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Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - nomadbrah - 08-18-2018

New Zealand just shut down Chinese buying houses there:

This is a very obvious thing to do.

Chinese money is dirty, but that's beside the point, this is economic imperialism.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - rudebwoy - 08-18-2018

Well there you have it, we should adopt that policy.

Problem solved.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - RedPillUK - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 06:19 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Since the beggining of humanity people have migrated and exchanged information, mixed cultures or adapted certain influences from one another and placed it within their culture..

While i can understand not wanting muslims into one's land due to islam being a dangerous ideology, Still some guys don't seem to learn from history, When a minority moves in to a multi-racial place a they tend to mix and adapt heavily from their host culture after a few gernations or simply assimilate into non-existence if the host culture accepts this and encourages it

That's what happened in America,Israel,Australia and other colonies. That's what happened pretty much in every country in at least one stage of their history. People in America during the potato famine didn't wan't Catholics and Irish immigrants in. They saw them as non-American, threatening or as competitors for low-wage jobs, But they were ultimately accepted and they have contributed a fair share to America

Call me crazy but i believe if we wan't too evade total destruction in this world(due to famine and other environmental crisis) we have to mend our differences and look to the stars( Though islam and other bad third world mentalities has to be removed first).

A good and positive global culture can be created with western culture as the basis and also with Asian work ethic, African spontaneity, the happy south american way of life, Middle eastern family values. The question is though is it worth removing all the world cultures and differences into one world culture, That's hard nut to crack and i'm not really sure and i'm also not for it.

But at the same time we have to unite for the future, We are all humans after all, What will we do when other hostile life organism and aliens come to finish us off? We can't unite then

This won't happen though the banks and governments are pushing for a wrong idea of globalization. Their way of globalization is complete fucking threat to humanity, They went to import millions of different nations into one place so they finish each other off. Then the powers can enact their ultimate dream TYRANNY. They went a complete dependency on the state, Sort of like a 1984 world

I'm guessing you're no older than 23-24 (but probably closer to 15), your thoughts are all jumbled up, rambling and contradictory, and it's all multicultural idealistic propaganda you're parroting anyway. The only good thing about your post is that it highlights the correlation between intelligence/critical thinking and grammar/spelling.

Get your head out of the clouds mate and actually talk about what we're talking about, which is Chinese immigration into Canada, rather than parroting tired old hippy nonsense about how great immigrants are at assimilating, looking to the stars and 'uniting as humans' with a 'one world culture'.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - The Catalyst - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 06:54 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

New Zealand just shut down Chinese buying houses there:

This is a very obvious thing to do.

Chinese money is dirty, but that's beside the point, this is economic imperialism.


Last month, the directors of the International Monetary Fund executive board said they encouraged New Zealand to reconsider the ban, which they thought would be unlikely to improve housing affordability.


"We oppose the bill because we don't believe that it actually fixes any problem," Collins said. "It is, in fact, nothing more than an attempt to justify some of the policies of the incoming government."

This is accurate. The problem of rising house prices in Auckland/NZ is building restrictions on zoning and height. There's no good reason a shitty city like Auckland costs similar to a world class city like NYC.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Lowkey - 08-18-2018

I'm not a English speaking native so my English spelling and grammar isn't the greatest. And no i'm not a liberal i'm socially conservative but yeah i'm a hippy person. Didn't you not read my post i never once said i believed in uncontrolled migration which we all know is a stupid idea.

I even stated i i believed in third world countries adopting certain successful western mentalities. And i'm no SJW i was a muslim when i was younger i left it when i was 16 and i have more hate for that ideology then any of you guys can imagine. And also who can you be red pill and sjw at the same time, Isn't that an oxymoron.
First and foremost i do not believe in millions of people invading other lands i just said small groups tend to assimilate after a while that's a historical fact.

But still if we didn't not look for the stars we are going to go extinct. Is it not allowed for someone wishing for a little more peace and serenity in this world. I would like too have people in a few hundred thousand years to be able to go everywhere in this world and star system, And that were they go they don't need to be seeing poverty, degradation and destruction. You should think for today and the future. Maybe it is retarded to you but i don't want people to live in utter poverty and shit.

And you don't have to come with personal insults, I never once stated anything to bad mouth you or someone else in this forum. Haven't you read the forum rules.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Lowkey - 08-18-2018

And which way were i contradictory? Can you explain why you perceive my as low iq? Then state which aprt of my statement that is retarded according to you?

I'm not trying to argue i'm generally curious

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - RedPillUK - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 07:25 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

But still if we didn't not look for the stars we are going to go extinct. Is it not allowed for someone wishing for a little more peace and serenity in this world. I would like too have people in a few hundred thousand years to be able to go everywhere in this world and star system. And that were they go they don't need to be seeing poverty, degradation and destruction. You should think for today and the future.

[Image: tard.gif]

Can you explain exactly what any of this hippy nonsense means in practice? Or is it just a nice catchphrase, maybe something you got from a (((hollywood))) movie?

Have you got any practical ideas? Or have you only got tired old vague hippy catchphrases like "think for today and the future"?

Oh you can't explain this entire paragraph in practical terms? It just feels good to lecture people with it? That's why it's hippy left wing nonsense.

Peace and Love man

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - [email protected] - 08-18-2018

This is hilarious for me, I'm originally from TO. You never hear Asians speak out against diversity and cultural enrichment until their own net worth is threatened. They were totally fine with refugees until they were placed in their neighbourhoods, then it became "we are not safe, think of the children."

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Lowkey - 08-18-2018

Do you have any practical ideas for how you wan't to implement your ideas? Seems to me like you only repeat the same dogma over and over again

Your also speaking your mind in this forum why shouldn't i? I've have not once stated something that is out of bound, retarded or disrespectful. I'm abiding by the rules Roosh put forward.

For reading your posts i only see you complaining to others, Why aren't involved in grassroots politics to spread your message. Venting to guys over the internet won't solve anything

The same thing you accuse SJW retards for you're also participating in you seem to be older then me why aren't you able to be level-headed in a discussion. No need for insults just state your facts and why you believe i'm wrong i'm still waiting for your analysis.

Maybe you need to become more of a hippie. I see a lot of pent-up rage in your posts.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Dusty - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 07:40 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Quote: (08-18-2018 07:25 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

But still if we didn't not look for the stars we are going to go extinct. Is it not allowed for someone wishing for a little more peace and serenity in this world. I would like too have people in a few hundred thousand years to be able to go everywhere in this world and star system. And that were they go they don't need to be seeing poverty, degradation and destruction. You should think for today and the future.

[Image: tard.gif]

Can you explain exactly what any of this hippy nonsense means in practice? Or is it just a nice catchphrase, maybe something you got from a (((hollywood))) movie?

Have you got any practical ideas? Or have you only got tired old vague hippy catchphrases like "think for today and the future"?

Oh you can't explain this entire paragraph in practical terms? It just feels good to lecture people with it? That's why it's hippy left wing nonsense.

Peace and Love man

It means people from shithole countries have a human right to escape their own people and live among huwhite people.

[Image: attachment.jpg39771]   

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Cattle Rustler - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 03:09 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Quote: (08-18-2018 01:37 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^The banks and government wouldn't share your narrow minded opinion.

One of the major malls in Toronto, recently had a facelift. The shops are high end and the "normal people" certainly don't shop there.

It doesn't take a degree in economics to figure out who these shops are catering too.

This is globalization, I don't see the point of whining about it.

Is it narrow minded to believe what's good for governments and banks isn't good for people or a nation?

To believe in trying nationalism instead of just accepting globalism?

To believe that Chinese buying land and taking over parts of Canada is not good for Canadians?

To believe that Canada should remain Canadian and not Chinese?

To believe in Canadians right of self determination?

Call these ideas narrow minded, racist, bigoted, xenophobic or whatever then, it just confirms to me that the globalist left has no actual arguments anymore.

The irony, you're here talking about nationalism while fucking bitches in Mexico. Get your head out of the clouds mate and actually walk the talk you're talking about.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Lowkey - 08-18-2018

I do not believe in uncontrolled migration. How many times should i have to say that. And when did i say i live in a western nation?, I'm not an arab either or a muslim anymore so i don't know what that has to do with anything. You should refute what i stated instead of trying to clown me. That's what adults do

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Sidney Crosby - 08-18-2018

Guys from western countries going on trips to bang foreign sluts is ok, even better when they can't get a visa to visit.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - RedPillUK - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 07:53 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Do you have any practical ideas for how you wan't to implement your ideas? Seems to me like you only repeat the same dogma over and over again

I like Nomadbrah's idea and one that is implemented in a lot of countries around the world. Foreigners should not be able to purchase land.

You mention Native Americans being in Canada before Europeans and I think it further illustrates my point. Was selling their land to Europeans good for them?

Since you avoided my question and just asked me to answer it instead, I can only assume you have no practical ideas, only hippy catchphrases.


The same thing you accuse SJW retards for you're also participating in you seem to be older then me why aren't you able to be level-headed in a discussion. No need for insults just state your facts and why you believe i'm wrong i'm still waiting for your analysis.

You're not even saying ANYTHING let alone something I can prove right or wrong. You're just posting feel good left wing catchphrases (while saying you're a red pill social conservative lol). That's my analysis and I believe I have thoroughly demonstrated it now.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - RedPillUK - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 08:04 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

The irony, you're here talking about nationalism while fucking bitches in Mexico. Get your head out of the clouds mate and actually walk the talk you're talking about.

Ironic? I don't have to be in a particular place to talk about nationalism in Canada. You want me to go back to England to do that?

Maybe you're just jealous I'm banging your women while you're busy trying to scam some free sex out of prostitutes on Seeking Arrangement?

Anyway, even if your point was valid, the truth is I am Mexican as well. Citizen of both countries and half my family was born and is here, so I'm not a total foreigner stealing your women. I proudly represent both countries and my beliefs where ever I go, there is no contradiction or irony between my words and my actions.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Bastard Sword - 08-18-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 04:38 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (08-18-2018 03:13 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Canada wasn't originally inhabited by Anglo-saxons, irish and blacks to begin with. New world countries are created due to immigration. Why can some people migrate and others can't. The chinese pump in billions of dollars in the canadian economy, So it's not like they haven't contributed something positive in to Canadian economy.

There was no Canada before the Anglo Saxon (franks too).

Chinese are leaving Chinese countries to live in Anglo Saxon Canada, not to live in native peoples nations.

The deal here is, Anglo-saxons build the best countries, and that’s where people from other cultures want to go. When it is no longer Anglo Saxon, it’s no longer Canada (or USA or England, or Australia etc) then it’s ruined.

You're making the mistake of associating "Anglo Saxon" with being good, worthy, the best example of civilization, etc.

Can't speak to Canada but I've lived in California my whole life. I've lived in immigrant heavy areas (Asian, Indian, etc upper middle class areas) and in predominantly white areas. Let me tell you what I've seen in each area:

In the immigrant areas, the worst thing I saw was Asian parents tiger parenting their kids too much and producing IRT-esque children with low social skills. These people were still pretty intelligent and usually had useful skills, would make good money, and contribute to the economy/society. No drug problems, no fucked up family history, no weird SJW tendencies, just normal run of the mill people.

Things were different in the white areas. Superficial fake people, most of whom came from broken families, tons of xanax and other prescription abuse. Plenty of the white kids I met from these areas offed themselves either through suicide or through overdose. Tons of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other issues. And this was just the shit I personally saw, some of the stories I heard from white kids I knew growing up in these areas was worse. I had a buddy tell me about people cutting themselves on the school bus and suicide attempts on field trips. This was in Thousand Oaks California. These were entirely "Anglo Saxon" white areas with maybe a tiny minority of Asians and Latinos. Plenty of these people became burnouts or losers working low-paid jobs. They contribute less to the economy and are an active detriment to society.

These were areas with roughly equivalent wealth levels. Theoretically they should performing the same (or the white communities should be mentally healthier, if we go by your theory of how Anglo Saxons are superior).

Blaming immigrants for the cultural decline of the Anglosphere is idiotic when you look at what a lot of the locals are doing. It's like taking a meth addicted party whore and blaming her condition on her Chinese neighbors. No, that bitch did it to herself regardless of how "Anglo Saxon" she was.

Your neighbors can't ruin your house when you're in the middle of destroying it yourself.

(By the way, all of these "concerns" from the "nationalists" on this thread were once applied to Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans -- who many of these "nationalists" are probably partially descended from. America may have started eating pizza and names like O'Donaghue may have become popular, but all in all these immigrants helped contribute to America's prosperity. This despite xenophobia from everyone from Benjamin Franklin (who despised Germans and didn't want them immigrating) to Teddy Roosevelt, who famously remarked that the lynching of Italians was a "rather good thing".

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - T and A Man - 08-19-2018

And yet these Asians whose only fault is Uber-tiger mums producing IRT's still have to move to white countries to realize more of their potential.

You fail to see the woods from the trees

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Bastard Sword - 08-19-2018

Quote: (08-19-2018 12:07 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

And yet these Asians whose only fault is Uber-tiger mums producing IRT's still have to move to white countries to realize more of their potential.

You fail to see the woods from the trees

Sure, the modern structure of an Anglo Saxon nation is the best one yet created for harnessing hard work and strong family structures and using them productively. America is the best place for someone with a good work ethic, a solid family foundation, and the desire to learn and utilize a useful skill.

Was this system largely created by white Europeans? Sure. Did early settlers and European immigrants display these qualities? Probably. Does that mean that their descendants are doing the same? Fuck no, in fact they're frequently doing the opposite. Conservative communities in Idaho, proud Southerners, etc may be continuing the moral values of their forefathers. The plastic bitches in Los Angeles absolutely are not doing so, no matter how "Anglo Saxon" they are.

All caveats apply. There are still parts of white America where strong families and genuine culture exist. There are also parts which are literally rotting away from the inside. My point was that there are plenty of "Anglo-Saxons" who are probably worse for America/Canada/what have you than a couple of Chinese IT workers. The opioid crisis and the decline of the family (huge issues in white America) are dramatically more serious issues than Chinese immigration. These issues, moreover, are 100% the fault of white Americans themselves.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Parras - 08-19-2018

I used to work with a guy who came from Canada to the states on vacation and he told me that there were a lot of Chinese, but not nearly as much as there were Indians.

He told me that there were tons and tons of Indians and that they were really low class and ghetto.

Can any Canadian guys confirm this?

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-19-2018

Quote: (08-19-2018 12:24 AM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

All caveats apply. There are still parts of white America where strong families and genuine culture exist. There are also parts which are literally rotting away from the inside. My point was that there are plenty of "Anglo-Saxons" who are probably worse for America/Canada/what have you than a couple of Chinese IT workers. The opioid crisis and the decline of the family (huge issues in white America) are dramatically more serious issues than Chinese immigration. These issues, moreover, are 100% the fault of white Americans themselves.

Hahaha - once again - cultural marxism, obesity and opioid crisis has "destroyed" those Anglo-Saxons within 10-20 years, let them be swarmed by different people. Better import 100 mio. Red Pilled Africans eh?

That is the SJW-globohomo-relativist bullshit. We have to differentiate between passing fads, economic crises and even passing potential political indoctrination - and actual core genetics and millennia-old behavioral patterns.

[Image: 1403266249_n0rv4u_fb_plus.jpg]
West-Germans created the car to the left while East Germans created the car to the right - clearly the East Germans are inferior and we should have imported 40 mio. Arabs and Africans help them reach greater heights of achievement.

The Chinese for sure are far superior immigrants than most other non-Europeans. You have to look just over to Hawaii which has enormous numbers of Chinese and Japanese immigrants - in fact the majority at one time there.

Sure - in a majority then they would create rather a culture similar to Hong Kong, but Canada would be fine - it would be no longer Euro-dominated, but still it would be a nice place to live in.

With Muslim and African immigration you will however create a violence and dysfunction infested shithole for a variety of reasons and countless examples in current and old history.

That is what the Chinese here are demonstrating against, because White guilt and racism allegations are not working on them as much as against the cucks. And honestly - Canada is so far gone, that an optional invasion of 40 mio. Chinese would be the preferable solution to other mass migration. The reason is simple - the now Chinese dominated Canada would kick out the Trudeau-cucks and close the borders to less desirable immigrants.

Though nothing of that will manifest of course - Canada is the Sweden of North America and we shall see how strong diversity will truly make them:

[Image: iii291_19970071_arms_toront.jpg]
Toronto coat of arms - DIVERSITY OUR STRENGTH.

Israel recently dumped some 15.000 African immigrants to Canada which they happily took in - because how can anyone be against enrichment?

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Belgrano - 08-19-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 07:25 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Haven't you read the forum rules.

Quote: (08-18-2018 07:53 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

I'm abiding by the rules Roosh put forward.

Said the previously banned Swedish-Somalian forum member while using his new account.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Dusty - 08-19-2018

Bastard Sword still trying to sell the shitty Brown Pill. Smh.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - rudebwoy - 08-19-2018

Quote: (08-18-2018 07:50 PM)[email protected] Wrote:  

This is hilarious for me, I'm originally from TO. You never hear Asians speak out against diversity and cultural enrichment until their own net worth is threatened. They were totally fine with refugees until they were placed in their neighbourhoods, then it became "we are not safe, think of the children."

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - scotian - 08-19-2018

Quote: (08-19-2018 12:28 AM)Parras Wrote:  

I used to work with a guy who came from Canada to the states on vacation and he told me that there were a lot of Chinese, but not nearly as much as there were Indians.

He told me that there were tons and tons of Indians and that they were really low class and ghetto.

Can any Canadian guys confirm this?

Are you talking about the casino Indians or the 7/11 Indians?

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees - Bastard Sword - 08-19-2018

Quote: (08-19-2018 04:11 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2018 12:24 AM)Bastard Sword Wrote:  

All caveats apply. There are still parts of white America where strong families and genuine culture exist. There are also parts which are literally rotting away from the inside. My point was that there are plenty of "Anglo-Saxons" who are probably worse for America/Canada/what have you than a couple of Chinese IT workers. The opioid crisis and the decline of the family (huge issues in white America) are dramatically more serious issues than Chinese immigration. These issues, moreover, are 100% the fault of white Americans themselves.

Hahaha - once again - cultural marxism, obesity and opioid crisis has "destroyed" those Anglo-Saxons within 10-20 years, let them be swarmed by different people. Better import 100 mio. Red Pilled Africans eh?

That is the SJW-globohomo-relativist bullshit. We have to differentiate between passing fads, economic crises and even passing potential political indoctrination - and actual core genetics and millennia-old behavioral patterns.

[Image: 1403266249_n0rv4u_fb_plus.jpg]
West-Germans created the car to the left while East Germans created the car to the right - clearly the East Germans are inferior and we should have imported 40 mio. Arabs and Africans help them reach greater heights of achievement.

The Chinese for sure are far superior immigrants than most other non-Europeans. You have to look just over to Hawaii which has enormous numbers of Chinese and Japanese immigrants - in fact the majority at one time there.

Sure - in a majority then they would create rather a culture similar to Hong Kong, but Canada would be fine - it would be no longer Euro-dominated, but still it would be a nice place to live in.

With Muslim and African immigration you will however create a violence and dysfunction infested shithole for a variety of reasons and countless examples in current and old history.

That is what the Chinese here are demonstrating against, because White guilt and racism allegations are not working on them as much as against the cucks. And honestly - Canada is so far gone, that an optional invasion of 40 mio. Chinese would be the preferable solution to other mass migration. The reason is simple - the now Chinese dominated Canada would kick out the Trudeau-cucks and close the borders to less desirable immigrants.

Though nothing of that will manifest of course - Canada is the Sweden of North America and we shall see how strong diversity will truly make them:

[Image: iii291_19970071_arms_toront.jpg]
Toronto coat of arms - DIVERSITY OUR STRENGTH.

Israel recently dumped some 15.000 African immigrants to Canada which they happily took in - because how can anyone be against enrichment?

[Image: lol.gif] Literally not one person on this forum is advocating for anywhere getting flooded by Muslims and Africans.

This entire post is a strawman and you've been called out elsewhere for using autistic tactics like this.

The problem is that a lot of people on this forum will label skilled immigrants as being a threat when their own communities are rotting from the inside out. I'd say it's a much bigger problem when massive swathes of white America are deteriorating the way that they are. It's a much bigger problem than the Chinese opening up a couple more laundromats or making the local high schools more competitive.

Skilled immigration (the Chinese in this case) is significantly less of a problem than broken families, drug abuse, loss of spirituality/culture, mental health epidemics, and suicide epidemics.

You can hamster them away as being "fads" all you want -- I'd say that your culture is going through a serious crisis when one third of all suicides in America come from white men and forty percent of all white marriages end in divorce. It's an existential issue that is currently ravaging white America...but of course the Chinese are the real threat [Image: lol.gif]

What's more, these skilled immigrants are bringing in a skillset that the average American doesn't even have. There's a reason why the only white people in most IT workplaces are Ukranians, Russians, or other Europeans. It's not because there's some evil conspiracy to take jobs from white Americans, it's because very few of them are actually qualified to do these jobs.

Complaining about peaceful, educated immigrants who bring in a valuable skillset and blaming them for the gaping issues in your own culture is white race trolling at its finest.