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Drake's game - Pointer - 02-21-2018

Jennifer Lopez is still around ? I remember she was hot back when I was what ? 10 years old ? I'm sure Drake with all his fame can afford to bang much better quality than milfs past their prime. Why would he choose Jennifer Lopez over 10 million other women is a mystery. I mean, women usually trade up for money but guys are not usually looking for that in women.

Drake's game - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-21-2018

No - fame is that powerful. You just have to check out the reports. The 5.3 Aziz Ansari is fucking hotter women than Drake. Rock-stars are sometimes banging 15 girls - most of them actual professional models - in huge orgies.

Fame is the ultimate supreme power. When you are famous, then you don't need any fucking Game. Drake is good-looking enough, fit enough and a rock-star. He would not need to say one fucking word.

This is not Game and everyone knows this in the 'sphere - you have to check all the accounts and not the stupid celebrity press and what women say.

Albeit I would say that Game for a famous man is necessary when to get compliance when he is not a good-looking rock-star or when he is in a relationship.

Drake's game - Keepiticy2 - 02-21-2018

Ok i get it.

Drake's game - H1N1 - 02-22-2018

A friend of mine is good mates with a lot of rockstars through his job. He's an awesome guy, great company, the kind of guy even rockstars can't find on a dime. Anyway, he broke up with his girlfriend, and it was ugly and he was heartbroken. One of the biggest rockstars of the last 20 years invited my friend out to party with him. My friend had sex with 4 models at once, and the rockstar went off with many more than that, just because the rockstar said my friend needed cheering up and looking after. The rockstar isn't young or good looking, and is actually a very strange dude - famously so.

Drake's game - Keepiticy2 - 02-22-2018

i believe you, and i get that fame plays a huge role. only reason i believed drake had game is that he's notorious for dating A-list and B-list celebrities... Lil Wayne is another one notorious for that.......but i see its mainly just Fame

Drake's game - Simeon_Strangelight - 02-22-2018

I remember Mickey Rourke speaking about fame and the way it changes in terms of women.

Mickey went through a down period, where he became even a C-list actor and was almost broke. He shacked up with one girl and was quasi monogamous.

After the surprise success with the Wrestler he celebrated by having a 16 girl orgy.

[Image: 54d4316a3ae10_-_esq-mickey-de.jpg?resize=768:*]

What kind of Game did he use?

Other stories:

+ At the height of Jersey Shore there was a rumor that one of the male cast was about to visit a night club - a crowd of girls stood in line around the block just to throw their pussies at him

[Image: jersey-shore-cast1.jpg?w=748&h=448&fit=c...ormat&q=70]

+ Leo Di Caprio sometimes goes to clubs and picks up 18 girls, but most often he gets them in parties. In one of the described parties the girls knew that Leo was in a room and they went in there to fuck him or blow him. After one girl was done, then next got in. He probably fucked 20+ girls that night.

+ Another story - Jared Leto did a concert and he is both moderately famous Rock Star and at least a B-level actor. Once after a concert a model was approached by him and he told her his room-number - she should come over afterwards. When she got to his room she found 16 other girls getting shots by Jared Leto. She refused and went away while he said: "Fine, those girls are not going to fuck themselves." The girl wrote about this in a proud newspaper column of how she "rejected" Jared Leto or that he needs more Game. Nah bitch - he invited you to a 17-some orgy, but you would have sucked his dick raw if it had been just 2-3 girls. You did not want to be his 17th ass lined up.

I don't know whether Drake has some kind of celebrity fetish if he dates women who are older and uglier than him, but Game at his fame level has nothing to do with it.

He could have orgies with porn starlets, models and actresses in their prime every day in the week.

Fame is the ultimate catnip for women - no billionaire heir with a six-pack, model-mug, 6'3 height and 10/10 Game skills can even match closely any famous man.

Heartiste had plenty of articles out that even if an actor is a stupid Beta and male feminist, then he can outbang any men out there due to the market value that fame bestows on him.

That is why I give A-list and run-down B-list male celebs a 12. C-lists get an 11 - even if they are short ugly and past their prime.

Female celebs get no leg up and that is why older celeb women suddenly date wealthy men who are sometimes even overweight and older. (If they are lucky and sane, because usually their hamsters just go into hyperdrive and they end up as Sinead O'Connor).

Fame is wasted on women while men can use it to get laid if they want to have the Playboy lifestyle.

Drake's game - Banna - 02-23-2018

So I've been texting back n forth with this attractive 20 something girl here and she hits me back with this gem about possibly hooking up in the near future for a first meetup:

"You seem like a cool dude (blank name).

I simply don't have enough time or energy to dedicate to someone new. Drake said it first, only love my bed and my mama"

Thanks Drake!!!!

Drake's game - torridon747 - 02-23-2018

I'm all for hating on the softest fakest no talent rapper alive but it sounds like she was just being a cunt - most likely cuz your game was solid enough to bag her player.

Texting about hooking up? Why though, give some plausible deniability. "Time or energy to dedicate to someone new" sounds like she has some dicks in rotation anyway.

Fuck drake though I'm with you there

Drake's game - Banna - 02-23-2018

Quote: (02-23-2018 12:56 AM)Eugenics Wrote:  

I'm all for hating on the softest fakest no talent rapper alive but it sounds like she was just being a cunt - most likely cuz your game was solid enough to bag her player.

Texting about hooking up? Why though, give some plausible deniability. "Time or energy to dedicate to someone new" sounds like she has some dicks in rotation anyway.

Fuck drake though I'm with you there

Quite commonplace behaviour by women in the city Roosh himself labelled "the worst North American city" he's ever been to.

Drake's game - Keepiticy2 - 02-23-2018

its common for women to be assholes TRYING to be clever...they go home and brag about it....That's why you have to be a bigger asshole.....Call her out on how lame that was,

Drake's game - H1N1 - 02-23-2018

Quote: (02-23-2018 12:34 AM)Banna Wrote:  

So I've been texting back n forth with this attractive 20 something girl here and she hits me back with this gem about possibly hooking up in the near future for a first meetup:

"You seem like a cool dude (blank name).

I simply don't have enough time or energy to dedicate to someone new. Drake said it first, only love my bed and my mama"

Thanks Drake!!!!

Dre said it better - 'Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks'.

I wouldn't take that as too much of a rejection. This is a line a lot of girls of a certain age are pulling out at the moment as a shit test. They aren't original, or funny, but they think they are on to a good thing with this line, and it's popping up all over.

I work in a bar doing some club shifts at the moment and I must have heard girls use it on guys 3 or 4 times last night, and I've seen a few of the more 'basic bitch' types brag about using it on guys they are dating. The funny thing is all guys seem to be failing it at the moment. I'd treat it like any other lame attempt to throw you off your game personally.

Drake's game - tr1cky - 02-23-2018

I don't know much about Drake but I define game as, "the use of psychological methods to produce desired outcomes." Your definition may differ.

At this point in Drake's fame he can get laid regardless of what he does or doesn't do, whereas a non famous male has his results greatly affected by his actions. With that said, it's important to look at the actions that lead him into this position of fame rather than his actual "1 on 1" game.

I believe Drake has high levels of game. He has won the hearts and minds of millions of women. A lot of precise psychological manipulation has gone into that. Perhaps intentional and calculated (like a PUA), perhaps unintentional (a natural). Regardless, he has seduced millions of women.

Here's an example I heard.

In an interview, Drake said he has been "stock piling hundreds of thousands of dollars in purses for the woman he ends up with"

That is very effective psychological manipulation. Women know he is rich, why would a couple hundred k in purses matter?

It paints an imagine in a women's mind. Many women can't visualize or feel what having $50mm means however, ALL women can visualize walking into a room full of designer purses and thinking "these are all mine!!". They can access that feeling instantly because they've all bought or been given nice things before. They know that feeling. Making women *feel* something is the basis of gaming women.

It also signals that even if he's seeing someone currently he still hasn't found "the one", meaning it could be YOU.

It reframes banging hundreds of hoes into "finding the one".

It makes him seem like the relatable romantic beta aka prince charming aka white Knight which women LOVE when an *alpha* does it. It makes women feel like he's attainable and not some stuck up celebrity bagging hoes and kicking em to the curb.

I don't know if he's consciously or unconsciously applying game but I don't think that matters. Either way you slice it, it's game.

Now here's the problem for real life players. If you act how Drake acts you will get played, not laid. No doubt about it. I'm not advocating we run "Drake game". So in a way y'all are right when you say "Drake has no game" but it's more like "Drake has no game that is *directly* applicable to me"

It's a matter of calibration, the same way a 10/10 handsome guy has to run different game than a 5/10 guy.

A guy aiming to seduce millions of women has to run different game than someone seducing one.

Same way a guy who everyone knows is worth $50mm before they even meet compared to someone worth $50mm on the DL.

Does Drake have game? Yes. Will his game work directly for you? No. Can you learn from his game and adapt it to fit yours? Yes.

I think that's the direction the OP hoped the thread would go in, how to learn and apply lessons from a man who successfully seduced millions of women.

I think that's more fruitful than simply saying "Drake has no game it's all due to fame"

Drake's game - Keepiticy2 - 02-23-2018

thanks, that's what I was hoping to hear. And I agree with you. Drake is known as charismatic and a charming guy whereas somebody like "future" who is also a famous rapper is known as whiny etc.... I know its fame but there's a reason some famous people do much better with women (in general) than other famous people

Drake's game - IvanDrago - 02-23-2018

Maybe Drake's game works better than some celebrities because he comes across as very gay. Women may see his homosexual vibe as an insult to their femininity or as a challenge and want to convert him.

Drake's game - Keepiticy2 - 02-24-2018

This forum really hates Drake lol Maybe I respect him since I grew up listening to him (his first mixtape came out when i was 13)

Drake's game - Savemham Lincoln - 02-24-2018

Quote: (02-23-2018 04:52 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

In an interview, Drake said he has been "stock piling hundreds of thousands of dollars in purses for the woman he ends up with"

This is not game. This is beta provider shit.

Quote: (02-23-2018 04:52 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

It's a matter of calibration, the same way a 10/10 handsome guy has to run different game than a 5/10 guy.

The 5/10 guy needs a shitload more game. The more attractive you are the more leeway you get.

You are looking at amplifiers that make game less relevant and conflating them with having game.

Which brings me to the last point:
Quote: (02-23-2018 04:52 PM)tr1cky Wrote:  

Now here's the problem for real life players. If you act how Drake acts you will get played, not laid. No doubt about it. I'm not advocating we run "Drake game". So in a way y'all are right when you say "Drake has no game" but it's more like "Drake has no game that is *directly* applicable to me"

No. True game is universal. Listen to Dr Knockboot.

Nas made this song 20 years ago and the principles he is spitting are being repeated over in the Aziz thread today. He has had everything Drake has and is better looking but he is kicking true game that all men, regardless of background, looks or financial status, can all apply.

Drake's game - Sidney Crosby - 02-24-2018

Quote: (02-24-2018 10:09 AM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

This forum really hates Drake lol Maybe I respect him since I grew up listening to him (his first mixtape came out when i was 13)

He gets way too much undeserved hate on here.

Drake's game - torridon747 - 02-24-2018

Why is the hate undeserved?

Drake's game - Banna - 02-25-2018

Quote: (02-23-2018 09:17 AM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

its common for women to be assholes TRYING to be clever...they go home and brag about it....That's why you have to be a bigger asshole.....Call her out on how lame that was,

My actual response to her:

"Yeah yeah whatever.

It seems like everybody in this city too "busy" and occupied to have a social life...... even presidents and prime ministers running countries and making decisions that affect millions got time for somebody, lol".

Her: "Alright you got me......let's meet up this week I get off at 5pm"

I'll say it again.....thanks a lot.....Drake!!!

Drake's game - Banna - 02-25-2018

Quote: (02-24-2018 08:04 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2018 10:09 AM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

This forum really hates Drake lol Maybe I respect him since I grew up listening to him (his first mixtape came out when i was 13)

He gets way too much undeserved hate on here.

I wouldn't say I hate or dislike I said I like the fact that he's got girls of all shades of races out at the clubs....never before seen from a Toronto musician....much less rapper.

But I live right in the city where he's from and he (and his OVO crew) are the unrealistic standard a lot of chicks here live by. And this city is notoriously tough already lol.

I remember standing on a corner helping a buddy try to wing these 2 girls DT one night coming out a club that he struggled opening and one of their phones rang....there was some after party his crew was having.

After initially being open..these girls changed in a heartbeat on him and stopped talking, (I really didn't care about the friend, just trying to distract her so my friend could close)...they jumped in a cab.......despite that they didn't even know where the address was or which direction they were even headed. Lol.

Zelcorpion is right in that aspect in that instance that isn't game....thats fame.

Drake's game - Mr. Bigglesworth - 02-25-2018

Quote: (02-24-2018 08:04 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2018 10:09 AM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

This forum really hates Drake lol Maybe I respect him since I grew up listening to him (his first mixtape came out when i was 13)

He gets way too much undeserved hate on here.

Because he's a phony and his music sucks. And he ruined rap by making it mainstream pop.

Dude claims to be hood but grew up in an upper class jewish family in Toronto. Nothing screams gangster like having your Bar Mitzvah in the ball room at the Ritz-Carlton!

And his music is terrible. Look at what rap was in the 90's early 00's and compare it to the ear diarreah that it is now. Drake is one of the man reasons for the decline of the genre. All rap is now is shitty pop club music for white girls to twerk to and to LARP in acting hood.

Drake's game - Graft - 02-25-2018

I think that Drake has some of the best game out of any celebrity.

Most of his romantic music act is a front-he's barely been wifed up at all, almost 10 years in the game now.

No arrests, no baby mamas, only drama he's been in is when he fucks his enemies girl, like Chris Brown/Rihanna.

I have no doubt that Drake has a high level understanding of women.

Understand that he most likely get any knowledge from online forums. He's probably slept with thousands of women and has a fan base of millions of women, which is where he gets his savvy. He's just a natural at game, because he has the ultimate abundance mentality.

Drake's game - ag101 - 02-25-2018

Having had a front row seat to his career; living in the same city, having met him and having mutual friends... I'll give my perspective.

Drake early in his career had zero game. He was well known as a chump who spent money on girls and got played.. Many times.

Now, it's not as much game, as it is just not allowing himself to get caught up.

At his current status, it's purely "fame" or "wealth" game, that's really all. He's not likely to be more skilled than the average guy, but because of his fame and status, he's always going to have more options, and that's a matter of fact.

To me, he's still a sucker. He loves dealing with strippers and is quick to fund their lifestyle in exchange for them staying quiet. Drake is letting a lot of clowns and hoes eat off his name/money in Toronto. One of the reasons why the city has become such a thirst trap.

You go to any King Street club on a Friday or Saturday, and you're likely to see girls only looking for guys affiliated with the OVO/XO/LL4L crews and looking for a come-up.

Shit, go to Lost & Found on a Monday and you'll find the place packed with prostitutes trying to make a come up off these OVO losers.

Drake's game - tr1cky - 02-25-2018

@banna - how come you werent interested in a girl hot enough to get invited to a Drake party?

Drake's game - Banna - 02-25-2018

Quote: (02-25-2018 04:40 PM)Mr. Bigglesworth Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2018 08:04 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2018 10:09 AM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

This forum really hates Drake lol Maybe I respect him since I grew up listening to him (his first mixtape came out when i was 13)

He gets way too much undeserved hate on here.

Because he's a phony and his music sucks. And he ruined rap by making it mainstream pop.

Dude claims to be hood but grew up in an upper class jewish family in Toronto. Nothing screams gangster like having your Bar Mitzvah in the ball room at the Ritz-Carlton!

And his music is terrible. Look at what rap was in the 90's early 00's and compare it to the ear diarreah that it is now. Drake is one of the man reasons for the decline of the genre. All rap is now is shitty pop club music for white girls to twerk to and to LARP in acting hood.

Awww C'mon.....imho it was Puffy, PDiddy or whatever he calls himself that really brought the kind of stuff Drake raps about into rap/hip hop. I blame him for fathering this sort of stuff.

He is the one that brought the "excessiveness" into rap. Once he came onto the scene that's what more and more women visualized.....popping bottles.....being flown around on private jets, yachts. I really hated him then...kinda like you do now with Drake, lol.

All that "raw rugged/backpack hip hop" got faded out....the public and record companies weren't feeling that anymore.

95-97 as much as rap was great it got too out of hand....guys couldn't even perform in certain places because their lives could end. Every rapper in the game was in some sort of beef. Pretty much any rapper aside from just Pac and Big could've easily died those years.

I remember when Biggie was here in 95 and did a show downtown that oversold capacity he did a interview in a local magazine just giving his opinion on rappers (where he derided quite a few) in the almost got him killed 2 years before he actually was murdered.