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Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - RedPillUK - 05-20-2015

So attractive girls are doing yoga and showing off, whats the problem tuth? their attention-whoring? ok so what? that's what girls do, and its better than just showing off their body.

They also have some pride in their poses and use that as an excuse to show off their body. It's better than what they usually do.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - captain_shane - 05-20-2015

I for one love the fact that yoga is catching on in the US. I ask anyone here to go to a yoga class and not enjoy themselves. Fuck it if its a herd mentality. I'd fuckin kill for all women in this country to hit yoga consistently.

[Image: down-dog-female.jpg]

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - 262 - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-20-2015 05:45 AM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

So attractive girls are doing yoga and showing off, whats the problem tuth? their attention-whoring? ok so what? that's what girls do, and its better than just showing off their body.

They also have some pride in their poses and use that as an excuse to show off their body. It's better than what they usually do.

I can't speak for tuth, but I think the point of his posts, such as this one, is to remind guys that:

1) Don't be a beta-orbiter and feed the attention-whoring monster by "liking" these pics (if you use social media like Facebook or Instagram),

2) Don't think any girl is a unique snowflake (as you can see, girls tend to be trend-followers more than guys), and

3) Most importantly, the only attention girls should get is when their actions support neomasculine ideals. Incentive structures matter, and we all know that attention is the currency that matters most to women. Hate to use the analogy, but you only give a dog a treat when it obeys your command, right? Not when it just stares at you blankly, and certainly not when it pees on the carpet.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Downtown - 05-20-2015

I can't understand why this would bother anyone.

Do I want girls to do yoga? YES
Do I want to know that girls do yoga when swiping? YES
Do I want to encourage this behavior? YES
Do I care if thirsty dudes further reinforce the fact that I am not thirsty? NO

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - 262 - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-20-2015 09:15 AM)Downtown Wrote:  

I can't understand why this would bother anyone.

Do I want girls to do yoga? YES
Do I want to know that girls do yoga when swiping? YES
Do I want to encourage this behavior? YES
Do I care if thirsty dudes further reinforce the fact that I am not thirsty? NO

Not disagreeing, but clarifying: You have to be clear as to what kind of behavior you're encouraging.

Are you encouraging them to get fit for the sake of swipes and likes only? (Let's be honest, most girls do Tinder/OkC/Facebook/Instagram for attention, not for meeting guys).

Or are you encouraging them to get fit for P-in-V? (Even if you find them online, do you filter for the time-wasting attention-seekers, keeping texting to the minimum necessary for P-in-V, or do you entertain them?)

Not saying where your Game is at (I don't know you), just posing these as questions to the audience.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Downtown - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-20-2015 09:28 AM)262 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2015 09:15 AM)Downtown Wrote:  

I can't understand why this would bother anyone.

Do I want girls to do yoga? YES
Do I want to know that girls do yoga when swiping? YES
Do I want to encourage this behavior? YES
Do I care if thirsty dudes further reinforce the fact that I am not thirsty? NO

Not disagreeing, but clarifying: You have to be clear as to what kind of behavior you're encouraging.

Are you encouraging them to get fit for the sake of swipes and likes only? (Let's be honest, most girls do Tinder/OkC/Facebook/Instagram for attention, not for meeting guys).

Or are you encouraging them to get fit for P-in-V? (Even if you find them on online, do you filter for the time-wasting attention-seekers, keeping texting to the minimum necessary for P-in-V, or do you entertain them?)

I run my normal game and eliminate most chicks from contention myself first.

Who cares "which" behavior I'm encouraging? If their ass is fit when I fuck it, I am happy.

Plus yoga chicks tend to be cooler, more down to earth, more likely to chill 420, and definitely to be more in touch with their bodies. Yoga chicks are among the best sex I've ever had for sure.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - 262 - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-20-2015 09:32 AM)Downtown Wrote:  

Who cares "which" behavior I'm encouraging? If their ass is fit when I fuck it, I am happy.
Good, then you're the latter - not just swipes and likes. The post is not aimed at you or guys like you - it's aimed at beta-orbiters who think their beta-orbiter Game will work. And it's a reminder to the rest of us not to fall back or go there.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - General Stalin - 05-20-2015

Perfect Thread title. I 100% agree. Headstand-on-the-beach pictures are about as ubiquitous as pics with 2+ friends with the "bookends" sticking their elbows out.

I will pose a different angle for you all to think about. Call it nit picking but fuck it:

Sure the trend of girls doing yoga/crossfit/novelty 5k's/etc is beneficial for the fitness and health of all middle-class American gals, and seeing tight girls in tight clothes showing of how they take care of their bodies and stay in shape is nice. Don't be fooled - this is where many of you are missing the point of what Tuth is trying to get across and I agree.

The fact that a girl is simply "active and in shape" does not make her USDA Choice beef. Don't put the bar so low. 90% of these broads doing the fitness thing are still your typical careerist, independent, u-go-grrl, iPhone addicts we all love so much - they just aren't fat and sucking down Venti mochas three times a day. I'm notsaying they are junk girls, I'm simply saying don't let some tight bodied yogi fool you into think she's prime or that times are a' changin'. WB sure, but she's likely as basic a bitch as there ever was. I know I for one am not personally impressed by fitness girls. Is it nice that they take care of themselves? Sure, but I've dated plenty of hot tight-body girls who never worked out a day in their lives, and they didn't wear gym clothes in public. I'd prefer that over the former any day.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - 262 - 05-20-2015

Another way to think of the above (^^^):

Western guy: "OMG SHE'S NOT FAT!"
EE/SA/SEA guy: "Um ... ok. But she isn't exactly sweet ..."
Western guy: "DON'T CARE. THIRSTY!"

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Bullitt - 05-20-2015

Agreed. The issue this thread brings up is NOT that girls who do yoga or other trendy fitness stuff should be criticized (in fact they should be encouraged), but rather that many girls now use these activities as a convenient platform to attention whore.

The reason it's such a great way for attention whores to get their fix is that it offers them the plausible excuse of "just trying to motivate, inspire, empower" others, or other similar bullshit that fits into the Zen aspect of yoga. It's attention whoring masked as something healthy.

For some reason it seems guys are willing to cut these girls slack because they're fit and stylish, but as General Stalin points out, most are still the same basic bitch underneath. Of course they're hot and we want to fuck them, but do they have matching feminine qualities to go along with their yoga girl attitudes? You guys know the answer.

Finally, I know a number of yoga girls who don't walk around in their spandex everywhere they go. Guess what-- you can still tell they have super tight bodies, even when they wear tasteful dresses. In fact, I'd much rather approach a pretty girl in a sundress whose fit body is hinted at than a girl in her yoga gear who thinks she's the shit.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - kaotic - 05-20-2015

I've literally seen profiles that have girls say:

"I lift"
"I probably lift more than you"
-insert some douche bag remark-

Once again females trying so hard to be males.
When will they realize it doesn't work, it doesn't attract us at all, just the opposite.

I dig a fit crossfit girl, I dig toned girls, but stop being so fucking masculine about it.

I'd rather have a thin girl smiling in a photo than some ripped girl doing a power clean in a photo.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - General Stalin - 05-20-2015

Wearing yoga/athletic pants and running sneakers out in public when doing anything BUT running or doing yoga is really just one step above wearing pajamas. Girls still don't know how to be presentable.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Cr33pin - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-19-2015 06:46 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2015 05:39 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Don't forget all these crossfit girls (very prevalent in SoCal) with their squat photos or power cleans.

[Image: Girl-Back-Squat-300x270.jpg]

pictures of chicks squatting barbells is as attractive as me posting a picture of me ironing my shirt. No one wants to see a woman being a man as their 'best foot forward'

Sure, it helps them have a nice ass and helps me look good but its not 'profile picture' kind of stuff.

I might have to disagree with you on this one... If a girl wants to let me know right off hand shes a squatter with a squatting profile pic I'm all for it.
[Image: jen-selter-ass-squatting.jpg]
[Image: He1X2.gif]

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - kaotic - 05-20-2015

Those aren't the pics I'm talking about, I'm talking about the front pic, where they have the ugliest faces lol.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - 262 - 05-20-2015

The below isn't a bad pic ...

[Image: jen-selter-ass-squatting.jpg]

... but there's a reason mail-order bride sites (not saying anyone should actually use one) use pics like this instead:

[Image: p153680-1.jpg]

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - RedPillUK - 05-20-2015

Ohhhhh I get it now.

don't worry I'm not on Instagram and I don't like girls photos on facebook. I've tried to get my friend to stop doing it but he hasn't yet. Maybe if its something funny I will like it.

I think most people here do the same, we're not giving them much or any extra attention.

Everyone has to remember young attractive girls get way too much attention from everybody, they really don't need anymore ego.

Even if I see a girlfriend, family member or a girl who's a close friend do something really important/impressive and post it on facebook, I'm still not liking it cos it will get 50+ likes anyway. It's not like they will find out you didn't like it and then track you down.

stop 'liking' anything posted by a girl on FB! and don't go on instagram.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Bullitt - 05-20-2015

A pretty, fit girl is more appealing when she isn't blatantly advertizing it. Modesty (and we're talking in relative terms these days) from a physically attractive woman signals the potential for a host of other attractive feminine qualities. Maybe it's just me, but pulling the dress off a pretty, sweet, demure woman and discovering her yoga-toned butt for the first time is way more exciting when she hasn't been showing it off to every guy on tinder or behind her in line at Whole Foods.

One other aspect about fitness attention whores that strikes me-- I think there's a lot of overlap between the type of girls who does yoga (cross fit, etc.) and the type of girl who falls into the SWPL category. Maybe this is more specific to the girls in my area (DC), but when I see a tinder photo of a girl doing a yoga pose in front of a mountain at sunset, it's a good bet she has stronger than average feminist viewpoints. I attribute it to the half yuppie half hippie lifestyle so many urban chicks have adopted.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Spike - 05-20-2015

I also find it horrible to look at hot young girls in super tight yoga pants.

Let's all complain some more about this disturbing phenomenon.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Tuthmosis - 05-20-2015

Half of posts in this thread summarized in one picture:

[Image: attachment.jpg26410]   

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - TravelerKai - 05-20-2015

Tuth you are spot on to compare it to duck faces. Duck faces are an extremely common annoyance in Asia. 8/10 times a girl doing that in photos or in person is a pump N dump girl. I always nexted any girls like this. It was an automatic red flag most of the time. Not because she does not look good but because of the narcissism and other issues.

Asians with duckfaces and these yoga girls are just running up armaments. This is just part of the arms race Scorpion talked about. Makeup not good enough? Time to do yoga. Yoga not hardcore enough? Time to do crossfit.

At the end of the day it's all overgaming. Just like guys who overgame and step on their own feet, a good portion of these girls are doing the same to compete for attention. The rest are probably just bonafide Narcissistic head cases.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Spike - 05-20-2015

When I lived in LA and was on a night out with Basil Ransom I met this Lithuanian girl in a bar. Made out with her in minutes. She was pretty and a 7 I guess. Went out with her a few days later to a rock bar down town ( forgot the name, pretty rough place but went there a few times), later that night we bounce to my motel room in LA south central.
Long story short, we bang and next day this girl is doing this naked handstand thing as in Tuth's picture. Thought it was pretty special back then (2013).

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - Rutting Elephant - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-20-2015 10:32 AM)262 Wrote:  

Another way to think of the above (^^^):

Western guy: "OMG SHE'S NOT FAT!"
EE/SA/SEA guy: "Um ... ok. But she isn't exactly sweet ..."
Western guy: "DON'T CARE. THIRSTY!"

SA = South Asian = OPPOSITE OF THIRSTY + yoga thread

[Image: 78WrbYS.gif]

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - speakeasy - 05-20-2015

In my neck of the woods it's some variation of this:

[Image: girls_with_guns_v1rzb817o1_500.jpg]

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - kaotic - 05-20-2015

Quote: (05-20-2015 05:16 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

In my neck of the woods it's some variation of this:

[Image: girls_with_guns_v1rzb817o1_500.jpg]

Great openers on dating apps for this, AND when the girls come to my house I explain how I build that shit.

Most bitches you see with a gun is holding it retarded like AND with horrible trigger discipline.

Yoga Poses and Headstands: the New Duckface - BlurredSevens - 05-20-2015

Guys, it's not "attention whoring" it's called "trying to get laid."

Those girls Tuthmosis posted are all on Tinder, an app designed for casual sex.

When girls post photos of themselves doing yoga, they are trying to relay the point that: "I'm young, fertile, have a hot body, and would someone please come fuck me already."

I guess I don't see what the issue is here.

If you want to find a wife, go meet women at a church.
If you want to fuck hot slutty yoga babes with rocking bodies, download tinder.

I know where I'll be.