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Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - goonies - 11-29-2015

Quote: (08-09-2015 01:19 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

I exclusively date FOB Asian women. Any suggestions on a quality neighborhood to live in in NYC to accomplish this is welcome.

Flushing Queens
Sunset Park Brooklyn

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - marinhogomes - 02-10-2016

I lived in LA for 4 years. I'm an aspiring artist (I direct film, produce music.. a lot of creative things)

LA can be tough for people. It's an incredibly huge city, it has the population of a mid-size country, it has more people in one city than a lot of countries in europe.

I first hated LA with all my heart, it's confusing, it's warm, it's extremely hard to make great long-lasting friendships. But like an ugly girl with an awesome personality, it started growing on me.

It has a crazy amount of problems:
- Horrible traffic
- Girls personalities
- Location are very spread and you'll need to drive a lot.

I lived in many cities in my life. So LA has everything I personally need. If I wasn't an artist I would probably plan living in another country, but USA is still the major entertainment player.

What I love about LA is that you have everything you need in one place. But that could also be said about NY.

The weather is a big thing for, NY is colder than LA. California is mostly sunny, so that's a big plus (I have gone to NY around 3 times only in my lifetime)

A lot of people in LA seems to be creative driven, there is a lot of ego there, and tons of girls without a full formed personality. Dating long term in LA is kind of a nightmare. ONS and casual sex is a huge thing, it's probably one of the best places for casual sex ever. Most girls don't really care for long term.

NY seems way more expensive than LA.

I lived in Santa Monica on the beach, I later moved to Miracle Mile (because most of my friends were living in Beverly Hills, Hollywood). Loved Miracle Mile, and I lived close to the shopping The Grove, that has an amazing number of HOT girls walking around.

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - jimukr104 - 02-10-2016


You'll live like a dog in my opinion. I think the quality of life here stinks. Yeah, you don't need a car, but a car can be practical, especially if you want to take a quick jaunt out of the city, or need to pick up shit. Yeah, you live in the Village, but the landlord barely puts in the money to keep up with deferred maintenance, you'll most likely have a pest problem, your space will be small, hardly any storage, etc. NYC landlords think rent is profit and don't think they need to use some of it on maintenance. Therefore, if you live in a non luxury older building, which is most of the housing stock, you will most likely be dealing with apt issues that get worst and worst because landlords have ZERO incentive to fix anything due to a few reasons:
1. As long as young smucks will come here and pay
2. Rent laws don't allow landlords to raise rents on long term natives in rent stabilized apt's so they DON'T fix anything!

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - PUA_Rachacha - 02-10-2016

Quote: (02-10-2016 11:52 AM)jimukr104 Wrote:  


You'll live like a dog in my opinion. I think the quality of life here stinks. Yeah, you don't need a car, but a car can be practical, especially if you want to take a quick jaunt out of the city, or need to pick up shit. Yeah, you live in the Village, but the landlord barely puts in the money to keep up with deferred maintenance, you'll most likely have a pest problem, your space will be small, hardly any storage, etc. NYC landlords think rent is profit and don't think they need to use some of it on maintenance. Therefore, if you live in a non luxury older building, which is most of the housing stock, you will most likely be dealing with apt issues that get worst and worst because landlords have ZERO incentive to fix anything due to a few reasons:
1. As long as young smucks will come here and pay
2. Rent laws don't allow landlords to raise rents on long term natives in rent stabilized apt's so they DON'T fix anything!

You forgot to add that there is a lot of NIMBYism here, thus developers can't build enough to sate demand.

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - Rang off the Pipe - 02-10-2016

That depends on the market of the developers. Many developers go the luxury route because of the high cost of land in the area. They wouldn't be able to turn a profit otherwise, which is why we're not seeing lower-priced housing being built in these hotspots like Williamsburg.

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - marinhogomes - 02-12-2016

The times I went to NY I couldn't see myself living there long term.

It's just a very crazy city. People seem to be way less friendly, when I was in a store I was taking a look at some shirts, some black woman was walking behing me, I don't know what exactly happened... I don't even felt anything, but this girl came to my face and started saying "Are you not even going to apologize? Are you blind or something? Asshole"

I feel that people in NY don't have any filter, if they don't like what's happening they will tell you on your face (which is completely different from the culture in California). So in terms of people being friendly I would say NY people are stressed out, they will scream and call you out without a problem. They also have very short fuses, which means they probably will scream at you a lot.

That's not my kind of people.

California everyone tries to be nice, but it's a fake nice. They won't scream at you, or say anything bad about you in your face... but they won't be true friends. A lot of people there will just be very fake in general.

Probably because people feel that anyone could become succesful, so if they are mean to you... it could screw up their chances.

Well. At least most people are nice until you try to get into a nightclub with the whole VIP badge thing (if you are not rich, celebrity, sexy girl or have connections... you will stay on the line for hours)

California people (man and woman) are also the flakiest people I ever met, period. A lot of times people will say "Hey, what about we meet up Saturday?" and they won't call you. Sometimes you can text someone "What about we meet today at 8pm?" and they will say "Yeah, sure" and in the last second they will tell you "Sorry. Can't go, busy now".

I lost count of how many times a girl agreed to go on date, and completely stops texting or replying, so it gets very confusing.

So it's this fake-nice that kind of gets annoying after some time. Getting a girls number in LA won't mean much. And any girls (don't matter where she's from) will eventually become very Californian-like after living there for 6 months.

LA rent is not cheap. A nice apartment is around $1100 - $1500 depending on the area. Santa Monica is around $1200 and up, Hollywood is cheaper but the area is not great, Miracle Mile/Beverly Hills is from $1200 to infinite... I was paying $1750 for an apartament in the area (it's crazy expensive I know).

NY rent I hear is even crazier.

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - azulsombra - 02-12-2016

Quote: (02-12-2016 12:59 PM)marinhogomes Wrote:  

The times I went to NY I couldn't see myself living there long term.

It's just a very crazy city. People seem to be way less friendly, when I was in a store I was taking a look at some shirts, some black woman was walking behing me, I don't know what exactly happened... I don't even felt anything, but this girl came to my face and started saying "Are you not even going to apologize? Are you blind or something? Asshole"

I feel that people in NY don't have any filter, if they don't like what's happening they will tell you on your face (which is completely different from the culture in California). So in terms of people being friendly I would say NY people are stressed out, they will scream and call you out without a problem. They also have very short fuses, which means they probably will scream at you a lot.

That's not my kind of people.

California everyone tries to be nice, but it's a fake nice. They won't scream at you, or say anything bad about you in your face... but they won't be true friends. A lot of people there will just be very fake in general.

Probably because people feel that anyone could become succesful, so if they are mean to you... it could screw up their chances.

Well. At least most people are nice until you try to get into a nightclub with the whole VIP badge thing (if you are not rich, celebrity, sexy girl or have connections... you will stay on the line for hours)

California people (man and woman) are also the flakiest people I ever met, period. A lot of times people will say "Hey, what about we meet up Saturday?" and they won't call you. Sometimes you can text someone "What about we meet today at 8pm?" and they will say "Yeah, sure" and in the last second they will tell you "Sorry. Can't go, busy now".

I lost count of how many times a girl agreed to go on date, and completely stops texting or replying, so it gets very confusing.

So it's this fake-nice that kind of gets annoying after some time. Getting a girls number in LA won't mean much. And any girls (don't matter where she's from) will eventually become very Californian-like after living there for 6 months.

LA rent is not cheap. A nice apartment is around $1100 - $1500 depending on the area. Santa Monica is around $1200 and up, Hollywood is cheaper but the area is not great, Miracle Mile/Beverly Hills is from $1200 to infinite... I was paying $1750 for an apartament in the area (it's crazy expensive I know).

NY rent I hear is even crazier.

Im assuming you're from Brazil.

Which city?

How does the quality of life compare?

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - marinhogomes - 02-12-2016

I'm not a fan of Brazil because of the violence, safety is a big minus here.

I am from Brasilia. It's the capital and one of the most boring cities to visit. It's horrible to have a trip to, but it has great quality of life (lake, cleaner streets... etc). One of the things I'm not a big fan of are the amount of ugly girls, it's one of the ugliest cities in Brazil (although it's better than a lot American cities though)

A big problem is that walking in the city at night here alone can be quite dangerous. You'll be in a huge amount of danger, and can easily get mugged.

Cities in Brazil can all be quite boring (I mean the city architeture, buildings). The nightlife is very good though, parties happen all the time at night. There is a huge amount of girls, and a lot of hotties. Girls are mostly friend to approaches, they are used to it (just remember most girls don't speak english at all).

Rent is quite good. You can rent an extremely good apartament for $1000, but around $250/month you can get a decent enough apartament. Things can be a little bit burocratic though, too many contracts to fill, people that are required to co-sign (they can't be from family, it needs to be friends).

People in Brazil tend to be more genuine, most I ever met are extremely nice and friendly. In bigger cities people tend to be colder.

Corruption, violence and lack of organization are the biggest problems in Brazil.

Employees are lazy, so the service is not always great. People here are more into becoming rich by luck (lottery), scamming someone, than hard work. Most people are happy making maximun $500/month

Female culture here is still the one to get married and have kids, feminism is growing very fast here though (because of the american influence). You will find a lot of fat brazillians now, we have McDonald's and other fast food chains around too.

A lot of the country is still Catholic, although I'm not sure if most go to the church. The impression I always had is that people here are just Catholic on some matters.

Some cities are better than others. I don't like Rio as a place to live, but for party it's probably one of the best cities arounds... the biggest problem there is again *violence and crime*. It's probably the most dangerous city in Brazil, slums and tons of homeless people living on the streets. You have to be extremely careful at night, and never walk on empty streets and shady neighbourhoods. Rio is also one of the dirtiest cities I know, when you get to some areas it reminds me of Bangkok.

Quality of Life: Los Angeles vs NYC - Rang off the Pipe - 02-14-2016

Rents in New York have been skyrocketing the last 10 years. Even in areas farther from the heart of the city, it can be tough to find anything lower than $1200. Popular places in or outside Manhattan will go for at least $2500; it's why so many younger people live with multiple roommates here.

And much as been said about the chilly atmosphere and women of New York in other topics, so I won't add to that.