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Best hangover cures - Printable Version

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Best hangover cures - speakeasy - 06-03-2012

The best cure is prevention. When I head home and my head is spinning, I grab a big greasy double-cheese burger and fries and eat that before going to bed. I wake up hangover-free 100% of the times after that.

Best hangover cures - Only One Man - 06-05-2012

Go to the gym, and sit in the steam room while drinking gatorade.

Best hangover cures - beta_plus - 10-19-2014

Since I am suffering a hangover, I thought that I would share my favorite ways for beating a hangover:

1) Prevention

Don't get one in the first place. I will take one pill of each of the following if I know that I am going to drink heavily:

1) Calcium-Magnesium Pill
2) Potasium Pill
3) Vitamin B-Complex Pill

These are traditional hangover cures that I find help me from getting one in the first place. The first two are just the ingredients in smartwater.

2) Cure

Sometimes I forget or just over do it. I take the same above right when I get home plus

1) Dihydromyricetin (Hovenia Dulcis Extract) - this stuff I just discovered through a manosphere site which I have sadly forgotten (probably due to drinking) and it's amazing. You know how even if you don't have the dehydration and upset stomach parts of a hangover, you still have the tired feeling that nothing will get rid of. This stuff prevents it. Take it before you go to bed. It won't prevent all the tiredness if you are really hammered, but it makes a huge difference.

2) Broth - really helps a lot. Those rammen noodle bowls from Korea they sell at 7-11 are a perfect source for this. You can also just use cubes.

3) Flax Seed Oil & Walnut Oil - I had started taking this to improve my sleeping, but I found that it also helps take the edge off.

4) Aspirin - and if you really desperate, advil and aleve - but only if you are desperate - you just tortured your liver and those two do it as well.

While I fully endorse coconut water, it's easy to forget to have a stock and having it's equivalent in pill form is very nice.

Best hangover cures - Quintus Curtius - 10-19-2014

Water plus time.

Best hangover cures - iop890 - 10-20-2014

Puerh tea and blowjobs.

Best hangover cures - Sp5 - 10-20-2014

Vitamin C and water along with the alcohol.

For a really bad one, that left-over Oxycodone from a dentist's visit.

Best hangover cures - Biologist - 10-20-2014

The best thing to do is to prevent a hangover from occurring in the first place.

The symptoms of a hangover are mostly caused by dehydration. I've found that the most effective thing to do is drink A LOT of water, especially during the period between when you stop drinking and just before you go to sleep. Also, when you go to sleep have some water nearby so that if you wake up you can drink some more.

Best hangover cures - redbeard - 08-30-2015

I've been trying out the official, scientifically backed MikeCF Danger & Play Hangover Cure

And I think after last night I can say it works.

I tried it a few times and noticed less symptoms, but still would have a headache, so I would need to pound a bunch of water in the morning. After some water and caffeine I felt fine. So, it seemed that the pills helped accelerate the alcohol processing, but that pathway still required water, so I was still dehydrated.

A few weeks ago I drank a bottle of wine and THEN decided to go out, so I took the pills after drinking some. The next day I had a terrible hangover that felt more like sickness. I felt terrible. I wasn't sure if it was the pills, because it could also be sleep deprivation, dehydration, or something I ate.

I tried it again last night. Had the pills immediately before starting drinking.

Boozed heavy. Drank a water in between every drink. Slept 9 hours. Feel amazing. Recommend. [Image: banana.gif]

Best hangover cures - civpro - 08-30-2015

food, water, sleep, advil

Best hangover cures - Geomann180 - 08-30-2015

Don't stop drinking.

Or don't start.


Best hangover cures - Remington - 08-30-2015

[Image: help-cvc.jpg?1661]

This stuff is legit. Just throw the capsules into a glass of water and house it. I feel great after about a half hour.

Edit: Image size.

Best hangover cures - NorthxNorthwest - 08-30-2015

I'll second the Danger and Play recommendations, that dude has his biochemistry down pat. I came up with a similar protocol minus the alpha lipoic acid (I use a few grams of vitamin C for the antioxidant effects instead but his idea might be better particularly if you're taking MDMA as well). On top of that, I also take a couple grams of baking soda to buffer my blood a bit and mitigate the mild acidosis that alcohol induces and hydrate with coconut water before I go to bed. It's worked like a charm for me and my friends over the last 10 months, I never drink without it if I can help it.

Best hangover cures - Oz. - 08-30-2015

If you never stop drinking you don't have to worry about hangovers

Best hangover cures - Aquiles_Baesta_Parada - 08-30-2015

Prepare yourself before going out
buy a Gatorade beforehand and chug it before bed. No matter how drunk you are.
(Yes you might wake up early to go to the restroom)

Whenever you wake up, take some Tylenol and drinks lots of water.

There really is no magic cure..
QC said it best:
"Water plus time"
If you have it in you, hit the gym and sweat the bitch out!!!

Best hangover cures - C-Note - 08-30-2015

Some fresh vegetable juice from your vitamix or juicer with celery, carrots, tomatos, apple cider vinegar, and some gator-ade or coconut juice thrown in, a vitamin B6 pill, then a steaming hot shower or bath usually does a lot for me to mitigate a hangover.

For hangover prevention in addition to the good tips others have left on this thread, I recommend drinking premium liquor. The higher-end whiskeys, vodkas, tequilas don't seem to produce as bad of after-effects and try not to combine them with sugary mixers like juice or soda.

Best hangover cures - Atlanta Man - 08-30-2015

Rail of cocaine, rail of crystal, Gatorade with alka seltzer, and aspirin. You will be back in the game in minutes.

Best hangover cures - BortimusPrime - 08-30-2015

Sriracha enema, but you have to do the Gangnam Style horse dance while crapping out the hot sauce or else it won't work.

Best hangover cures - Oilrig - 08-30-2015

Ginkgo biloba helps a lot with my hangover. It especially helps me feel normal at work after a long night of drinking the day before. Also ginger helps with nausea and is good for hangovers.

Best hangover cures - Brodiaga - 08-30-2015

I agree that hangovers are mostly due to dehydration.

Drink a couple of glasses of water before going to bed if you're drunk. Then, if you'll wake up in the middle of the night to the toilet, drink another glass of water.

Best hangover cures - Emancipator - 08-30-2015

Drink pear juice before drinking

Best hangover cures - Oneitis - 08-31-2015

Green tea and Chlorella

Best hangover cures - Ronald Reagan - 08-31-2015

Prevention. I always down one water for every couple of beers. Dehydration causes hangovers. Or i drink a lot of water at the end of a night of heavy drinking.

Best hangover cures - Hotwheels - 08-31-2015

Coconut water

Or drink vodka.

Best hangover cures - Gmac - 08-31-2015

A new Dutch study suggests nothing cures a hangover:


Raiding the fridge or downing glasses of water after a night of heavy drinking won't improve your sore head the next day, Dutch research suggests.

Instead, a study concluded, the only way to prevent a hangover is to drink less alcohol.

More than 800 students were asked how they tried to relieve hangover symptoms, but neither food nor water was found to have any positive effect.

The findings are being presented at a conference in Amsterdam.

A team of international researchers from the Netherlands and Canada surveyed students' drinking habits to find out whether hangovers could be eased or if some people were immune to them.

Among 826 Dutch students, 54% ate food after drinking alcohol, including fatty food and heavy breakfasts, in the hope of staving off a hangover.

With the same aim, more than two-thirds drank water while drinking alcohol and more than half drank water before going to bed.

Although these groups showed a slight improvement in how they felt compared with those who hadn't drunk water, there was no real difference in the severity of their hangovers.

Best hangover cures - Ron00 - 12-24-2018

If you’re looking to get the best hangover supplement check out Detoxicated. I checked out their website to learn about their ingredients-you will be amazed to see the information they provide. I bought a sample and am overall impressed by the results- no trace of a hangover the next day.