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Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Printable Version

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Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-03-2010

Quote: (05-03-2010 06:04 PM)kindredspirit Wrote:  

In other words, dating is a lot like real estate. Location matters.

Very true. I'm trying to think of who it was that said, "where you game is just as important as your game itself."

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - AlphaQup2nite - 05-05-2010

While i dont know where to go for a brother, China is totally NOT the place to go. Chinese have their own version on the "n" word which gets tossed around a lot. The only girls you would get would be the naughty sluts whose sole goal is to piss off mommy and daddy. Also, chinese girls are often afraid of sleeping with black men b/c they are afraid their dick will be too big (True story, i had a bro here who couldnt get laid by the locals, and even had a hard time going P4P). Things of course are much easier in the big cities, but still have their overtones. Also, locals wont hire anyone with really dark skin, from arabs to African americans, not even in teaching postions. Lots of racism here, even from the police (aforementioned friend often gets ID checked by police everywhere, his only girlfriend i knew he had was becuase he spoke perfect chinese. And he was a mix himself, with his mom being white) Not a good place to go here.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - elguapo - 05-05-2010

I have a black friend who does pretty well in Rio. I think Brazil overall is a good bet, but it depends on so many factors.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Rocco81 - 05-06-2010

Everyone will have exceptions, but I think our generalized perceptions seem to bring out patterns of where and where not to go for certain folks.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-09-2010

Lavinci, I might not be opposed to going to some of the EE countries that are adjacent to the west like the Czech Republic or Estonia or maybe even Poland. But going too deep in like Russia, Belarus or Ukraine is really pushing the safety factor. In Russia, the random skinhead attacks on non-whites in the streets is literally out of control. Non-white students living in Russia are basically barricaded at the university and won't leave the campus unless they are with a group for protection. Not my idea of a vacation!

Here is an interesting story of an Afro-Russian trying to make it in Russia:

Anyway, I'd rather just spend my money on the Philippines or Brazil. Somewhere with warm weather, friendly people and nice beaches. I have no reason to ever want to go to Russia or EE. Besides, even though EE women have nice faces and tits, they usually don't have much ass, and I'm an ass man.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - elguapo - 05-10-2010

EE is different man. The women have a different charisma about them which is hard to explain. Sure, physically they're different as they don't have such curvy bodies, but personality wise they're very way different than Latinas or Brazilians. You have to be with one to see that.

I have been with enough Brazilian women and I definitely miss the sensuality of an Eastern European girl.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - kindredspirit - 05-10-2010

Eastern European > Brazilian for my personal tastes, by a long shot.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - InternationalSwagger - 05-22-2010

Good thread...The worldly upwardly mobile, non-stereo typical, charming, good looking African-American male (Like myself & the brothas I hang out with) will do well ANYWHERE in the world I've done well in Latin America (Ecuador (Quito), Colombia (Cali, Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota), Venezuela (Caracas and Morrocoy Islands), Brazil (Fortaleza, Rio, Recife), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Panama City, Honduras, Mexico. It all depends on how you carry yourself really. The farthest East in Europe I've been was Budapest and had a great time there...I plan to head to head to Ukraine and want to check St. Petersburg/Moscow but that Xenophobia has me kind of shook so I'm going to try to land some local contacts 1st so I can have the best time as possible.

Canada, Czech Republic, Sweden and even Italy are real cool...I find that clubs with places with less wanna-be 50 Cent types and real hip-hop are the best spots to pick up women in the cities. I went to Berlin and the Hip-Hop spots were terrible! Too many musty poor Africans trying to act hard and even begging me for drinks and coming up to my table ( Sweden had the best Hip-Hop music scene (outside of London/Paris) I've seen in Europe by far so I plan to hit the more sophisticated spots like Denmark, Norway in the near future with good command of the english language.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-22-2010

Quote: (05-22-2010 10:00 AM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

Good thread...The worldly upwardly mobile, non-stereo typical, charming, good looking African-American male (Like myseld) will do well ANYWHERE in the world

That makes sense. Some people may have advantages or disadvantages depending on where they go, but I do believe that good looks, good attitude, style and good social skills can make up for things in most countries.

Good to see a brotha posting that has his shit together. Good inspiration. You should post up some trip reports in the forum, we'd love to read them.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - playa_with_a_passport - 05-23-2010

Quote: (05-22-2010 10:00 AM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

I plan to head to head to Ukraine and want to check St. Petersburg/Moscow but that Xenophobia has me kind of shook so I'm going to try to land some local contacts 1st so I can have the best time as possible.

I.S., When are you planning on going? Maybe I'll join you. You always hear horror stories about Eastern Europe and Russia but its almost to the point of an urban legend. You always hear something "bad" happens to a "friend of a friend of a friend" of a Black dude. Even searching on Google you find very few recent first hand account of Brothers going to Russia. I actually have a Puerto Rican co worker who is right on the middle in the color spectrum and he enjoyed Moscow. Hes' only into the P4P scene so I couldn't really chop it up about macking with him. Beyonce and Wu Tang have had concerts in Moscow so it can't be that bad.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-23-2010

If you guys go to Russia, just take serious precautions. Take taxis at night and don't be walking the streets long distances. Practice your boxing because you may need it. There's skinhead gangs all over Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Global Baller - 05-23-2010

Best to be safe than sorry. The first thing y'all need to do is make some Russian-speaking contacts in Moscow -- male or female. Not only can local contacts steer you away from any potential hostility, but all the street signs there are in cryrillic. If you can't read signs...that's going to slow you down significantly. There are some Africans in Moscow who can give you the scoop on where to go and where not to go.

Naomi Campbell has a Russian 'boo' who's a billionaire. They are supposed to get married. She spends more than a minute in Moscow...but, she rolls with security 24/7.

Link to the Russian Facebook:

Click the ENGLISH (at bottom of page), and register.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Feo - 05-23-2010

Wow crazy responses. I am a hispanic black guy and I can say that of all the places I have been(canada, central america, colombia, brazil, portugal, spain) I've never truly had much trouble with the women, in fact in many cases my "color" has been an asset to me. However, I can say that most women have pre-conceived notions about how you will act. It works best when they realize that you are nothing close to what they expect..and from there the doors will sort of open up.

I used to have long dreads in the past, and although they were pretty fucking dirty, I got more action than I have since I cut. I think my experience has been due in part to the fact that I am completely oblivious to any negativity. Also, this may sound strange/racist but I notice I get more attraction when I am around non-blacks, or if I don't try to befriend the first black guy on scene. So I guess it would be advisable to simply go out with non-blacks and there is nothing to worry about. I'd say with dreads I've had the best reception here in San Francisco with law/med/professional type women and hippie girls. Since I've cut I've been attracting more Indian girls than ever, not sure why.

I guess what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter where you go you shouldn't have trouble, as long as you aren't like 50cent or that type of person.

As a side note, there are a lot of african americans on this forum. It's like a mini-million man march in here.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-24-2010

Quote: (05-23-2010 08:24 PM)feomuerto Wrote:  

As a side note, there are a lot of african americans on this forum. It's like a mini-million man march in here.

Lol, I was thinking the same thing. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - playa_with_a_passport - 05-24-2010

Quote: (05-23-2010 08:24 PM)feomuerto Wrote:  

I used to have long dreads in the past, and although they were pretty fucking dirty, I got more action than I have since I cut.

I am not surprised, every time I see Brothers with dreads(and even white surfer/hippie dudes with dreads) both here and abroad they are always with the baddest bitch in the joint.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - InternationalSwagger - 05-25-2010

Quote: (05-23-2010 08:30 AM)playa_with_a_passport Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2010 10:00 AM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

I plan to head to head to Ukraine and want to check St. Petersburg/Moscow but that Xenophobia has me kind of shook so I'm going to try to land some local contacts 1st so I can have the best time as possible.

I.S., When are you planning on going? Maybe I'll join you. You always hear horror stories about Eastern Europe and Russia but its almost to the point of an urban legend. You always hear something "bad" happens to a "friend of a friend of a friend" of a Black dude. Even searching on Google you find very few recent first hand account of Brothers going to Russia. I actually have a Puerto Rican co worker who is right on the middle in the color spectrum and he enjoyed Moscow. Hes' only into the P4P scene so I couldn't really chop it up about macking with him. Beyonce and Wu Tang have had concerts in Moscow so it can't be that bad.

Exactly my man...I'm reading all these 2nd hand accounts on the net and on youtube and it looks scary but at the same time I've seen 50 Cent. Akon and Beyonce have HUGE Concerts in Moscow in the past year so how bad could it really be? I normally stay in Higher End Hotels and would definitely go this route for Moscow (Starwood/Luxury Collection/Westin/Marriott/Ritz Carlton/Sheraton/Intercontinental) places with excellent location with top notch concierge services that get you on the best lists for club with International Clientele and appeal and definitely do the hotel car service for trips at night no public transportation for sure. Maybe even join a few facebook groups of the popular clubs in Moscow and friend some of the better looking chicks and talk with some of the guys (doesnt hurt to have some good fellas in the know you can hang with you and to have your back) on those same lists to establish some contacts on the better clubs/restaurants that play Hip-Hop & R&B.

It's possible...Playa With a Passport lets make a move bruh! I was thinking St. Petersburg and Kiev 1st though...I dont think Kiev is as hostile as Russia either.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Rocco81 - 05-25-2010

I dont know man...of my Russian friends and even some in Slovak and Polish friends, they just simply don't like outsiders the way some other European countries do. You can find some Russian sluts here, but they are here for a reason. Just because a few of us here have banged some puta in CZ or some Au Pair slut from Poland doesn't mean they are all that way. Now, I'm also not suggesting that there are random gangs of skinheads running around beating and killing people all over the place (thought that does exist I do think its blown out of proportion...much like everyone from Europe thinking LA is Compton) I think in general the people are more stand offish to foreigners simple as that, and yes sometimes that could result in targeting you for a criminal act.

- You guys using 50cent and Wu Tang having concerts in Eastern Europe as proof of either safety or foreign popularity in these countries is a bit silly, no offense intended, but that is like me saying that because there are tons of white people listening to Bon Jovi on the resorts in Jamaica, that its completey safe to go wandering around outside of the resort area and 1. Be accepted and liked 3. Not get robbed or beaten on by random groups of thugs. 3rd and Least of your worries...scoring with some Jamaican women

- Fact is Russian women are very attractive. Many Russian men are very Alpha toward their women. No matter black or white, you can have some problems incroaching where you dont' belong. Another Fact is there is MUCH organized crime in the cities of Russia, and many times the criminal organizations are closely allligned/interbred with political groups (skinheads included)

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - IshGibbor - 05-25-2010

I think there is too much hype about racism as a game killer. I know black guys who go down to Brazil and are treated like kings (these are established brothas men). The hottest Brazilian girl I saw (very tall, nice body, huge breasts and ass) was on the arm of a very dark short black guy (and when I say dark I mean Wesley Snipes dark). Seriously do you think these racist bitches wouldn't fuck Lenny Kravitz because he is black?????

Fact is you can still fuck women who are racist as hell. Racism is a psychological superiority thing more so then an attraction killer and chances are a girl will fuck you even if she thinks you are (insert racist expletive). Forget about getting in a relationship or meeting her parents though (can't count the number of times I missed on on being with a white woman because her dad would not approve).

In the end it is just a numbers game, some women won't fuck you for whatever reason and some women will. I do agree that the exotic factor does play very well though. I partied at the University of Georgia quite a few times (95% white and very homogeneous in style and expression) and I literally was told dozens of times I was the hottest guy in the bar, I made out with a girl after ten seconds of talking to her and I made out with another girl after only dancing with her for a full minute. Attraction is attraction and even though I can't stand the white superiority complex of many of the white women I've dated and in the end they always saw me as less than, I still had my fun fucking them.

I tell you what will kill your game is thinking you won't be attractive to a woman because you are black. THAT will not get you laid more then all the racist women in the world denying you entry to their pussies.

For every racist girl in Brazil that won't bang you there is 20 that will, keep your mindset and confidence high and approach.


Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - IshGibbor - 05-25-2010

Quote: (05-24-2010 01:20 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2010 08:24 PM)feomuerto Wrote:  

As a side note, there are a lot of african americans on this forum. It's like a mini-million man march in here.

Lol, I was thinking the same thing. [Image: dodgy.gif]

LOL count me in!

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - InternationalSwagger - 05-25-2010

Quote: (05-25-2010 12:26 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

- You guys using 50cent and Wu Tang having concerts in Eastern Europe as proof of either safety or foreign popularity in these countries is a bit silly, no offense intended, but that is like me saying that because there are tons of white people listening to Bon Jovi on the resorts in Jamaica, that its completey safe to go wandering around outside of the resort area and 1. Be accepted and liked 3. Not get robbed or beaten on by random groups of thugs. 3rd and Least of your worries...scoring with some Jamaican women

That's not a good comparison...What does whites listening to Bon Jovi on the beaches of Jamaican have to do with well to do Russian/Eastern European people consuming Hip-Hop & R&B on a large scale basis(Tickets for Beyonce are NOT CHEAP)? I've seen photos from artists like 50 Cent, Beyonce, Wu-Tang, Jay-Z, Usher, Kanye West, Akon from the past year that were sold out and looked totally live...The aformentioned artists are the pre-imminent popular culture of our time so I would be hard pressed to believe that its that bad especially If your going to top notch restaurants/lounges/bars in the city...It's more than just the music or one concert behind the reasoning of "Black Americans" being more accepted's about our lifestyle love it or hate it that is personified in fashion, television, music and personal expression via media outlets and things of that nature which would make it easier to connect with someone in these distant locations rather than a dirt poor immigrant from Asia or Africa on a student visa.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - IshGibbor - 05-25-2010

Quote: (05-25-2010 02:01 PM)InternationalSwagger Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2010 12:26 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

- You guys using 50cent and Wu Tang having concerts in Eastern Europe as proof of either safety or foreign popularity in these countries is a bit silly, no offense intended, but that is like me saying that because there are tons of white people listening to Bon Jovi on the resorts in Jamaica, that its completey safe to go wandering around outside of the resort area and 1. Be accepted and liked 3. Not get robbed or beaten on by random groups of thugs. 3rd and Least of your worries...scoring with some Jamaican women

That's not a good comparison...What does whites listening to Bon Jovi on the beaches of Jamaican have to do with well to do Russian/Eastern European people consuming Hip-Hop & R&B on a large scale basis(Tickets for Beyonce are NOT CHEAP)? I've seen photos from artists like 50 Cent, Beyonce, Wu-Tang, Jay-Z, Usher, Kanye West, Akon from the past year that were sold out and looked totally live...The aformentioned artists are the pre-imminent popular culture of our time so I would be hard pressed to believe that its that bad especially If your going to top notch restaurants/lounges/bars in the city...It's more than just the music or one concert behind the reasoning of "Black Americans" being more accepted's about our lifestyle love it or hate it that is personified in fashion, television, music and personal expression via media outlets and things of that nature which would make it easier to connect with someone in these distant locations rather than a dirt poor immigrant from Asia or Africa on a student visa.

Total agreement....

I did decent with the poor Brazilians but when I hit the college educated crowd it was easy as pie. Black culture has invaded the psyche of people around the world (seriously the music is pumped into people's brains on a daily bases) and given the feel good emotions it brings I would be very surprised if the millions (billions) of people around the world that consume this stuff would have a negative opinion upon initially meeting a black person from America (less they think the stuff is rubbish). Not to say that it is right (sterotypes put you in a box) but it is something that can work for you rather then against you if you are trying to win women over.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - speakeasy - 05-25-2010

Quote: (05-25-2010 08:18 PM)IshGibbor Wrote:  

Total agreement....

I did decent with the poor Brazilians but when I hit the college educated crowd it was easy as pie. Black culture has invaded the psyche of people around the world (seriously the music is pumped into people's brains on a daily bases) and given the feel good emotions it brings I would be very surprised if the millions (billions) of people around the world that consume this stuff would have a negative opinion upon initially meeting a black person from America (less they think the stuff is rubbish). Not to say that it is right (sterotypes put you in a box) but it is something that can work for you rather then against you if you are trying to win women over.

Do you sport the hiphop look though? That seems to be the image that is most sold around the world. But I'm sure as hell not going to dress hiphop just to try and get the girls. I see a lot of Brazilian black dudes trying to emulate the hiphop look from the U.S. Not my thing really. I like slender boot cut designer jeans, shoes and collar shirts. I'm way over the hiphop look.

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Caramel Communist - 05-25-2010 this thread...

to all the cats posting that Latin America is a no go have probably not even left the U.S. themselves...Blacks-mulato's are in all South-Central American countries and heavily repped in belize, brazil, columbia, venezuela even honduras and nicaragua we represent...

My visits
-Japan- You will be treated like a god...the older crowd will hate you though but fuck them...hit club harlem and don't act like a military dick head who the Japanese hate...couple people rolled up on me and asked me to out of pure comedy I did and they made me feel like I won american Idol....Japanese girls are pretty simple because their society doesn't have heavy taboo's about sex like here in the u.s. Just have your dress game up because the Japanese are real colorful about dressing up/ joke

-New Zealand/Australia - dated a girl from the Zee. I met her thru a friend that came over from NZ to work and go to school...her boyfriend was my friend who is black.... They love black guys in NZ..

-Brazil- in my opinion is the only place a brotha should ever visit...home of the largest population of africans outside of africa..yeah that's right more than the U.S. Just like in the u.s. they come in all shapes and shades so to say blacks can not pull or have a hard time is f-ing retarded ..Just beautiful women...the real key is being able to speak portuguese..Rio is good and definitely hit Sao Paulo...very cosmo and colorful..
I swear to god I will fucking marry a brazilain women. I cut my hand at a cafe. It was a friend, his gf and two other pauolistas. The gf gets up looks at my hand, walks over to a store, buys bandage and peroxide and cleans my hand/wound right there on the spot...This was the first day I met her...ask yourself how many sorry ass american women would do that shit?

-Canada-man please...they only hate Jamaicans in canada...Toronto is WAY UNDERESTIMATED...good times going up for the week of caribbana..

-Iceland-love brothas...don't sleep...I saw a ton of biracial kids walking around...I was told it's common for military cat's to knock these chicks up and roll..

-London - I had a ball...just I personally can't get down with the british culture outside of the music.european r/b music DESTROYS THE u.s...

-New Delhi India- very complicated-went for a job interview and stayed two weeks.. the educated ones just like the u.s. are fine but they believe euro = wealth/sucess/way of life to aspire too....but even India has Africans and I met cats who were even darker than me or any blacks I know in the u.s....You can pull, it's just a long process because of the culture and pressure..but India has some drop dead beautiful women....and alot of poverty..My hotel was a 4 star and I didn't know it until sunrise that a massive slum was a few yards away

-Don't sleep on africa..I know alot of euro mindset is on the board and dedicated to that type of women but ghana is f-ing nice. Stay the fck out of Nigeria, Somalia, Congo, and Zimbabwe...haven't been to South Africa...oh and strap up...aids is the official way of life unfortunately...

-Russia-look they got a skinny problem...stay out it ain't worth it in my opinion...not getting my head bashed the f-ck in for some russian/ukrainian brawd..just save your money and hit the northside of chicago...

Other brotha's I know have given thumbs up to spain/italy/ and especially germany and the netherlands...they were hgihly recommended..On my list to vist along with Lebanon...lebanese and brazilian women are fine as hell....hope this helps...peace

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - Caramel Communist - 05-25-2010

Oh and Puerto Rico is a will fit in and the women are banging..Very beautiful ...most clubs are inside hotels so you will have to dress up in most cases unless you hit old San Juan...check out club bravo or water...

Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys??? - InternationalSwagger - 05-26-2010

Quote: (05-25-2010 09:05 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2010 08:18 PM)IshGibbor Wrote:  

Total agreement....

I did decent with the poor Brazilians but when I hit the college educated crowd it was easy as pie. Black culture has invaded the psyche of people around the world (seriously the music is pumped into people's brains on a daily bases) and given the feel good emotions it brings I would be very surprised if the millions (billions) of people around the world that consume this stuff would have a negative opinion upon initially meeting a black person from America (less they think the stuff is rubbish). Not to say that it is right (sterotypes put you in a box) but it is something that can work for you rather then against you if you are trying to win women over.

Do you sport the hiphop look though? That seems to be the image that is most sold around the world. But I'm sure as hell not going to dress hiphop just to try and get the girls. I see a lot of Brazilian black dudes trying to emulate the hiphop look from the U.S. Not my thing really. I like slender boot cut designer jeans, shoes and collar shirts. I'm way over the hiphop look.

Dude the Hip-Hop look isnt the played out thug hip-hop look of the early 2000's like...Think dapper gentlemen of the Hip-Hop scene; Andre 3000 (Outkast), Sean Combs aka "Didddy/Puff Daddy" Kanye West, Jay-Z, Common, Pharrell, Will.I.AM, Chris Brown, Usher, Akon, Lupe Fiasco. These are all international African-American HIP-HOP ICONS that are admired all over the world. Even Lil Wayne/Young Jeezy/TI have cleaned up their looks in the past few years to a more hip/smart/dapper look.

Hip-Hop is varied musically as well as style of dress. Some of you guys are really stuck on a negative view of Hip-Hop Culture, kind of amazing If you ask me...OPEN YOUR EYES! Take a look at the top Billboard acts and what type of music that is played all over the USA in your own backyards by your younger hot chick white, brown, asian and black counterparts.

On a side note I've kicked it from Rio to Prague and it was funny I couchsurfed with a really high class chick who works at a Fortune 500 Computer Company based out of the USA with offices in Rio and SP, hot friends and her own 2 bedroom apartment in Lagoa. We hit the Jockey Club in Lagoa and the music that got them the most hype was Hip-Hop & R&B hands down...I was in heaven [Image: smile.gif] and it made it quite easy to pull chicks with my limited Portuguese. These were the high class chicks with money in Rio who studied in the USA and they speak english so I could relate to them a little bit more.