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Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - UUU - 10-06-2018

You should live in a place you actually like and decide to live there for reasons outside of just pussy. Same goes for travel.

SF, for all its faults, is a beautiful city. Only thing keeping me from living there would just be the exorbitantly high rent. No matter how many people tell me that it's "horrible for Indian men", I still regularly see Indian guys with cute girls there whenever I visit. This is true across the Bay Area.

If there's a certain demographic that you don't vibe with, avoid them. From what I gather you're in NYC. It's a huge city with millions of people. If you want brown girls, there probably hundreds of thousands that are not whitewashed.

This whole white worshipping thing is stupid. Obviously the richest, best looking white guys in the top frats will get tons of pussy from all quarters. There are still massive numbers of women you can go after who don't fall into that space. I know an ugly, overweight Armenian guy who kills it on Tinder in the Bay Area. The guy has no friends and looks ethnic and still does fine for himself.

Game isn't about endless mental masturbation about race and "where you fit in best". Game is about enjoying your life and making it work for you. I'd rather go to Brazil than Denmark. For all I know, I personally will do well there even if some other Indian guy on the internet says it was bad for him.

I'm dating a Korean girl who went to boarding school in Europe. That doesn't mean that Korean girls who went to boarding school in Europe love Indian guys. We just happened to meet each other, like each other, and want to be together. Race wasn't really a consideration there.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kooba - 10-07-2018

Hi y'all. I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks or so. I'm 22 now, and I'd really like some pointers from some of you guys. In brief, my situation is that I had the typical Indian upbrining for the first 20 years, became more "aware" using a lot of the same online resources you've all used, and took a lot of steps to improve (in particular I've lifted for two years. I screwed some stuff up in the first year, but as of now I'm 5'11-6'0, 170-175 lbs, and 13-15% bf). I've gotten some successful closes with girls, but its not as frequent or as quality as I'd like, and some of that is I think due to some wrong choices of friends I've made over the years. I've had more matches and convos on the apps with cute girls in these past couple of months after I graduated college in July than I've ever had before, so I've made some progress. Would someone be able reach out to me by PM? I'd do it, but my account is new, so I'm unable to.

I have some ideas I've come up with to try and have more success. Some input on it would be great!

edit: not sure why it says male feminist. I'm not one.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - trust_ted - 10-08-2018

Think of how attraction works. There's a Hollywood aesthetic that girls want, right? They have been exposed to this through TV shows and movies.

I found that my game works best with Indian/Pakistani girls themselves. Though I'm rather white washed, I seem to have killed it on Tinder AND real life with South Asian girls.

I believe this has to do with the BOLLYWOOD aesthetic. Just like white girls love a guy that looks like Ryan Gosling, Indian girls may like someone that looks like Shah Rukh Khan (although I am far off, there have actually been several girls who have noted I look like some Bollywood actor or the other -- most have not named a specific one; this is due to the almost homogeneous appearance of most of this acting class).

Unfortunately, this is somewhat of a niche standard of beauty, even in India. But it is something for you to work off of - check out popular haircuts among Bollywood stars, for example.

Even the self hating Indian girls tend to have some sort of attraction to the Bollywood aesthetic. This is because even unwillingly, they have been exposed to this beauty standard, whether on their visits to India, or through movies seen with their parents.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kooba - 10-09-2018

n = 1 but in my city and age group (18-25) 95% of Indian girls aren’t good catches. The ones that are date out 99% of the time. Same with other non-white women. I pretty much pursue only white and East Asian women now, just because there’s no good prospect anywhere else. Sucks but it is what it is. It’s at least nice when I can close. There’s a good chance I’ll leave this city for some place different in a year.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - TouristVacation - 10-09-2018

Quote: (09-23-2018 09:00 AM)Lund Wrote:  


Some Indian guys don't eat beef, and a lot of them tend to be very slim. Both of these things will hold them back with Latin women. It'd be easier to find a white woman that's cool with dating a guy that doesn't eat beef than to find a Latin woman that's ok with that. That said, refraining from eating beef is minor, being too slim is a bigger issue.

You're right that there's a preference for light skin in Latin culture, but it's a preference not a deal-breaker, it isn't something to get hung up on.

Overall, most Latin girls will date any guy, of any race, that shows behavior/looks that fall under what they consider to be manly. Unfortunately for Indian guys, not eating beef and being very slim are both traits that are not considered manly in Latin culture. It's considered manly in Latin culture to have a big appetite, so if you're aiming for Latin girls, don't be a picky eater and don't be too slim, both can come across as unmanly to them.

I did fairly well with the Latin women in Miami. I do not fall into the stereotypical Indian guy category in USA. I am a late 20's, very fair-skinned North Indian (Kashmiri Pandit from Jammu & Kashmir--can easily pass for Italian, Persian), pretty good height (6'0"), broad shoulders, not slim but average physique. I work in finance, not IT/computer science/engineering. I am Hindu but occasionally eat chicken and fish.


Dancing well and speaking Spanish completely changes the dynamic for Indian guys gaming Latinas. But without that, yes, I think they are a bit more challenging than other groups like blacks, Indians, Asians, and Europeans. Need to go extra hard on the bad boy game.

I have to disagree with you. Based on living and working in Miami (haven't been to Cuba or South America), nice guy game works on Latinas. Dancing well is good for club/clown game...I have decent dancing skills. My Spanish skills are very basic and I got by with English.

Maybe dancing well and fluent Spanish is needed in Cuba and South America? I did not need either to game Latinas in Miami.

I worked in the financial area of Miami (Brickell), so I had access to English-speaking, career-oriented Latin women. Tons of hot women...wish I could have banged more Brickell Latinas (only 1 -- half peruvian, half norwegian girl after I left the company we both worked for), but didn't want to take the risk of losing my job.

Being a very light-skinned Indian man was a huge advantage for me and I was seen as exotic. A few girls joked with me that I should be on one of those Telemundo novelas (even though I barely know any Spanish).

I really need to visit Cuba, Brazil and Argentina to see how I am perceived down there.

+1. I am Indian and Miami is the closest thing to a poosy paradise for Indian guys in the U.S.

Light-skinned Indian guys have an advantage, but darker ones can do good here as well. Latinas are much warmer and friendlier than White-American women in any part of the states. Obviously family-oriented and less likely to be a ho.

I honestly do not know why any Indian players are wasting time gaming White American chicks in Ohio or South Carolina -- get your @$$ down to won't regret it!

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - PakMan - 10-09-2018

What's up everyone? New to the board here. Wanted to add my 2 cents to this thread. I'm not Indian but I'm a Pakistani guy who grew up in Queens NYC and a particularly diverse part of Queens even though Queens in general is known for being incredibly diverse. Generally speaking, Pakis are more light-skinned than Indians, but most people who meet me for the first time usually guess that I'm from that region of the world or Middle Eastern. Frankly, I always thought I had an advantage with women being Paki. I've dated girls from virtually all parts of the world and have been told that Paki men have features that universally attractive. Also, since most of us and Indians grow up to be successful, I think women are starting to realize that we're not just sleazeballs looking for some a$$ not to mention most of us are bilingual. Frankly, the only women that I've encountered any sort of discrimination from is from Indian women.

I do, however, agree with OP that most minorities probably do have some insecurities that come into play when trying to pick up women. But that's where the benefit of growing in diverse area like Queens helps. When you grow up surrounded by a bunch of different cultures you learn that every ethnicity has their own weird quirks and most of them are proud of it. A big part of my game is making self-directed Paki jokes and it never fails to get the ladies laughing...

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Salesian - 10-09-2018

Quote: (10-09-2018 10:29 AM)TouristVacation Wrote:  

Quote: (09-23-2018 09:00 AM)Lund Wrote:  


Some Indian guys don't eat beef, and a lot of them tend to be very slim. Both of these things will hold them back with Latin women. It'd be easier to find a white woman that's cool with dating a guy that doesn't eat beef than to find a Latin woman that's ok with that. That said, refraining from eating beef is minor, being too slim is a bigger issue.

You're right that there's a preference for light skin in Latin culture, but it's a preference not a deal-breaker, it isn't something to get hung up on.

Overall, most Latin girls will date any guy, of any race, that shows behavior/looks that fall under what they consider to be manly. Unfortunately for Indian guys, not eating beef and being very slim are both traits that are not considered manly in Latin culture. It's considered manly in Latin culture to have a big appetite, so if you're aiming for Latin girls, don't be a picky eater and don't be too slim, both can come across as unmanly to them.

I did fairly well with the Latin women in Miami. I do not fall into the stereotypical Indian guy category in USA. I am a late 20's, very fair-skinned North Indian (Kashmiri Pandit from Jammu & Kashmir--can easily pass for Italian, Persian), pretty good height (6'0"), broad shoulders, not slim but average physique. I work in finance, not IT/computer science/engineering. I am Hindu but occasionally eat chicken and fish.


Dancing well and speaking Spanish completely changes the dynamic for Indian guys gaming Latinas. But without that, yes, I think they are a bit more challenging than other groups like blacks, Indians, Asians, and Europeans. Need to go extra hard on the bad boy game.

I have to disagree with you. Based on living and working in Miami (haven't been to Cuba or South America), nice guy game works on Latinas. Dancing well is good for club/clown game...I have decent dancing skills. My Spanish skills are very basic and I got by with English.

Maybe dancing well and fluent Spanish is needed in Cuba and South America? I did not need either to game Latinas in Miami.

I worked in the financial area of Miami (Brickell), so I had access to English-speaking, career-oriented Latin women. Tons of hot women...wish I could have banged more Brickell Latinas (only 1 -- half peruvian, half norwegian girl after I left the company we both worked for), but didn't want to take the risk of losing my job.

Being a very light-skinned Indian man was a huge advantage for me and I was seen as exotic. A few girls joked with me that I should be on one of those Telemundo novelas (even though I barely know any Spanish).

I really need to visit Cuba, Brazil and Argentina to see how I am perceived down there.

+1. I am Indian and Miami is the closest thing to a poosy paradise for Indian guys in the U.S.

Light-skinned Indian guys have an advantage, but darker ones can do good here as well. Latinas are much warmer and friendlier than White-American women in any part of the states. Obviously family-oriented and less likely to be a ho.

I honestly do not know why any Indian players are wasting time gaming White American chicks in Ohio or South Carolina -- get your @$$ down to won't regret it!

I'll co-sign that Miami's a great place, and fun as hell. I wish I could still be there.

I'll disagree that it's a pussy paradise though. If you work in tech you'll make 50% in Miami what you would anywhere else. There's the massive abundance of sleazy and sometimes dumb people. There's the traffic, the humidity. The mysteriously high housing costs.

The competition in Miami is fierce. The guys there know what they are doing game-wise and Red Pill-wise, they've been game-aware since they were 12 -- you're competing against great-looking guys with six-packs, leased Range Rovers, and decked-out Instagrams... who are broke and live with their parents.

Miami's the best I ever did in terms of pretty or gorgeous girls. I miss em.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - jselysianeagle - 10-09-2018

^ Another big + from me for Latinas! I haven't been to Miami but did great in LatAm and can't wait to go back.

And yes, being a chill, nice dude will often be good enough for Latinas.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - PakMan - 10-09-2018

Quote: (10-09-2018 03:28 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

^ Another big + from me for Latinas! I haven't been to Miami but did great in LatAm and can't wait to go back.

And yes, being a chill, nice dude will often be good enough for Latinas.

Agreed. I've always did well with the Latinas, in Queens at least where there's an abundance of them. Most of the Latinas in Queens are pretty chill and open to dating anyone they like regardless of race. But speaking Spanish always scores points with the Latinas and knowing how to dance merengue, bachata, etc. can be a huge plus depending on the girl.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 10-09-2018

I am not sure if this got lost pages back or not but wanted some feedback and advice from Indian guys on here who are assimilated into western culture and don't associate with their culture or other Indians much if at all.

How do you all deal with the sell-out, white-washed, self-hater and/or uncle tom insults and accusations being hurled at you? In other words, how do you take yourself out of the subtle race wars happening in the US?

I've faced these a number of times when people realize I don't associate much with other Indians, mainly in a lot of work environments but a handful of times in social environments too. Never get this from whites of any kind, it always comes from minorities. Most of the times it is from other Indians but I get it a few times from black people, especially black women, as well. As we all know, unlike whites, minorities can get away with being racist towards other minorities or against their own group.

The worst has come from Indian American women and Matt Forney's article about them is right on target, especially about the mentally sick part.

Now I know why it is happening but how do you guys avoid it or side-step that kind of thing?

Going to go out on a limb here and say I am pretty sure I am not the only Indian guy that has gone through this shit.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - kaotic - 10-09-2018

Quote: (10-09-2018 05:58 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

I am not sure if this got lost pages back or not but wanted some feedback and advice from Indian guys on here who are assimilated into western culture and don't associate with their culture or other Indians much if at all.

How do you all deal with the sell-out, white-washed, self-hater and/or uncle tom insults and accusations being hurled at you? In other words, how do you take yourself out of the subtle race wars happening in the US?

I've faced these a number of times when people realize I don't associate much with other Indians, mainly in a lot of work environments but a handful of times in social environments too. Never get this from whites of any kind, it always comes from minorities. Most of the times it is from other Indians but I get it a few times from black people, especially black women, as well. As we all know, unlike whites, minorities can get away with being racist towards other minorities or against their own group.

The worst has come from Indian American women and Matt Forney's article about them is right on target, especially about the mentally sick part.

Now I know why it is happening but how do you guys avoid it or side-step that kind of thing?

Going to go out on a limb here and say I am pretty sure I am not the only Indian guy that has gone through this shit.

You don't, you don't give a fuck, you move onto something better.

Even better, you look the dead in the eyes.

You tell them that they're projecting their OWN insecurities on you.

You tell them you don't see color, just the merit of their character.

You tell them they're the racists, the self loathing and hateful.

You tell them you don't fuck with such hateful and insecure people.

You walk away from said negativity.

The black women you brought up before, you don't give them time of day, you ignore them, unless you're good at insults and nukes like I am, then you shut them the fuck up and put them in their place.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - bojangles - 10-09-2018

Coconut is the usual term used. I really don't give a shit though, I've watched Bollywood movies, listened to Bollywood music, listened to Gujarati music, Urdu music, Hindi music - none of these are things I do on the regular like most Indians in western countries, hell I celebrate Diwali by getting pissed with the guys I grew up and I rarely visit the temple. I've read numerous books on the history of India and to sometimes if I'm feeling like real dick, I'll say yes I'm a coconut but I've forgotten which empire Govinda III dismantled? shit it's on my mind, you must know this, you're in tune with being Indian unlike me. Shit along those lines. This is of course with an Indian but generally I don't care. Black people or others have never really given me shit about being a 'coconut'.

My older cousin sisters say it as a joke sometimes but they know my intellect.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 10-13-2018

Excellent posts by Kaotic and Bojangles, going to ramble a bit about my own experiences here....

Whenever I reflect back to my experiences in the cities and areas I have done well in (Columbus, Charleston and younger parts of NYC) that they are overwhelmingly white. As much as heat as white people get for being racists, I actually feel like you can win with a lot of white people if you break the negative Indian guy stereotypes. You have a high ceiling in terms of social image which means a high ceiling in terms of game. There is just something about areas that are overwhelmingly white or areas where the only minority group around are black people.

Yet whenever I have been in areas with a lot of ethnic people (Asians and Indians), especially a lot of brown people around, I've been targeted on a social image level. It seems like brown people of all kinds from Indians to Pakistanis to Middle Eastern people who are dark enough tend to be aware of racial stereotypes of Indian men and use those stereotypes as a weapon. Now it has been in these very areas that I have found the things people talk about on this thread to be true, the whole racial hierarchy thing where all the minorities are getting on their knees to suck a white guy's dick while treating each other (especially of their own group) like garbage.

It is strange as well because when I am in an area with a lot of whites in it, in social settings I feel like my word matters and I am allowed to have a say. When a white guy acts way out of line, a few of the other whites will check him and call him out on his shit. It seems like whenever minorities, especially Asians and Indians are present, it turns into a "let shit on each other and worship whitey" type of scenario.

Forum members have already discussed the highly preferential treatment white guys get in most of South America but I am talking even here in the US it seems like most brown people turn into dragging each other down. It becomes a contest of "how can I please whitey and shit on as many of my own as possible" instead of either seeing each other as individuals or even trying to lift each other up. Its not just on a game level, I notice I've automatically made enemies with most brown women in a professional setting because their goal became to target and destroy other brown guys.

I think this is partly why I end up mostly with white women or having white friends because it seems like they actually treat you as a human being and more based on how you act. Whenever I have had friends that lifted me up and tried to make me the best version of myself, they were white. Ethnic people (especially brown people) have generally been sadistic as fuck and extremely hostile.

This thread as well as a lot of people on it are obviously exceptions but man have I grown a bit more weary and vigilant towards brown people because of my experiences.

In context to this thread, sometimes I think we should add "if you want to get a lot of pussy as a brown guy, stay the fuck away from areas with a lot of brown people in it because they will try to make you into a cuck".

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - WalterBlack - 10-14-2018

Quote: (10-09-2018 05:58 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

I am not sure if this got lost pages back or not but wanted some feedback and advice from Indian guys on here who are assimilated into western culture and don't associate with their culture or other Indians much if at all.

How do you all deal with the sell-out, white-washed, self-hater and/or uncle tom insults and accusations being hurled at you? In other words, how do you take yourself out of the subtle race wars happening in the US?

I've faced these a number of times when people realize I don't associate much with other Indians, mainly in a lot of work environments but a handful of times in social environments too. Never get this from whites of any kind, it always comes from minorities. Most of the times it is from other Indians but I get it a few times from black people, especially black women, as well. As we all know, unlike whites, minorities can get away with being racist towards other minorities or against their own group.

The worst has come from Indian American women and Matt Forney's article about them is right on target, especially about the mentally sick part.

Now I know why it is happening but how do you guys avoid it or side-step that kind of thing?

Going to go out on a limb here and say I am pretty sure I am not the only Indian guy that has gone through this shit.

I actually don't get this from other Indians - maybe I'm shielded from this because I have a British accent? I live in Los Angeles and outside of a few very distant relatives that I see at family functions every few months I don't hang out with other Indians. There's a few reasons for this - most Indians I come across at work are IT FOBs - I have nothing in common with them; there's not a big Indian population in Los Angeles anyway. In my 10+ years in LA, I've only worked alongside 3 Indian-American men in all of those years.

I'm Punjabi and my real first name is English and my Indian last name doesn't even sound Indian. I tell people that I've been to India loads of times and I speak Punjabi pretty well. In fact, I couldn't speak English until I went to school with the white English kids aged 4. I know a shitload about Indian history and culture. You would be surprised at how dumb some Indians are - they think Punjabi = Sikh. When I tell them I'm a Hindu Punjabi , they'll say are you mixed? I then blow their mind by telling them that most Punjabis are Muslim, but they're Pakistanis nowadays.

Quote: (10-13-2018 09:57 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Yet whenever I have been in areas with a lot of ethnic people (Asians and Indians), especially a lot of brown people around, I've been targeted on a social image level. It seems like brown people of all kinds from Indians to Pakistanis to Middle Eastern people who are dark enough tend to be aware of racial stereotypes of Indian men and use those stereotypes as a weapon. Now it has been in these very areas that I have found the things people talk about on this thread to be true, the whole racial hierarchy thing where all the minorities are getting on their knees to suck a white guy's dick while treating each other (especially of their own group) like garbage.

It is strange as well because when I am in an area with a lot of whites in it, in social settings I feel like my word matters and I am allowed to have a say. When a white guy acts way out of line, a few of the other whites will check him and call him out on his shit. It seems like whenever minorities, especially Asians and Indians are present, it turns into a "let shit on each other and worship whitey" type of scenario.

Forum members have already discussed the highly preferential treatment white guys get in most of South America but I am talking even here in the US it seems like most brown people turn into dragging each other down. It becomes a contest of "how can I please whitey and shit on as many of my own as possible" instead of either seeing each other as individuals or even trying to lift each other up. Its not just on a game level, I notice I've automatically made enemies with most brown women in a professional setting because their goal became to target and destroy other brown guys.

Indians need to weigh on what level you are compared to them - they need to know are you Hindu? Sikh? Muslim? Northern? Southern? etc. My name confuses them.

Indians are backstabbers by nature - they like nothing more than shitting on other Indians. I can't say I've come across any white arselicking Indians myself.

White people just see you as Indian, they don't give a fuck if you're Punjabi, Tamil, Gujurati, Hindu, Jain, Sikh etc. White & black Americans accept me as being British.

I have a few Indians ask me why I changed my real name to an English name - I didn't. It's my real name.

Being raised in the UK gives me licence to make fun of American culture all the time and they're cool with it.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - jselysianeagle - 10-15-2018

Quote: (10-14-2018 10:48 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Indians need to weigh on what level you are compared to them - they need to know are you Hindu? Sikh? Muslim? Northern? Southern? etc. My name confuses them.

Indians are backstabbers by nature - they like nothing more than shitting on other Indians. I can't say I've come across any white arselicking Indians myself.

White people just see you as Indian, they don't give a fuck if you're Punjabi, Tamil, Gujurati, Hindu, Jain, Sikh etc.

Well put and 100% true

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - jordypip23 - 10-15-2018

Quote: (10-14-2018 10:48 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (10-09-2018 05:58 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

I am not sure if this got lost pages back or not but wanted some feedback and advice from Indian guys on here who are assimilated into western culture and don't associate with their culture or other Indians much if at all.

How do you all deal with the sell-out, white-washed, self-hater and/or uncle tom insults and accusations being hurled at you? In other words, how do you take yourself out of the subtle race wars happening in the US?

I've faced these a number of times when people realize I don't associate much with other Indians, mainly in a lot of work environments but a handful of times in social environments too. Never get this from whites of any kind, it always comes from minorities. Most of the times it is from other Indians but I get it a few times from black people, especially black women, as well. As we all know, unlike whites, minorities can get away with being racist towards other minorities or against their own group.

The worst has come from Indian American women and Matt Forney's article about them is right on target, especially about the mentally sick part.

Now I know why it is happening but how do you guys avoid it or side-step that kind of thing?

Going to go out on a limb here and say I am pretty sure I am not the only Indian guy that has gone through this shit.

I actually don't get this from other Indians - maybe I'm shielded from this because I have a British accent? I live in Los Angeles and outside of a few very distant relatives that I see at family functions every few months I don't hang out with other Indians. There's a few reasons for this - most Indians I come across at work are IT FOBs - I have nothing in common with them; there's not a big Indian population in Los Angeles anyway. In my 10+ years in LA, I've only worked alongside 3 Indian-American men in all of those years.

I'm Punjabi and my real first name is English and my Indian last name doesn't even sound Indian. I tell people that I've been to India loads of times and I speak Punjabi pretty well. In fact, I couldn't speak English until I went to school with the white English kids aged 4. I know a shitload about Indian history and culture. You would be surprised at how dumb some Indians are - they think Punjabi = Sikh. When I tell them I'm a Hindu Punjabi , they'll say are you mixed? I then blow their mind by telling them that most Punjabis are Muslim, but they're Pakistanis nowadays.

Quote: (10-13-2018 09:57 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Yet whenever I have been in areas with a lot of ethnic people (Asians and Indians), especially a lot of brown people around, I've been targeted on a social image level. It seems like brown people of all kinds from Indians to Pakistanis to Middle Eastern people who are dark enough tend to be aware of racial stereotypes of Indian men and use those stereotypes as a weapon. Now it has been in these very areas that I have found the things people talk about on this thread to be true, the whole racial hierarchy thing where all the minorities are getting on their knees to suck a white guy's dick while treating each other (especially of their own group) like garbage.

It is strange as well because when I am in an area with a lot of whites in it, in social settings I feel like my word matters and I am allowed to have a say. When a white guy acts way out of line, a few of the other whites will check him and call him out on his shit. It seems like whenever minorities, especially Asians and Indians are present, it turns into a "let shit on each other and worship whitey" type of scenario.

Forum members have already discussed the highly preferential treatment white guys get in most of South America but I am talking even here in the US it seems like most brown people turn into dragging each other down. It becomes a contest of "how can I please whitey and shit on as many of my own as possible" instead of either seeing each other as individuals or even trying to lift each other up. Its not just on a game level, I notice I've automatically made enemies with most brown women in a professional setting because their goal became to target and destroy other brown guys.

Indians need to weigh on what level you are compared to them - they need to know are you Hindu? Sikh? Muslim? Northern? Southern? etc. My name confuses them.

Indians are backstabbers by nature - they like nothing more than shitting on other Indians. I can't say I've come across any white arselicking Indians myself.

White people just see you as Indian, they don't give a fuck if you're Punjabi, Tamil, Gujurati, Hindu, Jain, Sikh etc. White & black Americans accept me as being British.

I have a few Indians ask me why I changed my real name to an English name - I didn't. It's my real name.

Being raised in the UK gives me licence to make fun of American culture all the time and they're cool with it.

Kind of interesting how the San Francisco Bay Area & the Los Angeles metro area are in the same state, LA is bigger (2nd largest city in the country), yet due to historical migration patterns & the IT industry, Indians comprise a much larger percentage of the population in the SF Bay Area than in Los Angeles. For such a large city (LA), desi's really are a sleeper group. They're not doing serious numbers like they do in other cities such as NYC, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, D.C., Philly, Boston, etc. Persians & Armenians, on the other hand, seem like much more prominent groups in Los Angeles.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 10-17-2018

One serious question though going off of the past posts, for those of you who have met some cool Indians, are there any similarities or signs that just make you say that the dude (or even girl) is an exception compared to most Indians. I've only met a handful, they're rare but definitely out there.

I don't want to go through listing them all out but it seems like the ones who grew up as the token Indian kid in a smaller town and had almost all white friends are the ones I have got on with the best. The worst ones have been the ones who grew up in areas with a lot of Indians and try to absorb others into their ethnic cliques.

Every single time I've met an Indian, guy or girl, that seemed chill and easy to get along with it seemed like they had the same experience growing up as I did. Only Indian kid in the area and had to assimilate, most friends are of other races.

Some parts of the country seem to do a better job or masculinizing Indian guys than others.

It is good to read the stories of Doc, Kaotic and Cobra to see how a lot of these dudes turned out to be so much more different than the typical Indian American guy who is just a fucking embarrassment to the race.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - WalterBlack - 10-17-2018

Quote: (10-17-2018 12:49 AM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

One serious question though going off of the past posts, for those of you who have met some cool Indians, are there any similarities or signs that just make you say that the dude (or even girl) is an exception compared to most Indians. I've only met a handful, they're rare but definitely out there.

I don't want to go through listing them all out but it seems like the ones who grew up as the token Indian kid in a smaller town and had almost all white friends are the ones I have got on with the best. The worst ones have been the ones who grew up in areas with a lot of Indians and try to absorb others into their ethnic cliques.

Every single time I've met an Indian, guy or girl, that seemed chill and easy to get along with it seemed like they had the same experience growing up as I did. Only Indian kid in the area and had to assimilate, most friends are of other races.

Some parts of the country seem to do a better job or masculinizing Indian guys than others.

It is good to read the stories of Doc, Kaotic and Cobra to see how a lot of these dudes turned out to be so much more different than the typical Indian American guy who is just a fucking embarrassment to the race.

My US born relatives are pretty cool and they grew up around loads of Punjabis in northern California. I think it's down to the culture - I'm not hating on non-Punjabi Indians, but certain Indian cultures almost encourage their sons to be pussies. My male cousins love to party, get drunk, high and screw around. They say "nigga" all the time too, because they grew up with lots of blacks and Mexicans. They don't give a fuck where they say it - they say it in front of black people too, and they're cool with it. One time they were visiting LA and they were saying nigga at Perch. There was a hilarious shocked look on some of the soy boy faggots nearby.

My US cousins are very pro-American and celebrate Thanksgiving with massive barbeques.

I can't say whether I'm cool or not, but I was never the token kid - between the age of 4-9 my school was around 50% Punjabi, then later on it was maybe 20-30%. Because there were so many Indians, the white kids never gave us shit because they would have got the shit kicked out of them. Actually we got along fine with the white kids, there was never any racial tension.

All the Indian guys who were banging girls were banging white girls. I had never heard of these "I can't get a white girl because I'm Indian" pricks before I came to the US. I was 19 years old when I first saw a UK Indian guy dating an Indian girl, when I went to university in London.

I have never felt any need to compromise who I am. I'm banging a Chinese American woman right now, and I've made her watch a few Indian movies with me.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 10-17-2018

Canada has a lot of Punjabis in it but apparently Indians have a really bad image up there so it can't just be down to that alone.

I am all for gaming white women so always good to see some brown bros getting the hot ones but over the years. Whenever I see minorities struggling a lot with white women, I know it isn't a racism thing. While online dating studies will claim one thing, I have found that if you are a well put together guy of any group, white girls will not only give you a chance but treat you with respect. Black girls are similar too in the sense that they just want cool and handsome guys. Girls of all other races care about race a lot more.

In terms of market value, I consider myself to be well above average compared to most Indian guys and I have had white girls tell me I am handsome on dating apps.

Unfortunately my dilemma is that after banging a lot of Jewish and Mediterranean background women in NYC, my tastes went from blonde fever to slightly darker. Now I actually have a weakness for hot brown ethnic girls which means Indian and unfortunately Middle Eastern and Latin women.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 10-17-2018

I am actually going to use this thread to some benefit and ask brown bros for a game question or advice.

So I am picky about looks which is why my lay count is not as high as it could be. Over the years, most of my success has come from white girls, I'd say majority of them have been in the 7 range with an 8 thrown in on a rare occasion. I do the best with brunettes and white girls from more non-Anglo groups so Eastern European, Jewish and surprisingly Mediterranean women. In some situations I've hooked up with the basic bitch types but it isn't as common.

Now it seems like all well put together brown guys I've known have stuck with white women and I can see why given the experiences I've had with ethnic women who, as I have mentioned on other threads (unless we are talking FOBs), are pretty fucking hostile towards ethnic guys.

In the past year I have slowly developed a taste for brown women, I think being with a good deal of swarthy white girls kind of led me in that direction. Here is the issue....

I have had a rough experience with brown women of all types if they were above average looking or hot. Latinas have probably been the nicest of the three which is not saying much and Indian women have been so so, have heard more than a great deal of racially insensitive things from Middle Eastern women. With Indian women it is unique because if they are really dark I notice they are friendly but the lighter skinned ones have been total cunts if they were hot. The problem is I am more attracted to the Sunny Leone types as opposed to the really dark ones (no racist).

While looks matter, I also care slightly about culture. I don't want to go for girls that are FOBs so that means going for a brown girl that is hot or above average but also assimilated into western culture, a similar background as me basically. It makes sense too because the areas I would be living in would be the trendy parts of big cities so I will run into these types of women anyways.

I know it seems weird asking this but have any of you known brown guys that have had regular success in cleaning up with brown girls that were above average and assimilated into western culture?

My strategy so for has been to use white girls as social proof and pick off insecure brown girls but quite frankly, I would love to hear from brown guys who have had success with hot brown girls of all types or know a brown guy that has here in the US.

I want to fuck a few hot brown girls this year just to get the monkey off my back.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Salesian - 10-18-2018

I vote that this thread be retitled as "The a beer is enough Thought Vortex Thread."

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 10-18-2018

At this point, not sure of what else is keeping this thread alive tbh.

Recently touched down in Minneapolis and have been here a few hours, things are already looking real promising here. Got on a couple dating apps I use and have already had matches that I would not be getting back home. The city does not get enough credit for the quality of women here but I think that might be for the best, some places are best off being hidden treasures.

I'll keep you guys posted on how things go here and share some of my experiences once I am back from the city.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - PakMan - 10-18-2018

Quote: (10-17-2018 11:17 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

I am actually going to use this thread to some benefit and ask brown bros for a game question or advice.

So I am picky about looks which is why my lay count is not as high as it could be. Over the years, most of my success has come from white girls, I'd say majority of them have been in the 7 range with an 8 thrown in on a rare occasion. I do the best with brunettes and white girls from more non-Anglo groups so Eastern European, Jewish and surprisingly Mediterranean women. In some situations I've hooked up with the basic bitch types but it isn't as common.

Now it seems like all well put together brown guys I've known have stuck with white women and I can see why given the experiences I've had with ethnic women who, as I have mentioned on other threads (unless we are talking FOBs), are pretty fucking hostile towards ethnic guys.

In the past year I have slowly developed a taste for brown women, I think being with a good deal of swarthy white girls kind of led me in that direction. Here is the issue....

I have had a rough experience with brown women of all types if they were above average looking or hot. Latinas have probably been the nicest of the three which is not saying much and Indian women have been so so, have heard more than a great deal of racially insensitive things from Middle Eastern women. With Indian women it is unique because if they are really dark I notice they are friendly but the lighter skinned ones have been total cunts if they were hot. The problem is I am more attracted to the Sunny Leone types as opposed to the really dark ones (no racist).

While looks matter, I also care slightly about culture. I don't want to go for girls that are FOBs so that means going for a brown girl that is hot or above average but also assimilated into western culture, a similar background as me basically. It makes sense too because the areas I would be living in would be the trendy parts of big cities so I will run into these types of women anyways.

I know it seems weird asking this but have any of you known brown guys that have had regular success in cleaning up with brown girls that were above average and assimilated into western culture?

My strategy so for has been to use white girls as social proof and pick off insecure brown girls but quite frankly, I would love to hear from brown guys who have had success with hot brown girls of all types or know a brown guy that has here in the US.

I want to fuck a few hot brown girls this year just to get the monkey off my back.

Hey man, tbh I've had the same experience as you minus the hostility from other 'brown' ethnicities. I've gotten love from Latinas, middle eastern, eastern Euro and really all races. The only women that I've gotten any sort of discrimination from is Indian women. I'm Paki, so at first I thought that maybe it was because of the political situation between our two countries, but let's be real, brown people living in the west don't give a shit about the politics between our countries half way around the world. I even get a lot of play from Jewish women, in fact, my first gf back in high school was Jewish.

Now Paki girls typically like me but my issue with them is that I have yet to meet one who has found the happy medium between respecting old traditions and assimilating to western culture. The ones I've met are usually at one of two extremes and the ones who are really westernized and most likely to put out are usually not that hot.

Really not sure what the deal with Indian girls and frankly, I don't care and neither should you. They are not that hot. Dark-skinned or light-skinned. When there's a world out there filled with smoking hot Latinas, black girls, white girls, Asian girls, Euro girls and everything in between, why would you get so hung up on one of the least attractive ethnicities out there.

If all you want to do is bang one just to get the notch, then by all means go for it, but don't bother adjusting your game to accomplish that. Focus your game on where you've seen success and if an opportunity with an Indian presents itself, jump on it.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - a beer is enough - 10-18-2018

Alright Pakman, spit it out.

Tell me how you are fucking those Latin and Middle Eastern women. I've had okay experiences with Latinas but have been running into quite a few sexy Persian and Middle Eastern chicks lately that I wanna smash.

I've had a pretty good experience with Eastern European, Jewish, certain Mediterranean (Italian American women have been surprisingly easy for me) and just white women with darker features in general. Not sure how that all worked out but in hindsight, sleeping with a few too many darker skinned white women took my tastes from lusting for big titty blondes to now wanting some of that ethnic pussy.

Indian Guy Game/Travel Thread - Crash_Bandicoot - 10-19-2018

A Beer is Enough, you have been posting the same shit over and over again. I've even seen it in other threads.

We get it, "Any well-versed Indian guy can get any girl....but I can't get the self-hating Indian/Latin/ME ones! They hate me and Indians". lol.

We have all provided you ENORMOUS amount of advice for getting these minority girls, and I have personally posted many, many strategies on how to get them and my success with them. . I've even offered to game with you and watch what you do to give you some in-field advice.

You need to get that shit out of your head. And start taking action