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Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - El Chinito loco - 07-29-2017

If she's part of the tribe be expecting a sitcom with multiple seasons based around this entire premise. The star will be a flabby jewess and her non binary gender bestie. There will be many gays on the show as well.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Brother Abdul Majeed - 07-29-2017

Guys who send dick pics are just brave social justice warriors in the Free The Penis movement. They are just pushing the boundaries of patriarchal societal norms that enforce the notion that women are too weak to see unsolicited representations of male genitalia. People might find their methods a little crude or offensive, but in the bigger picure one can see that they are really fighting for a more inclusive society.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Alsos - 07-29-2017

Quote: (07-29-2017 11:10 AM)Brother Abdul Majeed Wrote:  

Guys who send dick pics are just brave social justice warriors in the Free The Penis movement. They are just pushing the boundaries of patriarchal societal norms that enforce the notion that women are too weak to see unsolicited representations of male genitalia. People might find their methods a little crude or offensive, but in the bigger picure one can see that they are really fighting for a more inclusive society.

Exactly. Which is why we need a movement that sends groups dudes with ironically distorted masculine attributes to invade feminist bookshops and women's studies departments and lesbian music festivals, wearing nothing but "free the wiener" slogans written in Sharpie and body paint, and waving their tackle about a la the Tinder gif above until the cops come and drag them away for disturbing the peace.

Call it "HEMEN".

I bet George Soros would probably fund it. If not, there's always Tim Gill.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-29-2017

Dick pics can be strategically sent only when the calibration is right or when you are significantly attractive enough in the 9 category:

[Image: header.png?w=1024&h=682]

Most men have zero Game and are reacting in a feminized version of Game of sending visual stimuli to girls - most of them don't work except shots of your abs.

Either way - every woman who has flaming feminist in her bio and even says that she will wage Jihad on men for bad Game, then don't be surprised, that she will be a stupid bitch.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Dusty - 07-29-2017

She's a survivor.

So brave!

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - puckerman - 07-29-2017

Quote: (07-29-2017 10:40 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Her pudge is still very doughy which means it is still baby fat. She is a thick girl who would always have big thighs and a nice booty but she is over doing it with her stomach pudge from too much booze. She is likely only 20. 20-30 overweight.

Yeah truth on the crazed Jewish girl activism, I got drunk with 5 Jewish girls last night and all were rabid feminists. The line about them all meeting at summer camp was a huge give away, I didn't even have to know last names. Feminists and summer camps equals Jewish princess girls. My friend botched it, though, we had them broads in the bag to smash , but couldn't close.

She just has a "Jewish look." A lot of young Jewish women tend to look older than they are. I would avoid the Jewish American Princesses for relationships. They are so spoiled that they simply have little or no connection to reality. They also tend to have lots of school and very little education. That doesn't mean you can't fuck them, but they are not good for much of anything else.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - DarkTriad - 07-29-2017

Isn't she guilty of sending an unsolicited dick his mom?

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - griffinmill - 07-29-2017

Has sending an unsolicited dick pic early on in the conversation ever worked for any guy ever?

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Scoundrel - 07-29-2017

If the guy who sent the pic is a legal adult, there is no valid reason to involve his mother. By sending the photo unsolicited to another woman, she is committing just as much an act of harassment as he did when he sent it to her.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - John Michael Kane - 07-29-2017

Why on earth are men talking with a Jewish feminist? Just asking for a false rape accusation. More men need to find this forum.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Number one bummer - 07-29-2017

Smells like fake news.

She posted the threat on Tinder but the guy messaged her on IG. She had to use his "name" on IG to find his alleged facebook and she just assumed he saw her on tinder.

If you read the Buzzfeed article you will notice that Kohn had little evidence that the guy that sent the picture was the same guy who had the tinder or the facebook. There is no evidence he saw her tinder message. She might well be doxing the wrong guy.

All so she could attention whore in some fucking buzzfeed article? Reverse the genders and see how this plays out. A guy posts a girl's nudes that he thinks is ugly online and also sends them to her father. That guy is getting summarily executed for bullying on every outlet. "Ryan" should have played it different but being awkward on a social media account doesn't mean you deserve to be doxed and bullied.

Also how come "Ryan's" mom can't speak English? More evidence she doesn't have the right person.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - la bodhisattva - 07-29-2017


"Hey, everyone! I'm so beautiful and irresistible that guys cannot help but show me their cocks."

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-29-2017

Quote: (07-29-2017 02:17 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

Has sending an unsolicited dick pic early on in the conversation ever worked for any guy ever?

Let's see:


well my boyfriend sen me a picture of his dick when we were still just friends and I am dating him now but I always found him cute and I do enjoy his personality.
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[–]Dosinu 1 point 3 years ago
did you find his dick cute?
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[–]OngTho 1 point 3 years ago
I don't know if cute is the proper word but I did enjoy it
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[–]Dosinu 2 points 3 years ago
how did the sight of his penis make you feel at the time?
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[–]OngTho 2 points 3 years ago
Shocked aroused happy because he thought I was attractive as well that being said this is a tactic that can go wrong

Well - this case is a bit different, because she was already slightly interested in him and he sexualized, so it was not in the early stages.

All the successful cases I heard were done in the deep flirting phase where the conversation was already sexual - not - "Hello - cutiepie - what you think of this: DICK PIC"

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Goldin Boy - 07-29-2017

Quote: (07-29-2017 10:05 AM)kosko Wrote:  

She's got big tits, but is quite porky and could drop some weight, has the body of a girl who parties too much so take that as a sign she likes to down cocks as much as she likes to down shots of tequilla.

I'm trying to figure out her background, she looks Persian or Armenian but her last name looks Jewish.

She is Jewish. Surprise, surprise.

[Image: SD9uYIt.png]

As if the vocal fry and nasally voice weren't enough of hint haha.

Off topic but from my experience, no race hits the wall faster than the Jews.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - puckerman - 07-29-2017

Here is how a guy should deal with this:

Dear Madi Kohn,

Please accept my apologies for sending you an unsolicited dick pic. I am actually gay and thought you were a man. We gay men tend to unsolicited dick pics a lot among ourselves, and it's an accepted practice in our community. I am sorry that our customs offended you.

She also apparently got lots of apologies from other men. I wonder how many of those men she would actually fuck.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Transsimian - 07-29-2017

Quote: (07-29-2017 07:17 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

[Image: Female_ASU_student_takes_action_after_sh...40_360.jpg]

Seperated at birth? They are both real women/womyn transphobe.

[Image: fallon-aubee.jpg]

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Easy_C - 07-29-2017

I'm still only going to feel so bad for those dudes.

Sending a dick-pic is some shitty game and if you do it you deserve any stupid shit that results.

And to the gal sending them? She must feel very proud of herself. This is the type of person who would have made a perfectly nasty, judgemental, matriarch at a Baptist church back in the day.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - puckerman - 07-29-2017

Here is Madi Kohn on Facebook. She is very proud of herself.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - McCarthy - 07-30-2017



Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - RatInTheWoods - 07-30-2017


Would not send dick pic to that Trannie

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Leonard D Neubache - 07-30-2017

The saddest thing about this story is undoubtedly that a grown man got shamed into an apology by his mother.

In the unlikely event I sent a dick pic, the harpy that received it sent it to my mother and my mother chastised me for it, demanding I issue an apology, my response would be:

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Literally. I would literally send that gif to her phone.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - AnonymousBosch - 07-30-2017

Quote: (07-29-2017 12:14 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Most men have zero Game and are reacting in a feminized version of Game of sending visual stimuli to girls - most of them don't work except shots of your abs.

I've mentioned some reliable ones that work before. Also, offhand, some good ones to try:

Both hands adjusting jacket below lapels.
Chin forward, 10% tilt, strong jawline.
Look past the camera, not at it.
The relaxed object of appraisal.
Chin up, the king's judgment.
Elevated camera angle.
Be an object in motion.
One-hand neck cradle.
Eye fuck the camera.
Chin down, eyes up.
Cigarette lighting.
Apple Aesthetic.
The chin stroke.
Tie adjust.
No selfies.
Tight core.
Be wet.

You're selling yourself, just like any product. Girls are programmed by advertising to see certain male poses as high value.

They should want to chase you. Spamming dick pics to 100 chicks hoping one bites is low effort.

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Alpha_Romeo - 07-30-2017

Isn't revenge porn illegal nowadays?

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - PainPositive - 08-02-2017

Quote: (07-29-2017 07:20 AM)Crisp Wrote:  

Wait, is that a picture of the guy that sent the dick pic or the chick that received it?

Is that the picture of the guy that sent the dick pic or a picture of his actual penis?

Girl receives dick pic on Tinder, sends it to guy's mom - Vill@in - 08-02-2017

Rules for successful online game:

1. Be attractive
2. Don't be unattractive
3. Don't send unsolicited dick pics