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The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - CynicalContrarian - 09-26-2016

Interesting slight reframe :

@ABCPolitics 1h

.@realDonaldTrump says held back on Bill Clinton's "transgressions" because Chelsea was "in the room"

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - NerdyNomad - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:21 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

2016 is the year that everyone realized how stupid libertarianism is.

Imagine if Gary Johnson actually did win somehow. The libertarian party would stay in power for exactly one term.

1.) Libertarians open borders.
2.) The US is flooded with foreigners who believe in high taxes and big government.
3.) The libertarians are voted out of power and remain a disgruntled minority until the end of time.

Like most posters on this board, I think I flirted with libertarianism for a time, but in 2016 it's so obvious at this point that they're useful idiots for the powers that be that I have zero respect for anyone calling himself a libertarian.
You're all manipulated patsies.

I think that's a bit of a strong statement. I bet many of us on this thread have socially liberal views and that on policy most of us would agree more with Johnson than Trump.

At least me personally, I completely agree with you on immigration. We cannot afford to let more "takers" with big government ideologies into the country. They will destroy America and make it become a socialist cesspool.

Even though I'm moreso a libertarian, I think Gary Johnson is a SJW cuck clown. He's an absolute joke and a horrible person to represent libertarians.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Jaydublin - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:46 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

I don't like having to say it, but Hillary was formidable tonight, and there was at least some warning. She clearly beat the spread, but she parlayed the first lady role into Senator and Secretary of State, and has some native ability behind it all.

I pray that God will strike her down, but she is a contender

I think the uninformed voter watched tonight and thought she held up good, but she's still known to be sick, and Trump is legit, and he's the better bet for our future.

I think he could have done better, but I think time will tell that Trump came out well from this debate.

I disagree 100%.... She beat the Rooshvforum spread but she did not beat Americas spread. It was a push at best.

Much of America expects her to excel at these debates.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Jaydublin - 09-26-2016


The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Rhyme or Reason - 09-26-2016

Shills with <250 in this thread should all be banned on sight.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - dispenser - 09-26-2016

On viewership.

I think most of the so-called undecideds are just waiting for an excuse to vote Trump.
It's not about making Hillary look more awful than she is. She's got that covered.
It's about making Trump acceptable to moderates. Playing the don't fuck up game.
A draw counts as not fucking up, even if it doesn't satisfy us.

You find it odd that people find it OK not to like you, or respect what they consider to be a steaming pile of horsehit.
Go back to your treehouse.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - mgill0600 - 09-26-2016

I do think Hillary did better in the debates. Trump did well but not as well as I think he needed to, getting hung up on the birther stuff I think will really hurt him and the media is going to be slamming that one down our throats until election day and I guarantee they call him on it again in the next debates. As per usual, the democratic candidate got a pass on their mistakes (god there are just to many to name with Hillary). All they had to go on with Trump was his tax returns, the birther thing and the Iraq war thing and I don't believe he defended himself well on them by spending way to much time denying and arguing over them.

I'm in no way swayed and know that Hillary will ruin this country, but the less intelligent probably saw her as the more reasonable candidate tonight, the media will portray her as the more truthful one given Donald's claims on the birther thing and I do agree he will probably still see a dip in the polls.

Damn guys I'm legit worried, I was hoping Hillary would be half dead with all the talk of her sickness but she looked very on her game tonight. I think if Trump does well in the next debate he might be able to turn it around but if the polls are accurate and this race is really that close, he can't afford to only win the first 20 minutes of the next two debates again.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Rush87 - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:46 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

I don't like having to say it, but Hillary was formidable tonight, and there was at least some warning. She clearly beat the spread, but she parlayed the first lady role into Senator and Secretary of State, and has some native ability behind it all.

I pray that God will strike her down, but she is a contender

I think the uninformed voter watched tonight and thought she held up good, but she's still known to be sick, and Trump is legit, and he's the better bet for our future.

I think he could have done better, but I think time will tell that Trump came out well from this debate.

Before tonight, the uninformed voter thought Trump was Hitler. That he was a racist, sexist, homophobic lunatic with a bad temperament. He cleared that hurdle and he is now cleared all the 'personal attacks' that the Democrats have. What Clinton had tonight, is all Clinton has. If she doesn't go +10 [And she won't] with two debates to go, tonight was a huge failure.

Moving forward, Trump still has many cards in play. Remember, he's closed 10 points over the past month, without playing his cards. Now he's level [On polls with an average of +8 Dem skewing], and Clinton's already used up her big debate material. She's hit her ceiling. Trump's playing the game right.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Rhyme or Reason - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:55 PM)mgill0600 Wrote:  

Damn guys I'm legit worried, I was hoping Hillary would be half dead with all the talk of her sickness

[Image: gtfo.gif][Image: gtfo.gif][Image: gtfo.gif][Image: gtfo.gif]

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Kona - 09-26-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:48 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:40 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

^^^ Gary is not a libertarian. He is a republican that could not hang with the big boys.

Choose a serious and decent man as a candidate and you will be taken more serious.

I find this very ironic and humorous in a Trump and Hillary thread.

Nobody named Gary is ever going to be president of the United States. Manager of Jiffy Lube, yes.

You got Coleman, Player, Shandling, Sinise, Cooper, and Busey. That's it.

Little things like this matter. Donald and Hillary can be president. Gary should shut up. Its why Bernie Sanders had no shot.


The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:48 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:40 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

^^^ Gary is not a libertarian. He is a republican that could not hang with the big boys.

Choose a serious and decent man as a candidate and you will be taken more serious.

I find this very ironic and humorous in a Trump and Hillary thread.


I like your posts, and can kind of see where you're coming from, but you've got a serious chip on your shoulder. If I'm reading you right, this would be a good community you could relate to, better than what you have already.

Who would want to alienate potential allies who are high quality men?

I'd take a moment and think about basic social dynamics. How do you win friends and influence people? I'm pretty sure these are good goals and this is a good place to do it.

Good luck

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - greekgod - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:55 PM)mgill0600 Wrote:  

I do think Hillary did better in the debates. Trump did well but not as well as I think he needed to, getting hung up on the birther stuff I think will really hurt him and the media is going to be slamming that one down our throats until election day and I guarantee they call him on it again in the next debates. As per usual, the democratic candidate got a pass on their mistakes (god there are just to many to name with Hillary). All they had to go on with Trump was his tax returns, the birther thing and the Iraq war thing and I don't believe he defended himself well on them by spending way to much time denying and arguing over them.

I'm in no way swayed and know that Hillary will ruin this country, but the less intelligent probably saw her as the more reasonable candidate tonight, the media will portray her as the more truthful one given Donald's claims on the birther thing and I do agree he will probably still see a dip in the polls.

Damn guys I'm legit worried, I was hoping Hillary would be half dead with all the talk of her sickness but she looked very on her game tonight. I think if Trump does well in the next debate he might be able to turn it around but if the polls are accurate and this race is really that close, he can't afford to only win the first 20 minutes of the next two debates again.

You write like a woman.

Be seen, not heard. DWEEB!

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - CynicalContrarian - 09-27-2016

@Writeintrump 3h3 hours ago

If Stop and Frisk is so bad Hillary then why did your husband do it to every female intern when he was President?

[Image: lol.gif]

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Wutang - 09-27-2016

Also how much do you guys think Trump constantly sniffling during the debate will take the wind out of the #SickHillary stuff? It gives the Hillary supporters a perfect counter for anytime her health issues are brought up in the future.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Disco_Volante - 09-27-2016

She came off way more robotic than Trump, as mentioned earlier, Americans feel more like Trump now than some smug politician acting like this country isn't going to shit. Trump's frustration and flustering was real, I think most people can relate to him in this case.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - ms224 - 09-27-2016

Basically, he talks to people. Old fashioned back of the train stump speech.
Hilldog has 30 years of practice. She knows nothing else.

But she came out way better then many people expected. She was polished, didn't kneel over and die and didn't seem like an unreasonable person to someone who has no idea about the iran deal and nafta and what not.

While a little to the left on the race/gender crap she did what the normal, conventional thing to do and did it quite well.

Don't underestimate her and the clinton machine. These people didn't get to having billions in corrupt money by being simple yokels, alone and with no resources.

The clinton machine goes down, so will many other cogs in it.

The moderator helped her all he could, anyone else would have accepted the media man and went along.

Trump basically told him fuck you i'm talking.

Win or loose, he is playing for keeps unlike the false show of every other I'm so conservative wasp in the last 20 years.

This is a win.

Another thing to consider, everyone knowdays is surgically attached to a smart phone. Hey siri wtf is nafta? Hey siri wtf is this TPP Iran deal? Hey siri..

Even 4 years ago, nowhere as many people could easily ask this question without the media intervening.

This needs to be exploited more and more.

Should've mentioned the nazi frogs though.

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:43 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:25 PM)ms224 Wrote:  

Kosko, my point was that he was rough, gritty and unpolished.

While we can sit here and post analyze every second, what mattered most, and what will get his base to come out is that
unlike romney or mcain or even bush, he was willing to get rough (but not too rough).

Every other candidate in (my memory, bob dole!) would have pushed out their canned lines out their mouth and let the moderator moderate.

All the people that wanted the tea party to succeed, all the people that heard about jobs americans wont do, all the immigrants who hear about illigals and multicultiralism, and the rest who have been pushed over.

Well, they heard what they needed too.

Maybe RVF wants him to literally walk over there and pummel her into the ground, but realistically.

This is as tough as he needed to be.

Tomorrow should be a good day!

I started reading ole' Cerno in his crime and federalism days, when he was a poster here. Pointed a couple of people to his twitter.

I was rattled by Trump looking and sounding off his game as well.

Now that I think about it maybe it helps him?

Maybe because he ISN'T a politician he really can never just sound like a snake oil salesmen like the rest of them. Maybe that is why I was so rattled. I am so used to "Presidential Debates" where you get points on being systematic and being a robot. Trump tonight was not even close as bad to Obama disaster debate last time around and Obama ended up bouncing back from that debacle.

If people and HRC want to continue this meme of Trump and "temperament" he can just go after them like this:

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:25 PM)Mr. Trump Wrote:  

"Hey, I have never been a politician.

It is hard to for me to act like a robot like your HRC. I care about our country and I am sorry if I am not acting like a typical polished politician up here.

How I debate you isn't what is important, our country and fixing its issues is what is important. For years now all the broken leadership in D.C. just likes to smile at the right times, and say the right things when needed. A plant close down leaving thousands out of work and Obama just smiles and acts like everything is okay.

How about we just stop the acting and just get down to leadership and real actions in doing the right things for our Country. To much talk on gestures and not enough on Action. What will you do HRC? What will you do for America other then try to pretend to act like you will change a thing?

I will lead as President and I have no time or do not care how you feel or think about how it "looks" to you and the rest of your establishment friends.

And... of course... I can bet you the majority of American's feel the same way. This movement is about changing how D.C. has done nothing, has had no action in acting in the best interests of Americans from corner to corner"

All Trump needs is kill shots like those. If he is never going to learn hard data points then he needs jugular shots that HRC can't prepare for.

What she going to mock him and call him crazy after a line like that? Typical replies won't work. That is a kill shot.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Kona - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:06 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

Also how much do you guys think Trump constantly sniffling during the debate will take the wind out of the #SickHillary stuff? It gives the Hillary supporters a perfect counter for anytime her health issues are brought up in the future.

This is what I said before. That's bullshit.

His microphone was more sensitive than hershers, or his shit was turned up louder.

Its a conspiracy.


The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - komatiite - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:06 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

Also how much do you guys think Trump constantly sniffling during the debate will take the wind out of the #SickHillary stuff? It gives the Hillary supporters a perfect counter for anytime her health issues are brought up in the future.

PLEASE GOD LET HER BRING IT UP! I can just see Hillary in a classic 15 minute rally appearance when she wakes up next week: "How about Donald's sniffling! Unfit for the presidency!"

Trump Responds: "Many people, many great doctors, wonder if Hillary has Parkinson's. Perhaps dementia? Who overheats and collapses when it's 70 degrees outside? Where are the neurological records?"

Hillary: "SEXIST!"

Trump: "Well she started it"

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - BrewDog - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:58 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Donald and Hillary can be president. Gary should shut up.
Donald and Hillary can be president. And you seem happy with that.

I can't for the life of me figure out why you guys are so happy about this. It breaks my mind that Americans have the choices of Trump and Clinton. And you guys are all out in full force for one or the other and are excited about it.

Those two are the best we have to fix America? Jesus H.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Kona - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:15 AM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:58 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Donald and Hillary can be president. Gary should shut up.
Donald and Hillary can be president. And you seem happy with that.

I can't for the life of me figure out why you guys are so happy about this. It breaks my mind that Americans have the choices of Trump and Clinton. And you guys are all out in full force for one or the other and are excited about it.

Those two are the best we have to fix America? Jesus H.

No crabass. I'm saying somebody named GARY will never be president. Same way somebody named Bernie or Newt never will be.

There was one named Rutherford for Christ's sakes. Your name has to have some power or at least not sound stupid. Gary comes out and unclogs your dishwasher.

I am expressing no opinion other than that.

Let me say I apologize to anyone on this forum named Gary, also.


The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:03 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

@Writeintrump 3h3 hours ago

If Stop and Frisk is so bad Hillary then why did your husband do it to every female intern when he was President?


Im pretty old, so old that when I was in high school, the teacher divided our history class up to debate the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)

Naturally, I chose the oppose side. I was known to be the smartest kid in my high school, in a spergy, clueless kind of way. When the debate started, I came out with some kind of line about women being too stupid to have equal rights. One of my buddies, who was much more woke, told me to shut up. My smart mouthed antics weren't helping at all. In fact, the language he used was much more piquant.

I'd say the same thing here. You aren't helping your side win. Step up your game!


I feel I have to be be clear here. ERA was a bad thing, and it would be better if women were never given the privilege to vote. The point is that I wasn't contributing to the debate at the time.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Dismal Operator - 09-27-2016

I think there's a lot to be said for the RVF lens vs the General Public lens. RVF is disappointed that Trump was a bit incoherent, slow with the kill shots, and got a bit stuck in the weeds on some non-issues.

The general public just needed to see that Trump was a solid guy. He didn't say anything that could be spun as a major controversy stretching for days, or anything like that. He got in some points that will resonate with everyone, particularly the points on trade and NAFTA. That will resonate. So does the part when he said 'you've been here 30 years and not changed anything, coming in and all of a sudden saying you're change after I started a movement doesn't fly.' Again, the public will grasp on to that.

In retrospect this looks like what happened during the Primaries - the other politicians, being more skilled at politics, outshone Trump in that particular skillset. But Trump had the right overall message and delivered it, albeit clumsily, but it got there. All of the big online polls have Trump winning, except CNN which admitted on air that their polling sample was skewed for D's 10 points more than their normal poll, which is already over representative of D's, not to mention heavily skewed towards an unrepresentative 2012 electorate. Even the Slate poll had Trump winning it. Luntz focus group was predictably for Clinton but literally every one of Luntz's focus groups have had Trump losing so it's irrelevant anyway. Another guy who was probably triggered by the 400lb comment.

That points to enthusiasm, which is a good thing. We'll see how the post debate polls look for confirmation, but the same thing happened during the primaries. RVF would think Trump was disappointing post debate, and then he ended up destroying the competition in debate polls, and the wider polls.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Rush87 - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:15 AM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:58 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Donald and Hillary can be president. Gary should shut up.
Donald and Hillary can be president. And you seem happy with that.

I can't for the life of me figure out why you guys are so happy about this. It breaks my mind that Americans have the choices of Trump and Clinton. And you guys are all out in full force for one or the other and are excited about it.

Those two are the best we have to fix America? Jesus H.

It breaks my mind how this man has any supporters.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - Teutatis - 09-27-2016

Quote: (09-27-2016 12:15 AM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2016 11:58 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Donald and Hillary can be president. Gary should shut up.
Donald and Hillary can be president. And you seem happy with that.

I can't for the life of me figure out why you guys are so happy about this. It breaks my mind that Americans have the choices of Trump and Clinton. And you guys are all out in full force for one or the other and are excited about it.

Those two are the best we have to fix America? Jesus H.

You certainly are entitled to your opinion and it's perfectly valid to not like Trump, but I'm finding it hard to take your disapproval of him seriously when your candidate of choice is two IQ points away from being legally retarded.

The 9/26 Presidential Debate Thread - DonovanVC - 09-27-2016

That was a poor performance by Trump. His first 30 minutes were solid and then he played defense all night. Our team lost a few points today. Will need to come back stronger in a few weeks.