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Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - TigerMandingo - 04-03-2018

I've always wondered about "human trafficking". You always hear about it but have no idea what it means.

So I guess I'll be the first. What is human trafficking?

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - debeguiled - 04-03-2018

It's what women claim happened to them when they get caught whoring it up.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - SlickyBoy - 04-03-2018

Quote: (04-03-2018 11:40 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I've always wondered about "human trafficking". You always hear about it but have no idea what it means.

So I guess I'll be the first. What is human trafficking?

It used to mean women forced into prostitution (and it still does), but that term has been extended to mean whatever is convenient, typically in the context of heterosexual males being the perpetrators of anything to do with sex work, overtly criminal or otherwise - escorting, street walking, stripping - you name it. Sometimes it is applied to forced labor scenarios.

But I can't recall hearing the term "human trafficking" being used to refer to situations such as young boys traded for homosexual deviancy on the black market.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - Cattle Rustler - 04-04-2018

Hilarious, the sugarlifestyle subforum on reddit is still active. 17K whores strong.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - mpr - 04-05-2018

Quote: (03-26-2018 12:55 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Trafficking, Rape, Grooming, Privilege, Supremacy, Spectrum, Hate Speech, Sexual Harassment, Consent, Cat Calling, Harm, Actual Harm, Bias, Implicit bias, Actual Violence.

You forgot a big one. Domestic violence! According to the duluth model on which American DV policy is based "verbal abuse" and "financial control" constitute domestic violence. Even though they have nothing to do with actual violent behavior. So a husband who yells at his wife for banging the next door neighbor, or a husband who gives his stay at home wife an allowance because she spends irresponsibly is a "domestic abuser". And therefore should be thrown out of his own home and denied parenting time with his own children. He'll still be expected to pay for: Child support, her legal fees, and sometimes lifetime alimony of course!

Quote: (04-02-2018 11:53 AM)bradz Wrote:  

This is actually a bummer - as a 40+ yr old married guy - CL was full of fake ads and flaky girls - but where else could I post what I was looking for (a slut, a recent college grad, a lunch time fuck...) WITHOUT a photo (key for us married guys) and every once in a while have some fun.

Believe it or not CL used to be a decent resource for single guys as well. It was a good way to set up a passive pussy stream if you were a decent writer. Just post an ad, do minimal maintenance to keep it at the top, and you could get a notch every couple of months. Especially if you fulfilled some sort of niche. With the way the online space is evolving writing ability no longer gives you the edge it used to. Instead of being able to spam a well written opener to dozens of women within a couple of minutes initial online platforms are moving to make selection based on the attractiveness of photos.

Oh well evolve or die as they say. I think the future may be trying to beat the competition by buying ads on social media platforms; then sending women to a landing page where they can message me. That way these social media can open for me to thousands of women. It's worth looking into to see if it's effective anyway.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - Captain Gh - 05-05-2018

It's official now... our Craigslist personal section here in Canada is also closed. I'm speculating... but I believe this Huge "incel" campaign going on with the CBC (our national broadcaster) as something to do with it! Not only we didn't have an equivalent of this new congressional law... but our Prostitution model mimics the one in Sweden where the Service Provider (most likely female) is

considered a victim... and the John would be the only one considered committing a crime! We even had a free weekly newspaper displaying Backpage Ads! That's shy I'm surprised they closed it down here as well. It's understandable though... since The Heat is ON with this "Incel" Van Attack Incident in Toronto. Anyway... R.I.P Craigslist... you've been good to me!

[Image: attachment.jpg38975]   

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-06-2018

< The heat is on?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! On for what? To create more incel attacks?

Our world is literally a combination of Orwellian anti-male anti-sex puritanism and Brave New World total promiscuity with the only difference that the poor and incels get squeezed out. We know from studies that prostitution lowers rape rates, but I guess the mere idea that somewhere out there an incel might get laid is too much to stomach for the feminazis. Also - Canada is likely going to copy Sweden's prostitution model which shames the Johns heavily. Why not? Sweden has the highest rape rate in the Western world followed only by some African shitholes. Trudeau certainly wants to top that.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - SeaFM - 05-06-2018

Craig might as well just pull the plug.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - NYCJohn - 08-20-2018

Quote: (04-02-2018 11:53 AM)bradz Wrote:  

This is actually a bummer - as a 40+ yr old married guy - CL was full of fake ads and flaky girls - but where else could I post what I was looking for (a slut, a recent college grad, a lunch time fuck...) WITHOUT a photo (key for us married guys) and every once in a while have some fun. I met several women per year there - may not seem like many to you younger guys but I don't have time for constant gaming, rarely go out to bars....

I've tried Tinder but have had zero luck. I think it is because I would log in, swipe away for 15-20 minutes, then hide my profile so that my photo wasn't "out there" in the world for people (ie friends of the wife) to see. So girls could never see me.
I assume if I had no face pics I'd still get zero responses....thoughts?

All that said I'm really trying to stop looking for pussy on the side - certainly significantly reduced - but life and needs get complicated....and sometimes, every once in a while - you just need some strange.

Curious where people who are looking for truly discreet nsa encounters will go.

Have you tried Ashley Madison? I have met a few on there, but it hasn't been easy. CL was better

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - BaatumMania - 08-23-2018

Quote: (04-04-2018 05:50 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Hilarious, the sugarlifestyle subforum on reddit is still active. 17K whores strong.

There's probably more women on Seeking Arrangement than Tinder in a lot of American, British and Canadian cities. If you consider them de facto prostitutes then it means prostitution is a widely accepted lifestyle for women in western countries now.

I read an article about one Seeking Arrangement Sugar Dad who was knifed by his 18 year old sugar baby. He was technically only giving her like $200 a week I think. Shit that's cheaper than escorts. [Image: huh.gif] Too bad I live overseas or else I would be trying to low ball some young sugar babies on there.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - 2 Cool 4 U - 08-31-2018

Quote: (03-24-2018 06:42 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Thought experiment: What would happen if all online dating apps ceased to exist? (Imagine a meddling alien species blocked them.)

Wouldn't the world be a better place?

At least you won't run the risk of being catfished

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - LowerCaseG - 09-05-2018

Uncle Sam wants his cut. This is no different than the government getting their claws on some of the money from AirBnB, Uber, or legal but regulated marijuana. Enforcement after a highly efficient market has already become ubiquitous without government oversight. Eventually, sexual intercourse for the masses of males will be, in some format, an entitlement benefit distributed by the government.

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - torridon747 - 09-06-2018

That's the real issue. Uncle Sam wants his cut. They did it with single payer households, they do it now with singles tax. What's more? The government is hungry. Unfortunately this short term thinking will lead to the west dissolving

Craigslist shuts down Personal Ads because of new Congress law - chicane - 09-06-2018

It's all about the whammens! Feminists flat out hate men and want to deny them any access to sex unless the man in question is in the top 1%. Nevermind the excuses, prostitution is illegal here because it reduces women's power and control over men. Bunch of fucking cunts.