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Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - SamuelBRoberts - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 10:15 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2017 11:26 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2017 11:04 PM)Yarbles Wrote:  

If you guys are tired of this shit and sick of gaming bar slags you should think about joining Identity Europa.

Aren't they one of those "Uphold the purity of the white race, only marry white chicks!" groups? Or am I mixing them up with someone else.
That group sounds awesome! Can I join?

Depends, do you want to marry a white chick?

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - nomadbrah - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 10:05 AM)Yarbles Wrote:  

Quote: (04-27-2017 09:57 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (04-27-2017 09:45 AM)Yarbles Wrote:  

I have to ask everyone here, at what point will you actually do something REAL against this pervasive milieu that we all find completely disgusting? I agree that it's not "just the pussy," it's your internal, self defeating attitude. At least these fag freaks will get off their ass and into the street... the same cannot be said for you.

As I wrote elsewhere, I think France will pop off first. They're the closest to having their daily lives negatively impacted.

In the rest of Europe, you can still easily avoid the hordes if you are just middle class.

The US already seems to move and do real things on a lot of fronts. There's no reason to force the issue, I think it's great that Antifa are here. I hope they keep keeping on. I would rather they attack than get arrested, because cops can't be trusted and skirmishes with Antifa provide valuable fighting experience which the right lacks. That's how the Antifa came to be in the first place. They quickly learned to restrict their skirmishes with the police. In the beginning they were very violent using molotov and pavement stones, but that forced the police to shoot live rounds, so they scale it back to allow for a more ritual fight, where your average lefty can still get some battle training. Not unlike how hooliganism works.

You're right but fighting these people is only a small part of it from what I can see. There has to be a sustained, multi-year grassroots right wing organization built in the US that isn't cucked. Look for people in your area who are running for office and volunteer to work for the campaign. I've already learned a ton doing this.

The left is easy to make fun of but they've put in lots of effort into their campaigning and organizing, and once you've seen how much work it actually is you will have a newfound respect for these people.

The grassroots are being grown during these skirmishes. They create alliances and brotherhood forged in battle.

I agree to join up, if I lived in France I would join Generation Identaire tomorrow, but I'm not going to join the skinhead retards who still dominate the scene in most of Europe.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Yarbles - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 10:12 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Quote: (04-27-2017 09:45 AM)Yarbles Wrote:  

I completely disagree. The reason we're losing is because no one is working together, AT ALL, at anything that isn't cuckservativism or pozzed leftism, except for the above groups, which have only been around at most for 2 years. You have probably spent zero time organizing anything politically, and yet you talk like it's best to just give up.

The results of attempts to "organize things politically" are obvious for anyone to see. Co-opting. Utter failure. It hasn't worked. It's not going to work. There is no scenario where the majority of whites, who've been fed on a comfortable diet of "diversity" for 25 years now are going to wake up and realize that immigration is killing them before it's too late. There is no scenario where a society that's comprimised increasing of people who can't even speak the language can manage to maintain itself. There's no way an entire generation and a half steeped in SJW indoctrination is going to snap out of it. (And don't point me to the 5% that do as if they're indicative of anything. The other 95% are stuck deep into 50-genders land, and they ain't coming out.) The idea that "we just need to organize and somehow all the problems will be solved!" is a fantasy. If you wish to indulge in that fantasy, I'm not going to tell you not to, in the same way I'm not gonna tell a man in a pony fursuit that he has to stop going to furry conventions. But count me out.


If you recall, the RVF meetups caused a worldwide triggering because if everyone here actually met up, we would have started forming an effective group of likeminded people that could have done significant narrative damage. If the media pressure wasn't enough to have the meetings canceled, they'd have stuck their gangs of masked and violent shitheads on you while the police looked the other way as we see now.

That first sentence is a complete misstatement of reality, and this is coming from someone who was fairly intimately involved in the meetups. The entire world (And it was the entire western world, there was an article in my own hometown paper) was not trying to stop a small site from holding a meetup because, "Oh no! We must put an end to this before they form an effective group of likeminded people that can do significant narrative damage!" It was a moral panic, pure and simple. It was an entire society of clickbait-driven idiots convinced that there were "Pro-Rape" protests going on right there in their hometown. Many of them seemed to think that after our "pro-rape" group held its rally, we were going out into the streets to gang rape people. Nobody bothered to fact check. Nobody bothered to even think it through (Why the hell would there be even such a thing as a 'pro-rape' group?). It was entirely Pavlovian: they saw the scary story on the news feed and started jumping up and down and screaming at the top of their lungs like monkeys. No thought. Just screaming.

This was just more evidence of what I said before: nothing I or anybody else could've done would've gotten these people to see reason, because they're simply not capable of reason.


I have to ask everyone here, at what point will you actually do something REAL against this pervasive milieu that we all find completely disgusting? I agree that it's not "just the pussy," it's your internal, self defeating attitude. At least these fag freaks will get off their ass and into the street... the same cannot be said for you.

It's interesting that you should say this right after the context of the meetups. This isn't widely known, but it was Roosh's decision, acting alone, not to cancel the meetups. The group leaders and organizers almost uniformly wanted him to go forward with it: we were ready to show up anyway despite knowing that the press would be there to take our pictures and brand us internationally as "pro-rape advocates". I was enormously upset about it at the time, but looking back, Roosh unquestionably made the right call. Had I gone, I would've thrown my reputation into the gutter, lost my job, possibly been physically beaten (There were some antifas threatening to come to my meetup with bats). And what would I have accomplished? Not a damn thing. I would've thrown myself into the buzzsaw and made no change to anything at all.

This is all correct and I understand why you think this way, but we're just getting started.

The idiots have been morally conditioned to react this way for the express purpose of delegitimizing male solidarity. It's not an accident. Once we are separated and demoralized they can send in their groups to run things. Even my GF heard about that event and I showed her the satirical article that it was based on and she went from outraged to realizing that the media is lying to her.

And as you point out in your post, there are white people who have a future and white people who don't. I just try to find the former in my area like it's a part time job. More and more people are waking up and we have to be there for this opportunity.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Enigma - 04-27-2017

The early Americans fought the preeminent power in the world for nearly a decade to gain independence but you have guys throwing their hands up over a few some faggots with pepper spray.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Leonard D Neubache - 04-27-2017

Team Yarbles is just Team Sambro without ten years of perspective, and I suspect I could reliably guess how long it's been since he was red-pilled (not very).

I'm not fond of guys telling me what I need to do. I only have respect for guys providing evidence of what they've done and with two rep and 27 posts I'm not exactly going to feel shamed by being called out as a quitter by some guy that turned up yesterday with the pompoms in hand.

So here's my counter-question for team Yarbles. If the left predictably decides that they'd rather resort to wide scale murder than allow something as trivial as a grass-roots rebellion stop their little plans (and they always do) what's your line in the sand to toss legalities to the wind and get your hands dirty?

Or in other words, if plan A is to wind back 100 years of hardcore globalist infiltration of western civilisation and do so in opposition to the most smart, rich and powerful people the the world...

...what's plan B?

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Samseau - 04-27-2017

Not sure what the pessimism is about in this thread.


There is no scenario where the majority of whites, who've been fed on a comfortable diet of "diversity" for 25 years now are going to wake up and realize that immigration is killing them before it's too late.

If this was true SamB, then Trump would have never been elected.

You're wrong about America's chances, we're still very much in the game. Just need to focus on cleaning out the Republican party of traitors and cucks, need to keep shitlording and influencing the youth, and need to become more powerful members of society. Keep fighting, it's not over till it's over.

At best, expatriation is just replacing one set of problems with another set; at worst, you'll have even less rights in a foreign land than in a land you could have fought for.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Yarbles - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 10:53 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Team Yarbles is just Team Sambro without ten years of perspective, and I suspect I could reliably guess how long it's been since he was red-pilled (not very).

I'm not fond of guys telling me what I need to do. I only have respect for guys providing evidence of what they've done and with two rep and 27 posts I'm not exactly going to feel shamed by being called out as a quitter by some guy that turned up yesterday with the pompoms in hand.

So here's my counter-question for team Yarbles. If the left predictably decides that they'd rather resort to wide scale murder than allow something as trivial as a grass-roots rebellion stop their little plans (and they always do) what's your line in the sand to toss legalities to the wind and get your hands dirty?

Or in other words, if plan A is to wind back 100 years of hardcore globalist infiltration of western civilisation and do so in opposition to the most smart, rich and powerful people the the world...

...what's plan B?

I've been reading Roosh since 2007 and if I don't have a large post history I'd say it's because I've spent a lot of time working on ships with poor internet access and long hours and being involved in things offline.

As for what I've done, my friends and I have done disinformation campaigns involving coordinated street flyering and online activity that a) makes lefty constituent groups fight amongst themselves (since they have nothing in common) and b) makes normal people revolted at how far the left is going. The latest one we did was shared over 200 times on facebook and I've overheard people talking about the concept we were pushing. I won't share it with you right now but if you message me in 6 months I can show it to you.

On top of that, I've worked my way up into the officer level of a political campaign with a candidate who is red pilled and has a decent shot of winning.

Keep worrying about my post count though.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Leonard D Neubache - 04-27-2017

^I'll be happy to shake your digital hand if this turns out to be true.

But you should be well aware that nobody is going to take you particularly seriously without a post history or some evidence that you're more walk than talk.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Foolsgo1d - 04-27-2017

Berkely shows that the US has the same fight in it like it had in WW2.

Europe shows it has the same cuckhold fetish for being dominated by those who throw bricks, rape children, subvert the law of the land, burn down private property, restrict so-called freedoms, murder innocents and cut heads of for the sheer pleasure of being religious.

- The gays know why they can't hold hands in the streets of Denmark or other European areas anymore
- The women know (well almost) why they can't freely walk around without being targeted in most European towns and cities now
- Christians know why they have lost hundreds of churches, with the buildings decapitated and remodelled into mosques or shops
- Governments know why they have tens of thousands of known terrorists and many thousands more unknown persons on lists
- Metropolitan heterosexual men know why problems occur inside towns and cities

Yet none of them in any significant number will say no more to the status quo of our current track. You think the Africans and those from Asia and the Middle East will stop coming?

The US turns on the pressure just a bit and these asshole freeloaders go back to their countries because the good times are up. Like rats running from the exterminators.

This is why Berkely is important for Americans to show those Antifa cucks that although they may have freedom to express their rhetoric and hate, they will be met with equal, if not greater anti-hate from a people who have yet to feel like fucking defenceless lambs waiting for some third world 10% population to take what their ancestors worked for over 1000 years and turn it to shit within a single generational lifetime.

There was a very good reason thousands of Europeans made their way to the US after the war and stayed. The US needs to find that zeal once again.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Enigma - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 11:14 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

At best, expatriation is just replacing one set of problems with another set; at worst, you'll have even less rights in a foreign land than in a land you could have fought for.


Guys are going to flee demographic replacement to become an overwhelming ethnic and cultural minority; flee leftist violence to live in countries that wrote the book on leftist violence; and flee encroaching government for governments that are not and never were as limited as the US.

To be clear, I currently live in Asia, but if shit hits the fan I'd much rather be in the mostly conservative (by geographic area) US with a shitload of guns than in Japan, wondering whether they're going to start slaughtering non-Japanese again, or next door to the rising Caliphate in Europe.

A lot of guys have a skewed view of some of the other governments around the world because they carry around a passport that says "not worth it" to groups that might want to do you harm. Make no mistake that a collapsed US will make for a much different global environment for both American and other Western expats.

And whether you wanted to fight or disappear, there's no place that's going to give an American citizen as much self-determination as the US.

As I've pointed out before, civil war in the US is just going to lead to the country breaking into smaller countries, as a worst case scenario. Unless the military nukes or carpet bombs itself, the conservative-leaning citizenry has too much firepower and fighting spirit for the globalists and Marxists to create a Soviet gulag kind of scenario.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - SamuelBRoberts - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 11:14 AM)Samseau Wrote:  


There is no scenario where the majority of whites, who've been fed on a comfortable diet of "diversity" for 25 years now are going to wake up and realize that immigration is killing them before it's too late.

If this was true SamB, then Trump would have never been elected.

I'd like to believe this is true, but I don't see it, and even if it is true, once the next eight years are gone it's not going to matter. Whites went about 60-40 for Trump, so there's 40% of whites that are so hopeless they'll vote for a witch like Clinton. Of the remaining 60%, how many would agree with a statement like "Legal immigration needs to be restricted to maintain our demographic balance"? It's hard to know for sure, but even if it's half that's 70% of whites who are still believers that "diversity is our strength". It may be even less than that: Bill Mitchell was running a poll a few weeks asking his followers what Trump initiative they were most willing to postpone, and "the wall" won by a huge margin. What we see just isn't seen by most people.

Quote: (04-27-2017 12:07 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

And whether you wanted to fight or disappear, there's no place that's going to give an American citizen as much self-determination as the US.

As I've pointed out before, civil war in the US is just going to lead to the country breaking into smaller countries, as a worst case scenario. Unless the military nukes or carpet bombs itself, the conservative-leaning citizenry has too much firepower and fighting spirit for the globalists and Marxists to create a Soviet gulag kind of scenario.

I don't see a civil war coming. The surveillance state is too omnipresent for groups to form up, and there's no local shared communities for armies to form around. The technology is good enough and efficient enough that most people will have their basic needs met and their bellies full, even if the food is low quality junk.

I see a general slide into misery. Health care will get worse as we import more doctors from overseas, and move towards paying for more free care for illegals. Taxes will go up to pay for new social services for a swelling underclass. Basic infrastructure will just start falling apart, like Flint's water supply or California's roads. Housing prices will climb to unaffordable levels. Hell, they already have, I'm in a very high income bracket and I could no more afford a home where I live than I could buy a yacht. Good jobs will get harder and harder to come by, particularly for whites. Quality of life will go down in every area.

Take any area of life in the US you like, and with a couple tiny exceptions, (The restaurants are better than they were 5 years ago, and the computers and cell phones are better too), it's all a downward trend. Nothing is getting better, and there's no reason to think this will change.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 10:15 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2017 11:26 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2017 11:04 PM)Yarbles Wrote:  

If you guys are tired of this shit and sick of gaming bar slags you should think about joining Identity Europa.

Aren't they one of those "Uphold the purity of the white race, only marry white chicks!" groups? Or am I mixing them up with someone else.
That group sounds awesome! Can I join?

You can have my feminist journalist sister. I will gladly give away her hand in holy matrimony - even unholy alliance will do.

Atlanta Man - the Alt-Right aren't all a bunch of Nazis or DNA-test-thumping genetic purity fanatics. Some of the Hoteps are even talking with them as they are united on major issues.

That said I am not Alt-Right, but I sympathize with some of their topics just as I like some of the issues raised by the Hoteps. RVF is probably the most "diverse" group of men united under one banner. We don't have to agree on all things to still be in tune on 90% of issues that matter.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - AWright - 04-27-2017

Quote: (04-26-2017 11:04 PM)Yarbles Wrote:  

If you guys are tired of this shit and sick of gaming bar slags you should think about joining Identity Europa.
Every other race has similar groups, why not whites? The shifting demographics of this country will change the politics and not for the best.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Leonard D Neubache - 04-28-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 12:50 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

I don't see a civil war coming. The surveillance state is too omnipresent for groups to form up, and there's no local shared communities for armies to form around. The technology is good enough and efficient enough that most people will have their basic needs met and their bellies full, even if the food is low quality junk.

White militancy is going to rise in the same way islamic militancy rises, but with different precursors.

For islam the precursor is the density of their presence in an area. I suppose in the same way white militancy will rise with the precursor of a growing density of impoverished whites with not much left to lose. You might be doing it tougher than you should be, but try to imagine what some guy in Appalachia feels when he can't afford to take his kids to the doctor or pay off the mortgage on his shitty little shack. That guy is not looking for a reason to be nice. He's looking for a target, and it's not going to take much to convince him that DC or Jews or Blacks or Messicans are the source of most of his problems, whether that's true or not. That guy doesn't need a group to cause problems for the government, and even if he did then there wouldn't be a shortage of local guys in precisely the same position as him. Guys that aren't fussed about "going dark".

So just as the muslims have shown us that the state apparatus is useless in preventing growing militancy, so too will it fail to stop to stop that militancy in whites. Sure, occasionally you get the odd Dylan Roof or some other guy that goes over the top, but by and large, discontent and the accompanying militancy swells like a tide and no individual act of bucketing out that tide will stop it. At least not in an armed nation like America.

So just like the 15,000 strong jihadi watchlist in France, the watch-lists in America will become functionally worthless (they probably have already). As 150,000 citizens are flagged for being disgruntled keyboard warriors, that same 150,000 are going to be flagged for being disgruntled keyboard warriors who just bought assault rifles, which in turn shifts to 150,000 citizens being flagged for being disgruntled non-keyboard warriors that just got basic rifle training from a professional, etc etc etc.

Meanwhile attacks will escalate in the form of individuals or small, untraceable cells, at first targeting outlying infrastructure and hostile organisations or just whatever demographic they have the shits with. And like the muslims these attacks will simply escalate over time, the government having the impossible task of trying to predict which of the 150,000 disgruntled white men is going to leave his phone at home that day and go out to put bullet holes in something or someone.

Eventually the government would have to crack down hard or simply accept that certain areas had become "injun territory". A crack-down would signal the end of the beginning, because if there's one thing we can learn about counter-insurgency ops from all over the globe, it's that they might restore a semblance of order but they predictably put the dagger in peace until one side is dead.

Besides, any strong-arm attempt to imprison pissed off whites would only swing prisons back into white ownership and create a breeding ground for hatred and a training ground for militancy that could only be subdued by the most extreme measures imaginable, and that in turn would militarise the brothers, fathers and sons of the men subjugated by those means.

Having said all that, I don't begrudge anyone leaving their nation because they don't want to have to start shooting people to retain their freedom. Some people are not cut out for that and in any case have skillsets that better lend themselves to aid such causes from the outside.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Edmund Ironside - 04-28-2017

My level of concern about the political future of the US has more to do with who controls the universities, news media, and entertainment media than it does with pure demographics. We didn't reach this sad state because there aren't enough white people. We reached it because all people were being indoctrinated for decades. Give someone just enough physical comfort and keep pumping the propaganda 24x7 and most of them never quite get fed up enough to fight back against the frog boiling, even when Bruce Jenner in drag lights up the white house in rainbow colors to celebrate the latest employment bill that institutionalizes discrimination against hetero white guys. If they can pay the rent and the pizza guy they just keep watching the new Star Wars movie and rationalize away the fact that it's chock full of propaganda because they have loved the series since they were kids and it hurts too much to admit to themselves that Captain America has turned commie on them.

Quote: (04-27-2017 04:59 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Secessionist movements are America's only light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel.

I really hope if it comes to that, it's only in the way of finally triggering the conversion of cold war to hot war, but not a permanent break up, because I suspect that a fragmented USA is exactly what the globalists want. It would be nice if revolting against the globalists (MAGA, Brexit, Frexit, etc) was enough in the way of secession.

Quote: (04-27-2017 09:45 AM)Yarbles Wrote:  

if you're not there telling the idiots what to believe they're going to believe something else.

That's a sad truth that I've slowly come to accept as life experience tempers my more optimistic nature. I suspect it's pretty common that one of the toughest things for more intelligent people to understand is how stupid/delusional most people really are.

Quote: (04-27-2017 10:38 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

The early Americans fought the preeminent power in the world for nearly a decade to gain independence but you have guys throwing their hands up over a few some faggots with pepper spray.

That's pretty optimistic, but sometimes I "like" things even though I disagree, just because they make me laugh out loud, and this one qualifies.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - MMX2010 - 04-28-2017

Plan B is to let leftists have California, Arizona, and New Mexico. Then constantly proclaim that the Mexican-perspective of the ruling classes within those territories guarantees they'll fall apart.

Quote:Edmund Ironside Wrote:

My level of concern about the political future of the US has more to do with who controls the universities, news media, and entertainment media than it does with pure demographics. We didn't reach this sad state because there aren't enough white people. We reached it because all people were being indoctrinated for decades.

If that's the biggest source of your worries, you should be really optimistic: college is becoming way too overpriced, and the people who most need college are highly aware of that. College has maybe four more years left if bring structured as it is. And as technology increases the ease of self-education, Marxist professors will lose their influence.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Leonard D Neubache - 04-28-2017

Quote: (04-28-2017 08:47 AM)Edmund Ironside Wrote:  

My level of concern about the political future of the US has more to do with who controls the universities, news media, and entertainment media than it does with pure demographics. We didn't reach this sad state because there aren't enough white people. We reached it because all people were being indoctrinated for decades. Give someone just enough physical comfort and keep pumping the propaganda 24x7 and most of them never quite get fed up enough to fight back against the frog boiling, even when Bruce Jenner in drag lights up the white house in rainbow colors to celebrate the latest employment bill that institutionalizes discrimination against hetero white guys. If they can pay the rent and the pizza guy they just keep watching the new Star Wars movie and rationalize away the fact that it's chock full of propaganda because they have loved the series since they were kids and it hurts too much to admit to themselves that Captain America has turned commie on them.

I would normally decline to post this but since the title of the thread contains the words "hot civil war" I'll continue.

There is no shortage of pissed off white men who are keenly aware that the traitors at CBS/CNN/NBC et al are in no small measure responsible for the downfall of their nation. They are also keenly aware that these infotainment presstitutes are extremely soft targets considering the political value of their scalps.

One of the defining points in the future history of America will be when the first assassination of a prominent presstitute occurs, particularly if the feds can't find a the perpetrator or a suitable fallguy in short order. If the act is streamed to facebook or similar then you will seriously be waking up to find yourself living in a different nation.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Thomas Jackson - 04-29-2017

Good discussion in here. I am also generally pessimistic. Demographics are destiny. The fact the average conservative doesn't realize this is insanity. There is not one immigrant demographic that supports smaller government. Most groups support bigger government by huge margins (80-20). This is even true for high income groups such as Indians/Chinese.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - MMX2010 - 04-29-2017

Quote: (04-29-2017 07:20 AM)Thomas Jackson Wrote:  

Good discussion in here. I am also generally pessimistic. Demographics are destiny. The fact the average conservative doesn't realize this is insanity. There is not one immigrant demographic that supports smaller government. Most groups support bigger government by huge margins (80-20). This is even true for high income groups such as Indians/Chinese.

There's a dumb fuck from The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, who always condemns Trump's immigration policies on Tucker Carlson Tonight. It'd be funny to ask him how many influential libertarian political papers were written in Spanish, and whether he knows any Mexican libertarians. But Tucker isn't allowed to ask that.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Leonard D Neubache - 04-29-2017

Quote: (04-29-2017 07:20 AM)Thomas Jackson Wrote:  

Good discussion in here. I am also generally pessimistic. Demographics are destiny. The fact the average conservative doesn't realize this is insanity. There is not one immigrant demographic that supports smaller government. Most groups support bigger government by huge margins (80-20). This is even true for high income groups such as Indians/Chinese.

The Spartans might have disagreed.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Liberty Sea - 04-29-2017

IMHO there won't be rebels and civil wars as long as life in the US is comfortable enough.

As Enigma said:
Quote: (02-13-2017 05:34 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Have YOU actually been in "any inner city ghetto"? I've lived in one. We had hot water throughout the house (as required by law), central heating and air, insulated walls, dishwasher, microwave, full-sized stove and oven, a flat screen TV, etc.

That was a place that cost $500/month for a two-bedroom duplex in a Section 8 neighborhood, basically the floor for rental prices in the US. Meanwhile, even many higher-end homes and condos in parts of Asia don't have all of these features, including hot water in the kitchen (which is, again, required by law in the US).

And then you still have to account for the fact that households are much larger in most of Asia compared to the US.

Which is why I think the elites will keep life comfortable enough. Violent agitators like Antifa would be the aberration and not the norm. Annoyances will only be occasional for the normies.

Life in the US is still pretty good and enjoyable. One of the best places on Earth. Food is always available. Tons of infinitely exciting entertainment and distraction like movies, internet, pop music, reality TV, etc. Colleges still party and you can still find a lot of heavenly luscious young pussies to fuck while appreciating the infinite complexity of modern life, reinforcing hedonism among youths and slut lifestyle among women. There will be more and more unmarried white women (infertile due to using too much contraceptives) and colored single mothers who comfortably rely on enhanced government welfare as white birth rate continues to descend while colored birth rate keeps going strong.

Likely scenario is Americans would be gradually and peacefully lured into ethnic replacement.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - SamuelBRoberts - 04-29-2017

Quote: (04-29-2017 10:54 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2017 07:20 AM)Thomas Jackson Wrote:  

Good discussion in here. I am also generally pessimistic. Demographics are destiny. The fact the average conservative doesn't realize this is insanity. There is not one immigrant demographic that supports smaller government. Most groups support bigger government by huge margins (80-20). This is even true for high income groups such as Indians/Chinese.

The Spartans might have disagreed.

How well would the Spartans have done if 151 of Leonidas's men were actually Persians?

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Leonard D Neubache - 04-29-2017

"As long as the US is comfortable enough".

For a lot of people it aint. Not any more.

There's often a divide on these matters between people that have kids and people that don't. One of the reasons people aren't having kids as much is that the finances of the thing don't add up, and believe me when I say there's no shortage of people who have chosen hard times and a lineage over easy times and a dead branch of the family tree.

But those poor folk with kids aren't going to suffer in silence forever. Based on the demographics I'm looking at, I'm thinking that within fifteen years we're going to see the wealth of the boomers disappear from the west, the racial demographics become politically untenable and GenX's children become nominally independent allowing mum and dad to take more radical political positions without directly endangering their offspring.

In reality, I think that if the Boomers weren't so flush with cash and pensions then we'd be seeing widescale insurrection already, but those pricks have too much to lose. Like you say, "they're too comfortable".

But for people of my generation there's going to be no pensions or 401ks or even such a thing as retirement. It's going to be Greece without the laid back Mediterranean attitude, and it's going to get ugly.

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - Leonard D Neubache - 04-29-2017

Quote: (04-29-2017 11:21 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

How well would the Spartans have done if 151 of Leonidas's men were actually Persians?

We'll never know, because democracy might have originated in Greece but the universal franchise sure as heck didn't originate in Sparta. [Image: angel.gif]

Berkeley shows that conservatives are irrelevant in the hot civil war - LeeEnfield303 - 04-29-2017

Quote: (04-27-2017 05:38 AM)Diogenes Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2017 11:09 PM)Glaucon Wrote:  

The conservatives conserved exactly....what?

Progressives make "progress" and conservatives conserve the "progress" that the progressives have made. So, essentially they conserved nothing.

The halfway position between 'conservatives' and the starting position for the 'conservatives' the next time. Rinse and repeat.