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USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - estraudi - 07-27-2017

Touche Dusty. That would definitely solve a lot of problems. But just like many people hid jews during WW2, what's to stop conservatives from hiding liberals the same way because " they're good people that shouldn't have to be deported to the Commiefornia ghettoes".
I would hope we would kick out every last liberal so that their virus doesn't go into hiding only to surface again when the coast was cleared for them to rear their stupid ugly head again?
Kinda like the World War Z zombies trying to get out of Commiefornia and we can be picking them off one by one as they hop over? Count me in.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dusty - 07-27-2017

I'm thinking they'd move on their own volition. Without California, the USA would become more conservative and libs would not be able to tolerate and California will look like liberal's Israel/safe space.

Get rid of affirmation action, diversity quotas, anti-redlining laws, section 8, political correctness, speech codes, Title IX, and lifelong welfare and watch our worst element flee.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 07-27-2017

They shouldn't get the whole state. Why should California's secession be any more valid than the people living in eastern California who want out of that shithole state?

I say, they can have the parts of the state they can actually fight for and keep, I know for a fact the Eastern more rural Californians will not want to leave the USA. We can send in the military to defend them and then see if the LA traitors can put up a fight.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dusty - 07-27-2017

Got to take the long view Sam. Give them the whole state, and after it implodes take it back after it's been purified. Need the red neck counties for that.

Traitors will be identitied and dealt with.

We like California, it's just a fallen angle that needs redemption. It needs to be returned back to the union after its purified.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Leonard D Neubache - 07-27-2017

I think Samseau is right on this one. You cant abandon your fellow patriots just because the coast freaks want to secede, particularly in light of the very real possibility of gulags and re-education centres once again coming into fashion.

I don't think you'd get much of a fight. Move into the red zones on the electoral map and take all American refugees. If they have a problem then just say "come at me bro". You'll get a few progs fleeing the cause in the wash but it's not that big a deal. Their resolve will have been broken for deserting their Babylonian "utopia".

The arrogant city dwellers would whine and carp about the land loss but in reality they hate the "backward" people in the country anyway and wouldn't make a huge issue out of it, particularly when faced with an actual military.

Beyond that you put out the word that any foreign nation who tries to dock so much as a rowing boat in "Californian waters" is going to have to answer to Uncle Sam.

Give it a year and you'll be rolling back in with tanks to clear out the cannibals and cement over the mass graves. Hell, it could be all over and done with while Trump is still in office.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dusty - 07-27-2017

White liberals at the California- USA wall after unbridled multiculturalism kicks in.

[Image: giphy.gif]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 08-17-2017

In the wake of Charlotte:

CNN's Chris Cuomo: "Extreme Right Is The Number One Domestic Terror Threat In The U.S."


“If you take anarchists at their worst, do you have malefactor? Do you have criminals in their ranks? Do you have people who do violent things? Yes, yes, yes, yes. That is not a moral equivalency to the KKK,” Cuomo said. “It’s certainly not an equivalent to what we see on the right. Just look at the stats. The number one domestic terror threat in the U.S. is the extreme right. There is not even a close second.”

“That’s all they’re about is hate. Two out of three people on this panel they don’t want to exist!”

ZH responds:


Which we guess is a completely accurate statement if you ignore the 2,996 people killed in the 9/11 attacks, 49 people killed in the Orlando night club shooting, 14 people killed in San Bernadino, etc.

Whole media is doubling down on the hate Whitey narrative, fueling unrest to heights never seen in our lifetimes.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Dusty - 08-17-2017

Democrats are going to get creamed in 2018 and Trump will get reelected in 2020.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 08-17-2017

I wonder if there will be more unrest with news like this gee willickers!

CNN's Wolf Blitzer Speculates That Barcelona Attack May Be "Copycat" Of Charlottesville


“There will be questions about copycats. Questions, if what happened in Barcelona, was at all, at all, a copycat version of what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia,” Blitzer said. “Even though they may be different characters and different political ambitions, they use the same killing device. A vehicle going at high speed a group, a large group, of pedestrians.”

Amazing at how much they wanted this alt-right catastrophe to happen, they will milk this for years.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Elster - 08-20-2017


USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - C-Note - 08-22-2017

I can't read this thread, but supposedly 8Chan has begun publicly releasing its dox list of Antifa members:

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-22-2017

Quote: (08-22-2017 01:42 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

I can't read this thread, but supposedly 8Chan has begun publicly releasing its dox list of Antifa members:

It won't hurt most of them very much - not anywhere as much as the other side.

They found out that 90% of Antifa members live with their parents, are on welfare, or are unemployed for years. It's not as if they are going to get fired - the bike lock guy who was a part-time teacher was rather the exception than the rule.

Hehe -


How many of you CIAlt-Right feds are used to monitor and shitpost so fast 24/7. I can literally post anything bad about Spencer and within seconds it's attacked. Every other subject is ignored though.

CIAlt-Right feds - funny and true. There are certainly some Antifa-feds as well, but I guess it's more rampant in the Alt-Right.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 08-23-2017

Both the alt-left and alt-right are creations of the Second Great Depression. Entire generations growing up with zero chances for economic success and families means they turn to radical solutions. Unless things are turned around within 10 years the explosion in violence will be uncontrollable, just as it was during Germany's fading days of Weimar.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - CynicalContrarian - 08-23-2017

It's 2017.
It's the current year.
Robert E Lee id's as a Muslim woman now.

[Image: DH76luKXoAAwlkI.jpg]

Clown World.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Super_Fire - 08-23-2017

Share away:

[Image: 1umkdo.jpg]

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-24-2017

Here you find the UK Department of Defense account and prediction for the world.

There is another one ranging forward to 2049. High levels of military command are in on the real issues and are initiated, since they have to plan for all eventualities in order to keep the power of the globalists.

One of the things they mention there is the high likelihood of so-called "flash-mobs" and riots appearing. In the future they expect it to get so bad, that there is a real need for the militarized cops and military to step in. In one document they even say that using mini-nukes on some major riots is a likely good deterrent.

In no way or form do they predict that they will lose control of the country. Austerity/poverty and green poverty hell with zero mobility for the population will make the people unhappy for a while and major riots may come. But this is nothing so far. If they have to generate the outrage, then it's nothing yet.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Elster - 08-24-2017

I've always wondered about the hill billies in theoretical invasion and/or civil war scenarios.
Those guys are like the standard fantasy dwarf trope.
They're fused with their land, are tough, drink a lot, build amazing things and it's very hard to tell the men from the women.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Once Was Not - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-24-2017 01:12 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:

Here you find the UK Department of Defense account and prediction for the world.

There is another one ranging forward to 2049. High levels of military command are in on the real issues and are initiated, since they have to plan for all eventualities in order to keep the power of the globalists.

One of the things they mention there is the high likelihood of so-called "flash-mobs" and riots appearing. In the future they expect it to get so bad, that there is a real need for the militarized cops and military to step in. In one document they even say that using mini-nukes on some major riots is a likely good deterrent.

In no way or form do they predict that they will lose control of the country. Austerity/poverty and green poverty hell with zero mobility for the population will make the people unhappy for a while and major riots may come. But this is nothing so far. If they have to generate the outrage, then it's nothing yet.

I just skimmed some of it and I find it interesting that they readily point of the coming Hispanic majority in the U.S. and the possibility of majority sections of the country could break off and secede(page 81). Yet they seem unaware of their own impending demographic doom. Skirting around the issue citing low birth rates and increasing immigration but nothing along the lines of non-European peoples becoming the majority and usurping power from the natives. Seems even their defense department is in denial. But, like I said, I only skimmed it. Will definitely give it a more thorough read tomorrow.

Lot's of interesting stuff for sure.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 08-25-2017

Quote: (08-25-2017 12:43 AM)Once Was Not Wrote:  

Quote: (08-24-2017 01:12 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:

Here you find the UK Department of Defense account and prediction for the world.

There is another one ranging forward to 2049. High levels of military command are in on the real issues and are initiated, since they have to plan for all eventualities in order to keep the power of the globalists.

One of the things they mention there is the high likelihood of so-called "flash-mobs" and riots appearing. In the future they expect it to get so bad, that there is a real need for the militarized cops and military to step in. In one document they even say that using mini-nukes on some major riots is a likely good deterrent.

In no way or form do they predict that they will lose control of the country. Austerity/poverty and green poverty hell with zero mobility for the population will make the people unhappy for a while and major riots may come. But this is nothing so far. If they have to generate the outrage, then it's nothing yet.

I just skimmed some of it and I find it interesting that they readily point of the coming Hispanic majority in the U.S. and the possibility of majority sections of the country could break off and secede(page 81). Yet they seem unaware of their own impending demographic doom. Skirting around the issue citing low birth rates and increasing immigration but nothing along the lines of non-European peoples becoming the majority and usurping power from the natives. Seems even their defense department is in denial. But, like I said, I only skimmed it. Will definitely give it a more thorough read tomorrow.

Lot's of interesting stuff for sure.

Hah - that is the publicly available ones. They have high-level clearance secret ones where they are much less PC and have contingency plans for the things you mention as well. But it would not look good to put it out in the open what they intend to do when a potential secession is in play - though as I mentioned I read in some documents that they consider even strategic mini-nukes to quell such a desire. If you flatten one group of rebels, then the others will fall in line - what you gonna do when you are nuked from orbit?

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Once Was Not - 08-25-2017

Yeah, I suppose it would cause a lot of discomfort if they openly admitted this government orchestrated invasion was going to be the end of Europe as we knew it. Still, I'm willing to bet many of these people are drinking the cool-aid and believe this diversity is good and just something to get used to and help stabilize population. The plans for what they do once it happens definitely won't see the light of day by us commoners.

They may plan on using min-nukes, but that depends on the military having enough loyalty to grab a launcher and send it into a crowd of his countrymen. I'm sure the elites will have some sort of private military with incredible loyalty to them when shit goes down, but for most countries I expect to be at a severely low effective fighting capability when civil unrest is getting out of control. I expect infiltration by muslims, red-pilled people, and foreign agents, and I expect hardened patriotic soldiers to have deserted or left long ago. I expect the rest to desert once they're told to nuke their own people, and probably smuggle said mini-nukes out with them. Though, it wouldn't take many mini-nukes to pacify the population. I don't see them putting mini-nukes on orbital platforms though, those will be full size ones. What the on the ground situation is by then is impossible for me to speculate, like how armed or unarmed the population is at that point. I think it'll be more chaotic than the elites realize.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 09-06-2017

CHP officer fatally shoots man at Reagan state office building in downtown L.A.


A police shooting at the Ronald Reagan state office building in downtown Los Angeles has prompted a street closure on Spring Street, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

The street closure was ordered on Spring Street between 3rd and 4th streets, the LAPD said.

According to the California Highway Patrol, a CHP officer fired his weapon at a person inside the building just after 6 a.m.

The officer was uninjured and the condition of the person the officer fired at was not immediately available, said Officer Chris Baldonado of the CHP.

Literally one single day after DACA is repealed a shooting happens. Lot more unrest coming your way, California.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - Samseau - 09-07-2017

Study: Violent Political Confrontations Rising In California


A new study finds that protests in California are getting more violent.
Professor Brian Levin says that their research shows that along with a rise in hate crimes in California that is double what is being seen in the rest of country, that violent political confrontations are also increasing.
The director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at Cal State San Bernardino told the joint session of the state legislature last week that violent political confrontations are rising in California by nearly double.
“We are seeing more of these mega rallies of white nationalists in the last two years than in the previous ten to twenty nationally,” Levin says.
There were about 13 hostile gatherings in all of 2016. So far this year we’ve had 15. Many centered in Orange County.
“Orange County was the county with the most confrontational public demonstrations — even beating out Alameda County, which is home to Berkeley,” says Levin.
The America First rally in Laguna Beach last month ended in violence.
Then there was the Make America Great Again rally in Huntington Beach where masked antifa members clashed with Trump supporters.
And in Anaheim the KKK rally last year nearly turned deadly.
Levin says as Californians become more politically divided he sees no end in sight.
“California is a bellwether,” says Levin. “Keep your seat belts fastened.”

So far my prediction has been about 80% accurate for Unrest, I got the timing wrong as Trump waited for summer to end before starting the DACA repal which has really sent out the crazies. But the location and illegals fueling the unrest was spot on.


USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 09-07-2017

Great, 12 more people we can deport! ICE agents should be standing by at any left-wing protest checking IDs of people they detain. One of the fastest ways to round up the illegal aliens. Fantastic.

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - MOVSM - 09-07-2017

Not so fast:

Catch and Release: 9 Illegals Arrested at Trump Tower Protest, De Blasio Sets Them Free

USA Civil Unrest (Esp California) Thread - John Michael Kane - 09-07-2017

That traitor makes my blood boil. Sessions really needs to start charging these punks with conspiracy and obstruction of justice. There's simply no excuse to be aiding criminals.