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The Power an amazing physique has over women - zatara - 03-29-2018

Quote: (03-27-2018 09:14 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

To get that ripped look, you will need to take a cutting agent like Clen or Winstrol. These are very toxic on your liver and luckily I never messed with them.

No point talking about NFL players and athletes in general. The top guys are taking designer drugs that no one has ever heard of.

Do you guys remember the Balco scandal?

Oh they're definitely all on crazy chemicals at the top level. But they are at least on a lot less of them than male instagram models / pro bodybuilders was my point. It varies by sport due to testing regimes but usually players at say Olympic level at least can't be doping as hugely year round, they have to be quite smart with their timings and dosage etc. So they're on less drugs at least, making them a slightly more realistic body-type.

My point was more that if someone starting off needs an easily accessible body example to work towards sports stars are generally better than pro bodybuilders/instagram models. Both in terms of being on less drugs, and in having more functionally useful (and long term healthier...) fitness. ie better Nate Ebner above than Zyzz, who're similar heights/weights, to use real world examples.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Bienvenuto - 03-29-2018

Quote: (03-29-2018 06:18 AM)zatara Wrote:  

Quote: (03-27-2018 09:14 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

To get that ripped look, you will need to take a cutting agent like Clen or Winstrol. These are very toxic on your liver and luckily I never messed with them.

No point talking about NFL players and athletes in general. The top guys are taking designer drugs that no one has ever heard of.

Do you guys remember the Balco scandal?

Oh they're definitely all on crazy chemicals at the top level. But they are at least on a lot less of them than male instagram models / pro bodybuilders was my point. It varies by sport due to testing regimes but usually players at say Olympic level at least can't be doping as hugely year round, they have to be quite smart with their timings and dosage etc. So they're on less drugs at least, making them a slightly more realistic body-type.

My point was more that if someone starting off needs an easily accessible body example to work towards sports stars are generally better than pro bodybuilders/instagram models. Both in terms of being on less drugs, and in having more functionally useful (and long term healthier...) fitness. ie better Nate Ebner above than Zyzz, who're similar heights/weights, to use real world examples.

Plenty of rugby guys I played with at a lower level when I was coming up had this kind of physique. Tended to be the gym enthusiasts.
The farmers who muddled through training and drank gallons of beer most of the time else tended to be more 'strong fat'.
But still, some of them were as strong as anything from their jobs.

Playing a competitive sport outside of work.

Training 2 hours sprints, drills, practice games X two evenings a week, big game (in their world) at the weekend.

3 whole body gym sessions a week on top of that.

Lots of physiques like that. Just because professional athletes are shot through with drugs and enhancers doesn't make these physiques unattainable in any way for the amateur trainer -as many amateur sportsmen demonstrate.

With rugby players I think that a key aspect is that they will be pushed aerobically far more in their training/ games than most 'physique' trainers will push themselves in their gym sessions.

Big muscular strength element to those aerobic sessions, wrestling, full contact, situps, pushups but it all gets lumped together as 'aerobic' in their training schedule.

And the fact that they don't have a choice: its maintain fitness, speed, power, etc. at the same time as size or a) get monstered by the opposition followed by b) get dropped from a team that is often their social world.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - General Stalin - 03-29-2018

Quote: (03-26-2018 08:15 PM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  

What low level post have I made ...

Quote: (03-26-2018 08:12 PM)Keepiticy2 Wrote:  


[Image: tard.gif]

Folks still circle jerking about natty vs enhanced in here and what is attainable?

Man no one knows unless you try it yourself. Some folks have wonderful genetics that allow them to build lots of good lean mass easily without supplementation. Some don't.

I'll tell ya this: you don't need a body that only drugs can get you to get results with women. That said, big muscles won't fix an ugly mug either.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Fortis - 03-30-2018

I think that steelex said something very insightful here that people glossed over:

"Manifesting your true self"

I think what we're often missing is that the guys who are spending all their time getting jacked and training LOVE it. I sure do and I'm hardly big and I have normal genetics. But I just feel good when I'm training and cooking meals and it translates to me doing better with women because I'm happy with myself.

Some dudes on this forum don't train but they actualize themselves in other ways.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - flanders - 05-14-2018

Quote: (06-09-2012 07:44 AM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

^^^ People get into bodybuilding for a cheap weekday hobby . You guys should be a comparing a NFL/collage football players wives to swimmers wives. Most gym rats are ex football/ rugby players from high school.

Old post, but very true. I have no money, but no money can buy a good physique.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - GreenManaleshi - 05-15-2018

For what it's worth, when I was younger and jacked (240ish at 5"10", never super lean, but not too fat. thickish Norwegian/German genetics) I got much more attention from black and mexican girls than white ones. I had black girls catcall me from across the street, and one came up and pinched my ass while I was on a payphone (yea I'm old). Had a lot of gay guys hit on me too.

As for white girls, I'd say about 10% really were into bigger guys. For them, I could have been much larger and they would have been happy. Most other girls would either ignore my build, or make passive aggressive comments deriding me if they got a bit buzzed. Things like "I hate big muscles on guys" etc out of the blue. A few times I shot back that I hated girls with lopsided tits / fat asses. This was way before I understood anything about the red pill, or holding frame etc. I stupidly took women's statements at face value. If I only knew then what I Know now.. but I guess that goes for everything.

Anyway, I guess I'd have to fall into the camp that says women do prefer the small but muscular swimmer's build in general. You really can't go wrong. It's like a girl having large firm tits. Sure a few outlier guys may not be into it, but you are going to please 99% of women's aesthetic tastes being around 6'2", 185, @10% bodyfat.

Personally though, I never lifted for women as much as I did for self-esteem and intimidation of other men. Women may not all get wet at the presence of huge guy, but other men sure as hell are aware of an imposing build. Especially in the years before MMA, being imposing was the number one way you got that initial respect from strangers, aside from gang banger type shit ( 15 year old kids carrying pistols under their parkas etc). I wrestled/played football in high school, all that standard stuff back in the 80s

The Power an amazing physique has over women - rudebwoy - 05-15-2018

Quote: (05-15-2018 05:56 AM)GreenManaleshi Wrote:  

As for white girls, I'd say about 10% really were into bigger guys. For them, I could have been much larger and they would have been happy. Most other girls would either ignore my build, or make passive aggressive comments deriding me if they got a bit buzzed. Things like "I hate big muscles on guys" etc out of the blue. A few times I shot back that I hated girls with lopsided tits / fat asses. This was way before I understood anything about the red pill, or holding frame etc. I stupidly took women's statements at face value. If I only knew then what I Know now.. but I guess that goes for everything.

All the girls you mentioned above were into you, the white girls expressed it in a different way. You failed their shit tests with your quick rebuttals.
Most guys don't know what it is like to receive catcalls from women or have women grab their ass.
Women don't shit test or even look at guys they don't find interesting.

I have recently hit the 200llbs plateau, last check was 203llbs.

All of a sudden now, the women in the office are hitting me in the shoulders and asking me if I workout a lot. One new female director comes up to me often and puts both hands on my shoulders. Last week she openly stated that she should stop touching me because I might go to HR. I reassured her that I am not that guy.

Women like a guy with broad shoulders and a bit of height. I also think it is a cultural thing and can differ depending on where you live.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - rudebwoy - 05-15-2018

double post

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Donfitz007 - 05-15-2018

I'm fat but in VERY good shape. Granted that sounds like a paradox but like the above comments say, women like the strong swimmer body. Better yet the perfect body to a woman is a taller (5'10-6'4) gymnast body maybe a tad bit smaller. Remeber a couple years ago when girls raved over the Olympics and the gymnast there?

Atleast that's my observation. Usually, when i see MCM (men crush Mondays, and all that other creepy shit women do online) the guy is pretty big but not huge

typically somebody like David Gandy or Tyson Beckford

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Saweeep - 05-15-2018

What girls like in a photo or on TV will not always translate to real life.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Cr33pin - 11-29-2018

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Unikorn - 11-29-2018

I can say that in my own experience that even with a bad game having a "sexy" physique makes a huge difference
When i was fat no girl wanted to have sex with me, now that i have a decent physique (above average) with the same, kinda bad game, i get way more girls.

You can be sure that looking muscular and aesthetic makes a huuuge diference.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - BadBoyGamer - 11-29-2018

Has this video been posted yet?

The Power an amazing physique has over women - AneroidOcean - 11-29-2018

A little over a year ago I'd gained a good bit of weight due to injury and not being motivated to do any significant exercise. I also let my eating habits get worse and worse over time (they were never super strict but it's easy to add way too many sugary foods and too much carbs, etc...).

Had some challenges in life and watched someone close to me lose a ton of weight by turning their diet around nearly 100% (but still maintaining a very sedentary lifestyle). It has been inspiring watching them lose weight and at some point I decided I was going to improve my weight/body. In the past I've tried going full bore/cold turkey (like this person did diet-wise) but usually I'd slip and end up back where I started (a common diet/exercise issue for many people) but this time I decided I was going to stick to it by making minimal/incremental changes, make them a habit, and try to slowly ramp them up instead of making any drastic changes.

I started out really slow, so the changes were fairly minimal, but I was slowing down on sugar intake, SLOWLY drinking less, and starting to change the foods I'd order out as well as how much of them I'd eat. This made a big difference and I lost nearly 5% of my starting body weight (mostly in extra fat). I started out slow on the exercise end, throwing in a random bike ride or 2 sets of 10-15 pushups (I'm really weak) or a few sets of situps. I started running around on the sand again and throwing in a random bodysurfing session.

As my sand legs came back, I was able to start going harder and playing more games. I slowly was able to jump a little as muscles grew slightly and fat started lessening. I still wasn't doing much if any body-weight exercises but did throw them in here and there. I started freediving a little bit and felt like I could get decent at that again.

I'd go out with friends and instead of 2+ huge discounted beers I'd order 1. I'd tell the waitress "no" and do a karate chop down my front-side indicating that 1 is all I get in order to shrink the belly. I'd order only the healthier items on the mostly fattening/sugary menus and when they'd come I'd eat slowly and save half or close to it for later.

I avoided a lot of sweets. I had moments where I'd slip up, but the slow and steadily increasing change worked far better for me. Instead of drinking a lot, I drank a lot of water. The weight readout on the scale slowly inched it's way down (when I bothered to check it), but more importantly I felt better and this motivated me to do longer exercise and start intermittent fasting in time periods where I was sedentary while working.

There's a lot of "I" in what I've written above. There's been a lot of encouragement from others once they could see a big change, but that big change came from checking myself. Checking in with a group of friends from time to time (and more as the weight started to really come off), but mostly just trying to control myself, really free myself to be who I want to be and keeping myself accountable. Being happy taking small steps and sticking with them even though results were slow to materialize.

Now most people who haven't seen me in a while (or even in a month) comment on how skinny I look (how much lighter I look). It's not embarrassing anymore to have my shirt off even next to the most jacked/ripped of dudes on the beach because I know I'm so much better than where I was, that I'm better than average, and that I'm still improving.

I don't have a static 6-pack but I have a start to that definition when I flex. My chest isn't full but it no longer droops dad-bod style. My love handles are far smaller, and that V that forms at the bottom of your stomach down actually exists again. Women touch my stomach and chest far more than ever before. Many people are amazed and ask, "how did you do it?" and don't quite believe it when I tell them the incremental changes I've made. Spending time outdoors has given me a nice tan which reflects the weight loss even more.

The scale reads ~12% lighter from my starting body weight and a large part of that has come off in a period of less than 6 months without any real weight training, mostly cardio-based exercise and slowly getting my food intake in a much better place. I've slipped recently in the last couple of weeks but am catching myself. Tonight I'll bulk buy a bunch of healthy food and get right back where I was.

I haven't been this light on a scale in a decade. I look forward to these incremental changes continuing into a physique I'll be even happier with. A body that will serve my interests best with the added benefit of it's effect on women I'd date, but also on people in general. Even a half decent physique that wouldn't land you a photo shoot or even an amazing Tinder profile picture will still turn heads, especially if they've seen you prior to the improvement.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - kaotic - 11-29-2018

^^As someone whose seen Aneroid's updates and chat with him everyday, posts like these are what this forum is about.

Good shit, and I'd +1 you again if I could!

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Jefferson - 11-29-2018

Great post.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Silver_Tube - 11-29-2018

I should drink less beer, shit.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Cr33pin - 11-29-2018

Quote: (11-29-2018 05:00 PM)Silver_Tube Wrote:  

I should drink less beer, shit.

That you for that riveting and insightful response
[Image: giphy.gif]

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Mess O. - 11-30-2018

^^Damn, what the hell movie was that dude from?

The Power an amazing physique has over women - quaker13 - 11-30-2018

I weigh 225lbs at appx 13%bf, a legit 13% not a 18% im passing off as 13% and not 13% im trying to pass off as 8 or 9%. I am big lean like a big wide receiver or small tightend. I used to weigh almost 260lbs(i was robust son of a bitch) and yes I was still getting bitches and yes I had game, but it's fucking not even close now. I keep hearing this notion being jerked around that a woman's ideal physique is one of swimming and you chaps couldn't be anymore wrong. A woman's ideal physique is a Hugh Jackman from Wolverine or a Henry Cavil from Superman physique. Tall noticeably muscular wearing clothes and lean as evidenced by jaw line and cheekbones.

When I leaned out I noticed I was playing the game on cheat mode. I don't know what the fuck some of the other guys are talking about with this i didn't notice anything shit. My world shifted. When I went to Vegas as the 260 20% heavylifting guy I still got a little attention from girls but it was nothing major, when i returned less than a year later you would have that i was Michael fucking jackson. You see all those infamous tinder threads with guys complaining that tinder is dead or doesn't work, will it works like a god damn charm for me and my body has quite a bit to do with it. I think I'm a pretty handsome guy but even with professional pics my 260lb body would have limited my tinder potential. Getting quality girls off tinder is so easy I have to make myself daygame and nightgame so I don't become too one dimensional.

When I saw how dramatic my results were I was furious that I hadn't lost weight earlier. Can't cry over spilt milk though. At 230lbs Im always the most well built guy in the room and that has payed dividends. Even at my consulting gig, all my shirts are custom and they highlight the hardwork i put into my body and women appreciate it.

As it's been said earlier, you also get healthy level of respect from men. Men respect a man who's visibly put in time to make themselves better. I would like to issue a challenge to any man rejecting this notion that body doesn't help SIGNIFICANTLY. Name a time and a place(preferably on the east coast). I'd bet dollars to donuts i can outgame a non lifter in probably 40 words or less and he can talk for as long he wishes.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - tugofpeace - 11-30-2018

^^how tall? Makes a big difference.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - Moma - 12-01-2018

Quote: (11-30-2018 09:34 AM)tugofpeace Wrote:  

^^how tall? Makes a big difference.

If he's in shape, what does his height matter? Even if he were 5'0, what would be better? For him to be short and fat or short and in shape? Let's control what we can control.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - quaker13 - 12-01-2018

Quote: (12-01-2018 03:25 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2018 09:34 AM)tugofpeace Wrote:  

^^how tall? Makes a big difference.

If he's in shape, what does his height matter? Even if he were 5'0, what would be better? For him to be short and fat or short and in shape? Let's control what we can control.

That's precisely why i didn't respond. Some of these fellas are just looking for a reason to be lazy. There have been any number of men under 5'10 on this thread expressing how much a physique has helped.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - rudebwoy - 12-01-2018

Quaker - great post and spot on.

Welcome to the forum.

The Power an amazing physique has over women - zatara - 12-01-2018

Quote: (11-30-2018 09:22 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

I would like to issue a challenge to any man rejecting this notion that body doesn't help SIGNIFICANTLY. Name a time and a place(preferably on the east coast). I'd bet dollars to donuts i can outgame a non lifter in probably 40 words or less and he can talk for as long he wishes.

Great post.

I snipped the quote to make it shorter, but re: the last line above I've never known anyone in real life (and don't think I've seen any posts by anyone here either) whos gotten into top 10% physique levels and hasn't found it a complete game changer in life - respect from men, attraction from women, general health/energy/confidence levels - just in every way.

The only men who reject the notion are ones who've never actually put the effort in to become big. And who want to make an excuse so they don't have to put the work in.