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Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - TravelerKai - 12-10-2014

Quote: (12-10-2014 08:04 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

I have to ask if short haired Asian girls are ignored by most guys? Are they taken back when a man approaches and lets his intentions be known? [Image: smile.gif]

Heck yeah. My wife, before I knew her, was chased down a street by a stranger because he was so angry she was so pretty but had short hair. He was making a loud scene demanding that she grow out her hair and then marry him. She ran away from him to yelled at him to leave her alone. Can you believe that? [Image: lol.gif]

She was shocked I loved her hair when I met her. She told me she would not grow it for any man. Well... that did not last did it? lol

For China, there are just so many that prefer that, you should usually just skip the long haired ones. Just make sure you ask them if they always keep it like that or is that just a phase. Some told me they were just experimenting. I kinda let them go except for a few.

Dagnasty makes an excellent point. Don't make them cut their hair if they are wrapped around your finger, if you do not want to LTR her. You will hurt her chances to get another guy.

Many Asians with long hair, won't cut their hair shorter than their upper back in my experience. I never bothered asking them just for that reason. Too many gasped at the prospect. It's alot like asking a Chinese girl to shave a pussy. They think that is what makes them a woman and how dare you ask them to mutilate themselves. Some also think cutting it is bad luck as well just like pussy shaving.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - youngblazer - 12-10-2014

Short hair on girls is a fetish of mine as well. Something about seeing short hair combined w/ a feminine curvy (not fat) body drives me wild.

And as a huge fan of blowjobs, short hair never gets in the way. So it ensures that the girl remains focused on the dick (as opposed to pushing her hair out of the way which can fuck up the flow) and also that I get a great non-obstructed view.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - YardDog - 12-10-2014

Quote: (12-09-2014 09:08 PM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

I've got a fetish for slim bull dykes lol.

That's right, I fuck gay girls. It's a weird kink. I don't knock anyone for not liking it. More for me if RP guys don't like them.

I like hair even shorter than OP - think pixies.

I read the thread title and the first thing I thought was: "I bet Dagnasty is all over this" haha. I hope HK is treating you right buddy.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Laurifer - 12-10-2014

I too confess that i find many girls with short hair bangin, provided they're already attractive, especially if they have a nice ass.

Tuth's warning has much merit though, as many girls with short hair ive known weren't the normal kind of crazy that most girls are.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Brian Shima - 12-11-2014

Any pictures of various Asian girls with short hair?

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - KC4 - 12-11-2014

I remember as a kid i used to see alot of girls in Thailand with short hair. Is it common in other Asian countries?

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Nascimento - 12-11-2014

Long hair, unlike short hair has the ability to make average looking girls step up their looks considerably. See this video for an example. She's young with a nice body, but her face is merely average. The long hair, that is long and taken care of boosts her appeal considerably.

Long hair also has the potential for a mesmerizing effect, as seen here. You'd be hard pressed to find the same on a cute girl with short hair.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - RIslander - 12-11-2014

Quote: (12-09-2014 07:55 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

Speaking of French girls with shoulder-length hair and pretty necks ... imma just leave this here ...

NSFW only cause your productivity will go out the window once you watch it.

Don't say I didn't warn you [Image: lol.gif]

Dear lord I forgot about Alizee... Too bad she tatted up and ruined herself.

[Image: alizee6.jpg?w=500&h=375]

[Image: alizee_tat01.jpg]

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - TravelerKai - 12-11-2014

¡Qué terrible!

How did this happen? I guess that's another piece of proof for Tuth's theory. Such a shame. Get em before they go bonkers I guess.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 12-11-2014


[Image: alizee_tat01.jpg]

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

[Image: facepalm3.gif]

[Image: facepalm.png]

[Image: double-facepalm.jpg]

[Image: jesus-facepalm.jpg]

[Image: third-party-facepalm.jpg]


She went from would-actually-want-for-serious-LTR to just another fuck-n-chuck.




Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - bacardi123 - 12-11-2014

personally I am a big fan. I think the "anti-shorthairism" comes from the old days when girls were short hairs were usually considered butch dykes or so. However to tell the truth the 'girl of my dreams' will be with short hair, green eyes, white and of course beautiful...something kinda similar to this russian singer:

[Image: 1657_serebro-opium_223.jpg]

I adore that guilty-tomboy look...

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - TheFinalEpic - 12-11-2014

Quote: (12-11-2014 10:31 PM)bacardi123 Wrote:  

personally I am a big fan. I think the "anti-shorthairism" comes from the old days when girls were short hairs were usually considered butch dykes or so. However to tell the truth the 'girl of my dreams' will be with short hair, green eyes, white and of course beautiful...something kinda similar to this russian singer:

[Image: 1657_serebro-opium_223.jpg]

I adore that guilty-tomboy look...

I wouldn't refer to this as "short hair" by any means. In my opinion, short hair is like that pic of emma watson on the first page, where it is clearly a men's hairstyle. That girl you posted is a 9/10 in my books, and the hair is kept at a manageable length, I can still pull it, and everybody's happy.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - bacardi123 - 12-11-2014

Quote: (12-11-2014 10:40 PM)TheFinalEpic Wrote:  


she's a russian singer, called Elena Temnikova - i was just listening to the video where said pic is from:

heard about the band and song and her many years ago when i was in moscow...

By the way:' fine man, you may have a point. But i also had a thing back in the days for halle berry or victoria beckham - they both had have short hair most of the time.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Brian Shima - 01-26-2015

[Image: EIMLB9hl.jpg]

[Image: photographer_uploaded_1_193_0_1421430701_2014.jpg]

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Brian Shima - 04-30-2015

Paige Davis, an old host of some remodeling Tlc show and on Broadway now.
[Image: paige-davis-trading-spaces-tv-2003-photo-GC.jpg]

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - TravelerKai - 04-30-2015

Quote: (04-30-2015 05:19 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Paige Davis, an old host of some remodeling Tlc show and on Broadway now.
[Image: paige-davis-trading-spaces-tv-2003-photo-GC.jpg]

I love that style of cut. Those flipped flares on the ends kill me. All that said, she would look a lot better with hair past her shoulders. Women with longer faces (Ahem*horsefaces), look terrible with short hair. Shorter and rounder faces make the make the short hair look pop. Redheads with hair this short are extremely hard to find too. When you find a cute one, it sticks out hardcore.

She is also a tad old. Where the 20-30 ones at?!

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Akula - 04-30-2015

^^ I like it too but honestly is it really that short?

Emma Watson looks like a boy with her haircut that's just not sexy. I'm willing to give some leeway on this topic and some girls do look super sexy with short hair I'll admit but if you look like a 10-year old boy it's just wrong and basically a big "fuck you" to men IMO.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - TravelerKai - 04-30-2015

Most guys do not see a difference between neck length hair and pixie cuts. Both turn them off.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - CH-Toronto - 05-02-2015

For those saying that you like you short hair... more power to you - but ... wow.

It's arguably my biggest pet peeve for girls/women to do. Having long hair is a symbol of femininity. There has never been a time in history where a girl looked better with short hair. Ever.

Also I had fairly recently discovered myself that Alizee had all those tattoos now too. I felt genuine sadness. I had seen that original video when I was like 15 or so, and now... so sad.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Laner - 05-02-2015

This model chick I hooked up with in Shenzhen had to cut her hair short for a fashion shoot and has been crying to me that she is ugly. I keep bugging her that she is like a boy and she freaks out because of the other models a lot of them actually were gay and were treating her like a gay too.

Now its been a couple weeks and she is partying a lot with these lesbian models and her best friend texted me saying she was worried.

She has now admitted that having short hair has allowed her to act out some of her dark crazy thoughts and because of her short hair people just expect it. Already pre judged I guess.

So, short silver hair on a high cheek boned Chinese model..... WBA (WB again) but probably picture her from last time. Shit just aged her 10 years too.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Brian Shima - 05-12-2015

Kai here is another one. What are your houghts on the crow's feet mixed with short style? At that point, she should add some length like the last painter chick I posted. She would of been my dream girl in her early 20s before age got the best of her face.

[Image: bBHRjrZ.jpg]

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - suyuti - 05-13-2015

[Image: th?]

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Fortis - 05-13-2015

I don't mind short hair, as long as the girl has a beautiful face. Some faces look weird with long hair.

Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Dan Woolf - 05-13-2015


Girls with Shorter Hair Styles?? - Laner - 05-13-2015

On the last short haired girls thread I posted this chick, who looks exactly like the Korean girl who runs the boutique on my street.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfvXhsCleu-gT8L0w7hXe...NCMb6sm8CA]

I thought she looked pretty good clothed, but naked it was a hard sell from the tits up. Nothing to hold on to when smashing from the back, no twisting of the hair, etc. And after sex when the hair was no longer styled, it just looked like shit.