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When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Printable Version

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When did you first realise that you were ageing? - MongolianAbroad - 10-10-2017

I was 34, about 9 months ago or so. A lady was cutting my hair, and when she finished, she put a mirror behind my head so I could look at the back and said, "how does it look?" And there it was, a small bald spot, about the size of a nickel.

It's been a year, and I'm very aware of my mortality now. Before that day at the salon, I still felt 18, and had actually been mistaken for being under 18 a few months prior (I was carded at a rated R movie). Actually, about a month ago, I also got mistaken for being 18 again 3 times at a frat party, the frat guys were trying to get me to join, so that's cool, but still. It helps that I'm a little over 6 ft. tall, so it's rare that anyone can see the bald spot, but I know there will come a day when I'll be shaving it off. At least I know I've got a great head for it, I've buzzed it all off several times before and it's actually a pretty cool look, but it would be nice for it to be optional because I have nice hair, just earlier this week two (presumably straight) guys complimented my hair.

So anyhow, the way I see it, we have 4 quarters in life, 25 to 35, 35 to 45, 45 to 55, and 55 to 65. Before 25, many of us are still in college/grad school/military, etc., and figuring life out, still coming into our own. At the other end, for most of us, if we haven't accomplished the things we set out to do by 65, it's unlikely we'll be able to do so afterwards.

Over the last year, I've thought a lot about what I want to accomplish in my remaining three quarters, and this has made me turn down several opportunities presented to me, opportunities that didn't complement my strategic objectives, as well as engage in other endeavors that do complement those objectives with more forcefulness.

I'm so very grateful for the life I've lived, and at this point my life, and the outlook for it, is so wonderful I just wish I had more years left. I now understand that health, financial freedom, ensuring my family is healthy and happy, and enjoying the company of a beautiful, high quality woman are the things that bring joy to my life. As such, I very actively minimize distractions from my focus on these areas, because time is running out, and I want to make the best of what I have left, because every day is a new opportunity to have the best day of my life.

Even if that day is simply chatting with my mother to let her know I love her, making sure my dad is ok, discussing the nature of happiness with my brother, checking in on my sister to make sure her sanity is still mostly intact, and making love to a smiling beauty several times.

While enjoying some prime rib, salmon, avocados, and fruits, so my mind and body can stay sharp for the next three quarters, while my parents, and potentially my future children, still need me.

Anything after that is a bonus, and I'm just very thankful for every day in between now and then.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Peregrine - 10-11-2017

Quote: (10-10-2017 10:15 AM)justforfun19713 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2017 09:15 AM)the-dream Wrote:  

Was it an injury, worse hangover, lower sex drive, physical bodily thing or something else? For me, it was when I realised that I was going bald. Luckily though I'm still very young and still feel like I'm growing up in many other ways.

OP – Looks like I should come visit you in Southeast Asia! You’ve got some great stuff posted out there.

I read your question and had a slightly different take on it…

Over the summer, a younger forum member shared with me that younger girls even here in the good old U.S. of A. have this fetish for older guys. He and I were hangin’ out, just shootin’ the sh*t, and getting to know each other, along with a few others.

Now, this guy happens to be in college, dresses well, frequents club life, is well travelled, and is well read. He’s literally more than 20-years my junior, but I distinctly remember thinking in that moment, ‘Yeah right, Justforfun… What does He know? When are you ‘gonna pull a 20-something-year-old unless you go overseas? That doesn’t happen here in the U.S.’

I’ll happily chalk that initial reaction to either my own arrogance ('what does a young guy like Him know?'), (then) limiting beliefs, or overall (comparative) lack of experience compared to certain others who may have a lot more notches than me.

Whatever… What He said stuck in my head.

Fast-forward to about a month or so later, well low and behold, I pull a gal who is 14-years younger than me. Was a cheerleader in high school, teaches Zumba, runs half-marathons, does yoga, enjoys going to the range with me, high-energy little hottie with an attitude to match. No drug problems, no daddy issues, just 100% American Grade A.

Side note; I could give a rat’s ass about how many guys she’s been with… It just happens to be my turn for a while right now. I aint’ lookin’ to have kids and get married.

So this gal looks up at me post-coitus some weeks ago and says sweetly, ‘Know what I appreciate about you Justforfun? You dress well, you know how to walk into a room and know how to quietly command respect without being loud and obnoxious…, You know how to have a meaningful conversation without dominating it, You don’t text me constantly, you don’t ask where I am all the time or who I am with… I ‘guess that’s ‘cause you are much older. I ‘guess it’s true what they say about men ageing like good wine. I like that, but I better keep you away from my friends.’

That’s when I knew I was ageing… And I am going to be comfortable as hell with it.

[Image: clap2.gif]

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Comte De St. Germain - 10-11-2017

Quote: (10-10-2017 10:15 AM)justforfun19713 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2017 09:15 AM)the-dream Wrote:  

Was it an injury, worse hangover, lower sex drive, physical bodily thing or something else? For me, it was when I realised that I was going bald. Luckily though I'm still very young and still feel like I'm growing up in many other ways.

OP – Looks like I should come visit you in Southeast Asia! You’ve got some great stuff posted out there.

I read your question and had a slightly different take on it…

Over the summer, a younger forum member shared with me that younger girls even here in the good old U.S. of A. have this fetish for older guys. He and I were hangin’ out, just shootin’ the sh*t, and getting to know each other, along with a few others.

Now, this guy happens to be in college, dresses well, frequents club life, is well travelled, and is well read. He’s literally more than 20-years my junior, but I distinctly remember thinking in that moment, ‘Yeah right, Justforfun… What does He know? When are you ‘gonna pull a 20-something-year-old unless you go overseas? That doesn’t happen here in the U.S.’

I’ll happily chalk that initial reaction to either my own arrogance ('what does a young guy like Him know?'), (then) limiting beliefs, or overall (comparative) lack of experience compared to certain others who may have a lot more notches than me.

Whatever… What He said stuck in my head.

Fast-forward to about a month or so later, well low and behold, I pull a gal who is 14-years younger than me. Was a cheerleader in high school, teaches Zumba, runs half-marathons, does yoga, enjoys going to the range with me, high-energy little hottie with an attitude to match. No drug problems, no daddy issues, just 100% American Grade A.

Side note; I could give a rat’s ass about how many guys she’s been with… It just happens to be my turn for a while right now. I aint’ lookin’ to have kids and get married.

So this gal looks up at me post-coitus some weeks ago and says sweetly, ‘Know what I appreciate about you Justforfun? You dress well, you know how to walk into a room and know how to quietly command respect without being loud and obnoxious…, You know how to have a meaningful conversation without dominating it, You don’t text me constantly, you don’t ask where I am all the time or who I am with… I ‘guess that’s ‘cause you are much older. I ‘guess it’s true what they say about men ageing like good wine. I like that, but I better keep you away from my friends.’

That’s when I knew I was ageing… And I am going to be comfortable as hell with it.

Cheers to that!

[Image: giphy.gif]

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-11-2017

When I was 9 I realized that I was going to die. I cried even in my bed and my mom tried to console me.

We are mortal.

In the activity and sexual attraction there is a peak - it can be prolonged. I am only interested whether I can attract women in the prime. So far in my 40s it is still possible.

Supplements, TRT, sports and some minor cosmetic procedures can prolong that process even more. I may be willing to add Instagram entrapment and sugar in the future.

You can be exceedingly healthy even at age 70, but of course - none of us is being born immortal.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - MrTickle - 10-11-2017

For me (at 40), it has been going through weeks or sometimes month blocks of low energy and this is despite most nights getting at least 7 hours sleep. I can resolve this usually by focussing on good diet and trying to up my sleep to around 8. Also if I am up past midnight the next day is negatively affected most times.

I contrast this to my late teens early twenties where I would stay up all night, go to classes the following day and sneak in a nap for 2 hours in the afternoon ready to go out the following night. A huge difference. If when not up all night I would regularly be out until 1 or 2 am.

That being said I ran a marathon recently and got a sub 3:30 and new PB and beat a time I set in my twenties by 36 mins.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - semibaron - 10-11-2017

Probably around 21.

Just couldn't enjoy those superhero movies anymore. Same with other "childish" things.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - benji - 10-11-2017

This year (i'm 36) i've started getting some grey hairs, a few frown lines and feel a little less able to party the way i used to, a girl at a botox alternative place in Vegas (didn't buy the stuff but i was intrigued because she was hot) was saying if you had this and coloured your hair i would've thought you where in your 20's...Working with people that are 18/19 has made me realise i'm getting older too. Kinda sucks but it was bound to happen i guess.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Renton1875 - 10-11-2017

Quote: (10-10-2017 04:07 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

When I got my first renegade eyebrow hair.

When it curled down and stabbed me in the eyeball....

Yep, that was the moment

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Leonard D Neubache - 10-11-2017

Quote: (10-11-2017 05:20 AM)Renton1875 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2017 04:07 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

When I got my first renegade eyebrow hair.

When it curled down and stabbed me in the eyeball....

Yep, that was the moment

Mine bought a Harley and joined a gang.

But seriously, I don't know where that first bastard came from. One day he was just there. How does an eyebrow hair grow an inch overnight and then crinkle itself?

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Green-On-GO - 10-11-2017

Yeah nasal ,ear ,eyebrows go rogue.Its a battle.
I still don't feel old at 46 but a few months back I started having trouble reading fine print on products.

The thing is you feel old but then you realize you were not.You get older but you don't have to age.When Im out people think Im 10 ,15 years younger cause of my vibe and energy.
Stay fit, lift ,hang around young people listen to new music.I don't feel old chatting to under 23 year olds.I feel like a fucking alien on another planet. Also pick an older dude still kicking it.The Rock is 50 Vin Diesal is 50 Hugh Jackman..Rockers like Springsteen 68..he brought me back by the way when I was 42.I also have teenage kids..I don't look like the other dads.They are domesticated animals I'm a fucking hungry lion but its not about looks it's about energy.
Cracks me up when dudes in the male prime of 32 to 38 say they are old.My best wingman is 52 .He can get a venue jumping

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - nomadbrah - 10-11-2017

When you realize you have more in common with a 40 year old than a 20 year old.

When a girl told me "she had a thing for older guys".

When I had to work for IOI from younger girls (I must have been hansum man).

It happened sort of gradually. Balding and thinning, I remember looking in the mirror and seeing for the first time that I was balding (not going bald). I had longer hair at the time and the hairline was creeping up. Another one is getting injuries. I never had an injury for my entire adult life until recently and I played a lot of sports and lifted, then suddenly injuries left and right.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - scotian - 10-11-2017

At about the age of 33 I had to start shaking my cock a bit more after using the bathroom to get all the piss out of my dick hole to avoid having piss soaked boxers. That and joint pain, blue collar work and ice hockey have done quite a job on my joints over the years.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - BigTony - 10-11-2017

1- When high level military officers started calling me Sir.

2- A few years ago I noticed my voice was changing. Now I sound a lot like my dad.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - JimBobsCooters - 10-11-2017

Was 24 for me and I blew out my knee. When you basically lose a year of your life doing rehab and work and lose all fitness you suddenly feel really old. Was also my first real injury so it was the point where I lost that bulletproof feeling that you only get from youthfulness.

It's weird that I mentally still feel the same as I did at 20 as far as the things I enjoy doing and want to do but I certainly can tell the body is getting old at 32, hangovers go for two days now when I didn't even get them at all until 23, take a day off at the gym and it's like hitting reset and starting all over the next time you go and the strength is just nowhere near what it used to be and takes a lot more work.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - NewMeta - 10-11-2017

Quote: (10-11-2017 03:34 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

When I was 9 I realized that I was going to die. I cried even in my bed and my mom tried to console me.

Fuck I actually had a similar situation, this just reminded me of when I was a kid, my parents would over exaggerate all my family members ages e.g. my parents would be like 300 years old, my older siblings like 30 and my grandparents were like 1000 years old.

Of course in my child like mind im thinking like, shit im only 7 (or however old I was at the time, probably younger?), life sure is long.

You know, until they eventually came clean, and then I realized my life span was like... about a thousand years shorter than I thought it was. Probably had a similar reaction to you I just cant remember it very well.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - SlickyBoy - 10-11-2017

When it takes longer to recover from one too many drinks. But that's a good thing - keeps me from drinking too much.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Nascimento - 10-11-2017

Quote: (10-10-2017 02:08 PM)BoiBoi Wrote:  

Playing basketball. A guy with young legs can be tough to guard at 35.

I shit you not, there's a guy in his late 40's at my old gym who keeps up with the best of em.

He's not quick, but he still has power (weight room), and his reflexes are good enough that he can get beat, but not easily.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - tomzestatlu - 10-11-2017

It was probably the moment I realised I must take my life seriously, because I want something out of it. I don´t really know what, but I don´t want to just flow through.

And of course - deadly hangover.

And when I think about it. My body always recovered from all sport injuries by itself. Now my knee and back seem to never stop hurt.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - MongolianAbroad - 10-11-2017


When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Marcus187 - 10-11-2017

Around the age of 25:

- thinning hair + some gray hair + beginning of wrinkles
- totally broken when I didn't sleep for one night
- low energy levels that I couldn't explain
- my body felt less fit and strong than when I was <25

But I've noticed that you should stay away from negativity and negative thoughts. Positive energy is literally the drive that keeps you going, even if your body is working against you.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - qwertyuiop - 10-12-2017

Quote: (10-11-2017 05:32 PM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

Around the age of 25:

- thinning hair + some gray hair + beginning of wrinkles
- totally broken when I didn't sleep for one night
- low energy levels that I couldn't explain
- my body felt less fit and strong than when I was <25

But I've noticed that you should stay away from negativity and negative thoughts. Positive energy is literally the drive that keeps you going, even if your body is working against you.

Yup. 25 did it for me. 18-22 I was invincible. 23-24 was similar. 25 I'm starting to feel bad sometimes. I might have to start eating better. Not a fun feeling.

Lately Ive been really really wanted to go back to 23.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Filbert - 10-12-2017

At around 40, I started to forget to zip up my fly. ))

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - BelyyTigr - 10-12-2017

Got my first grey hair at 15. It stood out because mine is black.

Ageing is something that really disturbs me. Think of all that money spent on computer development. Yet not a lot is spent on the disease of ageing.

I've seen guys at 38 look great, then at 45 they look shite. I think much of it can be treated - hair transplant, nutrition, exercise, skin treatment (that does sound faggy though).

I've got a half done datasheet on Chinese traditional exercise and will post it when I have some time spare to finish it. Those 70 yr olds who can kick fuck out of 35 year old real fighters deserve a lot of respect IMO. So I think with increasing technology and various strategies, looking older can be more voluntary than some would have us believe.

PS there's a guy whos 65 at my gym and he looks better built than nearly everyone there.
PPS Merlene Ottey was an Olympic level sprinter at 51, barely below her personal best speed.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - Hypno - 10-12-2017

Guys, it gets better as as you age as long as you have the right mental outlook.

I was in another city on business and stopped at a bar. I"m late 40s. There are two late 40s dudes at the bar to one side of me, they are regulars, and they are giving the cute early 20s bartender shit in a playful way because there are regulars. 25 year old dude to my right asks me something, advice-wise. Confident for 25, articulate, but bird chested. This guy might be me at 25, or even a better me, but there is no way a woman would pick him over me or my new drinking buddy on the other side. Me and my new drinking buddies talk with these young ones and each other and every time they say something that contradicts the wisdom of our experience we look at each other knowingly. Was there about 2 hours and either the waitress or this sharp for 25 kid must have said 10 things that in our experience would result in failure/pain.

There is just no replacing experience, and the confidence it can give you. someone above wrote this, and it is very true: "So this gal looks up at me post-coitus some weeks ago and says sweetly, ‘Know what I appreciate about you Justforfun? You dress well, you know how to walk into a room and know how to quietly command respect without being loud and obnoxious…, You know how to have a meaningful conversation without dominating it, You don’t text me constantly, you don’t ask where I am all the time or who I am with… I ‘guess that’s ‘cause you are much older. I ‘guess it’s true what they say about men ageing like good wine. I like that, but I better keep you away from my friends.’ "

I used to work at a Fortune 500, and some days I felt mentally beat up from my job. But I was a suit guy. I would sometimes getinto an elevator and even on my worst day people would re-arrange themselves to accord me the best position (center and in the back).

Waiters will give you better service. Cab drivers go past the women and pick you up because they assume you have your shit together.

When did you first realise that you were ageing? - alexalex77 - 10-12-2017

After buying comfortable shoes rather than beautiful ones