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Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Rush87 - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 09:23 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

It's not getting fixed. That's why he's pissed off. In 20 years, the best case for America is a multi-ethnic state with massive disparities between the wealthy and poor, sort of Brazil without the climate or the hot girls. The worst case is a failed state and civil war, ala Kosovo. You can't avoid this any more than you can avoid hitting the ground after you jump off a skyscraper.

I don't blame the guy for seeing the writing on the wall and heading off to Thailand. What's the point in staying here?

I'm just saying he doesn't deserve praise - Our forefathers actually sacrificed something to make America great. He's made millions off what they built... His gratitude for said millions is a shit rant, then a disappearing act to Thailand.

You're right. The country is turning to shit and he's got has every right to disappear - But he's no different to a boomer cuck who complains about everything and does nothing to change it - Leaving us to try and fix it.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - fenetre - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 09:42 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2017 09:23 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

It's not getting fixed. That's why he's pissed off. In 20 years, the best case for America is a multi-ethnic state with massive disparities between the wealthy and poor, sort of Brazil without the climate or the hot girls. The worst case is a failed state and civil war, ala Kosovo. You can't avoid this any more than you can avoid hitting the ground after you jump off a skyscraper.

I don't blame the guy for seeing the writing on the wall and heading off to Thailand. What's the point in staying here?

I'm just saying he doesn't deserve praise - Our forefathers actually sacrificed something to make America great. He's made millions off what they built... His gratitude for said millions is a shit rant, then a disappearing act to Thailand.

You're right. The country is turning to shit and he's got has every right to disappear - But he's no different to a boomer cuck who complains about everything and does nothing to change it - Leaving us to try and fix it.

Faber just put his whole reputation, $100s of thousands of income, his professional relationships all on the line for what he believes in.

And he refused to apologise. Balls, and principles.

I don't think you really mean to call him a cuck?

Can any of us truly imagine the personal costs this man is bearing because of his principled stand?

He can be forgiven for not being very friendly in his rhetoric. But can you blame him?

Every discussion about race is shut down. Shut it down!

Meanwhile the consequences of demographic changes are real. More of your friends and family will be robbed, raped or murdered. This is only going to get worse.

The consequences are real.

If only more people in positions of influence would have the cojones to do what Faber has done.

What is this emotional reaction to race that so many have?

It's like an SJW pavlovian response any time race comes up.

It's blue-pill as fuck.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - nomadbrah - 10-18-2017

BLM race hucksting and feminism have now become so blatantly anti-white male and so extremely obnoxious that even rich guys are going to lash out eventually.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Bill Brasky - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 10:22 AM)fenetre Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2017 09:42 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2017 09:23 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

It's not getting fixed. That's why he's pissed off. In 20 years, the best case for America is a multi-ethnic state with massive disparities between the wealthy and poor, sort of Brazil without the climate or the hot girls. The worst case is a failed state and civil war, ala Kosovo. You can't avoid this any more than you can avoid hitting the ground after you jump off a skyscraper.

I don't blame the guy for seeing the writing on the wall and heading off to Thailand. What's the point in staying here?

I'm just saying he doesn't deserve praise - Our forefathers actually sacrificed something to make America great. He's made millions off what they built... His gratitude for said millions is a shit rant, then a disappearing act to Thailand.

You're right. The country is turning to shit and he's got has every right to disappear - But he's no different to a boomer cuck who complains about everything and does nothing to change it - Leaving us to try and fix it.

Faber just put his whole reputation, $100s of thousands of income, his professional relationships all on the line for what he believes in.

And he refused to apologise. Balls, and principles.

I don't think you really mean to call him a cuck?

Can any of us truly imagine the personal costs this man is bearing because of his principled stand?

He can be forgiven for not being very friendly in his rhetoric. But can you blame him?

Every discussion about race is shut down. Shut it down!

Meanwhile the consequences of demographic changes are real. More of your friends and family will be robbed, raped or murdered. This is only going to get worse.

The consequences are real.

If only more people in positions of influence would have the cojones to do what Faber has done.

What is this emotional reaction to race that so many have?

It's like an SJW pavlovian response any time race comes up.

It's blue-pill as fuck.

He's Swiss numbnuts.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Samseau - 10-18-2017

How can people claim he does nothing to help the West? He's red pilling hundreds of thousands with his speech alone, who knows if he donates his money to various causes.

Once the rich become openly red-pill then the middle and lower classes can openly fight back, no revolution happens before the rich agree on a course of action. They are the ones who fund armies after all.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Laska - 10-18-2017

Saw a sticker on a car yesterday: "kill whitey," just like the title of Roosh's article. Things are getting more serious every year.

Edit: what is racism?

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - rosario - 10-18-2017

I have followed Marc Faber for a few years now. I have subscribed to his Gloom Boon Doom report for a number of years .He likes to put outrageous comments/predictions out there and get publicity. He is a great marketer.

Here is a partial biography from his website:

"Between 1970 and 1978, Dr Faber worked for White Weld & Company Limited in New York, Zurich and Hong Kong. Since 1973, he has lived in Hong Kong. From 1978 to February 1990, he was the Managing Director of Drexel Burnham Lambert (HK) Ltd. In June 1990, he set up his own business, MARC FABER LIMITED which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager.

So, he has lived in Asia for over 40 years, building a life and an investment business. He has talked openly about chasing women, smoking pot and generally improving oneself to become a man. He has also made many comments how to make a quality life and where to find quality women. His advice is to setup a business in a growth country where you can find a quality woman to take care of the house and kids. Thailand, the Phils and Russia are all good in his estimation.

All that said, I sensed that over the years he has become increasingly frustrated and angry at the direction the world is moving. He is/was a great admirer of the US and what it stood for. He foresees that the current policies and direction of the world leading to very hard times in the future. Wars, depressions, divisiveness and hard times for everyone. My feelings are that his rant come from those fears.

Here is a reproduction of the quote from his report:

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Quintus Curtius - 10-18-2017

You know what? Fuck this guy.

He's been a negative, bitter old prick for years, isolating himself off from the rest of humanity.

Yeah, he's got a fat bank account and is living in some Col. Kurz compound in the middle of Thailand. Big fucking deal. Too bad that, for all his money, he sounds like little more than a bitter old man with nothing to do with his time. At his age, and with his resources, he should be happy and wise, not a bitter old prick walling himself off from humanity.

Not my idea of a role mode. He should be mentoring young people and doing philanthropy. Not spewing this bullshit out there.

Lesson here. This is what happens when you stay negative for too long, and isolate yourself from the rest of humanity.

And something else: fuck Switzerland. Biggest collection of chickenshit, two-faced snakes in Europe.

"I'm neutral. Oooo, look at me! I'm going to keep my lily-white hands clean as I hide in the mountains and manage money."



Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - MajorStyles - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 12:32 PM)Laska Wrote:  

Saw a sticker on a car yesterday: "kill whitey," just like the title of Roosh's article. Things are getting more serious every year.

You might have been driving behind Harvey Weinstein.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Dusty - 10-18-2017

When the Saxon began to hate.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Kona - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 12:32 PM)Laska Wrote:  

Saw a sticker on a car yesterday: "kill whitey,"

Where'd you see me? Should have said hi.

Seriously though, this guy works his whole 71 years to be remembered for this? He's out at the companies he built. I personally would want to leave a way better legacy.


Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Higgs Bosun - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 01:49 AM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

That Swede (yes, like the vegetable, can go fuck his Thai wife). What a typically Swisse response. Your proficiency is in chocolate making & keeping the fucking time. Get on with it. We don’t have enough chocolate to satiate your wonten whiles, & you all have all the watches by now.

Get on with the fucking job we brought you here for.

I can't parse out any meaning from this aside from "agitated display of displeasure" so unfortunately there is no basis for further discussion.

Quote: (10-18-2017 07:46 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

This is actually the other reason I don't think this guy is worthy of praise. He goes on a rant about PC bs in society. He points out (Rightly) that whites built the strongest superpower the worlds ever scene. Uses the system American forefathers created for him to get insanely rich.

But instead of helping us fix it, he fucks off to Thailand and goes on an inonsequential rant. It's within his rights to do so. He has no obligation to actually do something relevant to fix the problem, but he doesnt deserve praise.

Faber left Switzerland as a young dude in his 20s all the way back in the 1970s and has lived in Asia ever since. His decision to move to Asia dates back to before whoever coined the term "enjoy the decline" was even born. Switzerland is even now in 2017 relatively insulated from the putrid rot of globalism, in the 1970s when Faber decided to go to Asia I doubt "escape" was his reason for leaving.

Not that we need to justify anyone's decision to leave this disgusting cesspool formerly known as "the West." This is not a case of an enemy horde besieging a walled town and a coward stealthily making his way out a secret passageway to avoid risking his life in defense of the city. Western white people are a disgusting, mentally ill tribe of cuckolds who are actively digging their own grave. They are in danger of extinction not because of an external enemy, but because of their own pozzed brains.

I used to wonder what is it that makes me so disgusted by white people on a deep and visceral level and I realized it is because they are sinful. It was a weird realization because I am not at all religious, but it's the best way to describe my disgust. Western white cucks have dirty, sinful brains and they sin against nature, logic, and the very order of the universe. Worshiping weakness, seeing only the worst in your own tribe while desperately searching for any possible reason to elevate objectively-inferior enemy tribes is filthy and perverse. Celebrating deviancy and sloth while shaming health and success is perverse. This sickness seems to have embedded itself within the very neuronal connections of the average white cuck's brain and deserves to be wiped out by whatever means necessary, whether it be "right wing death squads" or an Islamic invasion.

Those of us who aren't cucked have no responsibility to anyone but to ourselves and others like us, because the rest of our tribe deserves what's coming to them.

Quote: (10-18-2017 09:09 AM)Genghis Khan Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2017 08:04 AM)MrRemi Wrote:  

It's all staged. With world-wide news coverage he must have gained a shitload of new subscribers for his 300$ newsletter. Maybe 10'000 new subscribers, that would be 3 million cash. That goes a long way in Thailand. Faber surely never got rich following his own investment advice.

The same tactic all these internet marketers use - create outrage porn, have media networks pick it up, have social media/forums (such as ours) discuss. Suddenly the guy is on the radar of a lot more people than he was yesterday. I've never heard of the guy...until this thread.

The race angle - he might not even mean it, he may just see which way the winds are turning in terms of PC culture and decided to cash in on it.

Well played indeed. I'm sure his newsletter saw a healthy spike in new subscriptions.

I don't think you guys have a good grasp of who Marc Faber is. He's not an "internet entrepreneur" eking out a living in a Chiang Mai hostel by churning out newsletters. If you'd read the first line of the article, you'd have seen that he was forced out of multiple directorship positions at several billion dollar corporations over his statements, something he definitely knew would be forthcoming before he published the letter. There goes at least $500k of annual income for attending cocktail parties and applying the rubber stamp. He was also a frequent contributor on major financial news networks, obviously he kissed that goodbye. I sure hope he did his ROI calculations on the hypothetical increase in newsletter sales he is likely to get in exchange...

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Beyond Borders - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 01:06 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

You know what? Fuck this guy.

He's been a negative, bitter old prick for years, isolating himself off from the rest of humanity.

Yeah, he's got a fat bank account and is living in some Col. Kurz compound in the middle of Thailand. Big fucking deal. Too bad that, for all his money, he sounds like little more than a bitter old man with nothing to do with his time. At his age, and with his resources, he should be happy and wise, not a bitter old prick walling himself off from humanity.

Not my idea of a role mode.

And something else: fuck Switzerland. Biggest collection of chickenshit, two-faced snakes in Europe.

"I'm neutral. Oooo, look at me! I'm going to keep my lily-white hands clean as I hide in the mountains and manage money."



I don't understand the vitriol - is this because you find racism distasteful, dislike guys leaving the West, somehow resent wealth, or just despise his personality? I'm not attacking you. Or defending his remarks about blacks. I'm seriously confused.

Because you're blasting this guy for living the same type of lifestyle you praised in your post "Chris Langan: Extraordinary Man Living Life On His Own Terms." The only major difference is Faber operates on a much more accomplished level, building his sweet home in the tropics and flying around the world on business instead of tucking away on a ranch in Missouri.

The high IQ guy works with his hands, and that's cool - Faber doesn't strike me as that type, unless he works in his own garden with a joint hanging out of his mouth. But he spends time at home writing and thinking. And that's work I would still think you would understand, given the stock you put in these things yourself.

Judging by videos I've watched, he does seem happy and wise, and living in Thailand is a large source of the happy.

When people talk about his alleged fortress in the jungle, by the way, they're being pretty misleading. Chiang Mai is not in the middle of nowhere by any stretch of the imagination, and guys his age have a pretty rich social life there, far more engaging and satisfying than the social life I've seen them living in other places.

I don't think he's "walling himself off from humanity."

Is there no humanity in Southeast Asia? Many of us like it because the humanity and interaction is so rich in comparison to the West. After living in such places for so long, when I come stay in America, I'm often astounded by the sheer loneliness and isolation of many people who seem to be living normal lives (at least on social media).

I rarely drive far, but at least all up California and into Oregon and Washington I see the detritus of our lost humanity, methheads EVERYWHERE, plodding down the street in a daze like some kind of walking death. This entire place is losing its humanity - in Southeast Asia, you have to draw very hard lines just to get a moment alone.

He flies around the world all the time to socialize and conduct business. Then he retires back at his hideaway to spend time on his writing. When you've got that kind of cash, keeping a home base in Asia certainly does not tie you there and cut you off from anything - no more than living in many isolated places in the US would.

You say "fuck Switzerland."

So if you were born Swiss, would you want to stay there and hassle with the snakes, as a man with his kind of pull would constantly have to do? Or would you step out of the game and fuck off somewhere else?

Based on how you feel about the Swiss, would you think it fair for people to blast your decision to leave when you thought your countrymen the "Biggest collection of chickenshit, two-faced snakes in Europe"? What if you felt that way about the entire West? Or felt some other way?

It seems ironic to hate on the guy for leaving even as you spew utter contempt for everything his home country represents. Does his citizenship there rob him of the right of that same contempt, of the right to act upon it? Is he supposed to cling to those borders and somehow use his limited time on the planet to completely transform an entire country to his liking, one that has been around for 700 years, a culture that, like most, will over the ages change from one extreme to the next on its own? Or wouldn't it make more sense to take his money and stake a claim elsewhere and enjoy his short life on his own terms?

I'm not supporting his comments, though in my experience people from all races are racist and our culture is just extremely squeamish about it. But I find it strange you're blasting his lifestyle choices while praising Christopher Langan's.

And I don't get the ongoing criticism around here of men who leave the environment they were born in and do something different. This is a large part part of the human story. For those of us raised in America, leaving to strike out on our own because of dissatisfaction with government and culture is a huge part of our story.

It's just that these days there is no new ground to break, and so people like us are evolving the system to change the way they break ground. Why should he be obligated to stay in Switzerland just because he was born there? Why should we confine ourselves to the ground we were born on when there are so many other possibilities for how to live a life?

I can see why many of you find politics so fascinating, but I don't get the idea that there's some ethical obligation for every single man to take part, especially if the system has long been broken. That being said, he is taking part and making a far bigger mark doing it than a lot of people who stay home and supposedly "fight the good fight." Even if he has left, he is continually building his audience and spreading his views around the world and sounding the alarm on a lot of the bullshit that goes on. His lifestyle is an embodiment of his entire political philosophy.

He takes measures to protect himself in the meanwhile, and to me that makes perfect strategic sense. Again, I'm not espousing his views, specifically, and I don't read his newsletter so I can't say much about the substance there either.

But while those who stay home to build their communities are commendable, mankind has always had its explorers, adventurers, pioneers, and hermits who go off some place to dig in and think before they spread their ideas. As well as its radical philosophers who propose a complete about-face in the way we should live our lives in the first place.

We all play a role. This one's out planting his seed and staking a claim in Asia - and making a killing and an impact in the process. He saw the terms his society lived by and decided to make his own terms.

There's nothing inherently wrong in that, and he's probably having a helluva time doing it.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Higgs Bosun - 10-18-2017

[Image: clap.gif]


Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Quintus Curtius - 10-18-2017


For me, I this guy as a rich douchebag talking shit.

He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's wrong, and he's slandering black people with malicious lies.

Black people have contributed just as much as anyone else to the US's history. They've sacrificed a hell of a lot to the US and this little Swiss pussy has no right to say otherwise. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.

That's all I want to say about it.

Sick of these rich race-baiters and plutocrats trying to divide us as Americans with this toxic racial bullshit. This is all part of the plutocratic insurgency: set people against each other, plant the seeds of division and animus, and stoke the fires of hostility and resentment.

And meanwhile chickenshits like Faber live in mansions and mountaintops in Switzerland.

Don't take the bait.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - The Beast1 - 10-18-2017

I don't see what's wrong with his statements.

"Know them by the fruit they bear".

African countries are for the most part basket cases with poor infrastructure, unless you're the token 100 iq in a sea of 75s then things are great.

Without contributions from outside powers, they'd be doing what they've always done for thousands of years. Colonialism isn't an excuse for their problems anymore. Just look at South Africa.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - kamoz - 10-18-2017

If you don’t think Zimbabwe is a good example, just look at South Africa.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Higgs Bosun - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 02:44 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  


For me, I this guy as a rich douchebag talking shit.

He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's wrong, and he's slandering black people with malicious lies.

Black people have contributed just as much as anyone else to the US's history. They've sacrificed a hell of a lot to the US and this little Swiss pussy has no right to say otherwise. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.

You cannot be serious with that? It's demonstrably true that black people have contributed far less to the United States than white people. We should not have a problem admitting this. Fuck, I'm eastern European and I'll be the first to admit that eastern Europeans historically underperformed Western Europeans in almost all objective metrics of military, scientific, and cultural accomplishments. It's inarguable, as you can literally stack up the accomplishments side by side and compare them.

You put up objective accomplishments of American black and American whites side by side and it's like an ant-hill next to Mt. Everest. I don't understand your post in any other context than virtue signaling and I thought we're supposed to look at the world honestly here?


Sick of these rich race-baiters and plutocrats trying to divide us as Americans with this toxic racial bullshit. This is all part of the plutocratic insurgency: set people against each other, plant the seeds of division and animus, and stoke the fires of hostility and resentment.

And meanwhile chickenshits like Faber live in mansions and mountaintops in Switzerland.

Don't take the bait.

Come on now. Tribal conflict is an integral part of the human condition. Back in the stone age you had inter-tribal warfare for women and territory without the need for any "plutocrats" to instigate shit. Even chimpanzees are tribal for fucks sake. Diversity + Proximity = War. Not that there isn't an elite instigating anti-white hatred in the United States, but Faber is most certainly not that type of (((chickenshit))).

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - debeguiled - 10-18-2017




Playboy or pimp?

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Laska - 10-18-2017

Liberia brought American culture to Africa, and it's one of the worst countries in Africa. If the failure of black societies, or the failure of blacks within societies is the result of culture, then that culture is so persistent it might as well be genetic.

Also, as per Quintus, you say that "Black people have contributed just as much as anyone else to the US's history." However, blacks have contributed an extremely small amount to technology, science, or medicine. Do you deny these aspects of contribution, or do you agree? I don't see any moral superiority in the races, but to say that blacks contributed just as much as jews or whites? That's not true, whether you look at a per capita basis or not. I'm very thankful for the bravery of black men fighting in wars side by side, but where are all the black Nobel Prize winners, especially compared to the math/science genius of jews?

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Enigma - 10-18-2017

Wait, so the guy who's "cut off from humanity" has homes in at least three different countries, including condos in Bangkok and Hong Kong, and his "mansion deep in the Thai jungle" is in Chiang Mai, which has a metro population of over 1 million? Sounds like a rough life.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - kaotic - 10-18-2017

[Image: laugh3.gif]

This thread delivered.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - tomtud - 10-18-2017

This us versus them notion being pushed on us by the powers that be,,,ignore the truth.

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Johnnyvee - 10-18-2017

I think Faber is the best geo-political analyst out there. Pure and simple!
He has a very deep understanding of history, politics and obviously the economy, both contemporary and in a broader historical context. He`s neither a race-agitator or a super-rich arrogant plutocrat etc. (Disagree with you there QC.)
Always very polite, down to earth and most importantly intellectually honest.
I would say he`s moderately wealthy, even though he could have done a lot better if that was his main focus.

His track record of economical predictions are second to none also, both predicting the crash of 87 and 2008 with some precision.
And he`s not always bearish as some indicate, there is a lot more depth to his analysis always including market opportunities as well. This guy has taken a rep-pill stance on everything over the years; (usually with heavy opposition.)
-Money printing and inflation
-The failure of the Federal reserve
-Gold standard or equivalent(pro)
-Small Government, anti bureaucracy
-US interventionism and it`s disastrous consequences
-The Ukraine conflict

If Mr. Faber is not a red-pill hero than nobody is!
[Image: attachment.jpg37739]   

Famous investor Marc Faber goes nuclear-kamikaze on political correctness - Conscious Pirate - 10-18-2017

Quote: (10-18-2017 04:51 AM)fenetre Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2017 04:45 AM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

^ Not an argument, sure. And the swedes are not the swiss. And neither of you have any fucking arguments. Here & herein lies the confusion.

I've no idea what your post means.

Faber deserves respect for speaking his mind, especially due to the special place race holds as an utterly off-limits topic for any public discussion.

He didn't back down and apologise like many, many others.

If anyone is interested they can drop Faber a line through his website

fenetre, I too have no idea what my post means. I know I was drunk when I wrote it & of high negative emotion.

I owe you a sincere apology. I have no idea why I attacked you in this way but it was entirely uncalled for and I will own that.

I had to leave work today because I was a liability rather than an asset. In other words, I am having an episode & need to take stock of it. Thank you for pointing this out to me & please accept my apology. You did not deserve that.