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Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - runsonmagic - 03-10-2014

The question is... what man is behind this?

These schemes only happen with male enablers - Zuckerberg, the google guys... are they just so beta they'll sell themselves out to women, the NSA, China... or is there a hidden motive?

I'm beginning to think that the only reason women get away with shit is men let them. We need to put an end to this. #solidarityisformen

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - lurker - 03-11-2014

I know a fair number of women who lead and take charge incredible well while never crossing the line into bossy. It sounds like Sheryl is just a bitch.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - It_is_my_time - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-10-2014 11:48 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

The question is... what man is behind this?

These schemes only happen with male enablers - Zuckerberg, the google guys... are they just so beta they'll sell themselves out to women, the NSA, China... or is there a hidden motive?

I'm beginning to think that the only reason women get away with shit is men let them. We need to put an end to this. #solidarityisformen

Probably the top backers of the Democratic party/progressive movement to destroy middle class men in the USA.

George Soros would be at the top of the list. Other elitists like Zuckerberg, Gates, Buffet, the Google guys, etc.

People who complain about the "1%" while they make billions off destroying the upper middle class and breaking up families.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - PompeyChris - 03-11-2014

Fucking ridiculous.

You're only being called bossy because you're a shit leader!

Leading people, especially men, isn't about telling them to do this, do that.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Mage - 03-11-2014

Banning words is useless, the collective unconscious will produce a new word with the same meaning.

Like if you ban "fat" then people start using "obese" or "BBW" in an ironic voice or "walrus" or "lindsy" or whatever.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - soup - 03-11-2014

So, they want to have a word made illegal?

They are telling people they can't use the word bossy.

That's like quintessential example of someone being bossy.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-11-2014

I don't like bossy men either, so I don't see where the discrimination is.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - kosko - 03-11-2014

Bossy is a asshole or a snake. It's a sneering type of leadership that just goes off attitude and the aura or a crypt keeper versus being results driven and channeling that out of your team. No complaints of the leader is competent, but when you hear words being tossed at you take note. In reality though women can't get taken seriously unless they are are strait up bitches.

Another thing. In trying to think of a time I used the word "Bossy"... It's a femme term because t automatically needs whining of some sort to apply it. Again just like slut-shaming it's another thing that women do to others at overwhelming rates. I've never heard a man use "bossy" before in my life.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - soup - 03-11-2014

Men dont usually call things with a "y" at the end.. "Creepy" "rapey" "bossy" this the vague language of the shifty person, usually the so called "feminists" (in quotes because try don't really care about the feminine and are just haters).

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Dusty - 03-11-2014

Women typically don't make good leaders because they're born with instincts to lead children. These child rearing instincts come off as extremely obnoxious to adults. Thus, many female bosses are unlikeable and even hated by their subordinates - including other women.

Remember in 2008 Hillary was asked about her lack of likeability?

When raising children, women have to micro manage and act like control freaks. Eat your food, clean your face, wipe your bum after pooing. They have to be firm and nagging to get the child to comply. Stern disciplinarians. That's necessary because they are children and need to be told every little move to make.

The problem is when women are put into positions of power, they fall back on these instincts. Adults don't like being treated like children. The female bosses comes off as obnoxious, control freaky, and nagging cunts.

There's not a lot of charismatic female leaders. They're built to lead children, not adults.

They come up with strict rules over minutia or petty bullshit. Like banning words.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 11:31 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

Women typically don't make good leaders because they're born with instincts to lead children. these child rearing instincts come off as extremely obnoxious to adults. Thus, many female bosses are unlikeable and even hated by their subordinates - including other women.

Remember in 2008 Hillary was asked about her lack of likeability?

When raising children, women have to micro manage and act like control freaks. Eat your food, clean your face, wipe your bum after pooing. They have to be firm and nagging to get the child to comply. Stern disciplinarians. That's necessary because they are children and need to be told ever little move to make.

The problem is when women are put into positions of power, they fall back on these instincts. Adults don't like being treated like children. The female bosses comes off as obnoxious, control freaky, and nagging cunts.

There's not a lot of charismatic female leaders. They're built to lead children, not adults.

They come up with strict rules over minutia or petty bullshit. Like banning words.

This is really perceptive and I rated you up for this. You should expand it into a ROK article. It's important and has wisdom that needs to be disseminated.

I've seen female bosses time and time again wreck departments and cause employees to leave companies in droves.

The one place I do think women are effective is as editors. But the reason they're good is because the qualities you cite above -- nagging, nitpicking -- work when you're dealing with writers and the written word.

These qualities don't work, however, when you're dealing with abstract ideas and a staff of wildly divergent people who need to be sculpted into a team with a common goal.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - VincentVinturi - 03-11-2014

Women are the biggest exponents of all forms of censorship. This crap is so Orwellian it gives me goosebumps.

"Ban bossy" ...?

Oh, I see. Ban everything you don't like. Corrupt language to make everything we say right and everything you say wrong.

If we men could do it without facing imprisonment, we'd take our power by force and stop trying to intellectualize about it.

And really, the intellectualization and proclivity towards reason and fairness has taken the power dynamic out of the realm of naturalistic brute force and put it into the realm of words and ideas. And guess who's winning in that realm?

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - soup - 03-11-2014

On the topic of people being bossy and social hierarchies.. it's interesting that ants can be so organized without having anyone telling them what to do..

They just do what needs to be done. I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if people could do the same.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - YaManBT - 03-11-2014

This makes me so happy that I am leaving America nine days from today.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Emancipator - 03-11-2014

Quote: (03-10-2014 07:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Google is providing free advertising to feminists (under search box):

[Image: OSpmlNM.png]

Man google is on fire this year, Pro-Gay Sochi doodle, Women's Day Doodle and now this.

Women need to learn that good leadership is leading by example.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - The Beast1 - 03-11-2014

All of this micro aggressive stuff pisses me off. Bossy? Bitch please, some of the things said to me growing up were some of the worst things ever.

1. Why are you talking to me? You're so ugly.
2. I seriously doubt your leadership potential frenchie.
3. You'll never amount to anything.
4. If you get laid before me, i'll commit suicide ( got laid before him, bought my semi formal tickets instead).

Serioisly, some of the shit said to ME in high school was horrible. It is what has made me sharp, determined, and confident today. I want to show up all of those bitches who is really better.

Sheryll needs to shut up. She's never been in the shoes of a low SMV high school male.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Emancipator - 03-11-2014

So because of this trend I've been using it as a neg during text convo.

Thanks for the game tip Sheryl Sandberg!

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - VincentVinturi - 03-12-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 03:23 PM)Emancipator Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2014 07:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Google is providing free advertising to feminists (under search box):

[Image: OSpmlNM.png]

Man google is on fire this year, Pro-Gay Sochi doodle, Women's Day Doodle and now this.

Women need to learn that good leadership is leading by example.

Nearly all of those Bay-area companies have their heads way up their political asses. It's possibly the most "progressive" place on Earth.

Which actually has some pros in the form of certain libertarian tendencies like pot legalization, a certain openness to different kinds of people, etc.

But generally it seems to do much more harm than good. And with companies like Google able to disseminate their propaganda, it's an uphill battle out there for anybody with a conservative cell in their body.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - soup - 03-12-2014

Women want to have all the control while the men work in the pig shit:

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - MidniteSpecial - 03-12-2014

Quote: (03-10-2014 07:41 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Sandberg's husband. Can you imagine how browbeaten and henpecked this mofo is?

[Image: article-2408343-1B697544000005DC-710_634x820.jpg]

[Image: QCdjB5HwFOTaWQ8X4yMDoxOm1qO387Kn]

His hand is on top.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Days of Broken Arrows - 03-12-2014


You call it "henpecked." In Jewish culture, it's pretty close to the norm.

I've read that the roles of Jewish men and women are the way they are today because of their history. In the olde days, Jewish men studied the Torah, while women worked, and the male-female dynamic evolved out of that. So "working women" to a lot of Jews isn't some new progressive idea; it's their background.

As such, a lot of Jews look at mainstream American culture and think it's overly macho and too narrowly defined by "gender roles." Meanwhile non-Jews look at Jewish life and wonder how men can stand such dominant women. What you're seeing with Sandberg is two cultures crashing together. It's latest attempt by a Jewish woman to influence American culture to be more Jewish, but...I'll bet she doesn't even know this consciously and thinks it's just about "working women."

Sot what does this mean for us, fellow RVF-ers? How can this benefit or harm us? If you don't mind a semi-digression, it means the following:

1). If you're shy, nerdy, and bookish and don't mind women leading, by all means date Jewish. It'll work out well.

2). If you're short and have a taller woman fetish (cough cough), Jewish women are the ones who are far, far more likely to give you a chance than any other ethnicity. I've been to synagogue services where I was amazed at the number of Jewish women who towered over their husbands.

3). If you enjoy discussing this stuff, you might just get along with such women even if you both vehemently disagree with each other. I'll confess I used to date a college feminist who is now a DC lawyer who appears on TV a lot. We agreed on little, but she liked me because: "At least you have some opinions and knowledge and aren't all about football and beer."

4). If you're younger but dislike younger women because you find them vapid and superficial, the older women that will not brush you off as a kid are very likely to be Jewish. In fact, I'd say Jewish women can be great for younger guys. But like heavy metal and gangsta rap, what works for you at 22 probably won't do it for you at 40, so be forewarned.

5). Every negative has a positive. We've busted on Jewish women for trying to upend mainstream American ideals and morals (well, I have anyway). But the bright side is that a lot of Jewish women are unshackled by the worst elements of those ideals and morals: repressive sexuality, anti-intellectualism, pseudo-spiritual bullshit. So if you're looking for sex with women who don't worry about "SIN!!!" and out-of-the-box bedroom fun, Jewish women are the way to go.

(All opinions come from my experiences and observations after marrying into a Jewish family in my youth. I'm not just making things up here.)

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - It_is_my_time - 03-12-2014

Quote: (03-12-2014 03:00 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  


You call it "henpecked." In Jewish culture, it's pretty close to the norm.

I've read that the roles of Jewish men and women are the way they are today because of their history. In the olde days, Jewish men studied the Torah, while women worked, and the male-female dynamic evolved out of that. So "working women" to a lot of Jews isn't some new progressive idea; it's their background.

As such, a lot of Jews look at mainstream American culture and think it's overly macho and too narrowly defined by "gender roles." Meanwhile non-Jews look at Jewish life and wonder how men can stand such dominant women. What you're seeing with Sandberg is two cultures crashing together. It's latest attempt by a Jewish woman to influence American culture to be more Jewish, but...I'll bet she doesn't even know this consciously and thinks it's just about "working women."

Sot what does this mean for us, fellow RVF-ers? How can this benefit or harm us? If you don't mind a semi-digression, it means the following:

1). If you're shy, nerdy, and bookish and don't mind women leading, by all means date Jewish. It'll work out well.

2). If you're short and have a taller woman fetish (cough cough), Jewish women are the ones who are far, far more likely to give you a chance than any other ethnicity. I've been to synagogue services where I was amazed at the number of Jewish women who towered over their husbands.

3). If you enjoy discussing this stuff, you might just get along with such women even if you both vehemently disagree with each other. I'll confess I used to date a college feminist who is now a DC lawyer who appears on TV a lot. We agreed on little, but she liked me because: "At least you have some opinions and knowledge and aren't all about football and beer."

4). If you're younger but dislike younger women because you find them vapid and superficial, the older women that will not brush you off as a kid are very likely to be Jewish. In fact, I'd say Jewish women can be great for younger guys. But like heavy metal and gangsta rap, what works for you at 22 probably won't do it for you at 40, so be forewarned.

5). Every negative has a positive. We've busted on Jewish women for trying to upend mainstream American ideals and morals (well, I have anyway). But the bright side is that a lot of Jewish women are unshackled by the worst elements of those ideals and morals: repressive sexuality, anti-intellectualism, pseudo-spiritual bullshit. So if you're looking for sex with women who don't worry about "SIN!!!" and out-of-the-box bedroom fun, Jewish women are the way to go.

(All opinions come from my experiences and observations after marrying into a Jewish family in my youth. I'm not just making things up here.)

I just wanted to follow up.

This might not sound all bad to guys in their 20's. But as you get older and mature in your 30's, this will become a nightmare.

Women simply do not mature. And as you mature and grow as a man, you probably do not want someone with a child like mindset telling you how to live your life.

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Don Juan Tenorio - 03-12-2014

When you think they can get any worse they always find a way to do it. Happy George Orwell appreciation day:

[Image: quote-truth-orwell-sm.jpg]

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - T and A Man - 03-12-2014

Quote: (03-10-2014 07:41 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: QCdjB5HwFOTaWQ8X4yMDoxOm1qO387Kn]

I wonder what Darryl's maiden name was?

Sheryl Sandberg and her ban "Bossy" campaign - Handsome Creepy Eel - 03-12-2014


His hand is on top.

I don't get it. What does it matter where his hand is?