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My Travel Journal - kirdiesel - 10-16-2016

See you did fine by yourself. The black guy didnt even help you with the other girl. Her friend ended up with a Russian guy.

I'm not sure why you were going for the number or Facebook from the Russian girl when she was leaving the next day? In that situation its ONS or nothing.

If a girl will dance with you like that but not kiss you and you tried a few times you NEED to stop dancing with her. She said "I dont know you yet" so that means stop the dancing.. grab her a drink.. isolate, take her somewhere and start GAMING hard... good conversation, push/pull, everything you got.... when you think youve done enough take her back to the dance and try again. If shes still playing games after all that then you look to eject.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-16-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 07:15 AM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

See you did fine by yourself. The black guy didnt even help you with the other girl. Her friend ended up with a Russian guy.

I'm not sure why you were going for the number or Facebook from the Russian girl when she was leaving the next day? In that situation its ONS or nothing.

If a girl will dance with you like that but not kiss you and you tried a few times you NEED to stop dancing with her. She said "I dont know you yet" so that means stop the dancing.. grab her a drink.. isolate, take her somewhere and start GAMING hard... good conversation, push/pull, everything you got.... when you think youve done enough take her back to the dance and try again. If shes still playing games after all that then you look to eject.

That's what I figured with the number and facebook. I told my wing I needed to extract her for the night but he was like "at this hour? no way man, get her number."

I see. So next time a chick says something like that, I'll say "Ok, so let's get to know each other better then." grab her hand and lead her to the bar for a drink, talk for 5-10 minutes then take her back to the dance floor and try again.

How do you open and approach girls in clubs? If it weren't for my wing, I probably wouldn't have even opened this girl because of my approach anxiety. Should I just go to the dance floor and dance while scanning for constant eye contact and smiles from girls in the vicinity?

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-16-2016

Day 9: The streets were pretty dead today. I thought Sundays would still have stuff happening but there was nothing going on. I met up with my black wingman from yesterday. We were suppose to meetup with two other people from couchsurfing but the fuckers stopped responding to my messages. I'm starting to figure out that a lot of people on couchsurfing are flakey as fuck. I also had a guy who flaked on me yesterday ask to hang out today again, I rejected his request. I don't have time for people like that.

Me and my wing star the night off at Ala folkklub. I tried to look for the same bartender who was serving me the last two times but he wasn't working today so I just looked for a spot by the bar, preferably with chicks on the side. The place was only 1/3 full, a farcry from its usual lively atmosphere. I am served by a somewhat decent looking bartender who I tell a joke and make her smile. She seemed friendly, a rare trait here especially from customer service staff. I scan the area around but there isn't really any targets and there are only mixed seats sitting on tables. Me and my wing just order our drinks and food and chill there for a bit. About half way through my beer, I notice an attractive blonde scoot up to the bar area to order her drinks right beside me. I immediately notice her accent which was either British or Australian. I couldn't tell 100% because of the noise. I open her after she orders her drink.
"You have an interesting accent, I'm trying to decide whether its British or Australian, say something else."
She smiles. "Its british, I have a mixture of an accent."
"Mixture? What do you mean?"
"Its a combination of the north and south."
We continue talking for a bit and I ask her to guess where I'm from. She couldn't guess lol.
But then she drops the my boyfriend's from Canada line and I knew I was out. She tells me she was dragged here by the stag party right by the table behind us with all the drunk british dudes and is flying out at 6am tomorrow. She grabs her drinks and says maybe she'll come by to say hi again and then takes off back to her friend.

Me and my wing talk some more and then decide to take off and check out the other clubs we didn't get a chance to visit. Our first stop was to Shot Cafe, the place I mistook for spot cafe. I was looking forward to this place, but was deeply disappointed. It was fucking tiny just like the other spot cafe. We immediately leave after entering as their hardly was any people especially girls. I decide that we should head on over to Friend's club. Some Russian karaoke bar/club that is in the basement of the Radison Hotel. My wing is worried about his sneakers but I tell him, just let me go in first and you follow my lead. We make our way downstairs and notice one large room closed off and another much smaller room with lackluster talent. Mostly dudes with like 4 chicks who are with the dudes, all much older. What a disappointment. My wing is like I'm tired so let's just stay here for a little bit and grab one drink. So we spend the next 30 minutes listening to Russian Karaoke lol. After finishing our drinks we decide to bolt and my wing asks me about the bar on top of the Radison. I told him its probably empty but decide to just show him it. The cover is 3 euros and we asked the doorman to let us have a peek. When we peeked, all eyes were on us lol. There were some cuties there and not enough people to warrant spending the money. I take off and depart.

The old town area was like a ghost town today. Shops closed earlier and there were hardly any people on the streets. We probably should have just stayed at Ala Folkklub which had the most people. Now I know the only days worth going out for night game is Friday-Saturday for Clubs, Wed-Saturday for Bars/Pubs. I'm just going to focus on daygame now during the week and then try nightgame again next weekend.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-16-2016

Thanks for the +1 Rep!!!

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-17-2016

Day 10:

My cold has gotten worse and all of my nasal passages is pretty much all stuffed up and I'm coughing out plelgm every 5 minutes. I thought about doing some cold approaches while I was out buying medicine today at the mall but decided not to because I didn't want to cough my lungs out on the girls but man, that instinct of wanting to approach the girls is really starting to kick in.

Also that chick who I originally came here to see got in touch with me again saying she wants to meet up but is busy this week. She initially proposed 2 weeks from now on October 31. I was like wtf and asked her if she was right about the date. She apologized and said she meant next monday. This doesn't really make any sense to schedule to hangout 1 week ahead. I told her I would message her later this week to arrange a time and meeting place. Now here's my dilemma. I'm not sure if I should make a move on her or not since she just got a "boyfriend." I'm not sure if I should just play it safe and just be friendly while offering value when we "hangout." so that she can introduce me to her friends or if I should try to escalate things as far as I can go. Also a second thing is logistics. I need to figure out how to get her from point a to point b to my apartment which is like a ten minute cab ride from the old town area. My fucking airbnb host fucked me over with the logistics. It takes me like 25 minutes to walk back to my apartment from the old town.
Since this is her neck of the woods, she has home turf advantage too.

I'm thinking either one of the options if I want to make a move on her:

A: I should meet her in the old town, get her to show me around the old town, then take her to a bar, try to build comfort/rapport, then walk around again and take her somewhere cheap to eat all the while escalating physically at the second location and then suggest that we go over to my apartment because I have some photos to show her or say I left a gift at my apartment that I meant to give her

B: Do everything like A except skip the dinner and just bounce to my apartment assuming she is willing to go.

If I'm not planning on making a move on her then it doesn't really matter. I would just ask her to show me around then treat her to 1-2 rounds then take off, leaving her with a good impression of me with plenty of comfort and rapport built up. Then the next time we meet, then I would escalate sexually with her assuming I still want her or I don't do anything and just use her to break into her social circle and game the friends.

There's also that 18 year old chick who I've been trying to get out as well but she's playing hardball. I initially asked her what are you doing this wed or thursday. She is like I don't know. I said "great, we'll going to hangout and have some beers."
She then counters maybe the weekends will be better so I said ok, when are you free on the weekends. Her answer "I don't know yet." WTF. I soon cutted off the chat after throwing in a joke to ease the tension. I told her I would contact her again later this week to make plans.

I really need to start doing some daygame approaches because this nightgame and online shit is pissing me off. Tinder and Badoo has gotten me nowhere. Not a single fucking match even though I max it out everyday. Topface also has yielded zero reports.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-18-2016

Day 11:

I'm unfortunately I'm still sick and coughing out phlegm and blowing my nose every 5 minutes or so. I really wanted to go out to daygame but this damn cold just won't go away. I was pretty bummed about not being able to go out and do daygame but I thought it would be for the best. Luckily I had two people who were interested in meeting up tonight to just chill have a beer through couchsurfing. With this in mind, I had the perfect place on this quiet tuesday evening "Ala Folkklub". The first, I hadn't even seen his pics yet because he didn't upload any photos on his couchsurfing profile so I was hoping he would be somewhat normal and not one of those fucking hippies who don't shower and braid their hair. Luckily the dude appeared somewhat normal. He was an American from Portland that looked like a bit of a redneck. He was wearing one of those trucker hats, a colored t-shir, bootcut jeans, and sported a beer gut. Typical backpacker like look. I wasn't really impressed but hey I didn't want to be so quick to judge him. The second guy showed up 5 minutes later. Some really tall skinny Serbian. He was dressed a little better but was wearing his backpack.

Anyways I tell the guys let's head off and we make our way to the restaurant. From my past experience I know the best spots for picking up chicks would be by the bar and also I had some rapport going on with two of the bartenders but unfortunately they both weren't working today. Also there wasn't seats by the bar so we just settled down by a 3 seater table in the middle of the place.

Me and the Serbian wait to be served while the American took off somewhere after I came back to the washroom. I then see him with a pint in his hand already and finished nearly half of the glass. I signal for the one of the waitresses to bring us a menu and we proceed to order our drinks. I start discussing chicks with the two guys and the Serbian seems to be really into the Latvian girls here despite being from Serbian (I guess he has a thing for blondes).

A few minutes later, I notice the American had left our table and was talking to some dudes over by the bar while me and the Serb kept talking. I found that a bit awkward. I tell the Serb, we need to start talking to some girls and then he suggest we move over to the bar area to look for some seats which has now opened up. So we proceed over to the bar area and immediately he opens a fat German girl with her Czech friend. Both girls were horrendous, especially the German girl. She had more hairs on her forearm then me!
It was probably one of the worse targets he could have picked but at least he didn't have approach anxiety. Besides, I needed to get myself into a social mood. I introduce myself to the two girls and try to keep the German girl preoccupied while he worked on the other girl. The German girl took a liking to me but no way in hell was I going to get involved with her. After bantering back and forth for like 5-10 minutes, I whisper into his ear "Let's bail and hit on some other targets." I notice two girls had taken our seats where we were seated before and I signal to him. He is like there is three girls. I'm not who cares. Then when I shift my attention back to the German girl, I notice a cute brunette sitting by herself right beside me by the bar. I let the two friends talk and then quickly turn my back towards them and pretend I just noticed the brunette. I notice she ordered some food and I opened her using that.

Me: "Hey, what is that? What did you order?" I lean in to her.
Her: She smiles and brings it closer towards me. "Its bread with some dip. Here try some."
She brings the food towards me.
Me: I grab and rip off a small piece. "I'll try just a little bit, I'm on a diet."
She starts laughing

Then we start talking. She was a cute HB7 who had a hispanic look to her. She told me she lives in Finland but is from Spain. As we are talking and I'm building some comfort and rapport, her mother reports back lol. She shifts her attention back to her mother and then tells her about me. Her mother smiles and then I introduce myself and talk to the both of them. While we were talking, my fucking wing cockblocked me and jumped right into my conversation and cut me off. I was like wtf, you don't do this. I then regained her attention and started to chat with her again while the Serb took off to hunt for some more targets. She tells me she's leaving tomorrow morning with her mother but I end up getting her facebook contact. She is like come visit me in Finland lol. The mother seemed like a good sport and smiled when I facebook closed her daughter lol. I talked for a little bit and then excused myself to look for my friend who seemed to have disappeared.

As I'm looking for the Serb, the waitress who was serving us, tells me that its better for me to settle my half of the bill first before I take off to the other tables and I agree. She then brings me the bill and I have a double take on it. I was charged for 3 drinks even though I only ordered two. I was like wtf. I immediately signal her to come back and fix the bill. She is like yes those two are yours and the other is from your friend. What the hell? I told her I would like separate bills please and that she can ask the other guy (I assumed it was the serb) to pay and pointed at him. Then she is like no no, not him, your other friend. I gave her a puzzled and confused look and she is like "Oh he's not your friend?" and I'm like no and then tell her she can try to look for him over in the back maybe, because I saw that guy walk there and then she storms off looking for the guy.

That motherfucker from Portland! He dined and dashed and then tried to leave me and the Serb with his bill. I didn't end up seeing him after he took off from our table and was chatting with some fellows earlier by the bar. I never expected to have some American try to scam me, Latvians and Russians here yes, but never America. Wtf is up with this country and all the scams going on?
He had told me and the Serb that he owned a food truck business and also just got his first franchisee. It was probably bullshit he made up. He was probably one of those fucking backpacking hobo losers.

Anyways, I eventually spot the Serb and saw him sitting down by the corner and talking to some blonde chick in a chair. She wasn't even facing him and giving him the cold shoulder but he spend several minutes on her and still got nowhere. When he was done, he came right back to me, and then told me about that chick he just spoke to and how he didn't get anywhere with her. He then tells me we should approach some more girls. I spot two girls over by the end of the bar but he says they are leaving but then sees them get handed two drinks and walks over and starts talking to them. I engage the cute brunette friend and get a laugh out of her. They then say they have to get back to their group of friends sitting by a large table full of chicks with 1 dude. The serb asks one of the girls if he can join them and they are yah but when we finally get to their table, there are no more chairs and space left. We end up sitting on the table directly behind them where the previous girl who he spoke to had moved to (I think she got annoyed by him and moved there). He starts talking to her but she doesn't really pay much attention to him. I open her.

Me: "You look like your having the best time here."
She turns and looks at me and gives me a slight fake smile and then turns her face back to the stage. Oh well. I turn and talk to the Serb again about how we are going to talk to the group of German girls directly in front of us. He is like, we can't really and then went off to the washroom. I notice the blonde chick with the cold demeanor is all by herself and try again. I forgot what I said but I started to kino her, and touching her shoulder lightly again and again. I cracked some joke about how come the Locals never smile and this finally starts to melt her icy cold attitude. I crack a few more jokes and notice she is starting to laugh and before more warm. She offers to tell me she's Russian (classic Russian cold demeanor that needs to be thrawed) while I continue to kino her, but then she tells me she really has to go and catch a train home and then waves me goodbye and takes off. I'm pretty sure if I had more time I could have gotten her number.

My wing returns and then tells me he spoke with these two blondes when he came out of the washroom and I'm where are they. He tells me to come with him but then we came find them and return back to our seats. He then spots them but a group of 3 guys have now engaged them. Don't you just fucking hate that? Oh no I thought, I hoped this wouldn't be a repeat of that night with the Italians.
My wing goes over to the girls and starts talking to the guys as well while I sat there on the table, trying to figure out my next move.
My wing then waves me to come over so I make my way over and introduce myself to the girls. I didn't even look at the guys as they were too busy talking amongst themselves. The two blonde chicks are from Finland and the prettier one looks about a 7-7.5 although I noticed her thighs were a little thick but she had a huge rack while her friend is a respectable 6.5-7 with a skinnier thin body.

We start talking and she asks me where I'm from. I tell her to take a guess. If she can get it correctly by the third try I would buy her a beer but if she got it wrong she would have to buy me a beer. So far no one was able to get it. She asked for a hint so I gave her one to my detriment and she ended up guessing it by her second guess. She forgot all about the beer I owed her though as the conversation quickly shifted to something else lol. I once again tried to kino her by touching her shoulders and forearm. When she shifted her attention back to the guys and my wing, I focused my efforts on her friend. She gave me a somewhat neutral response and I wasn't able to build too much of a connection with her as she was too focused on watching the live band. I then reshifted my focus back on the more attractive friend and hooked her in. The two girls are leaving on Thursday morning so I figure I still have time for a day two if this doesn't work out tonight. We all start talking and then my wing starts asking for their contact info and I end up with her whatsapp number. I didn't bother with the other friend since she wasn't quite as receptive to me as the more attractive girl. I looked at her whatsapp photo and she looks pretty hot when she's all done up easily a 7.5-8. My only worry about her is although she has a good looking face, she might end up being overweight since her clothes covered up her body and I don't know if I want to get with a overweight chick or not. The two girls lookded a little bored so I suggest we change venues to a pub/nightclub called Rock Cafe where I've been before and has a dance floor. I planned on getting the attractive girl on the dance floor where I could do more kino'ing and kicking things sexually up several notches. So all four of us make our way to Rock Cafe. The place had only about 20% of its Friday's crowd and when we got to the dance floor it was completely empty although the DJ was playing music. We all order our drinks and then make our way to the next door room to sit down and drink our alcohol. I wasn't quick enough so the two chicks end up sitting on the same side of the table as us. The table was a little wide as well making skin and skin contact with the legs nonexistent. We had to lean in when we spoke due to the distance and noise.

During our chat, I shifted my attention between both girls when my wing took off to the washroom again (What is it with going to the bathroom every 30 minutes man?). During our talk, I try to build some commonalities and dig deep into their ambitions and cold read them. The more attractive one takes a liking to this and also laughs at several of my jokes. She also seems to be more on my wavelenth then the other girl. My wing returns and then starts talking about philosophical and historical shit with the other girl which instantly turns off the more attractive girl which shifts more of her attention to me which I wanted to anyways. She tells me I seem like a easygoing and laid back guy lol. We talk some more and then her friend suggests they go back to their hostel and sleep because they are tired (Oh no!). I try to suggest that they just try and hit the dance floor but they decline it and say they want to go to sleep so we just let them go after giving both of them a hug. I tell them we will contact them again to hang out.

Me and the Serb decide to call it night a few minutes later and decide to meet tomorrow to game these two chicks again. As I was walking home tonight, I got stopped by a police van. I was kind of worried because I had read stories about this shit happening in Eastern Europe, where the cops would demand your papers and if you didn't have it try to either scam you or arrest you. The police officer was saying something to me in Latvian but I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about and asked him if he spoke English. The guy chuckled and then demanded my documents and papers. I didn't carry my passport on me and it was like directly in front at my apartment. I didn't know you knew to carry your passports on you in an EU and Schengen country before. I never had this happen before in any other EU country. I don't know if these two were trying to scam me or not but I didn't have my papers. He asked again and then I pointed towards my apartment in front. He asks me again for any documents to show me so I whip out my Canadian health card and hand it over to him. He glances over at it for a minute and then asks me
"Canadian citizen yes?" I reply and then he hands me back my health card and says
"thanks, have a nice evening." and takes off. Wtf was that all about? I hope I don't get stopped anymore in the middle of the night while I do night game. I'm show this wouldn't have happened if my apartment was in the old town area. He must have mistook me for a local or something.

What a night. Wow, who would have known I would meet all of these girls in one night just because I decided to suck it up with my cold and go out. I was originally going to tell the Serb I wasn't feeling well and cancel, luckily I didn't. 1 facebook close and 1 number close for the night. Not bad.

My Travel Journal - coverdoc - 10-19-2016

Keep up the good work, i was doubting you at first as your initial post seemed very woe is me. But i'm impressed with your gains.

In terms of tonight, don't be afraid to tell a girl to switch seats with you or come sit next to you. They obviously know you guys are attracted to them by that point so showing more of an interest in your target doesn't hurt. Also another tip to isolate is just have the girl you like go with you to the bar, to get more drinks for everyone. Usually if she is feeling you in the slightest bit she'll say yeah.

Keep it up.


My Travel Journal - kirdiesel - 10-19-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 08:35 AM)destiny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2016 07:15 AM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

See you did fine by yourself. The black guy didnt even help you with the other girl. Her friend ended up with a Russian guy.

I'm not sure why you were going for the number or Facebook from the Russian girl when she was leaving the next day? In that situation its ONS or nothing.

If a girl will dance with you like that but not kiss you and you tried a few times you NEED to stop dancing with her. She said "I dont know you yet" so that means stop the dancing.. grab her a drink.. isolate, take her somewhere and start GAMING hard... good conversation, push/pull, everything you got.... when you think youve done enough take her back to the dance and try again. If shes still playing games after all that then you look to eject.

That's what I figured with the number and facebook. I told my wing I needed to extract her for the night but he was like "at this hour? no way man, get her number."

I see. So next time a chick says something like that, I'll say "Ok, so let's get to know each other better then." grab her hand and lead her to the bar for a drink, talk for 5-10 minutes then take her back to the dance floor and try again.

How do you open and approach girls in clubs? If it weren't for my wing, I probably wouldn't have even opened this girl because of my approach anxiety. Should I just go to the dance floor and dance while scanning for constant eye contact and smiles from girls in the vicinity?

Solid advice from Coverdoc.

You need to read up alot on nightclub game and really you have to learn how to dance if you want to be somewhat successful in that environment.

Heres what I think you should do:

If you can't dance or arent confident in your dancing you should emphasise approaching girls standing around the bar or girls on the sidelines of the dancefloor. Higher energy in nightclubs is preferred as well rather than lower energy.

You should always be scanning to see if you can make good eye contact with a girl. If a girl locks eyes with you just a second or so too long... approach her and open.

My Travel Journal - Onto - 10-19-2016

I'm only half-way through the thread, and will have to wait until tomorrow to read the rest, but I just wanted to say I really enjoy your honest writing. I burst out laughing quite a few times already, the first being the analogy of the piss-smelling alley's where they make wishes like Swedish bridges....or something like that. My goodness that was funny, and there were many more parts that made me laugh out loud including your "I'm going the wrong way" in the first video clip.

Skimming through the rest it seems like things are coming together for you, and I look forward to reading the details tomorrow. Threads like this are certainly part of what's great about the forum. I'm not an expert traveling Casanova, and reading your struggles and efforts makes me see areas within myself that could use much improvement. Thank you for that.

I'm glad I stopped and took the time to read. +1 from me.

My Travel Journal - RatInTheWoods - 10-19-2016

I am enjoying this journal mate, keep up the good work!

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-19-2016

Day 12:

I started the day feeling kind of good after last nights results. I was eager to meetup with these two chicks and close the deal but I guess the universe had other plans. The serb from yesterday messaged me saying he couldn't use the local sim card here and said I had to message the girls instead, so I sent them a message on whatsapp but didn't get a reply back. My cold unfortunately still has not subsided yet and my sleep patterns hasn't fully adjusted yet neither. I left my apartment around 5pm with the intention of trying to daygame but by the time I got there, the sun was already starting to set. I walked around the old town with a map of the city hoping to use it as a prop for poor lost tourist game but couldn't find any suitable targets. Most of the chicks were in pairs or in packs. There was maybe like 2-3 chicks who I saw that were by themselves but they were walking really fast like in a hurry to go somewhere. After walking around for 30-40 minutes and not having any luck while my ass was freezing outside, I decided to go inside the mall and try there. Again, same shit. There was even less girls inside and every single girl was with at least 1 other person. My approach anxiety was also at an all time high. I didn't get much eye contact from the ladies which didn't help neither. While I was trying to daygame, I also was speaking with the serb via text saying I didn't get a response yet. He told me to text them directly but the text wouldn't got through. Also the chick's whatsapp showed her last login several hours before my text was sent. I figured it was a done deal and we lost them. At around 7:20pm, I met up with the serb to discuss our plans for this evening. Right around this time, I noticed I finally received a reply back from the chick. I was very optimistic that we could continue things from yesterday.

Her reply said she had no plans for tonight and don't know where they'll end up. So I figured ok, we're in. I message her back saying let's meetup at 8:30pm at the mall. She replies saying "No, sorry we are still thinking about what to do [Image: smile.gif]". I knew we were done at this point. Fuck! The Serb still wanted me to message them but I was like why? We decided to go back to the same pub as yesterday to use as our hunting ground. While walking around in the old town, we actually spotted them walking aimlessly around old town several minutes later lol. I was curious and wanted to follow them for a bit just to see where they would go, but we decided nah and just walked to our destination. He convinced me to message them one more time about 2 hours later telling them to join us. I didn't want to get rejected 1 more time but was like alright fine, since I won't ever see them again, why not? I still haven't received a reply back here lol.

So me and him make our way down the stairs to the pub, and immediately he notices a group of people always talking and going down as well. He opens the guy with German and then they become buddy buddies while we all walk inside. He asks the German guy if we could join them and sit with them, and he's like sure. Unfortunately there table was already quite full but one of the guy's friends, a female suggested we sit at the table on the other side where some of their friends were also sitting. I didn't really feel like crashing in on their party especially since this was another new group of people we haven't even talked to but the Serb was eager to go sit with them. As we make our way into the cramped table, it immediately becomes apparent to me there isn't enough space for both of us to sit on the sofa. I ask this chick right beside me on the opposite sofa if I can sit down and she's like it's already taken so I'm just standing there like a fool. Luckily one of the girls sitting beside the Serb was nice enough to scout on over but the seat was still extremely tight. She was a nice attractive blonde, a solid 7. She actually reminds me of one girl that I know albeit taller. So we all start chatting away and she seems to be hooked into me, leaning in and such but the Serb was sitting in between us. I thought about asking the Serb to switch seats with me but decided not to. As we were talking, I discovered she was still in highschool and I was thinking oh shit! But then she mentioned that she was 18 so I was like ok she's fair game. I was originally thinking about gaming her until she dropped the boyfriend line casually during our talk. I'm pretty sure I could have gotten her contact details but I don't really like gaming girls with boyfriends. Wtf is up with all these chicks and having boyfriends? It seems every attractive looking chick has a boyfriend. How the fuck am I suppose to get a reasonably attractive chick without cheating with her?

The Serb tells me let's leave them, they are too young for his taste so we make our way around the bar but all the seats are taken. As we are standing by the side, he immediately opens two chicks sitting by the table. They seem receptive to us. Two cute 6.5-7 French and Belgium chicks. As we are talking with them, suddenly some guy shows up and sits on one of the seats beside the girl on the other end. It was a little weird but I tried to talk with him as well but he didn't seem receptive. I continue to talk with both girls as my wing takes off to order a beer. I crack some jokes and get both of them laughing and also try some cold reading. The interaction was fine, but I didn't feel too much attractive for neither one, although they seemed very friendly. The Latvian guy then reengages the chick beside him while I keep the Belgium busy. My wing returns and just talks to the belgium chick while I stand there looking bored. He then takes off again and I talk with both girls for a little bit. I make the French one laugh out loud 2-3 times but then decide to try my luck with some of the more attractive looking girls that I see by the bar area. I tell them I'll be back and take off.

I walk over to the beer and order another beer ( I don't remember how many beers I had lol) and then see an attractive looking tall brunette eyeing the Serb. I tell him he should go approach her, she was totally checking him out but he dismisses her saying he doesn't find her attractive enough. I use my peripherals and see one of the hottest chicks there who I had my eyes on earlier sitting by the end of the bar area with her 3 friends. I turn around and notice one of her friends is blowing her nose and is sick. I immediately open her offering her advice for the cold. I break the ice and start talking with her for a bit, and then her other two friends jumps in on the conversation. We start the usual where are you from talk? One of her friends actually guessed it right on her second try so I give her a high five. She puts some muscle into the high five which is good but some of the beer in my glass spilled while I tried the high five. I guess it made me look a little drunk lol. I could see the hot chick looking over, eager to get in on the conversation was she was being left out but I knew I shouldn't give her any attention until the end so didn't engage her but then my wing immediately swoops in and starts talking to her. Fuck!
I return my attention back to the sick friend. She looks like she could be the mother hen. She was an Italian chick but was a 6 at best. Her two friends were German and looked around 6.5 while the hot one was from Switzerland. I had a good conversation with her and could feel I was reeling her in, but I had my eyes set on the prize. Two of her friends saw the folkdancing that was going on and wanted to dance and was telling the Italian chick let's go dance. She was kind of hesitant but then asked me if I liked to dance. I probably should have just grabbed her hand and lead her to the dance floor but I didn't. I end up engaging the other two friends but then immediately to my right spot another two chicks talking amongst themselves. I immediately open them and start talking. They were local Latvians and seemed kind of friendly but I couldn't really connect with them, plus talking to two chicks is a lot of work. We start talking about the Latvian dances and they make jokes about how the Latvian men don't want to teach foreigners this dance so they can show off and get all the girls. While this is going on, I noticed the tall brunette who the Serb had dismissed earlier was standing near by. She looked like she wanted to dance so I approached her talking about dancing and how I could learn how to do it. It turns out she was Latvian as well and when I asked her to go teach me how to dance, she was like "sure at the next song though." She didn't appear very receptive to me. Later in the evening, I noticed she moved away to the other side of the room while I was talking to the other German girls.

So now I shifted my attention back to the two Latvians first and threw in a few lines and then returned back to the group of four girls. I noticed my wing was standing behind the hot chick and looked really bored and tired. I engaged the two friends who were into dancing (two latvian guys actually came over earlier and invited them to the dance floor and they went) for a bit. My wing then made his way over to me and told me he wanted to leave. He looked bored and pissed. I asked him why? It's only 10:30pm. Who goes home at this time?
He complained about the country saying its shit, "everything is shit here". The price, the service, the women. I told him to give me 10 more minutes and I would leave with him (I still hadn't talked to the hot chick of the group) but he was adamant about leaving so took off. At around this time, the hot chick was over near me so I just casually turned towards her and opened her. She seemed somewhat receptive at first but was a tough cookie to crack. She was easily an 8 and reminded me of that actress Heidi Mueller. It turns out she was was half dutch and half german. I tried to deep dive trying to find out more about her but could only find out she likes to workout, and had a sister and was studying economics. At one point, I tried the high five to test for compliance and interest level. She gave me a very weak high five with barely any punch to it. As I saw that things weren't going as well as I'd like, I told her we should hang out sometime and she could show me around. She was like "oh, I don't know, I'm very busy, and next week I'm busy with this or that blah blah." Not exactly the best reply. I still try to shoot for the number but my fucking phone is dead again!
This is like the ultimate cockblock, forget the fat friend, your phone wants you to stay single and never get any action. That's three times now. The data here is killing my battery life but I needed to have it on so I could converse with the Finnish chick from yesterday. I told her to take down my contact info instead and she just casually walks to her purse on the other side and takes it out. I thought we were going to use facebook but she just gave me the contact list to punch in my number. Thinking back I should have tried for the facebook because now I can't even contact her. She didn't reengage me after I gave her back the phone so I just said my goodbyes and then took off. I was fucking pissed off when I left.

I feel just like ryan reynolds from this video clip right now I was swearing and wanted to kick and punch something saying "Fuck".
I probably felt just like the Serb when I left.
I fucking hate this country, the prices are shit, the service sucks, people look depressed, the weather blows, they scam you like crazy, and the women (probably the only reason to even come here) are cold and non-receptive to me or most foreigners for that matter.

I fucked up my evening with several errors:
1. I think I came off too high energy. I should learn to shut up and let the women do more talking and be ok with silences. I get a little nervous when it becomes silent.
2. I should have either stayed with the first German group of girls (18 year old), the two french chicks or the Italian chick. Either of the three would have been a much safer bet but I got greedy and wanted the hottest chick there. I guess my game wasn't up to level required to get her, just like the Serb who tried before me.
3. I should have limited my alcohol intake. I think I had like 2 beers but I should have only drank 1 and taken my sweet time for it. I can't hold my liquor well and even though it helps me become more social, I think I went way over the top tonight.

I feel fucking depressed right now. Other then getting several numbers,facebook, and dancing that night with the Russian chick trying to kiss her several times, I haven't gotten anywhere with any of the girls, no day 2's, no kisses, nothing! I honestly just want to bail and fly somewhere else. I still have 3 more weeks left until my flight and I can't get a refund on my airbnb costs now. I expected shit like this from Toronto, but now when I compare the two I would rather be in fucking Toronto. At least there people aren't fucking cold and don't try to rip you off every 5 minutes. I could at least get a few matches on tinder there, here, nothing. Fuck, I don't know what to do.

My Travel Journal - kirdiesel - 10-19-2016

Give it another try this weekend. In a new location/city it takes a little while to figure things out. You aren't killing it but it seems you are improving slowly. Like I said weekend is coming. Research your locations and have a solid game plan before Friday/Saturday hits so that you can maximise your time.

I dont think it matter much of the girl looks depressed on the outside maybe she just has "resting bitch face" Just open anyway. It doesn't seem like you are getting blown out completely despite the girls not looking inviting and friendly.

Try and figure that shit with your phone out. Turn off the data/phone unless you NEED it..... BTW is that an Iphone that is doing that?

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-19-2016

Quote: (10-19-2016 05:41 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Give it another try this weekend. In a new location/city it takes a little while to figure things out. You aren't killing it but it seems you are improving slowly. Like I said weekend is coming. Research your locations and have a solid game plan before Friday/Saturday hits so that you can maximise your time.

I dont think it matter much of the girl looks depressed on the outside maybe she just has "resting bitch face" Just open anyway. It doesn't seem like you are getting blown out completely despite the girls not looking inviting and friendly.

Try and figure that shit with your phone out. Turn off the data/phone unless you NEED it..... BTW is that an Iphone that is doing that?

Nope, its an old android phone but I replaced the battery right before I arrived and tested it for 2 weeks prior to my trip so it's definitely not the battery being bad. I usually get 8-12 hours of battery life when I left the music playing continuously and even 24-48 hours if I didn't really use the phone. I'm pretty sure its the data or something on their network that is draining the battery, because one of my wings also complained about the same problem.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-20-2016

Day 13: It's been about a year since I've last done any daygame and gone out alone but now that I no longer have any wings, its left me with no choice. I remember the first couple times I tried daygame by myself, I nearly shit my pants. I walked all around the mall and busy intersection for hours yet couldn't even get a single word out. Well, today I felt just like that except the effects was multiplied by several folds. I woke up a bit earlier today hoping to go to the old town and do some daygame. I already knew from the get go that my approach anxiety was going to creep in. I brought my earphones with me and blasted some dance music prior to arriving at the old town to up my state. Then when I got off the bus, I shut the music out and armed with a map as a prop, I began my search for targets. The tram stops had plenty of people, a little too much in fact, groups and pairs of men and women chatting away. I needed somewhere where I could approach women without other's really taking notice. I walked around the old town, not seeing many targets except groups of girls together or mixed sets. A few single girls did walk past me quick fast but I didn't bother to chase them down and make a scene.
I walked in circles for a bit as the approach anxiety was coursing through my veins. I knew I had to just do one approach to get things started and then everything else would just fall into place, but I just could not deal with the anxiety. After walking around for 30 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore, I was freezing my ass outside and the main old town area was practically empty except for old tourist couples snapping photos of cathedrals and museums. I said fuck it and made my way back to the mall which had people bursting out every couple of seconds, hurrying off somewhere. As I slowly make my way inside of the mall on the first floor, I spot a beautiful short brunette standing idle by the side. I make my way over to her, appearing oblivious that she is there. Once in front of her, I try to act like I'm lost, just staring at my map while wondering my eyes back and forth in the mall. This naturally catches her attention, as soon as I notice she is looking at me, I turn around and open her.

Me: Excuse me? Do you know where I can find a real authentic Latvian restaurant around here?
Her: She smiles and nodds her head. "yes." as she steps towards me.
Me: "I've been eating Mcdonalds and subway for the past five days and starting to get sick of it." I let out a chuckle.
Her: She laughs as I push the map in front of her.

We start talking a little bit and she appears very friendly and smiling while I crack some jokes. I even accuse her of trying to take me to some shady restaurants that she's never been in. I throw in a few baits but she doesn't really take it, nor does she really ask me any personal questions other then why am I here. I find out she's Russian Latvian and works at the Casino, was the best student from her English class, and that she sucks reading maps. I think I only spoke to her for like 3 minutes and then when I asked her what's she doing here, she tells me she's meeting a friend but they are late. Just then she answers her phone, bids me goodbye and takes off. Great! I was just getting started. I leave the mall, not wanting to be recognized for approaching girls and then walk around the old town again. Once again, not many targets. I did see one chick off in the distant and contemplated running after her, but decided nah. While walking around looking for a target, I got approached by a group of Chinese tourist asking me if I spoke Chinese. We had a friendly chat and then they bid me farewell. A few minutes later, I saw two chicks dressed in some green and yellow uniform handing out balloons and flyers. One of the chicks handed me a balloon. After walking around for another 45 minutes, my face and ears couldn't take the cold temperature anymore and decided to head back to the mall. Armed with a green balloon and map, I was ready to make magic happen.

I walked around the mall, and got a few stares from the employees from the stores. In fact, one of the employees was laughing at me as I walked by so I decided to go in and say hello. They denied they were laughing at me though. I thought some peacocking with the green balloon would work to get some attention from the chicks in the mall, but didn't get much eye contact. A saw 1-2 girls sitting down by the benches and I sat down but I couldn't get the balls to open her. After 1 minute I left the set. I came to the old town with the intention to approach at least 5 chicks today but so far I had only approached one and all of the social energy I had gotten from her had dissipated now and my anxiety was scaring me shitless to approach this cold looking creatures. After walking around for another 30 minutes and not taking any action, I called it quits and went to the grocery store to buy some food. I wanted to do 1 more approach before I went home, but couldn't get the courage to do it. I dumped the green balloon in the trash and made my way to the tram stop in shame. "Fuck!" I muttered in my head. "Your not going to get anywhere if you don't approach more targets" I scolded at myself. It was getting dark and colder by the minute as I waited by the tram stop. Just then I noticed a girl walk and stand by the tram stop right beside me. She was about a 6 at best, and I contemplated for abit whether to talk to her or not. Before my approach anxiety can consume me yet again I open her. Finally, I did my second set.

me: "Do they buses usually come late?"
her: "yes."
Her English wasn't very good and she only understand half of what I said. I found out she was also taking the same tram as me but then right before the tram came by, her phone rang and I got cockblocked again by a phone. WTF! I had managed to remedy my batter life issue I think with my own phone but now I'm getting cockblocked by other phones. She ends up talking on her phone for the whole ride while I leave the tram in shame.

If you thought today was bad with the AA wait until tomorrow night when I plan on hitting the clubs alone! That should be fun. I don't know if I'm going to have the balls to do it tomorrow night.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-21-2016

Day 14: I woke up a little late and didn't make it down to the old town until it was around 4:45pm. Approach anxiety was very high once again and it was very cold today even more so then yesterday. I spent about 20 minutes walking around the old town and then found a suitable target standing by a sign on the street. I walked up to her with my back facing her so that she could see me in the vicinity and then turned and opened her. I asked her for restaurant recommendations and then we started talking. At first, I wasn't getting much questions from here, after about 5-10 minutes, she slowly started to warm up. She was about a 6.5 with a semi-hipster look to her. Not really my type but whatever. I tried to suggest that she show me around sometime, but she is like no, I'm leaving this country in two weeks. Also while I was talking to her, one of those two chicks who were handing out balloons and flyers from yesterday in Yellow recognized and and approached me again, giving me two flyers. I joked with her "Are you following me?, Hey, where's my green balloon?, etc." and just self amused myself a little. I think if I see her again tomorrow, I'll try to game her as well.

This Latvian girl that I had opened though, although appeared very friendly either wasn't interested or very shy. I couldn't get too much out of the conversation and was freezing my ass off after talking to her for 10 minutes. I ejected from the set after 10 minutes. I needed to get warm again so I made my way over to the mall. Once inside, I felt the approach anxiety come crashing down on me again as I was hesitant to approach any of the fast moving targets. I decided to head to the second floor, but then something happened...

As I was nearing the top of the second floor on the escalator, something caught my eye as they jerked to the left. It was the girl who I had come here all the way from Canada to see. She also noticed me as we locked eyes for a second. It was a very strange feeling, I never experienced this before, like everything just evaporated in the background as our eyes locked. I immediately shifted my eyes away and directly in front of me as I walked away and she went the other direction. I wasn't 100% sure if that was here or not, but if it was, I wasn't really in the mood to see her. I mean, here I am trying to move on and forget about this chick who I flew thousands of miles to see that ditched me because she got a new boyfriend and yet the universe throws her right in front of my face. Anyways as I walk away, I can sense that she's following me. I immediately go up on the third floor and can see using my peripherals that she's trying to also go up the escalator. I quickly make my way outta there and bail.

About 15 minutes later, I glance down on my phone and noticed she had messaged me on facebook. "Hey, I'm not sure if I'm mistaken, but were you at the mall today? I think I saw you, but if it was then you went up the stairs too fast."

I didn't want to meet her there today because first of all I was in the middle of approaching girls and second we already made plans to meetup for the first time on monday where if I decided I wanted to move things forward, I could plan it out correctly for seduction.

Anyways I accuse her of stalking me and then say we'll meet there at the mall on monday after she's done work, but then she asks if we can reschedule because she's so busy with work on monday. She asks to postpone it to thursday at 5 of 6 at the mall. Man to be honest I don't even want to meet up with her. Its just left a really bad taste in my mouth and I don't even know why she keeps on insisting on meeting up when she clearly doesn't want to make any time for me. Anyways fuck her, I'm going to go out tonight and hit the clubs solo and see how things go.

My Travel Journal - coverdoc - 10-21-2016

Thoroughly enjoy reading these now. Your experiences remind me of when I was 22, backpacking through europe solo, trying to game bitches. I focused, and still do focus, on day game. Here are some tips for you broski:

First, if you know you are going to go out to day game. Wake up a little early and go for a run/walk. Go to the local grocery store , cafe, bakery etc and chat up the cashier, chat up the employee in the aisle, talk to the grandma in the seasoning aisle. Talk to the old guy at the fruit section. Talk to the mom and her kid in the pasta aisle. Talk to the guy at the newspaper stand. Just talk to whoever the fuck is around you. This goes a long way. When I know i'm going to spend the day gaming, I open up everybody fucking around me beforehand. By the time you do this to a few people you'll be shocked how easy it is to converse with girls you cold approached. It's essentially the pregaming of day game.

I incorporate this into my everyday life, because you'll get an array of everything. Cashier has a stank attitude, you have 30 seconds to make her laugh. Dude at the tire shop is acting like a bitch, 1 minute to get him chatting about Hondas. Try that next time and let us know how that goes.


My Travel Journal - kirdiesel - 10-21-2016

Waiting for the club report.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-21-2016

Quote: (10-21-2016 03:09 PM)coverdoc Wrote:  

Thoroughly enjoy reading these now. Your experiences remind me of when I was 22, backpacking through europe solo, trying to game bitches. I focused, and still do focus, on day game. Here are some tips for you broski:

First, if you know you are going to go out to day game. Wake up a little early and go for a run/walk. Go to the local grocery store , cafe, bakery etc and chat up the cashier, chat up the employee in the aisle, talk to the grandma in the seasoning aisle. Talk to the old guy at the fruit section. Talk to the mom and her kid in the pasta aisle. Talk to the guy at the newspaper stand. Just talk to whoever the fuck is around you. This goes a long way. When I know i'm going to spend the day gaming, I open up everybody fucking around me beforehand. By the time you do this to a few people you'll be shocked how easy it is to converse with girls you cold approached. It's essentially the pregaming of day game.

I incorporate this into my everyday life, because you'll get an array of everything. Cashier has a stank attitude, you have 30 seconds to make her laugh. Dude at the tire shop is acting like a bitch, 1 minute to get him chatting about Hondas. Try that next time and let us know how that goes.


Thanks for the great tip. I did something similar today when I was doing nightgame solo and couldn't do any approaches. I'll try your suggestion next time I do daygame, hell maybe I'll just walk into the mall first thing and start chatting up several employees to get amped up.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-22-2016

Day 14 Continued:

It's 6:30am and I just got home from clubbing. Man, my sleep pattern are gonna be fucked up.

So after what happened earlier with the chick, I had some trouble focusing on the task at hand, but nonetheless said fuck it, maybe something good might come out of the night if I go out solo. I tried to link up with some people via couchsurfing for clubbing but got a lot of flakes. One jackass in particular from Italy has been requesting to chill with me and would always flake and cancel. He would even try to poach some of the other people who were hanging out with me like he did tonight. Nobody has been able to meet with this jackass because of his bullshit behaviour. Luckily, I managed to link up with another guy last minute for clubbing but I'll get to that in a minute.

Before I ventured off into clubbing alone, I decided that I needed to predrink and to socialize with some people before hitting the clubs, besides it was still early. I made my way over Ala Folkklub which has quickly turned into my favorite gaming location, due to cheap drinks, reasonably priced food, and the large volume of people there. When I showed up around 11pm, the place was fucking packed. I mean ridiculously packed, I could hardly even move in there. All of the seats by the bar were taken and so were all the tables. Not a great start to the evening. I saw two blonde chicks being squished by the mob of people and I slid up to one of them and opened her.

Me: It's crazy tonight, isn't it?
Her: Turns and looks at me, gives me some fake ass smirk and then turns her head back.

I ditch her and then push my way into a tiny spot by the bar so that I can order a beer. I grab my beer and casually scan the area, there's no room and also too many fucking guys, but wait...
I see a little empty spot by one of the walls. I slowly make my way over and position myself. The location wasn't ideal and not many people were walking through there but it beats standing around like a clown. I scan the place again, looking for targets and trying to strategize how I'm going to approach them. The weird feeling of being there alone slowly starts to creep into my psyche. I ask myself what the fuck am I doing here alone? I start to get doubts and my mind is telling me to just quit and go home before people think your a weirdo. Then I see, one spot open up right in front of me. There's no chicks there but two dudes chatting on one side and another two on the other side. I decide it's better then leaning up against the wall and quickly take the spot. One of the dudes, looks at me and I make eye contact but then he turns and ignores me. The other dude on my right is too busy chatting with his buddy to even notice me. I'm standing here, leaning up against the bar table thinking fuck, I can't even pregame or socialize with people before I hit the clubs. After a while, the two dudes on the left leave while the two on my right are still chatting away. I figure, fuck it, I need to start socializing with people, otherwise my club game is gonna be shot. I open the guy on my right. I point to his beer and ask him "What type of beer is that?". He gives me short and brief answers but I keep on re-engaging him, until after I asked him where's the best spots to hang on a Friday, he finally starts putting some more effort into his answers and even offers to show me on my phone the best places. The places he recommended were shitty bars like some Bar with the words Pharmacy on it, I walked by that place, its fucking tiny. The only exception was rock cafe, but I didn't like the vibe of that place, way too cliquey. We chat a little more, but he doesn't really ask me much questions and his friend doesn't even speak English.

Just then, two chicks come up to the counter on my left. They seem kind of off, especially short blonde. They smile at me and I smile back. I open them and ask them about their drinks. The taller brunette doesn't seem quite as friendly yet, whereas the blonde seems kind of weird, like she took some drugs or something. After a little more bantering the brunette finally seems more friendly and talkative. I found out, the blonde is Latvian while the brunette is from Estonia. They try to guess where I'm from but can't do it lol. They also question me as to why I'm in Latvia. I've been asked this question at least a dozen times now and its kind of getting old. The Estonian tells me I should visit Estonia. Her drink arrives and I ask her what she ordered. Her beer had a dark red color to it. She's like its called cranberry beer and gives me a sip while she takes a sip of my beer because I complained that it taste like crap. Her beer was actually quite good. They then bid me farewell and say maybe they will see me later again. I never see these two chicks again.

I return back to my banter with the dude on my right for a little bit, and not long after, a group of four chicks comes up to my left to order drinks. I fucking love the spot by the bar, chicks just come up to you and it's so easy to open them once they are there and it doesn't make you look creepy or anything. I wait for the chicks drink to arrive and then immediately open her.

me: Hey, what drink is that? Rum and Coke?
her: yes
me: my favourite drink
her: she smiles.
her: where are you from?
me: take a guess with a sly smirk on my cheeks
her: takes several guesses and can't get it.
her: where are you from?
me: Canada
her: oh I love canada
We talk some more.
her: why are you in Latvia? (Come on, stop asking me this frigging question.)
me: why does everyone always ask me that question? You are like the 50th person to ask me this.
her: she laughs, because blah blah blah
Her friend comes over and she tells her friend that she just met me and introduces her. Her friend was a lot hotter then her but I wasn't getting any buying signals. I open her and tell her what we just talked about and she just smiles and nods. I return back to talking to the original chick. Then her friends kind of usher her away to the table behind us.
She bids me farewell and says she might be back later. She stayed at the table in behind me for a bit but there was a dude seated beside her and chatting her up. Later, I notice she and the dude took off somewhere presumably to either smoke or fuck. Who knows. They later returned together and then their group disappeared and their table was taken over by a bunch of dudes, probably foreigners because I saw a black dude in a dress shirt.

The two dudes on my right are kind of deep into conversation and I decide not to pester them so just sit there and chill while finishing up my beer. Then two brits scoot up right next to me on my left. They kind of ignore me and order their drinks. One of them spills his shot glass all over the table and acts like a total jackass, as expected from these stag party idiots. They leave without cleaning up their mess. Next, some fat middle aged blonde walks up to the counter. I'm not remotely interested in her, but decide I need to maintain my social momentum so I open her as well.
me: be careful, there's a spill
her: looks at me confused as I point to the table. "Ah, thank you so much."

We start chatting and she tells me that she's from Norway and brought her mother her as a birthday present but that her mother is completely wasted lol. We chat for a bit and then she bids me farewell as well. At around this time, I notice two fat chicks standing behind me. They are trying to dance and get guy's attention (typical). One of the guys from the table behind me sees them and approaches one of the fat chicks and tries to dance behind her. This was a good looking well dressed guy too (way too thirsty). She turns around and sees him but ignores him lol.

I return my gaze back to the table and see the two dudes are grabbing their jackets and about to take off. They bid me farewell, shake my hand and then take off. Immediately two blonde chicks take their seats. Great, another target. They order tea in a teapot and I open the one on my right as well.
me: Hey, what is that?
her: smiles, "tea"
me: I look at her confused and surprised. "Tea? at this time?"
her: she laughs and then nodds.
She didn't give me much to work with so I decide not to re-engage her after 2-3 attempts at re-engaging.

Another two dudes now take up my left spot but aren't very open to chat based on their body language, ok fine. I'm kind of just sitting here now, trying to figure out what's my next move. Then I get a message on my phone saying someone wants to hang out and go clubbing. Great! I found a wingman. I message him and he's down. We agree that he'll come meet me here and then we'll go to Kalku Varti (the club where I had some success with that Russian chick last week). So I sit there, kind of bored without any targets to approach. I order another beer and wonder whether or not I should move around and try to approach some chicks or just stay there. If I move, I know some jackass is going to take my spot. A good 15-20 minutes past, and then suddenly some tall attractive brunette about a 7.5 pushes up between me and the dude on my left. She looks at me and then gives me this kind of strange smile and I'm not quite sure how to react to it lol. I kind of just smile back. Then she is interrupted by the dude on the left who starts talking to her. They chat for a few seconds and says something to him and they laugh. He leans in to me and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I look a little confused and then he says something. I can't fucking understand what he's saying. I lean in and ask him to repeat.

dude: She says are you Glenn from the walking dead?
me: What?
she looks at me and smiles.
me: I turn and look at her. "did you say that I look like Glen from the walking dead?"
she smiles and nodds. Her face is like lit up lol.
me: well then, you should ask for my autograph
she laughs and then nodds her head frantically.
me: maybe even better if we take a photo.
she makes this really happy face which I can't describe with words lol and then tells the dude on the left if he can take a photo for us. She then leans in while I wrap one of my arms on her shoulder for the photo but then the dude tells his other friend to take the photo and he also jumps into the photo, wtf?
She thanks me for the photo while the dude on the left tries to get her attention but she kind of ignores him and is all focused on me. She has this huge grin on her face and looks very curious. We chat a bit about the walking dead, what she does for a living (she's an air hostess with air baltic), why I'm here in latvia (come on, did you expect them to leave this question out?), how long I'm going to be here, where I'm from, and that she's Latvian and some other random shit I can't remember. She looked like she wanted to ask me a million questions but was also kind of shy to do it, so we had a few awkward pauses lol. Just then, we get interrupted again, wtf! Some old dude comes right up to her and starts caressing her back and shoulders with one of his hand while talking to her. She's looks a little uncomfortable but remains polite. The dude then asks about me and she introduces him to me. He's apparently some priest or father at a church here. He seemed friendly and told me to come visit him at his church. He wrote down the address on his phone. I might actually swing by lol. He then leaves me and the girl to resume our conversation. This chick is all smiles and I can kind of feel her leg brushing up against mines by the bar table. Then the priest interrupts us again! and hands her two drinks, rum and coke I presume. I guess she's using him for drinks or something, I don't know. Her friend then stops by the counter and she introduces me to her. Her friends short, fat, and ugly and kind of ignores me after the introduction. She then bids me farewell and tells me she'll be back.

Man, I had a good look at this chick, she was totally my type, tall, big eyes, and a brunette. I totally forgot about that earlier chick at the mall when I was chatting to this chick. I knew I had to get her number. Just then my cellphone started to get messages from the couchsurfing guy. We exchanged extensively some messages while I glanced around the place looking for the chick I had just spoke to. I noticed at this point that the black dude from early had opened and was talking to one of the fatties.
The black dude seemed really contempt and happy hitting on the fat brunette chick lol. What is it with black dudes and hitting on fat chicks? I always see this in real life and in videoclips. There was so many slim women and yet he went directly for the two fatties lol.
His other friends kept the other fattie busy too. I was thirsty as fuck as this point, but didn't want to drink anymore alcohol so I tried to order some water but was being ignored by the bartenders.

After waiting around for a while, I said fuck it and left my seat to walk over to the more busier area of the bar with more bartenders. Naturally my seat was immediately taken over by some dudes. When I finally made it over their, another two chicks also arrived and wanted to order drinks. They also were being ignored. I tried to open one of them.

Me: customer service kind of sucks here doesn't it?
Her: she gives a half ass smile and then ignores me

I finally get one of the waiters attention and then order my water. I also notice a lonely older looking hot chick somewhat near me. I saw her earlier with a dude but he wasn't around. I contemplated walking over and talking to her but there was just something about her that told me she would tell me to fuck off right away. She had a bitchy aura to her so I decided nah. At this point, I received a message from the couchsurfing dude that he would be arriving her soon so I thought ok, I really need to go talk to that chick again and get her number before I have to take off with the other guy.

I walk around and try to find her. After a few minutes, I finally spot her sitting down by a table, she sees me but then is interrupted by some guy. I kind of keep my position within eyesight of her and then after a few minutes, I notice she getting out of her seat but making it look kind of casual and her not looking at me as she predictably walks over to me and chats to me again while I'm leaned up against the bar table. We resume our chat and she still looks kind of shy but has this huge smirk on her face. It was kind of cute and funny at the same time. Somehow I forgot how our conversation turned into me agreeing to get drunk and drink rum and coke with her. I make my way over to the bartender as she looks at me, I was kind of expecting her to pay for her drink but she didn't say anything so I assumed she was expecting me to pay for it. Alright fine, its only a few euros but I wasn't going to pay for another drink for her. Just then as I'm ordering her drinks, she gets approached by another dude (OMG!!!), she appears uncomfortable and they chat a little bit and then suddenly the dude starts talking to me. He seems kind of friendly and becomes even more so when he founds out I'm from Canada. I find out he's from Britain, but just then the chick gets taken away by another dude (wtf is going on here?). I'm not sure if I was being amoged or not and that was this dude's friend but the chick disappeared somewhere with the other guy. Right around this time, I receive a text from the couchsurfing dude saying he's here and waiting for me by the washroom.

I finally get handed my two drinks and then bid the british dude farewell and then go to look for the chick but notice she is dancing with some guy so I decide to abandon her for a bit while I grab the dude by the washroom. I go look for the guy by the washroom but he's nowhere to be found so I whip out my phone and message him. Still nothing as I wait for a few minutes. Then some tall ass guy approaches me and introduces himself. I tell him, just let me give this drink to this chick, grab her number and then we can take off.
As I make my way back to the dance area, I noticed she is isn't there anymore. I scan the room and then suddenly my pupils dilate as my heart sank.
I see the guy she is dancing with being aggressive with her and then they start kissing. I'm like wtf man! Needless to say, I was kind of pissed off. I went to go get her a drink and she instead makes out with this guy. I was like fuck this, I went back to where the guy was sitting, dropped off both drinks and then walked towards where my coat was being hung. Unfortunately, the path was being blocked by her and the guy who she just kissed. She sees me and moves to the side as I grab my coat and then walk back to the couchsurfing guy. I tell him what happened and he shakes his head. I'm like fuck this, gulp down both drinks and end up shit faced as we make our way out of there.

Man, the only thoughts in my head at that time was "was this girl really interested in me or was she just using me? Trying to scam me for a free drink?"
What a fucking shame! I really liked this chick because she is totally my type and I was just about to get her digits before this happened.
That fucking stung! How many more heartaches and pain must I endure before I finally start getting some success with women? I questioned whether or not I should have just given up right there on the spot, because things seem futile and pointless. I'm not getting anywhere with any girls. The couchsurfing dude tried to comfort me saying there will be more chicks and to just forget about her. I find out he's Russian and living here in Riga indefinitely (great, finally someone who I can go out regularly with). We make our way to
Kalku Varti. It's around 2am at this point. The place is playing good music but its a huge sausagefest and there isn't much people there. Most of the girls there are with dudes. I make my way to the dance floor while my new wing asks if I want a drink and I'm not nah I'm good and he just stays by the bar and orders a drink.

I walk around and immediately some ugly ass Asian girl girls me a top to bottom. Not quite as obvious as the Russian from the other night but I think it definitely was an IOI. I start dancing and moving to the beats of the music while scanning for any extended eye contact. There's nothing. My wing then makes his way to the dance floor to meet up with me with a drink in his hand. Immediately, I notice a short blonde chick eye fucking him as he walks by. I yell out to his eye that the chick behind him is checking him out and that he should make a move. He shrugs it off and says he doesn't find her attractive. We continue dancing for a bit, and then he asks if I want to get a drink and I'm no thanks. He goes and orders another drink. I continue dancing but no chicks giving me any eye contact while I try to get within their proximity. It also doesn't help that none of the chicks are really that attractive. There might have been maybe 1-2 7's there but that was it. After dancing some more, we agree to abandon the place.

Our next stop's at Friend's nightclub. My wing actually wanted to go to coyote fly or studio 69 but I told him you need to be spending a shit tonne at those places and that I probably wouldn't be able to get into coyote fly due to their strict face control. So we arrive at the club and its actually quite lively and busy today, a farcry from the other night. We make our way downstairs and enter the dance room. It was fucking packed, but not in a good way. It was mostly older people there, like I'm talking 30 and up. There might have been a few late 20's chicks but that's it. The music was all in Russian and most of the people there were Russian. I did see 1-2 black guys and 1-2 Asian dudes dressed really weird. I got zero eye contact from any of the girls but then again I wasn't really into these older chicks. There was 1 really tall smoking hot Russian chick though. She was even taller then me and had a huge rack and was wearing tight jeans and a white tank top. My wing again asked if I wanted a drink. I didn't want to keep on turning him down so said yes. I was kind of wasted at that point but nonetheless muscled through and danced there. I wasn't feeling much of a vibe with that older crowd but stayed there to keep him company. After finishing his drink, within 20 minutes he asked if I wanted another drink. I told him I'd pay for this round and ordered a water for myself lol. I continued to dance but received no invitations. I actually saw one russian dude kind of molest one women while she tried to remove his hands. Suddenly some Russian told pushed the other guy away and then got in his face. The Russian apologized to him and then they shook hands and forgot about it. This Russians sure don't kid around. My wing kept on buying drinks after drinks after drinks. I think I counted between 6-8 drinks he had in a span of 4-5 hours and he did zero approaches too. All he wanted to do was just drink and dance lol. I quickly arrived at the conclusion that he's an alcoholic but who am I to judge, as long as I get some sort of social support at a nightclub, that's good enough for me.

At around the 5am mark, I was really feeling tired and wanted to bail, but my wing asked if I was interested in going to a strip club. I quickly turned down his offer. We left the club at around 5:30am and said we'll meet up tomorrow again to go clubbing.

I really thought things were going to turn around when I met that really attractive brunette earlier in the night but I guess I was wrong. I'm still kind of confused on whether or not she actually was into me or just saw me as some idiot to use for free drinks. On the positive side, I now know that a few Latvians are maybe curious and interested in me. Prior to tonight, I thought all of them weren't open to foreigners especially ethic minorities since I never saw any couples here yet. Well that's all for tonight, tomorrow's going to be another grind. Fingers crossed my luck changes soon.

My Travel Journal - Going strong - 10-22-2016

You had two windows of opportunities, 2 periods of time being alone, or say, isolated enough, with your cute-smiling-big eyed girl, and didn't get her number. That was your mistake, in such a crowded place, you should have used the window of opportunity to get the phone number, quite fast... also, you let her go away to sms-chat with the CS dude: big mistake, isn't it? He could have waited, she didn't.

Anyway, thanks for the honest, realistic and detailed posts, interesting thread...

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-22-2016

Quote: (10-22-2016 12:48 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

You had two windows of opportunities, 2 periods of time being alone, or say, isolated enough, with your cute-smiling-big eyed girl, and didn't get her number. That was your mistake, in such a crowded place, you should have used the window of opportunity to get the phone number, quite fast... also, you let her go away to sms-chat with the CS dude: big mistake, isn't it? He could have waited, she didn't.

Anyway, thanks for the honest, realistic and detailed posts, interesting thread...

Hmm... I always thought that you needed to build up enough rapport with the girl before shooting for the number otherwise you'll experience a much higher rate of flakes. I guess in the future, I'll try to get the digits within 10 minutes. Also how do you suppose I handle the other dudes in the future? If I'm talking to some chick and she is constantly being hounded and interrupted by other dudes? Should I just stick my index finger in his face and be like "just 1 minute, we'll in the middle of our conversation."?

My Travel Journal - kirdiesel - 10-22-2016

Maybe that guy knew her from earlier in the night or from somewhere else. That seems mighty fast to get a make out from a girl in that short span of time. Barely any time for convo and then bam a makeout? Possible but highly unlikely.

As for the black guy comment: Most black guys tend to prefer curvy women and some have this "pussy is pussy" mentality which is why you have been seeing this type of behavior. I personally don't get down like that. So it's not all of us!

What is with that place with tight face control? If it's tight then it usually means there's tons of hot girls in there.

It seemed you opened a lot of girls and people tonight. I'm still on the side of you going out alone. That wingman didn't help you out once again at all.

Once again it is normal for people to ask where you are from. I've been in Germany for years and people still ask be that question. Just make a joke out of it and use it to your advantage.

My Travel Journal - Going strong - 10-22-2016

Quote: (10-22-2016 12:55 AM)destiny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2016 12:48 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

You had two windows of opportunities, 2 periods of time being alone, or say, isolated enough, with your cute-smiling-big eyed girl, and didn't get her number. That was your mistake, in such a crowded place, you should have used the window of opportunity to get the phone number, quite fast... also, you let her go away to sms-chat with the CS dude: big mistake, isn't it? He could have waited, she didn't.

Anyway, thanks for the honest, realistic and detailed posts, interesting thread...

Hmm... I always thought that you needed to build up enough rapport with the girl before shooting for the number otherwise you'll experience a much higher rate of flakes. I guess in the future, I'll try to get the digits within 10 minutes.

Unless the girl is seated at a table having dinner with you, she is not fully isolated, so, if many thirsty men are milling around her in the venue, you'd have to ask, at the first opportunity, for her phone number: you have nothing to lose, just do it in a cool, although direct, way... "hey by the way, pretty (or insert name), what's your phone number?".

She'll understand that you had to ask quickly, given the circumstances and surrounding competition. And you know what, if the girl likes you, you'll get her number whatever clumsy line you use; if she doesn't, you won't. That's why pick up lines are 90% useless, compared to how you look to her eyes. (just don't use anything strange or creepy, just quietly ask for the number)

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-22-2016

Quote: (10-22-2016 05:38 AM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Maybe that guy knew her from earlier in the night or from somewhere else. That seems mighty fast to get a make out from a girl in that short span of time. Barely any time for convo and then bam a makeout? Possible but highly unlikely.

As for the black guy comment: Most black guys tend to prefer curvy women and some have this "pussy is pussy" mentality which is why you have been seeing this type of behavior. I personally don't get down like that. So it's not all of us!

What is with that place with tight face control? If it's tight then it usually means there's tons of hot girls in there.

It seemed you opened a lot of girls and people tonight. I'm still on the side of you going out alone. That wingman didn't help you out once again at all.

Once again it is normal for people to ask where you are from. I've been in Germany for years and people still ask be that question. Just make a joke out of it and use it to your advantage.

I think I saw them speaking a couple of times before I first spoke to her. They were already acquainted with each other. In fact, earlier in the night, I saw her getting hit on several times by different dudes already. I suppose that should have hinted to me to move fast with her.

This is the instagram page of Coyote Fly. You can have a quick look to determine whether or not the quality is there. Several reviews mention that they only let in Latvians unless you are some serious connections. I think in general though, you won't be disappointed with the quality at any clubs here. At least a 1/4 of the chicks I see are good enough to be run way models. Their tall and have beautiful faces. This is a pic of that secret Latvian club I mentioned that I visited that night with the black guy from London. As you can see there's no signs there. Quality was very high there, and practically no foreigners but chicks didn't seem receptive to us. I got zero eye contact from chicks.

[Image: igzzv7.jpg]

I saw this sign near the entrance but I'm sure if this is the name of the place.
[Image: 2wcqwp1.jpg]

Note: it's since been removed.

Ya, it seems he was more into drinking alcohol then anything. I'm just going to let him "tag along" so I have some moral support when I'm in the trenches. I'm debating on whether or not to let him come with me to the same pub. I did surprisingly well by myself yesterday and it seems being alone actually makes people approach you lol.

I'm going to have to come up with some sort of witty answer then when people ask.

My Travel Journal - destiny - 10-22-2016

Quote: (10-22-2016 05:51 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2016 12:55 AM)destiny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2016 12:48 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

You had two windows of opportunities, 2 periods of time being alone, or say, isolated enough, with your cute-smiling-big eyed girl, and didn't get her number. That was your mistake, in such a crowded place, you should have used the window of opportunity to get the phone number, quite fast... also, you let her go away to sms-chat with the CS dude: big mistake, isn't it? He could have waited, she didn't.

Anyway, thanks for the honest, realistic and detailed posts, interesting thread...

Hmm... I always thought that you needed to build up enough rapport with the girl before shooting for the number otherwise you'll experience a much higher rate of flakes. I guess in the future, I'll try to get the digits within 10 minutes.

Unless the girl is seated at a table having dinner with you, she is not fully isolated, so, if many thirsty men are milling around her in the venue, you'd have to ask, at the first opportunity, for her phone number: you have nothing to lose, just do it in a cool, although direct, way... "hey by the way, pretty (or insert name), what's your phone number?".

She'll understand that you had to ask quickly, given the circumstances and surrounding competition. And you know what, if the girl likes you, you'll get her number whatever clumsy line you use; if she doesn't, you won't. That's why pick up lines are 90% useless, compared to how you look to her eyes. (just don't use anything strange or creepy, just quietly ask for the number)

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to try to move faster with chicks from now on. I guess the fact that she was constantly being hit on, should have hinted to me whether or not to move things quicker with her.