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Whey Protein Denaturing - sterling_archer - 10-10-2016

I agree with Repo. If your diet has enough protein intake required for your growth, then supplements are unnecessary. But mine has not (not serious lack, but slightly below what I require), so I consider using whey.

Whey Protein Denaturing - Mushroom - 10-10-2016

I think it's common to overthink diet a lot, I'm lazy as fuck when it comes to food, but I'm currently 10% body fat and almost 200 pounds at 6'1". I adjusted my diet a long time ago with inspiration from what the trainer working with the actor I spoke of:

It's super simple, here's all that I buy each week:

1. (3) Rostierre chickens from Costco - $4.99 each
3lbs each, about 1,500 calories and 275g of protein in the whole chicken. I eat half a chicken a day.

2. I buy 5 dozen eggs from Costco for $6
I eat 6 eggs a day fried in Coconut Oil, so the 5 dozen lasts for 10 days. No it's not unhealthy, the old health myths about eggs have been debunked.

3. I buy (2) 5lb bags of mixed frozen vegetables from Costco, I eat about a pound and half of mixed veggies a day.

4. On days I workout (3 - 4 days a week), I eat a pound of steak. I can get steaks at Costco for as little as $5/lb.
Red meat health risks are also overstated. The majority of cases that correlate red meat to colon cancer are in people that are obese and already a minimum of 25% more likely to develop colon cancer just from being a land whale.

5. I throw in some fresh veggies and fruit too, I just buy whatever looks good that week.

All in all, I average maybe $70/week on food and it takes me only 10-15mins to prepare each meal. I don't get bored eating the same things over and over, it's just fuel, and it all tastes great.

My calorie breakdown ends up looking about like this:

Workout days: Eggs, chicken, steak, tons of veggies: 3,000 calories
Non-workout days: Eggs, chicken, tons of veggies: 1,800 calories

It's the easiest diet I've ever had in my life, I'm on autopilot with this thing, I'm never ever hungry. It's impossible to screw up.

Whey Protein Denaturing - kevinspear - 02-10-2019

I need someone to pick out one best product from those on this list here.

Whey Protein Denaturing - TeachNExplore - 02-11-2019

Doesn't stomach acid denature protein?