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DNC Leak thread - Foolsgo1d - 07-28-2016

If the Clintons want to kill Assange they can just set up an Islamic terror attack and claim the UK was due an atrocity. It would be more ideal than say losing a hellfire missile over London from a US drone doing a practice run.

A lot less fall out.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 11:46 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

If the Clintons want to kill Assange they can just set up an Islamic terror attack and claim the UK was due an atrocity. It would be more ideal than say losing a hellfire missile over London from a US drone doing a practice run.

A lot less fall out.

Not sure if I read you right, but are you saying, use Islamic terrorists to barge into the embassy to kill him or snipe him from afar? They could use an Arab CIA agent for that purpose but he would have to get caught and sacrificed. No legit Islamic terrorist gives a fuck about Julian and ISIS would never help the US or UK assassinate someone they probably view as a useful tool that helps them.

How much awareness is there of Julian in the UK? To me it seems like a lot. I don't think UK citizens would like America running covert ops and black flag ops in their country. I could be wrong, but I think you guys are a bit too proud and not as violent minded as we are. Unlike our politicians, yours would pay very dearly for allowing it and some party seats would be possibly lost.

If Obama pulled an op, he would probably wait until his last week or two in office. The risk of collateral damage probably outweighs everything else. Innocent UK citizens getting killed in cross fire or an explosion would cause a shitstorm of legendary levels.

DNC Leak thread - Samseau - 07-28-2016

Assange has safeguards in place to prevent his death. According to his Wikipedia profile, Assange has sent out 5-6 highly sensitive files that are rumored to be so damaging, it could cause Civil Wars in America or Europe.

He has mass distributed these files already. However, they are all deeply encoded with strong passwords no one can figure out (as of yet), and the password will only be released in the event of Assange's untimely death.

No one knows if these files are legit or not, but it's been enough deterrence to stop assassination attempts on Assange so far.

DNC Leak thread - porscheguy - 07-28-2016

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton:


“I heard what he said. He did not call on the Russians to hack into Hillary’s computer,” Bolton said. “He was making the point – I understood it when I heard it the first time; I’m sure most people did – that the Russians probably already had her emails. They got them when Hillary put them in that unsecured email server.”

It's really pathetic how the democrats are trying to spin this. They're even using it in their convention. And now cunt senator Claire McCaskill is claiming he may have violated the Logan Act which prohibits unauthorized persons from negotiating with foreign governments that have disputes with the US. They're really grasping at straws.

DNC Leak thread - Penta Sahi - 07-28-2016

So this is starting to spread.

(related to the shooting death of the DNC staffer)

It needs to get out more.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 03:01 PM)Penta Sahi Wrote:  

So this is starting to spread.

(related to the shooting death of the DNC staffer)

It needs to get out more.

If it is true that he was set to testify against Clinton, that looks really bad. I wonder how well Obama and Co. can keep this under wraps. The local police are tight lipped and do not seem to want to investigate and called it a robbery. The FBI is too crooked to be trusted as well.

Only Congress could appoint an investigator to look into the murder, but that doesn't look likely at the moment either. What a broken country we have. Looks like a banana republic.

Only more leaks will take these evil tyrants down. She and Obama own that town, it's police, and Comey. No mere murder is going to undo her or Obama's power. I hope I am wrong about that, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

DNC Leak thread - Jaydublin - 07-28-2016

^^^ this is why Trump needs to be elected. He is the only one who can sniff out this type of corruption. I prefer a libertarian society but no libertarian is fixing this mess, only somebody with a backbone like Trump can fix this. He may very well need to bend some laws to clean this up.

DNC Leak thread - El Chinito loco - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 02:03 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Assange has safeguards in place to prevent his death. According to his Wikipedia profile, Assange has sent out 5-6 highly sensitive files that are rumored to be so damaging, it could cause Civil Wars in America or Europe.

He has mass distributed these files already. However, they are all deeply encoded with strong passwords no one can figure out (as of yet), and the password will only be released in the event of Assange's untimely death.

No one knows if these files are legit or not, but it's been enough deterrence to stop assassination attempts on Assange so far.

If this is true then I wouldn't put it past the government to try and bait him out with threats on his family, legal tricks, negotiations with Ecuador, or whatever. Then they could take him alive and put him in solitary confinement somewhere with advanced "interrogation" to get him to give up all this information.

They can and will break him down if they ever got their hands on him. I feel sorry for the dude he's fucked either way if he leaves that building.

I'm not sure what Ecuador's angle in all of this is but you have to respect them for at least standing fast on this part. I'm sure they've had every big offer and threat thrown their way.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 04:21 PM)Jaydublin Wrote:  

^^^ this is why Trump needs to be elected. He is the only one who can sniff out this type of corruption. I prefer a libertarian society but no libertarian is fixing this mess, only somebody with a backbone like Trump can fix this. He may very well need to bend some laws to clean this up.

I don't think he would have to even bend any laws. Just enforce them! I just hope congress on both parties start tuning him out and he gets ostracized politically. He better get used to getting on TV regularly and calling people out for not doing their jobs correctly. He probably needs to ask Comey to resign first before doing anything else and already have a replacement that he knows he will have enough votes to get through the Senate.

That's not as hard as it would seem, just need to be prepared ahead of time to make it work in the first 100 days in office. He needs to send out feelers before he wins in order to not waste precious time on appointments. Ditto goes for his AG, but that is a given since Lynch is obviously not an option.

Time is his biggest enemy. If he cannot get his appointments confirmed in a decent amount of time, he will get slowed down on new policies. That will affect his likeness to spend (time and political capital) fighting corruption. He may end up tempted to just take care of business and put competent people in place and not worry about trying to get justice done. Problem with that is obvious. It sends the wrong message for the future.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-28-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 04:39 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2016 02:03 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Assange has safeguards in place to prevent his death. According to his Wikipedia profile, Assange has sent out 5-6 highly sensitive files that are rumored to be so damaging, it could cause Civil Wars in America or Europe.

He has mass distributed these files already. However, they are all deeply encoded with strong passwords no one can figure out (as of yet), and the password will only be released in the event of Assange's untimely death.

No one knows if these files are legit or not, but it's been enough deterrence to stop assassination attempts on Assange so far.

If this is true then I wouldn't put it past the government to try and bait him out with threats on his family, legal tricks, negotiations with Ecuador, or whatever. Then they could take him alive and put him in solitary confinement somewhere with advanced "interrogation" to get him to give up all this information.

They can and will break him down if they ever got their hands on him. I feel sorry for the dude he's fucked either way if he leaves that building.

I'm not sure what Ecuador's angle in all of this is but you have to respect them for at least standing fast on this part. I'm sure they've had every big offer and threat thrown their way.

Because it's personal. Their current leaders hate our government with a passion. Can't blame them either. We helped destabilize them financially and security wise. Guns from America are flooding into Latin America at rates worse than ever before. No leader down there likes it, but most tolerate it.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-28-2016

If they could overthrow Pres. Correa, and get a sympathetic government, Julian would be fucked. Doesn't seem very likely though.

DNC Leak thread - weambulance - 07-28-2016

Even if they get Assange, what good is that going to do?

If he's smart, and he apparently is, he has things set up so if he gets disappeared the information will be released with no further action on his part. Doesn't even need to involve another human. Just set up a script on a server somewhere that has a running timer, and if one of a number of specific actions isn't taken by Assange to reset the timer, when time's up a mass email gets sent with encryption keys. It's slightly more complicated to implement than I make it sound, but you get the idea.

He could have any number of traps set. I would, in his shoes. So it comes down to the government(s) having to guess exactly what he has, how damaging it is, and what he's likely to release vs the full measure of what he has. If it's going to be incredibly damaging to release it all now, they won't touch him.

Maybe Assange is a true believer, but if he isn't I'd be offering him the carrot, not the stick. When someone has your balls in a vise threats and force don't help matters much.

DNC Leak thread - Liberty Sea - 07-28-2016

[Image: q5fvPin.jpg]

DNC Leak thread - Dr. Howard - 07-28-2016

^ Holy shit.

Reading these emails, plus the "accidents" of Hillary acquaintances...Alan Moore must be jerking off furiously in his home yelling "I told you...I told you all!!!"

[Image: 74c9821c74fb74189a05952404f08f03fe7abf30...efd3d6.jpg]

DNC Leak thread - philosophical_recovery - 07-28-2016

Pic from r/the_donald.

This is supposedly a picture of Seth Conrad Rich. Who was murdered in suspicious circumstances.

[Image: xpgimdmqq1cx.jpg]

Link with all the [Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

DNC Leak thread - CynicalContrarian - 07-29-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 07:49 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

^ Holy shit.

Reading these emails, plus the "accidents" of Hillary acquaintances...Alan Moore must be jerking off furiously in his home yelling "I told you...I told you all!!!"

[Image: 74c9821c74fb74189a05952404f08f03fe7abf30...efd3d6.jpg]

Like the idea of the one DC graphic novel where The Joker is not insane.
He's super-sane.
To where his outlook & understanding is of a much greater, more grandiose level than the average farm animal / cog in the machine.

DNC Leak thread - dispenser - 07-29-2016

Quote: (07-28-2016 02:06 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton:


“I heard what he said. He did not call on the Russians to hack into Hillary’s computer,” Bolton said. “He was making the point – I understood it when I heard it the first time; I’m sure most people did – that the Russians probably already had her emails. They got them when Hillary put them in that unsecured email server.”

It's really pathetic how the democrats are trying to spin this. They're even using it in their convention. And now cunt senator Claire McCaskill is claiming he may have violated the Logan Act which prohibits unauthorized persons from negotiating with foreign governments that have disputes with the US. They're really grasping at straws.

If they continue, it will slowly sink in to the general public that the Dems are either white knighting for Hillary, or that Hillary is yet another woman who gets angry with other people over her own fuckups. The very last kind of person who should be in a position of authority.

It's a defensive, reactive move, a move that rashly accepts the "guilty Hillary" frame.

They're trying to spin it as a move towards patriotism, and maybe that's not a completely retarded way to stem the haemorrhaging of rust belt voters, but they're not joining Trump for his patriotism. They're joining him for his economic policies and his relatable demeanour, with its blue collar frankness.
That's a two pronged appeal: he can help them make money, and he is a role model for what they could be if they had it. If they identify with him, they're also more likely to trust him.

DNC Leak thread - rotekz - 07-29-2016

The Russian hackers have also breached the Clinton Foundation.

[Image: popcorn2.gif]


The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the organizations breached by suspected Russian hackers in a dragnet of the U.S. political apparatus ahead of the November election, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The attacks on the foundation’s network, as well as those of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, compound concerns about her digital security even as the FBI continues to investigate her use of a personal e-mail server while she was secretary of state.

Clinton Foundation officials said the organization hadn’t been notified of the breach and declined to comment further. The compromise of the foundation’s computers was first identified by government investigators as recently as last week, the people familiar with the matter said. Agents monitor servers used by hackers to communicate with their targets, giving them a back channel view of attacks, often even before the victims detect them.

DNC Leak thread - Nineteen84 - 07-29-2016

[Image: attachment.jpg32940]   

This is just another transcript, this time of Ben Carson's appearance on MSNBC where he criticises HRC. Nothing to see here.

@ 9.02:

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 07-29-2016

Quote: (07-29-2016 12:33 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

The Russian hackers have also breached the Clinton Foundation.

[Image: popcorn2.gif]


The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the organizations breached by suspected Russian hackers in a dragnet of the U.S. political apparatus ahead of the November election, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The attacks on the foundation’s network, as well as those of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, compound concerns about her digital security even as the FBI continues to investigate her use of a personal e-mail server while she was secretary of state.

Clinton Foundation officials said the organization hadn’t been notified of the breach and declined to comment further. The compromise of the foundation’s computers was first identified by government investigators as recently as last week, the people familiar with the matter said. Agents monitor servers used by hackers to communicate with their targets, giving them a back channel view of attacks, often even before the victims detect them.

This article is old news from last month. No one has any proof Russian government agents actually hacked anyone here for anything. This rumor is old ever since Guccifer2.0 started bragging about what he had and what he gave Wikileaks. There is no proof or admission that he works for Russia or Putin intelligence service.

For all we know that 27 year old DNC staff worker gave them the vast majority of what they have released so far.

DNC Leak thread - rotekz - 07-29-2016

Quote: (07-29-2016 04:06 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

This article is old news from last month.

Sorry, hadn't noticed that. Saw it tweeted today.

These however are from today:

Clinton campaign also hacked in attacks on Democrats - sources

FBI warned Clinton campaign last spring of cyberattack

DNC Leak thread - Canopus - 07-29-2016

Yep, Reuters running the story too.

It's starting to blow up online. Goddamn, this looks bad. And by bad I mean...

[Image: popcorn5.gif]

DNC Leak thread - 911 - 07-30-2016

RIP Seth Rich.

One more notch on the Clinton Body Count.

DNC Leak thread - Foolsgo1d - 07-30-2016

It doesn't matter if Russia, Iran or China did the cracking of their security. The job of any rival is to get one up on their opponent. The NSA and CIA spies on everyone, including its allies.

They should be ashamed of being this sloppy. People die because of this stuff and lose millions.

DNC Leak thread - TravelerKai - 08-02-2016

WikiLeaks ‏@wikileaks 26m26 minutes ago
BREAKING: US DNC CEO Amy Dacey, CFO Brad Marshall & Chief of Communications Luis Miranda have resigned #DNCLeak