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Would you accept a gay son? - Kona - 03-05-2017

My answer is an honest I don't know. But probably yes.

I am a believer that children's upbringing determines if they're gay or not. I don't believe in gayness being something you are born with. Google the rates of hard drug use amongst gays versus not gays.

That being said, one of the baddest dudes I've ever met in my life has a gay 21 year old son, and they have the greatest relationship in the world.

This guy is a consultant for freaking prison guards and prison riots. The flew him somewhere in the mainland to sort shit out the other day. I am friends with a lot of guys that were/are special forces top level types and this prison dude would smoke them.

They gay kid and his dad have been doing martial arts together since he was a baby and they're at the top of that. Prison dude was his coach all through in various sports. They fish all the time and I've seen both) f them kill wild pigs without flinching.

I don't know if its a phenomenon or what. Maybe there is something I don't know? Maybe it really is natural in this case.

Either way, there's nobody on earth that would make fun of this kid for being gay if they saw his dad.


Would you accept a gay son? - Kamikaze - 03-05-2017

Quote: (03-05-2017 02:08 AM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Do we get to choose if our kids are hetero? Is there some sort of form we check yes or no? Faggot or straight?

No? Then being the case where I have no control over it, I'd try my fucking best to love my child regardless. We could do this shit all day with "What if?"

First off, you're in the "Deep Forum" answering questions very emotionally. Let's keep it "deep" and not superficial. Now on to what you said.

You're hinting at the genetic argument that homosexuality is genetically determined. That there is some gay gene. There likely is some genetic predisposition to being homo. However, the great majority of traits and phenotypes are not 100% genetically inherited, especially when they are as complicated as sexuality.

Let's take the example of height. One would think height is a trait that is completely determined by your genes, and you can do nothing about it. But it's not. I repeat, height is not 100% determined by your genes. The 'environment,' aka nutrition, sleep, physical activity, etc, play a role.

Ok. Then what percentage of height is determined by genes, and what percentage is determined by the environment? Is it 90:10? 95:5? 99:1? Nope.


This question can be rephrased as: "How much variation (difference between individuals) in height is attributable to genetic effects and how much to nutritional effects?" The short answer to this question is that about 60 to 80 percent of the difference in height between individuals is determined by genetic factors, whereas 20 to 40 percent can be attributed to environmental effects, mainly nutrition.

If height can be influenced by "environmental factors" up to 40%, then to what extent does environment play a role in determining ones sexuality? Why do hardened criminals suddenly start developing a taste for balls once they turn into prison inmates? Why do you see boys holding hands and resting on each others laps in all-boy schools but not (as much) in public schools?

A parent who believes the majority of things are consigned to the luck of the genetic draw will raise defeated kids. Your insinuation that we have zero control over what direction our offsprings' sexuality heads toward is just flat wrong.

Fortunately for my hypothetical gay son, I understand sexuality is a spectrum, and that people can go through phases. Not only that, but some cultures deem it more acceptable. The culture in the US is heading in that direction, like it or not. So I will be understanding if my son came out of the closet as gay. If a kid comes out as gay to their parents, I would think that's a carefully considered decision. The activation energy required to do something like that would make it very hard to reverse in direction, so I wouldn't have much choice but to be supportive, at that point.

However, I would do my very, very best to steer him towards pussy before it got to that point of no return. As Dawkins would say, my genes are selfish, and they want to propagate themselves.

Would you accept a gay son? - TigerMandingo - 03-06-2017

I wouldn't disown him if that's what you're asking, but I would be extremely disappointed. Would probably start questioning where I went wrong with my parenting.

I don't believe all these parents nowadays who act all happy and supportive when their kids come out of the closet. Deep down they're suffering.

Would you accept a gay son? - godfather dust - 03-06-2017

If you have a (relatively) good woman as the mother who stays home and are vigilant about any situations involving older boys and men you can probably reduce the risk of a faggot son by a good 90℅.

I have a theory (with zero numbers unfortunately, just things I've heard gays say) that the overwhelming majority of gay men were molested as children.

The whole "born this way" thing is a good tactic to stop questions like "how could you prefer a man to a woman, it's bizarre?"

Would you accept a gay son? - DaveR - 03-06-2017

I'd send him to provincial Russia to sort out any latent faggotry and get laid.

Would you accept a gay son? - Kid Twist - 03-06-2017

Quote: (03-06-2017 01:59 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

I have a theory (with zero numbers unfortunately, just things I've heard gays say) that the overwhelming majority of gay men were molested as children.

This is so common I've often thought about its veracity in conjunction with men eventually having sex with men, for example (as came out in Milo's story recently, of course). It's probably common among women too, no?

Would you accept a gay son? - Hypno - 03-06-2017

Quote: (03-05-2017 08:03 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

There are levels of epigenetics that likely steer attraction and make it somewhat malleable, but by and large attraction is set by the time teenage years roll around.

your comments are good but they presume gay is 100% determined by nature, rather than nurture. Certainly the LGBT lobby has promoted that idea. I'm agnostic and won't venture a percentage but I don't believe homosexuality is 100% determined by nature; environment plays some part. First, Darwin tells us that 100% nature is almost impossible, or at least it was until test tube babies. Second, now that its popular you see a lot people "experiment" with homosexuality, probably because they are confused by the culture or genetically they are not fully male or fully female. Third, in some cultures where there is a dearth of women, either from economic or other other reasons, homosexuality increases. Fourth, medical scientists listed homosexuality as a mental disorder in the DSM until 1973; presumably there was some science behind that. So I don't subscribe to the theory that its all explained by being born that way; at least some is one's environment. Gays admit as much when they discuss their voices - like vocabularly, they assume a higher pitched voice.

Would you accept a gay son? - Laner - 03-06-2017

This is a question most men ask until they actually are fathers.

Then it becomes that they hope and pray their son is healthy.

Of course, there are times as a father that i wonder about the future of my son, but rarely is it about being gay.

Until I see him walk across the room on his tiptoes making monkey sounds, then I just hope that he is sane rather than gay and insane.

Fatherhood is funny like that, we are certainly the rock in parenthood, but when your kid does something questionable we still wonder about their future and life with a gay son. Even or a very brief moment, it still crosses our mind.

Would you accept a gay son? - Dr. Howard - 03-06-2017

Quote: (03-06-2017 05:07 PM)Laner Wrote:  

This is a question most men ask until they actually are fathers.

Then it becomes that they hope and pray their son is healthy.

Of course, there are times as a father that i wonder about the future of my son, but rarely is it about being gay.

Until I see him walk across the room on his tiptoes making monkey sounds, then I just hope that he is sane rather than gay and insane.

Fatherhood is funny like that, we are certainly the rock in parenthood, but when your kid does something questionable we still wonder about their future and life with a gay son. Even or a very brief moment, it still crosses our mind.

I agree, I wouldn't disavow but I also wouldn't celebrate. Similar to if I had a straight son and he married an ex party girl single mom with 2 half black kids. I'd tell them that I disapprove of such a stupid move, but as an adult they can live their own life however they want.

Would you accept a gay son? - Spectrumwalker - 03-06-2017

Absolutely not.

Would one accept them into one's home if they were a murderer? Rapist? Pedophile? When someone is "gay" they're a package deal of all the above. Beneath the veneer of "happiness" you have no idea what truly lurks in their hearts and why. When someone has reached a point where for whatever reason where they burn with lust towards the same sex they're one step away from being able to commit the most horific crimes in society. And they ain't gay. Gay means happy. I had a "gay" family member die of AIDS and believe me, he wasn't very "gay" on his deathbed when I went to say my goodbye. I unfortunately have this memory of him laying in his hospital bed in gruesome condition permanently etched into the back of my skull. They're deviant mentally ill homosexuals. They may strive to appear friendly and happy on the outside to the world, but they are a twisted lot with nefarious hearts. I swear in the last 6 months I've seen on Drudge pretty horrific stories of "Grindr" murders. Like chopping guys up, blending their body parts and eating them type stories. Would one accept evil like that in your life; homosexual or straight? Absolutely not. One could have a homo son and he never hurts anyone, but on the other hand he may be even more likely too. You just don't know. Even when you do your homework it's pretty obvious when homos get violent they go for overkill and are responsible for some of the most gruesome, sadistic and violent crimes in society not to mention fueling the public health crisis known as AIDS.

A man who wants to stick his dick in another man will stick his dick in anything. That means children. I believe it would behoove any man that wants to be a father to take a strong stand against homosexuality as that lifestyle is a direct threat to your children. And let your kids know the reality of the "gay" agenda when it's appropriate and it's consequences up to and including you disowning them. The same as if they turned out to be a murderer or a pedo. I'm no father, not yet, and I wish you all the luck OP, but just try and be the best influence you can be. Teach them skills, make fun of leftists and their fag allies and do your damnest to instill discipline and pride in your kids so they know the meaning of boundaries and that their actions have consequences. Stay with your wife so you're kids grow up seeing a healthy man/woman relationship and can observe your game. Don't let your wife smother and baby them. Lead by example so they respect you and don't hate you. When they come home from school try and get them to open up about things and being a red pill man interpret for him the reality of the social situations he may find himself in. Especially man/woman relations and what it means to be a man among men. Or in a boys case, a boy among his peers. Schools public or private, can be a serious den of iniquity and you want to know what's going on in there. And most importantly be observant of their friends, neighbors, coaches, teachers, you name it, keep them away from questionable people so they don't fall victim to molestation. This born this way nonsense is complete and utter bullshit. Keep them safe from sexual predators and their eyes away from porn as that's how their growing minds get warped and get turned over and go on to become complete reprobates. They're not reproducers. They're recruiters of deviancy and should all go back in the closet for the collective health of a nation. And it will start when men take a stand against it. Shit even prior to the 60's I believe it was, it was common to have PSA type commercials about protecting your kids from homos. I seriously doubt things like that would ever make a return, so it's up to us at the family level as fathers and men to stand against it. God knows women won't. There's a time for love and a time for hate. If you do not hate that which will bring harm to who you love, you in fact do not even love.

My father always told me when I was a little when we would pass by the "continuation" schools and see losers with green mohawks he'd say "son, if you ever come home looking like them, you keep on walking." He absolutely meant it. We'd pass by someone dressed like a degenerate and he'd have me reiterate it. "Son, what do you do if you come looking like that", and I would sheepishly answer "keep on walking." And it scared the shit out of me, the idea of not being able to come home. He never taught me a lot, but just that was powerful enough to at least recognize the type of man I wanted to grow to be as to not disappoint my father. If I have kids, I will tell them the exact same thing when the time is right. I believe as long as your kids don't get molested, or fall in with a real dodgy crowd because of shitty parenting it's pretty unlikely they'll become "gay". For me personally, if in the chance it did happen, it would be absolutely hard to come to terms with. I'd be haunted as to where I failed as a father. But nonetheless he'd be thrown out and the door slammed in his face. No way any son or daughter of mine is going to come home for Christmas and sound or behave like these freaks in the video below.

This is a doco of a guy going into homo club with a hidden camera and getting guys to tell their stories. Born this way my ass, homos don't even believe it. If you watch it, I believe it's educational, but pretty stomach churning.

Would you accept a gay son? - Mirjan - 03-06-2017

Quote: (03-06-2017 06:20 PM)Spectrumwalker Wrote:  

Absolutely not.

Would one accept them into one's home if they were a murderer? Rapist? Pedophile? When someone is "gay" they're a package deal of all the above. Beneath the veneer of "happiness" you have no idea what truly lurks in their hearts and why. When someone has reached a point where for whatever reason where they burn with lust towards the same sex they're one step away from being able to commit the most horific crimes in society. And they ain't gay. Gay means happy. I had a "gay" family member die of AIDS and believe me, he wasn't very "gay" on his deathbed when I went to say my goodbye. I unfortunately have this memory of him laying in his hospital bed in gruesome condition permanently etched into the back of my skull. They're deviant mentally ill homosexuals. They may strive to appear friendly and happy on the outside to the world, but they are a twisted lot with nefarious hearts. I swear in the last 6 months I've seen on Drudge pretty horrific stories of "Grindr" murders. Like chopping guys up, blending their body parts and eating them type stories. Would one accept evil like that in your life; homosexual or straight? Absolutely not. One could have a homo son and he never hurts anyone, but on the other hand he may be even more likely too. You just don't know. Even when you do your homework it's pretty obvious when homos get violent they go for overkill and are responsible for some of the most gruesome, sadistic and violent crimes in society not to mention fueling the public health crisis known as AIDS.

A man who wants to stick his dick in another man will stick his dick in anything. That means children. I believe it would behoove any man that wants to be a father to take a strong stand against homosexuality as that lifestyle is a direct threat to your children. And let your kids know the reality of the "gay" agenda when it's appropriate and it's consequences up to and including you disowning them. The same as if they turned out to be a murderer or a pedo. I'm no father, not yet, and I wish you all the luck OP, but just try and be the best influence you can be. Teach them skills, make fun of leftists and their fag allies and do your damnest to instill discipline and pride in your kids so they know the meaning of boundaries and that their actions have consequences. Stay with your wife so you're kids grow up seeing a healthy man/woman relationship and can observe your game. Don't let your wife smother and baby them. Lead by example so they respect you and don't hate you. When they come home from school try and get them to open up about things and being a red pill man interpret for him the reality of the social situations he may find himself in. Especially man/woman relations and what it means to be a man among men. Or in a boys case, a boy among his peers. Schools public or private, can be a serious den of iniquity and you want to know what's going on in there. And most importantly be observant of their friends, neighbors, coaches, teachers, you name it, keep them away from questionable people so they don't fall victim to molestation. This born this way nonsense is complete and utter bullshit. Keep them safe from sexual predators and their eyes away from porn as that's how their growing minds get warped and get turned over and go on to become complete reprobates. They're not reproducers. They're recruiters of deviancy and should all go back in the closet for the collective health of a nation. And it will start when men take a stand against it. Shit even prior to the 60's I believe it was, it was common to have PSA type commercials about protecting your kids from homos. I seriously doubt things like that would ever make a return, so it's up to us at the family level as fathers and men to stand against it. God knows women won't. There's a time for love and a time for hate. If you do not hate that which will bring harm to who you love, you in fact do not even love.

My father always told me when I was a little when we would pass by the "continuation" schools and see losers with green mohawks he'd say "son, if you ever come home looking like them, you keep on walking." He absolutely meant it. We'd pass by someone dressed like a degenerate and he'd have me reiterate it. "Son, what do you do if you come looking like that", and I would sheepishly answer "keep on walking." And it scared the shit out of me, the idea of not being able to come home. He never taught me a lot, but just that was powerful enough to at least recognize the type of man I wanted to grow to be as to not disappoint my father. If I have kids, I will tell them the exact same thing when the time is right. I believe as long as your kids don't get molested, or fall in with a real dodgy crowd because of shitty parenting it's pretty unlikely they'll become "gay". For me personally, if in the chance it did happen, it would be absolutely hard to come to terms with. I'd be haunted as to where I failed as a father. But nonetheless he'd be thrown out and the door slammed in his face. No way any son or daughter of mine is going to come home for Christmas and sound or behave like these freaks in the video below.

This is a doco of a guy going into homo club with a hidden camera and getting guys to tell their stories. Born this way my ass, homos don't even believe it. If you watch it, I believe it's educational, but pretty stomach churning.

Good post with solid arguments.

Would you accept a gay son? - Fortis - 03-06-2017

I would be more concerned with myself and my childrearing methods if my son turned out gay. That said, I'd probably accept him as long as he didn't act like a total idiot (mega gay and lispy). Life's too short to excommunicate your own son if he's an otherwise good man. Despite all that, I would be a bit uncomfortable with his boyfriends coming around, especially if I had other children in my house. I would put a veto on that.

Would you accept a gay son? - Rawmeo - 03-07-2017

Good arguments on both extremities here. For those who would accept it, would you let him bring boyfriends home, or would you tell him "be gay if you want to, but don't do that in the family house"?

Would you accept a gay son? - 911 - 03-07-2017

Quote: (03-05-2017 09:28 PM)Kamikaze Wrote:  

...Fortunately for my hypothetical gay son, I understand sexuality is a spectrum, and that people can go through phases. Not only that, but some cultures deem it more acceptable. The culture in the US is heading in that direction, like it or not. So I will be understanding if my son came out of the closet as gay. If a kid comes out as gay to their parents, I would think that's a carefully considered decision. The activation energy required to do something like that would make it very hard to reverse in direction, so I wouldn't have much choice but to be supportive, at that point.

However, I would do my very, very best to steer him towards pussy before it got to that point of no return. As Dawkins would say, my genes are selfish, and they want to propagate themselves.

Sexuality is not a spectrum, this loaded notion that wormed itself into the Western psyche was invented by that Rockefeller-funded sexual degenerate Alfred Kinsey, who is one of the key social engineers in the destruction of American culture. Kinsey popularized this notion through his homosexuality scale, which is a NLP/anchoring bias method designed to spread sexual confusion, by pushing the notion that heterosexuality is extreme and homosexuality is, to some degree, normal. Brilliant bit of subversive inversion.

Kinsey was a deranged homosexual pedophile with little scientific expertise who died from his own violently sadistic self-mutilations...fact. And the fact that this guy is widely regarded as THE authority on human sexuality tells you how our culture has ended up being so debased.

Some insights from Joe Atwill in the vid below, he is one of the foremost red pill experts on postwar/modern cultural engineering through popular culture. Dr Judith Reisman is the leading critic of Kinsey, also has some great critiques, but Atwill ties him neatly with the broader picture of modern cultural degeneracy, sharp dude (I don't agree with him on early Christian theology views though). It's a bit drawn out but it's definitely worth the listen.

Would you accept a gay son? - 911 - 03-07-2017

"...If you do not hate that which will bring harm to who you love, you in fact do not even love."

Awesome post, Spectrumwalker, respect for your righteous fatherly wisdom. It doesn't take a village to raise a boy, it takes a strong father, and both you and your father fit this bill by the sound of your posts.

You're right on so many aspects that usually go unquestioned, like the neural language programming that went into the word "gay". Thanks for keeping it real and taking the time to write your thoughts and experience on this subject -Repped-.

Basically, only a very small percentage of men will turn out to be homosexual despite proper parenting, 2% tops. That's the figure observed historically in traditional societies before cultural degradation set in, it's most likely due to hormonal factors in their early development, as well as toxic environmental/chemical agents. Most of it is environmental, and a good family upbringing will go a very long way in staving off all the bad influences our kids will get exposed to.

OP: I can't speak about what I'd do as a father because I haven't gotten there yet... I'd definitely do my best to raise him right and would be disappointed if he turned out to be homosexual. If despite all this it turns out to be the case, I think I'd still be there for him.

Would you accept a gay son? - pants - 03-07-2017

Quote: (03-06-2017 06:20 PM)Spectrumwalker Wrote:  

Absolutely not.

Would one accept them into one's home if they were a murderer? Rapist? Pedophile? When someone is "gay" they're a package deal of all the above. Beneath the veneer of "happiness" you have no idea what truly lurks in their hearts and why. When someone has reached a point where for whatever reason where they burn with lust towards the same sex they're one step away from being able to commit the most horific crimes in society. And they ain't gay. Gay means happy. I had a "gay" family member die of AIDS and believe me, he wasn't very "gay" on his deathbed when I went to say my goodbye. I unfortunately have this memory of him laying in his hospital bed in gruesome condition permanently etched into the back of my skull. They're deviant mentally ill homosexuals. They may strive to appear friendly and happy on the outside to the world, but they are a twisted lot with nefarious hearts. I swear in the last 6 months I've seen on Drudge pretty horrific stories of "Grindr" murders. Like chopping guys up, blending their body parts and eating them type stories. Would one accept evil like that in your life; homosexual or straight? Absolutely not. One could have a homo son and he never hurts anyone, but on the other hand he may be even more likely too. You just don't know. Even when you do your homework it's pretty obvious when homos get violent they go for overkill and are responsible for some of the most gruesome, sadistic and violent crimes in society not to mention fueling the public health crisis known as AIDS.

A man who wants to stick his dick in another man will stick his dick in anything. That means children. I believe it would behoove any man that wants to be a father to take a strong stand against homosexuality as that lifestyle is a direct threat to your children. And let your kids know the reality of the "gay" agenda when it's appropriate and it's consequences up to and including you disowning them. The same as if they turned out to be a murderer or a pedo. I'm no father, not yet, and I wish you all the luck OP, but just try and be the best influence you can be. Teach them skills, make fun of leftists and their fag allies and do your damnest to instill discipline and pride in your kids so they know the meaning of boundaries and that their actions have consequences. Stay with your wife so you're kids grow up seeing a healthy man/woman relationship and can observe your game. Don't let your wife smother and baby them. Lead by example so they respect you and don't hate you. When they come home from school try and get them to open up about things and being a red pill man interpret for him the reality of the social situations he may find himself in. Especially man/woman relations and what it means to be a man among men. Or in a boys case, a boy among his peers. Schools public or private, can be a serious den of iniquity and you want to know what's going on in there. And most importantly be observant of their friends, neighbors, coaches, teachers, you name it, keep them away from questionable people so they don't fall victim to molestation. This born this way nonsense is complete and utter bullshit. Keep them safe from sexual predators and their eyes away from porn as that's how their growing minds get warped and get turned over and go on to become complete reprobates. They're not reproducers. They're recruiters of deviancy and should all go back in the closet for the collective health of a nation. And it will start when men take a stand against it. Shit even prior to the 60's I believe it was, it was common to have PSA type commercials about protecting your kids from homos. I seriously doubt things like that would ever make a return, so it's up to us at the family level as fathers and men to stand against it. God knows women won't. There's a time for love and a time for hate. If you do not hate that which will bring harm to who you love, you in fact do not even love.

My father always told me when I was a little when we would pass by the "continuation" schools and see losers with green mohawks he'd say "son, if you ever come home looking like them, you keep on walking." He absolutely meant it. We'd pass by someone dressed like a degenerate and he'd have me reiterate it. "Son, what do you do if you come looking like that", and I would sheepishly answer "keep on walking." And it scared the shit out of me, the idea of not being able to come home. He never taught me a lot, but just that was powerful enough to at least recognize the type of man I wanted to grow to be as to not disappoint my father. If I have kids, I will tell them the exact same thing when the time is right. I believe as long as your kids don't get molested, or fall in with a real dodgy crowd because of shitty parenting it's pretty unlikely they'll become "gay". For me personally, if in the chance it did happen, it would be absolutely hard to come to terms with. I'd be haunted as to where I failed as a father. But nonetheless he'd be thrown out and the door slammed in his face. No way any son or daughter of mine is going to come home for Christmas and sound or behave like these freaks in the video below.

This is a doco of a guy going into homo club with a hidden camera and getting guys to tell their stories. Born this way my ass, homos don't even believe it. If you watch it, I believe it's educational, but pretty stomach churning.

ISIS gives you a A+ on your attitude to gay sexuality. Now tell us how much you hate jews.

i would be mildly dissapointed, mostly because i wouldnt get any grand children.

Would you accept a gay son? - etwsake - 03-07-2017

Would you accept a gay son? - Eddie Winslow - 03-07-2017

I cannot wait to have fun cracking jokes and teasing my kids, just like I tease my family, friends, and the girls in my life. Not in a malicious way of course, just playfully.

Having a gay son would give me so much more joke material, but realistically I wouldn't be able to tease him as much. That would be a bummer, but I would definitely still love him the same.

God forbid I ever caught him blowing his high school boyfriend in my house. I wouldn't hate him for it, but he would probably hate me as I would absolutely make fun of him for the rest of his life.

Would you accept a gay son? - 911 - 03-07-2017

Quote: (03-07-2017 07:57 AM)pants Wrote:  

Quote: (03-06-2017 06:20 PM)Spectrumwalker Wrote:  

Absolutely not.

Would one accept them into one's home if they were a murderer? Rapist? Pedophile? When someone is "gay" they're a package deal of all the above. Beneath the veneer of "happiness" you have no idea what truly lurks in their hearts and why. When someone has reached a point where for whatever reason where they burn with lust towards the same sex they're one step away from being able to commit the most horific crimes in society. And they ain't gay. Gay means happy. I had a "gay" family member die of AIDS and believe me, he wasn't very "gay" on his deathbed when I went to say my goodbye. I unfortunately have this memory of him laying in his hospital bed in gruesome condition permanently etched into the back of my skull. They're deviant mentally ill homosexuals. They may strive to appear friendly and happy on the outside to the world, but they are a twisted lot with nefarious hearts. I swear in the last 6 months I've seen on Drudge pretty horrific stories of "Grindr" murders. Like chopping guys up, blending their body parts and eating them type stories. Would one accept evil like that in your life; homosexual or straight? Absolutely not. One could have a homo son and he never hurts anyone, but on the other hand he may be even more likely too. You just don't know. Even when you do your homework it's pretty obvious when homos get violent they go for overkill and are responsible for some of the most gruesome, sadistic and violent crimes in society not to mention fueling the public health crisis known as AIDS.

A man who wants to stick his dick in another man will stick his dick in anything. That means children. I believe it would behoove any man that wants to be a father to take a strong stand against homosexuality as that lifestyle is a direct threat to your children. And let your kids know the reality of the "gay" agenda when it's appropriate and it's consequences up to and including you disowning them. The same as if they turned out to be a murderer or a pedo. I'm no father, not yet, and I wish you all the luck OP, but just try and be the best influence you can be. Teach them skills, make fun of leftists and their fag allies and do your damnest to instill discipline and pride in your kids so they know the meaning of boundaries and that their actions have consequences. Stay with your wife so you're kids grow up seeing a healthy man/woman relationship and can observe your game. Don't let your wife smother and baby them. Lead by example so they respect you and don't hate you. When they come home from school try and get them to open up about things and being a red pill man interpret for him the reality of the social situations he may find himself in. Especially man/woman relations and what it means to be a man among men. Or in a boys case, a boy among his peers. Schools public or private, can be a serious den of iniquity and you want to know what's going on in there. And most importantly be observant of their friends, neighbors, coaches, teachers, you name it, keep them away from questionable people so they don't fall victim to molestation. This born this way nonsense is complete and utter bullshit. Keep them safe from sexual predators and their eyes away from porn as that's how their growing minds get warped and get turned over and go on to become complete reprobates. They're not reproducers. They're recruiters of deviancy and should all go back in the closet for the collective health of a nation. And it will start when men take a stand against it. Shit even prior to the 60's I believe it was, it was common to have PSA type commercials about protecting your kids from homos. I seriously doubt things like that would ever make a return, so it's up to us at the family level as fathers and men to stand against it. God knows women won't. There's a time for love and a time for hate. If you do not hate that which will bring harm to who you love, you in fact do not even love.

My father always told me when I was a little when we would pass by the "continuation" schools and see losers with green mohawks he'd say "son, if you ever come home looking like them, you keep on walking." He absolutely meant it. We'd pass by someone dressed like a degenerate and he'd have me reiterate it. "Son, what do you do if you come looking like that", and I would sheepishly answer "keep on walking." And it scared the shit out of me, the idea of not being able to come home. He never taught me a lot, but just that was powerful enough to at least recognize the type of man I wanted to grow to be as to not disappoint my father. If I have kids, I will tell them the exact same thing when the time is right. I believe as long as your kids don't get molested, or fall in with a real dodgy crowd because of shitty parenting it's pretty unlikely they'll become "gay". For me personally, if in the chance it did happen, it would be absolutely hard to come to terms with. I'd be haunted as to where I failed as a father. But nonetheless he'd be thrown out and the door slammed in his face. No way any son or daughter of mine is going to come home for Christmas and sound or behave like these freaks in the video below.

This is a doco of a guy going into homo club with a hidden camera and getting guys to tell their stories. Born this way my ass, homos don't even believe it. If you watch it, I believe it's educational, but pretty stomach churning.

ISIS gives you a A+ on your attitude to gay sexuality. Now tell us how much you hate jews.

[Image: 75986860.jpg]

Would you accept a gay son? - Hypno - 03-07-2017

Quote: (03-07-2017 02:16 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2017 09:28 PM)Kamikaze Wrote:  

...Fortunately for my hypothetical gay son, I understand sexuality is a spectrum, and that people can go through phases. Not only that, but some cultures deem it more acceptable. The culture in the US is heading in that direction, like it or not. So I will be understanding if my son came out of the closet as gay. If a kid comes out as gay to their parents, I would think that's a carefully considered decision. The activation energy required to do something like that would make it very hard to reverse in direction, so I wouldn't have much choice but to be supportive, at that point.

However, I would do my very, very best to steer him towards pussy before it got to that point of no return. As Dawkins would say, my genes are selfish, and they want to propagate themselves.

Sexuality is not a spectrum, this loaded notion that wormed itself into the Western psyche was invented by that Rockefeller-funded sexual degenerate Alfred Kinsey, who is one of the key social engineers in the destruction of American culture. Kinsey popularized this notion through his homosexuality scale, which is a NLP/anchoring bias method designed to spread sexual confusion, by pushing the notion that heterosexuality is extreme and homosexuality is, to some degree, normal. Brilliant bit of subversive inversion.

Kinsey was a deranged homosexual pedophile with little scientific expertise who died from his own violently sadistic self-mutilations...fact. And the fact that this guy is widely regarded as THE authority on human sexuality tells you how our culture has ended up being so debased.

Some insights from Joe Atwill in the vid below, he is one of the foremost red pill experts on postwar/modern cultural engineering through popular culture. Dr Judith Reisman is the leading critic of Kinsey, also has some great critiques, but Atwill ties him neatly with the broader picture of modern cultural degeneracy, sharp dude (I don't agree with him on early Christian theology views though). It's a bit drawn out but it's definitely worth the listen.

I agree with your larger point about the propoganda of Kinsey but their are chromosomal abnormalities like XXY in stead of XY for example.

Also, there are very few red pill men or even boys with real fathers in their lives who turn out gay. But saying that homosexuality is a result of environment rather than nature threatens gays.

Would you accept a gay son? - Laner - 03-07-2017

Interesting take away here.

Of course my first thought would be "of course", but then again my son is too young to have any gay in him yet.

As SpectrumWalker made a point of, having a wife who stays home and raises him will be a key factor in what becomes of any gay tendencies. I though about this last night, and spoke to my wife about it. Between the two of us, we have about 10 gay 'friends' and two gay friends who we see once or twice a month. None of these men came from a typical household. All had divorce, working mothers, and in a few cases masculine sisters. Not sure if makes any difference, but it was interesting to both of us.

One thing I am certain of is that in the critical age of 10-16, boys can be a bit odd. Not gay, but weird when it comes to the new chemicals surging through the body. I played hockey, and our shower rooms at this time were certainly a bit strange. Now add a pervert pedophile queer into this mix, rather than a deeply masculine coaching staff, and there is certainly outside factors that would have turned some of my team mates into gays. Or at least normalized it in their mind enough to warp their teenage years.

I guess that is the other side of this thread that others have mentioned. Being a present and attentive father likely will be enough to never have to worry about having a gay son. In Canada they are 1.8% of the population, and when we take away all the people who were abused I am sure that number drops even further.

Would you accept a gay son? - Hypno - 03-07-2017

Quote: (03-07-2017 11:43 AM)Laner Wrote:  

Interesting take away here.

Of course my first thought would be "of course", but then again my son is too young to have any gay in him yet.

As SpectrumWalker made a point of, having a wife who stays home and raises him will be a key factor in what becomes of any gay tendencies. I though about this last night, and spoke to my wife about it. Between the two of us, we have about 10 gay 'friends' and two gay friends who we see once or twice a month. None of these men came from a typical household. All had divorce, working mothers, and in a few cases masculine sisters. Not sure if makes any difference, but it was interesting to both of us.

One thing I am certain of is that in the critical age of 10-16, boys can be a bit odd. Not gay, but weird when it comes to the new chemicals surging through the body. I played hockey, and our shower rooms at this time were certainly a bit strange. Now add a pervert pedophile queer into this mix, rather than a deeply masculine coaching staff, and there is certainly outside factors that would have turned some of my team mates into gays. Or at least normalized it in their mind enough to warp their teenage years.

I guess that is the other side of this thread that others have mentioned. Being a present and attentive father likely will be enough to never have to worry about having a gay son. In Canada they are 1.8% of the population, and when we take away all the people who were abused I am sure that number drops even further.

I think a masculine influence early in life, up to age 5, may be even more important than later. A lot of things are set by age 5.

Would you accept a gay son? - ElFlaco - 03-07-2017

There's research pointing towards genetic and prenatal roles in the development of male homosexuality. Two of the most significant findings:

1. Identical twins raised apart show higher rates of male homosexuality in both twins than fraternal twins raised apart. This points to genes.

2. The chance of a gay son is higher if he has a lot of older brothers (with the same mother). This is true even if those older brothers were not raised in the home with him (so not due to socialization with older brothers). One possible explanation: there's something in the hormonal environment of the womb that tries to provide a girl if the mother has already had several boys. This could influence brain development.

I'm not sure how settled the science is on this. If it's anything like climate science or other politicized topics, maybe not very well settled at all.

Clearly environment (including random chance) is also a factor, since there are identical twins with one gay and one not. But environment doesn't necessarily means parenting style. Judith Rich Harris wrote an interesting book called The Nurture Hypothesis about research showing just how little parenting style (outside of abuse) actually matters. I don't recall that she dealt with homosexuality there; her main topic was personality, looked at via studies of identical twins raised apart compared to non-identical siblings raised together.

I'm old enough to remember when gay activists insisted that homosexuality was not innate. That was a political stance that fit their strategy at the time. They'll probably swing back to that in another generation or two once we know how to identity 'gay' fetuses for aborting.

Would you accept a gay son? - SlickyBoy - 03-07-2017

Quote: (03-04-2017 11:56 PM)Rawmeo Wrote:  

I am an expecting father and one of my main life goals is to one day become a great-grandfather. I plan on having 3 kids with my wife, and one question came to my mind: what is life gives me a gay son?

My wife often says, "I don't agree with gay marriage, but if you hate on gays, you'll get a gay child". I honestly don't know how I would react should this happen. I would still love him unconditionally as he remains my son, but I'd obviously be disappointed.

How would RVF react?

I'd want to know where I went wrong as a father to create a gay son.

Sure, you can't control everything - especially not the flood of propaganda in everything from the school system to Disney and everything in between, but there's definitely something to be said for nearly every gay guy out there having bad relationships with their father. In so many cases, they had either no father figure at all or an abusive and overbearing father figure. For others, it wasn't the parents who got them on that path, but some abuse at the hands of a trusted source such as priests or camp counselors. Got to wonder what George Takei may have been like if he wasn't molested at age 13 by a 19 year old camp counselor. He jokes about it now, but that could be his way of coping with something traumatic. A similar thing happened to Allen Ginsberg, molested at 8 years old in a bakery, then "discovered" he was gay and became a NAMBLA member and prominent anti-establishment activist for most of his life.

So, be there, be aware of warning signs the kid might be picking up from the propaganda mills and don't be an abusive and overbearing asshole and you'll likely reduce the risk of it happening to your son. The idea it'll happen regardless because of genetics is absolute baseless fantasy designed to shut the argument down, but recognize that for what it is - complete bullshit. A dad can do a lot to keep his son from turning gay and his daughter from becoming a slut.

As for this:
Quote: (03-05-2017 09:15 PM)LionHound Wrote:  

After pondering for a while I've come to the conclusion that what repulses me most about gay men is the way they(often) conduct themselves. If my gay son conducted himself with dignity and was otherwise an honorable, upstanding citizen, then I don't think there'd be a problem. If he was the in-your-face, super flamboyant type that tried to act as stereotypically gay as possible then I would have issues with that sort of behavior. Just as parents have issues with hetero children that act out and conduct themselves poorly.
I agree - seems nowadays more than ever, being gay is as much of a political statement as it is an orientation.

Quote: (03-07-2017 01:14 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

I'm old enough to remember when gay activists insisted that homosexuality was not innate. That was a political stance that fit their strategy at the time. They'll probably swing back to that in another generation or two once we know how to identity 'gay' fetuses for aborting.
Yep - they went the way of science when they sought to get away from the moral/religious condemnation view of it. Now they're going from the psychiatric disorder explanation to the "It's just genetic so shut up even though we can't prove it!" route. If they get their wish and find the "gay gene", parents will self-select away from their gay unborn children and/or find a way to medically prevent this.

Then what? The technology will still be out there. Politically, they'd be better off keeping this in the realm of the uncertain.

Would you accept a gay son? - SlickyBoy - 03-07-2017

Quote: (03-05-2017 02:08 AM)BrewDog Wrote:  

I suppose this is a bit touchy to me because I spent a lifetime wanting my father to be proud of me, and he's not. He was always my hero. I've done lots of manly shit in my life. I'm successful. I have pretty girlfriends. I look just like my father. And he still doesn't love me. He told me so, and that's the last time we ever spoke.

About that.....

Quote: (03-05-2017 01:01 AM)BrewDog Wrote: need help that this forum can't give you.