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telling a chick to lose weight - Moma - 09-20-2011

Quote: (09-20-2011 01:15 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (09-19-2011 09:39 PM)mycleverid Wrote:  

I'm sorry, but if you're crazy about a girl, you shut up and keep her with her faults.

I'm sorry, but that's fucking pussy. My cousin married a chick who couldn't cook at all. Was he supposed to just settle for TV dinners for the rest of his life? Fuck no. His wife learned to cook, and she makes amazing meals now, better than anyone I know.

There is a reason to move on if a chick is fat, and it's purely pragmatic. And there is reason not to devote yourself to a fat chick ever, as there are surely other things boiling under the surface.

This reveling in mediocrity, "be yourself," "accept them for who they are" is bullshit, and is responsible for why so many American women have become such contemptible creatures. Basic flaws like being fat are not endearing, nor do they make you a unique snowflake. If a woman is deficient as a wife or mother, she must try and right herself. Same for a man.

I agree with the bolded strongly. Lizards will not accept certain flaws in men etc etc. Lizards will ditch a man who can't bring enough bread, or keeps a messy sty or is physically abusive. One of my female friends for instance, dumped a guy because his apartment was always messy. Is that fair?

Being fat is visually abusive. In this day and era, with all the information and programs out there, anyone who is obese is just lazy.

And which man wants to own a lazy lizard?

telling a chick to lose weight - Basil Ransom - 09-20-2011

Quote: (09-20-2011 01:02 PM)Moma Wrote:  

One of my female friends for instance, dumped a guy because his apartment was always messy. Is that fair?

If I honestly liked the girl, and she told me it mattered to her and it wasn't just nagging, then I'd keep it clean. It's not a strange or onerous demand. If it truly mattered to her, not cleaning it is disrespectful to her, and at some point that'll just get to her. If she's gotten to the point of being my girlfriend or LTR, I'll treat her like a human being.

Goes for both parties - if there's something she can do that would make me happier, and it doesn't cost much time money or effort, then she should do it. I broke up with a girl I really liked, back in the day, partly because she wouldn't get on birth control. Instead, she insisted on using condoms for sex.

If the chick can't make a minor sacrifice for my satisfaction, she isn't that committed. And vice versa. Then an exclusive LTR is out of the question.

telling a chick to lose weight - Chad Daring - 09-20-2011

Quote: (09-18-2011 09:23 PM)mycleverid Wrote:  

If the weight is a problem, move on.

Frankly, unless she has expressed some interest in self-improvement, I wouldn't touch that conversation.

I've dated 5 girls that were "losing weight"

Unless she's whipping out pictures to show you how much she's lost she's full of shit and just saying she's losing weight to cover up the fact she knows she's a fattie.