42 HIGH ENERGY pages in this thread.

So what the hell was going on?
My take away from what I've read:

Everything was stacked against Trump, as expected.

Trump had to play defense most of the time.

The Trump campaign must have a strategy for the debates, a plan. Is it the right one, who knows. But there's no way he forgot literally 80% of the material he's been using routinely at a dozen rallies before that (basically everything people here would have liked to hear). Especially when Hillary offered a few opportunities to apply it. You could wake him up at 3am in the middle of the night by now, he could instantly deliver a best of Clinton scandals and zingers.

Hillary is out of ammo. What is there left to say for her, what attacks can she still throw at him? Trump still has a full magazine, with all the killshots left.

The Trump campaign can observe and learn from the mistakes of this first debate. The third one, maybe already the second one, could be a clear Trump victory.

Fazit: Tactical victory for Hillary. Could turn out to be Pyrrhic. Hoping that Trump is going for a Cannae maneuver.

Someone chime in and correct me if I got the wrong impression by reading the posts here.

Also, I'm afraid of LOZ's and Samseau's posts.
Will need a vodka shot for those.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - weambulance - 09-27-2016


Off to bed, here's some reading for you Europeans and Aussies as us North Americans sleep...

Good perspective from Ace... Mood seems pretty level headed from his commenters as well.

Bottom line, he should probably do more studying for quick comebacks and cut out defending all of the small-ball attacks planted by the moderator. He will learn from this, it was his first 1 on 1 after all.

For anyone who isn't aware, Ace was a hardcore anti-Trumper who went all in on the Michelle Fields incident several months back. Loads of readers left over how crazy they got over it, loads of people got banned in the comments too. Major case of Trump Derangement Syndrome earlier this year.

That doesn't mean there's nothing of value at the link. I'm just saying, as someone who read Ace daily for 10 years until that whole kerfuffle, bring a big grain of salt over there if you go. The only reason Ace is supporting Mr. Trump now is because that's what the market wants.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Conscious Pirate - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 01:37 AM)Tactician Wrote:  

A lot of us would love to have someone like Ron Paul lead America, but he doesn't have the means to battle his way to the presidency. When he ran, I was rooting for him, but the media completely ignored him. What we need right now is a brawler.

I love Trump, but I can also understand why you find him distasteful. All I want to say is that a candidate like Ron Paul has a much better shot of being elected to office after a Trump presidency than after another win by the Democrats.

As much as we wish for our perfect candidate, the two choices we have now are Trump and Hillary. I hope you'll pull the lever for Trump because, in his own imperfect way, I think he has a better shot of turning this ship around and making it possible for you to one day elect your preferred libertarian candidate. I mean, he's talked about auditing the Fed -- no one other than libertarians talk about this.

What I want to say is, I understand you really don't like him, but, Dear God, for your purposes Hillary is A LOT worse.

Preaching truth right here. We need the battering ram that Trump is & has shown us the whole way through to create the environment that might allow for...

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:28 AM)Delta Wrote:  

That said, can the LP really not find a single person who's able to competently articulate libertarian philosophy?

Much of the time, it's actually the listener not being able to hear libertarian philosophy, because it is very much based on personal responsibility & its relationship to freedom, which neither the Left or the Right actually believe could ever exist in a population.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - The Beast1 - 09-27-2016

I stayed up. Trump did a good job. High energy through out.

He held back and didn't let push other nuclear options he had. I expect the other two debates to be killer.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - ElJefe - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 02:06 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

Just woke up, didn't get to see the debate.
Made some tea and read the 42 HIGH ENERGY pages in this thread.

So what the hell was going on?
My take away from what I've read:

Everything was stacked against Trump, as expected.

Trump had to play defense most of the time.

The Trump campaign must have a strategy for the debates, a plan. Is it the right one, who knows. But there's no way he forgot literally 80% of the material he's been using routinely at a dozen rallies before that (basically everything people here would have liked to hear). Especially when Hillary offered a few opportunities to apply it. You could wake him up at 3am in the middle of the night by now, he could instantly deliver a best of Clinton scandals and zingers.

Hillary is out of ammo. What is there left to say for her, what attacks can she still throw at him? Trump still has a full magazine, with all the killshots left.

The Trump campaign can observe and learn from the mistakes of this first debate. The third one, maybe already the second one, could be a clear Trump victory.

Fazit: Tactical victory for Hillary. Could turn out to be Pyrrhic. Hoping that Trump is going for a Cannae maneuver.

Someone chime in and correct me if I got the wrong impression by reading the posts here.

Also, I'm afraid of LOZ's and Samseau's posts.
Will need a vodka shot for those.

Charles Krauthammer has become quite reasonable (from being adamantly anti-Trump before) and thinks it was draw. The Luntz focus group think Trump got licked. A few other reasonable pundits I know think Trump won the first 25 minutes, lost the rest. Some people say he was thin-skinned, others that he exerted self-control.

The important demopgrahic right now is college educated whites, especially women, since everyone else is in the bag for either side now. We'll know more for sure in 10 days, but this sets a bar for the next debate that Trump can hopefully exceed.

Agreement seems unanimous though that Trump should talk less since he's pretty terrible at explaining his thoughts with any kind of eloquency.

Market dropped 10 pts, but that's clearly an overreaction. Trump should be at 40 percent, not 30. So I'd buy.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - SamuelBRoberts - 09-27-2016

"That doesn't mean there's nothing of value at the link. I'm just saying, as someone who read Ace daily for 10 years until that whole kerfuffle, bring a big grain of salt over there if you go. The only reason Ace is supporting Mr. Trump now is because that's what the market wants."

Ace is on the side of the angels now, regardless of what he was doing before. He's gone all in on persuading the NeverTrumpers to switch their votes, and because he's got cred with them by being an early anti-Trump, he can persuade them in a way that you or I can't. Ironically, by going so hard against Trump in the beginning, he's actually a more effective advocate for our side than you or I could be, because people who wouldn't listen to us will still listen to him.

I do wish he'd change his damn twitter nick from "The Dishonorable DJT" though. You can't have everything, I guess.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Rush87 - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 02:06 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

Just woke up, didn't get to see the debate.
Made some tea and read the 42 HIGH ENERGY pages in this thread.

So what the hell was going on?
My take away from what I've read:

Everything was stacked against Trump, as expected.

Trump had to play defense most of the time.

The Trump campaign must have a strategy for the debates, a plan. Is it the right one, who knows. But there's no way he forgot literally 80% of the material he's been using routinely at a dozen rallies before that (basically everything people here would have liked to hear).

Clinton and the Democrats made the same mistake that they made with their advertisements. They have made this election about the man. They blew their wad early with the personality politics, and coming into this debate the polls were even. Now, they have blown their wad again in the debates.

We have two left, and with an entire campaign based around character assassination what do they have left? They won't get a bump from this, and now they are forced to re-hash old talking points over and over again, talking points which have now been dismissed by Trump in this debate.

With the campaign they've run, they had to put him away early. With their tactics in this debate, they would need to open up a +10 lead this far out because they have nothing left... Instead, this will be like a fighter who went all out in round 1, inflicted zero damage, and gets hit in the face for 11 straight rounds because they've gassed out.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Roosh - 09-27-2016

Brewdog was banned and a record 15 members were suspended for posting in this thread before reaching 250 posts. There is no exemption of this rule during special events.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - JohnKreese - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:58 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:48 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:40 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

^^^ Gary is not a libertarian. He is a republican that could not hang with the big boys.

Choose a serious and decent man as a candidate and you will be taken more serious.

I find this very ironic and humorous in a Trump and Hillary thread.

Nobody named Gary is ever going to be president of the United States. Manager of Jiffy Lube, yes.

You got Coleman, Player, Shandling, Sinise, Cooper, and Busey. That's it.

Little things like this matter. Donald and Hillary can be president. Gary should shut up. Its why Bernie Sanders had no shot.

While I will agree with you that Gary is not the most presidential, yet alone the most white collar name, not all Garys are created equally.

Even though he is not eligible to be the U.S. President, being born in South Africa and is 80 years old, I would still take this
[Image: Gary-Player_David-Cannon_Getty-Images-640x440.jpg]
over this
[Image: 23-gary-johnson-tongue.w190.h190.2x.jpg]

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Phoenix - 09-27-2016

Can't you just disable this forum for users with sub 250 posts in the software?

It just seems like a deliberate trap (perhaps that's the idea though) to say "you can't use this" but then to dangle it in their face fully accessible to them.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - ivansirko - 09-27-2016

I didnt watch the debate. To me they are setups by the media to push or pull a candidate. This was no exception.

A lot of people are saying Trump missed a lot of opportunities against Hillary. That doesnt mean he lost the debate and Hillary won.

What matter is:
1. Is there a gaffe people will remember? The worst is Gore v Bush, to me on more than one debate. The first with Gore's huffing and puffing and the 2nd where Gore acted like he was going to come over and slap Bush. I also remember the "spin zone" picking on Bush for writing down points at the podium as if the "spin zone" didnt know how to debate. Gore lost due to the debates.
2. Is there a zinger people will remember? The VP debate between Quayle and Bentsen. Another was Reagan vs Carter and Reagan vs Mondale (2nd debate) Reagan won his first term with the only debate in 1980.
3. The Candy Crowley effect (this is a new one). She "fact checked" once in Obama vs Romney. No one remembers how wrong she was and how much of a liar she was. Based on what people are saying Holt attempted this often and I expect that to be a big negative against Holt, not Trump.

Often times you keep your cards close.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - eradicator - 09-27-2016

The left still swears that Candy Crowley told the truth and was totally unbiased.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Valentine - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 06:15 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Can't you just disable this forum for users with sub 250 posts in the software?

It just seems like a deliberate trap (perhaps that's the idea though) to say "you can't use this" but then to dangle it in their face fully accessible to them.

Might not be a built-in setting but I wouldn't think getting a freelancer to set this up would be too costly.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Irenicus - 09-27-2016

OK, just woke up, drank some coffee, and ready for some rock and roll...[Image: smile.gif].

Browsing this thread, I saw many low energy posts. Although I am quite aware that many posters here are quite smart individuals, sometimes this forum tend to over analyze things too much. In many cases, that is indeed a good thing. But, in the case of this debate, I , sadly, cannot agree.

Let;s take into account a few things first.

First of all, it is evident to all of us that the moderator was biased. So was the public (notice when they were cheering). Also, I think (as many others) that someone sabotaged Trump's microphone (so that everyone can hear him sneezing). Sad! They don't do that even in high school.

Second thing was the fact that, unlike Hillary, Trump was offering real solutions. Let's take the question concerning crime rates in Black/Hispanic communities. Hillary was repeating the mantra that all "guns are bad" which in practice will never work, while Trump, on the other hand, provided a viable solution (more "law and order"). When Lester tried to AMOG Trump with "Stop and Frisk", Trump tore him to shreds.

And is evident that she is tired, and has deep doubts inside her. Yes, on one hand, he really wants to be a POTUS, and will kill, maim and play dirty to go there. But..on the other hand...deep inside of her, she wants to go home, bake cookies and watch a Desperate Housewives rerun for the 687875 time (like most women her age). You can't undone millions of years of evolution that easily. Now, can she survive the race? Only time will tell... .

Taking into account all of that, it was a victory for Trump. Yes, he played too defensive, but was a victory. Most of leftards admitted it (bar CNN). Michael Moore admitted it. That 's it. There is nothing to discuss, and no reason to be desperate [Image: smile.gif]

Could Trump do better? Sure. Why didn't he go all the way (CC, Saudis...)? We might never know. But, one thing is certain. Trump is always willing to adapt, and certainly, we did not see the last of him.

Keep your heads up, be the best you can be, and let's look forward to the next debate!!

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Matsufubu - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 06:15 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Can't you just disable this forum for users with sub 250 posts in the software?

It just seems like a deliberate trap (perhaps that's the idea though) to say "you can't use this" but then to dangle it in their face fully accessible to them.

[Image: 61868745.jpg]

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - The Beast1 - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 07:02 AM)Matsufubu Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2016 06:15 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Can't you just disable this forum for users with sub 250 posts in the software?

It just seems like a deliberate trap (perhaps that's the idea though) to say "you can't use this" but then to dangle it in their face fully accessible to them.

[Image: 61868745.jpg]

I think it's fair to say that such functionality isn't built into the forum or any of the available modules.

Personally, i'd love a tool that automatically suspends users who post in the sub forum and edits their posts to say, "I can't read directions."

Trump won this debate. He has to slowly extend his nukes over the next 2 debates.

The amount of liberal tears on my facebook newsfeed are all the proof I need that he won the debate. No holier than thous, just butt hurt everywhere.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Libertas - 09-27-2016

She won, but it wasn't the decisive victory she needed.

Her frame control was better than normal, I must say. She baited Trump into talking too long about his business when he should have focused the frame on HER and all HER DISASTERS. I thought he went there with the emails, but it didn't stick too long. He should have hammered her when she said "mistake" (sure, Bleachbit is just a mistake, the concerns going on about your email server as early as 2009 was a mistake). He should have done the same thing when she talked about cyber security. And when she said "intelligence surge" (a Trump-style hypnosis trick of sorts), he should have hammered her on specifics.

Missed opportunities.

Still, the most important things was that Trump didn't look crazy or like he didn't know anything. That was the important thing. Hopefully he can now adjust to the second debate. I don't think Lester Holt himself did a bad job. Good thing I was out and didn't get to see the windbags talking afterwards.

Me and MMX2010 had a humorous conversation with these two girls afterward. Maybe he can do a better job filling in the poetics than I can.

A few of us were also on Japanese television before and after, they wanted to interview the Trump people. Hopefully we can find the clips. [Image: smile.gif]

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - chakalaka - 09-27-2016

Trump will win. But he must keep fighting. This will not be handed to him. He must appeal to the moderates/center I believe. But I could be wrong.