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Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - GlobalMan - 09-15-2016

Nidall, when you approach these "9s and 10s" what is the scenario generally? On the street? In a club? What? How are you dressed?

If you feel like cursing at a woman on the street for not being interested in your approach it is possible that you have an underlying negative attitude or vibe that shows through before you even speak, which of course is easily perceived and a turn off to anyone.

Unless we could see how you actually speak and interact with people it is difficult to provide a solution, or speculate much of anything. You may be thinking you're doing everything right but in reality you are putting people off when you're 10 feet away because of an intangible you are not aware of- or you may speak very well but you look like a scrub. Or just bad luck with genuine bitches.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - Merenguero - 09-15-2016

I'm getting tired of saying this, so maybe I should stop. Get in shape, get your language skills together, catch a flight to Miami, head to the beach, approach the girls who are alone first, then the pairs. You do that and I guarantee you will have positive results with quality girls and to the people who immediately start ranting about how expensive Miami is, the beach is free and what I am proposing is cheaper than many, if not most, of the activities you could be engaging, all of which would likely yield far worse results.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - jcrew247 - 09-15-2016

Its because 9s and 10s get hit on all the time and cat-called so they have their bitchshields up to rando-men.

You are butt-hurt because you are seeking validation and approval from these un-attainable girls. That is not an alpha-mindset.

If you were an alpha-man then these 10s would be begging to come talk to you.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-19-2016

Quote: (09-15-2016 09:27 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

You are butt-hurt because you are seeking validation and approval from these un-attainable girls. That is not an alpha-mindset.

If you were an alpha-man then these 10s would be begging to come talk to you.

No youre wrong big time. I'm bothered by the fact that I go out there everyday and try to get these types of bitches. It gets tiring after a while and makes you want to give up.

If you dont understand this then youre definitely not an alpha male. An alpha male goes out there no matter what. Not sit behind a computer everyday and easily criticizes others of doing the very thinig he cant do.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - gameking7 - 09-20-2016

An alpha male brushes that attitude off his shoulders. No need to get mad. Try working on your inner game. You can't make them like you. Just come with a masculine frame and a smile [Image: icon_biggrin.gif]

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - Easy_C - 09-21-2016

Sorry. There is no easy fix If they reject you that quickly it means that for whatever reason their lizard brains response to "would I fuck that guy?" is a strong NO. If it's that strong you cant fix it with any opener or acripted "game" anyone on here will give you.

It also means you've got a long ways to go in your game. Welcome to the journey.

For now you need to take a step back and figure ehy they don't think you're attractive. Personally my intuition is that you need to work on your empathy and retrain your brain to focus more on what others are feeling than what you're feeling.

Also step up your fitness, style, confidence, speaking skills, etc. as needed. In the meantime lower your standards to build confidence and avoid giving off a thirsty vibe.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - Easy_C - 09-21-2016

Oh yes.

Remember this phrase: "WOMEN DO THE CHOOSING". Think about what that implies.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-22-2016

Quote: (09-20-2016 01:08 AM)gameking7 Wrote:  

An alpha male brushes that attitude off his shoulders. No need to get mad. Try working on your inner game. You can't make them like you. Just come with a masculine frame and a smile

Yes you're correct. But just to let you know, my masculine frame is intact for the most part, though not perfect, Its there though. I dont get scared approaching girls although I do wait for the right time to approach which helps. I think its my age, though I dont look as old as I actually am. I say this because 3 years ago I was able to get most girls with no problem.

I dont think you need to become super alpha to get chicks, even to get finer ones as I continue to see at my bewilderment, chubby nerds with very fine girls. But I'll work on becoming more masculine. I guess there could be a bit more room for improvement.

Quote: (09-21-2016 11:34 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Sorry. There is no easy fix If they reject you that quickly it means that for whatever reason their lizard brains response to "would I fuck that guy?" is a strong NO. If it's that strong you cant fix it with any opener or acripted "game" anyone on here will give you.

Also step up your fitness, style, confidence, speaking skills, etc. as needed. In the meantime lower your standards to build confidence and avoid giving off a thirsty vibe.

I'll tell you a couple of experiences that happened to me last week.

Belgian chick:
I met a belgiun chick on the street. We walked around for 25 minutes just talking. She was impressed with my game so much that she commented positively on it. I texted her and she responded very well. When I texted her again a couple days later to ask her out she didnt reply. Three days later I texted her again and I got no response. I dont get it.

Ukranian chick:
Heres a great example: I met a ukranian chick on the street. After talking to her for 10 minutes we took a cab to a club. We then ate salad at another place. I kino excalated but didnt kiss. However, when we got outside she felt a bit cold and she wanted to take a cab to the subway. the subway was only 4 blocks away. So instead we walked there. Two days later when I texted her she didnt reply. Nor did she respond to my phone call. I dont know if not getting the cab when she was a bit cold was the reason she didnt respond or not. Then again the subway was only 4 blocks away.

Weirdness like these 2 examples makes me conclude that I may be cursed. And I am not fucking kidding about this.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - Off The Reservation - 09-23-2016

Quote: (09-15-2016 09:27 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

Its because 9s and 10s get hit on all the time and cat-called so they have their bitchshields up to rando-men.

You are butt-hurt because you are seeking validation and approval from these un-attainable girls. That is not an alpha-mindset.

If you were an alpha-man then these 10s would be begging to come talk to you.

I generally agree with this.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - CleanSlate - 09-23-2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:04 AM)nidall Wrote:  

She was impressed with my game so much that she commented positively on it.

What do you mean by that she commented positively on your game? More details please. I think you're leaving a lot of information out.

And I don't know if anyone would agree with me on this, but I believe good game should be under the radar. No one should notice you are "gaming". If you're getting noticed and people are commenting on your "game", however positive the comments are, I would not take that as a good sign as to how things are going.

But I have no idea what her comment was and I don't know the context.

If she said "hahaha you're funny", that's fine.

But if she said "oh, that's real smooth, you sure know how to talk to women... you're probably like this with every other girl", you're already in damage control mode.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-24-2016

Quote: (09-23-2016 11:54 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:04 AM)nidall Wrote:  

She was impressed with my game so much that she commented positively on it.

What do you mean by that she commented positively on your game? More details please. I think you're leaving a lot of information out.

I'm not leaving details out intentionally if thats what you mean. Its just hard to remember each and every word conversed though. But I remember I said something smooth and her commenting to it something like, "very well played."


I believe good game should be under the radar. No one should notice you are "gaming". If you're getting noticed and people are commenting on your "game", however positive the comments are, I would not take that as a good sign as to how things are going.

I dont know if I agree with that.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - Rush87 - 09-24-2016

Quote: (09-15-2016 07:57 PM)nidall Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 06:45 PM)Lance Blastoff Wrote:  

Perfectly put. OP's behavior suggests that he's got to seriously reevaluate his frame. If you get rejected, it's no big deal, it's certainly not personal, and responding angrily is likely to get him into trouble with this cold approach day game. Hostler. This reads like it was written by someone with aspergers.

You fail to understand the reason why I asked this. I need to find an approach to these 9s and 10s who keep rejecting me. That's all.

Lets drop the name calling too. Lets be mature about this.

I don't think I've ever seen a 9 on the street. I know I haven't seen a 10 because they don't exist. If you do happen to come across a high quality girl on the street, you have to ask yourself... "Is excuse me?" worthy of a response?

In today's society, a 7 has more attention than a 1960's movie star. A 9 has her pick of everything, the apex males included. If you aren't a nine yourself, if you don't have high status, once again, you have to ask yourself... "Why would anyone of value respond to 'excuse me'?"

If you want to be pulling a 9 off the street, you have to have maxed out your value, and have tight game... Essentially, the easiest way to put it, is that the sum total of your positives have to outweigh hers. Right now you don't appear to have much game, and considering the fact that she didn't respond with a smile when she turned around, I would say your looks wouldn't be anywhere near her level either.

With that in mind, you've obviously just got to start maxing out all your weaknesses. Your body, your game, your looks, your bank roll etc etc. It seems like right now, you just aren't at their level yet.

The TLDR: There is no line that will bag you a nine off the street. Sure maybe once in a blue moon you might get lucky... But chances are, right now, game isn't enough.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-24-2016

Quote: (09-24-2016 06:19 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Right now you don't appear to have much game, and considering the fact that she didn't respond with a smile when she turned around, I would say your looks wouldn't be anywhere near her level either.

But heres the thing. Three to five years ago when I looked younger I was able to get girls with ease. But now that I look older my game has suffered. My game is there (though I admit there could be more room for improvement), its just that I think that since I look older now that this has affected my game negatively. This is the reason why I'm strongly considering plastic surgery believe it or not.

I don't want to go down that PS route but right now I got no other options. When I go downtown and come back home with no or few or flaky numbers it doesnt make you feel good about yourself. Let me know what you think.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - Rush87 - 09-24-2016

Quote: (09-24-2016 04:56 PM)nidall Wrote:  

But heres the thing. Three to five years ago when I looked younger I was able to get girls with ease. But now that I look older my game has suffered. My game is there (though I admit there could be more room for improvement), its just that I think that since I look older now that this has affected my game negatively. This is the reason why I'm strongly considering plastic surgery believe it or not.

I don't want to go down that PS route but right now I got no other options. When I go downtown and come back home with no or few or flaky numbers it doesnt make you feel good about yourself. Let me know what you think.

Perhaps you have lost some looks with age, but 5 years isn't a great deal of time. Potentially your perceived loss of looks has hit your confidence as well.

Pulling women is all about status. Status can come from fame, money, looks, physique, game etc etc. If one area declines, you have to make up for it somewhere else. You can be an ugly guy and still pull nines, you just have to max out other areas.

Nobody can comment on plastic surgery or your appearance. Only you can make that decision. Weigh up the pro's and cons and do what you feel is best for your confidence.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-24-2016

Quote: (09-24-2016 06:17 PM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Perhaps you have lost some looks with age, but 5 years isn't a great deal of time. Potentially your perceived loss of looks has hit your confidence as well.

Pulling women is all about status. Status can come from fame, money, looks, physique, game etc etc. If one area declines, you have to make up for it somewhere else. You can be an ugly guy and still pull nines, you just have to max out other areas.

Nobody can comment on plastic surgery or your appearance. Only you can make that decision. Weigh up the pro's and cons and do what you feel is best for your confidence.

Yeah I know. Its just that when I compare where my game was 3 - 5 years ago to now, the only thing that has changed has been my looks. My game has stayed basically the same. All else being equal, the only thing that I feel sticks out is my looks which has declined a bit (not much) with time. I'm not saying I look like santa claus. But this is something thats sticking out like a sore thumb enough that girls aren't noticing me now as they used to before. And yes looks do matter in game.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - Off The Reservation - 09-24-2016

Attitudes are visible.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - gameking7 - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:04 AM)nidall Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 01:08 AM)gameking7 Wrote:  

An alpha male brushes that attitude off his shoulders. No need to get mad. Try working on your inner game. You can't make them like you. Just come with a masculine frame and a smile

Yes you're correct. But just to let you know, my masculine frame is intact for the most part, though not perfect, Its there though. I dont get scared approaching girls although I do wait for the right time to approach which helps. I think its my age, though I dont look as old as I actually am. I say this because 3 years ago I was able to get most girls with no problem.

I dont think you need to become super alpha to get chicks, even to get finer ones as I continue to see at my bewilderment, chubby nerds with very fine girls. But I'll work on becoming more masculine. I guess there could be a bit more room for improvement.

Quote: (09-21-2016 11:34 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Sorry. There is no easy fix If they reject you that quickly it means that for whatever reason their lizard brains response to "would I fuck that guy?" is a strong NO. If it's that strong you cant fix it with any opener or acripted "game" anyone on here will give you.

Also step up your fitness, style, confidence, speaking skills, etc. as needed. In the meantime lower your standards to build confidence and avoid giving off a thirsty vibe.

I'll tell you a couple of experiences that happened to me last week.

Belgian chick:
I met a belgiun chick on the street. We walked around for 25 minutes just talking. She was impressed with my game so much that she commented positively on it. I texted her and she responded very well. When I texted her again a couple days later to ask her out she didnt reply. Three days later I texted her again and I got no response. I dont get it.

Ukranian chick:
Heres a great example: I met a ukranian chick on the street. After talking to her for 10 minutes we took a cab to a club. We then ate salad at another place. I kino excalated but didnt kiss. However, when we got outside she felt a bit cold and she wanted to take a cab to the subway. the subway was only 4 blocks away. So instead we walked there. Two days later when I texted her she didnt reply. Nor did she respond to my phone call. I dont know if not getting the cab when she was a bit cold was the reason she didnt respond or not. Then again the subway was only 4 blocks away.

Weirdness like these 2 examples makes me conclude that I may be cursed. And I am not fucking kidding about this.

It sounds like both girls were into you. You need to try to go for it then and there or you'll have to rebuild the next time from scratch to get the escalation up. I remember Paul Janka saying something about that in NYC and how it almost never works (video is on youtube somewhere) bc you have get back in that mood and it can't be duplicated.

Also don't wait. Text the next day in the afternoon

You get one shot and need to let them know you are sexual. You should have gone for the kiss or they will think you have no balls and next you which they did.

You should have gotten close to the girl and tried to hold her hand walking to the station, sit close to her. See if she's receptive if not back away and try later. Feel the situation out

If the first girl is walking around with you that long you have to make a move. They will respect you for trying to go for the kiss. If not they will honestly hate you and think you are a beta/weak male.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-28-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 01:25 AM)gameking7 Wrote:  

It sounds like both girls were into you. You need to try to go for it then and there or you'll have to rebuild the next time from scratch to get the escalation up.

You get one shot and need to let them know you are sexual. You should have gone for the kiss or they will think you have no balls and next you which they did.

You should have gotten close to the girl and tried to hold her hand walking to the station, sit close to her. See if she's receptive if not back away and try later. Feel the situation out

If the first girl is walking around with you that long you have to make a move. They will respect you for trying to go for the kiss. If not they will honestly hate you and think you are a beta/weak male.

Youre right and thats exactly what I'm going to do next time. Thats it. i'm tired of this shit meeting girls, they like me the first day, then on the 2nd date it goes nowhere and I never hear from them again. Fuck that. I'll even try to force myself to kiss them next time.

Thanks man.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - jcrew247 - 09-28-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 01:25 AM)gameking7 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:04 AM)nidall Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 01:08 AM)gameking7 Wrote:  

An alpha male brushes that attitude off his shoulders. No need to get mad. Try working on your inner game. You can't make them like you. Just come with a masculine frame and a smile

Yes you're correct. But just to let you know, my masculine frame is intact for the most part, though not perfect, Its there though. I dont get scared approaching girls although I do wait for the right time to approach which helps. I think its my age, though I dont look as old as I actually am. I say this because 3 years ago I was able to get most girls with no problem.

I dont think you need to become super alpha to get chicks, even to get finer ones as I continue to see at my bewilderment, chubby nerds with very fine girls. But I'll work on becoming more masculine. I guess there could be a bit more room for improvement.

Quote: (09-21-2016 11:34 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Sorry. There is no easy fix If they reject you that quickly it means that for whatever reason their lizard brains response to "would I fuck that guy?" is a strong NO. If it's that strong you cant fix it with any opener or acripted "game" anyone on here will give you.

Also step up your fitness, style, confidence, speaking skills, etc. as needed. In the meantime lower your standards to build confidence and avoid giving off a thirsty vibe.

I'll tell you a couple of experiences that happened to me last week.

Belgian chick:
I met a belgiun chick on the street. We walked around for 25 minutes just talking. She was impressed with my game so much that she commented positively on it. I texted her and she responded very well. When I texted her again a couple days later to ask her out she didnt reply. Three days later I texted her again and I got no response. I dont get it.

Ukranian chick:
Heres a great example: I met a ukranian chick on the street. After talking to her for 10 minutes we took a cab to a club. We then ate salad at another place. I kino excalated but didnt kiss. However, when we got outside she felt a bit cold and she wanted to take a cab to the subway. the subway was only 4 blocks away. So instead we walked there. Two days later when I texted her she didnt reply. Nor did she respond to my phone call. I dont know if not getting the cab when she was a bit cold was the reason she didnt respond or not. Then again the subway was only 4 blocks away.

Weirdness like these 2 examples makes me conclude that I may be cursed. And I am not fucking kidding about this.

It sounds like both girls were into you. You need to try to go for it then and there or you'll have to rebuild the next time from scratch to get the escalation up. I remember Paul Janka saying something about that in NYC and how it almost never works (video is on youtube somewhere) bc you have get back in that mood and it can't be duplicated.

Also don't wait. Text the next day in the afternoon

You get one shot and need to let them know you are sexual. You should have gone for the kiss or they will think you have no balls and next you which they did.

You should have gotten close to the girl and tried to hold her hand walking to the station, sit close to her. See if she's receptive if not back away and try later. Feel the situation out

If the first girl is walking around with you that long you have to make a move. They will respect you for trying to go for the kiss. If not they will honestly hate you and think you are a beta/weak male.

Yeah, its seems like there could be 2 things going on here: (1) If these girls are 9s and 10s they probably have casual boyfriends so they have plenty of options and aren't going to wait on a guy's phone call or text, and (2) Some girls will live in the moment and talk to a guy and flirt, but they might not have a reason (or the guy does not give a reason) for the girl to want to hang out in the future or to continue the relationship.

Its important to keep the momentum and not wait. Some girls will be willing to wait for a high-value alpha man (maybe he's rich and successful and a good husband-material). But if you're just a young player-male you are just as disposal as the young-women you want to hookup with. That means girls can be players too (or at least be choosier and spot flaky players).

So the key is to be a high-value alpha male that has women who Actually WANT to hang out with you on a future date or a future time. You have to give a girl a good reason to want to date you and continue the relationship. Most of the time, it can be an intense-physical sexual relationship that gives a woman a good reason to want to date a guy. But if a girl isn't calling you back or responding to you, then she isn't interested and doesn't have a reason to continue seeing a guy. You can always try to asking her to an expensive dinner and see if she wants to go.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-28-2016

Quote: (09-28-2016 11:19 AM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

So the key is to be a high-value alpha male that has women who Actually WANT to hang out with you on a future date or a future time. You have to give a girl a good reason to want to date you and continue the relationship. Most of the time, it can be an intense-physical sexual relationship that gives a woman a good reason to want to date a guy.

I agree with you 100%. But what if on the 2nd date she doesnt allow me to get sexual with her? On many 2nd dates with different girls, I've tried to kino escalate and kiss them. But theyre not responsive. There are times when I feel its not even the right time to get physcial on the 2nd date and I wait until the 3rd date to kino. But usually I never hear from them after the 2nd date.

In these cases where the girl doesnt respond to my kinoing/ physicality on the 2nd date, what do you suggest I do to keep her intersted in seeing me for the 3rd date, 4th date, etc?


But if a girl isn't calling you back or responding to you, then she isn't interested and doesn't have a reason to continue seeing a guy. You can always try to asking her to an expensive dinner and see if she wants to go.

I'm not going to ask her out on an expensive dinner. But I do admit that in the past I've held girl's interest when I've invited them to expensive restaurants. But I dont want to relegate myself to expensive dinners if it doesnt lead anywhere.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - jcrew247 - 09-29-2016

Maybe on the 2nd date, the girls lose interest or you are turning them off somehow.

Do you have a job? Do you have money? Are you looking for a hookup or serious relationship? How is your physical appearance? Would there be any reason that these girls would discover something about you and dislike you and not want to see you again? Maybe the 2nd dates are in bad places or noisy places.

I don't know if its only kino. Perhaps its a personality differences. What types of girls are you dating, perhaps they don't think you have compatible lifestyles.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 09-30-2016

Quote: (09-29-2016 07:36 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

Maybe on the 2nd date, the girls lose interest or you are turning them off somehow.

Do you have a job? Do you have money? Are you looking for a hookup or serious relationship? How is your physical appearance? Would there be any reason that these girls would discover something about you and dislike you and not want to see you again? Maybe the 2nd dates are in bad places or noisy places.

I don't know if its only kino. Perhaps its a personality differences. What types of girls are you dating, perhaps they don't think you have compatible lifestyles.

I swear to god I dont know what I'm doing or not doing that turns them off.

To answer your questions here are my answers:
- Right now I dont have a job and am currently looking.
- I do have money so thats no issue.
- My physical appearance is fine: good build, cool hairstyle, cool clothes.
- 2nd dates are in very cool, cozy and classy places like lounges.
- I dont know why these girls would not want to see me again. This is a big mystery to me and one can be explained as a curse.
- The types of girls I date are foreign european or asian (not american, nor americanized, thank god!), aged 20 - 30. I'm in my mid 40s btw. They have jobs and/or go to school. Theyre not loud or street types. Theyre serious and are usually new to USA.

One other thing I need to say and I think this may help you help me. I do remember meeting a girl 2 years ago at a cafe. We exchanged numbers but we never had the chance of meeting up because she was out of state. But we kept in contact with each other. For 6 months we teased and challenged each other over text without seeing each other. Finally after 6 months she returns to my state and we decide to meet for the first time since I met her at the cafe. She was very excited to see me again. We met up at a lounge and talked. No kino whatsoever. I did whatever I could to generate IOIs from her and when I didnt get any it made me nervous and a bit beta. After the date she texted me and said that I'm not the man I was hoping for.

So maybe this bit of info can help you and the other guys in here decipher whats going on in my life and hopefully your feedback can help me in turn. Thanks.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - jcrew247 - 09-30-2016

Well, I think being over 40 and trying to date 25 year olds is going to be tricky but not impossible. Not having a job is going to be a real turn-off, I imagine that some of these girls want a "rich older man" for a long-term relationship and/or marriage and babies, and being unemployed is not attractive. If you have lots of money saved up, you can tell them you are a freelance consultant (temp worker) and invest in stocks.

Do you have an angry ex-girlfriend or lots of kids? Maybe they did a google search for your name and it came up with results for a criminal. A few of my close friends have the same name of people with arrest records (like child rape) or DUI, when I tried googling their names it came up on the first page!!! They don't even have common last names. So clean up your web presence and make sure you have social media sites that make you look good and impressive.

As for foreign girls, are they looking for a green card marriage? It might not be you, but it might be that these girls are looking for a husband immediately. Maybe its a language barrier and you aren't expressing an emotional connection with these women - they may not undertand you.
Remember, to sleep with a woman it takes Trust and Comfort. Seems like they Trust you enough for a 2nd date (you are not a serial killer) but they aren't comfortable sleeping with you.
What are the goals of these women - do they want to sleep with you or is it career goals? Why are these women talking to you when you meet them - maybe they just want to practice English and advance their career. Use the "wise older man" angle and give them advice on how to live their life or move to America.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - iknowexactly - 09-30-2016

Quote: (09-15-2016 07:57 PM)nidall Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2016 06:45 PM)Lance Blastoff Wrote:  

Perfectly put. OP's behavior suggests that he's got to seriously reevaluate his frame. If you get rejected, it's no big deal, it's certainly not personal, and responding angrily is likely to get him into trouble with this cold approach day game. Hostler. This reads like it was written by someone with aspergers.

You fail to understand the reason why I asked this. I need to find an approach to these 9s and 10s who keep rejecting me. Thats all.

Lets drop the name calling too. Lets be mature about this.
I agree that OP's writing suggests some sort of deficit in interpreting social cues.

1) I believe you're in the USA, one of the strongest economies in the world in your mid 40s and don't have a job. This is a screaming red flag for high value girls. Most middle class men not only have a job, but could have several other ones because they have learned some very concrete, unambiguous skills that can immediately add value to a whole class of enterprises-- being a doctor, experienced auto mechanic, licensed plumber or electrician-- the unemployment rate amongst those types is probably less than 1%. They usually have another job ready or their own business if they are leaving a job. If you are independently wealthy, as a poster mentioned above you have to give yourself a title-- "I'm a business investor" was the one a millionaire I knew used. I knew a musician who simply said when asked about his job, "I don't work," but he was playing in a band with me so I know he had something going for him.

2) Your writing suggests you are grossly oversimplifying what women ARE and what you need to be of value to them "I need to find an approach to these 9s and 10s who keep rejecting me. Thats all."
Women are kind of dumb in the area of rigorously logical pursuits like electrical engineering, but very acute in their awareness of your social status, and more importantly, your potential to IMPROVE your social status -- if you're young. They also have a keen sense of who could be FUN, and if you think of them as a sort of poster you can carry around, and you are dull....end of story. Getting pissed off at a girl who avoids you indicates a possible lack of a sense of humor...end of story.

3) Your very early initial successes indicate your appearance is above average and this got you further in the past when young women saw you as a peer and maybe gave you benefit of doubt as far as you getting it together in terms of social status. As they get a closer look, you have some mannerism or failure to relate which seems to come from some long established behavior patterns.

4) I've been through this, and when you age to mid 40s and they can see you are TWO generations away you have to have a BIG compensating factor like intellectual brilliance or big money-- and a LACK of big negatives, such as a lower class speech accent, an air of being harsh and possibly a bully ( you blew up at a girl), or lack of a college degree if you don't have a compensating artistic or intellectual credential.

5) NEVER waste 6 months and dozens of hours on e-communication, I wasted something like 100 hours texting a girl and one time I sent her a text she didn't like and I never got to meet her!!! REAL face to face is the only thing that has reliable substance, maybe cam is halfway there but still means little.

Conceited Fine Girls Ignoring Me - Need Your Advice - nidall - 10-01-2016

Quote: (09-30-2016 08:52 PM)jcrew247 Wrote:  

As for foreign girls, are they looking for a green card marriage? It might not be you, but it might be that these girls are looking for a husband immediately. Maybe its a language barrier and you aren't expressing an emotional connection with these women - they may not undertand you.

If it’s a green card marriage theyre after then I’d have no problems since I convey high value as a US citizen and make them think I got a great job (though it’s a lie).

Its not a language barrier issue since I communicate very well with these types of girls.

Therefore I really think I’m not sparking a good emotional connection. When I’m with these girls I feel theres no connection. On 2nd dates its usually a mix of teasing and qualification. When they open up about something I usually agree or expand upon this in order to get some comfort. But I really don’t feel theres any comfort.


Seems like they Trust you enough for a 2nd date (you are not a serial killer) but they aren't comfortable sleeping with you.

Its like what you said before. Theres no emotional connection. I remember years ago I was able to get girls sexually into me by going sexual with them by kino escalation, no comfort was necessary at all.

Quote: (09-30-2016 09:34 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

1) I believe you're in the USA, one of the strongest economies in the world in your mid 40s and don't have a job. This is a screaming red flag for high value girls.

I don’t tell them I’m unemployed. I tell them I work for a finance firm (I graduated with a biz degree).


Women are kind of dumb in the area of rigorously logical pursuits like electrical engineering, but very acute in their awareness of your social status, and more importantly, your potential to IMPROVE your social status.

They also have a keen sense of who could be FUN, and if you think of them as a sort of poster you can carry around, and you are dull....end of story..

Yes I agree, theyre very keen on one’s status. This is why I try to project as much status and value as possible without seemingly bullshitting, even though I am to an extent. I try to tell DHV stories that convey value. But when I do it doesn’t feel natural, it feels artificial and I feel theyre not feeling these stories either.


As they get a closer look, you have some mannerism or failure to relate which seems to come from some long established behavior patterns.

I agree. But its not a mannerism as much as it is a failure to connect. This is the mystery that I need to resolve. What do you suggest I do about this specifically?