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"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Stimulus - 03-02-2016

Look at this guy White Knighting.. Pathetic [Image: puke.gif]

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - rpg - 03-02-2016

The bitch killed the best thing in life.
Now, I carry Trojans. All the time. Game is about preparation and logistics!

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Dr. Kahn - 03-02-2016

You hit the nail on the head.

--dr. Kahn

Quote: (03-02-2016 02:22 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Notice how she tries to frame the impregnation as rape:


I drank too much. I don’t especially remember how, but we wound up back at his place. I do remember asking him to wear a condom. I also remember being too out of it to effectively protest when he declined.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Suits - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 01:52 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 01:46 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

WBPOANOHF = Would Bang Pull Out and Nut on Her Face

Well, I mean you don't really need to bother pulling out, right?

If you're a beta. Alphas beware.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Jones - 03-02-2016

I used to be all for abortions; "Sure, let the woman choose, it's her body, the fetus isn't going to suffer much anyways, better than having someone born that you're not ready for".

Then I woke up to something called Reality. Red-Pill. Neomasculinity. I realized that men and women are not equals, especially when it comes to emotional decisions.

People make choices that they think do not affect them negatively in the long-term. Abortions fall into this category: a woman's sexual choices, that when aren't properly controlled, lead to irresponsible decisions and thus unwanted pregnancies.

The ramifications of an abortion can haunt people, both male and female, for the rest of their lives and fuck up a women's body/mind more than it already may be.

For us, we have to we protect ourselves from these situations and be the responsible and logical men that we are. That if we do get a women pregnant, that we are prepared to take on that responsibility of becoming a father. Aborting your unborn child could end up placing a burden of guilt on your shoulders.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Suits - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 04:58 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 03:56 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

If she had kept the kid, the guy and the state (i.e. us taxpayers) would be paying for this dumb twat for decades via health care, education, food, and so forth.

Not if the father won custody. Before you laugh in my face and tell me I'm dreaming in technicolour, please read...

The solution to the problem of shitty mothers is strong fathers. A mother who loses her kids gets zero money from the state or the father. In fact, I even won a child support order against my ex, cuz flip mode is the greatest. Once these bitches realize the money train has stopped, watch how fast they become interested in being good mothers again.

One of the biggest reasons why I will probably never have children is the current "needs of the child" methodology used to aware primary custody to the mother in virtually all cases (unless mom is a major screw up).

If it was guaran-fucking-teed that I would have custody of my children in the case of a divorce, I'd be totally on-board with marriage. But as it stands currently, mom will have a hand of aces to my 2's and 3's.

With residential custody of the children and free money for her trouble, even the most rational seeming woman is only a few mood swings away from ruining a man's life.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Ghost Tiger - 03-02-2016


she could no longer be part of the industry after she watched an ultrasound of a baby being aborted and realized it was fighting for its life.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - TheMadGreek - 03-02-2016

Utmost disgust on all levels towards that stupid cunt.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Paracelsus - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 01:43 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

She frames abortion as the best decision of her life:


My abortion did change me. The ability to choose for myself when and if I want children was empowering—it affirmed for me that I am in control of how I choose to live my life. There are plenty of situations in life in which control is out of our hands, but thanks to laws that recognize my right to do what I want with my own body, this was not one of them. Becoming pregnant was a grief and a blackness. Getting an abortion was just a relief.

[Image: 010316abortion.jpg]

[Image: 0SDm4NUw.jpg]

Is there something about this particular facial type that is a marker of sociopathic behaviour? She looks like a younger version of Robin Rinaldi, who banged 12 men in one year as revenge for her husband having a vasectomy:

[Image: cf5b2cd33155b00bf72fb9eb13a48fa7]

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - MiscBrah - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 07:26 PM)Suits Wrote:  

One of the biggest reasons why I will probably never have children is the current "needs of the child" methodology used to aware primary custody to the mother in virtually all cases (unless mom is a major screw up).

If it was guaran-fucking-teed that I would have custody of my children in the case of a divorce, I'd be totally on-board with marriage. But as it stands currently, mom will have a hand of aces to my 2's and 3's.

With residential custody of the children and free money for her trouble, even the most rational seeming woman is only a few mood swings away from ruining a man's life.

I've been giving some thought to this exact problem lately. It seems like nowadays you may have to actually buy a woman's womb like gays do and clearly spell out the terms and conditions in a contract.

Or you draw up a contract with the woman you want to have your child. These are the exact terms and conditions and if you don't agree to them, then I won't impregnate you.

These may work in theory but I don't think they'd translate well into real life. The first one might have a fighting chance. I haven't looked into it too much since I don't want to have kids anytime soon.

But since most pregnancies happen unexpectedly, the second option may not work. Maybe you could draw something up early in the relationship that deals with what happens in case a pregnancy does occur?

The only true play I can think of is to get a vasectomy and then store sperm so you get to decide when she gets pregnant. But then what happens after that? Could contracts hold up?

I'm very glad to hear that it turned out well for Ghost Tiger in the end. But the thought of not having control of your own child is a very scary one indeed.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - eatthishomie - 03-02-2016


We parted ways, but a few weeks later, on yet another friendless Friday night, I asked him out to dinner.

Why does that not surprise me? [Image: boring.gif]

With that said, am I in the minority in the manosphere if I think abortion should be legal and accessible?

If I accidentally impregnate an unmarriageable sloot like this I'd like for the means for her to safely terminate the pregnancy to be legal and safe so I'm not tied to her financially.

Also safe and legal abortion will hopefully set a precedent for safe and legal Vasalgel, or maybe I'm just being naive there.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Ghost Tiger - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 07:26 PM)Suits Wrote:  

One of the biggest reasons why I will probably never have children is the current "needs of the child" methodology used to aware primary custody to the mother in virtually all cases (unless mom is a major screw up).

If it was guaran-fucking-teed that I would have custody of my children in the case of a divorce, I'd be totally on-board with marriage. But as it stands currently, mom will have a hand of aces to my 2's and 3's.

With residential custody of the children and free money for her trouble, even the most rational seeming woman is only a few mood swings away from ruining a man's life.

I hear what you are saying, but the reality of women is... they are all "major screw ups". Therein lies the rub Shakespeare. The key is proving it to a court of law so you, as a competent father, win custody. I have communicated and compared notes with many fathers involved in custody disputes since my own case took place and we have nailed down a pattern for victory. The trick, you see, is to get her to flip her lid. When the time comes that you know in your gut that divorce is inevitable, you go to war. The first step is to go full NSA and monitor all her signal communications: phone, text, email, social media, whatever... you hack the shit out of all of it. You're married so it's all legal because you jointly own everything. Then you look for subtle clues. For example, one guy I know found out she was going to have the locks changed by tapping the house land line. So what did he do? He called his own locksmith and had them changed before she could. He seized the initiative and had her served with divorce papers before she served him. These little maneuvers drove her batshit crazy, she acted out in front of witnesses, including cops, and he ended up with the kids. You see, even the "most rational seeming woman is only a few mood swings away" from flipping her fucking lid and proving to the court that she is: impulsive, lacks empathy, and cannot be trusted with the day-to-day care of children. The bolded text is a direct quote from my own custody order. My ex actually flipped her lid a few times during the course of my case. I only wrote about her greatest stunt in my blog article. I'm saving the bigger story for the screenplay. But the point is, it ain't that hard to wind her up and watch her go. Sure she's got aces to your 2's and 3's in the sense that the court system is biased, but you've still got her outmatched. Because you, as a man, have control over your own emotions, and if you play THAT CARD right you are, like Trump, unbeatable my friend.

Of course, all this is worst case scenario advice and is only meant to be a blueprint for war in the event that it's absolutely necessary. And for all the SJW's out there that might be reading this... it's obviously meant to be SATIRE. No actual lids were caused to be flipped during the writing of this post.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Ghost Tiger - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 08:50 PM)eatthishomie Wrote:  

With that said, am I in the minority in the manosphere if I think abortion should be legal and accessible?

I don't think you're alone, but some of us disagree with you. I won't hijack this thread with discussions of topics better kept in the "Deep Forum", but suffice it to say that it has a lot to do with your faith in God, or lack thereof.


If I accidentally impregnate an unmarriageable sloot like this I'd like for the means for her to safely terminate the pregnancy to be legal and safe so I'm not tied to her financially.

Maybe consider a vasectomy as suggested above? It all comes down to whether or not you think baby lives matter bro. I say they do.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - EvanWilson - 03-02-2016

I knew two women who had abortions. Both were not the same afterwards. I think they would have never had it done if they could do it over again.

The first one was a coworker at a fast food place when I was in college. There was no mention of the father, I think they broke up afterwards. She never seemed 'all right' after the abortion and I believe that it probably still bothers her to this day. I do remember her crying at work days afterwards about it.

The second one was a coworker at the YMCA. She asked me to cover part of her shift so she could 'go someplace with her boyfriend' at 7:30am. Another coworker, a woman, came in just as I showed up to take over the shift of the first woman, and the second woman made an off the cuff remark, "What's going on, you taking off to go get an abortion?". It was meant as a sarcastic joke, but as soon as she said it, we both realized that was what was going on. Later I found out that the boyfriend had offered and wanted to marry her and keep the kid, but she insisted on the abortion anyways. Within a few weeks they broke up.

I wonder if the boyfriend here even knew she was with child, since she stopped talking to him and blocked his phone calls and messages. From the details related here, it sounds like he would have been willing to even marry her and would want the kid. Instead, she only goes out with him that day because she can't find anyone else, sleeps with him, cuts off communication with him, and aborts his child without him knowing anything about it.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - EvanWilson - 03-02-2016


She talks about being in control, but then uses the fact that she was unemployed and would have to move back home as some of the reasons for having the abortion. This of course means that she has no control.

Also, the abortion allowed her to avoid having to deal with the father, since if she had the baby, maybe one option would have been to be with him.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Cobra - 03-02-2016

I grew up in Albany. It's a turd fest.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Suits - 03-02-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 08:52 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 07:26 PM)Suits Wrote:  

One of the biggest reasons why I will probably never have children is the current "needs of the child" methodology used to aware primary custody to the mother in virtually all cases (unless mom is a major screw up).

If it was guaran-fucking-teed that I would have custody of my children in the case of a divorce, I'd be totally on-board with marriage. But as it stands currently, mom will have a hand of aces to my 2's and 3's.

With residential custody of the children and free money for her trouble, even the most rational seeming woman is only a few mood swings away from ruining a man's life.

I hear what you are saying, but the reality of women is... they are all "major screw ups". Therein lies the rub Shakespeare. The key is proving it to a court of law so you, as a competent father, win custody. I have communicated and compared notes with many fathers involved in custody disputes since my own case took place and we have nailed down a pattern for victory. The trick, you see, is to get her to flip her lid. When the time comes that you know in your gut that divorce is inevitable, you go to war. The first step is to go full NSA and monitor all her signal communications: phone, text, email, social media, whatever... you hack the shit out of all of it. You're married so it's all legal because you jointly own everything. Then you look for subtle clues. For example, one guy I know found out she was going to have the locks changed by tapping the house land line. So what did he do? He called his own locksmith and had them changed before she could. He seized the initiative and had her served with divorce papers before she served him. These little maneuvers drove her batshit crazy, she acted out in front of witnesses, including cops, and he ended up with the kids. You see, even the "most rational seeming woman is only a few mood swings away" from flipping her fucking lid and proving to the court that she is: impulsive, lacks empathy, and cannot be trusted with the day-to-day care of children. The bolded text is a direct quote from my own custody order. My ex actually flipped her lid a few times during the course of my case. I only wrote about her greatest stunt in my blog article. I'm saving the bigger story for the screenplay. But the point is, it ain't that hard to wind her up and watch her go. Sure she's got aces to your 2's and 3's in the sense that the court system is biased, but you've still got her outmatched. Because you, as a man, have control over your own emotions, and if you play THAT CARD right you are, like Trump, unbeatable my friend.

The very idea that I might have to go to those lengths just to be able to take personal responsibility for overseeing my children's upbringing is enough to turn me off from marriage altogether.

I'm strong believer that children deserve and good mother and a good father, so while I can accept the concept that all women could be driven crazy if I was willing to war to achieve that result, I'm certainly not going to share my household with anyone that unstable.

Marriage is clearly not for me.

I'm unwilling to pedestal women and I'm unwilling to give full access to all my resources to someone as flawed as a women in the current legal climate.

The only marriage that I would feel comfortable with is one where we both set down ground rules and requirements before day one and if she refuses to abide by them, her only option is to leave with nothing but what she has personally created.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - samsamsam - 03-02-2016

Did I catch somethjng about her being a writer? So many of these shitty writers try to stand out by writing the most personal things. In some cases making huge deals out of them with no shame. Not realizing they will be not even a blip in this overwhelming amount of Internet noise. And she as many have mentioned can't blame herself. It happened, she drank too much. Blah blah.

She was feeling lonely and needed some dick. She wanted dick and maybe had to drink to get the courage. I mean she mentioned how they stopped seeing each other but then one night when the cat wasn't enough company and the vibrator broke from overuse she asked the guy to dinner.

Dumb cunt should have left the part out about asking the guy to dinner if she wanted the full victim treatment and instead made up some lie about him spiking her drink and he was some guy she met at a bar.

Fucking cum dumpster.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - 262 - 03-03-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 04:59 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 04:53 PM)fugly1000 Wrote:  

Lol. Who cares??

Probably the guy who wanted to be a dad. Just sayin'.

[Image: he-chose-poorly.jpg]

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Ghost Tiger - 03-03-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 11:03 PM)Suits Wrote:  

The very idea that I might have to go to those lengths just to be able to take personal responsibility for overseeing my children's upbringing is enough to turn me off from marriage altogether.

Fair enough.

[Image: CiHWm4S.jpg]

I felt precisely the same way you did, until I didn't. The desire to have kids is a strange thing bro, it can sneak up on you when you least expect it and then... one day you're just sitting there minding your own business running game and scoring notches, and you look over and see your unborn children in her eyes. Best laid plans of mice and men and blah, blah, blah... I think it's a fear of death / chasing immortality type of thing, but you'll know it when you feel it. Or not. But if you do... and, God forbid, things go bad... you may find yourself remembering what I'm saying here. I hope you never need my advice. But it's here if you do. Just sayin'.


I'm strong believer that children deserve and good mother and a good father

I agree 100%. I WISH I still had my ex to be a mother to my daughter. Because now I have to fill both roles, and, although I am a great dad, I'm a real shitty mom. But the point is... single fathers are INFINITELY superior to single mothers. There's no contest, hands-down. THIS is what our courts have flipped upside down. Michael Corleone is a FAR SUPERIOR single parent to Kay Adams, and everyone watching The Godfather II knows it.


The only marriage that I would feel comfortable with is one where we both set down ground rules and requirements before day one and if she refuses to abide by them, her only option is to leave with nothing but what she has personally created.

Seriously, I think that is the future of marriage. I have a few friends who have been saved by pre-nups and I think any man who enters into ANY kind of LTR, whether or not the aisle is actually walked, must consider a legal agreement of some variety. If we've learned ONE thing in all these manosphere discussions, it's that you can't trust a promise from a woman. F. Roger Devlin delved into this phenomenon extremely well with his analyses of the 4-year "feral" female cycle. Reading Devlin's writing was a YUGE support mechanism for me when I was fighting my custody war. It's what brought me to the manosphere. Any man considering marriage, LTR, children, etc. should read Devlin. It should be taught to boys in elementary school.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Ghost Tiger - 03-03-2016

Quote: (03-03-2016 06:13 AM)262 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 04:59 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2016 04:53 PM)fugly1000 Wrote:  

Lol. Who cares??

Probably the guy who wanted to be a dad. Just sayin'.

[Image: he-chose-poorly.jpg]

Fair enough. But we all make mistakes. And mistakes are easy to make when your options are limited by the fact that you live in a festering swamp of toxic feminism that aggressively turns women into zero-accountability drug-addicted carousel riders before they even reach adulthood. And even though he did choose poorly, should the unborn child then pay for dad's mistake with his or her life? Baby lives matter.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Irenicus - 03-03-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 01:51 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Catholicism should send women who get frivolous abortions into limbo instead of hell, and have all the wailing undead fetuses constantly clawing and biting at them for an eternity.

I think I'd make a good Satan, I have a knack for thinking up ironic punishments.


Unfortunately, we have to decline Your request for employment as the future leader of Hell. We believe that your ideas are way too radical for us.

We suggest that you apply to ISIS - we believe that your punishment ideas will be of use to them. We have notified their leader on Whatsapp.


666 Tortured Souls Blvd.
66666 Hell

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - The Beast1 - 03-03-2016

It's a shame because the guy she slept with would have probably loved to marry her and have raise the kid. Though, it speaks volume for the type of woman this chick is.

Women who have abortions are just that themselves, an abortion of a human being. The procedure and the resulting chemical changes that occur in a woman's head do all sorts of crazy things. Vacuuming out the womb leaves all of those hormones and mental changes in limbo.

I'm of the belief nowadays that a woman shouldn't have a choice. We have a perfectly capable father and a home suitable for raising a child. If she didn't want it, but the father did he should have every right to take the child from this succubus of a woman. Though it's a slightly scary thought what the resulting genetic lottery would produce. Do you really want such poor genes and lack of impulse control being encoded into your genetic lineage? No thank you.

Secondly, i also think that single fathers are infinitely better parents than single mothers. "Mommy" issues are far less destructive on an individual than daddy issues.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - fugly1000 - 03-03-2016

Also look at her face. Wouldn't mind never seeing that again.

"I had an abortion and it was a totally joyful experience" - Feldeinsamkeit - 03-03-2016

Quote: (03-02-2016 02:27 PM)Dantes Wrote:  

She has no accountability for her actions that led to the pregnancy or remorse for the abortion. She represents why most of us would never consider marrying an American woman.

You can add UK women to this, since they are practically indistinguishable from their narcissistic, self-absorbed sociopathic sisters from across the pond.