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Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Vitriol - 10-26-2011

Quote: (10-26-2011 05:30 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Au contraire.

A rich chick is NOT going to continue working. She's going to get knocked up. If you want to see "traditional family values," look at how the rich actually live.

Rich chick is going to have rich lawyers for divorce. She'll have family money. She'll have leverage to help fuck over her rich ex-husband. "Daddy, please tell your friends not to do business with that mean old man."

Do any of you guys even know how the rich live? At least learn from Fitzgerald this one word - differently.

This is a good point. You guys thinking you can bang American wealthy girls and get a good deal are generally mistaken. Guess what? They didn't earn all that shit through pure merit. Unless you were born into it, that is one posturing game you don't want to be a part of.

Plus consider the fact that people who are born into a lot of money are generally lame and terrible to hang around (stuffed shirt cocktail parties, yacht clubs, going to church, dressing like a dockers commercial, etc.)

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - UrbanNerd - 10-26-2011

Quote: (10-26-2011 05:30 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2011 08:14 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Here is the risk...and that hedge-fund cat should know about risk.

You marry that chick and the relationship goes south, he loses a lot of money because chances are that the difference in income will be huge.

You marry that chick who makes almost as much as you and if the relationship goes south, he loses very little.

Au contraire.

A rich chick is NOT going to continue working. She's going to get knocked up. If you want to see "traditional family values," look at how the rich actually live.

Rich chick is going to have rich lawyers for divorce. She'll have family money. She'll have leverage to help fuck over her rich ex-husband. "Daddy, please tell your friends not to do business with that mean old man."

Do any of you guys even know how the rich live? At least learn from Fitzgerald this one word - differently.

She won't continue to work because most men fall into the "traditional family" junk and lose their backbone.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Lemmileak - 10-26-2011

Because all girls are dumb...durr. lol

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - afronoob - 10-26-2011

Quote: (10-26-2011 10:56 PM)Lemmileak Wrote:  

Because all girls are dumb...durr. lol

Actually OP,I think the adjective should be simple minded,not dumb,though generally looking for intellect among women is like milking a cow expecting sprite to squirt from its udders.
Bitches who insist on being smart are overwhelmingly neurotic: Their simple skullspace is crowded with incomplete ideas,contradictory information and unrealistic expectations planted by lesbian professors,Cosmo magazine and the usual crew of social reengineers ,proving the truth of why Kikuyus have a saying,'knowing a lot is confusing.'
Give me a simple minded bitch;I'll pass on the lawyer professor.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Lemmileak - 10-26-2011

Quote: (10-26-2011 11:09 PM)afronoob Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2011 10:56 PM)Lemmileak Wrote:  

Because all girls are dumb...durr. lol

Actually OP,I think the adjective should be simple minded,not dumb,though generally looking for intellect among women is like milking a cow expecting sprite to squirt from its udders.
Bitches who insist on being smart are overwhelmingly neurotic: Their simple skullspace is crowded with incomplete ideas,contradictory information and unrealistic expectations planted by lesbian professors,Cosmo magazine and the usual crew of social reengineers ,proving the truth of why Kikuyus have a saying,'knowing a lot is confusing.'
Give me a simple minded bitch;I'll pass on the lawyer professor.

Best reply ever! haha

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - iknowexactly - 10-27-2011

Women are built to nurture, not do abstract ( zillion citations - not- from all major fields of invention, culture and science)

So women who are highly educated are often not smarter than a woman who just likes day-to-day simple pleasures. I learned this after my last harpy. She had a doctorate but sometimes would lose contact with objective reality. "You don't RESPECT me." What the fuck does that mean? Abstract bullshit. I didn't beat her up or insult her. So she had a degree but absolutely no objective analytical ability.

A woman who is consciously focused on having children and taking care of them and her husband is NOT going to be able to work full time. This is a 3rd grade common sense deduction. Where are the hours going to come from. If she's really gifted you could hire help if she's, say, a doctor.

But otherwise, you have the two-income treadmill, with everyone secretly thinking they're good because they're overly busy and TIRED.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - blurb - 10-27-2011


"Dating a less successful woman isn’t about wanting women to be dumb. It’s about wanting someone who prioritizes their life in a way that’s compatible with how you prioritize yours. I love my job, but I work all the fucking time. If I date an equally driven woman, we’re both working 18 hours days, when do we even have time to see each other? We don’t. I date a kindergarten teacher who works—f**k, I have no idea how many hours kindergarten teachers work. How many hours do you work? Really? Sh*t. Well, you’re a really driven person and you love work. But the theoretical Kindergarten teacher, she has a more flexible schedule, she’ll be able accommodate me, it’s going to be easier. Just on a literal level, it’s easier. Why don’t women do this too? Every alpha woman I know wants to be with a man who is as successful as her or more so. And coordinating that stuff is almost impossible. Why don’t they just date some beta male who works in a bookstore and will make dinner for them every night? Doesn’t every successful person—man or woman—see how that’s easier?"

Women are hypergamous.

Looks like someone is seeing the light.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Giovonny - 10-27-2011

Dumb chicks are hot!

Seriously, I love meeting a sexy, feminine chick who doesn't care about solving the worlds problems. She doesn't even care to think about it. She just wants to look good and have some fun. Thats my idea of feminism!

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Stitch - 10-27-2011

My soon-to-be-ex wife had three masters' degrees and is finishing her doctorate. She spent the whole of our almost 20 years of marriage jealous that I was smarter and more successful and is now divorce-raping me for all I'm worth. I'm now dating a less-educated (although still intelligent) athletic woman who loves to dance. I have had more and better sex in the last two months than in the last two years.

Which do you think is a better deal?

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Vicious - 10-28-2011

This might sound harsh Stitch but to a degree you allowed this to happen. I mean, you were providing for her all this time she was studying. Props to you for seeing the light since then but I don't think your situation is so much about her "smarts" as it was about you being a doormat at the time.

This is the case in general for the women mentioned in this thread. Most guys don't know how to manage smart women. With dumb women you just don't stand to lose as much.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Timoteo - 10-28-2011

I hear and read about Stitch's situation all the time. The dutiful boyfriend/husband supports a chick while she pursues her education and "improves" herself, and as soon as she reaches her goal he suddenly isn't good enough for her anymore. They're scandalous and manipulating, and always looking to upgrade.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Kaizen - 10-28-2011

Could never deal with a dumb broad OR the type A professional wanting to prove herself

The sweet spot is in-between : girl with common sense who can take care of her man and run a household

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Stitch - 10-28-2011

Vicious-- we moved around a bit and the "deal" was that I would do the work and provide for her education and then switch roles once my career commitment was over, so some of it made sense at the time--I was "investing" in a future payoff; she would get the career she wanted and I would get the retirement I wanted. More the fool me for believing she was actually willing to work.

Timoteo--funny thing about this one is that it wasn't that I "wasn't good enough", it was the opposite--she "couldn't stand living in my shadow". She got to go to school full time for 3 masters and got middling A's and B's... I did mine distance learning from a good university while working full time and smacked a 4.0. She took 5-6 years finishing her fuzzy PhD, changing topics, pissing about and moaning why her advisor wasn't getting her any papers... I got sponsored from work, went to a world-class uni for hard science and finished mine in 3 years with 3 publications. She'd try out for a bit part in a play and not get accepted, I'd get a lead in a major production. It pissed her off. Only way she could feel even was by taking resources by force.

It won't matter in the long run. She never learned that you have to work hard and practice to be good at anything--school, work, exercise, pickup, whatever. She just wanted the rewards without doing the work--ambition without actual drive. This year will suck bad, but I'll still kick ass.

In the mean time, I'm having a better time than I expected, financial hit notwithstanding. The girl I'm presently with is great fun (actually pretty socially apt, too--could learn some game tips from her probably), I'm learning a lot, and busy as hell, both work-wise and socially. Just wish that if this had to happen it had happened sooner.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Timoteo - 10-28-2011

Quote: (10-28-2011 06:49 PM)Stitch Wrote:  

Vicious-- we moved around a bit and the "deal" was that I would do the work and provide for her education and then switch roles once my career commitment was over, so some of it made sense at the time--I was "investing" in a future payoff; she would get the career she wanted and I would get the retirement I wanted. More the fool me for believing she was actually willing to work.

Timoteo--funny thing about this one is that it wasn't that I "wasn't good enough", it was the opposite--she "couldn't stand living in my shadow". She got to go to school full time for 3 masters and got middling A's and B's... I did mine distance learning from a good university while working full time and smacked a 4.0. She took 5-6 years finishing her fuzzy PhD, changing topics, pissing about and moaning why her advisor wasn't getting her any papers... I got sponsored from work, went to a world-class uni for hard science and finished mine in 3 years with 3 publications. She'd try out for a bit part in a play and not get accepted, I'd get a lead in a major production. It pissed her off. Only way she could feel even was by taking resources by force.

It won't matter in the long run. She never learned that you have to work hard and practice to be good at anything--school, work, exercise, pickup, whatever. She just wanted the rewards without doing the work--ambition without actual drive. This year will suck bad, but I'll still kick ass.

In the mean time, I'm having a better time than I expected, financial hit notwithstanding. The girl I'm presently with is great fun (actually pretty socially apt, too--could learn some game tips from her probably), I'm learning a lot, and busy as hell, both work-wise and socially. Just wish that if this had to happen it had happened sooner. she used you to foot the bill in hopes she'd surpass you, then left you when she still couldn't? Either way, she still probably would have bailed, and I don't know which way would have been more disappointing

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - iknowexactly - 10-29-2011

Thanks for sharing the cautionary tale, reminder to would be white knights-- tell her to take out student loans IN HER OWN NAME if she wants more school.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Stitch - 10-29-2011

Damn straight, Iknowexactly. And don't think that buying a house and both cars with joint loans when you're the only wage-earner is a bonding experience. Just sayin'.

Timoteo--Man, hard to tell, but I think she would have left, eventually. She was in therapy 6-8 years by the time she called it quits, and the first thing she did when she ran off is find a new therapist. Kid has a lot more problems than just the obvious; fell in with some new-agey polyamorous types, that sort of thing. Bitter as I am, the first 18 years really were pretty great, but I sure as hell wish I'd had an ironclad prenup.

Anyway, the point of this thread was why smart men date dumb girls, and I have to say--I couldn't date a really dumb girl. I have a hard enough time finding things to talk about with my current interest. But good god is it nice being with a woman who doesn't view her brain as her only asset (while demanding that I view her as beautiful), keeps herself in shape, laughs a lot, and really enjoys sex.

Earlier in the thread it was stated that smart/career-oriented women seek alpha males; I don't think that's always true, but when it is, they compete. And very rarely does anyone come out of that feeling great.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - darkhorse - 10-29-2011

Quote: (10-26-2011 06:28 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Smart men dating dumb women simply know the score; smart women tend to be neurotic, combative and give you plenty of headaches, dumb women are generally very easily amused and manipulated.

I prefer a girl of average intelligence, and think it's wack when I hear some guy who never gets any pussy pining that he wants a 'smart' girl.

Exactly. As for alpha women, I believe they will still want alpha men because it will raise their status. And isn't that what women want?

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Wizard - 10-30-2011

In my experience I rarely find a girl with a high degree of intelligence, who has the kind of body I'm interested in sexing. Does this mean that if I find one, do I kick her to the curb? No, I have no issue with blowing my load in a dumb or smart pussy.

The problem is that a genuinely intelligent girl with a great body is pretty god damned rare. This doesn't include the artistic types who are so far beyond logic, and common sense that there is no point in seeking a serious conversation.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - misterstir - 12-11-2011

I don't see how a teacher is not an up there profession. I guess it depends where you live. In some places by 35 a teacher is pulling 90k. But in others it is 50k. so i guess it depends on your state.

But I wouldn't call a woman with 2 degrees dumb.

The reality is it is hard to find a driven woman if your a man, finance is 90% male, where are you going to meet women? Never mind succesful women.

Do you guys know what succesful business women look like? Oprah, martha stewart, and those are the GOOD looking ones. The ideal hot business women would an ex model or something like the billionaire one from brazil. But often those women do not want more successful men they just want highly succesful men. Ie. a multi millionaire chick will settle for a lawyer or doctor.

I'm not going to lie, I work around suits all day but feel more comfortable when I'm chilling with mechanics or engineers. I'd rather have a highly feminine lady in fashion than some profession, as long as she is able to pull decent $, not a dope head and has reasonable intelligence then I can handle her. In terms of wife, I'd like one successful just from a different area so I don't feel like we are competing.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - pitt - 12-11-2011

What happened to G Manifesto? Dude was a ''monster'' on this forum.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - The_CEO - 12-11-2011

Quote: (12-11-2011 02:03 AM)pitt Wrote:  

What happened to G Manifesto? Dude was a ''monster'' on this forum.

not sure but he seems to have vanished when things got too low on the political forum, and he got fed up jousting with "slaves defending their master" as he'd put it.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - dice3510 - 12-11-2011

Smart men date both dumb and smart chicks alike. Because, as long the girl isn't more than 20 IQ points apart from you, her intelligence is irrelevant as to her attractiveness level.

One edge dumb girls have over intelligent ones is a lack of a burning desire to have their intellectual superiority recognized - which is often done by constantly being disagreeable and engaging their partner in lengthy arguments. However, smart girls who become cognizant of the fact that men prefer household peace over drama can overcome this unfortunate deficiency with some effort.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Nex - 12-11-2011

Quote: (12-11-2011 03:34 PM)dice3510 Wrote:  

One edge dumb girls have over intelligent ones is a lack of a burning desire to have their intellectual superiority recognized - which is often done by constantly being disagreeable and engaging their partner in lengthy arguments. However, smart girls who become cognizant of the fact that men prefer household peace over drama can overcome this unfortunate deficiency with some effort.

Agree. Some "smart" girls can be a pain in the ass.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Beyond Borders - 12-12-2011

This guy raises some excellent points. I think there's a big difference between dating a dumb woman and a simple woman, and I think the simple woman is always a good choice for an ambitious, alpha guy.

Some of these women who seem "dumb" because they're not as driven as the men they're with are usually really good at what they do and have some interesting philosophies about life, etc. Many are extremely intelligent and, most importantly, principled.

They just choose to put all their energy into the home and supporting their man. And it works better than 2 people fighting to wear the same pair of pants.

Women like these are the ones a player should grab up if he does decide to settle down.

Why Do Smart Men Date Dumb Girls? - Deluge - 12-12-2011

Quote: (12-11-2011 12:19 PM)The_CEO Wrote:  

Quote: (12-11-2011 02:03 AM)pitt Wrote:  

What happened to G Manifesto? Dude was a ''monster'' on this forum.

not sure but he seems to have vanished when things got too low on the political forum, and he got fed up jousting with "slaves defending their master" as he'd put it.

He doesn't blog about game as often either, and when he does it's usually about boxing or hip-hop. He needs to make a come back, he hasn't posted on the forum since October.