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What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Printable Version

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What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Pete - 09-05-2011

Well, I was always good with women (except in school, but in social circles outside school I did good) in the sense that I always had 1 or 2 girls to go out with since I was 15.

When I was 16 I fell in love with a girl who was the most beautiful girl of a private school near my grandparents house. I had a nice car when I was 15 (legal driving age here is 16), I was a singer (up and coming, just about to be signed by a major), so eventually I got the girl. I was a beta and she eventually dumped me to be with a guy I knew and thought was a friend. I suffered for a while and brushed it off.

About a year later fell in love again with other girl. This time I got reaaaallly involved only for her to tell me she was getting back together with her ex. That destroyed me. A few months later I decided to get back together with her and do to her what she did to me. I dumped her, no explanation. Since then I have been gaming women. I've had a few ltrs here and there but I eventually get bored and I always have a few women on the side while on a relationship.

Of course, there have been times when I forget this and get screwed. A few years ago I went out with a lizard who had a bf and fell for her. Eventually the guy threatened me in front of some people who weren't very happy about that. I did some things I felt I had to do to stand up for myself, almost ended up in jail and without the girl anyways. She got back with him.

I thinkk that getting dumped and stuff like that are some of the best things that have happened to me. It gave me time to put things into perspective and really analyze what I had been doing wrong. I really noticed the pattern of getting dumped for guys who had no money, no looks, no shit, but they had the "swagg", they had the balls to do what I couldn't.

I noticed that every woman lies and does shit like that when she has the chance. Since that experience I don't trust any woman other than my mother. To me this shit is like war, if you fall asleep or you'll get screwed.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Moma - 09-06-2011

In order to answer this question properly, I would say that when there is a moment when one understands that it is a game and that there is a science behind it all, is when they could say that is the event that caused the change.

For me, I was banging lizards before game. I was looking for dates but happy to bang lizards and upgrade. However, my problem was, I wasn't filtering worthy lizards from the unworthy ones. I had no checklist. I was giving every lizard a chance.
From the sluts to the good girls, they all got the fair shot. As a result, I would have guilt over stepping out on a lizard to another guy since I had been brainwashed to believe that 'cheating' is wrong.

This mentality impeded my ability to quickly pipe another lizard without being worried about how my main lizard would feel if she found out.

When I came to Toronto, I fell for that 'Canadians are nice' bullshyt. I asked lizards out, heard their vapid bleatings and also bared my soul. After a series of busts (phone number but a sudden disconnect in calls), no follow ups, cancelled dates etc), I took a severe hit personally. I personalised it and thought to myself "Oh they want a guy who has this and who has that"

I listened to the bleatings of the lizards as to what is wrong with men. They have no sense of committment rah rah.
Then I settled. Fat lizards, lizards with kids. I felt something slipping away inside me, a numbing indifference that swept my bones like an autumn chill.
Fcuk that. I didn't come to North America for this type of bullshyt. This is not what I expected launching from America. I realised that the Torontonians had scammed me.

Getting out of an LTR (was caught cheating), I actually thanked my lucky stars.
Now, it's time to do me, properly.
Game on. Get what I want from these lizards, without anger, with a lot of pre-planning.
A lizard flakes on me? Fine, I have three on standby in the background ready to play the starter position.
No more listening to bleatings.
Strict observation of body language.

Since then, it's been game on.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - iknowexactly - 09-06-2011

Hitting 42 or 43 and realizing I couldn't realistically get 8+ chicks anymore without really using psychology besides "nice guy eager for sex". That's what got me going.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Handsome Creepy Eel - 09-06-2011

Quote: (09-05-2011 04:48 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  


Congrats to you. I'm happy to hear you didn't let this slime make you commit the unpardonable, and you eventually got to fuck her if I'm reading your post correctly. You will find a lot of good whores who are willing to do your bidding and you will succeed. Each time you fuck, leave your heart at home until you find it necessary to expose it.. Good luck to you.


Well, I was fucking her all along since we were "in a relationship", but after the dumping and the long silence yes, I got the last revenge fuck. It was good mostly because it allowed me to let go of the anger I felt towards her and the pain that was destroying me. After that, I finally got my shit together in all areas of life.

Thanks for the good wishes, game on [Image: smile.gif]

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Giovonny - 09-06-2011

I think I was born this way. Before I discovered Game, I used to call myself a player. I used to talk to other players about how to get girls. This was at 14 or 15 years old. My grandpa, dad, and brother are the same way.

I think there is a "player gene".

My dad and older brother always had different women around the house.

I was fascinated with Hugh Hefner at a young age.

Even my grandma told me to "enjoy my freedom and experience alot of girls".

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - OlympusSquared - 09-06-2011

Inconsistency. In middle school I was one of the ones who couldn't get a date to save his life. Strangely, by 16 something snapped. I developed, at least for a short span, a genuine balls to the wall reckless abandoment type of attitude. I got into MMA and kayaking off waterfalls. When it came to girls, if I had an opportunity, I seized it, without hesitation or anxiety. I didn't even have to think about it, it I simply just did.

Then college. I went to a huge school , joined a big fraternity, and failed all out with girls. I cold approached many the first few weeks, and got rejected by all. All the dates I had with sorority girls went no where. This lasted for 2 whole years, no lays at all. I ended up just hanging out with other betas playing video games and smoking pot. All the confidence I had as a teenager was dead.

Then around age 21 I started to get back hard core into outdoor sports and started working out. I still did not understand game, but for whatever reason I went through another renaissance with girls, several lays in about 4 month span, which ultimately lead to me dating one for 3 years...

Like most guys, I fell in love with her after some time. Right around the time when I said to myself, 'well I guess this is the one' was the point where things went sour on her part. She stopped treating me with respect, lost interest in the things we used to enjoy together, etc...towards the end I felt as though the only thing she wanted me for was the cock... she lacked the emotions that I felt towards her in a strange, almost perverse way, which made me desperate to understand what in gods name was going on.

Long story short I got into game out of the dire need to understand how the minds of these strange animals operate. Not in order to bang them neccesarily, but just to be able to co-habitat the planet with them. Of course the farther you get into game, the more your eyes are opened, and the sea of possibilities now before you beckons harder then I had ever imagined!

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - OlympusSquared - 09-06-2011


What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - afronoob - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-05-2011 05:24 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

I guess I could elaborate on my earlier post in this thread.

She was a young, 20 year-old girl claiming to be a virgin. She was the leader of the pro-life group on my college campus. She was a solid 8, and was an eternal-ingenue to boot. She made me feel so good when I was around her, being just a little beta myself back in those days. She put on the image of being a perfect future wife.

I first met her when she was an 18-yr old freshman, and I took an immediate liking to her. I slowly made my move to her after four months, but then she dumped me after we kissed. It hurt a bit, but I got over it no problems.

So, imagine my surprise when she contacted me over facebook to invite me along to a pro-life event, which turned out to be a date in disguise (I met her mother and sisters... ewww). After bringing her back to her dorm, we talked in the car together for what seemed like hours. Suddenly, she got a phone call from some dude and she asked me to bring her back to this guy's dorm!

I brought her there, at 2:30am in the morning. Being too beta to realize that this was a late-night booty call, I did not directly call her out on her behavior. However, some part of me understood there was something wrong about this situation. As she was leaving my car, I immediately called out:

"When can I see you again?"
"Uh... I don't know... how about Wed night?"
"Okay, sounds good I'll talk to you then."

And in the next two days I planned how I would dump this girl, as I realized she was just a lying two-timing whore trying to play me. I knew I had to get rid of her. When I met her on Wednesday, I told her we would never be friends. She leaned over to me and kissed me, but I turned my head away from this evil seductress.

But little did I know that dumping her would be the most painful thing I've ever done in my life. Even though my rational mind understood that this girl was no good, my emotional mind was deeply attached to her and wanted to see her again. I fought myself not to care about this girl, and I fell into a depression that lasted almost 1.5 years. Realizing that the image of chastity I had for this girl, the leader of the pro-life movement on campus, was a total lie, destroyed me.

I was also shocked at how powerless I was to prevent my own depression. It was then I realized how little control I have over myself. My emotions run on their own course and there's nothing I can do to change them except to change my circumstances upon which I live in, and that this is true for all humans.

During the deepest parts of my depression, I discovered Neil Strauss' "The Game". I thought how I would never be depressed if I could always have a new girl to replace an old one. And I began my study from there (23 yrs old). It's amazing to think of how far I've come since I've started.

I've since done some digging on this girl, and discovered that she moved to Washington D.C. as a Press Secretary for some Congressman. The fact that she's in D.C. seems fitting for her.

That's a potentially award winning screen play right there! Excuse me while I wipe away a tear.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Vicious - 09-07-2011

I don't think I ever started gaming "whores". I've always stuck to regular women.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Samseau - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 02:28 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't think I ever started gaming "whores". I've always stuck to regular women.

same difference

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Pusscrook - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 02:28 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't think I ever started gaming "whores". I've always stuck to regular women.

Funny you mentioned "regular women". Initially I was going to have the post say "What/When was the even that caused you to start gaming these sluts/lying bitches/conniving-cunning witches/gold-digging cum bucket/ vindictive gutter snake/primary source of kidney/lever stress in all of mankind/ whores. I really couldn't put all of that in the initial post so I settled on whores. I thought I was doing the right thing . You must forgive me for the error. Next time around I will keep this "regular women" in mind as it would soothe the hate I've caused.


What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Moma - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:38 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 02:28 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't think I ever started gaming "whores". I've always stuck to regular women.

Funny you mentioned "regular women". Initially I was going to have the post say "What/When was the even that caused you to start gaming these sluts/lying bitches/conniving-cunning witches/gold-digging cum bucket/ vindictive gutter snake/primary source of kidney/lever stress in all of mankind/ whores. I really couldn't put all of that in the initial post so I settled on whores. I thought I was doing the right thing . You must forgive me for the error. Next time around I will keep this "regular women" in mind as it would soothe the hate I've caused.


Never mind, Pusscrook. A lot of cats are still sensitive and still hold these inflated notions of a lizard's value. Many cats feel that these reptiles are banging them only and get peeved when they find out that lizards can be quite adept at juggling balls.

There are different types of lizards out there and it's important for us to wipe the Walt Disney out of our eyes and distinguish the salamanders from the iguanas.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - el mechanico - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:55 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:38 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 02:28 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't think I ever started gaming "whores". I've always stuck to regular women.

Funny you mentioned "regular women". Initially I was going to have the post say "What/When was the even that caused you to start gaming these sluts/lying bitches/conniving-cunning witches/gold-digging cum bucket/ vindictive gutter snake/primary source of kidney/lever stress in all of mankind/ whores. I really couldn't put all of that in the initial post so I settled on whores. I thought I was doing the right thing . You must forgive me for the error. Next time around I will keep this "regular women" in mind as it would soothe the hate I've caused.


Never mind, Pusscrook. A lot of cats are still sensitive and still hold these inflated notions of a lizard's value. Many cats feel that these reptiles are banging them only and get peeved when they find out that lizards can be quite adept at juggling balls.

There are different types of lizards out there and it's important for us to wipe the Walt Disney out of our eyes and distinguish the salamanders from the iguanas.
Ha ha,,Sometimes I would like to see a show of hands here to find out how many guys here are learning game to get into a LTR.

This is the big leagues. These lizards will eat you up and when you think you found a good one? Just wait and you will find out how good she is.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Pusscrook - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 11:19 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:55 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:38 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 02:28 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't think I ever started gaming "whores". I've always stuck to regular women.

Funny you mentioned "regular women". Initially I was going to have the post say "What/When was the even that caused you to start gaming these sluts/lying bitches/conniving-cunning witches/gold-digging cum bucket/ vindictive gutter snake/primary source of kidney/lever stress in all of mankind/ whores. I really couldn't put all of that in the initial post so I settled on whores. I thought I was doing the right thing . You must forgive me for the error. Next time around I will keep this "regular women" in mind as it would soothe the hate I've caused.


Never mind, Pusscrook. A lot of cats are still sensitive and still hold these inflated notions of a lizard's value. Many cats feel that these reptiles are banging them only and get peeved when they find out that lizards can be quite adept at juggling balls.

There are different types of lizards out there and it's important for us to wipe the Walt Disney out of our eyes and distinguish the salamanders from the iguanas.
Ha ha,,Sometimes I would like to see a show of hands here to find out how many guys here are learning game to get into a LTR.

This is the big leagues. These lizards will eat you up and when you think you found a good one? Just wait and you will find out how good she is.

Easy there Comrades,

You know Vicious is almost "married" to a "regular woman"according to published reports, so let us say a prayer that he will not endure the pain of what these scorned whores, damn it ,I mean "regular women" are notorious for inflicting.

I might even start tweeting in tongues to help this marriage succeed.


What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Samseau - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 12:32 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 11:19 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:55 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:38 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 02:28 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't think I ever started gaming "whores". I've always stuck to regular women.

Funny you mentioned "regular women". Initially I was going to have the post say "What/When was the even that caused you to start gaming these sluts/lying bitches/conniving-cunning witches/gold-digging cum bucket/ vindictive gutter snake/primary source of kidney/lever stress in all of mankind/ whores. I really couldn't put all of that in the initial post so I settled on whores. I thought I was doing the right thing . You must forgive me for the error. Next time around I will keep this "regular women" in mind as it would soothe the hate I've caused.


Never mind, Pusscrook. A lot of cats are still sensitive and still hold these inflated notions of a lizard's value. Many cats feel that these reptiles are banging them only and get peeved when they find out that lizards can be quite adept at juggling balls.

There are different types of lizards out there and it's important for us to wipe the Walt Disney out of our eyes and distinguish the salamanders from the iguanas.
Ha ha,,Sometimes I would like to see a show of hands here to find out how many guys here are learning game to get into a LTR.

This is the big leagues. These lizards will eat you up and when you think you found a good one? Just wait and you will find out how good she is.

Easy there Comrades,

You know Vicious is almost "married" to a "regular woman"according to published reports, so let us say a prayer that he will not endure the pain of what these scorned whores, damn it ,I mean "regular women" are notorious for inflicting.

I might even start tweeting in tongues to help this marriage succeed.


Well, Vicious is marrying a rich wh... err, "regular woman", and I don't think you'd have a problem with that Pusscrook!

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Jarocho2003 - 09-07-2011

No event in particular, but I did want to get better at gaming women. Don't get me wrong I still don't buy these theories that get posted here by some that is all about game, when I know for a fact that looks and money AND having time will go a long way by themselves to get you pussy, but the mentality to put yourself first is one that can pay off right away.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Pusscrook - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 01:03 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 12:32 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 11:19 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:55 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 10:38 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Funny you mentioned "regular women". Initially I was going to have the post say "What/When was the even that caused you to start gaming these sluts/lying bitches/conniving-cunning witches/gold-digging cum bucket/ vindictive gutter snake/primary source of kidney/lever stress in all of mankind/ whores. I really couldn't put all of that in the initial post so I settled on whores. I thought I was doing the right thing . You must forgive me for the error. Next time around I will keep this "regular women" in mind as it would soothe the hate I've caused.


Never mind, Pusscrook. A lot of cats are still sensitive and still hold these inflated notions of a lizard's value. Many cats feel that these reptiles are banging them only and get peeved when they find out that lizards can be quite adept at juggling balls.

There are different types of lizards out there and it's important for us to wipe the Walt Disney out of our eyes and distinguish the salamanders from the iguanas.
Ha ha,,Sometimes I would like to see a show of hands here to find out how many guys here are learning game to get into a LTR.

This is the big leagues. These lizards will eat you up and when you think you found a good one? Just wait and you will find out how good she is.

Easy there Comrades,

You know Vicious is almost "married" to a "regular woman"according to published reports, so let us say a prayer that he will not endure the pain of what these scorned whores, damn it ,I mean "regular women" are notorious for inflicting.

I might even start tweeting in tongues to help this marriage succeed.


Well, Vicious is marrying a rich wh... err, "regular woman", and I don't think you'd have a problem with that Pusscrook!
Sam? you're not implying that Vicious has been laying under the radar pulling off the same shit I'm doing are you? I mean she's rich, "regular", oh yes, yes, I remember him posting something concerning what other people may think since he is in fact marrying or shacking up with a wh....err, I mean rich,"regular woman".

Play on Vicious!

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Vicious - 09-07-2011

I thought this thread was about gaming pros. Odd how everyone jumped to conclusions and got so defensive that you'd start hating on a fellow forum member. You guys need to cheer up.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Pusscrook - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 06:02 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

I thought this thread was about gaming pros. Odd how everyone jumped to conclusions and got so defensive that you'd start hating on a fellow forum member. You guys need to cheer up.

Vicious, stop whining and squealing! You attacked me from my initial post when I signed up . You don't remember how you tried in vain to discredit me with my milf pussy secrets post? I took it in stride. If you have indeed find a wh..wh..wh..wh...... I mean regular woman,( sorry for stutter typing there) I am happy for you. It's good that you get a little time out on the yard to vent. Solitary is a bitch! Are you planning on signing a prenup? If it's her money then no worries, you can take us all out and pay for drinks when you take her for everything . If it's yours, you know there's always a "Pusscrook" lurking.
You know my Grandfather is an interesting man. As a boy, he used to take me out to the country to help me figure out how to remember the animals. So this one time ,as he's pointing out all of the different animals to me, He says to me what animal is this? I said to him "pato" (word for duck) and he says no, "puerco"(word for pig) ,but I couldn't pronounce it . So, then he hits the pig with a piece of lumber(looked like a body shot to me)and I hear this loud squealing sound. My grandfather then says to me "it's easy to remember this animals name because the sound is like no other" . Moral of the story: A hit pig squeals the loudest.

Best regards,


What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Vicious - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 06:30 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 06:02 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

I thought this thread was about gaming pros. Odd how everyone jumped to conclusions and got so defensive that you'd start hating on a fellow forum member. You guys need to cheer up.

Vicious, stop whining and squealing! You attacked me from my initial post when I signed up . You don't remember how you tried in vain to discredit me with my milf pussy secrets post?

So that's what this is about.
I had no intention of "attacking" you in your first thread and it's too bad if that's how you discerned it. I merely stated that I could not extract any usable process from what you posted in that thread. If it works for you and anyone else however, great! Look around on the forum and you'll see that I usually take a critical stance until something has convinced me with reason, logic and the voice of experience. It was nothing personal. I can see how someone new and unfamiliar to the setting could interpret it as such though.

Apart from that, if you want to comment on my life situation I suggest you bring it to the thread where it can be put in context.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Pusscrook - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 06:47 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 06:30 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2011 06:02 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

I thought this thread was about gaming pros. Odd how everyone jumped to conclusions and got so defensive that you'd start hating on a fellow forum member. You guys need to cheer up.

Vicious, stop whining and squealing! You attacked me from my initial post when I signed up . You don't remember how you tried in vain to discredit me with my milf pussy secrets post?

So that's what this is about.
I had no intention of "attacking" you in your first thread and it's too bad if that's how you discerned it. I merely stated that I could not extract any usable process from what you posted in that thread. If it works for you and anyone else however, great! Look around on the forum and you'll see that I usually take a critical stance until something has convinced me with reason, logic and the voice of experience. It was nothing personal. I can see how someone new and unfamiliar to the setting could interpret it as such though.

Apart from that, if you want to comment on my life situation I suggest you bring it to the thread where it can be put in context.

Vicious, no that is not what this is all about. I actually only went back to that post today. Alright ,alright,stop prying your ass open for a reprisal. You want to blow an ass gasket over forum banter? NO one had any intention of commenting on your life situation . I used the word "whore" and YOU chose to use "regular women" to respond to the post I created and that's why you were seeing those rebuttals to your post.

Let's do this, because I don't want you to think that I am picking on you over a silly fucking word. If I post something you don't agree with, or if I use words that are too abrasive for you, just ignore me or the post ,rather( boss-man has the feature for you to ignore a member) . If I have insulted you in any way, take heart that it was not intentional. I want you to be comfortable in knowing that I have no war with you. I war with pussy who wont give me my damn gifts. Having said that, if you are planning to marry this..this..this.... what's the words here, oh, regular woman, (my turrets is acting up) I really do wish you the best. Is that o.k. for you?



What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Samseau - 09-07-2011

Dude, Vicious:

"They're all whores but you mum!"

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Pusscrook - 09-07-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 09:05 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Dude, Vicious:

"They're all whores but you mum!"

Jesus, Sam, ease up.

You're gonna send him into another forum tail spin with that "whore" word. Next thing you know he will be gnawing away at his forum screen name if you keep this up.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - haywire - 09-08-2011

Quote: (09-07-2011 07:39 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I war with pussy who wont give me my damn gifts.

HAHAHAHA! Pure Gold.

Comrade, I'm gonna have to start collecting your one-liners.

What/When was the event that caused you to start gaming these whores. - Nomad77 - 02-24-2013

Quote: (09-03-2011 12:31 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I don't think I came out of the womb in Andalucia thinking I will now game bitches. However, I remember giving this beautiful girl some perfume and flowers to profess my love and loyalty to her in primary school. My parents thought it was a sign of me maturing . Needless to say, after a few weeks , things ran foul.
So, this whore decides to start dating a scum bag in another class. Now this for me was not a big deal , but when I had a whiff of the perfume that she was wearing while at the same time giggling and kissing with him in a corner I instantly felt the sulfur coming out of my ears. This was my perfume that I had bought! Why couldn't she just stick to soap this day? Scents can fuck you up, and I think it scarred me for life because every time she would walk by with the prick, and I smelled the perfume that i had bought , the plot to have her legs dangling off of a wharf seemed all the more pleasant. This was the beginning for me. Now , decades later ,I require many gifts , cologne, shoes, anything, all in her honor.

What was the event that triggered you to become the selfish, cunning gamer that you are today?

This is no different than the person who once mugged by a black person then decides that every black person they encounter is now a potential mugger and should be treated as such. It's the basis of all prejudices and a mark of stunted character development.