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Paris Yellow Vests - Uprising - 12-23-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 05:53 PM)911 Wrote:  

The Kalergi Plan is well known in France under the "Grand Remplacement" moniker, guys like Zemmour, Goldnadel, Finkelkraut and other zio-nationalists/controlled opposition who are always on TV and in the french MSM have popularized it. Zemmour and his fellow tribe members rile up the public about Muslim invasion. Fair enough, except these gatekeepers never mention their enablers, or the usury central banking system running the whole show and destroying the middle class and national culture.

The better informed segment of the public does get the bigger picture from intelligent patriotic sources like Alain Soral, Hervé Ryssen, Michel Drac or Boris Le Lay. It's still a small segment but has been growing fast, despite the fact that guys like Soral, Ryssen and Le Lay have been severely repressed by the government, all three having jail sentences hanging over their heads for innocuous thought crimes.

Thanks for sharing this with me 911, I would've never known about these people if you hadn't had told me. My second language is Spanish, meaning I don't consume any French media.

I looked into Zemmour, it looks like on the surface he holds a lot of views similar to those expressed on the forum. Tucker Carlson mentions similar sentiments about how American communities are being replaced by massive immigration, but Carlson never mentions it being part of an organized plan or anything like that. If he does, he hints that it's the dems wanting more votes, which is true, but Tucker doesn't go deeper than that.

However, with Zemmour it appears from his wikipedia page that he does go deeper than the left wing socialist wanting more votes, as Zemmour calls it the "Grand Replacement". You seemed to infer Zemmour was controlled Jewish opposition, no different than a Civic Nationalist Ben Shapiro type. But on the surface from Zemmour's wiki page, Zemmour seems to be worlds above the cucked out "Ethno-Nationalism for me, Civic-Nationalism for thee" Ben Shapiro.

like Zemmour Tucker doesn't go into the usury banking system either. That would probably get Tucker canned, but he does drop red pills you just have to look for them.

I truly believe that Tucker is a great ally and pushes the envelope as far as he can on natoinal telelivision without getting blacklisted for life.

911, in your opinion, are guys like Zemmour and the other few guys you mentioned controlled opposition similar to a Ben Shapiro type of figure, or are they truly on our side like a Tucker Carlson type of figure but it's just that they can only push the envelope so far, otherwise they would be blacklisted from media and the public eye?

Paris Yellow Vests - Praetor Lupus - 12-23-2018


Paris Yellow Vests - ChicagoFire - 12-23-2018

Summary: Europeans are disgruntled with globalism. Pigeon claims the Europeans are angry with mass migrations so I'm not sure if the MSM has ever made this claim but it's not just protesting taxes.

The EU will either accommodate the protesters or it will dissolve sometime in the future.

IMO: There's hope Europe can be saved. We have our own problems here in America but one of the underrated aspects of the Trump presidency is the rise of nationalism.

Paris Yellow Vests - LeBaron - 12-26-2018

Quote: (12-23-2018 02:54 PM)Uprising Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2018 05:53 PM)911 Wrote:  

The Kalergi Plan is well known in France under the "Grand Remplacement" moniker, guys like Zemmour, Goldnadel, Finkelkraut and other zio-nationalists/controlled opposition who are always on TV and in the french MSM have popularized it. Zemmour and his fellow tribe members rile up the public about Muslim invasion. Fair enough, except these gatekeepers never mention their enablers, or the usury central banking system running the whole show and destroying the middle class and national culture.

The better informed segment of the public does get the bigger picture from intelligent patriotic sources like Alain Soral, Hervé Ryssen, Michel Drac or Boris Le Lay. It's still a small segment but has been growing fast, despite the fact that guys like Soral, Ryssen and Le Lay have been severely repressed by the government, all three having jail sentences hanging over their heads for innocuous thought crimes.

Thanks for sharing this with me 911, I would've never known about these people if you hadn't had told me. My second language is Spanish, meaning I don't consume any French media.

I looked into Zemmour, it looks like on the surface he holds a lot of views similar to those expressed on the forum. Tucker Carlson mentions similar sentiments about how American communities are being replaced by massive immigration, but Carlson never mentions it being part of an organized plan or anything like that. If he does, he hints that it's the dems wanting more votes, which is true, but Tucker doesn't go deeper than that.

However, with Zemmour it appears from his wikipedia page that he does go deeper than the left wing socialist wanting more votes, as Zemmour calls it the "Grand Replacement". You seemed to infer Zemmour was controlled Jewish opposition, no different than a Civic Nationalist Ben Shapiro type. But on the surface from Zemmour's wiki page, Zemmour seems to be worlds above the cucked out "Ethno-Nationalism for me, Civic-Nationalism for thee" Ben Shapiro.

like Zemmour Tucker doesn't go into the usury banking system either. That would probably get Tucker canned, but he does drop red pills you just have to look for them.

I truly believe that Tucker is a great ally and pushes the envelope as far as he can on natoinal telelivision without getting blacklisted for life.

911, in your opinion, are guys like Zemmour and the other few guys you mentioned controlled opposition similar to a Ben Shapiro type of figure, or are they truly on our side like a Tucker Carlson type of figure but it's just that they can only push the envelope so far, otherwise they would be blacklisted from media and the public eye?

They are controlled opposition, Zemmour for example is invited on many Tv shows fore exemple in French TV, not a single guy that talks about (((the EU central bank))) or the ones behind (((the media))) will ever get invited on TV anymore like Alain Soral

Paris Yellow Vests - Polniy_Sostav - 12-26-2018

A quick comment about Zemmour :
Yes he is a national-zionist "agent of influence" but...his knowledge of french history and his passion to defend the real France makes him a very valuable patriot.
I have crapped my pants many times after seeing him destroying cosmopolitan aliens/lefists on tv

Paris Yellow Vests - Rocha - 12-26-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 12:06 PM)ilostabet Wrote:  

Last Friday there were Yellow Vest demonstrations across multiple cities in Portugal, here's a few notes on it and the general situation in this small country, for those who are interested:

Two days before the protests, the Facebook group that was organizing it was taken down. The organization then switched to Whatsapp.

Numbers were low (in the low hundreds in each location), and they mostly failed to stop traffic in the locations they chose, at least for the most part.

There were significantly more police than protestors, most of them 'riot police', but there was no violence on either side.

The most interesting aspect of it was not the demonstrations, but the MSM reaction: all TVs, newspapers, 'official' sources and commentators are deeming the protest a 'fiasco' and making fun (seriously) of the low numbers, stopping just short of calling the protestors idiots. Whereas usually the TV stations will cover a minor protest for some leftist cause organized by one of the far-left parties as 'massive' (and especially during center right government tenures), using special camera angles to inflate the numbers, here they used 'drone shots' and other wide angles to show exactly how many people were there and show, for example, that the 2 to 3 hundred people in a certain location failed to fill the square or whatever it was. All headlines use words like 'fiasco' or 'fail' to describe the protests and treat the protestors as morons, as if the country is doing well (it isn't) and people aren't hurting financially, socially and the government is not faced with many corruption scandals, minor and major, and some incredible failures for the last two years. Most articles contain mentions in the article to 'far-right' support for it, despite the organization being clear about its apolitical nature. The fact that the only nationalist party (PNR) showed support for it didn't help, but the fact was the protests were not politically affiliated.

In other words, the propaganda is blatant, and running from far-left to center-right sources. The neoliberals and neocons especially seem to take their positions as safe. However, on Reddit, Twitter, etc - it seems a lot of people are seeing through this propaganda.

To give some context: the current government is a coalition between center-left and far-left. Their policies however are socially liberal and economically conservative (in the sense of being good for oligarchs and bad for the people), and get support from center-right parties as well. So the usual suspects doing usual suspect things. The big difference this time is that, unlike anytime previously in our democratic system, the far left parties (PCP and BE) are part of the government, and have completely failed (purposefully or not) to stand up for the little guy, instead selling out to capitalist interests in exchange for public sector guarantees (PCP) and LGBT/Gender Ideology (BE). They have literally turned the country into a tourist resort, which will completely bankrupt us once we lose our 'novelty' status or there's a dip in the world economy. In the meantime, outside of tourism jobs, there's been contraction everywhere and both prices and taxes are going up. So the common man, as opposed to the cosmopolitan atomized man, has majorly lost their faith in the 'people's parties' - he doesn't really care about LGBT ideology and has seen his economic well-being decline or at the very least fail to increase since the recession 10 years ago. At the same time, the MSM paints the country as never having been better, despite all outward signs of it being on the verge of collapse.

Despite not having a massive immigration problem as France, Germany, Italy, etc, I wouldn't be surprised if next year's election was the first where the nationalist party (socially conservative and economically reactionary) got some of its people elected to parliament.

I guess only time will tell.

These right wing guys here need a young, good looking and charismatic leader.

I am down for that position.

Paris Yellow Vests - Teedub - 12-27-2018

Alain Soral is awesome, watched lots of his interviews on youtube. A very intellectual man who has been on quite a remarkable political journey, crossing the spectrum. Plus he's a boxing coach so can handle himself physically. A good role model for French men. In fact, in my early days on here, I made a thread about him: thread-35914...#pid722967


Soral loved books and knowledge, studying radicals from throughout the political spectrum. He was a dragueur de rue (street pick-up artist) when the PUA movement was virtually unknown. He developed a skill at attracting young, narcissistic, valueless city girls and claimed to bed hundreds of women, and published a book on game in 1996. His experiences with these women led him to develop strong anti-feminist beliefs.

His views on Islam are interesting actually.

...feels the “menace of Islam” is an artificially created and manipulated threat; primitive Islamic society is not a real threat to modern western states, and capitalistic globalist interests manipulate the region to destroy the anti-globalist anti-feminist culture of Islam, to foster animosity between social groups, to possibly create a clash of civilizations, or world war, leading to a full globalist takeover, and to loot Mideast nations, and that the fundamental values of moderate Islam are perfectly compatible with French moderate Catholic views.

Before someone points out that this is at odds with my Tommy Robinson/counter-jihad support, I know.

Paris Yellow Vests - Wreckingball - 12-27-2018

Quote: (12-26-2018 11:41 PM)Rocha Wrote:  

Quote: (12-22-2018 12:06 PM)ilostabet Wrote:  

Last Friday there were Yellow Vest demonstrations across multiple cities in Portugal, here's a few notes on it and the general situation in this small country, for those who are interested:

Two days before the protests, the Facebook group that was organizing it was taken down. The organization then switched to Whatsapp.

Numbers were low (in the low hundreds in each location), and they mostly failed to stop traffic in the locations they chose, at least for the most part.

There were significantly more police than protestors, most of them 'riot police', but there was no violence on either side.

The most interesting aspect of it was not the demonstrations, but the MSM reaction: all TVs, newspapers, 'official' sources and commentators are deeming the protest a 'fiasco' and making fun (seriously) of the low numbers, stopping just short of calling the protestors idiots. Whereas usually the TV stations will cover a minor protest for some leftist cause organized by one of the far-left parties as 'massive' (and especially during center right government tenures), using special camera angles to inflate the numbers, here they used 'drone shots' and other wide angles to show exactly how many people were there and show, for example, that the 2 to 3 hundred people in a certain location failed to fill the square or whatever it was. All headlines use words like 'fiasco' or 'fail' to describe the protests and treat the protestors as morons, as if the country is doing well (it isn't) and people aren't hurting financially, socially and the government is not faced with many corruption scandals, minor and major, and some incredible failures for the last two years. Most articles contain mentions in the article to 'far-right' support for it, despite the organization being clear about its apolitical nature. The fact that the only nationalist party (PNR) showed support for it didn't help, but the fact was the protests were not politically affiliated.

In other words, the propaganda is blatant, and running from far-left to center-right sources. The neoliberals and neocons especially seem to take their positions as safe. However, on Reddit, Twitter, etc - it seems a lot of people are seeing through this propaganda.

To give some context: the current government is a coalition between center-left and far-left. Their policies however are socially liberal and economically conservative (in the sense of being good for oligarchs and bad for the people), and get support from center-right parties as well. So the usual suspects doing usual suspect things. The big difference this time is that, unlike anytime previously in our democratic system, the far left parties (PCP and BE) are part of the government, and have completely failed (purposefully or not) to stand up for the little guy, instead selling out to capitalist interests in exchange for public sector guarantees (PCP) and LGBT/Gender Ideology (BE). They have literally turned the country into a tourist resort, which will completely bankrupt us once we lose our 'novelty' status or there's a dip in the world economy. In the meantime, outside of tourism jobs, there's been contraction everywhere and both prices and taxes are going up. So the common man, as opposed to the cosmopolitan atomized man, has majorly lost their faith in the 'people's parties' - he doesn't really care about LGBT ideology and has seen his economic well-being decline or at the very least fail to increase since the recession 10 years ago. At the same time, the MSM paints the country as never having been better, despite all outward signs of it being on the verge of collapse.

Despite not having a massive immigration problem as France, Germany, Italy, etc, I wouldn't be surprised if next year's election was the first where the nationalist party (socially conservative and economically reactionary) got some of its people elected to parliament.

I guess only time will tell.

These right wing guys here need a young, good looking and charismatic leader.

I am down for that position.

The protests in Portugal failed for a couple of reasons:
1-There was no specific reason on the protest. Fuel prices have dropped since the GJ movement started
2-There were no actual demands
3-Non-establishment people do not know how to make demonstrations. They are ALWAYS planned by the Communist Party/Leftist Bloc.
3b-A protest would mean to protest against the leftist majority that is in the Parliament.
3c-PSD/CDS tried in November/December 2015 to stage a protest in front of the Parliament (shortly after elections, during a work day at lunch time) and had no more than 200 persons. The left cant meme and the right cant protest.
5-Close to Christmas, and on a Friday
6-Government propaganda is strong. The country is not in better shape than 4 years ago, however everything seems to be going perfect
7-There was more police (20.000 offduty cops were called in) than protesters
8-Protesters were spread to thin. Had there been a single focus point in each major city and it would have been more efective

This protest should have been:
1-Against the current high taxation and corruption
2-Max 3 locations. Lisboa, Porto and Faro

And which Party will that be?
In Portugal, there is no more sensible rightwing alternative than PSD or CDS.
However PSD is loaded with corruption and mediocrity and leaning to the left to scramble a couple of votes.
PNR? A Nationalist party with socialist economic policies? Cool, but we do not need more socialism.
Let's see what the European elections bring.

What we need is young smart people to join politics, embrace the suck, and change it from inside. The swamp is a disgusting creature, but you can poke it if you have a real work to lean on, and take advantage of the ones that want to be career politicians.

Paris Yellow Vests - Oberrheiner - 12-28-2018

Quote: (12-22-2018 07:05 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

There's also a certain hatred for financial success in general in France.

I would not say hatred, but it's a catholic country.
Things like intrinsic value vs market value (or Attali's joke about one-legged trousers) never flied much here.
Not among people of value anyway.

Quote: (12-22-2018 05:53 PM)911 Wrote:  

The better informed segment of the public does get the bigger picture from intelligent patriotic sources like Alain Soral

You probably noticed that Soral changed his position about islam a lot, about 5 or 6 years ago (going from mildly negative to totally enthusiastic).
What is your opinion on this change, if I may ask ?

Related pic :
[Image: CG_BbVpW8AAocyY.jpg]

Comments about body language (or rather facial expression) welcome [Image: smile.gif]

Paris Yellow Vests - Easy_C - 12-28-2018

Quote: (12-27-2018 07:34 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Alain Soral is awesome, watched lots of his interviews on youtube. A very intellectual man who has been on quite a remarkable political journey, crossing the spectrum. Plus he's a boxing coach so can handle himself physically. A good role model for French men. In fact, in my early days on here, I made a thread about him: thread-35914...#pid722967


Soral loved books and knowledge, studying radicals from throughout the political spectrum. He was a dragueur de rue (street pick-up artist) when the PUA movement was virtually unknown. He developed a skill at attracting young, narcissistic, valueless city girls and claimed to bed hundreds of women, and published a book on game in 1996. His experiences with these women led him to develop strong anti-feminist beliefs.

His views on Islam are interesting actually.

...feels the “menace of Islam” is an artificially created and manipulated threat; primitive Islamic society is not a real threat to modern western states, and capitalistic globalist interests manipulate the region to destroy the anti-globalist anti-feminist culture of Islam, to foster animosity between social groups, to possibly create a clash of civilizations, or world war, leading to a full globalist takeover, and to loot Mideast nations, and that the fundamental values of moderate Islam are perfectly compatible with French moderate Catholic views.

Before someone points out that this is at odds with my Tommy Robinson/counter-jihad support, I know.

Late response, but I agree.

My opinion is based on having been to those countries. The culture is backwards, highly illiterate (only the leaders of each tribe or district can read), extremely nihilistic, short-term focused thinking, and petty beyond belief. They're effectively incapable of being a threat to anyone who doesn't live right next to them and their behavior of back and forth tribal warfare is a result of that mindset.

The idea that these people could EVER be competent or organized enough to pose a threat to the West is ludicrous. However, that changes dramatically when you get people from intelligence agencies involved with them who are smart enough to accomplish that. For agents there Jihadists are the perfect useful idiots for reasons that are self apparent to anyone who has been to the ME.

Paris Yellow Vests - BaatumMania - 12-29-2018

............. And it's over! Christmas killed the momentum in France at least.

That's probably why Feudalism and Serfdom only went out as a top-down change in Europe. Probably because the Serfs had half the year off due to planting season and the crazy number of Christian holidays at the time probably curbed any revolutionary fervor.

Paris Yellow Vests - Syberpunk - 12-29-2018

If your revolutionary movement stops for Turkey dinner, its probably not a real fired up revolutionary movement.

Paris Yellow Vests - Praetor Lupus - 12-30-2018


Paris Yellow Vests - ilostabet - 12-30-2018

Quote: (12-27-2018 08:03 AM)Wreckingball Wrote:  

The protests in Portugal failed for a couple of reasons:
1-There was no specific reason on the protest. Fuel prices have dropped since the GJ movement started
2-There were no actual demands
3-Non-establishment people do not know how to make demonstrations. They are ALWAYS planned by the Communist Party/Leftist Bloc.
3b-A protest would mean to protest against the leftist majority that is in the Parliament.
3c-PSD/CDS tried in November/December 2015 to stage a protest in front of the Parliament (shortly after elections, during a work day at lunch time) and had no more than 200 persons. The left cant meme and the right cant protest.
5-Close to Christmas, and on a Friday
6-Government propaganda is strong. The country is not in better shape than 4 years ago, however everything seems to be going perfect
7-There was more police (20.000 offduty cops were called in) than protesters
8-Protesters were spread to thin. Had there been a single focus point in each major city and it would have been more efective

This protest should have been:
1-Against the current high taxation and corruption
2-Max 3 locations. Lisboa, Porto and Faro

And which Party will that be?
In Portugal, there is no more sensible rightwing alternative than PSD or CDS.
However PSD is loaded with corruption and mediocrity and leaning to the left to scramble a couple of votes.
PNR? A Nationalist party with socialist economic policies? Cool, but we do not need more socialism.
Let's see what the European elections bring.

What we need is young smart people to join politics, embrace the suck, and change it from inside. The swamp is a disgusting creature, but you can poke it if you have a real work to lean on, and take advantage of the ones that want to be career politicians.

I don't really believe we can change something through politics. I think the trend is irreversible.

I think anything that disrupts the usurious stronghold we have in our country is good. This is what allows all other evils. I am down for whoever challenges the banks, even if they are literal communists - which is not the case with PNR. Honestly, I'd like to see a PNR/PCP coalition - traditionalism and anti-capitalism together. Because it's either 1) keep the monetary/economic system intact and simply delay the collapse and corruption until it's too late - too many immigrants, too many trannies, too many soyboys; or 2) collapse and rearrangement. It's tough, but the sooner the better.

It may or may not happen. But regardless of what option takes place, I am building something that can minimize the bad things on both scenarios and this is ultimately what I think people should do. Politics is stupid because it's only a reflection of where people's hearts and minds are at. If you can't change those, and for the most part we can't, then you can't change politics all that much either.

Paris Yellow Vests - Easy_C - 12-31-2018


French President Emmanuel Macron, also recently stated that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism [because] nationalism is treason”.

Fuck this guy.

Paris Yellow Vests - PharaohRa - 01-01-2019

Quote: (12-29-2018 01:26 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

If your revolutionary movement stops for Turkey dinner, its probably not a real fired up revolutionary movement.

Reports of the death of the protests have been highly exaggerated. They are still protesting in France, and this is just the beginning as many people have noticed. Prepare for 2019, because all of us are in for a wild ride!

Paris Yellow Vests - RatInTheWoods - 01-01-2019

The media in Oz must have a blanket ban on reporting the paris protests now, nothing to be seen or heard

Paris Yellow Vests - semibaron - 01-02-2019

I would be fucking pissed if any of these guys damages my car / house.

Paris Yellow Vests - Praetor Lupus - 01-02-2019


Paris Yellow Vests - ChicagoFire - 01-02-2019

^^ Brutal reply


Paris Yellow Vests - HornyRamone - 01-04-2019

Globalism started to crack in the US with Trump. Globalism will fall in Europe. The Yellow Vests are much more historically significant than even the protesters realize.

Paris Yellow Vests - balybary - 01-05-2019

The movement is keeping up, mostly in the little towns.

Most protests are peaceful, some little brawls here and there, a warm up (and a warning...) for the upcoming big insurrection in Europe?

-a footbridge in Paris with some boxing, in the third video, you see a guy jumping in front of the riot police, instead of easily attacking them from behind since the police is outflanked.




Paris Yellow Vests - balybary - 01-05-2019

More proof that France is becoming a third world country for many people living here:

translated by DeepL

VERSAILLES - A 68-year-old man, who was cleaning gutters on the roof of the Yvelines prefecture in Versailles, fell to his death on Thursday, January 3.

The worker, who was on the roof, fell three stories around 5 p.m. and died of his injuries despite the intervention of the emergency services.

It was a "self-contractor, subcontractor of the company" who carries out these maintenance works on the public building.

This news item outraged Internet users, particularly left-wing activists, on social networks. They pointed out the age of the worker, who was forced to work at the age of 68 and not to be retired, and the conditions under which he worked.

Paris Yellow Vests - Oberrheiner - 01-05-2019

Yeah ok, there is a tendency to over-dramatize things in France.

The laws here make it easy to get your retirement paychecks every month but in parallel still do some light work to get a bit more money at the end of the day.
The guy who did my tile floor here was doing it so, thanks to his network he has regular opportunities to do some not too annoying jobs, so he works 40 hours a month or so, declining most of the offers anyway.
The guy who fell was in the same situation, without a doubt.
Working on the roof was of course not a good idea, but he wasn't forced.

IMHO if people want to have the possibility to work regardless of their age it's fine.
What more and more people here at afraid of is that they will be forced to, given the way our government handles the money, plus the fact that we fund retirement by repartition and not by capitalization (as switzerland used to do it, for instance).

What this means is basically that the ones at work today are paying for the current retirees.
The problem is that nowadays we invite millions of foreigners into our land who cost us a lot in social help already, and do not seem to be intent on ever working, so who is going to pay for our retirement when we'll be old ?
A worrying question, even for me.

Paris Yellow Vests - redpillage - 01-05-2019

Quote: (01-05-2019 12:07 PM)Oberrheiner Wrote:  

Working on the roof was of course not a good idea, but he wasn't forced.

Well if that's not a massive attempt at gaslighting if I have ever seen one. Just because he was forced by sheer necessity, meaning that he most likely subsisted near poverty level, does not mean he chose to climb on a roof at 68 like he would choose to book a Club Med cruise to Aruba.

Nobody in their right mind climbs on a roof during winter to make repairs at the ripe age of 68. He probably had little (I don't say none) choice in the matter as he was forced to risk his life by circumstance.

FYI: 'contractor is new brave world speak for a temporary worker who is unable to find a cushy permanent job, let alone has a real career. This has become the new normal in Germany as well as France over the past two decades.

Learn how to read between the lines in the ferry-tales you are fed, or you'll remain the globalists' bitch for the rest of your life.