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If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Printable Version

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If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - MiXX - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:49 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

When you make it up this way I'll get some weed cookies. We can walk around the Casino and score chicks. I guarantee you an asian flag that day.

Fuck the cookies, help me get my asian flag from a Lucy Liu girl, and you will be a legend in my book.


If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - MiXX - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:51 PM)rozayINTL Wrote:  

it's not as harmful as alcohol for your body,

Yeah, but at least alcohol gives me a buzz, weed does not do shit! Only weaklings get high of that shit!

You can't get a Spartan high on weed, you need whiskey and tits boy!!!


If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - OGNorCal707 - 02-25-2012

Haha this thread is hilarious, I have to dip right now to my kung fu class, but all I got to say is that if you didn't get high off the good herb, it's probably because you were smoking some complete shwag ass bullshit, that was dookie brown with seeds, stems, and sticks, that shit probably did smell and taste like cow shit, and most likely gave you a headache.

If you smoked some true chronic, you'd be so lit off your ass, you'd be stuck with a smile, laughing your ass off, listening to music, coming up with creative thoughts and ideas, thinking philosophically, and enjoying some bomb food.

Mixx get your hands on something like this:

@UrbanNerd, you only live once, why not toke the chronic? If you never tried it, your opinion means nothing. It's not like I go around saying Indian food is disgusting, when I never tried it, it could be the most delicious food in the world.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - OGNorCal707 - 02-25-2012

P.S. I just hit some organic sativa, out of my double bubbler!!

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - el mechanico - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:52 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:49 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

When you make it up this way I'll get some weed cookies. We can walk around the Casino and score chicks. I guarantee you an asian flag that day.

Fuck the cookies, help me get my asian flag from a Lucy Liu girl, and you will be a legend in my book.

No problem. I smooth player with a room there should be able to pull a few bangs a day.
There's nightclubs inside. The place is truly amazing. This entire forum couldn't sarge it out.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Hotwheels - 02-25-2012

There's hot Asians in Tampa too????


Never had one but really really want.

(Not too many Asians in WI...)

Tampa is sounding like paradise Mech. There has to be some downsides....

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - JoyStick - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 01:12 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

[Image: xaNzA.jpg]

that's fuck'n awesome!

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Cookie - 02-25-2012

I've never had it's effects last very long. But I do think it's a great social item. There's no better entertainment than sitting around a hookah and smoking for hours on end.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - el mechanico - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 04:02 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

There's hot Asians in Tampa too????


Never had one but really really want.

(Not too many Asians in WI...)

Tampa is sounding like paradise Mech. There has to be some downsides....
Most people who move here say they love it even after 20 years.
Ground zero for Oxys and pain clinics.

Not many good paying jobs. Don't come to look so much if you want to make100k or so. You have to open you're own shit.

Have to fight with outlaw bikers occasionally and rednecks

Balls hot in summer

People don't want to work unless it's gravy. Tree job for insurance company? Right away. Trim job at my house? wait a month and 1000 beer cans in my yard after to clean up.

Everyone from this forum who came here loves it. Where in this country is better to live? Palm trees, sluts, melting pot, gulf of Mex, great fishing, tourist bangs/industry, pro football, baseball spring training all over, Phillies, Jays, Yankees, Pro hockey, Offshore boat racing etc.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Hotwheels - 02-25-2012

Sweet. Sounds like a good place to go for those of us tired of northern winters.

Those broads on pills are easy to pick up. Just shake a prescription bottle with some aspirin in it and they'll come running.

Well, they might be upset if you only have aspirin... [Image: smile.gif]

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Screwston - 02-25-2012

I'm a smoker and will be until I'm six feet under. I only get high on the weekends now because of school though.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - boxer3 - 02-25-2012

Think mixx must have been smoking that octo mom

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Screwston - 02-25-2012

Mixx was smoking flavored tobacco. I would love to roll one up and watch his eyes slowly get lower as wet get closer to the roach [Image: smile.gif]

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Jersey - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 02:54 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

OK, I really have to find out what the deal is with weed. When I was 15, I tried it, a few times, and it did not do shit for me except STINK UP MY SHIRT. I tried it again with a girl I was banging' when I was 20, NOTHING - a whole fucking joint, nothing.... 2 joints, nothing....3 joints NADA! I felt nothing!!!! The joints were on different occasions and cities. Even tried it again in Colombia, NADA!! I felt nothing and at that point said "Whomever invented marijuana is a genius...he got all of these idiots worldwide to think they are high, when what they are is delusional!"

The only thing I felt was a disgusting after-taste in my mouth. I was not high, I was not shitfaced or anything except pissed off my mouth tasted like ass for hours.

At this point I made a decision, I much rather experience the high of 2 girls fighting over my cock, than a mouth that tastes like ass after smoking bullshit weed.

So, what gives?


Couldn't agree more. I think it has a lot to do with genetics and how your brain is wired. For some people, smoking pot causes their brain to release a lot of dopamine - but for me it does nothing. Because my friends keep talking about it, I've tried it about a dozen times.

I once got really stoned and basically didn't talk to anyone for 4 hours (just stared into the distance), but I would describe the feeling as nothingness and boredom - it wasn't enjoyable at all. It was roughly equivalent to being tired at the end of a long day of work, when I just didn't have the energy to care about anything - and I wished I could feel different the whole time.

But I'm also the type of person who, when really drunk, has no desire to get another drink. If someone puts it in my hand, I'll drink it - but when I'm drunk at the bar, I'll just stop drinking. It's not a willpower thing or even a conscious choice - I just lose the drive to drink after I've got a good buzz on.

I think its just genetics.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Neo - 02-25-2012

I don't mess with it much anymore, but have smoked it in the past. For me it just knocks my ass out completely and sips me of motivation. I've approached and talked to girls high and while it does a lot to alleviate any type of nervousness, I just end up forgetting what is going on and continually lose my train of thought. So a lot of times I actually wanted to sleep instead of bang the girl who I approached so I would usually not have any motivation to close. With that said it should be legal, and it's a good thing that a lot of states have taken action to decriminalize.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Vicious - 02-25-2012

I fully support a legalization of marijuana and I don't mind the overall debate about this....

BUT, I feel that the legalization is just such a major buzzkill. Now and then when you're at a party or social gathering there's some psuedohippie that totally kills the mood by being a fundamental pro-legalization nazi. He has all his arguments in line and he can overpower any disagreements, but it's just such a drain on the energy of the occasion to have this character around. These people tend to be as zealous as cultists. any one who has experienced THAT GUY who knows what I'm talking about?

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Mr.GM - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 04:58 PM)Jersey Wrote:  

Quote: (02-25-2012 02:54 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

OK, I really have to find out what the deal is with weed. When I was 15, I tried it, a few times, and it did not do shit for me except STINK UP MY SHIRT. I tried it again with a girl I was banging' when I was 20, NOTHING - a whole fucking joint, nothing.... 2 joints, nothing....3 joints NADA! I felt nothing!!!! The joints were on different occasions and cities. Even tried it again in Colombia, NADA!! I felt nothing and at that point said "Whomever invented marijuana is a genius...he got all of these idiots worldwide to think they are high, when what they are is delusional!"

The only thing I felt was a disgusting after-taste in my mouth. I was not high, I was not shitfaced or anything except pissed off my mouth tasted like ass for hours.

At this point I made a decision, I much rather experience the high of 2 girls fighting over my cock, than a mouth that tastes like ass after smoking bullshit weed.

So, what gives?


Couldn't agree more. I think it has a lot to do with genetics and how your brain is wired. For some people, smoking pot causes their brain to release a lot of dopamine - but for me it does nothing. Because my friends keep talking about it, I've tried it about a dozen times.

I once got really stoned and basically didn't talk to anyone for 4 hours (just stared into the distance), but I would describe the feeling as nothingness and boredom - it wasn't enjoyable at all. It was roughly equivalent to being tired at the end of a long day of work, when I just didn't have the energy to care about anything - and I wished I could feel different the whole time.

But I'm also the type of person who, when really drunk, has no desire to get another drink. If someone puts it in my hand, I'll drink it - but when I'm drunk at the bar, I'll just stop drinking. It's not a willpower thing or even a conscious choice - I just lose the drive to drink after I've got a good buzz on.

I think its just genetics.

I'm one of those guys that don't feel attracted to MJ at all too.

I fully support the legalization though. But to think that this will seriously damage the Narco cartels is childish.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - Samseau - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 02:54 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

OK, I really have to find out what the deal is with weed. When I was 15, I tried it, a few times, and it did not do shit for me except STINK UP MY SHIRT. I tried it again with a girl I was banging' when I was 20, NOTHING - a whole fucking joint, nothing.... 2 joints, nothing....3 joints NADA! I felt nothing!!!! The joints were on different occasions and cities. Even tried it again in Colombia, NADA!! I felt nothing and at that point said "Whomever invented marijuana is a genius...he got all of these idiots worldwide to think they are high, when what they are is delusional!"

The only thing I felt was a disgusting after-taste in my mouth. I was not high, I was not shitfaced or anything except pissed off my mouth tasted like ass for hours.

At this point I made a decision, I much rather experience the high of 2 girls fighting over my cock, than a mouth that tastes like ass after smoking bullshit weed.

So, what gives?


Weed is a psychoactive drug that produces different results in each user. Sorry, looks like you get nothing.

Too bad. The only thing better than sex... is weed and sex.

My dick stays hard for a long ass time when I'm high too... I can bang for hours without blowing a load after toking.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - TudoBem - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:51 PM)rozayINTL Wrote:  

I think weed should be legalized, along with every other drug for the sole reason that people should have the freedom to do what they want with their lives. I don't glorify this shit though. Many of my good friends growing up started smoking weed around 12-13 years old.. it lead to a sharp decline. Fucking with harder shit, pills, etc. Even some of my friends that started older, around 15, they couldn't handle it. It will always carry the stigma of being a "drug" and although it's not as harmful as alcohol for your body, it has a completely different psychological impact.
Personally I don't fuck w/ it. Waste of money that can be better spent elsewhere.

That is the biggest load of horseshit ever. It makes me so angry when people parrot the same tired line that the devil's weed is a gateway drug.
Saying that weed is a gateway to coke or heroin is like saying that masturbation is a gateway to rape.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - TudoBem - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:51 PM)rozayINTL Wrote:  

I think weed should be legalized, along with every other drug for the sole reason that people should have the freedom to do what they want with their lives. I don't glorify this shit though. Many of my good friends growing up started smoking weed around 12-13 years old.. it lead to a sharp decline. Fucking with harder shit, pills, etc. Even some of my friends that started older, around 15, they couldn't handle it. It will always carry the stigma of being a "drug" and although it's not as harmful as alcohol for your body, it has a completely different psychological impact.
Personally I don't fuck w/ it. Waste of money that can be better spent elsewhere.

That is dangerously close to a beta mindset and may indicate you need some work on inner game. I am not hating at all. I just think that instead of worrying about saving money, just worry about increasing your monthly disposable income.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - xsplat - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 03:07 PM)Amour Fou Wrote:  

Funny, for me weed just gives me bad trips and even anexiety attacks, and people don't believe me when I say I react that way so I don't even discuss it.

I had a pothead friend of mine live in a room here on my apt, so I had my share of the thing, and I really don't like it, but that is how my organism reacts.

I'm sure there are many out there having a jolly good time, and I hope they keep it that way.
As a teen my experience mirrored yours. Eventually I decided against the stuff and in social gatherings was the only guy who didn't toke up. Loved my booze instead.

However much later in life my experience changed - no more bad trips or anxiety attacks, and not even the social anxiety that had followed upon the tokage. I didn't even feel as high. Instead of feeling more harsh, I'd feel more mellow.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - oldnemesis - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 01:34 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Me neither, but I like songs about weed, and girls--especially ones on the younger side--seem to smoke weed almost universally. I'm kind of surprised some times how the nerdiest prude still smokes weed. I may have to start keeping some at the house for just-in-case situations. Wouldn't want to let a little thing like that to get in the way.

Get a vaporizer. Then you can vape it right in your apartment, and it won't smell in the air, in your mouth or on your clothes. You're also not inhaling the smoke, making it easier on lungs. It is also DHV. A little expensive, but if you're not smoking on your own, it will last for a while.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - oldnemesis - 02-25-2012

Quote: (02-25-2012 02:35 PM)TudoBem Wrote:  

My definition of beta worker bee encompasses a strong majority of the population.
Alphas are born to control betas.

Leadership is not control. It is taking the risks and accepting the responsibility. If you're leading your company and it goes south, for you it will be a disaster. But everyone else will just find a new job. If your company get sued, you may be on the hook. Your employees will just shrug and move on. And so on.


If you are a young pup and don't have the startup cash or credit history to secure a loan and start a business, then you need to get a labor job preferably in construction which gets you out in the open air, and save every goddamn penny you can, and then never work for anyone else, ever again.

And then you'll have the toughest boss in the world - yourself.

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - UrbanNerd - 02-25-2012

It's utterly incredible how some thing can be linked to being a beta or alpha. After all of my postings on this board I STILL don't know the true definitions....AND DO NOT really care.

I know the definition of banging though. :-)

If You Don't Smoke Pot or Have Quit It, You Are More Likely to Be a Beta Worker Bee - FretDancer - 02-25-2012

What the hell does weed have to do with being alpha or beta... even more, job positions?