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Relationships are HARD work - MongolianAbroad - 11-22-2016

Quote: (11-22-2016 03:22 PM)PainPositive Wrote:  

If your woman is ball busting you are not raising her right.

Granted I'm in EE and have lived here awhile but I haven't met a girl wasn't able to break of that habit.

There is a word for a guy who gets his balls busted all the time by his girl.

If you spend time with a girl regularly you should be working on those bad habits.

Agree with everything stated here.

A simple, "What you just did is called nagging, and I have zero tolerance for it. Make sure you don't do that again, you're a good girl, and good girls don't do that," followed by a kiss on the forehead, will usually take care of it. If it persists one too many times, next her.

Quote: (11-22-2016 03:22 PM)PainPositive Wrote:  

I'm not trying to play macho here but if you are dealing with constant ballbusting you need to learn to handle your woman better.

Agreed, and better yet, get one that has an amiable personality, they're out there, and I'm also not trying to play macho here, some girls genuinely love to please and be nice, decent people.

Relationships are HARD work - ivansirko - 11-22-2016


ask yourself: Can you do better? if the answer is no then stop complaining, push out a few kids and enjoy your dadhood. if the answer is yes.....

Relationships are HARD work - Lunostrelki - 11-22-2016

This thread is a good indicator of the ways in which western degeneracy has impacted men too. Too many guys in the redpill/manosphere scene seem to think a man's livelihood is measured by how many women you can lay and how well you can make them submit to you. Of course these people complain when they start to settle down and find out that the girl is annoying sometimes. This is normal, even for a unicorn.

Relationships are HARD work - StrikeBack - 11-22-2016

Vincent, she might be a girl you adore, but I think she might also be a wrong girl for a LTR with you.

I'm engaged now and about to marry soon. Before this, I had always lived by myself and could not imagine sharing my living space with anyone. I never let any of the previous girls even get close to moving in. I also have a lot of hobbies which means I'm out doing things all the time. Moreover, I liked a lot of private time for myself, I never invited friends over or hosted house parties etc. I don't have expensive habits and tend to save a very large portion of my take home income.

I did not expect it in the beginning with my wife-to-be, but I was very happy for her to move in after a few months of dating. We got on superbly well and still do. Our relationship is EASY. It is definitely not hard work. We talk about a lot of things and it's never boring. I still have the same hobbies and still do the same stuff. The only change is that she goes dancing with me, and goes watch and support me when I compete in my manly sports. She's also a very private person just like me, even more so, and so nothing changes on the socialisation front. She is also very happy with whatever we do, our dates mostly consist of walking around sight seeing, people watching and talking about various topics while spending no money. Her doing all the housework and cooking means she saves me more money (we don't have to eat out, plus she makes and mends my clothes, as she's a tailor) and time (as I don't have to do them myself).

On the ball busting front, she never got close to that, because I don't let her. Oh I get shit tests every now and then, but it is just a matter of strong leadership, non-apologetic attitude, showing my authority, leading her emotions and capping off with a good dose of spanking and dicking. All of those might be hard work to some men, but to me it is a passion and a hobby, built from all these years learning Game and the Red Pill via places like RVF.

I don't feel like losing my freedom at all. I built my world and I let her into it. Now I'm leading a team of two, and soon a family with children. A leader (a patriarch in this case) is not someone who has no freedom. He has others working for him to achieve common goals.

If you feel like you lose freedom, it means you are not leading. You should have the freedom to live your life on your terms, and she can either follow you, or get out of your life.

Relationships are HARD work - VincentVinturi - 11-23-2016

Gents, you are all legends. Thanks for the thoughtful, considerate comments.

A few clarifications:

1 - "Ball busting" was really the wrong term.

It's more like pouting.

My girl doesn't bust my balls in the Western sense, I'd put up with that for about 400 milliseconds.

She's Thai, and her modality is one of whining and complaining in a little girly kid voice when she doesn't get her way.

It's generally about small stuff like going somewhere, or buying something we don't really need but that she wants, like a dessert.

She'll pout and make a little fuss but I generally don't let this affect my frame at all.

I also let her know if she's stressing me out and that I absolutely don't appreciate it and won't tolerate it.

And she chills out.

In fact, I had a long conversation with her where I in no uncertain terms let her know that if she's adding more stress to my already-stressful life (I'm an entrepreneur bootstrapping a quickly growing company) that I'll kick her to the curb sooner rather than later.

The main reason she pouts or whimpers is generally around me not giving her attention, which she needs a lot of.

Maybe too much.

And she's young (newly 22), has no sense of direction or urgency about her life, and little respect for my extremely limited and expensive time.

But I take ownership of educating her on these fronts and she's come around a lot.

I don't want to apologize for her but on the other hand how can she knows these things if I don't communicate them to her?

I also have to make it clear that she's generally VERY submissive and obedient and at no point have I ever been under her thumb in any way whatsoever.

I'm perfectly willing to walk away, and she knows it.

2 - @StrikeBack

Thanks for the mindset tune up.

Relationships are HARD work - John_Galt - 11-23-2016

Sounds like she's just annoying, and has the mindset of a little girl.

The good news is, people who think like that are generally very easy to mold into what you want.

The bad news is, it does take time and effort, and it will feel like "work" at least at first.

You need to decide whether she's worth the effort, or not.

Relationships are HARD work - MongolianAbroad - 11-23-2016

This actually sounds like with just a little more investment on your part, you could get things running very smoothly.

They're very minor things you could quickly nip in the bud.

Since you mentioned you're short on time due to your activities, perhaps try making the time you do spend with her be high-quality time.

I find that girls like these seem to have a battery that needs to be recharged with attention, but you can recharge it quickly by making her feel secure in her position in your life.

I'm not sure if you do, but I wouldn't mention other women or even insinuate that you are seeing other women, as that can have some upsides, but let's be real, this is Thailand, she knows you have options, so there's no need to rub it in her face, even in an offhand manner. Plus, doing so will drain that battery and then you've got to work twice as hard making her feel secure about your commitment to her to recharge it, and that takes time, which you're trying to be efficient about.

Make her feel secure about her place in your life, and the time she requires of you should diminish, which seems to be your main sticking point right now, since you (completely understandably) value your freedom so much.

It's an interesting dichotomy as well, because you've always got to be willing to walk, and she's got to know it, so there's a fine line between making her feel secure, which is very helpful for a smooth relationship, and having her understand you're always willing to walk, which is also very helpful for a smooth relationship.

Relationships are HARD work - StrikeBack - 11-23-2016

I agree with Spaniard88, I think it just takes a bit of teaching from your part. Your girl is young, mine is only a couple of years older, they need us to guide and teach them.

Even "unicorns" don't come pre-installed with exactly everything we want. We gotta calibrate them and mould them into our women.

I know what you mean with time. I can do so many things because I manage my time very well, and I do not spend time lightly. This is one of the very first lessons I taught my fiancee in our early days. As a result, she is extremely respectful of my time.

Relationships are HARD work - John_Galt - 11-23-2016

This goes hand in hand with my first post, but I want to elaborate.

It doesn't matter if she's a unicorn. It doesn't matter if she's perfect.

What do YOU want? Do you WANT a relationship? Do you want a live in GF?

Because if the answer is not a resounding YES, who cares how wonderful she is?

If what you want is to focus all your energy on your business right now (a perfectly reasonable desire!) and she distracts you from that, dump her and move on. You can get your sexual needs met with other girls, and keep working on your business.

If you WANT a relationship with her, then you know what to do next. But from my point of view, it sounds like you're looking for an excuse to get rid of her. That's not typically a good sign. Only YOU can decide WHY you don't want an LTR with her---but I suspect it has to do more with your own inner desires or demons than with her specifically.

The bottom line is, if you aren't ready for an LTR, it doesn't matter how amazing the chick is---it simply isn't the right time for that.

Now you need to figure out whether you truly want to be in an LTR or not, and then decide from there.

The good news is that both paths are pretty clear, once you figure out which fork you're going to take.

Your gut already knows the answer. Listen to it.

Relationships are HARD work - Courage Reborn - 11-23-2016

In your co-habitation situation, kids are the next logical step. Getting her pregnant will give you living together a more practical purpose. It would help resolve the ambivalence you're feeling.

Or, the idea scares the he'll out of you. In my experience, pregnancy was the ultimate relationship amplifier. For better and for worse.

Relationships are HARD work - PainPositive - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 12:29 AM)John_Galt Wrote:  

Sounds like she's just annoying, and has the mindset of a little girl.

The good news is, people who think like that are generally very easy to mold into what you want.

The bad news is, it does take time and effort, and it will feel like "work" at least at first.

You need to decide whether she's worth the effort, or not.

I think this is great advice.

Vincent, you are new to molding women and getting them to behave in the way you want.

Like game it takes time to learn. Read up about it from sources you know and trust.

You may need multiple tries with multiple women to learn to do it. Don't feel bad if it's rough going at first.

Trust me it is something you can learn. It's nice knowing you can meet a girl and she'll start to want to do as you ask just to please you.

You have a good attitude so I'm sure you'll be fine.

If you pick a girl with a low notch count. She will be much easier to mold.

Sluts are a waste of time and can't be fixed.

Good girls are a good investment. Whores are a waste of time.

Relationships are HARD work - Dalaran1991 - 11-23-2016

Great thread. And I think this will be a decent change for you Vincent. LTR is a whole another type of game compared to the classic bachelor game. I do think it is imperative for every man to learn because most man will eventually settle down, and if you dont know LTR game you will be fucked in a marriage.

I certainly dont think its harder or more work-intensive than classic game, but it is certainly different, which makes it seem harder.

I must be one of the few who do not think of LTR as permanent. As in, "considering her for marriage" permanent. If theres a good girl you like more than others, why not spend a few months with her exclusively? It brings out a lot of things you dont even know you have while gaming classic. If after that it works, keep going for a few years, if not then you can leave.

IF (big IF) you are with a great girl who makes your life more enjoyable, LTR has many benefits. I find the energy maintaining a LTR much better spent than going out approaching, dealing with flakes, going through lots of girls with hollow personalities, over and over again. Frankly I find most of the girls I game casually exactly the same. All love taking selfies, going to Japan, eat sushi, read Cosmo, go dancing, flaking. All are cute and thinks her farts dont smell, that there is only one race and other shitty liberal hogwash. After a while I feel like its always the same girl I'm gaming, the only thing that changes is the physical. And even new pussies gets to the point of diminishing return because new sex is rarely stellar. The only thing fun is the chase.

IF you are in a LTR with a shitty girl because you screen poorly, then yeah...

Relationships are HARD work - RatInTheWoods - 11-23-2016

LTRs are hard work, but...

Its also hard work chasing new poosy, training them, teaching them how to please you etc

Relationships are HARD work - The Beast1 - 11-23-2016

I've been married for 10 months now and been with my girl for a far longer amount of time. It's not multiple years, but I didn't really go through a honeymoon phase nor did we have a big wedding.

I really don't understand this fear of settling down. In fact, I see it as a symptom of the extended adolescence that many men and women these days suffer from. When dating and getting laid stop being your main focus you have time to focus on other things whether it's personal hobbies or work.

Getting into a serious LTR also improved my general relationships with women because I wasn't always thinking about my game and ways to bang them.

With that said, here are my own 2 cents:

The game will get boring. This will happen and it's a matter of when.
You need to stop making sex the be all end all of your life. There's more to living than just busting a nut.

Sex gets boring. Every orgasm starts to feel the same. Vaginas end up being roughly the same. The second you bust you immediately start thinking, "where's my next hole?"

You look at an otherwise hot chick when she's naked and you begin to notice all of her imperfections on her body. Guess what happens when you reach this point? You won't be able to stand a woman outside of the fleeting feeling of using her body.

Here's the honest to goodness truth:
If your girl brings several things to the table that you value, when the sex begins to get boring you'll want to stay with her because of those extra things she's bringing into the relationship.

Will you get dirty thoughts about that hot girl over there while being married? Yes! This is absolutely natural. You will feel urges towards other women and yes you will want to bang the living crap out of them.

Marriage and LTR take work and if you really truly and honestly care about your woman you wouldn't sleep around on her because she would be providing other aspects to the relationship than just a hole to get off in.

Most women, especially women in the west, believe that all they need to bring to a relationship is a vagina and tits. This is frankly pathetic and short sighted. Physical pleasures lose their allure. This has been well known for years, hell the bible even talks about it. In my own personal opinion, this is why divorce is so high today. Women don't understand what it is they need to bring to a relationship and men are either too dumb or short sighted to demand it from women.

Ask yourself, "What does my women bring into our relationship?"
My girl brought chastity, stability, a penchant for self improvement, stimulating conversation (for a girl), the ability to raise and nurture a large family, and a well run home.

Could I cheat on her with someone who is hotter? Yes, but will that hot girl provide me the other trappings of a good partner that i've grown accustomed to? Most likely no. Most hot women you will meet at the bars and clubs will make terrible wives and even worse mothers.

Some guys on here will snarkly reply to this with a, "I can get a maid to run and cook for me!" or some nonsense like that. Honestly, some men here, just like women, will make terrible husbands and even worse fathers imparting neurosis and other developmental issues onto their children for their immature behavior.

You know what it takes to be a good parent and partner. If you truly have found this unicorn that brings all of the things you want to the table, then you need to evaluate yourself.

If you've been with enough women, you will know immediately what it is you want from your relationships. Find those things that you want in a girl and date her long enough to make sure she doesn't get lazy (1 year+).

But seriously please don't waste her time. Nothing is more deplorable than dating a woman for multiple years and then not tying the knot. You waste her fertile years and make her a wasted woman.

In closing: the compromise you make in marriage will allow you to refocus your energy and attention onto other aspects of your life.

I'll probably get a slap on the wrist for this, but Roosh's own writings, blog, and video postings have gotten significantly better this past year. I doubt he's been going out for day and night game. It's sounding like a solid woman is running the ancillary aspects of his life now!

A good woman will take care of the things you don't want to do, keep you company when you get old (you won't be banging 18 year old hotties at 85), and will be the mother of your children.

Edit: Men and women nag. I know a gay guy who told me his boyfriend used to nag him about his dirty kitchen. Seriously, get used to this. Generally, I don't view my wife's nagging as nagging. It's generally useful advice I should heed. Things she has nagged me about recently:

1. Sweetie, you haven't gone to the gym in awhile. You need to start going, you've been getting testy lately.
2. You need to get new glasses. Your current ones are falling apart.
3. You need to throw these socks out, they have holes in them and barely cover your foot. I'll buy new ones from Amazon.

Those are a few ones I remember off of the top of my head. If your woman is good, you'll see her nagging as good advice rather than just nags.

Relationships are HARD work - Lunostrelki - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 12:17 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

Gents, you are all legends. Thanks for the thoughtful, considerate comments.

A few clarifications:

1 - "Ball busting" was really the wrong term.

It's more like pouting.

My girl doesn't bust my balls in the Western sense, I'd put up with that for about 400 milliseconds.

She's Thai, and her modality is one of whining and complaining in a little girly kid voice when she doesn't get her way.

It's generally about small stuff like going somewhere, or buying something we don't really need but that she wants, like a dessert.

She'll pout and make a little fuss but I generally don't let this affect my frame at all.

I also let her know if she's stressing me out and that I absolutely don't appreciate it and won't tolerate it.

And she chills out.

In fact, I had a long conversation with her where I in no uncertain terms let her know that if she's adding more stress to my already-stressful life (I'm an entrepreneur bootstrapping a quickly growing company) that I'll kick her to the curb sooner rather than later.

The main reason she pouts or whimpers is generally around me not giving her attention, which she needs a lot of.

Maybe too much.

And she's young (newly 22), has no sense of direction or urgency about her life, and little respect for my extremely limited and expensive time.

But I take ownership of educating her on these fronts and she's come around a lot.

I don't want to apologize for her but on the other hand how can she knows these things if I don't communicate them to her?

I also have to make it clear that she's generally VERY submissive and obedient and at no point have I ever been under her thumb in any way whatsoever.

I'm perfectly willing to walk away, and she knows it.

2 - @StrikeBack

Thanks for the mindset tune up.
Well this is how modern Asian girls are like. They don't have the "I'm a strong independent woman" mindset, so they go the opposite way and expect you to treat them like a prepubescent princess. Even the good ones are like that sometimes. If she's submissive and feminine she will grow out of it or at least know to keep it down.

Relationships are HARD work - iknowexactly - 11-23-2016

Quote: (11-22-2016 05:43 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

LTR's are made for relaxation.


Combine it with "Difficult women remain difficult" (Janka) and you kind of have the prescription.

Get a girl that doesn't give you shit. Make it clear that it's YOUR apartment, not OURS and if she gives you shit she disappears.

I just did this the other day, "If you cause drama, investigate me ( look through my phone etc) , you leave, and I tell the guard not to let you back in. "

If you are dependent on her income that may complicate things, but if you are paying the rent you can say "Everything you see is paid for by me. This isn't OUR apartment, it's MY apartment. I don't want to live in your world of stuffy two to a room un aircon rooms. You want to live in my world, I don't want to live in yours."

That's a wake up call after they start to get territorial which is natural.

As long as she is nice I am a total benevolent Dad figure, very affectionate, coax her to take her vitamins ( read up on neural tube defects) , ask her what she wants to eat, etc.

"It's not OUR apartment, it's MY apartment." Not yelling at her , just explaining.

I mean, would you keep a dog that bit you?! Fuck that. And a girl causing drama and bitching about possible other girls etc, that's more stressful than that.

Relationships are HARD work - StrikeBack - 11-24-2016

In a LTR / marriage, I believe in the woman as man's helper model, like in the Bible. The part about you (OP) starting a business is perfect to put this into practice. I'm starting a couple of businesses at the moment, and I put my wife to work as my assistant in one, and herself to work on the other. She wants to transition to working from home, and I want to be my own boss in the future. She's a very submissive woman and loves it when I give her orders to do things for me. She constantly asks me if she can help with XYZ, and gets stressed if she feels she is not helping.

Your woman can either help you with your missions, or leave if she is a burden. However, she isn't going to start doing things on her own for you in the beginning because she doesn't know how, you gotta lead and give her work to do.

Relationships are HARD work - John_Galt - 11-24-2016

StrikeBack makes a good point.

I'm self employed as well, but my business is very simple (I'm convinced you could train a monkey to do it). Still, every LTR I've had, I've had the girl I was with help me with my business. Sometimes it's as simple as helping me package shipments, sometimes it's helping me find something I misplaced, but there's always something she can help with. Even if you're doing something technical she won't be able to help with (such as launching a new online information product) she can still be an asset in the process. Simple things like making sure you have the things you need (food, water, back massages, pen, paper, etc etc etc). She should be helping you stay motivated and on task. In fact, if she's smart, she'll WANT to help you with this, because ideally, once the business is successful, you'll have more money AND more time to spend with her. If you think this is a probable outcome, I'd recommend letting her know this. Something like, "Hey sweetie, I'm working on this business. If it's successful, I'll have a lot more money and eventually be able to delegate a lot of the work to a manager and employees. That means I'll have more time to spend with you. But right now, I have to work A LOT on this project. But you can help me out by doing xyz, that will really help keep me on track. After we're done working, we can go do (insert activity she likes you can do together)."

A woman with half a brain will see the opportunity and jump at it.

But again, it all comes down to whether YOU WANT a relationship. I don't think you do. I think you're looking for an excuse to dump her. Figure out WHY you don't want an LTR (because of your own issues or because of what she's doing). If it's your own issues, either decide to work through them, or if you don't want to, dump her. If it's what she's doing, just follow the advice above. Within 6 months, she'll be your PARTNER, not your nagging GF.

But if you go that route, make sure you GIVE BACK. Being a player does not prepare you for a relationship. When you're a player, you try to get as much as you can while giving as little back as you can get away with. In a LTR, one of the biggest challenges is not taking your girl for-granted. You have to make sure you take care of HER needs as well. The ideal LTR is where she handles YOUR needs and you take care of HER needs. A lot of players think the ideal is to have a submissive girl who never talks and waits on them hand and foot is the ideal, but that is NOT realistic. Yes, you can find an amazing, submissive girl who takes care of all your needs. But you CANNOT **KEEP** her without giving back.


Relationships are a lot of work, in the sense that you can't be successful long-term while being selfish like you can with short-term flings. But ultimately, when successful, they are a lot more rewarding, both emotionally and in terms of what you get out.

Relationships are HARD work - Vaun - 11-24-2016

You can easily love and adore this girl and not move her in. Not to be harsh but I have some cold advice.

Aside from the fact that soon you will paying all of the bills(it always happens, even if they have a phd or work at Goldman Sachs, I've lived with 4), you will shortly lose your semblance of the person you were going into this arraignment. And after enough time, she will have legal rights to claim your property as hers, even if you are not married.

I don't understand why men feel they need to have exclusive girlfriends.

Call it player fatigue. You let your guard down because the connection is electric. I know because I had it a year ago. Stopped short of getting mine a green card. I was this close.

If she's not completely down with your non-monogamy, she will find a way to destroy you. Now she has total access to you.

You said she wont be a good partner or mother. Then why did you move her in? Why did you give her so much access to your life? What makes this girl so special?

Being a player is a form of self protection. Completely opening yourself up raw like this can come out of nowhere for a player. Its automatic, a knee jerk reaction, like the petulant teen(the lover) telling the stern father(the player), to go to hell and go away for a while. It feels good though.

It happened to me this year and the break up three months ago has left me wondering, at 40, if I will ever have a girlfriend again. 3 months on and I am still in serious pain and depression. Luckily she did not move in, and I called out her narcissism which sent her on her way. Chemically I got hooked. This VV is what to beware of.

Your going against everything you thought you were about.

Whats your gut tell you? Are you ignoring what your gut says?

Relationships are HARD work - Travesty - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-24-2016 09:57 PM)John_Galt Wrote:  

When you're a player, you try to get as much as you can while giving as little back as you can get away with.

I resent this.

The bedroom earring sweep, toilet brushing, cologne crotch misting, picking a boring enough movie that sex happens faster.

I mean the drinks don't mix themselves and the cheap knock off Cialis quarter pill from some lab in India doesn't swallow itself now does it?

It's not like weed grows on trees either. Well...

Relationships are HARD work - AneroidOcean - 11-25-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 12:17 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

Gents, you are all legends. Thanks for the thoughtful, considerate comments.

A few clarifications:

1 - "Ball busting" was really the wrong term.

It's more like pouting.

My girl doesn't bust my balls in the Western sense, I'd put up with that for about 400 milliseconds.

She's Thai, and her modality is one of whining and complaining in a little girly kid voice when she doesn't get her way.

It's generally about small stuff like going somewhere, or buying something we don't really need but that she wants, like a dessert.

She'll pout and make a little fuss but I generally don't let this affect my frame at all.


This sounds like a semi-regular occurrence.

I would never live with someone, much less a LTR that is whiny on a semi-regular basis...and I live in the west.

Relationships are HARD work - LeoneVolpe - 11-25-2016

I'm not trying to get sappy on you guys, but I just finished reading through all the posts on this thread and all I can think is how thankful I am to have found RVF. Getting to be a part of a red pill community such as this, where like-minded men are able to share their knowledge and experience for each other's benefit is nothing short of incredible.

Relationships are HARD work, that's for sure. In fact, it was a failed relationship that led to my discovery of Roosh to begin with. The important thing to remember is there are pros and cons to everything. There are benefits to being single and drawbacks as well, same with being in a relationship. In fact, I'm reminded of a great post by the man himself:

Quote:Roosh Wrote:

There was a man who had two job offers on the table. One job was at a large corporation. The pay was high and he would work with the eminent experts in his field, but the company’s culture was boring and there were many layers of stifling bureaucracy. The second offer was at a startup. The pay was low, but the stock options meant a small chance of getting rich in an IPO. The culture was fun, with a segway scooter that could be used during work hours, but the work environment was raw, with not even an IT guy to help solve computer problems. The company may not survive the year.

The gain and loss from either experience is the same. There is no difference. The benefit of one will be balanced by the loss of the other, and less than one hour of this man’s time should be spent in reaching a decision.

The rich man’s stress and anxiety is balanced by the impoverished man’s leisure. The entertainer’s fame is balanced by the humble man’s privacy. The explorer’s adventure is balanced by the government official’s comfort and stability. Nature favors balance and equilibrium, preventing one man’s life, as a whole, from exceeding the other. This is obvious when listening to the dreams of men; they always pick a quality that their opposite has. The rich man dreams of leisure while the homeless man dreams of wealth. The entertainer dreams of privacy while the office clerk wants to be a star. No matter what you achieve, there will be a quality you lack, and movement to the other extreme in order to satisfy it will merely bring upon another missing ingredient.

Nature’s balance must be recognized and obeyed, not fought or analyzed. Any perceived benefit to one decision over the other is due to your own bias and character. The horny man will be more satisfied if he picks Thailand over Saudi Arabia, but taking into account his whole organism, and not just his penis, he will suffer no loss in Saudi Arabia, where time freed from chasing women can be spent on growing a business or reading books. There is no incorrect choice. What you gain from one you lose in another. All is equal in nature’s ledger.

A man is faced with dating either a girl who is a 9 or one who is a 7. He picks the 9, a choice that most men would make. He is validated with her in public when many other people stare at his catch. His ego is stroked, and he enjoys her beauty. But she is harder to manage. Suitors keep sending her offers of courtship, and it is a constant challenge for him to prove he is better than them all. She puts little effort into the relationship and the sex is average. She inevitably dumps him for a better man.

He then seeks out the 7. He apologizes for passing on her. She accepts his apology and they enter a relationship. She provides him with no ego validation, but relations with her are easier and more enjoyable. She becomes his sex slave in bed. Her profuse affections make him feel loved, but at the same time he is frustrated at seeing many girls on the street who are more beautiful than her. He is constantly filled with a need to do better. He takes a break from the relationship to travel to a country where he heard beautiful women are plentiful and easy.

In the eyes of nature, both girls are equal. They gave no overall difference to the man’s happiness—they just provided different kinds of happiness.

It is not important to use logic in making decisions, because nature doesn’t operate on logic. While there are exceptions to this rule that stem from a lack of virtue, such as killing a man and then losing one’s freedom, it makes little difference if you pick one job over another, one girl over another, one country over another.

Most decisions in life offer two propositions: one is easier but makes you weaker while one is harder but makes you stronger. One month you can be weak, and the next month you can be strong, or vice versa. It makes no difference. Only a fool who denies human nature uses computations in deciding on a course, because it is a guarantee that those computations are incorrect, and don’t agree with nature’s formula. In the entirety of your being, outcomes are the same. Your penis may hate you in Saudi Arabia, but your brain and liver will love you. Your bank account will hate you in the startup, but your adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit will thank you.

I picked a wrong city to live in for two months. It’s boring and dull. That’s fine, because I can work hard. Another time I picked poosy paradise. Everything is great, and I’m bedding many women. But I did no work, and now I’m fatigued and short on money. It then becomes the right time to pick a boring city again. This is the cycle of nature, where the order of one experience over the other, or the conscious application of logic, makes no difference to the final benefit (or detriment) to your self.

You can’t appreciate the good unless you’ve experienced the bad. You can’t enjoy wealth unless you’ve been poor. You can’t enjoy women unless you’ve gone without them. The contradiction of life is that what you see as failure is actually needed to enjoy success, and success is then needed to make you complacent and revert back to failure, which then pushes you back to success. This is what nature prefers, and by starting experiences without doing a cost-benefit analysis, without agonizing over needless details, you are like water in the river of existence. Attempting to manage your experience with logic and predictions, or developing firm expectations in an unfirm world, will only lead to suffering and stagnation. You must let go and flow with outcomes, one after the other, squeezing out the pleasures of life, whether sweet or bitter, before moving on to the next experience in store. Taste life as it is, and enjoy the balance that is the destiny for us all, no matter where our journey finally ends.

When you're getting frustrated with your girl, or tired of being single and/or spinning plates -- remember this post. There is no perfect option, only different options, and truly the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Relationships are HARD work - eddie_7 - 11-28-2016

Awesome thread!

I totally agree with StrikeBack that in a LTR or marriage the woman should fulfill the role of the man's helper. This I think is an important part of feminine characteristics: being supportive of the man's goals and encouraging him when times are bad. I also agree that you have to take the active role in leading and teaching her how to help in productive ways.

John_Galt also makes a good point that in a healthy relationship you also have to take care of the woman's needs since she likely won't feel content with her giving and not getting anything in return. I think if relationships are done in the right way it can be rewarding for both parties as opposed to a situation in which there is the constant battle for one to extract as much value from the other.

Relationships are HARD work - fortysix - 11-28-2016

Quote: (11-23-2016 06:29 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Most women, especially women in the west, believe that all they need to bring to a relationship is a vagina and tits. This is frankly pathetic and short sighted. Physical pleasures lose their allure. This has been well known for years, hell the bible even talks about it. In my own personal opinion, this is why divorce is so high today. Women don't understand what it is they need to bring to a relationship and men are either too dumb or short sighted to demand it from women.

There is so much truth here. Thank you for this post.

Relationships are HARD work - IvanDrago - 11-28-2016

I'm looking for that perfect woman who has some type of physical malfunction that she would die during childbirth if ever impregnated.

Talk about two birds!