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Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - RatInTheWoods - 06-30-2016

Aren't interns working for free anyway?

Imagine getting fired from a job that doesn't pay you.... humiliating.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Peregrine - 07-01-2016

Quote: (06-30-2016 09:26 PM)eatthishomie Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2016 07:11 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

+1 For firing the cunts.

If corporations had sense then they would create a shared blacklist of potential agitators that would red-flag job candidates like these clowns for life.

Here in the television and film industry we have actual blacklists. You can end up on one for a lot less than what these interns did (for example, discussing what a good salary is in television publicly).

Well shit, now I'm curious.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Glaucon - 07-01-2016

If this is the future workforce I will never run out of job offers.

But I will never get pension either...

To be honest I would love if workplaces would have a more strict dress code, I would love to wear suit every day. I hate this casual thing...

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - kinjutsu - 07-01-2016

This is awesome.
I wish all employers were like this, would've made my early work life bearable.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Leonard D Neubache - 07-01-2016

Quote: (07-01-2016 01:22 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

This is awesome.
I wish all employers were like this, would've made my early work life bearable.

Amen. My start into work was made miserable by the "bucket-of-crabs" work ethic those around me had.

The managers didn't fire the lazy ones because there weren't enough losers around to fill the positions, and consequently the low-energy dope smokers did a damn good job of dragging the rest of us down with them.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Easy_C - 07-01-2016

Quote: (06-30-2016 02:20 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

What a fucking idiot. Some college brats being given a favor to intern (which is the the bottom-most rung in the corporate latter) think they have a say in the businesses' policies? Hell, the fucking janitor has more say than an intern - at least they are actually full-time benefited payroll employees.

If some fucking temp came in and start trying to change policy I'd fucking laugh and give them the boot too. I hope the supervisor who did the terminating gave them an at least somewhat enlightening lecture about it on the way out.

That's the corporate world, kids. Do your fucking job and shut your fucking mouth. Unless you're difficult to replace or you're the one signing the paychecks, then it's not your place to twist people's arms to change bullshit like this. If you don't like dressing like a professional then you should have interned at Google or tried to join some hip startup internet business.

The entitlement of these adult-sized children never stops astounding me.

I suspect that there's something more to it than this as well, or that the intern was more obnoxious about it than they presented. Most likely they used some form of social justice language that was insulting to the management.

The reason I say this is that if you're professional, polite, and pleasant you would be surprised at how much you can get people to give you even as an intern. Although changing the dress code is something I would never ask for because I just don't think that way. I simply don't feel compelled to "express myself" by dressing slutty or "hip" the way these millenials do.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - R Smoov - 07-01-2016

Why are people worried about dress codes at work?

Fire them.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Dalaran1991 - 07-01-2016

I'm with Kaotic. Not only would I NOT waste my time explaining shit all to them, I would fire the whole bunch and get them on a blacklist for the industry if there was one.

Why are people here think these young cunts will learn a lesson? Countless experience dealing with leftits and liberals taught us one thing; not only would they never learn, they would just double down on their idiocy.

These people are troublemakers and they would remain so. I would help another employer by blacklisting them. Isn't that what they do with us anyway? Trying to get us fired for looking at them in the bar?

Wouldn't surpirse me if they start another "petition" or even lawsuit against the company. Wouldn't even be suprised if some cunty fat lawyer defend them in court.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - eljeffster - 07-01-2016

Quote: (07-01-2016 07:07 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Wouldn't surpirse me if they start another "petition" or even lawsuit against the company. Wouldn't even be suprised if some cunty fat lawyer defend them in court.

My experience is that most cunty female lawyers are quite thin. The hate burning within them must be a calorie furnace.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - General Stalin - 07-01-2016

I'll admit that part of me does feel for the kids.

The reason being, they are just doing what they have been programmed to do. Young minds are incredibly mailable, and nowadays we have kids that are raised by the education system. Living in single parent/broken homes or at best dual-income households where the parents both work full time and treat their children like special little snow flakes.

Higher-education nowadays is just an extension of highschool; holding these kids hands, promoting them to take part in school culture and politics, signing petitions, complaining away their problems, setting up safe-spaces, constant coddling, etc. Young adults are being brainwashed into a state of perpetual adolescence by helicopter parenting and the nanny-like academic system.

Examples like the story in OP are just another prime example of how out of touch the youth of today is with reality and the real adult world. When you live in a bubble well into your mid-20's then your perception is going to be incredibly warped.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Matsufubu - 07-01-2016

The person who fired them is probably very smart. They will not be thinking solely about this incident, they will be thinking about the ones in the future if these people were hired as full time employees and have all kind of rights. You also don't know the level of cuntishness about the petition. The manager is thinking about the unholy roasting they'd get from their own boss if these interns got employed and then pulled the same shit: "They KNEW did this before and you STILL took them on?!?! YOU'RE FIRED, DUMBASS!" Or the manager could have been one of those 'hair-trigger' type people and the interns were too fucking dumb to realise not to poke the bear with a stick.

I hope they learn, but just because 'blacklists' don't officially exist, don't underestimate the importance of networking. I have personally stopped several people gaining employment in other places, because industries tend to be incestuous and managers talk. An ex-employee of mine trashed a hotel room in a small town 200 miles away, and I got a call the next day to let me know. Bam, you're outta here.

You know what the other managers/owners do? Put business my way, watch my back, and think I'm a solid guy. The only loser is the delusional ex-employee, for whom I have little sympathy.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Thersites - 07-01-2016

Quote: (07-01-2016 03:12 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

I suspect that there's something more to it than this as well, or that the intern was more obnoxious about it than they presented. Most likely they used some form of social justice language that was insulting to the management.

From reading the original article about this, is the fact all the interns agree to this. It wasn't one special snowflake, it was almost all the interns with the exception of one. Almost all your intend hires thought this was good idea, this show they lack critical thinking and questioning on their part. No one asked, why was one employee has the exception of the rule. It would save a lot of trouble.

Stalin said it best:

Quote: (07-01-2016 01:38 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

The reason being, they are just doing what they have been programmed to do.

I graduated college around 2009. In seven years since I walk off a college campus, we are producing graduates with lack of intellect curiosity and critical thinking. Its not going to end well for higher education if this is the product of hallow institutions. Then again, this was the plan for many leftists to begin with.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Ghost Tiger - 07-01-2016

They should have been fired. We need to get back to a workplace mindset where you come to work to bust your ass and help your company win in the marketplace, not waste your boss' time with bullshit complaints like you're his naggy wife. This is why we need to get women out of the workforce and out of voting. I guarantee this petition was originally the bright idea of some entitled cunt who needs to smarten up and go make her boss a fucking sandwich.

Trump 2016


Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - eatthishomie - 07-02-2016

I don't know if these interns should be blacklisted forever- that's overkill for what they did- but let's hope they have learned a hard lesson about the corporate world.

Corporations don't even give a damn about your physical well being let alone your happiness or whatever special snowflake shit you wanna have going. Don't like it? There's always entrepreneurship.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-02-2016

If "Saturday Night Live" were still funny and not a mouthpiece for the Democrats, it would do a satire on this. It could go something like this:

Stuffy elderly manager: Now interns, we're in the business of saving lives I just wanted to say that...

Female intern #1: Um, like, I totes don't wanna wear these shoes

Female intern #2: Yeah, totally! They pinch my toes! Can I, like, come in with pajama bottoms tomorrow?

Manager: May I remind you this is a meeting, not a pow-wow.

Female intern #1: OMG! That's totally derogatory to the Native-Americans! I'm gonna have you written up!

Manager: Ladies! May I remind you that you're working for me now and...

Female intern #2: OMG! He said ladies! That's totes sexist! OMG!

And so on...

After a while, the screen could show a clock's hands moving on the wall. Hours go by. They continue debating. NOTHING gets done in the office. 5 p.m. rolls around:

Manager (visibly exhausted and sweating): For the fifth time, we don't serve vegan food. You can bring your own lunches. What's so hard about that?

Female intern #1: So you support the murder of animals?! That means this company is culpable in the destruction of wildlife! I'm putting you "on blast" on Twitter for this! I believe....

Manager: (Runs out of room holding his head in his hands and screaming.)

And so on...

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Tytalus - 07-03-2016

I read the original askamanager post a while back. The kicker? The woman wearing flats was wearing them for *medical* reasons, the intern knew this, and STILL went on with the petition. Too stupid to live I swear.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - fired_intern - 07-08-2016


I'm the guy who wrote into the blogger about getting fired from my internship. I've read here before and agreed with lots of the stuff. I can't believe no one supports what I did. It wasn't even just about the shoes, I didn't want to wear a suit and tie every day. This place is anti-establishment and that's what I was trying to do.

Proof (not trolling) of the emails I sent to the blogger and the reply I got: http://imgur[dot]com/FUZjguZ,QkyuJ2r,Qej3iKU

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Liberty Sea - 07-08-2016

Quote: (07-08-2016 06:55 PM)fired_intern Wrote:  


I'm the guy who wrote into the blogger about getting fired from my internship. I've read here before and agreed with lots of the stuff. I can't believe no one supports what I did. It wasn't even just about the shoes, I didn't want to wear a suit and tie every day. This place is anti-establishment and that's what I was trying to do.

Proof (not trolling) of the emails I sent to the blogger and the reply I got: http://imgur[dot]com/FUZjguZ,QkyuJ2r,Qej3iKU

Suppose you're real.
My question would be the same as the what askamanager asked:


The fact that they did fire all of you for it makes me wonder if there were other issues too and this pushed them over the edge. Were you getting good feedback before this, or had you noticed your manager trying to rein you in on other things? If there were other issues, I can more easily understand them just throwing up their hands and being finished with the whole thing.

Please inform us more about your situation.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - porscheguy - 07-08-2016

Quote: (07-08-2016 06:55 PM)fired_intern Wrote:  


I'm the guy who wrote into the blogger about getting fired from my internship. I've read here before and agreed with lots of the stuff. I can't believe no one supports what I did. It wasn't even just about the shoes, I didn't want to wear a suit and tie every day. This place is anti-establishment and that's what I was trying to do.

Proof (not trolling) of the emails I sent to the blogger and the reply I got: http://imgur[dot]com/FUZjguZ,QkyuJ2r,Qej3iKU
Assuming you're not lying, how old are you? 12? We may be anti establishment, but we're also adults. If I go to work somewhere, I play by their rules. Most of the time, being an adult means you shut your pie hole and you do your job according to the rules set forth. You don't want to wear a suit and tie, find somewhere else to work. I've got news for you. The world doesn't work the way your liberal arts school professors tell you.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-08-2016

Quote: (06-30-2016 09:47 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

Aren't interns working for free anyway?

Imagine getting fired from a job that doesn't pay you.... humiliating.

"Well I'm sorry, but there's just no way that we can keep you on."

"But I don't really even work here anyway."

"That's what makes this so difficult."

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Suits - 07-08-2016

Quote: (07-08-2016 06:55 PM)fired_intern Wrote:  


I'm the guy who wrote into the blogger about getting fired from my internship. I've read here before and agreed with lots of the stuff. I can't believe no one supports what I did. It wasn't even just about the shoes, I didn't want to wear a suit and tie every day. This place is anti-establishment and that's what I was trying to do.

Proof (not trolling) of the emails I sent to the blogger and the reply I got: http://imgur[dot]com/FUZjguZ,QkyuJ2r,Qej3iKU

Have you found new employment for the summer? If not, I have an internship opportunity that you may be interested in.

There is a dress code.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Adonis - 07-08-2016

Quote: (07-08-2016 06:55 PM)fired_intern Wrote:  


I'm the guy who wrote into the blogger about getting fired from my internship. I've read here before and agreed with lots of the stuff. I can't believe no one supports what I did. It wasn't even just about the shoes, I didn't want to wear a suit and tie every day. This place is anti-establishment and that's what I was trying to do.

Proof (not trolling) of the emails I sent to the blogger and the reply I got: http://imgur[dot]com/FUZjguZ,QkyuJ2r,Qej3iKU

What you fail to realize is this: it is not about you.

You say you were trying to be anti establishment. What for? Was the A/C too hot for a suit and tie? Did you have to walk miles and miles during the course of your day? Perform awkward physical movements? You aren't there to make the company a kinder, gentler, more welcoming place. You are there to improve the company's bottom line, or in your specific instance sponge as much knowledge and experience from the company veterans while concurrently expanding your network as widely humanly possible. Instead you decided to embark on a crusade against the good order and discipline of the company, you attempted a coup and failed.

As an aside, it matters not if you were in the right or in the wrong. You got fired, get over it, learn from it, and keep it moving. THAT is what matters, THAT is what success is about, THAT is what this place is about.

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - spokepoker - 07-08-2016

Wait a minute. I thought this was a girl the whole time.
A guy complained about the dress code?
The world today...

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - Leonard D Neubache - 07-09-2016

Quote: (07-08-2016 06:55 PM)fired_intern Wrote:  


I'm the guy who wrote into the blogger about getting fired from my internship. I've read here before and agreed with lots of the stuff. I can't believe no one supports what I did. It wasn't even just about the shoes, I didn't want to wear a suit and tie every day. This place is anti-establishment and that's what I was trying to do.

Proof (not trolling) of the emails I sent to the blogger and the reply I got: http://imgur[dot]com/FUZjguZ,QkyuJ2r,Qej3iKU

I think this thread needs to go in a new direction.

We need to celebrate heroes like this man here, and the best way to do it is with a full budget Hollywood drama detailing this epic struggle for basic human rights against crushing corporate conformism.

I'm fielding ideas for the title.

So far I've got:
The intern in striped pyjamas
Not without my flip-flops
Gone with the windbreaker
A manbag for all seasons
The adventures of Robin Hoodie

Anyone else want to take a crack?

Entitled interns fired for demanding dress code change at their employer - spokepoker - 07-09-2016

Adventures in Babysitting