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Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - kikuyu1 - 08-16-2016

A biblical anthropologist showed how Africans migrated during the Wet Holocene roughly 10 kya through the ME and into Asia via river systems. Yes,Angkor wat is much older than thought since it was built the same time as the rain eroded Giza pyramid by the same people.
The oldest civilization is undoubtedly Adams calendar in southern Africa,estimated at 75-250 kya. Interestingly,it ties in with Sitchins' hypothesis stating this is where the Anunnaki bred the Homo erectus.

These are a series of ancient stone dolmens,road works and buildings covering hundreds of thousands of km in SA and Mozambique best seen from the air. I've no luck uploading a pic now-someone else try.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - thoughtgypsy - 08-16-2016

Quote: (08-16-2016 07:49 AM)kikuyu1 Wrote:  

A biblical anthropologist showed how Africans migrated during the Wet Holocene roughly 10 kya through the ME and into Asia via river systems. Yes,Angkor wat is much older than thought since it was built the same time as the rain eroded Giza pyramid by the same people.
The oldest civilization is undoubtedly Adams calendar in southern Africa,estimated at 75-250 kya. Interestingly,it ties in with Sitchins' hypothesis stating this is where the Anunnaki bred the Homo erectus.

These are a series of ancient stone dolmens,road works and buildings covering hundreds of thousands of km in SA and Mozambique best seen from the air. I've no luck uploading a pic now-someone else try.

Interesting. I've never heard of this before.


Adam’s Calendar is controversially suggested to be the oldest man-made structure in the world. Sometimes referred to as "African Stonehenge", it predates both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza by tens of thousands of years. Located in Mpumalanga, South Africa it is a standing stone circle about 30 meters in diameter and has been estimated by some accounts to be more than 75,000 years old. Various astronomical alignments have been identified at the site and it is possibly the only example of a completely functional, mostly intact megalithic stone calendar in the world.

Today, researcher and authority on the subject, Michael Tellinger, has estimated the number of ancient stone ruins to be 100,000 or possibly much higher. Some of these “stone circles” have no doors or entrances while most are connected by an expansive network of channels that are often misinterpreted as “roads” by some historians. This connected grid of circular ruins are immersed in a seemingly never-ending expanse of ancient agricultural terraces surrounding the structures. Adam’s Calendar is considered to be the most famous among these ruins.

[Image: ancient-earthworks-and-stone-structures....k=B4VV7hJO]

The site is aptly named Adam’s Calendar because the stones are placed to track the movement of the sun, which casts shadows on the rock. It still works perfectly as a calendar today by following the shadow of the setting sun, which is cast by the taller central monolith onto the flat stone beside it. This remarkable calendar was originally a large circular stone structure resembling Stonehenge and in the center of the 'circle' are two upright stones which are said to have been carved. Its original shape is still clearly visible from satellite images. The stones are all dolomite, weighing up to 5 tons each, and are said to have been transported from a distant site.

[Image: Adams-Calendar.jpg]

[Image: Rodney-Hale-plan-of-Adams-Calendar.jpg?itok=Y0FmH7cw]

The first calculations of the age of the calendar were made based on the rise of Orion, a constellation known for its three bright stars forming the "belt" of the mythical hunter. The Earth wobbles on its axis, so the stars and constellations change their angle of presentation in the night sky on a cyclical basis. This rotation, called the precession completes a cycle about every 26,000 years. By determining when the three stars of Orion's belt were positioned flat (horizontal) against the horizon, it is possible to estimate the time when the three stones in the calendar were in alignment with these stars. According to Tellinger, a calculation done by astronomer Bill Hollenbach based on the rise of Orion suggested an age of the site of at least 75,000 years. A further calculation done in June 2009, suggested an age of at least 160,000 years, based on the rise of Orion 'flat on the horizon' but also on the 'erosion of dolerite stones' found at the site. Some pieces of the marker stones had been broken off and sat on the ground, exposed to natural erosion. When the pieces were put back together about 3 cm of stone had already been worn away. These calculation helped assess the age of the site by calculating the erosion rate of the dolerite.

The latest and most interesting discovery of the stone circles and Adam’s Calendar is the sound frequencies of the rock formations from the earth below them. With modern technology, Tellinger and scientists have been able to detect and measure sound frequencies with acoustic properties made from the earth inside the circles which conduct electricity. These sound frequencies of the earth under the stones are shaped as flowers of sacred geometry as they surface to the ground.
There is still much about Adam’s calendar that is yet to be understood, including who built them, what their civilization was like, and how they constructed it with such precise measurements. Perhaps in time, more research will piece together this prehistoric mystery.

It seems as though it's dating was conducted based on it's astronomical alignment, not by radiocarbon decay. I'd be curious to see what that would produce.

Africa is regarded as the site where evidence of the oldest religious ritual is found. There is a python/serpent religious site in Botswana where artifacts taken from hundreds of miles away were collected. It's been dated to over 70,000 years ago.

[Image: pytonslange_natt200.jpg]

We are beginning to discover increasing evidence of a cataclysmic event which occurred roughly 12,900 years ago. Based on the geologic record, it's likely that a large comet struck the Earth, resulting in global flooding, volcanic activity, mass fires, and a persistent debris cloud in the upper atmosphere.

Most cultures, even historically isolated ones, contain mythologies of a great flood which nearly wiped out humanity. Perhaps this is the event they are describing.

If such an event were to happen, many of the coastal civilizations would have been buried, and many others would have been buried, leaving little trace. If these cataclysmic events were more common than expected, it's possible that there are cyclical periods of civilization which remain to be discovered. Plato's description of Solon's conversation with the Egyptian priesthood describes such a scenario.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - Repo - 08-16-2016

Would radiocarbon dating procide anything useful though, since it would tell the age if the stones, but not when they were cut and moved, yes?

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - thoughtgypsy - 08-16-2016

Quote: (08-16-2016 12:09 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Would radiocarbon dating procide anything useful though, since it would tell the age if the stones, but not when they were cut and moved, yes?

I suppose it depends how it were conducted. If a geologist wanted to dismiss the antiquity of the site, they could select the most recent, shallow layers of construction to sway the results into a much younger result.

Graham Hancock believes this is what was done at the Gunung Padang megalithic site. The team he worked with revealed an enormous construction project, including an internal chamber revealed by remote sensing. They've been attempting to gain the ability to conduct further research on the site, with little results. When a team relented and allowed dating of the site, they chose the most shallow, recent construction:

[Image: Gunung_Padang_Site.jpg]

Not the sections which are believed to be indicative of more antiquated and significant phases of construction:

[Image: Gunung-Padang-2.jpg]

More discussion here:

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - weambulance - 08-16-2016


Some pieces of the marker stones had been broken off and sat on the ground, exposed to natural erosion. When the pieces were put back together about 3 cm of stone had already been worn away. These calculation helped assess the age of the site by calculating the erosion rate of the dolerite.

Well the stones aren't dolerite if they're made of dolomite, they're dolostone. Dolerite is an igneous rock that does not have dolomite in it. But anyway, if the rocks are dolostone looking at erosion is a fairly decent method of guessing how long since the rocks were broken, which happened after they were cut. So they're establishing a boundary on the near end of the age.

Dolomite is a magnesium carbonate mineral that erodes fast on a geologic scale because meteoric water, which is a fancy way of saying rain, is acidic. You have to work with a pile of assumptions that may or may not be correct to guess at how long ago those rock pieces were separated, like CO2 levels in the atmosphere over time and how much rainfall there was, but getting within 10,000 years of the real date seems plausible.

You can't radiocarbon date rocks, for general information. Most rocks have no carbon in them to begin with, and radiocarbon dating is only good for things about 50,000 years old anyway, which is to the earth as a few hours are to humans. Geologists use many different methods to date rocks, some similar to radiocarbon dating (K-Ar dating), some quite different.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - Bobb Johnson - 08-17-2016


kikuyu1 wrote:

A biblical anthropologist showed how Africans migrated during the Wet Holocene roughly 10 kya through the ME and into Asia via river systems. Yes,Angkor wat is much older than thought since it was built the same time as the rain eroded Giza pyramid by the same people.
The oldest civilization is undoubtedly Adams calendar in southern Africa,estimated at 75-250 kya. Interestingly,it ties in with Sitchins' hypothesis stating this is where the Anunnaki bred the Homo erectus.

These are a series of ancient stone dolmens,road works and buildings covering hundreds of thousands of km in SA and Mozambique best seen from the air. I've no luck uploading a pic now-someone else try.

Interestingly the San people (bushman) in Southern Africa left many cave paintings and art. Perhaps they may have been responsible for Adam's Calendar.

For instance, Blombos Cave near Cape Town has cave art that dates back 70,000-100,000 years old.

This suggests civilization in Southern Africa may have been the earliest form of civilization.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - Max Henrich - 08-22-2016

Interesting, but we'll need more proof before we can accept these theories.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - Teedub - 10-08-2016

Shout out to Thought Gypsy and others in this thread. I've since got my hands on a lot of material and I'm a firm believer that the original Sphinx (possibly a lion rather than a human face - due to the constellation Leo, I think is the theory) is WAY older than what we're told by mainstream archaeology. There's so much data out there now about a possible comet collision that would have massively affected earth around the period these theories say had huge floods etc.

Great thread. Also props to Joe Rogan for giving these guys like Graham Hancock, John Anthony West etc a platform.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-09-2016

Why didn't I saw this thread earlier? I am researching things like that for at least 6 years. I have gathered much information over that period of time, but sadly didn't see evidence in the first place (although many didn't).

Teedub, yes, Sphinx was a lion. It was made during age of Leo and when the Egyptians came much later, they sculpted head of the lion into the head of a pharaoh.
Reason why the Sphinx's head is disproportionate to the body is that they probably used both lions head and the mane to construct the head. Hope that makes sense what I said.

Regarding ancient civilizations, it came to my attention from a certain individual very interesting take on Atlantis. It seems Atlantis didn't exist as a continent, but Lemuria did.
Atlanteans were in fact nomad, seafaring people, like Phoenicians (their descendants) and their government could be described as "thalassocracy" (rule of the sea).
In their time (parallel to ancient Egypt and Greece) they supposedly had compass, monocular and possibly sextant. Also they had more durable ships then their Egyptian and Greek counterparts so they could sail across Mediterranean sea and Atlantic Ocean. Supposedly they also waged war once on the city state of Athens.

What this take on Atlantis differs is in following:
- it is more realistic then flying ships who supposedly were used by Atlanteans
- they lived in the time of ancient Egypt and were gone shortly before rise of the Greece
- Plato probably mixed fact and fiction, he constructed his story based on stories of Egyptian merchants who traded with Atlanteans
- fictional stories and myths about them stem from the fact that with their advanced gadgets for that time they appeared god like to the others

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - Belgrano - 10-09-2016

Quote: (10-09-2016 05:05 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

It seems Atlantis didn't exist as a continent, but Lemuria did.

How did you come to this conclusion, or what do you identify as Lemuria?
I think with our present day knowledge of geology and bathymetry we would definitely know about a sunken continent or landmass.
There are quite a few, but they usually became submerged long before modern humans developed.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-09-2016

Lemuria would have been situated in the Pacific ocean and for example Easter Islands would be its remnants.

It is very hard to talk about Lemuria without dwelling into hard core Theosophy writings which sound extremely gibberish to those who haven't read them.
According to them, Lemuria was home to beings what people in antique period of history described as "cyclops" and "giants". They were peaceful shepherds and limited in technology and knowledge.

That is Theosophical take on Lemuria. There is other, proposed by Semir Osmanagich, bosnian archeologist (author of Bosnia pyramids hyphotesis, reported as pseudo by scientific establishment) with Lemuria being advanced humanoid civilization responsible with architectural achievements in South and North America and East Asia.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - Vinny - 10-09-2016

My favorite conspiracy theory!
Just wish for it to be true. That would make our world so much more amazing.

For those who like this I advice reading Charriots of the Gods and watching the Ancient Aliens series from History channel.

It is entertaining, but I don't like how they try to drag it all as long as posible. All could be summed up to one episode or one book, but the rest is money making.
Same goes with Charriots of the Gods by Fon Daniken. Don't read other books, they will be repeating a lot.

Another problem with conspiracy theories is that same way as they contradict conventional history they also contradict one another. There must be truth there somewhere. And it would be fascinating to learn it.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - Vinny - 10-09-2016

Quote: (04-21-2016 12:52 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

Right before reading this thread, I was actually reading about the genealogy study in Iceland that places the father of humanity at 237,000 years old, interesting stuff, not that far off 210,000 years for the oldest human remains that Graham Hancock mentions in that podcast.

Seems highly likely that there is much more to human history then we will ever know.

If your ever gaming in Ireland, I found this site fascinating...its reachable from Dublin.

I was in Ireland this July. Visiting Bru na Boine was my priority. Amazing that according to conventional history it is older than Pyramids and the Stonehenge. But can you believe conventional history?

It was discovered accidentally buried under earth and the older the monument the higher is the chance it is buried. How many more secret earth contains.

However I don't advice going to Ireland for pussy. The quality is lowest I have seen in my life.

That makes me want to travel more combining the pussy hunt with exploring ancient megalithic structures in search of alien technology.

2 new entries in my bucket list.
Bang Latin chicks while visiting Machu Picchu.
Bang Russian tourist chicks on a tour to Pyramids of Giza.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-09-2016

I don't actually consider it conspiracy theory, more like a uncharted waters which have perplexed people since antiquity.

Although we could consider it conspiracy if we take the fact that scientific establishment not only dismisses it before researching it, but also don't want to research it in the first place.
According to that line of thinking, we could make theories about why are they doing that. Are they hiding anything, fearing that sudden and huge revelation could make void their phd's and well established official world history?

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-09-2016

Quote: (10-09-2016 03:04 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Bang Latin chicks while visiting Machu Picchu.
Bang Russian tourist chicks on a tour to Pyramids of Giza.

*Bang Turkish girls in the dark corridors of Derinkuyu.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - weambulance - 10-09-2016

Land masses disappear for three reasons: submergence with rising sea level, erosion, and explosive eruption (which I suppose you could consider a specialized form of erosion). Or a combination of the three. The last two items only really apply to small islands in a reasonable time frame (<1 million years). There is plenty of land that was habitable (and was frankly likely to have been inhabited, being on the coast) during the span of human existence that is now submerged by rising sea level. Seems quite likely to me that there were civilizations living on what are now continental shelves that we have no idea existed. Hell, I'm sure there were civilizations living well inland that simply disappeared to time because they didn't leave persistent remnants, or they lived in places with extreme natural action (weathering, jungles, etc) that wiped their remains clean in a few centuries.

However, it's impossible for an actual continent to have existed in the Pacific that just isn't there anymore. Continental crust can't go away, other than in minuscule amounts. It can erode, it can move around, it can crash into other continents and crumple up or get wedged together like in India, but it can't just disappear. Easter Island is a volcanic island, not a remnant of a continent.

I'm sure there's plenty about history we don't know, or that we're wrong about. But the reason scientists quite often dismiss theories like this out of hand is not because they're afraid to look into them, but because the theories are obviously wildly inconsistent with the enormous body of research that has already been done. That's usually because the people supporting the theories don't understand the basic scientific principles they're claiming are wrong.

When someone tells me they think there used to be a continent in the Pacific that just disappeared (for example), they're not just saying they think I'm wrong in my understanding of history. They're saying they think I'm wrong about all the physical science I've ever learned and successfully applied, that the rest of the world is observably consistent with.

That's the common problem I see, anyway. Could we be wrong about history? Absolutely. Have we been going down the wrong track in the physical sciences for centuries, and it's just a total coincidence that things like computers and airplanes and space missions worked out? Pretty hard to swallow that one, and that's what it often boils down to.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - debeguiled - 10-09-2016

Quote: (10-09-2016 03:04 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

However I don't advice going to Ireland for pussy. The quality is lowest I have seen in my life.

Yeah, but Irish chicks are funny as hell.

Craic, not crack.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - GetRichOrdie - 10-13-2016

Great post! Well researched and brings out my inner-Indi!

When you dig deeper it seems like many things, anything that conflicts with the official elite approved version of history gets censored or banned, for example, egyptian ruins being found in Australia

I mean they cant even recreate a smaller scale of the pyramids or obelisk stones with modern technology, and there are pyramids all throughout the world with sophisticated orientation, alignment with various grid lines, and an assortment of so many other things we don't know much about. The navigational knowledge of the Polynesian islanders for example was so sophisticated and advanced they traveled the ocean with ease, and encompassed thousands of different star charts and waypoints.

Even with conservative figures, scientists estimate there are 50,000 intelligent species living out there in space, and with my own research ive seen too much evidence to show that there is intelligent life out there. The argument that they are too far to reach us is crazy, because we are basing that on very primitive, heavily censored technology, whereas the reality of technology on a vector of history combined with a small % of game-changing innovations being confiscated or suppressed by military-industrial interests, shows that the true level of technology is far beyond what we image-anti-gravity, teleportation, remote viewing psychic warfare/spying, time travel etc etc

There is an overall agenda to make us believe that our ancestors were primitive apes, when the opposite in fact is true, that they were an incredibly advanced civilization, that even were able to travel psychically to other civilizations in space, and gain profound wisdom and scientific breakthroughs as far back as Egyptian times and beyond. Ringing Cedars books, remote viewing and other deep black whistle-blowers cover a lot of this, but you have to sift the wheat from the chaff to get to the truth

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - GreyFFM - 10-13-2016

if you hypothesize a rising of the sea levels 10,000 years ago, whether due to a flood or global warming, then the result would be that the old coast lines of ancient civilization are not miles off shore.

so while academia says Sumeria is the oldest civilization known to history, there may be unknown civilizations whose records are along the former coasts which are now miles off shore.

also, someone above mentioned fallen angles bringing knowledge. Knowledge brought by angels occurs in the myths of ancient cultures around the world - inca, maya, etc.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-13-2016

People always assume that beings from outer space gave us knowledge, but these fallen angels seem more like aliens misrepresented as angels of the Lord.
So we are talking about beings with physical bodies, just like ours, who teach us.
In my opinion and that is stance of many many other researchers, there is no concrete evidence for that but there are countless evidence for other type of contact.

I talked about outer space, Universe, but people forget (or don't even know) about inner universe.
What is that? See, for that we need to know nature of reality. Without going into long articles which would be offtopic, I will say that this universe is physical plane of reality and that there are more non-physical planes of reality, and these planes are closer to the "root" of all things, then our physical reality. Humans are made of different "bodies", which we use to traverse each plane of reality. During waking time, we use only physical body. In sleep we use other type of body (whole story in itself, I am practitioner of that).

For all questions about this stuff, I will recommend literature.

But on topic. What I wanted to tell is that people from the beginning of official history contacted these other planes of reality and took or were given to Knowledge.
Most of that knowledge was centered about how to effectively survive, but I suspect some more advanced nations used that knowledge for construction of monumental architecture around the world.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - The Beast1 - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-13-2016 10:06 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

People always assume that beings from outer space gave us knowledge, but these fallen angels seem more like aliens misrepresented as angels of the Lord.
So we are talking about beings with physical bodies, just like ours, who teach us.
In my opinion and that is stance of many many other researchers, there is no concrete evidence for that but there are countless evidence for other type of contact.

I talked about outer space, Universe, but people forget (or don't even know) about inner universe.
What is that? See, for that we need to know nature of reality. Without going into long articles which would be offtopic, I will say that this universe is physical plane of reality and that there are more non-physical planes of reality, and these planes are closer to the "root" of all things, then our physical reality. Humans are made of different "bodies", which we use to traverse each plane of reality. During waking time, we use only physical body. In sleep we use other type of body (whole story in itself, I am practitioner of that).

For all questions about this stuff, I will recommend literature.

But on topic. What I wanted to tell is that people from the beginning of official history contacted these other planes of reality and took or were given to Knowledge.
Most of that knowledge was centered about how to effectively survive, but I suspect some more advanced nations used that knowledge for construction of monumental architecture around the world.

I've tried DMT several times. I agree wholeheartidly with everything you've said.

I believe the " angels" of yore are actually 4th dimensional beings that have broken through to the 3rd dimension. Following gnostic texts, we were made by a malevolent being, but we were built very similarly to "them" hence why we have the ability to sense those realities.

I hope one day this will all be revealed to us.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - GreyFFM - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-13-2016 10:06 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

People always assume that beings from outer space gave us knowledge, but these fallen angels seem more like aliens misrepresented as angels of the Lord.
So we are talking about beings with physical bodies, just like ours, who teach us.
In my opinion and that is stance of many many other researchers, there is no concrete evidence for that but there are countless evidence for other type of contact.

I don't have a view one way or the other, but it depends on context. earlier in this thread the Nephillim are discussed. That is a very specific reference. There is a brief mention of them in Genesis as being giants that are the descendants of fallen angels. I believe they are discussed in other ancient texts or gospels that were rejected by the Council of Nicea. Also, note that those fallen angles were male only and came for the sole purpose of reproducing with the daughters of Adam. Other cultures reference "angels" which brought technology and which might have been aliens. Another example is in the book Kon Tiki. The premise of his voyage was that blond haired folk came to Chile/Peru with technology, and then sailed to Polynesia; Hyerdal's hypothesis was that Polynesia was populated from South America rather than from Asia. He proved that sailing from Chile to Polynesia was possible.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-13-2016 11:34 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I've tried DMT several times. I agree wholeheartidly with everything you've said.

I believe the " angels" of yore are actually 4th dimensional beings that have broken through to the 3rd dimension. Following gnostic texts, we were made by a malevolent being, but we were built very similarly to "them" hence why we have the ability to sense those realities.

I hope one day this will all be revealed to us.

That 4th dimensional beings are this other planes of reality I mentioned. But I shun from using terms like dimensions as they draw me to New Age, and New Age is part of Establishment disinfo campaign, specifically Liberal Establishment (one of 4 rulers of World).
Interesting fact is that New Age came from Theosophical Teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky but this today's New Age is not even a shade of original 19th century thinking.
You can't go wrong with these old hard core occultists.

That is why I use terms from magick and occult to describe other planes of reality. Sometimes I use Eastern terms.

Regarding DMT, it is perhaps most powerful method for accessing these other planes, specifically lower ones (why it is that is another story).
Terence McKenna, pioneer in the usage of psychedelic substances reported most amazing experiences while on DMT. All his experiences were described hundreds of years before him and because he generally shunned away from occult, that gives him even more credibility, as he couldn't read something and then just say "it was like that".
DMT is also found in the Vine of the Dead brew (Ayahuasca) and in some mushroom (would like to try both), but synthetic one is the most potent.

Also if you notice that DMT is on schedule 1 drugs with most dangerous drugs ever (excluding Cannabis and some other), makes you really think that they are trying to cut off our access to these substances. And they probably did that on purpose, not because its dangerous.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-13-2016

Quote: (10-13-2016 11:43 AM)GreyFFM Wrote:  

I don't have a view one way or the other, but it depends on context. earlier in this thread the Nephillim are discussed. That is a very specific reference. There is a brief mention of them in Genesis as being giants that are the descendants of fallen angels. I believe they are discussed in other ancient texts or gospels that were rejected by the Council of Nicea. Also, note that those fallen angles were male only and came for the sole purpose of reproducing with the daughters of Adam. Other cultures reference "angels" which brought technology and which might have been aliens. Another example is in the book Kon Tiki. The premise of his voyage was that blond haired folk came to Chile/Peru with technology, and then sailed to Polynesia; Hyerdal's hypothesis was that Polynesia was populated from South America rather than from Asia. He proved that sailing from Chile to Polynesia was possible.

Regarding this reproduction of humans and non humans, you are opening a whole new can of worms here!
I will say shortly that this motive is not just from Genesis or Book of Enoch but is found in all mythologies around the world and in actual folklore of Europeans, specifically Irish, where you have fairies/elves (non physical beings) that want human babies or even snatch men to have sex with them. Notice parallel to the myth of succubus and incubus.

Is Civilization much Older than we're led to Beleive? - sterling_archer - 10-13-2016

Btw, these last few posts that are maybe off topic made me think I should open new discussion, specifically regarding this nature of reality in which we could discuss this other realities, share experiences and drew parallels between our experiences and ancient myths and legends.
If someone is interested I would gladly open it soon.